Making Home Ch. 11

An adult stories – Making Home Ch. 11 by MsEloiseDeane,MsEloiseDeane AVERY

After lunch, I returned to the house to pack a bag. I didn’t have to wait long until Mr. Crawford returned home for our ride down to the metro. Amanda drove, as usual, while he took call after call on his phone. I settled on staring out of the window, watching as our surroundings turned from big empty fields, plentiful with billboards in the ditches, to properties filled with the commercial buildings of suburbs.

The drive itself was a little long, and I tried not to look over at Mr. Crawford while he worked. I could feel his tension when he entered the vehicle, and I suspected that he was upset with me. I couldn’t blame him. After I had had some time to mull it over, guilt began to sink in. I knew what I did wasn’t right, but I wasn’t sure how to fix it.

After some time, Amanda took an exit off of the freeway, and led us into an area with skyscrapers on every street. There were one-ways filled with cars, and I realized that I never wanted to drive in this area. Finally, she pulled into a parking garage and climbed the ramps until she parked.

“We’re here, Sir.”

With a snap, Mr. Crawford shut his laptop and began to gather his things. I fumbled with my bag, and exited the vehicle before him. There was the low hum of cars below us, and honking could be vaguely heard in the distance.

Amanda gave me a small smile as she rounded the vehicle to direct me. “This way, Miss.”


She led us through the garage to an elevator and was working with keys and buttons while I looked around. My eyes wandered over to Mr. Crawford briefly, but he was still working on his phone. Finally the car began to move, and a soft whir accompanied the lifting. When we stopped at our floor, Amanda used a key to unlock another door that led us into the condo.

It was beautiful. The space was smaller than I had imagined, but it boasted an urban feel with the exterior wall made up completely of floor to ceiling windows. The floor plan was open, and the layout made the space seem larger than it probably was. Everything looked so clean and sleek that I felt like I was walking into a magazine. It was dark outside by this time, and I couldn’t help myself as I ran over to the far end of the room to look at the bustling city below us. It was absolutely incredible. Lost in the view before me, I vaguely registered the sound of footsteps behind me until I could feel a presence at my back.

I swallowed and continued to stare out of the window. “I’ve never seen anything quite like it.”

His breathing was quiet. “I’ll admit, I’ve never taken the time to appreciate it.”

“Hard to appreciate something you get to see all of the time.”

His gaze shifted, and I could feel his eyes on me. “Not with everything.”

Amanda called out before I had a chance to respond, “What would you like to do for dinner, Sir?”

Before I could look at his face, he had turned his attention to Amanda.

“Could you please order Thai?”

“Of course.” With a nod, she turned away.

I cleared my throat. “So, where will I be staying?”

“Well, there are three rooms. Amanda usually takes one while I utilize her here, but that should leave the room next to hers free.”

“What about Chloe?”

“She won’t be with us until tomorrow. Plans are to head back to the house in the afternoon.”

“I see.”

There was an awkward moment of silence between us. I wanted to address what I had done, but I was also terrified to admit it. I resigned to leave it for another time and turned to head to the extra room. “Well, I’m going to go get settled, I guess.”

He nodded at me with a small smile. “Of course.”

I walked away feeling worse than earlier today. Mr. Crawford had been tense before, but now he seemed like something different entirely. Almost… disappointed. Part of me reasoned that what I did was well within the limits of our agreement, so it wasn’t technically wrong. Also, I didn’t owe him anything. So, why should I feel bad about getting even with something he started in the first place? However justified the reasoning sounded in my head, I couldn’t shake the heaviness in my heart.

Walking down the hall, I observed two bedrooms. There must have also been a bedroom upstairs. My bag was on a bed in one of the rooms and I noticed that Amanda had taken the smaller room of the two, even though they were both huge, in my opinion. It seemed that she had also given me the room with the better view. I had just unpacked my toiletries and plugged my phone in when there was a knock at the door.

“Dinner, Miss.”

I returned her smile. “Thank you.”

She smiled softly and nodded. “Of course.”

After putting my clothes away, I walked out into the main living quarters and took a seat next to Mr. Crawford at the dining bar. He had his laptop open and was already dished up, his eyes glued to the screen.

“Geez. It never ends, huh?” I tried to joke light heartedly.

He clicked on another email. “Yeah. Help yourself, Avery.” He indicated the plate set out for me.

I was a little hurt at his divided attention, but tried not to take it personal. “Right. Thanks.”

I scoured the take out containers and found a noodle dish, a saucy dish, white rice, and mixed vegetables. I looked over to his plate and noticed how he had placed the noodle dish on one side, white rice covered in the saucy dish on another, and then scooped a healthy serving of vegetables onto his plate. I decided to follow his lead.

When I finally settled in to eat, I was surprised at the flavor of the noodles. It was delicious, but it wasn’t what I expected.

“Are there peanuts in this?”

Mr. Crawford tensed and quickly turned his attention to me. “Why? Are you allergic?”

I shook my head. “No. I just taste something like peanuts. It’s different.”

He relaxed a little on his stool and then turned toward me. “Have you ever had Thai food before?”

Again, I shook my head. “No. Couldn’t ever afford it.”

“Ah.” He forced a smile. He pointed to a dish, “The noodles are pad Thai. They’re a type of fried noodle.”

Next he pointed to the saucy dish I had poured over my serving of rice. “That’s red curry.”

I scooped up a large bite and pushed it into my mouth. The flavor was wonderful, but then I noticed the spice. My eyes began to water and my nose began to run. I quickly chewed and swallowed before frantically looking for something to drink.

Mr. Crawford held out his glass of ice water to me. “Too spicy?”

I glugged it down and coughed. “Just a little.”

He chuckled. “Sorry. I guess I should have warned you.”

“I could have asked,” I offered with a small smile.

He nodded. “Well, if you would like something different, you can ask Amanda and she will run out and get it for you.”

I shook my head. “That’s okay.” Not only did I dislike the thought of wasting food, I didn’t want Amanda to have to run out again. I scooped up a smaller bite this time and worked the food carefully in my mouth. “I like the flavor. I think I just need to take it slow.”

He gave me a small smile and then returned to his work. I finished eating in silence, trying to keep my face from melting off as I ate everything on my plate. Mr. Crawford finished before I did and set his plate on the counter next to the sink, then picked up his laptop and took it to the living room. When I had managed to eat my portion, I gathered my plate and washed the few dirty dishes that were out before putting away the leftovers.

I looked over into the living room and he was still busy at work. I resigned to working out our conflict tomorrow and approached him to say goodnight. I wrung my hands as I waited for him to notice me, then finally just cleared my throat. “Um, well, I’m going to head to bed.”

“Can you wait just a moment? I’m almost done.” He still hadn’t looked up at me.

I shrugged. “Yeah, sure, I guess.”

He patted the seat next to him on the couch. “Have a seat.”

I swallowed, feeling a little nervous at the unknown, but took the place next to him. His weight caused the sofa to dip, and I found myself leaning into him as I sat down. Before I could move away, his arm came out and rested around my shoulders, as if it were the most natural thing in the world. Typing with one hand now, there were a few more clicks of the keys, and then he shut the device.

“So, what a day,” he groaned and set the laptop on the side table. Lounging back, he kicked his feet out to rest on the coffee table.

“Yeah,” I agreed.

His thumb was rubbing lightly back and forth while we sat in silence for a few minutes. I noticed that he liked doing that. And I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t comfortable to rest against his side. He was warm, and it felt kind of like I fit right where I was.

Eventually, he let out a sigh. “Do you want to talk about what happened today?”

I shifted as I felt my face grow hot. “Only if you want to talk about what happened yesterday.”

He turned and looked down at me. “Yesterday?”

“Yeah. When you pretended that you were going to kiss me but you never did.” I looked away.

It was quiet between us for a moment. His rubbing had stopped and I felt emotional. I hated that. Every time I ever felt like crying, it was pointless. There was no one there to do anything about it so why bother? I sniffed anyway and quickly wiped at my face.

“Avery.” My name on his tongue was soft and gentle.

“I know. I’m catching feelings. Save me the lecture. Please.”

He laughed a little. “Catching feelings?”

“Getting attached. Whatever.”

He sighed and pressed his lips to my head. “Let’s say that there wasn’t the contract between us. I’m still not the person you should mix yourself up with. There’s a reason that age gap relationships seldom work.”

“You don’t know that about us, though.”

“I do know.” He pulled back and looked at me. “You should be exploring what you want right now. I don’t know if you’ve dated anyone before me, but people change as they get older. You might find you want something different than me. Someone younger and more at the same stage of life as you.”

“I really don’t think you know me well enough.”

“Have you had a serious relationship before?”

“No. So what?”

“I know people. It’s my job to know people. It’s a large part of business. You’re young, you’re beautiful, and you should be going out on dates.”

“Are you saying you wouldn’t take me out on dates?”

“That’s not what I’m saying at all.”

“Well, okay, then what is it?”

He sighed and ran a hand down his face. “I need a long term commitment. That’s why I’m paying you to pretend that we’re in one. But, eventually, that’s my next step in life. A wife and family.”

“Who says I don’t want a family?”

“In the next few years?”

I chewed my lip as I thought about medical school. At least three years in class, one in internship, and then residency. Could I afford to be pregnant and care for a child at the same time? I swallowed as I contemplated.

He nodded knowingly. “It just wouldn’t be fair of me to ask that of you, especially if we were only casually dating.”

I licked my lips. “Here’s the thing. I do have fun with my life, but that’s besides the point. I should get a say in what I want. I mean, I’m the one who knows what I want, with all due respect. You don’t know that I don’t want kids right away.” I shut my eyes and took a few breaths. I could feel my heart rate going up and tried to calm down.

“Okay, fair. I don’t know that. But I can take a good guess at what you want as far as your schooling and future career goes. Medical school?”

“I could hold off on it-”

He shook his head. “Absolutely not. This is exactly what I’m talking about. You’re ready to give up your dreams for something you aren’t even sure about.”

“Fine. Regardless, I’m honestly sorry that I acted that way.” I moved to get up and leave.

“Would you please wait? We aren’t done here.” His hand circled my wrist and I allowed him to hold me back. “I know that you’re sorry. I could feel it all afternoon.”

I felt myself slump a little. “I don’t like you mad at me,” I admitted.

“I don’t like being upset with you,” he agreed. We sat there in silence for a minute before he spoke again, “Do you want to talk about why you did it?”

I shifted so that I could face him. “Because it felt like you teased me with the promise of… IT at brunch. I wanted to do the same thing to you.”

“I see.” He sighed and closed his eyes while pinching the bridge of his nose. “Avery,”

“No!” I shook my head, my eyes welling up. “This sucks. And it’s really hard. I don’t want to want you to kiss me, but at the same time, I can’t fight it.” I clenched my hands into fists and stared down at them. There was a huge lump in my throat that began to throb painfully. “I can’t do this. I don’t think I’m strong enough.”

His brows pulled together in a frown. “Strong enough for the job?”

I sniffed and quickly wiped at my eyes with the back of my hand. “No. Well, yeah. I guess that’s part of it. It’s too hard to resist, well, wanting you. This is just all too hard. Not to mention that you don’t seem to want to even give me a chance.”

He reached out and tucked my hair behind my ear. “Hey, look at me.”

My eyes reluctantly found his, and his stare was so intent that I couldn’t look away.

“I understand what you mean. I really didn’t think it would come to this and be so damn hard.” He ran a hand through his hair and groaned. “I thought that maybe with someone younger, I’d be less tempted. Disgusted, even. I’m not that kind of man. But,”

I bit my lip as I waited for him to continue.

His hand came up and cupped my face. “Maybe we should reconsider whether this is really right for you. Right for each of us. If you’re catching feelings, as you put it, we should end it before it goes too far.”

I sighed. So, this was it. He knew just as well as I did. My mind began to race, trying to solve a problem that was quickly materializing before my eyes. It wouldn’t be so bad. I had been through harder times before. I could find a way to get my work study job back. I could take out loans to pay Caleb off. I could resume living the way I did before Mr. Crawford. I knew how to do all of that. It wasn’t a luxurious or easy lifestyle, but it was one that I was confident that I could survive in. Staying with him was too unstable. There wasn’t much room for screwing up, and so much relied on me. In the end, the stress and pressure was too great.

Tears gathered as I contemplated, and I sat up and turned away from him. “I don’t want to quit, but I think I have to. It doesn’t seem like we’re going to come to an agreement, and I don’t want to force the issue.”

The silence was heavy. I prayed that he would tell me otherwise. That he would ask me to keep trying. But, I also knew that wasn’t my lot in life. Life wasn’t fair or kind. It just was the way that it was. And Mr. Crawford seemed like he was very logical in his actions. He didn’t seem to allow emotions to affect any decision he made in life.

He cleared his throat. “If that’s really how you feel, then I appreciate your honesty.”

I allowed the tears to roll down my face and nodded. My voice was raspy as I fought back my emotions, “When would it be best for me to leave?”

“Well, it’s already late tonight. I’ll have Amanda drive you back in the morning and I’ll send for a service to pick up Chloe.”

I stood up from the couch and nodded. “For what it’s worth, I’m sorry.”

“Me, too. That it didn’t work out.”

I stood there waiting for him to reach out for me or say something. Anything. If he gave me any kind of sign that he didn’t really want me to leave, then I could tuck back into his side again. But, it never came. His resolve was as strong as ever. I walked back to my room and silently closed the door. After changing into my pajamas, I turned off the light and crawled into bed. Ugly and silent sobs wracked my body until I just couldn’t hold onto consciousness anymore. I gave into the release of sleep, even though it was a restless one.

It was late when I woke up and couldn’t fall back asleep. Mr. Crawford and his lack of disappointment in my decision wasn’t comforting, but after I had rested a bit, I reasoned that it did make it easier. He just wasn’t as into me as I had hoped. And, I wasn’t going to continue to pine after him if he didn’t want me equally as much. Frustrated with my insomnia, I slipped out of bed to go make a cup of tea.

It was dark in the condo with only the light of the fridge’s water dispenser casting a dim glow over the living space. I walked down the hallway and rounded the kitchen bar when I slammed right into a large figure who was headed into the kitchen. I immediately recognized the soft plushiness of his robe, and arms wound around me before I could fall back.


“Mr. Crawford! Uh, sorry! I didn’t think anyone would be up.”

He stepped away as if holding me was burning him. “It’s okay. I’m just glad you didn’t get hurt.” He jerked his head toward the kitchen. “I couldn’t sleep. Just thought I’d make a cup of tea.”

I rubbed my arm as I watched him move to the cupboards. “That’s actually what I was going to do, too.”

His back was to me now as he worked. “Sit. I’ll make you a one.” He looked over his shoulder, moving his arms quickly to cinch his robe tight. “So, up late?”

“Um, not really.” I tried to clear the raspiness of sleep from my voice. “I woke up and couldn’t go back to sleep.” I took a seat on one of the stools while he worked, and eventually he set a steaming cup in front of me.

“Thank you.”


He was busy a moment longer while he finished making his own cup. I loved watching him move. His broad shoulders and his arms seemed thick with muscle. The smell of him, after our collision, lingered as well. I tried to shake those thoughts from my head and blew on my tea. Instead, I focused on watching the steam waft up in curls. It smelled flowery, like lavender, chamomile, or maybe even both.

It wasn’t long before he walked around the bar. He stood next to me until I looked up at him, and his eyes were soft. He cleared his throat. “I’m going to sit on the couch if you’d like to join me? You don’t have to, of course.”

I stood from my spot and palmed my cup. “Yeah, I’ll do that.”

He smiled and led the way into the living room. He took a seat on the cushion closest to the windows while I sat down on the opposite end. We were no longer bound to be physical, after all. I sniffed my tea and relished in the soothing scents.

“I know it’d be soon, but do you already have an alternate plan?”

I shrugged. “I’ll probably just ask for my work study job back and crash with my old roommates until I can find a more permanent place to live.”

“You could live with me.”

I stopped mid-sip and looked over at him.

“Sorry. I didn’t think that one through before I spoke.” He cleared his throat and straightened.

“Yeah,” I chuckled lightly before drinking my tea.

He reclined in his seat and took a pull from his own cup. He seemed at rest until he sat up again, bending his leg at the knee as he turned and brought it up to rest on the couch. “Well… it’s not completely out of the question. You could still live with me.” His eyes seemed alive now. “I would just charge you a little rent or I could write it off as a donation to a college student. I could find a way to make it work for you if you needed a place to stay.”

I swallowed and nodded. It was my turn to be the logical one. As much as I wanted to be close to him, I knew there would be dire consequences if I gave in. “I don’t think I could live in the same house as you and the employee you would hire to replace me.”

“Right.” He nodded and looked away for a few moments before sliding back into his spot. “You’re right, of course.”

We sat there, the air growing heavy with awkwardness. Eventually, he sighed and set his cup down. “Avery, I do want you. I hope you don’t think that I don’t.”

“You do?”

He laughed. “Of course, I do. Look at you. You’re a gorgeous, driven, determined young woman. I think I’d be mad not to be utterly infatuated with you.”

I wasn’t expecting a declaration like that. I pulled my knees up against my chest on the couch and hugged them to me. “Wow. I guess I just wasn’t sure.”

He shrugged. “I’ve fought it since that first night in the kitchen. It isn’t just that you were my employee. You’re also so much younger. You have to understand, I felt like a pervert. I often wondered how I would feel if my young daughter was dating a man my age.”

“Oh, you have a daughter?”

He looked over at me, his eyes a bit frantic. “No! No, I meant hypothetical daughter…”

“Oh.” I laughed a little.

“Point being, I wouldn’t be comfortable with it. If… Chloe! Yes, if Chloe was dating someone with the same age gap, I might be a little perturbed. That’s probably a better way to relate.”

I nodded. “Yeah, I guess I could see that.”

He relaxed back into the couch again and took his cup from the end table. I tried to hug my knees in tighter as a chill came over me. I had come out in my shorts and camisole and, despite the comfortable temperature in the condo, I was losing body heat. I rubbed my hands up and down my legs, willing warmth into my skin.

“Are you cold?”

“Yeah, but I’ll be alright.”

Mr. Crawford held an arm out. “Nonsense. Come here.”

I shook my head. “I’ll just go grab a blanket from my room.”

“Avery,” he warned and then set down his cup on the side table. “Come here. You can snuggle up against me. I’ll keep you warm.”

“Are you sure?” I thumbed the direction of my room. “I won’t be gone long and it’s no trouble-”

“Avery, get your ass over here.”

It was so hard to refuse him when he used that tone. That nagging desire to please him overtook me, and I scooted closer before handing him my cup to set on the table. Once I was up against his side, his arm curled around me and hitched me closer.

“Is this really okay?” I nuzzled my face into his robe and relaxed as I felt his body heat.

“As long as you want it. We’re not strangers, after all.” He pressed his lips to my head, but then quickly pulled his mouth away. “Sorry, habit.”

“I don’t mind,” I whispered. It felt so nice to be touching him. He had always smelled so good and I turned my face into his side and breathed deeply. The smell was relaxing and felt like safety and comfort all rolled into one. My arm skated over his abdomen and snaked into his robe to rest on… bare skin? I immediately sat up and withdrew my hand.

“What’s wrong?”

“Sorry. I just wasn’t expecting to actually feel your chest. You’re always so… well dressed.”

“Well,” he cleared his throat before reaching for his cup again. “I, uh, usually wear clothes around others. And at night… well, I sleep… in the nude.” He took a pull from his cup and put it back. “I have the robes so I can quickly slip something on for nighttime tea and breakfast in the mornings.”

I swallowed, a little louder than I would have liked. “Oh. I guess I didn’t think of that.”

“I’m sorry. If it makes you uncomfortable, I’ll go put on some clothes.” He moved to get up.

I quickly turned to face him and pressed a hand to his chest. “No!” His skin was warm beneath my cold fingers. He had a little bit of hair on his pecs, and I couldn’t help my hand as it moved a little against him, enjoying the feel of him with my fingers. A lapel fell open slightly as I moved my hand. My heart rate picked up. “What I mean is, please don’t feel like you have to on account of me.”

“Very well.” He relaxed back into the couch without removing my hand from him. Our eyes met, and I felt a familiar tension growing between us. I licked my lips as my fingers moved over him, exploring the subtle ridges of his chest. He didn’t have the feel of a sinewy body builder, but he was obviously well toned. He didn’t stop my investigation, and I decided to take a chance and trail my hand down his abdomen. His eyes grew heavy as he watched me, and his clothing fell away as I moved lower.

Before I could reach my goal, he took my hand and brought it to his mouth. “Oh, Avery,” he breathed before pressing his lips to my palm.

Disappointment bloomed in my chest. “Sorry.” I looked away, willing my embarrassment to pass. “I should probably just go back to bed.” I tried to pull away and get up, but he held onto my wrist.

“That’s not what I’m trying to imply.” He gave me a little tug. “You’re so cold. Why don’t you come here and we’ll share my robe?”

“Oh. Yeah, I guess that would be alright.” I followed his lead and was surprised when he helped me climb into his lap.

He opened up his robe and wrapped the flaps around me, my chest pressing against his. “Are you okay? Is this okay?”

I couldn’t even speak. Just like the other night, I could feel his erection against me. Only, this time he was pressing against my lower stomach, and just my clothes were stopping skin on skin contact. His hands moved down my back until he cupped my ass. His breath came out in a hiss before he squeezed, and his hips shifted so that his dick rubbed me.

I took a deep breath as I tried to process what was happening. “I thought that you didn’t want to do this.”

“I didn’t. It would complicate things, for sure, but I’m done being selfless. I really want this. I really want you.” His hand found the back of my neck and pulled my face close to his. He parted his lips and skimmed them over mine gently. “Tell me to stop. Please. Help me make the best decision for both of us.”

My heart beat through my chest against the thump of his, and I ran my hands up to rest on either side of his neck. I was tingly all over, an excitement blossoming in my lower belly. He rubbed the tip of his nose with mine as I found myself chasing his mouth. I wanted this so badly. I had for so long. That it was so close to my reach, and this time with nothing really to hold me back, I wanted to give in.

His lips brushed over mine again before he kissed my cheek. “Avery, please. Say stop.”

I closed the distance between our mouths and rocked my hips against him as I whispered, “Kiss me.”

He didn’t waste any time as his mouth slanted over mine, claiming me in a way I had only fantasized about the last few days. I gasped as I felt the smoothness of his lips, and followed his lead as he kissed me dizzy. His other hand came up to rest on my hip, his fingers squeezing me before he tried to pull me even closer.

It was intoxicating. His tongue pushed into my mouth and began an undulating promise of his skill and ability. I felt myself grinding against him as I was desperate for more. It all felt surreal. Was he really giving in?

He groaned, the sound carnal. “Fuck, I want you.” His mouth found mine again, and moved over my lips.

His erection pressed against me, creating so many desires. Curious, I moved my hand to touch him and explore his size. My palm made contact and he abruptly broke off the kiss. I marveled at how soft his skin was. He was all hard steel wrapped in a soft and smooth covering, and I wished that it wasn’t dark so I could see what he looked like. He continued to breathe against my mouth as I rubbed his hardness.

I swallowed. “I’ve never done this before. Will you help me? Maybe show me what to do?”

“Yes.” His nose rubbed gently against mine as he nodded. “Of course.”

His hand came down and covered mine, holding me against him as he rocked his hips.

“This feels good. Do it like this.” He thrust through my palm a few times. “We can take this as slow as you want. Just tell me if anything seems too much.”

“Okay,” I managed in a whisper.

He helped me move over him, up and down a few times, and I noticed a slight stickiness pooled at the tip with each stroke.

There was so much I was curious about, and I loved how he felt in my hand. But, I couldn’t help the urge to taste him. To put my mouth over him like he had done to me during our game of Twister. I kissed his lips, pausing to suck on his bottom lip as my hand moved. When his breathing increased to a level that told me that he might be close, I pulled away.

“Can I taste it?”

He groaned. “Oh, fuck, Avery. How is that even a question? Fuck, yes.” He took my mouth in a fierce show of claim before I escaped to slide down his body. My fingers skimmed and grazed his abdomen as I made my way to sit on the floor between his legs. When I was finally in position, I ran my hands up his thighs as I searched for his dick with my mouth.

His smell was musky with a hint of soap, and I really had no idea what I was doing. I stuck out my tongue and made contact with the head. His breath escaped in a loud hiss. I swirled around him, enjoying how smooth his skin felt against me.

“Avery, oh fuck.” His hand came to the back of my head, pulling me toward him in encouragement, but not so much that it seemed forceful.

Taking the hint, I opened my mouth over him, the head of his dick gliding through my lips until I met his shaft. I sucked as I pulled away, and swallowed the salty bit that I had collected. His groan was loud enough that I was sure Amanda would hear it. Encouraged, I moved over him again, taking as much as I could into my mouth and moving my hand over the rest of him as I pulled away. His hand on my head helped me with a rhythm, and his breathing became faster.

He tensed and abandoned his helpful push, instead holding me in place as he started thrusting into my mouth. I tried to keep up with his pace, but eventually just gave in to letting him use me as I tried to maintain suction on his dick.

“Fuck, I’m going to come.”

I continued to suck as he pulled away, eager to taste more than just his salty pre-cum. With a moan, he thrust forward, and I felt him spurting hot and salty into the back of my mouth. I swallowed with his length deep in me, my tongue working against him as he continued to pulse.

“Oh fuck, baby. Oh fuck.” Strong pulses continued and he twitched a few times until the waves subsided to smaller ones. His hand came down to help guide his dick out of my mouth. With a huge sigh, he slumped into the cushions and stroked his hand up and down his softening shaft. His other hand reached for me and encouraged me up to sit in his lap.

“Give me a few minutes. Then I’ll take care of you.”

I only nodded and curled into his chest, happy to have pleased him. We sat there for a small while, just enjoying the closeness of the other. He was so quiet that I suspected he had fallen asleep, until he shifted to sit up and laid me back on the couch. He cupped my face and leaned down to peck me on the lips, then scaled down my body and tugged at the elastic band at the top of my shorts.

“Such a sweet girl.” He kissed my stomach. “Now it’s my turn.”

He tugged again and I lifted my hips so he could slip them off. He nudged my legs apart and settled between them. At first I just felt his mouth as he kissed me gently. He kissed the inside of my thighs and worked his way inward. Next, I felt his finger as he explored my pussy, and he groaned as he slipped a finger inside.

“You are so fucking wet.” He began to move his finger, and I was surprised at how good it felt.

There were times I had explored myself, curious at what it might feel like to have a dick inside me, but I wasn’t expecting what he was doing with his fingers. He was rubbing a spot I hadn’t known existed until he pressed into it. It was a deep pressure and it felt incredible. I felt myself writhe on the cushions, searching for something to hold onto as I began to grind on his finger.

Just when I had finally grown used to the intensity of him inside me, his tongue ran through my folds, and I couldn’t help the keening cry that escaped my lips. He moved his tongue around, circling my clit before switching to rubbing it up and down. Of all of the times I had pleasured myself, I had never experienced a senation quite like his tongue. It was amazingly smooth and slippery against me. He was definitely more experienced in oral than I was.

He sucked my clit into his mouth and continued with his onslaught while rubbing the spot inside. It was almost too much, but also not quite enough at times. I couldn’t help grinding myself against him, my body chasing the orgasm he was coaxing to the surface. Finally, my lower tummy began the familiar tingle of climax, and the sensation spread quickly to my toes and fingertips.

“Mr. Crawford… oh, please….”

His other hand crawled up my front and underneath my shirt until he found my breast. I gasped at his curious fingers pinching my nipple as I unashamedly ground my pussy lips against his mouth. It all felt so wonderful that I didn’t want it to end, but at the same time wanted that sweet climax that was threatening to take me.

He lightly sucked on my clit and continued to work his tongue until my undoing. I came with a loud cry, my hips bucking wildly as I desperately tried to grind my orgasm out between his soft lips and against his glorious tongue. I felt myself squeeze his finger inside with each pulse, the resistance a wonderful complement to the waves of pleasure rocking through me. When I finally came down, I was more than ready to pass out. My limbs were jelly.

Mr. Crawford withdrew his finger and crawled over me before settling next to me. He pulled me against him once more, pressing his lips to mine before sighing contentedly into the couch. He shifted and threw his robe over the both of us. Drowsiness hit me like it never had before, and I snuggled closer to him and yawned. I sighed before succumbing to sleep.

In the morning, I woke up in the little spoon position with a very naked big spoon behind me. I blinked my eyes open and noticed that we were still on the couch, but there was a blanket over the two of us. I tried to move around a bit, but a heavy arm and leg were holding me down in place.

I cleared my throat and tried to turn onto my back. “Er… Mr. Crawford?”

“Hmm?” He all but murmured.

“It’s morning.”

“Mmhmm.” He nuzzled my face and pulled me in closer. “We should shower.”

I played with the hem of the blanket. “You mean, separately. Right?”

“That’s an option.” He turned his head and yawned. “Hmm. We should start moving. We have to leave soon too go get Chloe.”


He looked down at me. “Yeah. Last night… well, I would say that changes things. Wouldn’t you?” He cupped my face and stroked my cheek with his thumb.

My cheeks grew hot as a recalled the events that had transpired. But, amazing as it was, did it really change the decisions that were made last night?

I reached up and gently pulled his hand away from my face. “I need to know what this means for us.”

“Well, what do you want it to mean?”

“I’m not entirely sure.”

He nodded. “We can take it slow and casual. We don’t have to give it a label if you don’t want to.”

I scoffed. “But I quit yesterday. How are you supposed to hire someone else if you and I are doing… well, this.” I gestured between us.

“I wouldn’t. We would keep up the ruse part of it while we figured out this part of it.”

I bit my lip and looked away. “You mean the sexual stuff?”

His fingers found my chin and turned my face toward him. “No, not just the sexual stuff. All of the stuff. I like you. You’re not the only one who is catching feelings. After last night, I’m open to seeing where liking you would take me. Where it would take us.”

I laughed. “You make it sound so simple.”

He smiled at me. “It is that simple. The hard part was fighting it. We’ve given in so let’s just enjoy it for now. Or do you not want this?”

I eagerly nodded. “Of course I do. I’ve wanted it for a while. I’m just worried.”

“Worried about what?”

“I just…” I wanted to confide in him. Tell him everything that I was currently faced with, but the timing wasn’t right. “I need to work. I need to make money. I wouldn’t feel right if we were actually together and you were paying me.”

“I wouldn’t be paying you to be with me. I’d be paying you for managing my household and fulfilling that role. You’d still be like a home front extension of myself. That wouldn’t change.”

I nodded. “Okay. That sounds fair enough, I guess.”

“We can talk about it more tonight.” He looked at his watch. “I’m going to go shower. You should get ready and then pack up your things.”

“Okay.” I blew out a deep breath.

“Good girl.” He sat up and made sure to cover me with the blanket before grabbing my shorts and panties off the floor. He tossed them over to me before standing up to walk away.

He turned back to me. “Oh, and Avery?”

“Yes, Sir?”

He leaned forward and brushed his lips lightly against mine. “You should call me Eli, not Mr. Crawford or Sir.”

“I guess I can try that.”

He winked at me before he left, the sexy gesture replaying in my mind as I tried to gather the strength to get to my shower.


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