Megan's ENF at Adult Store – Ch. 02 by psullivan22222,psullivan22222

Molly took a moment to really see the girl standing in front of her. Her face was flushed from humiliation and arousal. She smelled of wet pussy. Her tits were completely on display – nipples rock hard. Her top consisted of a fishnet stocking. Instead of covering anything – it accentuated her naked breasts – and gave her a whorish wanton look. The skirt was this school girl stripper look – not really covering neither her ass nor her pussy. The little white g-string – wedged between her pussy lips – completed the look. Whatever little material the g-string had was now soaking wet and transparent.

“Follow me”… said Molly and led Megan to the back of the store – where a small crowd gathered waiting for Mistress Molly’s presentation. It was probably 10 people there. Molly led Megan by the chain hanging of the nipple clamps. She tugged on the chain once every few steps – causing Megan to yelp and jump forward. The little crowd parted letting them through to the front.

“Everyone – please have a seat – get comfortable. My name is Mistress Molly. Thank you all for coming. Today, we are going to go over some beginner BDSM techniques that everyone can use in their bedroom to add a little spice. I also want to thank Lauren for letting us use her wonderful store. “… Molly raised and clapped her hands a few times – directing them to Lauren – who stood in the back.

“Everyone is probably wondering who this is” – Molly turned her head to look at Megan and smiled.

“This is Megan. She is going to be our submissive model today. It is her first day working here, actually. She is on probation until she able to shed all those inhibitions they teach us throughout our lives… she needs to learn to be comfortable and see her sexuality as a strength”…. while speaking, Molly moved closer to Megan, and proceeded to gently remove the nipple clamps. First freeing one nipple and then the other. Megan gasped as each of her nipples was freed. Her nipples got instantly rock hard as the blood rushed back in.

“I want to thank Megan for being our submissive model and helping us with this presentation” continued Molly… “Lets give her round of applause”…

After the applause died down… Molly continued “One very important thing to know about BDSM is that its consensual. This is fantasy. It is not reality. Megan is relinquishing power to me in our shared fantasy. It is based on mutual trust, respect and safety. Megan is as powerful in this dynamic as I am. ”

“Ok – now let’s have some fun. “… Molly moved her hand to gently cup Megan’s breast through the fishnet top… then her fingers moved slowly… circling Megan’s hard nipple… and then more suddenly took hold of the tip of the nipple… and started to gently twist and pull… “Megan – please tell everyone who you are”… Molly twisted the nipple harder… causing Megan to loudly yelp and blurt out. ”I am a submissive slut”

Megan couldn’t believe she said that. It just came out. She just blurted it out. She was sure she wasn’t a submissive slut – but right now she was just so horny – her pussy completely in the driving seat.

Molly continued as if what Megan said was perfectly normal. She let go of the nipple… “first we will have Megan do a common position for submissive. It’s called Presenting. Megan… put your hands behind your head… and push your chest out. ”

Megan did as she was told… literally putting her tits on even more of a display.

“Very good… and now legs shoulder length apart…” continued Molly

Megan moved her legs as instructed… causing the kegel balls to slide out of her pussy… and fall to the floor – making a loud noise as the hard ball hit the wooden floor.

It took a moment for everyone to register what happened – and then everyone started laughing. Megan was mortified, turning red. But, she kept her hands behind her head and legs apart as instructed – frozen in place and utterly humiliated. To make things worse, she felt herself getting even more turned on and wet.

Molly took a few moments to let the crowd have their laugh and to watch Megan squirm and turn red.

“Meg, Meg… what are we going to do with you. What a horny slutty girl you are. Your needy pussy is empty now. tsk tsk…. we can actually use this opportunity to learn about the role punishment has in a BDSM relationship. Punishment is not necessarily a bad thing. It is a form of its own reward – as the submissive craves the sensation, the attention and the associated humiliation. Please everyone quite down… and observe.”

Molly stepped closer to Megan. “Megan… how does it feel… having everyone here see that toy slip out of your wet cunt. ”

“It is so humiliating” whispered Megan

“Are you craving more?”

“yes” answered Megan mortified at her answer.

Molly turned to the audience… “and now I will demonstrate punishment. ”

Molly turned back to Megan… “Megan you’ve been a very bad girl… a very horny, very slutty girl… not able to control your needy cunt. Having all these nice people see this dirty display. You need to be taught a proper lesson – how to be a good girl.”

Molly stepped a little closer to Megan… and while watching her eyes… she pulled the skirt… ripping the velcro skirt open “… we won’t need that…. it will only get in the way”… and Molly threw the skirt to the side. Although the skirt wasn’t really covering much – it still gave Megan some feeling of being dressed. She was now almost naked standing in front of a crowd of people – all of them attentively watching her every move. Her tits were on display through the whorish fishnet top… and the tiny g-string wasn’t exactly covering anything either.

“Megan… come over here – and bend over this chair… put your arms on the chair seat… and legs wide apart”

Megan did as she was told. Her display was obscene – regardless of which side you looked. If you looked from the front… Megan’s breasts were hanging over the chair… and from the back – with her legs wide apart, and her ass up, and the g-string lost between her ass and pussy lips – she was showing everything. Everyone could also clearly see how wet and turned on she was.

“This is a great beginner spanking position. You want to spank with an open palm – with a sliding motion… you’re looking for that clean loud spank sound. Like that. ” and Molly gave Megan’s ass a nice loud spank causing Megan’s body to jerk, and her tits to swing wildly.

Molly gave Megan a few more loud spanks – moving between cheeks.

“ok – everyone please line up – and we will have everyone do a few practice spanks to get a hang of it. ”

Megan couldn’t believe what was happening. Random strangers will spank her bare ass – and not only is she letting this happen, but she is actually getting more and more turned on by it. “fuck I am so horny” thought Megan

After everyone had a chance, both ass cheeks were bright red.

“Everyone – let’s tell Megan what a great girl she is ”

People in the audience yelled out various dirty comments – like about Megans holes and how they can be used, what a horny slut she is… and how they would love to get a piece of her for themselves.

“Megan… please thank everyone for spanking your ass and making your needy pussy leak even more. ”

“Thank you… for spanking me for being such a horny and dirty girl and making my pussy leak” Megan responded.

“Great… so that was a lot of fun. Next in the agenda, I want to discuss the role of marking your sub – literally writing on your sub. You can brand them as belonging to you – or write descriptive things on them. This is very psychologically internalized by the submissive – they are owned, their worth is defined, and their self-image is described on their very skin. It’s deeply humiliating and reinforcement of that submissive fantasy persona. ”

Molly turned and spoke to Megan… “please take off your top. It will get in the way of writing on your tits. ”

“It’s not like the fishnet covered anything – I am basically already topless” reasoned Megan to herself… she removed the fishnet top… and threw it in the same direction as the skirt. Megan was left in just her tiny g-string thong and her high heel stripper shoes. She faced the audience… waiting apprehensively for what Mistress Molly planned for her.

Molly picked up a pink marker from a side table… and then addressing the audience… “so who has some ideas for what we can write.”

The audience got really into the name calling and dirty words… yells of “slut”, “whore”, “cunt”, “free-use”, “use-me”, “submissive slut”, “free holes”, “needy pussy”… then people started getting more creative “humiliate to make wet… and draw an arrow to her cunt” yelled one girl… “spank for reward on her ass cheek”… yelled someone else.

Megan stood facing the audience mortified and bright red – as everyone really got into the mood of dirty talking and name calling her.

“I love all this energy” addressed Molly to the audience… “but this is a beginner presentation and first time for Meg here. so, lets do a few simple things. ”

Molly turned to Megan. “I am going to write slut just above your pussy”… and proceeded to do it. When she finished, she stepped back a little to admire her work. “Perfect. Ok – so one thing that I need to tell you. This is a special marker that’s sold here. It won’t really wash off – but should disappear by itself in a few days maybe a week, not sure”… said Molly smiling.

“Ok – lets move to the next topic in our presentation. Megan please take off your panties and also your stripper shoes. ”

It took Megan a few moments to realize what Molly asked. She wasn’t a virgin, but the lights were always off when she had sex with her boyfriends. But, this was crazy. She was in front of a room full of people – in full bright lights – and she will be completely naked. She felt her body betraying her. She couldn’t believe she would go through with it… but just as her mind was processing it all… she realized her hands were already moving… her pussy in charge… she was going to do it… and she wanted it. She stripped off her stripper shoes first. Next was the big moment of reveal. “I suppose I am already basically naked” rationalized Megan to herself. “This thong is worse than being naked.”… each hand on her hips holding on to the thong string… she was ready to pull it down… she started slowly… moving the string down past her hips. She realized that moving slowly wasn’t going to work. The panties were lodged in her ass and pussy. Megan gave the strings a strong tug… dislodging the panties from her pussy… and finally sliding them down her legs and off. The panties went into the little pile with her skirt and top.

Megan stood hesitantly in front of the audience – completely naked… all their eyes on her. She was afraid to make eye contact with anyone – but she noticed most eyes were focused on her body – some clearly watching her breasts – others staring lower… focusing on her pussy. She could feel her pussy moistening… her lips opening – needing something to wrap.

Megan got jerked out of her daydream by a sudden slap against her tit by a riding crop. Molly was holding the riding crop… “Presentation position… NOW… arms behind your head… legs open”

Megan jumped into position – not wanting another slap by the riding crop.

Molly turned to the audience… “this is a riding crop… and please take notice of this little leather flap at the tip. It is very good for training your submissive – as you can slap precise areas. “… Molly moved the riding crop – letting it glide across Megan’s tits… and then let the leather tip slide down Megan’s hard nipple. Megan held her breath – waiting for the slap.

Molly smiled… “you can see how the submissive is anxious of the crop – but also craves it. The sensation of the pain turned into pleasure – multiplying the affect.”

As Molly was speaking, Megan’s mind was on the crop. The tip of it starting to move lower down her body… gliding down… slowly, methodically. Molly was smiling. Everyone in the audience held their breath… watching the tip of the crop top move lower and lower.

“The submissive like the dominant are seekers of pleasure but they derive pleasure in different ways.”… the riding crop slide across Megan’s pussy… her juices smearing on the leather tip. Megan sucked in her breath… no longer certain whether she was dreading it or desperate for it. Molly moved the crop between Megan’s legs… and let the long handle move between her pussy lips. The textured contours sliding back and forth… sometimes Molly would almost totally move the riding crop out of her pussy… and then push it back through… Megan felt her body reacting… trying to meet the riding crop… grinding herself against it… trying to get more friction. It was at that point, when Molly decided to pull the crop all the way out… and then lightly slap Megan directly on her pussy with the riding crop.

Megan moaned loudly – from the surprise and the sensation.

“And this concludes our beginner BDSM presentation”… said Molly laughing.

“I want to thank everyone who attended, and please don’t forget to buy some toys for yourself and loved ones at this wonderful store. And lets give Megan a round of applause for being such a good submissive model. “… Megan, her orgasm denied,… just stood there not sure what to do – keeping her legs open and arms behind her head – showing everything.

The audience started moving around – a few people moved to Molly to ask her some specific questions, others went browsing through the store. Megan just stood there – forgotten.

“Megan you were wonderful. I am so proud. “.. Lauren approached Megan. “Relax honey. You can put your arms down. The presentation is over. This task is successfully completed. ”

Megan somehow felt proud but also really, really horny. Lauren was completely dressed, and here she was completely naked – and worse – her nipples rock hard… pussy leaking… she just needed to get off so bad.

“Megan… you can go home now. This is good for your first day. Tomorrow – I have you down for the late afternoon shift – so you can sleep in and enjoy your morning. I think you need some sleep honey. Just two small items I need to go over with you.”

“First, this is important, no masturbation. I know you really need it right now. But this is an important element to push you through those barriers that were built up over the years. You can’t cheat – I will immediately know tomorrow if you did it or not. It’s very easy to tell. So – no masturbation unless I approve. Understand.”

Megan couldn’t believe what she heard. The one thing she was desperately looking forward to… “ok” Megan managed to reply.

“Very good. Next item I need to discuss with you is a homework assignment. This will count as another task. Before you start your shift tomorrow, you will need to watch one hour of porn. You can pick whatever porn you like. But, you need to write down the plot / scenes as they occur – but do it from first person perspective. For example, lets say the girl is getting a hard fucking in her ass from a group of black men – what I want you to write – is that – I am getting a hard fucking in my ass from a group of black men. So – just watch about one hour of porn – and write it all down and then hand in the written paper. This is just like in school – you did those book reviews just with porn. Ok dear – you’re done for the day. Your skirt and shirt are in my office – but I had to throw out your bra and panties – it would be a crime to wear them. “


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