Lovers Pt. 02 by ManAndGirl,ManAndGirl

He maneuvered behind her, and taking her brush he slowly brushed her hair in long, careful strokes, removing any tangles before lightly rubbing with the towel and twisting it up into a turban.

He couldn’t resist nuzzling her exposed neck, brushing his soft, full lips over her skin and giving a gentle bite or two.

She moaned lightly, reaching her arm back to cup the back of his head.

“You drive me fucking crazy, mister,” she whispered.

He gave her a last gentle nip, and planted a firm kiss on the nape of her neck.

“And you me…. I’ve never known anyone like you… you’re in my head… my heart. I love it.”

He removed his towel and folded it in two, placing it on top of the damp patch, pulling the duvet up over them.

“I get the wet spot,” he chuckled.

“Well you DID make most of the mess, spunky” she giggled.

“Sleepy time, gorgeous girl,” he murmured as he kissed her forehead.

They wrapped their arms around each other for a tender hug, her face on his broad chest. Her breathing slowed as she relaxed on him.

“I miss you lots,” she sighed.

“I’m here sweet girl. You don’t need to miss me… if you ever need me… call me. You know I’ll come for you.”

This was a brief moment of time together, time that they longed for, yearned for… but struggled to find in their busy lives. Work, friends, family… distance. Commitments to others. Family first had always been the way… but sometimes… that plain sucked.

Safe in each others arms, they closed their eyes and drifted off to sleep, content and together.

Tomorrow seemed too near… and they wished it wouldn’t come, because this felt like their perfect moment.

Tomorrow would see them part again, but they knew that would always be there for each other.

Theirs was a relationship that had transcended.

Even when they were apart they carried each other in both head and heart… and knew that they were loved.

This made them bold. Brave. Strong.

Friends and lovers for life.

And… they lived happily… ever… after 🥳🥰

The end


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