Moulding my Slave Ch. 05 by Kmaster3000,Kmaster3000

Chapter 5

I sat at the table, toying with my drink and glancing at my slave Jennifer over the candle, wondering how I had managed to end up here. Jennifer was wearing a respectable sun dress with a shawl and sensible wedge sandals. Her hair was pulled back in a stylish ponytail and jewellery sparkled in her ears and neckline. She looked at me with sympathy. Her mother, Janet, was over 15 minutes late, which she had assured me was typical of the woman.

Jennifer had told me much about her mother in the planning of our first meeting. Jennifer’s father had left them when she was quite young, and her mother had made efforts to replace him with almost every man she met. At first Jennifer thought it was fun, all of these men bringing her presents and trying to make her like them, but with disappointment after disappointment she started blaming herself for them leaving. Her mother didn’t help, playing the victim every chance she could, then sobbing in her daughters arms when the pain and loneliness became too much. Any other daughter would have gotten angry and resentful, but Jennifer just became more loving and compassionate, realizing that she was the only stability her mother had. Even after she moved out to go to college, they met regularly and she called every week. Of course she had told her mother about the great guy she had met, but she promised that all of the more interesting details of our relationship remained a secret.

“Oh, there she is” Jennifer said, and waived eagerly at the woman who had just entered the restaurant. I looked over at her and saw pretty much what I expected from Jennifer’s descriptions.

Janet walked over to our table, more like strutted, swaying her way around diners and staff alike. She was wearing a white dress, cut just a little too low and too high to be appropriate for the occasion. Her heels were just a little too tall and her earrings a little too large. I had to admit, she filled it out well with large shapely breasts tapering to a not quite thin waist and flaring out to well proportioned hips. The effect was of a good looking early 40’s woman who was trying too hard to pretend she was still in her late 20’s. As she reached the table, I stood to pull out her chair and got a face full of her too strong perfume. As she settled down into her chair, she made sure to look up at me as she offered me a clear view down the top of her dress. I focused on her eyes, making pleasant introductions as I pushed her chair in.

“Jennifer has told me so much about you” she said as we waited for our meals. “I am glad that she has met someone that makes her so happy.”

Jennifer beamed at the praise, but I heard the sharp undertone. Janet was jealous of her daughter. Jennifer had found an attractive, older man who made her feel safe and wanted while Janet was still throwing herself into the mob hoping someone would catch her. The rest of the evening continued along a similar vein. Jennifer gushing about how happy we were, and Janet seething with barely concealed envy.

As she moved on to her third glass of wine, Janet’s attentions became more overt. Stroking my forearm during the conversation, toying with her wineglass and licking her lips after every sip. I even felt her start to rub her foot up and down my leg under the table. Jennifer was oblivious to all of this, only seeing that her mother was getting on so well with her “boyfriend”. The end of the evening couldn’t come soon enough and I quickly paid the bill while Jennifer walked her mother to her cab. I helped her in, unsteady as she was, and waived her off while Jennifer clung to my arm.

“Oh Master, that was such a good night. Thank you for being such a gentleman with my mother.” Jennifer gushed as I drove us home. “I feel so sorry for her, going home to that empty apartment.” she said forlornly. “She has had such a rough life and deserves to meet someone as good for her as you are for me.”

We got back to my place and as we walked up the path, Jennifer continued to go on about how it wasn’t fair that she was so happy but her mother wasn’t. We got in the door and I quickly grabbed her, spinning her around and pushing her up against the wall.

“I have heard enough about your mother for one night, Slave.” I growled in mock anger. “Time to focus on what is really important, don’t you think?”

Jennifer’s eyes had widened in shock as I grabbed her, but now they shone with passion as I held her firmly against the wall.

“Of course, Master” she replied meekly. “I have been very inconsiderate of you, please let me make it up to you.”

I released the grip on her arm, grabbing her by the throat and exerting firm pressure. “You can make it up to me by finally shutting up and using that mouth of yours for what it is supposed to be used for. Understand!” I growled.

She nodded, eyes wide with arousal. When I released my grip on her throat she slid down the wall, kneeling at my feet. “Master, may this slave start to apologize by sucking your cock?” she pleaded.

“That’s a start, don’t disappoint me” I responded, sliding my jacket off my shoulders and taking off my tie.

Jennifer unbuckled my belt and slid my pants down. She started to kiss my cock with her usual slow sensuality, but I grabbed her hair and shoved her face into my crotch.

“No time for that, I have been waiting for 3 hours for this. Get to work.”

Jennifer quickly got the message and sucked my cock deep into her throat, her fingernails digging into my ass as she fucked her face with me. I let this go on for a few minutes until I was good and hard then gave a sharp tug on her hair, pulling her up to her feet. She gasped in shock, drool running unchecked down her chin. It had been a long time since I was this forceful with her and while her eyes were wary, I also saw lust and eagerness reflected there. I spun her around, pulling her hands behind her and tying them in place with my necktie. She moaned as her face was pushed against the wall and spread her legs for balance as I roughly knotted the silk around her wrists.

Holding her against the wall by the back of her neck with one hand, I pulled up the light material of her sundress, bunching it around her waist and revealing the white thong panties framing her ass. I tugged them out of the way and slid my hand between her legs, sliding my fingers along her pussy and rubbing her clit. She arched her back against the force of my hand holding her in place, rising up on her toes as I stimulated her. I felt her get good and wet and when I was satisfied, I slid my still hard cock into her. Holding her firmly against the wall I pounded her hard and fast, her body bouncing up and down with every thrust.

“Oh god, oh god, oh god” was all she could gasp as I drove deeply into her again and again. I reached up and tore open the front of her dress, freeing her tits for me to maul and grope as I roughly took her from behind.

After about 10 minutes of this I was streaming with sweat from my exertions. I backed off, pulling myself out of her and eliciting a moan of frustration as a result. I still held her pinned against the wall and with my other hand pulled my lock blade out of my pocket (not that one, it is at the bottom of the lake). I flicked it open and used it to slice her underwear off, balling it up in my hand. I roughly turned her around and shoved the wadded silk into her open mouth.

“Don’t let that fall out” I ordered as I stepped back and removed my shirt.

Jennifer was a mess. Her hair was going every which way, sweat and the wall had smeared her makeup, her dress was in tatters and her whole body was shaking. Her eyes though, her eyes were bright with arousal and she stood there, tits heaving with every breath, waiting for what I was going to do to her next.

“Face down”, I commanded, pointing at the living room floor.

She instantly complied, dropping to her knees then putting her cheek flat on the floor at my feet. Her ass was raised high in the air and she struggled to keep her balance as her hands were still tied. I moved in behind her, flicking the remains of her dress out of the way and positioning my cock against her ass. She wiggled back and forth, trying to line up her pussy with me but I smacked her ass hard and she froze in place.

“I fuck you, slave.” I said, running my hands over the smooth swell of her ass cheeks. She nodded in response, and I could see her hands clenching in frustration as she awaited my pleasure. She was still wet when I thrust deep inside her, pushing her forward until her head was jammed against the sofa. She groaned in pleasure as I pounded her hard and fast, smacking her ass with each stroke. Her muffled grunts and moans filled the room as well as the scent from her pussy and of our sweat.

I felt her start to twitch and her breathing became shorter with muffled squeaks, her tell that she was getting close to orgasm. “Not yet, Slave. Your orgasms belong to me and I tell you when you can have one.” Punctuating my command with another firm slap on her ass. She whined in frustration but nodded her head. Her eyes screwed shut in concentration as she tried to deny herself the pleasure she wanted so desperately.

I felt my own orgasm building and slowed my strokes, holding out for as long as possible. Jennifer’s whining and moans reached a fever pitch as she started to lose her self control. At the moment when I judged that she could not hold out any longer I said “Now, cum now!” and shoved my cock full length into her pussy. She shuddered and screamed in ecstasy as wave after wave of her orgasm overtook her. The panties in her mouth fell to the floor as she arched her neck, moaning and groaning “Oh Master, Oh Master, you feel so fucking gooood!!” I was almost in pain as her pussy muscles contracted around my cock milking it dry of every last drop of my semen deep into her belly.

We lay there on the floor, gasping in exhaustion. Jennifer’s hands were still bound behind her and she had maneuvered herself so her head was on my chest. She rubbed her tits against me in blissful contentment and slid her smooth leg up and down my thigh, nudging my cock gently with her knee.

“Master, you are so perfect” she muttered softly. “I wish my mother could find someone like you.”

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