Mike & Aunt Leia Birthday Surprise by MSABMG,MSABMG

The background to this story comes from my series ‘Mike stays with Aunt Leia’.

My first two months at university could possibly be described as successful on the academic front but highly frustrating in the matters pertaining to my sex life. It was not that I was totally ignoring Aunt Leia’s advice to sow my oats, but my first non-Leia encounter was a disaster. Leia roared with laughter when I told her that the girl, I went with was not even close to being the women Leia was, and frankly sex with her was dull. It was not that the girl did not enjoy it, it was that my heart was not in it.

Aunt Leia thanked me for telling her and told me that she was still enforcing the Mike must sleep with other women rule, before she determines what we should do about our relationship. To her credit, Leia had refrained from sleeping with anyone, although she did give me the sordid details of how she used her sexuality, on occasion, to get her own way.

Again, although I think I understood why Leia was taking this stance with me, it was one of the most frustrating couple of months of my life. I had been really hoping that Leia would come and see me by now, but even though she had business in the city and only lived 30 minutes away, she wanted to give me some space.

Even as my 19th birthday came and went, she apologised and said she would make it up to me next time she saw me. However, it was just after my 19th birthday when things started to change for me at university, in the most unlikely way.

I had been studying an economics module as part of my degree course. The professor asked for volunteers to work with another lecturer on an algorithm-based piece of software that she was testing as part of her final PhD submission. The work was relatively straight forward, and as I was not the best with complex modelling, I decided to put my hand up. Much to my surprise it was only myself and another student who were selected to support the work.

The other student, Heidi, could not start for 2 weeks because of her own assignment, which meant I found myself alone in a back office having an initial look at the software. The lecturer who I would be working for, was named Ella. One of the guys who had been unsuccessful in trying to support the research called me a lucky bastard. I had no idea why until there was a knock on the door of the office and in walked Ella.

I had seen Ella around the university and knew that just about every student that was attracted to women, would be on heat around her. Ella came from an English/French family. Her mum was French and her dad English. The Parisian influence was obvious in the way she dressed, but less obvious with her accent. She regularly dressed in Parisian chic suit jackets, skirts with splits that occasionally gave you a view of her stocking tops.

Of course, how she dressed each day was one thing, but how she looked was something else. Ella had long brown hair, immaculate complexion, sexy brown eyes, and what looked like an ample bust. She had legs that seemed to go on forever. She was smoking hot, but her sensuality was all cool French. She could give you one look and it would melt you.

Ella walked into the room and sat down on a desk opposite me, she crossed her legs which instantly made her skirt ride up. The slit in the side of the skirt seemed to fall perfectly, and I was now at eye level to her stocking tops. I did my best to look up but the lightning bolt reaction in my groin was almost instant and the little brain wanted me to look some more.

Ella smiled and introduced herself, we talked for around 30 minutes about the project and then we went into that kind of small talk where you try to get to know one another. Surprisingly this went for another hour, and we seemed to hit off. It ended abruptly when Ella looked at the time, like me she was slightly aghast at how much time we spent talking and quickly set me some outcomes for the project before leaving.

That night I could not get Ella out of my head, the stocking tops were almost a constant visual in my brain, and my cock would not let me forget it. I decided to ring Leia and see whether she would help me get off….

Leia answered the phone straight away and we started to talk to about her day before she moved on to mine and then I told her about Ella.

“Oh, fuck Mike, I bet that got you hard.” There was no jealousy in Leia’s voice, but she wanted to know all the details.

“I really need to see you Leia,” I pleaded.

“I told you, not until I think you have got it out of your system and have had time to experience other women Mike.”

“I don’t want anyone else,” I said, already knowing it was not going to change anything.

“You know how I am going to answer that Mike,” Leia responded.

“I know,” I must have sounded disappointed.

As I mentioned in my previous stories Leia could flick a switch on in a man’s body almost instantly, “I am naked Mike.”

My cock suddenly stood up, as all the memories of my summer with Aunt Leia came flooding back.

“Bet that got your attention?” she laughed.

“My cock certainly did,” I laughed back.

“Why don’t you start stroking it for me Mike?”

“I am,” I responded.

“I have my hands in between my legs Mike, I am gently playing with my myself and squeezing one of my nipples,” I could hear Leia’s voice change.

I told her that my balls were full of cum because of the lack of action, and I really wanted to feel my cock inside of her again.

“Well fuck me on the phone, Mike,” Leia responded.

“Fuck me hard, Mike,” I could tell this was going to be quick.

“Speed it up Mike, tug hard on your cock,” Leia was in charge, and I knew she was close.

“I am pulling on it as hard and fast as I can,” I said.

“I am going to cum Mike, cum with me. Jerk that cock as quick as you can.”

Leia was already screaming down the phone as the orgasm grabbed her.

Her next words made me cum, “Pretend you are bending Ella over her desk and fucking her Mike, pretend that your hands are rubbing the tops of her stockings.”

I lost it as strings of cum exploded from my cock under immense pressure. One stream shot so high it hit me on the neck.

I really missed Leia and although I enjoyed the dirty talk it left me feeling unsatisfied.

Leia laughed, “Keep me updated on this girl Ella, Mike, and hopefully we will see each other soon.”

Her last words were, “Call me tomorrow, big kiss.”

This was one of the first times things got sexual on the phone with Leia and I was to later find out that she thought I was close to completing the journey, but she wanted me to continue on…

Over the next couple of weeks, I found myself spending more time with Ella after lectures, sometimes alone and sometimes with Heidi. During the times that Ella and I were alone we were expanding the conversation from the project to our private lives. Ella told me that she had a French boyfriend, but they were both in an open relationship due to the distance apart. She was open about the way she felt about the arrangement, but I had no indication that she may be looking for anything else rather than a professional relationship. It was clear though, she and her boyfriend were using phone sex to great effect.

As time moved on, the nights seemed to get longer, due to Ella’s pending research submission date. Ella thanked me repeatedly for helping with the research project. To be honest I was getting a lot out of it academically, and the glimpses I was getting of long stocking legs and even the occasional down blouse, made up for it.

One night the inevitable happened and Ella, brought up the question of whether I was dating. If you have already read my stories about my summer stay with Aunt Leia, you would know that this is a complicated road for me to go down. That said, I left off the word Aunt (she isn’t my real Aunt anyway) and I began to tell her all about my summer.

Ella, literally let out a huge gasp of air when I finished telling her all the details.

“Wow Mike, that is some summer, she sounds really hot but how do you feel about the situation now?”

“Frustrated, Ella, frustrated,” I smiled.

I could see Ella stare off into the distance, she once again crossed and uncrossed her legs giving me an almost perfect view of the stocking tops. She inadvertently put her hand up to her breast, I was sure she caressed it gently before snapping back into the moment.

“Penny for those thoughts,” I said.

Ella winked, “Got a little steamy hearing about your summer.”

A couple of days later, Ella was tasked with filling in for our Economics professor as he was away on a course. It was during this lecture that I realised that she was not only beautiful, dressed extremely chic/sexy but was also extremely intelligent on all matters pertaining to financial modelling. The other absolute fact though, was every man in that room could not take their eyes off her.

Ella thought nothing of sitting on her desk to deliver the lecture; legs crossed and stocking tops visible. Her white blouse had a couple of buttons undone and her suit jacket barely helped cover any visible cleavage. I am not sure how anyone could concentrate. Had it not been for the professionalism in the way she delivered, it would have been almost inappropriate for those with highly charged hormones. In short, she was hot and sensual. I am sure most of the guys would be struggling to keep their trousers in check.

I told Leia everything about Ella and to my surprise our conversations started getting more and more explicit, to the point where Leia was almost instructing me on how she would like me to fuck Ella. In calmer moments, I would tell Leia that I really did not want to go behind her back, it felt wrong. Leia again warned me that a relationship with her could not begin until I got it out of my system. She did not want another relationship like she had with Tony. Tonys roaming ways were obviously still playing on her mind.

I was working late one evening in the office allocated for the research. I had only finished in the gym an hour earlier; I had showered changed and wanted to catch up on some work before leaving. Ella told me she would join me after she finished doing a few lengths in the university pool. I was tempted to join her just to see what she looked like in a swimsuit.

Ella walked into the office about 30 mins after I had started, her hair was still wet, so she had pulled it back into a ponytail, but she had gone to the trouble of applying make-up and ensuring she looked her normal immaculate self. If anything, the wet hair pulled back made her look even more the icon of Parisian chic.

“Mike, can I ask you a slightly awkward question?”

“Yes sure,” I replied.

“In the lecture today, I felt that a large group of students were in some sort of daydream. I was not too sure they were really taking in what I was saying, does that make sense?”

“I think they all took it in,” I replied honestly.

“Is something else going on with them?” she replied.

I thought for a little bit on how I should answer that question, but thought some truth here might not hurt, “Well your lectures are really interesting and totally delivered professionally. The issue is that 95% of our other academics are old men!”

“What’s that got to do with it?” she responded.

“Well please don’t take this the wrong way but you are stunning Ella, and you dress so well. It’s a little distracting but perfectly normal,” I said.

I saw Ella blush and then look down at her skirt which had once again ridden up and revealed her stocking tops. “I see what you mean,” she looked slightly perplexed, “Maybe I should dress differently?”

I needed to rescue the situation for every red-blooded man and quickly told her she should not change a thing. I thought to myself that I did not want to be the guy that destroyed the visual distraction for everyone else.

“Do you get distracted by this Mike?” The words hit me like a lightning bolt.

I knew that my confidence in these situations was now high, and I had nothing to lose; Leia had made me that confident man.

“I told you, I am frustrated and…. well, I am only human,” I smiled.

Ella cleared her throat; she uncrossed her legs and then crossed them again. She then smiled, “I noticed where your eyes were looking when I first met you.”

I could feel my cock thickening as the situation was obviously getting charged.

“Like I said I am only human,” I did not get to finish my sentence she quickly got down from the desk and walked over to me.

She gently kissed me on the lips and then whispered, “Is it the stockings doing it for you?”

I reached over and touched the outside of her leg just above her knee. I slowly slid my hand up her long leg, taking advantage of the slit in her skirt. I found myself tracing my fingers around the stocking tops, before daring to go a little higher. I felt her cool skin between the stocking top and the side of her thigh. I went a little higher and caressed the top of her thigh and then moved my hand across her tight buttock. It was clear she worked out, as her ass was tight to the touch. I then felt the tiniest of g strings, barely covering her but all the sexier to feel an almost naked backside. She was passionately kissing me before pulling away.

“I am so sorry Mike, I shouldn’t have done that, we have rules around these things.”

“I need a cold shower,” Were the only words I found in response.

Her skirt was still lifted where I had been caressing her, this left the front of her leg exposed and I could just make out a barely covered shaved pussy. She looked down and adjusted herself.

“We need to forget this happened Mike,” she said.

“We might need to wait a while for me to truly get that vision out of my head,” I responded.

She looked down at my bulging trousers. “Shit, I am sorry to add to your frustrations Mike.”

She did not stop looking at my groin. I decided to try and push it a little further.

“If it’s okay, I need to adjust myself,” I said, as my confidence once again took over.

“Of course,” she answered.

I honestly thought she would turn her back, but this situation was going to get even more erotic. I was not wearing any underwear, as I forgot to pack a spare pair to change into, after I had showered. I had decided to go commando. It was why my cock was so visible through the trousers. I decided not to tell her that I was not wearing any underwear, it was up to her whether she turned around. I was also not sure whether she realised that I was not going to do this discreetly.

I stood up, she was still watching. I undid my belt and the top button of my trousers, Ella seemed to just stare. I was looking at her in the eye. I pulled my zip down, and then my cock sprang out like a jack in the box.

“Oh fuck,” she said involuntary, I genuinely believe that she did not expect me to not be wearing any underwear.

“Oh sorry, I forgot I was commando,” I lied.

I grabbed my cock and held it out front and then made a slightly bigger deal of trying to tuck it back in.

I then adjusted my cock back into the left side of my trousers in the most comfortable way for me, but one in which the bulge would remain very visible.

“I am sorry I did that Mike,” She was apologising!

I looked down and could see the clear outline of my cock in my trousers.

“It was my pleasure,” I said smiling.

We probably worked for around 15 more minutes before we departed, it was all slightly awkward and nothing more was said.

“I am going to cum Mike,” Leia was breathing heavily down the phone. I had just told her what happened between Ella and me.

“You have to fuck her Mike, you need to get it out of your system,” Leia now sounded frantic.

Her last words were music to my ears, right before she orgasmed, “I need to see you soon, FUCK, FUCK, yes……”

I chatted to Leia for around 20 minutes after that, trying to convince her that I did not need to fuck Ella at all, I wanted to be with her. She was adamant that it needed to happen. I tried to protest and even mentioned that Ella might not allow it to happen. It was to no avail, Leia viewed it as the final right of passage before our relationship could properly begin.

The next week went largely without incident, I completed 2 more sessions with Ella who had dressed a lot more conservative. This was noted by a lot of disappointed guys in the lecture hall. We made small talk during our after-hours work but nothing that would overstep the line. I remember feeling slightly disappointed at the time, but always remember the words of my old friend Jeremy, “Have patience Mike it will either work out the way you want it to or not. If you need to push it a little then do so, but be careful to not push too hard.”

Time seemed to fly, and we were soon into our last week of the research work. The week was frenetic as it usually is as a deadline approaches. Ella was still her usual cool self, but I could sense that she was now 100% focussed in getting her PhD submission finalised. I remained very patient when it came to matters of flirting.

Friday evening was set aside for a final proof check. We had already checked the data and the supporting evidence a thousand times. Heidi had acted as a new set of eyes, as she had committed less time to support the project because of her own studies. To be fair she had valuable input that completed the submission perfectly.

I had not thought much about it, but Ella had dressed back in her usual sexy French chic attire on the Friday. Most of the guys, were talking about it, but I had guessed that as the submission time was at 11pm, she might be going out to celebrate afterwards.

I had done a quick workout before this final session and for some reason thought it would be fun to leave the underwear off after I had showered and redressed. It was Friday evening, and the university was very quiet as everyone had left for the weekend.

Ella had gone for her usual swim before joining me in the office. To my surprise she had changed into a tighter fitting business suit which had a slightly shorter skirt. She sat down on the desk in front of me, crossed her legs and this time the skirt was so short that it slid up beyond the stocking top. I could make out the round beginning of her tight ass. I swear I could just make out her panties, or was that bare skin, it was hard to tell. Speaking of hard, I was rock solid at that sight.

“Thanks for all your support, Mike, I have no idea how I would have got through the last month without you.”

“My pleasure,” I offered back.

“I have a small gift for you Mike,” I hope you don’t mind.

Ella presented a bottle of expensive whiskey and a card.

“Well come and get it,” She smiled.

I had a problem; my cock was bulging in my trousers, and it was going to be clearly visible. I smiled, stood up and walked across. I could feel the pressure of my cock on the right side of my trousers as it tried to escape.

Leia instantly looked down and then tried to avert her eyes. I took the bottle and the card and then quickly sat down on my desk in front of her.

I was hoping by perching on the edge of the desk, it would help with the problem. I could clearly see the outline of the bulge in my trousers as I was opening the card. My cock was literally pulsing against the material. Part of me also thought it was slightly invigorating and possible payback for all the times I had seen Leia cross and uncross those legs.

Ella wrote some lovely words in the card. I looked across at her and she once again was staring at my bulge. She was still in the same position; skirt was very high and stocking tops and most of her upper thigh visible. She then unwittingly started a chain reaction; she uncrossed her legs and then crossed them again.

It was as she uncrossed her legs that I got a flash of an uncovered pussy, perfectly shave with a tiny landing strip just above it. She caught me looking and my cock, which she was staring at, twitched wildly in my trousers.

“Fuck,” I said involuntary.

She was still looking at my bulge. I made some lame excuse that I really need to adjust myself again. She said nothing.

This was going to be a very bold move.

I undid my belt, unbuttoned my trousers and slowly let the zip come down. This time I slowed it all right down and gently released my cock. I made a small deal of struggling to get it out of pants but then held it for a few seconds. It was rock hard and even for me looked impressive. I was not sure what to do next.

“It’s a relief that it is free,” Was all I could say.

Ella walked over from the desk, her skirt was now almost around her waist, I could see her long stocking clad legs all the way to the top, and there glistening at me was her pussy, just visible at the bottom of the skirt.

I let my trousers drop, Ella grabbed my shirt and pulled me towards her. She kissed me hard; my cock was pressing against the inside of her stocking clad thigh. She moved it so it was gently rubbing on the outside of her pussy, I could feel her juices lubricating the head of my cock.

I wanted to see her breasts and quickly began opening her blouse just in case she decided to back out again. I was in luck as she had a front clasp on her bra, I sprang it open and two perfect round breasts sprang out to be greeted by my hands, they felt perfect.

Ella now looked like every student would have wished they could have seen her. Her blouse was open, her round breasts fully visible, nipples erect, and her skirt was pulled up to reveal her other charms. She opened my shirt, I slid of my trousers, and in less than a few moments, I felt my cock engorge her pussy.

She slid up and down on my cock slowly at first as the angle was not so good. I then stood up and moved her across to the large desk, sat her down on the edge and then found the best angle to ease my cock in and out of her.

“Fuck Mike, that’s good, right there,” she said.

“I have wanted to fuck you since the moment I met you,” I responded.

“I wanted to fuck you the other day,” she said. “Sometimes I am too sensible,” she added.

We were lucky it was late in the evening, on a Friday, or we would have been heard. The room was booked out though; therefore, no one would suspect anything unless they burst in, which was highly unlikely. Ella had told me she had locked the door and put the sound recording sign on the outside of the door. This meant no entry to all that new how the lab worked. It also meant she knew exactly what she wanted to do.

It felt slightly naughty to be in this room, in the university, almost naked, and it added to the moment.

Ella whispered in my ear, “You have been wanting to do this for some time Mike?”

“Oh yes,” Was all I could muster.

“You wanted to fuck your professor, is that it,” she added.

I have to admit she knew how to turn a guy on.

“Fuck yeh, I always wanted to fuck you on the desk.” Again, not the best response.

“I always wanted to bend you over and fuck you from behind,” I added.

She almost immediately got off the desk, smiled, and bent over, she spread her legs and held her ass in the air. It was an incredible sight to see just how fucking tight her ass was.

I gave it a playful spank.

“hmmm do that again,” she responded.

I spanked her again slightly harder.

“One more time,” she said seductively.

I spanked her again and she wiggled her ass.

“Now fuck me hard!”

I moved the tip of my hard cock into her pussy and began sliding it in and out. I reached around and grabbed one of her round breasts and needed on her nipple. I was able to do this with ease as the desk was a perfect height. She had longer hair then Leia and I gently caressed it but she wanted me to grab it so she could bring her lips to mine.

It was an amazing feeling as my cock was now hammering into her as she tried to move in time to the pumping, she moved her knee up to the table which enabled me to get an even better hold of her breast. I was also able to gently pull on her hair to raise her head towards mine, so she could dart her tongue in and out of my mouth. I sensed she liked her sex a little rough at times, as she asked me to pull her hair slightly harder.

At this point I realised it was not just me thrusting, but Ella was now driving herself on me like my cock was the only thing that mattered to her. I could feel her working up to an orgasm. She now lowered her head, I let go of her hair and grabbed her ass.

Ella was clearly as sexually frustrated as I was.

I was now trying to drive my cock into her in time to her moving back and forwards on to me. She was now reaching back through her legs touching her own pussy and gently caressing my balls. I felt her twitch, and then tried my very best to hold back my load until she began to cum.

Her juices were immense, she was so wet; I heard the inevitable hushed moan begin and felt her body begin to twitch as it climaxed. My cock was now more than ready to cum as her juices were running down my cock and pleasantly dripping onto my balls.

Ella was now in the throes of an intense orgasm, and I was all but ready to burst my load into her.

Just as I was about to cum, I let her know, what was about to happen.

“Don’t cum in my pussy Mike, I want you to have a picture of me that that you will never forget,” Ella said as her orgasm subsided.

She quickly slid out of me, went down on to her knees, looked up at me and wrapped her lips around the head of my cock. I started to cum immediately, and it was a huge amount. She swallowed the first load, without even blinking. The second started to run out of her mouth, the third string of cum, went onto her face and the fourth shot dribbled on to her right nipple. She smiled and licked her lips. She lifted her right nipple to her mouth and gently licked it off.

Because we were in the university, we seemed to both quickly come to our senses. We were both spent but had presence of mind to quickly clean up and get dressed.

Ella looked at me, “There was never any work to do here tonight, Mike, that was your gift from me.”

We did not realise how lucky we were, as about 15 mins later as we locked the office a security guard came by doing his inspections.

“All finished for the evening, Miss Ella,” the security guard said.

“Totally finished for the evening,” Ella smiled at him.

We both walked away and smirked, knowing that had he been 30 minutes earlier, our world might have fallen in.

Of course, I had to tell Leia what had happened between Ella and me. Leia had yet another orgasm, whilst I was on the phone to her. I really did not know what would happen next and if I had finally passed her test.

The very next night, I was finalising an assignment with a friend at my apartment, we both celebrated as we hit the submission button.

“That’s it,” I said, “Fancy a beer?”

Peter smiled, “Sure but just one, my girlfriend has just turned up at my place and I do not want to keep her waiting.”

I was a little disappointed, as I knew that meant I would spend another night in on my own. I was looking forward to calling Leia again, but the calls were always over far too quickly.

Just as Peter got up to leave, I heard keys turning in my front door lock. Peter looked at me inquisitively and said, “Who has keys to your apartment?”

I thought for a minute, and then my heart started beating a little faster, my cock literally perked up as I quickly realised it could only be Leia.

The door swung open, “Surprise!”

Leia was dressed in a winter mac, black in colour, I could see her black stocking legs below the hem of the short length jacket, and she was wearing high heel shoes. Leia had pulled her blonde her back, her skin was glowing, and her blue eyes were sparkling.

I saw Peters jaw hang open; Leia was that stunning.

“Hello who are you,” Leia looked at Peter and then at me slightly confused.

“I am Peter, Mikes friend, we have just submitted our assignment,” were Peters first words, he was almost stammering.

“Peter was just leaving, his girlfriend is waiting for him,” It sounded a little harsh but was true.

Leia looked at Peter, smiled and said, “Have fun!”

Peter regained his composure and laughed, “You guys have fun as well.”

Peter left and Leia reached out and gave me a hug.

“You didn’t say you were coming,” I said.

“I wanted to surprise you, a very late birthday surprise. I did send a last-minute text though, you know to make sure you kick out any university girls,” Leia laughed.

“Ah, my phone is on silent, as we were working on the submission.”

“So, are you surprised?” Leia said.

“Of course,” I was genuine.

“You are not going to be disturbed by anyone else, not Ella?”

“No, I think Ella, is a one-time thing.”

“You think?” Leia was playful but gave me the eye.

“It depends on whether my Aunt Leia thinks I have passed the test,” I replied.

“It was your idea.” I added.

Leia smiled, “I am teasing Mike!”

After 2 months, I was not sure what to do next, I wanted to grab her, kiss her and fuck her.

Leia sensed it in me and gave me a naughty smile. “Where shall I put my bag, Mike?”

I had not noticed her bag, but it was clearly large enough for an overnight stay.

“I would be hoping in my room,” I felt like I was begging her and even though I knew it was obvious, I still had a nagging doubt. It’s probably because Leia is so stunning.

Again, Leia smiled, and quickly went over to the bedroom and threw her bag in a corner.

“Can I take your jacket?” I offered.

“In a minute, tell me more about this girl Ella, all of the details,” Leia was clearly teasing.

I went on to give her a replay of the encounter between Ella and me. This time Leia did not show any emotion and certainly was not giving anything away. It was strange though, as I retold the story my cock was bursting out of my pants.

“So,” said Leia, “You finally fucked someone who would have the potential to be a longer-term partner for you, and you still want to be with me?”

To be fair there could have only been a couple of years at most between Leia and Ella from an age perspective.

“Of course,” I said, “Why on earth do you think I would not want to be with you. I am trying to do everything you ask.”

Leia smiled.

“So, do you want to be with me, because you like the spontaneity Mike, or do you like my other charms, or my high sex drive, or my intellect? Did you like the fact that Ella wears stockings is that what turned you on or was it her charms or intellect.”

I knew I did not need to answer as I could see this was some sort of game.

“I mean did she have stockings like these,” Leia slowly lifted the hem of her mac, and slid it up until the stocking tops were visible. Her legs looked perfect; the stockings were almost too much for a man to cope with.

“Or was it her tits, how perfect were they?” Leia started unbuttoning the front of the mac, I now realised why she had not taken it off when she arrived, she was completely naked underneath, except for the stockings.

She slipped the mac off and let it full to the floor. She stood there naked in her high heels and stockings. Her figure was what most women could only dream of, and men would say was built to fuck. I tried to drink it in again, the perfectly proportioned shape, her perfect skin, and those long legs now covered by delicate stockings, that ended on her upper thigh. Her perfectly shave pussy which always seemed to glisten.

“Mike, you have been so patient sweetie, and I have done my very best to wait for you, so now for your very late birthday surprise I want you too…….”

Leia had been covering part of her stomach with her arm, she let her arm fall by her side. In Lipstick on her stomach, in small writing was written, “Happy Birthday, FUCK ME!”

Leia smile ever so slightly moved her legs apart and I could see her lubricating juices stringing out of that perfect pussy.

I was naked before I even finished walking over to her.

We kissed passionately, tongues entwining in each other’s mouth like long lost lovers had found each other again. We stayed like that for a couple of minutes.

I then moved her over to the breakfast bar stool and propped her up against it. It was the perfect angle to slide my cock into her tight pussy, it really was very tight.

“She let out a gasp, “Oh, it’s been far too long since I have had a cock in there.”

“It feels fucking amazing,” I said.

I looked into her blue eyes and then down her body to her perfect tits, the nipples once again erect and pointing upwards. I looked beyond her flat stomach to her pussy, where my swollen cock was now pumping into her cunt.

“Fuck, I am going to cum Mike,” It’s been too long.

Leia moved her legs wider, and I took the opportunity to grab the top of her stockings near to her ass cheek. This had the effect of raising her ass a little higher which allowed me to go slightly deeper into her pussy. She played with her clit as my cock started pumping a little bit harder.

It was only about a minute later when I could feel her juices literally pouring out over my cock. Her body began to shake as she started to orgasm.

“Faster Mike, fuck yes, harder…. grab my ass, yes, yes..oh fuck. Leia was violently jerking as the orgasm passed.

“Wow you are growing up Mike, no cum yet?” she smiled.

I grabbed her and bent her over the stool, I made sure her ass was pointing upwards and spanked her, “This is for making me fuck other women.” I spanked her again, “and this is for turning up unannounced,” although I was playing it was turning her on.

So I spanked her again, her ass cheeks slightly reddened, “And that is to make sure you know that you can’t fuck me around again.”

Leia turned her head towards me smiled and said, “Yes daddy,” she winked, I almost cum with the look she gave me.

I grabbed my cock and rubbed it into her pussy, I then thrust hard, so hard that Leia gasped. I don’t know what came over me whether it was the frustration that Leia had put me through over the last couple of months or something else, but I was fucking her really hard.

Each thrust would be met by a gasp from Leia. I knew though that she was enjoying me being in control, because her pussy was wetter than ever, and she was trying to push back on my cock as I thrust into her.

“Fuck me hard Mike, I know I have been a bitch,” Leia was now driving so hard that I could tell she was close again.

“Spank me, daddy,” she said.

I was now fucking her so fast that it was like a workout, sweat was literally dripping off me. I grabbed her ass and pinched her, Leia yelped, I then spanked it every time I thrust in…which was clearly a lot.

Rather than tell me to stop, I watched Leia grab one of her own perfectly shaped nipples and give it a squeeze.

“Oh my cunt, I am going to cum again,” she said.

“Cum with me, Mike.”

My balls were now ready to go, and I could not hold on any longer. I grabbed her ass and waited until I could feel her jerking in orgasm again. I then relaxed as she screamed; I let go, and stream after stream of cum entered into her pussy.

I slowly pulled out and even I was surprised about how much cum, and juices leaked out of Leia’s pussy.

She turned back around to face me, “Happy Birthday Mike, but it feels like I got the present.”

A little later we were sat together on the sofa in each other’s arms.

“You seem to be growing up quickly Mike.”

‘It’s only been two months since I last saw you,” I offered.

“No, I mean since the start of the summer,” she said.

“I have you to thank for that,” I smiled.

“So do you really want to start a relationship with me Mike?”

If I am honest this was music to my ears.

“Yes of course,” I said.

Leia looked up at me with her gorgeous blue eyes sparkling, “Good she said, we are now a couple Mike…..hope you can keep up with me.”

She grabbed my cock, which instantaneously went rock hard. She smiled as she looked at it, “Great start,” she said, “Great start,” and she promptly put her lips around it. This was the start of an incredible relationship and I have more stories to share in the future.

Side note, my next story is going to be an up-to-date (recent) story on Mikes old friend Jeremy. Jeremy is still alive and fighting fit. He asked me to write it for him, and it so hot.


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