I scoffed, “What makes you think she’s the girl of my dreams?”
“I know you Davey, inside and out. I know what makes you tick, your likes and dislikes. I also know Emelie meets all the criteria you’re looking for in a wife. Don’t forget who transformed you from a boy into a man, in every way. I’ve spoken with her mother, you’re everything Emelie’s looking for, she’s waiting for you to make the next move. Call her, win her heart, marry her. Make me an almost sort of grandma.”
With that scolding she stood, leaned forward and gave me a soft kiss.
“Now turn off that lamp while I lock the door. It’s time for your midweek blowjob.”
When she was done and I’d caught my breath I patted the table top. She smiled but declined.
“I know you want to taste your favorite older pussy but not tonight sweet boy. I’m still having issues and I don’t want your face there. Don’t worry, we’ll have at least more night before you and Emelie tie the knot. Don’t look at me like that, we both know you’re going to marry that girl.”
After she left I spent the next hour trying to build a computer while my dick leaked. Though I had no experience other than Claire I couldn’t imagine how a blow job could be any better. Her mouth was magical to me, almost as magic as that pink slit covered with hair between her legs. I was also thinking about what she’d said. She was right, the ball truly was in my court, I needed to stop straddling the fence and make a decision. I’d reached the point in my day where I was making foolish decisions. I decided to simply turn off the lights and go home.
Driving past Emelie’s apartment on the way to mine I made a decision to call her when I arrived home. As the phone rang my stomach was doing flip flops, I felt light headed and queasy. When a male voice answered the phone in a heavy Latin accent I was struck silent, I had no idea what to say and hung up. Had I misread the situation? Did I assume when I shouldn’t have? I found myself full of doubt. It was just after 9 so I called Claire.
“Hello.” She chirped.
“Hi Claire. I just had something happen that makes me wonder if dating Emelie is the right thing to do. I called and a man answered. It caught me off guard.”
“Don’t tell me you hung up Dave?”
“I — I did. I wasn’t sure what to do so I hung up and called you.”
I could hear her huff before she spoke in an exasperated voice, “You know Dave, for a really smart guy you can be dumb as a rock. That’s her cousin Pedro from Honduras, he’s staying with her for a few days. Why didn’t you just ask for Emelie? My gosh Davey, you need to pull your head out of your butt. Call her back, right away. Goodnight.”
And then there was nothing but dial tone. Against my better judgement I called, this time Emelie answered.
“Hello, this is Em.”
“Hi Emelie, I know it’s late but I wanted to say hi.”
“Did you call about ten minutes ago? You did? I was in the bathroom so my cousin answered. He said you hung up. Is that right?”
I felt like a fool, “Yes. I hung up. A man answering caught me off guard. Sorry.”
I could hear the scolding tone of her voice, “David, the one thing that will turn me away from a guy is jealousy. If we’re going to be friends, and maybe more, you’re going to need to control that emotion. I’m a black and white girl, there are very few grey areas of my life. If I don’t like something I’ll tell you. If I do like something I’ll tell you that as well.”
I knew that I needed to be on guard, “Sorry Emelie. I’ll work on that, please accept my apology.”
“Apology accepted. I’ve enjoyed every minute we’ve had together and if it were not so I would have let you know. In the future if you’re uncertain about something be a big boy and ask. Okay?”
We spent the next fifteen minutes talking about anything and nothing, the conversation ended with us agreeing to go for dinner Saturday evening. She called me Thursday while I was at the shop and she was on her lunch break to make sure we were still on for Saturday. I assured her we were and then threw her a curve ball.
“What would you say to doing something casual as far as eating and then go bowling afterward? I’m not very good at it, but it might be fun.”
She laughed softly before answering, “You do have a way of keeping me on my toes. Sure, like you I’m not very good, but I think it will be fun. Now, let me throw this at you. I have friends who go midnight bowling every Saturday. Do you think you might want to do that?”
I wasn’t aware of midnight bowling and asked.
“It begins at midnight, there’s one blue pin on every lane. If that pin is the head pin and you get a strike the game is free along with a pizza and a pitcher of beer. I went once, it was a blast, twice the blue pin came up on our lane. No, we didn’t get a strike.”
“Well what would we do between having dinner and bowling?”
Her answer blew me away, “We can come back to my place. Pedro leaves Friday morning, the place will be ours.”
I asked again, “But what will we do for those two or three hours?”
“I know you said casual, but I would like to dress up and go to a nice restaurant. If you brought casual clothes we could change at my apartment. I’m sure we’ll think of something to do between then and when we leave.”
I closed early Saturday and went for a haircut. Since I was looking rather scraggly I had him give me a shave as well. Nothing like a shave with a straight razor. I donned a dress shirt and tie along with dress slacks and freshly polished shoes. When I knocked and she opened the door my heart literally skipped a beat or two. Her black as coal hair was pulled back on the sides with jeweled barrettes clipped above each ear. Her makeup was perfect, and her dress was flattering to say the least. It was neither too loose or too tight, and yet snug enough to accentuate her lovely figure.
As she turned to get her shoulder wrap I felt my dick twitch, seamed stockings and three inch heels. Oh dear me, was she wearing a grater belt? Were her underwear sexy and inviting? Too many questions without stripping her on the spot, I calmed myself and like a gentleman helped her with the wrap. I made sure my hands lingered a moment longer than necessary as I placed it over her shoulders. She turned her head and smiled, then she turned her body and kissed me softly.
“Thank you David. You’re such a gentleman.”
If she could have read my mind she would have known I felt like a dirty minded pervert who couldn’t wait to get her naked and take her over the moon as many times as I could in one night. Walking to the car with my hand lightly touching the small of her back I couldn’t stop myself from looking down at her gently swaying hips. That in turn made her butt look all the more inviting, and those stockings, those damned stockings, the gentle swoosh, swoosh kept my cock at half-mast the entire walk to the car.
I helped her into the car without purposely looking at her legs, it didn’t matter, she held them together as she sat and adjusted in the seat. I did notice the top of her dress billowed out slightly when she leaned forward giving me a nice glance at her lace edged lavender colored bra. Yes, I could see my face buried between those soft warm mounds of flesh as my hands gently massaged and formed them. Then kissing my way down her torso and into what I was sure was a silky patch of black glistening pubic hair. I would run my nose through it kissing along the way, then breathe in the excitement of her arousal before licking and teasing the labia.