Leben 7 by pars001


What more can happem , Angelika – Like an angel
Truda – Fighting woman
Varick – Protecting Ruler
Harman – Man of the army

Leben 7

It had been a hell of a week, it seemed as soon as Alan cleared 1 section another popped up. Though it was helping to increase his own defenses, it was still using all his energy. So far he'd removed 7 from Truda and 5 each from the others. The problem was they were all disjointed, not really connected in any way. At least he'd removed the little place that the doctor and the assistant had hidden in case they felt the 4 got out of hand.

Truda was doing an amazing job with her growth now, Alan would guess that she her self was almost ready to venture out. Alan just hoped that the doctor didn't have another fit when he found out that he really couldn't control them anymore. Varick, Alan noticed, was pushing his self to advance as fast as possible.

Harman was actually to the point now that he really had nothing to fear from the assistant, but the doctor was an entirely different story. He too Alan noticed was working as hard as he could to build up his defenses.

Then there was Angelika, Alan turned a little red faced as he thought of her. Her lithe body was about to drive him crazy being confined with her. For some strange reason Alan felt she had the strongest defense against the doctor. It beat the hell out oif him though as to why hers was so high when the others weren't.

Alan had ventured out a few times much to the loud verbal protests of the others. Each time Alan had gone else where and put out his feelers so to say. It appeared since he and Varick's 'visit' to the assistant, the man had tightened his security. Alan shook his head, against the others it might fare well but him, a small smile lit up his face. Alan knew the assistant really had nothing to stop him.

Alan had just sat to relax today had been the hardest so far, he'd felt all of them cross one threshold or another. Laying back his eyes closed the moment his head hit the head rest. Again he felt his self floating above the same area that held the bunker. Entering, he was in the same place as the last time! At first he felt his self then the presence flashed out. Reaching out to the doctor Alan smiled, it was time to exact a little pay back!

Alan was about to literally cripple the man when again he saw a myriad of possibilities pop up. Damn it! Any physical pain the doctor suffered would lead to him being replaced then the facility being destroyed along with the 4. Then he also saw that the doctor had to live if he, himself as Alan were to exist! Christ! Alan growled then started to smile again as he again went through possible futures with only deep, deep suggestions planted in the doctor. Ah, Alan thought when he saw one that would actually lead to the doctor's death and defeat.

Alan had just finished with the first few, when again, the doctor spoke to him.

Alan replied to the man.

The doctor started. Alan knew better than to do this in front of the others. When one of the rare times the doctor was alone Alan took a bit of the frustration he felt out on the doctor. The screams of the doctor in his mind had Alan smiling most satisfactorily.

Alan almost shouted in the man's mind.

Again a smile crossed Alan's lips as he left the doctor writhing in the pain that Alan gave him.

Snapping suddenly back Alan's eyes slowly opened. He'd felt a gentle probing, they hadn't gotten any where but he'd felt it. Looking straight ahead at the wall, he saw Truda in another room trying to see what had given Alan such distress. Alan told her as a hugely surprised look appeared on her face.

Truda replied though Alan was about to believe her.

Alan said as a sly smile crossed his lips. He could already see that Truda's eyes were wide with surprise.

Truda could feel it building, all through out her body at first creeping slowly, then gaining speed. Again her eyes flew wide as she finally recognized the feeling as an oncoming orgasm! Oh my god she thought! This feels much larger than the last time.

Alan smiled wider as Truda started to pant uncontrollably, then her whole body began to shake. Within moments she started to issuse moans and groans as the feeling built higher. Her brother and the others came running when they heard her start to to get louder.

“Truda!” Harman said as he rushed to her side reaching for her.

“NO! DO NOT TOUCH M…M…ME!” Truda ordered them her lips and body quivering. Letting loose a satisfying shriek Truda told Alan thank you again, then promptly passed out.

Harman growled at Alan and started to advance upon him. Alan put up a wall that Harman promptly walked through! Hmmm Alan thought the stronger the emotions the stronger the resistance. This is a good thing to work on with them. First things first though. With that Alan expanded his energy and knocked Harman against the wall pinning him there. Rather he thought he had as Harman broke free and advanced again.

Son of a bitch Alan though and put over 75% of his power into it. This time it effectively knocked the hell out of Harman as he hit the bunker wall and slid down it unconscious. Alan shook his head he hated to be Harman when he woke up if the headache wasn't enough, Alan knew that Truda would lay into him.

Alan reached out making sure Harman was alright when he received a shock. This little fit of anger had pushed Harman a lot higher than Alan thought it would have. Again interesting, what the hell? Was he going to have to piss them all off to get their power higher faster. Smiling a minute Alan wasn't too sure about that Truda was a sneaky one, as was Angelika, he just might regret making them both angry let alone pissed off!

“Is he going to be alright?” Alan heard Angelika ask.

“Yes though,” Alan shook his head, “I don't envy the headache he will have.” Leaning over he whispered in Angelika's ear, “Plus I think Truda might be mad at him. You know she enjoyed the hell out of that, I think she will let him know in no uncertain terms!”

Angelika was nodding with a huge grin then she started to giggle! Damn have I ruined them Alan thought? Alan could see that Varick had remained very still, though stronger than the rest he didn't feel like taking a nap like Harman.

“Will he be all right?” Varick asked Alan when he felt it safe to.

“Yes, though as I was telling mother, I don't envy him the headache nor the wrath of his sister when he awakes.” Alan told Varick with a smile. Varick nodded those few times he remembered her getting mad had not been a good thing. Nodding his head he too didn't envy Harman the tongue lashing his sister would give him.

Varick chuckled, yes she could at that especially recently. “Any plans for further incursions into enemy territory?” Varick asked more than a little anxious to get out of the bunker for a bit.

“Yes though I am afraid that this one will be far more dangerous than the last. There was a reason I chose this bunker when you showed me where they were.. This one was the closet to the area I had felt the doctor in.” Alan told a hugely shocked Varick.

“That is surprising,” Varick told Alan. “We are in fact only a few kilometers from where the lab/bunker of the doctor's originally was.”

Alan nodded he'd thought that at first but hadn't been to sure it somewhat fit into the things he remembered the doctor saying. So the doctor thought that Germany was still the perfect place to try and remake the world in.

Alan reached out very tentatively trying to find any trace of the doctor nearby. At first there was nothing then there was a sudden rush of power toward him.

Smiling Alan took his hand and smacked the shit out of the face that was before him.

At this shout Alan felt the doctor cringe back, then he felt the fear! Ah good as the doctor started to retreat Alan started to give chase then stopped short. No they were more on his home territory he most definitely had an advantage.

The doctor said mocking Alan with a sneer.

The doctor started.

When the doctor drew back a second Alan knew that the man was also in a bunker. Not going to be as easy to find but not impossible. “Your assistant was overconfident as you are I am far more than you think I am. I have continued to grow and develop abilities a few that you will remember one day.”

the doctor shouted.

Alan told the doctor who's face was suddenly afraid.

The doctor was screaming, terrified as he withdrew a hell of a lot faster than Alan could follow.

Damn it! Alan punched the wall next to him causing Varick and Angelika to jump.

“Alan are you alright?” Angelika asked of him.

“Yes, I am frustrated I had the doctor this damn close and he got away. I guess it's true that when in retreat almost everyone is far faster than they normally are. I lost him after only a few miles.” Alan told both of them.

A sudden thought crossed Varick's mind. “What direction would you say that he withdrew to?”

Alan thought for a few moments then closed his eyes and pointed toward the north. Varick nodded it was much as he thought it was obvious that the doctor was back in Germany. It was also almost as obvious that he had a base of operations north of where they were possibly near or in the old bunker.

Varick was nodding as he told Alan all of this, to think that the doctor was back here. “Perhaps the doctor never really ever left?” Alan suggested.

“No, I clearly remember seeing him on several occasions years after we left the bunker. At least I think so, with all of the tidbits that we have gained, it may be false memories they supplied to us. My god Alan you really think he has been here all that time?” Varick asked the shock apparent on his face as it was also on Angelika's.

Alan sighed there was only one way to be for sure. Alan felt that this would be the most dangerous mind delve as he was starting to call it. He needed to study more on this but with as messed with as their minds were it would be exceedingly hard to get a true reading. Alan looked at Varick and Angelika, for some reason something about all of this felt wrong but her couldn't quite place his finger on it.

“Something doesn't feel right Varick. I swear I am feeling a trap of some kind. As I told him I am not a child to just walk into it completely unaware. No, I will be ready for him this time, perhaps, I can end his ass.” Alan told Varick with a determined look in his eyes.

“I do hope you know that you aren't doing this without us, don't you?” Varick replied.

Alan nodded he wished now that he hadn't taught any of them the transference technique. Almost all of them could follow him if they wanted to. Hell even when he reduced his energy, his mother seemed to be able to find him with no trouble at all. Shaking his head that perhaps was the most disturbing of all, well that and the fact that just the sight of her get him harder than he ever remembered being.

“Alan you alright?” Alan heard Varick asking him. Again Alan shook his head to get the vision out of his head damn but Angelika was a hot fine woman! Damn it to hell if Truda wasn't right there with her! A soft giggling had him looking at the couch where Truda had passed out.

Alan heard her happy thoughts. comments!>

Shit Alan thought he'd forgotten about strong emotions being projected and easily picked up by Truda. Then he heard a gasp from Angelika. better!>

Sighing Alan nodded and clamped down on his thoughts drawing a groan of disappointment from both Truda and Angelika! Shit Alan thought I've created two horny monsters!

Alan heard Truda's thoughts.

Nodding as he looked at her Alan replied,

Truda's mouth dropped agape and she was about to reply when Harman groaned. “What the hell hit me? Oh I remember, ALAN!” Harman took a single step and stopped when he spied his sister staring at him with an angry look.

Waving a finger at him she told him, “YOU are going to stop this right now!

“I have to defend..” Harman started.

“WHAT! In case you haven't noticed I have grown stronger thanks to Alan. I am no where as frustrated thanks to Alan. I feel more like a human being thanks to Alan. Take another step and I swear brother, you'll be asleep again for the rest of the day!”

“Truda he has dishonored you…” Harman tried to start again.

“Brother, I love you more than almost everything but I promise you, try to do what you did again? It will be me, you have to contend with not Alan. Be it after I awake but I guarantee,” here Truda got very quiet. “I WILL make you pay for it!”

Harman started to back up from his sister, he'd faced many enemies before but non as fierce as her. He was always ready to battle with all except her. Looking at Alan, Harman's eyes seemed to ask for help. Alan just shrugged and watched as Truda started to gain ground on her brother.

Sighing Alan just wished it was as clearly defined with him and Angelika. He knew she was his mother (as far as they all knew the jury was still out on that). The thing was Alan was your average, raging hormone, hard as a rock, horny as hell man. Just one look at her slender body her shiny, dirty blonde hair, slender body and 38-c breasts had him drooling like an idiot.

Angelika walked up to Alan a moment later a rather shy look on her face. “So Alan what I felt you were thinking. Were those actually your thoughts or something of a fantasy of yours?”

This time Alan actually started to blush. Damn it he's have to start keeping his mind closed more. This was especially true whenever his mother was around! “Well…” Alan started.

“Uh huh, I see,” Angelika suddenly said. “So it was a mix of fantasy and the truth. That's a good thing to know. What I want to know though,” here Angelika paused. “Alan do you really find me as sexy as I have felt you do?” She asked in a low husky voice making both Varick and Alan shiver.

This time both of the men looked at each other then turned away adjusting their pants, a deep blush on both their faces.

“Oh dear!” Angelika said in a slightly sexy voice. “Am I the cause of both of you being so uncomfortable?”

Varick growled at his sister a moment later. “That Angelika wasn't the least bit funny! Keep it up and I may have to paddle your ass!” Angelika got a scared look on her face as she backed away from her brother. Suddenly her face lit up as she skipped away into her and Truda's room.

Alan just shook his head yup, he'd created monsters. Thankfully though, he was far stronger than they were, then his eyes narrowed he was stronger in everything, he hoped.

Alan decided that they needed to take a chance and get out of here. He for one was about to go stir crazy one could only guess how bad it was to the others. Sighing he had to keep some type of control on them, they had control in place yes, but what he'd just felt from Truda and Angelika would that be enough?

“Varick, I think it's about time we left the bunker for a bit.” Alan said to a shocked Varick. “I'm afraid though as close to the doctor as we are we will have to be extremely careful. All of you are stronger, you have removed most of the blocks but I am afraid the doctor might have more nasty tricks up his sleeve.”

“Ok,” a still shocked Varick replied.

“All of you are a hell of a lot more familiar with this area than I am. Guess you could take me around to the different sights. I think we all need time out of here, I for one can't stand being down here that much longer. The only problem I see is if the doctor rears his ugly ass head. None of you can move more than yourselves, I can barely take all of you, now.” Varick nodded still in shock as he called the others.

“As I have already explained to Varick, I think we need time out of here. I am just afraid that the doctor might try something. We are dangerously close to where he is, I really am not wanting to push this. Again as I explained to Varick we need to stay close. I would like to be linked to all of you if you allow it. This will afford me to get us away at a seconds notice.” Alan explained looking at each of them to gage their reaction.

Harman stepped up immediately, “I think it is an advisable course of action. I for one can barely move myself more than 10 miles. Alan moved us half way across the planet, then went back and moved our things. I am for it, though,” Here Harman looked at Alan with slitted eyes. “I really don't want you in my thoughts unless I say so.”

Alan held up his hands, “I do not want to invade your thoughts, believe me I have enough trouble with my own.”

Truda look at Alan shyly and almost in a whisper stated, “I for one do NOT mind Alan being in my thoughts, though I wish it was more than his mind!” Turning away red faced Truda giggled.

Harman of course wasn't that pleased. After the ass whipping his sister had given him he wasn't about to open his mouth either. When in the hell had his sister gotten this horny? Shocked a moment he began to wonder when he started to consider her an actual woman and not a female that happened to be his sister?

“Well I for one would be proud to be seen with all of you.” Angelika stated. Varick smiled he wasn't that happy that his sister and Nephew seemed to have a thing for each other. Thinking of how bad Truda was Varick shivered, HIS sister was far worse. Thinking back to the one time he had said something, he shivered again her silence was far worse than anything physical she could do.

They all agreed to stay close then Alan brought out a map of where they were. Only a few kilometers from a small town, good they could stroll there and look around for a bit. Emerging they all took deep breaths then started to walk after Alan completely closed the place down. Finally they were on their way.

Across the pasture that the bunker was in a pair of eyes grew wide. Especially when they saw the 5 people emerge from the old abandoned bunker. Well they thought, it was supposed to be abandoned. Waiting a bit the man walked over to the door of the bunker and extended his hand. What the hell? Nothing? Again they tried even harder. Ok this was a first, there was nothing that the man couldn't open never had been. That was 'til now, running the youngish man needed to tell his grandfather. He had mentioned something about this, to notify him as soon as anyone saw anything like this.



Anonymous readerReport 

2016-09-02 23:09:46
A really excellent Sci-Fi story and I really enjoyed reading it. The story is well written with an excellent plot and excellent character development. Retired Army NCO

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-09-01 19:06:34
Great story keep it up please!!!!!

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