Money for Sex

An adult stories – Money for Sex by Skippy47,Skippy47 MONEY FOR SEX

Mrs. Edgerton was recognized immediately by the wait staff. She was taken directly to a table and seated. Her dress was awe inspiring and presented her strong points, ass and breasts, to her full advantage. Even younger women were envious. She ordered wine and then prepared to order one of the specials of the day. After testing the wine and accepting it, she sat back to do an inventory of her life.

Malcom had been her husband for most of her adult life. He was a wonderful husband in every respect except fathering children. It bothered him a great deal more than it did her. Periodically, Malcom would apologize to her, sometimes in tears, for not being able to impregnant her. Every time in return, Abigail would assure him that she would rather be his one wife than to have a single child. She truly loved him, and he loved her.

Although Malcom was already well off when he and she were married, his wealth grew very large by the time he died. It was a plane accident that ended their marriage. The plane was his personal jet he used to go back and forth to business meetings so he could avoid staying in hotel rooms. He didn’t want to miss a single night away from his wife, Abagail when he could. She was left with a thriving business and lots of money, but a heart wanting someone to love and to love her.

Abagail had been a major player in the world of philanthropy before Malcom’s death. Once single, she replaced a lot of her time previously spent with Malcom on her charity work. She became the local Queen of Philanthropy. Although charity work replaced a lot of time with Malcom, it did not replace the satisfaction that Malcom provided in love, caring, adult discussions, and physical attention. Her husband was a prolific lover. So far, she had delayed dating anyone. Anyone she dated would have been assumed to be a gold digger. She was seriously considering a male escort.

As she was waiting, Abagail noticed that a young couple were trying to get seated. They were a handsome couple, fit and animated in their pursuit of a table. Abagail motioned her waiter over and told him to ask the couple if they would like to join her rather than wait. After a short discussion, the couple came over to her table.

The man spoke first, “We really appreciate the invitation to join you, ma’am. We are celebrating our engagement and wanted to eat at a special restaurant. I’m Tim Roberts and my fiancé is Cheryl Zander.” By then the wait staff had pulled out the chairs for them to sit down.

“Are you waiting for someone else? Your husband?”

“No. My husband is waiting for me to join him.” She noticed the perplexed look from the couple. “He died in an accident a couple of years ago. He’s waiting for me in Heaven. Don’t worry. I plan to wait until after we eat to join him.” She chuckled at her joke and Tim and Cheryl soon joined in the laughter. “My name is Abagail Collinswood. Pleased to meet you. Is this your first time here?”

“Yes. We could never afford this restaurant except for special occasions. What about you? Are you a regular?”

“I guess you could call me a regular. Since you are new to this establishment, would you allow me to help in the selection of what to eat?”

Cheryl responded, “That would be marvelous. I have been scared to death that I not be able to even read the menu much less choose an entrée.”

“Please trust me. Did you see the three specials on the board?”


“Did you like any of them?”

This time is was Tim who answered. “I liked all three, but each are way out of our budget.”

“Nonsense. Waiter! We will each have one of the specials and extra plates so we can sample each other’s meal.”

Cheryl interjected, “No. I mean we can’t afford that.”

“Don’t worry dear. I’m paying.”

“We can’t let you do that.”

“I insist. I’m an old lady with too much money. Consider this an early wedding present.”

“You’re very generous. I don’t know how to repay you.”

“Provide good conversation. That will be payment enough for me.”

During the meal, the three talked like old friends. Abagail surmised that Tim was less concerned about financial matters than Cheryl. The older woman became more and more interested in Tim. He was very handsome, young, athletic and witty. Just the type of man she had in mind for a temporary lover. Cheryl was short but gorgeous with large breasts and nice derriere. She didn’t seem to have quite the intellectual acuity of her fiancé. Abagail got an idea.

“Cheryl, where are you two planning to go on for your honeymoon?”

“No where, I’m afraid, for now. We plan to wait and have a honeymoon later when we have more money and time. Tim is still in college working on his Masters’. A honeymoon is not in the picture at this time.”

“What if I could make it come true so that you would not have to wait?”

Tim now joined in. “What are you proposing?”

“I propose to pay for a two-week honeymoon for the two of you in Hawaii or wherever you want to go.”

Both of them were astounded. “No, we couldn’t let you do something like that. You don’t even know us.”

“I am not saying that there would not be a price for you to pay. It just won’t be money, though.”

Cheryl inquired, “What would be the price?”

“I am offering you two a spectacular honeymoon in Hawaii in exchange for me to have one week with your husband. And Cheryl, I would give you $10,000 for you to spend while we are gone.” I couldn’t believe I had done it. Then, I only met them tonight and it would not cause me any embarrassment if they turned me down.

Tim chimed in, “No offense, Abagail, but I love Cheryl and I couldn’t cheat on her.”

Before Abagail could answer, Cheryl jumped in, “Tim, not so fast. Just think: two weeks in Hawaii, all expenses paid. Starting our marriage with a trip of a lifetime and $10,000 is worth it.”

“You wouldn’t mind me having sex with another woman?”

“Well, we are only engaged. We’ve both had sex with other people before we got engaged. We can postpone the engagement until after you get back. It’s not like you are going off with some bimbo that you might fall in love with.”

“You are seriously considering I do this?”

“Yes. If you love me, you will never hear any regrets from me.”

“Well, Abigail, it seems you have a sex slave for a week.”



“How do you like the room, Tim?”

“I can’t believe it. The view, the hot tub, the… It’s just astonishing. I just hope that Cheryl’s and my room will be half this nice.”

“Tim, I think it’s time you stopped talking about Cheryl. For the next week, it is Tim and Abigail. I expect to get my money’s worth. Disrobe, please.”

“Okay.” Abigail got wetter and wetter as he showed more and more of his buff physique. At the end, he was sporting a large penis that stuck out proudly. “It looks like you’re interested.”

“I would like it more if you were undressed too.”

Abigail let Tim undress her. He took his time and paused to kiss and lick her as parts of her body became exposed. By the time he reached her feet, she was begging him to fuck her. Tim asked, “Are you wet enough now?”

“Yes. Hell yes,”

Tim laid her on the bed and got on top. “You still have a beautiful body, Abigail.”

“Shut up and fuck me.”

“Yes ma’am.” He lined his penis up and thrust in her.” The sensation was overwhelming to Abigail. “Are you okay?”

“Good and getting better. Move it back and forth.”

Tim soon established a rhythm and Abigail was well on her way to a place not visited in a long time. She climaxed soon and he wasn’t far behind. “Leave it in. I want to feel you getting hard within me.” Tim barely deflated before he began to inflate again.

“You ready to do it again? Oh, the joy of youth.”

After their third time, they took a break. “Tim, you are a fantastic lover. I’ve never had that good of sex ever.”

“You’re great at sex, too, even better than Cheryl.”

“What did I tell you about mentioning her name?”

“Sorry. Sex with you is memorable.”

The rest of the week was full of nice restaurants, beach activities, and sex. Tim remarked every time about ‘never having tried that before’ when Abigail suggested a different position. They both began to regret the ending of the week.

“Abigail, I have had a fabulous time with you. In a lot of ways, I don’t want it to end. Is there any chance we can continue in the future?”

“That wouldn’t be fair to Cheryl, would it? You must be faithful to your new wife. I appreciate that you liked your time with me. I think I have a new favorite memory. I more than got my money’s worth.”

Tim left to go to the airport and greet Cheryl for the beginning of their honeymoon. She never arrived. Several hours later after being unable to reach her by phone, he received a telegram.

“Not coming. Met old boyfriend. Fell back in love. We are getting married. Best wishes, Cheryl. Sorry.”

Abigail’s phone rang. “Hello.”

“Have you left yet?”

“No. I wanted to spend some time relaxing from my vacation. Why? Is something wrong?”

“Cheryl dumped me.”

“Oh my goodness, your poor dear.”

“Maybe not. Abigail, would you consider going out on a date with me?”

“Would it include breakfast?”

“I hope so.”

“You know where I am.” He hung up.

Abigail called her personal secretary. “When you send the money to Cheryl’s old boyfriend, send a $10,000 bonus check for him.”


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