Love Thirty by ColinPiper,ColinPiper

This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to real people is a coincidence. All characters are at least 18 years of age. Contains watersports and anal sex.

This is an old story originally published at a different site under a different author name, but I own it and retain the copyright. I’ve made some edits for clarity and style.

Love Thirty

The men at the bar were talking about her. They looked Maria’s way and whispered when she leaned back in the chair and drained the glass of champagne. Maria placed the empty glass on the low table and spoke to the beautiful Thai woman who’d appeared almost immediately.

“Another one please,” she said.

“Of course madam,” the waitress said, and bowed.

The efficiency of the staff at the Shangri-la hotel was impressive, but they appeared too subservient at times.

The men’s eyes bored into Maria still. No doubt they recognised her and were discussing her fall from grace. They would know her latest comeback attempt had been a disaster, and look at her now, drowning her sorrows in a Bangkok hotel bar, washed up at thirty years of age.

Maria glanced at her watch. “Oh, come on Jeff,” she whispered. She’d only agreed to go on a dinner date with the English boy after he begged her mercilessly when he ran into her the day before. Jeff was funny. His playboy lifestyle took him on the tennis circuit for months at a time as he chased the latest bright young thing, usually without success. But his stories of those failures were hilarious. Their meeting at reception had been the first time Maria had seen him in almost two years and he had matured. She’d never had any romantic feelings for Jeff, but she enjoyed his company and she needed him now.

The waitress returned with the drink, accompanied by the obligatory wai and beautiful smile. Maria shifted on the chair and crossed her slim tanned legs. The short black dress rode up her thighs and attracted more attention from the bar. Her long blonde hair was slicked back over her forehead and she knew she looked good. Sexy even. If someone had asked her to be completely candid, she would have admitted to feeling just a little horny. She giggled at the realisation the alcohol had made her tipsy already. She liked it. In an act of boldness, Maria looked in the men’s eyes and stared them out. They turned away, and she saw their embarrassed faces and grins reflected in the mirror behind the bar.

The commotion in the lobby announced Jeff’s arrival. He entered the hotel through the large doors with a shout and a wave towards the reception area. The Thai girl on his arm looked tiny beside his muscular frame.

“Maria!” he called, when he saw her. He weaved his way through the low chairs towards her.

Maria groaned. He was drunk.

Jeff dropped on the sofa opposite and ran a hand back through his floppy blond hair.

“Gosh Maria, you look stunning!”

“Thanks Jeff,” Maria said. “I like to make an effort for dinner. Remember? And who’s your friend?”

The girl sat down beside Jeff and smiled nervously. She looked uncomfortable in the opulent surroundings.

“This is Mae,” Jeff said. He placed his hand under the girl’s chin and raised her face to look at Maria. “Isn’t she exquisite?”

Maria frowned. “I suppose she is. But isn’t she a little young for you?”

“She’s eighteen.”

Maria raised her eyebrows. “Hello Mae,” she said, then looked at Jeff. “It’s not just about the law, it’s also about appropriateness. Anyway, didn’t we have a dinner date, just the two of us?”

“There’s nothing wrong with some company. Hey, why don’t we all go up to my room and order room service?” Jeff asked.

“Why do I get the feeling it’s more than food you’re interested in?”

“We might get hungry afterwards,” Jeff said. He kissed Mae on the cheek.

Maria had been looking forward to forgetting her troubles and having a little fun with Jeff. Alone. But now he was here with someone else. And he was drunk. She made a decision.

“You do what you like Jeff.”

Maria drank her champagne in one gulp and stood up a little too quickly. She staggered.

Jeff leaned over and placed a hand on her waist. “Steady on, old girl.”

Maria pushed his hand away and walked towards the lobby, not quite sure of what she was going to do next. She’d have to go back to her room.

While Maria waited for the lift doors to close, Jeff ran up and grabbed them. He stood in the gap to wait for Mae.

“There’s no need to be like that, Maria,” he said. He stood aside to let Mae into the lift, then went over and put his hand on her shoulder. “Do you recognise Maria, Mae?”

The girl looked at Maria, then back to Jeff.

“Maria Sh-“.

“Shush,” Jeff said, and put a finger to the Mae’s lips. “We don’t want everyone to know.”

Maria rolled her eyes. “Where did you two meet?”

Jeff smiled at Maria as the doors closed. “At the tennis academy. Mae’s a really good player, but she needs a manager. I can put her in touch with the right people.”

Maria could guess what he was up to — using his rich good looking English boy status to take advantage of a young pretty Asian.

The doors opened at the twenty-fifth floor and Maria strode out, her eyes fixed on the floor.

“You know where we are,” Jeff said.

Maria looked back over her shoulder and saw him walk away towards his room. His hand moved down to Mae’s short skirt and gently stroked her bottom.

“You know it’d be fun,” he said as he waved back to Maria. “Wow, you look so sexy tonight!”

Maria walked back to her room in silence.



Maria threw the TV remote on the bed. The news repeats and incomprehensible game shows were of little interest to her. She walked to the large window and looked out onto Bangkok’s dirty Chao Phraya river. Thousands of lights winked in the twilight as the big city stirred in anticipation of another crazy night.

The bedside phone rang. “Hey Maria, come over, the champagne’s here,” Jeff said.

Maria exhaled into the mouthpiece, thinking.

“Pour me a glass,” she said. “I’ll be there in two minutes.”


The door opened immediately. Maria was again struck by how mature and handsome Jeff had become. The white of the hotel dressing gown contrasted well with his tan. He took her hand and led her into the room.

Mae sat on the edge of the bed and looked down at her now bare feet. Her white blouse was unbuttoned. Then she looked up and smiled at Maria.

“Hey sweetie,” Maria said.

“Hi Maria.”

“Oh Jeff, she’s beautiful. She’s a little shy, isn’t she?”

“Yes, isn’t she gorgeous,” Jeff said as he handed Maria yet another glass of champagne. They clinked glasses and looked into each other’s eyes.

“Here’s to the comeback kid,” Jeff said.


“Sorry. Hey, you have to start somewhere, I’m sure you’ll be back to your old form soon. You’re bound to be a little rusty. Have you spoken to your coach?”

“I don’t want to talk to him,” Maria said. “It’s not the right time.”

“Oops, put my foot in it again,” Jeff said. “Hey Mae, how’s about joining us for a drink?”

The girl smiled and shook her head. “No thanks.”

“Let me have a look at you, gorgeous girl,” Maria said as she walked towards Mae and placed a hand on her shoulder.

“She really likes you,” Jeff said. Mae looked up into Maria’s eyes.

Maria put her drink down and took Mae’s delicate hands and raised her to her feet. She cupped the beautiful doll-like face and traced her fingers along the full sensuous lips.

“Such a cutie,” Maria murmured as her face came level to Mae’s and their lips touched. She parted the lips with her moist tongue and slid it into the back of her mouth. Mae moaned and gripped Maria’s waist, on the point of fainting. Maria could feel Jeff stare as they tongued each other. She broke the kiss and turned to give him her most lascivious look.

“Is that what you wanted to see Jeff? Girl on girl action?”

Jeff stared and nodded. His own tongue protruded through his gaping mouth.

“Uh, can you undress her?” he said.

He walked to the bed and sat down. Maria could sense the sudden unexpected seediness of what Jeff had just witnessed had shocked him. She was surprised herself.

“You okay with this?” Maria asked.

Mae nodded.

Maria pushed the girl’s blouse back over small shoulders and it slipped from her body, then reached around and unhooked the floral-patterned bra. Mae crossed her arms to cover her gorgeous little tits.

“It’s okay sweetie,” Maria said. She ran her fingertips up the girl’s slim tanned arms, then down, raising goosebumps. Mae shivered.

“You’re so beautiful Mae,” Maria said.

“So are you.”

Maria bent forward and took a tiny nipple into her mouth, sucked on it, pulled it with her front teeth and then ran her tongue upwards again. Mae gasped when Maria lifted her pretty arm above her head and licked around the smooth shaved armpit.

Maria stepped back to admire her. “Oh Mae, I want to taste you. And I want Jeff to help me.”

Jeff looked at her, then Mae. Maria stared at him and licked her lips. He couldn’t speak.

“What?” he asked finally.

“Wake up,” Maria said, “and get over here and show me her pussy.”

Jeff walked towards them in a trance. He stood behind Mae and kissed the back of her neck, then eased his hands down to her slim waist where he unzipped the short denim skirt. He tugged it down with her white cotton panties, getting on his knees as he did so. He kissed her pert bottom and brought his hands up and parted the sweet cheeks and inspected her anus.

Then he stood up and placed his hands on Mae’s waist. She looked up into his eyes with love.

“So sweet. Okay Maria, get ready,” Jeff said. His strong arms gripped Mae under her arms and lifted her with ease in front of him.

Maria dropped to her knees as Mae parted her legs to offer her slit. She moved forward and rested her head between the sweet thighs, then placed her nose on the thin covering of black hair over the sweet pussy. She inhaled deeply, savouring the scent, and brought her tongue forward to taste it. She brought her fingers forward and parted the moistening lips, exposed the delicious young pinkness. Mae moaned in appreciation. Maria’s hands came forward and gripped Mae’s cute bum cheeks. She leaned forward and tasted the precious pussy. Mae moved her hips and spread her legs even farther apart as Maria drove her tongue up inside. When the orgasm was forced from her young body Mae shook in Jeff’s arms and jerked her head back to look into his eyes. She screamed with pleasure.

“Aaahhhh, I love her!”

“Oh Mae, it’s so good, yes, yes you sweet darling,” Jeff whispered to her.

“Mm you need to taste that Jeff,” Maria murmured. “Just delicious.”

“I will,” he said, “but I want Mae to try something first.”

Jeff eased Mae down to sit on the bed and untied the knot on his dressing gown. He let it slip from his body and stood between the girl’s parted legs. He lifted his penis and eased the foreskin back to present it to her lips. Maria looked at the blond hairs surrounding his lovely dark-skinned cock. Mae took the soft penis in her hand and stretched her lips to suck on it. She took the cock deep and looked up into Jeff’s eyes. Maria got wet again. She’d wanted to do the same thing for him. Jeff pressed his hand against the back of Mae’s head and pushed her further towards his groin. He turned and looked into Maria’s eyes.

“Oh yes, she is delicious!”

He removed his hardening cock and pulled Mae’s ponytail, forcing her head back to look at the ceiling. He wanked his cock, first onto Mae’s face then back into her mouth. He pulled back and sucked through his teeth.

“Yesss. Oh, I can’t come just yet.” He turned Mae’s head to face Maria. “What about Maria honey? What about her? Hmm? Would you like to taste her pussy now? Would you like to do that for her?”

Maria saw Mae’s eyes dart back to Jeff and her head gave a small nod. Maria felt her heart beat faster as warmth spread through her body. Jeff walked over to Maria and took her by the waist, then led her back to the bed to stand in front of Mae.

She was weak with excitement. “Oh god Jeff.”

She felt him lift her short dress from behind and press the back of her knee. Her leg bent automatically and she would have fallen over like a rag doll if Jeff hadn’t gripped her waist at the same time. He steadied her and lifted the leg onto the bed to display her pussy in front of Mae’s face.

“Oh, no knickers, you naughty girl,” Jeff said. “And such a cute bum too,” he added, and squeezed a white cheek.

“Look Mae, Maria’s pussy, can you smell it?”

Maria looked down as Jeff twisted the long black hair of Mae’s ponytail in his hand and pushed her head forward to force her face into the soft dark bush. She felt a small tongue part the hairs and search for the slit. Mae found it and moaned. She licked in long strokes up and down Maria’s wet slit.

“Oh.” Maria shuddered as the tiny pink tongue slipped into her and the Mae’s hands came up to grip her bum. Mae’s mouth opened wide and teased Maria’s clit with rapid flicks of her tongue. Maria arched her back suddenly and jerked backwards.

“Oh fuck!”

“What’s the matter?” Jeff asked.

“Sorry,” gasped Maria, “the little honey nearly made me…”

She felt Jeff’s hands press into her lower back from behind, leading her back in front of Mae.

“No Jeff, I need to-”

“Don’t move,” Jeff said.

Maria felt his hand slide up the inside of her thigh from behind to force her legs apart. He placed a champagne glass beneath her hot pussy. Mae reached forward to hold it. The feeling of the cool thin lip of glass inside her thigh heightened Maria’s need. Jeff reached around and spread his long fingers underneath her belly button. He pressed into her bladder.


Mae flinched when a jet of hot piss gushed from Maria and splashed up from the bottom of the glass. As the golden fluid hissed and foamed to the top Maria realised the glass wasn’t big enough. She watched her piss flow over the brim and coat Mae’s fingers, then drip to the floor.

“Don’t worry about the carpet,” Jeff said. After a minute Maria felt the pressure reduce to a dribble. She gave a final squirt.

“Ah, that feels so much better.”

“You know what to do now Mae,” Jeff said.

“Oh yes,” Mae whispered. Her hand trembled as she brought the full glass towards her lips. She looked up at Maria with beautiful brown eyes and took a sip of the warm tarty wine. She liked the taste and took a longer drink. Then a third. Finally, she put her head back and took it all, licked her lips and smiled at them when the glass was drained. Jeff took the glass.

“You’re such a good girl Mae. Can you show Maria what else you can do?” he asked as he took Mae’s piss-soaked fingers and raised her to her feet.

“You mean that thing with my tongue that you like so much?”

“Oh yes!”

Maria let Jeff take her hand and lead them both towards the window. She stood in front of the huge pane and looked at their reflections. Both Jeff and the girl naked, Maria still in her sexy black dress, excited from the obscene display she’d just witnessed, panting in anticipation of what was to come next. She felt Jeff’s hand press into the small of her back.

“Bend forward honey, press your hands against the glass,” he whispered.

When she pressed her palms flat against the pane Maria could see the reflection of the room behind her. Jeff and Mae were on their knees. She felt Jeff’s fingers slide up the backs of her legs and ease the dress up over her stuck-out bottom. She heard him gasp as her buttocks were exposed.

“Nice bum,” he murmured. His cool fingers touched her cheeks and prised them apart. “Look Mae, look at it!”

Maria jerked when something wet squirmed around her tight sphincter.

“Mm, aw fuck, that’s good!” she gasped and turned around as she saw Mae lick her asshole.

“Oh god,” Jeff moaned, “I could come just looking at that.”

Maria saw him wank his long cock as he stared at the obscene sight. Mae’s tongue squirmed around her puckered bum hole and Maria reached down to rub her clit.

“Ah Jeff, that’s the best fucking thing I ever felt.”

“Yes Mae, push your tongue up her bum,” Jeff said, as he walked towards the fridge.

Mae teased Maria’s tight ring with her delicious little tongue and made her shudder.

Jeff came back holding two small sachets of margarine. He opened one and rubbed the soft substance along his length, then handed the other to the girl. Mae scooped the contents out on two small fingers. She looked up to Jeff and smiled as he motioned for her to lubricate Maria’s bum in preparation for his cock.

Mae’s long skinny fingers pushed and probed into the tightness of Maria’s anus.

“That’s it Mae. Oh, you’re such a honey.”

“Yes,” Jeff said. “I bet you could take her hand up your bum.”

Maria could feel an orgasm rising already.

“What are you going to do with your cock Jeff? Are you going to stick it up my bum?”

Jeff blew Maria a kiss and positioned himself behind her spread cheeks. He removed Mae’s fingers and placed his hard oily cock against the tight ring. Maria inhaled as his buttered knob pressed against her anus. She willed it to relax to take him inside her colon.

“Uh, uh, uh!” she gasped as she felt the head go into her and stretch the anal ring wider and wider. Just when it felt like Jeff was going to split her in two, something gave way and Maria’s internal anal muscles took over. Rather than push out like she was used to, Maria felt the odd sensation of a vacuum in her bowels that sucked Jeff’s cock into the warm tube, deeper and deeper until she’d absorbed his whole length. His hard cock stretched her large intestine as it pushed inside. When he reached the limit, she heard Jeff groan with delight. Maria imagined how good it would be to have a cock and feel it encased in such tight silky warmth.

Jeff fucked her slowly. Maria looked around and saw Mae stare at Jeff’s cock slide in and out of her stretched bum hole. She opened and closed her mouth. Seeing her, Jeff pulled back and extracted his slick cock from Maria’s rectum and pushed it into Mae’s mouth. She sucked on it, greedy for its taste.

“Oh god Jeff, look at her, that’s filthy,” Maria said.

“She likes the taste. She can taste your bum.”

“I’m tasting Maria’s ass again,” Mae said.

“Oh no Jeff, put it back. Put it back inside me, please.”

Mae kissed Jeff’s cock when he removed it from her mouth and took it in her hand and positioned it back at Maria’s tightest opening. Jeff leaned forward and pushed. Maria’s anus sucked it in by tiny fractions until he was fully encased in her guts again.

Maria was ecstatic. Oh, she wanted him up there. He had filled her bowels and she loved it. She delighted in being so open, on her hands and knees taking his beautiful length up her shitpipe. Yes, she wanted to take men and boys like this every time, always up her tight hole, and feel it push the shit back up inside her. Jeff quickened the pace. Maria screamed as his cock dragged an orgasm from her quivering guts.

“Nnnn, aw fuck Jeff, aw fuck. That’s so good. Oh shit, oh shit. Is it? Is it? Am I shitting on you? Am I shitting on your cock? Ahhhhhhhhhh!”

Maria had never had an orgasm go on so long. Her sphincter let off a series of spasms that grabbed the base of Jeff’s cock and showered tiny kisses on it to draw him even further inside.

“Yeah Jeff, fuck my shit! That’s it, right there. Oh god, I love it there!”

She looked around and saw a dazed look on Jeff’s face as he neared his orgasm. She felt him grow even longer inside her.

Jeff exploded. Wave after wave of hot spunk scalded her insides. “Oh Maria, oh, oh…your bum…nnnnnnn”.

Maria collapsed face down on the plush carpet. She panted with her bum in the air and her dress pulled up over her waist. Jeff rasped on top of her, completely delirious.

Finally, he reached down and extracted his spent cock and rolled away to lie on his back. Maria continued to kneel with her recently fucked bottom hole exposed. Mae stared into it, fascinated.

After a minute of panting Jeff got up and helped Maria to her feet. He took her and Mae in each hand and led them towards the bed.

“What are you doing?” Maria asked.

“One more thing. We’re not quite finished yet. Here Mae, lie down on the bed.”

He positioned Mae so she lay on her back with her head near the foot of the bed. He sat down and looked into her face.

“Have you recovered yet?” he asked Maria.

“Yes. Wow. I never came like that before”

Jeff reached forward and touched Maria’s fingers. He stood up and positioned himself behind her again. He kissed her neck and pulled the zipper down on the black dress. He reached around and took Maria’s small tits in his hands and whispered in her ear.

“Just step out of the dress Maria. There.”

She was naked in front of the bed.

“Now, on your hands and knees on the bed, above Mae.”

Maria groaned as she got into the sixty-nine position. She was exhausted from the anal fucking and she didn’t think she could take much more. She felt Mae’s small tongue licking her pussy again.

“Uh, no more honey, Oh, I don’t think I can-”

“Sploof!” Maria’s bowels exploded with a loud fart that splattered huge gobs of dirty cum all over Mae’s face.

“Oh my god,” Jeff said.

Maria looked down between her legs.

“Oh baby.”

She eased herself from the bed and helped Mae to her feet. The girl was in shock. The disgusting goo dribbled from her face down onto her small breasts. She stood with her arms stiff by her sides and stared straight ahead. Maria rushed to the bedside table and returned with a box of tissues. She whispered reassurance and mopped the filthy mess from Mae’s face in the hope she wouldn’t cry.

“Okay baby, it’s not a problem.” She pulled a handful of paper from the box and cleaned her, even stopping to kiss her on the forehead where the cum had missed.

“Here, in her ear,” Jeff said as he handed Maria a tissue and grimaced.

Maria took Mae to the sofa and sat down. Jeff sat in the chair opposite. There was silence for several minutes, except for the sound that Maria made when she removed tissues from the box and mopped Jeff’s copious spend from the girl’s skin. When Mae was clean, Maria stroked her soft cheek.

“There baby, not so bad is it?” she cooed.

“That was freaky,” Mae said. “But I think I’m okay now.” She smiled.

“That’s the girl,” Jeff said. “We all had a good time, didn’t we?”

Maria looked at Jeff. What she’d just experienced had been amazing. What if she could have Mae to herself? Would Mae be okay with that? Would Jeff mind? She felt her heartbeat quicken as she thought about the possibilities. She could have a shower with Mae, they could clean each other up. Then sleep together. She could suckle the girl all night. Oh, it would be beautiful! Then in the morning they would order breakfast, maybe even more champagne.

Maria swallowed. “Mae, I’d like, um, if it’s okay with you, and Jeff…” She looked his way. “I’d like to take you to my room. You know, by myself. Just me and you.”

“I’d love to,” Mae said. She looked at Jeff.

Jeff stared at her for a couple of seconds. “Of course, Mae. Yes. Yes.” He waved a hand.

Mae looked to Maria and smiled.

Maria hugged her. “Okay baby, let’s go have a shower together and then you can spend the night with me, okay?”

“Yes please,” Mae whispered. She clasped Maria’s hands, then kissed her on the lips and placed her slim arms around her neck.

Maria hugged Mae and looked back at Jeff. “Sorry for stealing her Jeff.”

“Hey, no problem,” Jeff said, “you make a lovely couple. We should get together again.”

“Sure. But I want to spend some time alone with this darling girl first.”

Maria let Mae go and they dressed quickly. When they were ready Jeff walked them to the door.

“Thanks again Jeff,” Maria said. She stopped at the door, turned to kiss him, and placed her hand on his soft cock. “I wanted to suck you.”

“You can do it any time,” Jeff said. He kissed Maria, then Mae, and opened the door. “Look at you both. So gorgeous and so into each other you can do anything you like. No limits.”

“What if I’m as perverted as you Jeff? How bad would that make me?”

“I bet you’re not,” Jeff said. “Anything you can think of, I’ve done worse.”

Maria saw him smile as the door closed. She took Mae’s hand.

“Come on honey. Come to my room. Let me take care of you.”



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