Loneliest Man Who Ever Lived Ch. 09

An adult stories – Loneliest Man Who Ever Lived Ch. 09 by GaryLMMartin,GaryLMMartin [Note: This is a romance story with some erotic scenes. It is not a story with erotic scenes in every chapter. Some chapters have incredible sex scenes, but many others have none.]

The Aftermath

It felt odd, being back in New York.

It was like it had all never happened.

Harry was back to living life alone. He had returned to his apartment in Battery Park City. He was back to taking his evening walks, on the promenade, on the wharf, and debating whether to end his life at the end of every day.

But it had all happened. For a brief time, he had had a girlfriend. A woman he had been attracted to like no other woman before her.

And then he had lost her.

He wondered what had happened to Goldie.

To Carl, it was all quite clear.

“The Foundation disappeared. Goldie disappeared. Surely you can figure it out yourself, Harry?”

“She was working with them all along,” said Harry dully. “When they left, she left with them, voluntarily.”

“Yes,” said Carl.

Harry didn’t want to believe that. He didn’t want to believe that Goldie had been complicit with everything The Foundation did.

But then there was her personnel file.

Harry had only succeeded in decrypting a small percentage of the information he had stolen from The Foundation’s database. As an added security measure, each section of the database had been encrypted using an entirely different technique. But one section he had been able to decrypt were the summaries of the Chair logs. And one of those summaries read:

“Prepare Goldie MacPherson re: Harry Crater mission. See attached file for detail.”

There was no attached file. Harry had been unable to download it. But the entry was dated four days before Harry met Goldie. He felt fairly sure what “prepared” meant. They had put Goldie in the Chair. They had put her in the Chair, and conditioned her. They had conditioned her to fall in love with him, so she could convincingly seduce him.

And it had worked. He should have known better. He should have known that no normal woman could fall in love with him. But he had been blinded by Goldie’s smiles, by her caresses, by her touch.

By now, Goldie had probably been reprogrammed, and was out seducing other men to join The Foundation. And probably sleeping with them too. Goldie had denied it, but in his heart Harry knew it was true.

The other piece of the downloaded database Harry had been able to decipher concerned the list of names he had seen regarding “People of Interest”. It had been coded as well, but as Harry, with his perfect memory, recalled the first three names from the list, decoding the rest of the page had proven relatively easy.

What did that mean, a “Person of Interest”? Was that a person that The Foundation wanted to bring into its ranks, like Harry? Or did it mean someone who had something else that Foundation wanted? Or could it mean a possible opponent of The Foundation, who knew about its operations and methods?

Harry didn’t know, but he resolved to find out. He didn’t enjoy what had been done to him. Goldie, and The Foundation, had used him. They had used him to get a scan of his brain. They were using that for some nefarious purpose. Harry wanted to find out what that was.

Harry had Carl try to find comm addresses and locations for people on the list. In the meantime, he returned to his old life.

He walked in Central Park and imagined dating pretty women. But every time he did that, he thought of Goldie, a real woman he had been with, and his fantasies paled by comparison. Thoughts of Goldie were too real, too recent, for him to enjoy fantasy women.

Harry walked by the chess board every day, remembering their first kiss. He walked by the section of the lawn where they had lain and touched each other for hours. He went to Rockefeller Center and imagined Goldie skating in perfect circles. Harry also spent hours in the lobby of the Hilton. It became like a shrine to him. A shrine to Goldie.

However badly she had deceived him, what he felt for her had been real, to him, and he couldn’t just give it up.

And then four days after he returned to New York, he heard a knock on the front door of his apartment. He opened it up, and saw two men.

“Harry Crater?” one of them asked.

“Yes,” said Harry.

“May we come in?” said one of them, as they both drew compression pistols.

“I don’t see why not,” said Harry, eyeing their weapons with alarm. As they stepped in, Harry recognized one of them. It was basketball legend Reginald Washington. He had seen Washington at The Foundation, getting a treatment. What was Washington doing here?

He had been brainwashed by The Foundation. They had brainwashed him, and turned him. But why would The Foundation want to brainwash a basketball player? None of it made sense.

“We want the data you stole from The Foundation,” said Washington.

“I see,” said Harry.

“We want it now.”

Harry nodded. He reached over to his desk and handed a data crystal. Washington handed it to his associate, who plugged it into his Pad. He shook his head.

“The real crystal, please,” said Washington.

Harry sighed and handed over a second one. Washington’s associate checked it and nodded.

“I assume you have it backed up on your computer?”

Before Harry could answer, Washington had fired his compression pistol.

It wasn’t set to stun. His computer exploded in a shower of sparks.

“Carl!” Harry shouted. But there was no answer, of course. Carl had been destroyed.

The pistol swung back to cover Harry. “Is it backed up anywhere else?”

Harry shook his head.

“In that case, come with us, please,” said Washington.

“Why?” Harry asked.

Washington raised his pistol and pointed it at Harry’s head.

At that moment there was the sound of a compression pistol firing. But somehow, Harry was not hit. Both Washington and his partner fell to the ground. Behind him, Harry suddenly saw the beautiful form of Goldie MacPherson, holding a smoking compression pistol.

“Hello again, Harry,” she said.

“Goldie?” said Harry.

“Nice to see you, my love,” she said, kicking one of the bodies. Washington groaned. “Get your coat. We don’t have much time, Harry.”


“Let’s go, Harry!”


“I never thought I would see you again,” said Harry.

“Imagine my surprise when The Foundation disappeared, and everyone stopped taking my calls,” said Goldie. “Imagine my further surprise when one of these goons showed up at my apartment to bring me in.”

“What happened?”

“He failed,” said Goldie simply. “What’s going on, Harry?”

“You’re asking me?” Harry exploded. “You lured me into this cult of yours, and you’re asking me what’s going on, as if you didn’t know?”

“No, I don’t,” said Goldie. “Why else would I be here?”

Why else would she be here? The question stuck Harry like a compression bolt. The Foundation had clearly sent these two men to bring him in, for further questioning; but Goldie had interceded. The Foundation could be playing a double game, trying to get information out of Harry in a more subtle way, but that seemed unlikely. Therefore, Goldie must be exactly what she seemed. The logic was sound, but Harry felt far from certain.

“The Foundation… is an organization which experiments in mind control,” said Harry.

“Mind control?” said Goldie.

“You didn’t know? Is it possible that you didn’t know?”

“No Harry, I didn’t know,” said Goldie.

Could it be true? Could Goldie be an unwitting dupe, used by The Foundation, like a pawn, without being aware of its true nature? His heart leapt at the possibility.

“Let’s sit down,” said Harry. They sat on a bench. Harry told her about the experiment he had seen in the technical section. How he had tapped into the database. “They are experimenting in mind control techniques. And something else involving genetics. The effort to create invigorated minds is simply a front.”

“A front for what?”

“You tell me,” Harry said.

“How can I tell you?” Goldie asked.

“You’re the one who lured me into having a medical exam. It was my brainscan they wanted. Once they got that, they were done with me.” Harry’s tone hardened. “You used your… you used your body to convince me to let them examine me. Then, when you got what you wanted, you dumped me.”

“Is that how it looked to you Harry? Really?” Goldie looked astonished.

“You literally prevented me from… from climaxing until I agreed to be examined,” said Harry, reddening as he barely got out the words.

Goldie took a moment to absorb that. “Yes… yes I did,” said Goldie. “But Harry, it wasn’t like it seemed.”

“How was it, then?”

“Doctor… Doctor Severin said he was concerned about you. He said you had refused to take your medical exam. He said that The Foundation was going to have to terminate your employment a day later because you didn’t comply.”

She grabbed his hand. “I was terrified Harry. I had barely gotten to see you, and now you were going to be gone in a day. I would have done anything, anything to keep you there!”

“Are you saying… are you saying you used sex to get me to take the medical exam… because you feared losing me?”

“Of course! What else could it be?” Goldie asked.

“The more obvious explanation is that you were just using your body to… to….”

“To do their work for them, is that what you’re saying, Harry?”

Harry frowned. “And after I had the exam, you stopped seeing me.”

“Yes, Harry! They send me travelling all over America! I hated it, but I had no choice, Harry. No choice at all,” said Goldie. “It sounds like they used me, Harry. They used me to get to you.”

“If I’m right, they used you in more ways than you might think,” said Harry.

“What do you mean, Harry?” She frowned, her face turning dark.

“I told you that the Chair can be used for more than just relaxation. It can be used for conditioning. I saw a notation in the chair logs which stated that you, Goldie MacPherson, were to be prepared for your mission concerning me.”

“Oh my God,” said Goldie.

“They brainwashed you, Goldie. They brainwashed you with one imperative: to make me fall in love with you. To do that, they had to make it seem convincing. They brainwashed you to be in love with me.”

“No,” said Goldie, shaking her head. “No, I can’t believe it.”

“Goldie, did you sit in the chair at all in the days leading up to my meeting you?”

“Uh… let me think about that,” said Goldie.


“You’re working late,” said Doctor Severin.

“I’m just looking at the information we’ve gathered on Harry Crater. I think he’s going to be tough nut to crack,” said Goldie.

“He is,” said Severin. “You look tired.”

“I am tired. It feels like I’ve been traveling everywhere this month,” said Goldie.

“Then why don’t you get refreshed in the Relaxation Chair?” Doctor Severin asked.

“No, no, I don’t need to,” said Goldie.

“Goldie, you’re falling asleep at your desk,” said Doctor Severin, giving a kindly smile. “I insist.” He snapped his fingers, and two men in blue jumpsuits came forward.

Goldie looked at the grim faced men, and the white dove on their breasts, and nodded slowly. “All right, “she said. “Maybe, just for a few minutes.”


“Oh my God. I did sit in the chair,” said Goldie. “It was Doctor Severin’s idea. While I was studying your file-” her words broke off.

“And afterwards, how did you feel? Did you fall in love with me?”

“Noooo,” said Goldie slowly, trying to remember. “Not like that. I remember looking at your file, and thinking how handsome you were. I remember thinking you were attractive, and that I looked forward to meeting you.”

“Don’t you think that’s odd, looking forward to meeting a depressed, suicidal, personality?”

“Yes, when you put it like that,” said Goldie.

“You were brainwashed,” said Harry bitterly. “You were conditioned to fall for me, so I would fall for you.”

“No… no… I refuse to believe it.” Goldie shook her head, looking very uncomfortable. She didn’t want to believe it. She couldn’t believe it.

“It’s the truth.”

“It can’t be, Harry. I was… predisposed to you, Harry, yes. But the things we did. The things we shared. That wasn’t the result of brainwashing, Harry. When you took me to the museum, and you showed me a whole different side to landscape art, I realized how smart and artistic you were. When we were boating on the lake, it was so… romantic. When we had our first kiss on the chessboard… that was not brainwashing. When we were making out in the grass… that felt so real.”

“But it wasn’t.”

“But it was. The way we were touching each other in the movies. The way you, oh, the way you told me how each instrument reminded you of me, that was so darling! No one has ever said that to me before, Harry, no one has ever expressed love so creatively as you! And then, when we did what we did in the hotel room, it was… it was glorious, Harry. You can tell me I was brainwashed to enjoy all these things I did with you, Harry. But I wouldn’t have needed to be. I would have enjoyed them all on their own.”

“But it wasn’t real,” said Harry.

“How do you know, Harry?”

“Because… no woman can love me.”

Goldie looked at him for a long moment. “Why, Harry?”

“Because I’m hideous.” Harry’s tone was harsh, savage. “Women flee from me when they get to know me. They run away even when they just see me looking at them. No normal woman could ever be attracted to me.”

“And that’s how you can be certain that I was brainwashed, right? Because no normal woman in her right mind could ever be attracted to you?”

Harry nodded.

“Oh, Harry, Harry, Harry,” she said, taking his hand. “You are so wrong. You are so very wrong. You are such a special man.” She paused for a moment. “Harry, let’s say you’re right. Let’s say I was… conditioned. What exactly would they have done to me? Told me that I loved you?”

“Maybe. The file notation was not specific.”

“Or maybe they would have told me that I am to do whatever is necessary to seduce you.”


“Or maybe they simply told me that I find you attractive, without insisting that I love you.”

“Also possible.”

“Don’t you see? You don’t really know what, if anything, was done to me. And yet you assume that all my passion for you is artificial in nature. Can’t you give me the benefit of the doubt, Harry? Or at least give yourself the benefit of it?”

Harry stared at Goldie for a long moment. Then he said, in a quiet voice, “Are you… are you saying you’re in love with me? For real?”

“Yes,” said Goldie.

“Claire… Claire told me that you had… been with a lot of men….”

“Claire! My fucking older sister, who I love so much,” said Goldie. “Did she tell you about the time I stole her boyfriend, in high school? That story, at least, was true. I was jealous of her, Harry. I was jealous of her genius brain and blonde hair and big breasts, and I wanted to hurt her. Have I been with other men? Also yes.”

“She called you… a…”

“A what, Harry?”

“A man-eater.”

Goldie gave a howl of laughter, which surprised Harry. “That’s Claire, all right! There’s a kernel of truth to everything Claire says, Harry. I am a restless spirit. I have gotten bored with boyfriends in the past, Harry. It’s taken some time for me to figure out what I want.”

“And what do you want?”

“Someone more complex, Harry. A brilliant man who could keep me interested. A man who could make a trip to a museum or a restaurant or even a bookstore interesting. And I found one, Harry. I found you.” And the way she said it, with such conviction, and the way she stared at him, made Harry’s pulse race.

“But… what about all the other men… all the other men you brought into The Foundation?”

“Are you asking me if I fucked them, Harry?” She smiled as Harry winced at her use of the word. “I already answered this question before Harry, so if you didn’t believe me then, why would you now? But I will say it once again. You are the only, repeat only man I have ever been with on a work related assignment. And what I did with you… on a personal level… was not for work. What I did with you was for me.”

Harry looked at her face. There was no sign of evasion in it. If she was a liar, she was a superb one. But there was one more thing. “And what about Greg?”

Goldie stiffened.

“What about him?”

“What happened with Greg?”

“I… I’m not sure,” said Goldie slowly.

“How can you not be sure?” Harry asked.

“I’m trying to think, Harry,” said Goldie. “Greg and I had been… seeing each other for a number of months. Around the time I met you, we had been together for about… eight months.”

“Were you thinking of marrying him?”

Goldie sighed. “I don’t know.”

“How can you not know?”

“The thought occurred to me, all right? Greg is nice. Greg is handsome. Greg is loving….”


“I don’t know… something about him just made me… hesitate to make a commitment,” said Goldie.

“Has it occurred to you that when The Foundation conditioned you to fall in love with me, they may have also conditioned you to reject Greg?”

“No… no, it couldn’t be,” said Goldie, shaking her head.

“You yourself say you aren’t sure why you stopped keeping in touch with Greg.”

“Yes. I was working… I was working extra long hours. Greg called me repeatedly, but I stopped returning his calls… had I just gotten bored with him… or was it something… something else?” Goldie’s face contorted in confusion.

“It was the conditioning,” said Harry. “You, your real self, are meant to be in love with Greg. Not me.”

“No Harry,” said Goldie, shaking her head. “No… you and Greg… it’s no comparison… it’s night and day.”

“That flatters me, but I’m afraid it’s not your true feelings,” said Harry gently.

“No,” said Goldie, speaking more firmly now. “If there’s anything I know for a certainty, it’s that I want you, Harry. Not Greg.”

“I wish it were true, my darling,” said Harry, touching her cheek. “It would give me tremendous happiness if it were.”

“Then why not accept it?”

“Because it’s not right,” said Harry. “I would be taking advantage of you.”

Goldie’s face hardened. “You’re rejecting me?”

“Please Goldie… please don’t make this any harder than it already is,” said Harry.

“Fine,” said Goldie, and she tried to hide the pain, both in her face, and her voice. “Then let’s just keep things on a business level, then.”

“What do you mean?”

“I came here for two reasons. Just like the last time I came to New York, Harry. One of them was to see you.”

“And the other?”

“Claire is missing.”


The Foundation had taken her. Or maybe she had been programmed, and was now an obedient subject. Either way, she was under their power. And Goldie wanted her back.

“She’s not the greatest sister, as sisters go, Harry, but she’s the only one I’ve got.”

“Why come to me?”

“Because you’re the smartest man on the planet, Harry,” said Goldie. “You’ve probably already figured out a way to track The Foundation, haven’t you?”

“I have a few leads,” said Harry cautiously.

“Take me with you,” said Goldie.

“It could be dangerous,” said Harry. “I can’t risk you-”

“But I can. Let me lift that obligation from you,” said Goldie.

Harry looked at her for a long moment. He felt so many conflicting feelings for Goldie. He paused, trying to sort them out. But ultimately he felt he couldn’t just send her away. He loved her too much to do that. His heart would break in two.

“All right,” he said finally. “But if this is going to work, we’ll have to strictly be business partners. When we find The Foundation, and the Chair, and we find out exactly what was done to you, we can reverse the process, and restore you to the way you were.”

“If we can find out exactly what was done, if we can restore me, sure,” said Goldie evenly.

Harry thought for a long moment. “All right,” he said again.

“Great! Where do we go first, Harry?” And suddenly her voice was cute and playful again, and from the way she said it, Harry felt a thrill go down his back, as if they were on another date.

“First, to my mother’s House.”

“You’re taking me to meet your mother already, Harry? We’ve only slept together the once,” said Goldie, smiling at him. “I’m flattered, Harry, but don’t you think it’s too soon.”

Harry smiled back. His heart ached. He just realized once again how much he had missed her.


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