Movie Night a Gift for Our Son by sgternestbilko

If you want 10″ cocks, women who orgasm in 10 seconds flat, simultaneous orgasms or gallons of cum then I’m sorry, but this is not the right story for you. I like to write about ordinary people with ordinary sexual appetites in slightly out of the ordinary situations. I try to keep the plot lines as near to reality as I can.

I try to keep the sex as true to my own experience as possible. I love to write about kissing, stoking, how sex feels and sex as an encounter which involves all the senses. I do like to ‘get dirty’ but only in the height of my character’s arousal. All my stories have my own experience in them, but they are not autobiographical.

I was inspired to write again by reading avatar_roku’s stories. I wanted to write a story from a husband’s perspective. This is the culmination of a lot of sexy discussions I have had with my husband over the years. I hope I got the male response right. That’s as far as reality goes, the rest is fantasy.

No one in this story is under the age of 18.

Constructive feedback welcome. I am from UK, so UK spelling applies. Thank you for reading my story.


We are an ordinary family. Not especially open minded, not especially conservative, just ordinary. My name is Bob and wife’s name is Madeline. We had our son, Harry when we were young and so we are both in our mid-thirties. Harry has only just turned 18.

I am proud of my son. He is tall, athletic and academically quite bright. He plays all sorts of sports, has loads of mates and yet is well on his way to his dream of being a veterinarian.

He enjoys a party and is always smiling. Always surrounded by joking mates and giggling girls. Ideal you might think.

Act 1 — The problem

Harry was out at a party one Saturday night. Maddy and I were cuddled up on the sofa, with a glass of wine watching a mildly erotic ‘chick flick’. I was a little horny and kept taking sneak peeks down Maddy’s top. She broke my cosy erotic haze when she sighed and said, “I’m worried about Harry”.

It took me a few moments to come back to reality. There was no place in my erotic daydreams for my son. “Oh, in what way?”

“He shows no interest in girls, do you think he is gay.”

I hesitated; It was an important question and one I wanted to consider.

Maddy repeated slightly irritated. “Are you listening? Do you think he is gay?”

“Truth is, Maddy, I don’t know. I’m not sure I care that much. I just want him to be happy and he seems happy to me.”

“He’s not, Bob, something’s eating away at him.”

I spluttered out a laugh. “You must be joking; he is always laughing. He is out a lot with girls and boys, but he works hard because he has a dream.”

“Yes, but when there is no one around, just him and me, there is a sadness about him.”

“I think you are imagining it Maddy. Your little boy is close to flying the nest and you don’t want to lose him.”

“Fuck off Bob, don’t be a prick. I want him to achieve his dream and I know he isn’t a little boy anymore.”

I don’t know why but my mind drifted back to sex. “Not a ‘little’ boy, eh??”

It was Maddy’s turn to splutter out a laugh. She had not meant that comment in any sexual way, but it had sparked a picture in her head. “Indeed,” she said, “not little at all.”

I was keen to explore this. “How do you know?”

“I walked into his bedroom a few weeks ago. I should have knocked but I didn’t. He was in his bed wanking but very quickly pulled up his sheets. I pretended I hadn’t noticed anything, but I had seen his manhood in all its glory.”

Maddy turned to me and kissed me. Softly at first and then with tongues. “I’m bored with this film, let’s go to bed. Do me a favour, though, next chance you get just observe Harry when no one is around.”

“OK, but let’s stay here,” I said as I pushed my hand into her knickers. She was very wet, it couldn’t have been the film, but I didn’t think anything of it. Needless to say, we made love on the carpet in the middle of our living room. I was reaching climax when we heard a key in the door. Instinct kicked and I tried to keep going.

Maddy pushed me off. “It’s Harry” she said in a loud whisper. I knew who it was, but my cock didn’t care. Maddy got up just as Harry walked into the living room. His eyes turned into dinner plates as he saw his mum full frontal. Maddy didn’t know where to put her hands but settled on one cupping her pussy and one across her chest. She turned and ran out of the room.

By this time, I had pulled on my underwear. All I could think of saying was “oops.” Harry didn’t speak as he starred at the doorway where 5 seconds earlier his naked mum had left. Not a single detail had escaped him. I recalled Maddy’s words. He did look sad. I said, “I’m going to bed.” I couldn’t think of anything else to say that made sense.

Without waiting for a reply, I gathered our clothes and went upstairs. I left Harry motionless in the middle of the room. His gaze didn’t change even when I passed him. I suppose if I had looked, I might have seen the bulge in his trousers, but I didn’t.

2. — In bed

“That was a fuck up;” Maddy was obviously angry.

“Lighten up, Maddy. This is our house. He isn’t a boy anymore and any case you’ve seen what he has got. Seems like payback to me.”

“Fuck off you, twat.”

All I could do was smirk. “Oh, come on Maddy, it’s not the end of the world.” I tried to change the subject. “Anyway, you were right. After the shock disappeared from his face, he looked very sad.”

“Told you,” Maddy said almost triumphantly.

I followed up. “I don’t think its’s man trouble, I think its girl trouble.”

“What do you mean?”

“He almost devoured you body. His eyes were everywhere. It’s only when you went that he looked sad. I can’t imagine he is gay, but who knows.”

“I think you need to have a man to man with him.”

“OK, I will but for fuck’s sake don’t be all embarrassed around him tomorrow. Either laugh it off or don’t mention it. He will be sensitive and embarrassed.”

3. — Man to man

As luck would have it Harry and I were clearing some dead trees from our garden the next day. Lots of sweat and manly activity.

After about an hour (I knew something was on his mind) Harry blurted out. “I’m so sorry I burst in on you and mum last night.”

I laughed; a bit forced I think but I didn’t want to start this conversation on a serious note. “Harry it isn’t a problem. Your mum was a bit embarrassed but she’s over it now. Your eyes were like dinner plates.”


“Son, you’re a man and she’s a woman. Instinct just takes over. Don’t worry about it.” He smiled. I had just given him permission to enjoy seeing his mum naked. “Besides which it seems like payback to me. She caught you wanking a couple of weeks ago and saw everything.”

“Oh no, dad. That is so embarrassing, but she didn’t say anything. I don’t know how I’m going to face her now.”

I left him alone with his thoughts as we worked for another hour or so. He was muttering to himself and had a ‘face like thunder’.

Finally, I couldn’t put up with his miserable face any longer. I was quite stern when I said, “Harry, will you think of something else please. Your mum was embarrassed last night. You are embarrassed. You two need to get over yourselves. There is nothing wrong with naked bodies. Sex happens otherwise you would not be here, and everybody masturbates……. OK?” He didn’t reply but seemed to lighten up.


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