Mermaiden and Puss by katie shields

Mermaiden and Puss by katie shields

She wasn’t there last time I went to the cove.

That was two days ago.

I hope she’s there today.

I had swum from the deep water, from where my home is, up towards the island.

Now I was swimming up a steep incline that would soon level out to become the shore of the island.

The sun was bright and different pebbles in the sand sparkled as I swam over them.

I was not used to such brightness.

I was usually much deeper where the water was dark and green.

It wasn’t uncomfortable.

Just different.

It illuminated everything; made everything and its color so vivid and vibrant.

Soon, I reached the point where land and water met.

My breasts and belly pressed against the sand as I lifted my head up above the surface.

Everything was very bright and clear.

There was a beach of white sand that gave way to tall grass that was being tossed in the wind.

Trees that bent back and forth in the wind grew on the edge of the white beach and beyond to the cliff edge.

A small mountain, or a very large formation of rocks, sat in the middle of the island.

From here I could only see one face of the rock, but behind I knew there were numerous inlets and alcoves that cut into the island.

Were the island submerged it would take about two minutes to swim across it.

This small island was the only land in this part of the ocean.

Above the surface, I ran a hand through my wet, blue hair.

I loved the way it felt in the dry air.

Through the gills on my neck I inhaled a small amount of air.

I exhaled it quickly.

I loved the cold chill that ran through my chest.

I went back underwater and took a large breath then started my way around the island.

As I swam I reached my hand down past my belly, between my two small fins, where my blue scales get soft and form a slit.

I spread these soft scales to feel the warm flesh underneath.

I ran my finger up the soft skin, over my hole and then my peehole.

The slightest amount of stimulation from my finger and the water made my belly, tail and everything in-between tingle.

I was very anxious, today.

Again, I hoped she would be there this time.

I pulled my hand away; the soft scales replaced themselves over the sensitive skin.

As I slowly pushed my tail up and down, gliding through the water, I crossed my arms and cupped my breasts tightly.

I liked to swim like this when I was alone.

On the other side of the island now, I found the narrow waterway.

I began to swim up it, through shallower water, into the island.

At some points in the shallow water my breasts, which floated free now, dragged against the sand.

On my left was a low bank.

The grass leaned out over the narrow waterpath.

On my right was a dense line of ferns along the bank and the steep rock cliff rose just after those.

At the end of the waterpath was a small wall of stone that reached just under the top of the water.

I peeked over it, the top of my head above the water.

Here it dropped to create a basin of rock that was a small pond.

This pond was in a shady grove in the exact middle of the island.

The tall trees cast a shade over most of the grove, but the sun still shone through plenty enough to cast a glow.

The meadow was enclosed by the steep rocks making it very calm and quiet, sheltered from the wind that swept across the outside of the island.

On one side of the pond was a small bank of sand, darker sand than the white sand of the island’s beach.

The rest of the pond was enclosed by dirt and rock ledges with meadow grass on top or by tall rock faces that were the sides of the cliffs.

I dove down into the pond and scanned the bottom for her.

Tall, green plants grew on the bottom out of the sand.

Many stones of different sizes, shapes and colors were scattered on the bottom.

The colors almost seemed too varied to be natural.

Perhaps they weren’t.

But I didn’t care, I didn’t see her yet.

I felt giddy, with butterflies in my stomach, as they say.

I dove down to the bottom, which wasn’t very deep, and slowly peered down into her cave.

A smile quickly spread across my face.

She was there! There in her little cave at the bottom of the pond, nestled into the rock.

She sat there on the sandy bottom of her cave with her tentacles wrapped around a very green rock, playing with it apparently.

“Hello!” I said happily to the mother octopus.

She turned and saw me and was happy too.

She dropped the rock and began to crawl towards me.

“Where were you last time, Mamma? I missed you.

” I extended my hand towards her.

She reached out with her tentacles and touched, she didn’t grab, but touched my hand.

The feeling of her soft tentacles excited me.

She was a relatively large octopus, a cool hue of blue with green and purple spots about her body.

Her eyes were large and very green with black and blue dots.

I could tell she was very happy to see me.

I gently pulled my arm back.

“Come with me,” I whispered with a smile.

I turned and slowly began to swim up towards the sandy bank.

I watched her as I swam up.

She crawled along the sandy bottom and then kicked all her tentacles at once to follow me upwards.

I swam up to the bank and lied down in the sand.

I propped myself up on my elbows and braced myself as I watched her swim towards me.

My hole was wet for attention.

I could faintly smell the scent of it in the water.

It would soon fill the water, especially in this small pond.

The Mamma octopus landed just a few feet below me on the sandy bank, raising a small cloud of sand.

Surely she smelt me too.

She slowly started to crawl towards me.

She always did it the same way from this point.

I gently brushed my tail up and down as she reached out for it.

She touched it with her tentacles then spread them over the fin of my tail as she pulled herself up.

Her soft tentacles massaged all over as she crawled her way up my tail.

She usually went straight for my hole, with some of my help.

My stomach fluttered more than ever in anticipation.

She reached her tentacles up to my soft scales and probed around between my two small fins, looking for the source of the lovely scent.

I giggled.

I giggled because she was silly and couldn’t find it on her own and at the wonderful sensation of her lovely tentacles rubbing me.

I reached down with one hand and separated my soft scales, pulling the slit wide to expose the warm, dark flesh underneath.

My smell soon become strong in the water as it poured forth from the depth of my hole.

With my other hand I gently grabbed one of her tentacles and placed it so it lay across my soft, exposed skin.

She immediately started to rub around this new, warmer, softer flesh.

I bit my lip and moaned.

“Yes, Mamma.

Right there.

” I watched her as she quickly found my hole and pressed the broad tip of her tentacle into it.

All of her other tentacles moved to the same spot.

She would always try to slither all of them into me at the same time.

I gasped then sighed in pleasure as she began probing all her tentacles into my sensitive skin.

I removed my hand after her first tentacle found the passage inside of me.

She was very good at spreading my slit on her own, once she found it.

Some of her tentacles grabbed around my hole and on my soft scales to pull me wider apart.

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