My first Time_(77) by always hard on

A literotic sexstories: My first Time_(77) by always hard on ,
i know i don;t normally write this way but i wanted to try. pleasedon’t comment on my grammar i know it’s bad what do you expect i’m in high school
Hi my name is john. I live a normal life in a little town in new jersey. I’m 14 and in the 8th grade. I’m 5 7 and a natural build. I hang out with the “cool” kids. I look okay but not the best. I’m the kid that is too cool for most of the girls in are school but to odd for the few cute girls. I never even kissed anyone before. At one party that all changed. I will start a few days before… my friend was throwing a party for his birthday. This was the kid everyone hated but still hung out with. He asked only 20 people. Basically it was everyone that were in football and a few girls. This party is Friday.My school is usually pretty quit, so as you would guess everyone virgin. Like most boys we all claimed not to be one. Are school is really old so in the summer we had no ac. When the temperature reached 90s girls stop were unneeded clothes like bras and thick shirts. Only being 14 this girls had nice boobs. Most of the guys would wear loss shorts and you know what that means. There was maybe 3-4 really hot girls in are grade, but they were all dating out of town. Which means most boys dated 7th graders. I never really understood what was always going on in are school. I mean I know what every thing meant but why were all the girls dating kids from are rival town Sparta.

On Monday it was only 80 but a few girls wore there skimpy outfits. I was one of the few who were able to hide being excited. I stared school in reading. Are teacher Mr. Flamer as we called him was a ginger that we all thought was going out with a 7th grade reading teacher who is also a guy. I started to flirt with heather. She is 5 5 with a 32c. She is really nice and easy.(still she is not the one) After two class and a special it was finally lunch. This is where my friend told us about his party. He was turning 14. We were joking how we were all getting it in. little did I know I actually was going to.

The rest of the day went about the same. I flirted with the chicks and nearly died in class. When I got home it was almost 4. So I went upstairs and played some xbox. I played cod with all my buddies. Then the 7th grade slut and friend came on. We were hitting on them. Everyone except me them and a friend Jim stayed on. Everyone got off to eat dinner. The girls started to tell me and Jim what they were doing.

The slutty girl’s friend stared to describe what she was doing. It all stared with her telling about her new panties. She said “Marry stop stripping. wow those are a lot bigger then mine. Wow 33c. Your tits are the greatest color of pink I have ever seen. Wow your pussy is really wet isn’t it? Can I touch it?” After that all we heard was moaning.

Me and jim were like bullshit. I said I bet your not doing anything. Mary then came on and try to tell they were. Then jim said send us a pic to prove it. We both got what we hoped for. Two hot girls naked next to each other. Mary was laying back while her hot friend eat out her out. Mary’s friend was taller then me with maybe b cups but her little ass up in the air like a dog was great. She had her face in her best friend pussy. I then turned the sound on my mic off and started to milk the snake to the picture.

The rest of the week was really boring. Once Friday came around I got so excited. That day went pretty fast. It was now 5 and I went to my friend Alex’s house. He was the one throwing the party. I guess his parents were not home. I then grabbed a beer and went down stairs to the party. I saw a huddle of girls in the corner. As I walked over jim grabbed me hold me not to go over there. When I asked why he said that Kim’s boyfriend just broke up with her. I said with no hesitation “I’m getting it in” he knew what I mean bet me I couldn’t and walked away.

I thought for a while. Ten minutes later pizza came. Everyone except me and kim left to eat up stairs. I think jim told them to stay upstairs to give me time to work. I walked over and asked what was wrong. She told me everything. I was always the nice guy to most of the girls trusted me. I asked her if she wanted to go up stairs and talk. Once we went up stairs we made a b line for a room. A few guys clapped and I turned around and flipped them off.

Once upstairs she started to cry a little harder. She said how I was because her now ex called and alex came over and said “stop talking and continue blowing.” that started a fight and now he broke up with me. I asked what was so special and she said if you promise not to tell. I promised and she told me why all the girls dated Sparta. They were all active. According to kim her ex gave her the best orgasms. I thought to my self this is were you make it or not. I then responded I bet I’m better. She had a better reaction then I thought.

She stood up I thought she was going to walk out but she dropped her dress. She wasn’t wearing anything under it. She was beautiful. Her blonde hair, at less c cup and shaved pussy. I was hard right away. Once I was naked we kissed. I explored her mouth with my tongue as she did me. I laid her down on the bed ready to have my way. I came up to her and got on my knees by her bright pink pussy. I pressed by tongue right in. I found her clit and rubbed it will I ate the rest of her pussy. She moaned so loudly that I’m sure everyone heard from the kitchen. I then got up and so pushed by dick in her. I was 3 out of 7inches in before I heard her say something. She already said I’m more caring the her ex. I then pushed the rest of the way in. it felt amazing. I started slow. I then started to go faster as she started to moan loader. As I was thrusting I leaned down grabbing one of her tits and stated sucking it. It was hard and I flicked it with the tip of my tongue. When I was close to cumming I screamed I’m almost there she said she was close to. I then sped up and she shortly after said “I’m cumming ohhhhhhh.“ her wall tightened and that was I needed to go over board. I the filled her up. I most have came more then, then I ever had.

After I laid down next to her and kissed her and just caught are breath. After about 2 minutes we got dressed and went to leave. As we stepped out I saw everyone around the door. All the guys clapped. As of that day I was a man and I had a girlfriend. All the girls started to slap me ass like I did to them in the halls.

How was that kind of story or should I stay with how I wrote all my others?


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