Marcie and Leo Ch. 81

An adult stories – Marcie and Leo Ch. 81 by Azuldrgon,Azuldrgon If you have read many of my stories, you know that I adore Marcie. Yes, I am in total love with the woman. That’s why I put a ring on it. That doesn’t cover the way I feel about her fully though. I adore Marcie more than words. It’s more than just her looks also. Many think it’s easy to love a hottie. The thing is if you love them just because they are a hottie, you deny the best parts about her.

Case in point, we were getting ready for bed. It sounds like a pretty normal activity, doesn’t it? Marcie had finished her bath and was sliding into bed without a stitch of clothing on. Frequent readers know that except for when visiting relatives, this is our normal bedwear. So, I stripped out of my shorts and slid into bed next to her.


Okay, I know I said that there’s more to Marcie than her looks. I never said she wasn’t gorgeous.

Press play.

The first thing I did was put my arm around her. She responded to it by snuggling against me. I was feeling pretty confident at that point. Readers also point out that there are times I can be a bit clueless, especially when it comes to reading Marcie’s moods. So, when I attempted to slide a hand to squeeze her breast, she responded in kind.

“I didn’t say you could put your hand in the candy dish, Romeo.”

I immediately moved my hand. The last thing I wanted was a ticked off wife in bed with me. She then snuggled closer and put her hand on top of mine.

“I’m sorry, Leo. I just don’t feel very sexy tonight.”

I was starting to read her a little better after that. One of Marcie’s defenses is her wit, which I will tell you is incredible. Years of living with a stubborn husband before me had evolved her to be able to be that way. It is one of her charming qualities I assure you. Not that she means it in a malicious way, because she doesn’t. It’s just that she chooses to be witty versus the alternative.

“You are always sexy, Amor,” I said trying to be loving.

She snuggled in a little tighter before she responded.

“If you’re being sincere, I appreciate it. I still don’t feel like being your pinata tonight though.”

I snuggled against her before we both fell asleep. Not every night with us is a sexual carnival. It’s just as well because sometimes keeping up with Marcie is difficult. Especially when we are doing more physical activity. We were taking a walk recently on one of my favorite trails and as usual, I was lagging behind my Goddess. She turned and looked at me while I was huffing and puffing.

“Leo, I’m sorry. I didn’t know I was pushing too hard again.”

“It’s okay Beloved. I’m almost there.”

She stood there with that concerned look on her face.

“I need to remember to slow down when we go for walks together. Sometimes I forget that you’re still getting used to your leg being healed.”

She held out her arms as I moved closer and hugged me tightly. Did I mention how awesome her hugs were lately? I felt her embrace and smiled, even if my feet were hurting a bit. She then slowed down her pace to be next to me until we made it back to her car. As I slid into the passenger seat, she took off her baseball cap and flashed her winning smile.

“Still, I am happy you are getting out with me. It’s more fun walking with you.”

It is moments like that which make me smile so much only because I know Marcie loves me just as much. Sometimes she does get a bit driven, but when it comes down to it, she knows me. There is also one more thing she does that melts me every time. We were sitting together watching a movie when she laid back on the couch to have me rub her feet. I did it willingly when I noticed different tight spots.

As I kept working on them, her eyes went seductive and started moaning a little to tease me. I was enjoying it before I realized she was toying with me. I swear she knows me so well. She knows my weak points. It’s one thing I am ashamed to admit because of the reputation I had prior to us getting together. She was given the nickname “The One who Tamed the Lion” in the office and part of it was the fact she knew how to get to me.

It was as she was teasing me that I moved a hand over and slowly clasped it around her throat for a little bit. Her playful smile turned to a sexier one before I removed it. Her eyes then looked at me more seductively after.

“I hope that means there’s more on your mind after the movie is over,” she purred before she slid her legs off me and kissed me deeply.

Yeah, there are many sides to Marcie that people don’t know because they can’t get past her looks. I am thankful for that because I love every side of her. Hope you don’t mind me not sharing what happened after the movie.


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