My Mom is My Friend's New Gf Ch. 06

An adult stories – My Mom is My Friend's New Gf Ch. 06 by Asperger27,Asperger27 It’s been little over a month since Andy’s mom Jessica told him about George and her dating. A month since George officially began living at their house.

Andy started giving his mom the silent treatment soon afterwards. Hoping that if she saw him avoiding and not talking to them, that she’d miraculously come to her senses and dump George.

It sadly didn’t work. Because Andy realized that his mom didn’t care if he approved or not. It was HER LIFE and HER CHOICE to start dating George. They’ve also been going out a lot too. Leaving Andy notes when he returned home from cram school. They wouldn’t return until late. Then Andy would hear the sound of his mom’s muffled moans and unashamedly jerk off while listening.

It was a disgusting shameful behavior, but that was the closest he’d ever get to having sex. That is, until he confesses to his mom and they end up together. Then he would actually have sex and lose his virginity.

But Andy knew it was a snowball’s chance in hell that his confession would lead to him dating his mom. At best, if his confession wasn’t reciprocated, it’ll just leave things being awkward between them. At worst, his mom would feel disgusted and shocked he confessed to her.

Both outcomes sucked either way. Andy knew this and still wanted to confess to his mom. But…deep down, he knew that he was a coward. Too afriad to take the chance.

Lately he’s been going to the park and sitting in his dad’s special place. The solitude was more peaceful than the silence of the empty house. He sighs sadly at the picture of his deceased dad. Taken just a few months before he passed away. Wiping a tear from his eye, Andy then gets up and began walking towards the entryway to the park. Knowing that the house would still be empty by the time he returned.

How wrong he was though, when he began walking home.


Meanwhile at home, Jessica and George were having passionate sex in the living room. With Jessica on top of George, riding him. Her breasts bouncing in his face, as he pulls her close and sucks on one of her erect nipples. She playfully ruffles his hair.

Both moaning and enjoying the other’s company. Jessica more than George that is. Because she loved the feeling of his large and thick cock stretching her pussy out. His tip touching the cervical opening in her uterus. Knowing that he could get her pregnant easily.

Something that she hoped for. Ever since the first time they officially had unprotected sex.

George’s hands move to cup her big fat ass and squeezes it. Jessica grabs at her breast and moans loudly. Both of them covered in a thin layer of sweat, Her dark hair damp and clinging to her forehead. She leans forward and plants a long wet kiss on George’s lips. Before sitting up straight and continuing to ride him eagerly.

Jessica’s only thought in that moment, was hoping Andy would not return until after they were done. She still felt awkward fucking George knowing that Andy could hear them. But that thought stops every time, when George rams his big cock into her and she began clinging to him. Moaning his name as he fucked her brains out.

She missed having sex like that and was happy that George could give it to her whenever she wanted.

Which…happened to be mostly every day. She couldn’t get enough of his thick cock. Regardless if Andy was home or not. She HAD to have it.


A short while later, Andy made to his house and found that his mom’s car was still parked in the driveway. Which meant that she was still home. His heart thumps in his chest. He had to tell her. Even though she was dating George, Andy had yet to confess his feelings to her.

He hoped he could persuade her into dating him instead. Andy then takes a deep breath and grabs the door handle. Calling out a “I’m back!” when the door swung open.

Silence was the only answer he got back in return. He then stepped inside and closed the front door behind him.

He then took off his shoes and walked into the hallway. Noticing that the living room door was shut, he thought that maybe she was in there. As he neared the door, he could faintly hear sounds coming from the other side.

“They’re probably just watching tv,” Andy thought, “that’s why they probably couldn’t hear me.”

He then grabs the doorknob and begins to turn it.

As the door opened, a humid breeze greets him and stung his eyes a bit. When he opened them, his mom sat on the couch next to George. Both looked red-faced and sweaty.

“You’re home early sweetie,” Jessica said with a nervous chuckle.

Andy didn’t respond, but instead noticed something in his mom’s hand. Something she tried to hide between her fingers. It was bulging at the tip. Andy knew exactly what it was and immediately ran upstairs to his room. Slamming the door behind him.

“Do you think he knew?” Jessica asked George afterwards.

She then pours George’s cum from the condom into her mouth and swallows. Licking her lips greedily afterwards. He places a hand on her thigh.

“Want to go for round two?” George asked.

Jessica blushes. That was another thing she liked about George. His stamina was next to god-level and he was frankly wore her out.

Not that she didn’t mind being worn out from hard and hot sex with him.

“Later hun,” she answers huskily, “I need to take a shower and also check on Andy.”

“Why do you need to check on Andy?” George asked, “L

She turns to leave the living room. George grabs the remote and turns on the tv. Flipping through the channels, as he tried to find something to watch.

Jessica thought about dragging George upstairs with her and taking a shower together, but decided against it. Knowing he would always find a way to fuck her again.

He ALWAYS did.

She was his. Both in body and heart. Just as he was hers.

Jessica then thought about getting a tattoo. Something…personal and private. Their initials maybe? She had to think on it some more. It was a big step after admitting that she was his.

She proceeded to head upstairs.


Andy heard footsteps outside his room as he sat at his desk masturbating. Staring at a picture of his mom that George sent him previously. The one of her completely naked and spreading her cum filled pussy open for the camera.

He spurts a few ropes on his phone’s screen and slump backwards in his chair.

“I truly am pathetic,” Andy thought, “utterly and completely.”

He then wipes his screen clean and places it face front on his desk.


Jessica made it upstairs and into her bedroom. Then began stripping. Once she was naked again, she tossed her sweaty clothes into her hamper and stepped into her private bathroom. She then turned on the shower ad waited for the water to turn warm. Once the room began to get misty, she stepped in and began soaping her body up. Her hand briskly trails over her sensitive lips as she gently rubbed soap between her legs.

She chuckles.

George could be gentle when he wanted to be, but he could also be just as rough. Leaving her sore and achy for the rest of the day.

She places a palm on her stomach. Remembering the night over a month ago, when George fucked her raw. Planting his seed deep in her. Giving her another chance of motherhood. Something she desired after submitting to him.

It was still too early to tell, but what if she was? The thought excited her.

She then gets out and begins to towel herself off. Then walks naked back into her bedroom and heads towards her closet. Picking out a simple outfit and began to get dressed.


There was a knock on Andy’s door about a half-hour later. He paused his game and took off his headphones.

“Yes?” he called out.

“It’s me,” came his mom’s voice, “may I come in?”

Andy sighed.

“You may,” he answered and sat on his bed.

His mom came in a few seconds later. Wearing a sleeveless blouse over tight blue jeans. He gulps and watches her sit down at his desk.

There was an awkward silence between the pair. Neither person finding the right words to say. Andy was the first to speak up. His heart hammering in his chest.

“Look there’s something I need to tell you,” he began to say.

“Which is?” Jessica enquired.

“What would you say if I told you that I loved you?” he asked.

Jessica paused to think of an answer.

“Well I’d say that I love you too,” she answered, “and that I’d always love you.”

Andy fidgets with his hands.

“Well what if it was more than that?” Andy stated.

“What?” she asked.

Her eyes then went wide, as Andy got on his knees before her.

“I love you mom,” he said, “I want you to be my girlfriend.”

It was hard to describe what feeling Jessica showed on her face. But it was a mixture of shock and pure disgust. She gets up and walks towards the bedroom door. Andy still on his knees.

“I’m going to pretend that this conversation never happened and you better do the same.” she said flatly.

“What’s wrong with what I said?” Andy asked.

She turned around on a dime and stared at Andy.

“EVERYTHING.” She said, “Don’t you know how disgusting that is? You’re my son Andy!”

She then shakes her head and sighs.

“I’m heading back downstairs.” she said.

Jessica then exits Andy’s room.

“Well that was awful,” Andy told himself, “mom must hate me now.”


Andy came downstairs when his stomach started growling. His mom and George were already at the table eating. Upon spotting Andy, Jessica points to a plate between the two.

“Sit,” she said, “We need to talk.”

Andy reluctantly sits down at the table.

“What made you think that it was okay to confess to me like that?” Jessica said calmly.

“If this is how it comes out,” Andy thought, “then let it all come out.”

“Well?” Jessica said her voice getting impatient.

“I’ve…I’ve always held a candle for you mom,” Andy said, “Yes I know it’s inappropriate, but so what?”

“Don’t you realize how disgusting that is?” Jessica said, “You can’t say stuff like that!”

“George did!” Andy retorted, “Why could he confess to you and I can’t?”

“This isn’t about him!” Jessica said, “This is about you and what you said.”

“No this is going to be about him!” Andy said slamming his palms against the table, “Why could he confess to you and I couldn’t?”

“Tell me something Andy.” George said, “Do you hate the idea that we’re a couple? That I’m dating your mom?”

“Of course I do!” Andy said.

Jessica sighs and rubs her temples.

“I’m too upset to even talk to you right now,” Jessica said, “just…go to your room.”

Andy knew he said something wrong. He opens his mouth to back pedal what he said, only for George to cut him off.

“I’d advise you listen to your mother and go upstairs to your room,” George said in a somewhat stern tone.

George’s tone, sounded like what Andy’s father would say when he did something wrong. It made Andy clench his fists and glare at George.

“How dare you speak to me like that!” Andy snarled, “Stop trying to replace my dad!”

“How dare YOU talk to him like that Andy!” Jessica retorted, “He’s not trying to do anything. So stop being dramatic and just go to your room!”

Andy gets up and walks away in a bit of a huff. Stomping upstairs as he went to his room. Once the sound of his door closing, did Jessica sigh and cradle her head in her hands.

“I never raised him to be this disrespectful,” Jessica said, “never!”

She then turns to George.

“Thanks for trying to stand for me,” she said smiling, “it’s nice knowing someone has your back.”

He kisses her hand.

“Anytime,” he said, “Andy just needs some time to…adjust.”

George places his hand over hers.

“Want to leave for a bit?” he then asked.

Jessica nods and plants a kiss on his lips. Then stands up and walks towards the front door. George followed afterwards. A smirk on his face.

“Where should we go to this time?” Jessica asked, “The motel again?”

“My house,” he said.

Jessica smiles as they exit her house and get in her car. She’s never been to George’s house before. Well not inside actually. This would be her first time.


Andy stared out his window and watched his mom’s car pull out of the driveway.

“Where are they going now?” Andy thought.

His stomach growls and he remembered that he didn’t eat anything yet. So he heads back downstairs and enters the kitchen. Then rummages through the fridge and finds some leftovers from the day before.

He then heats it up in the microwave and sits at the table. Eating in silence.


Meanwhile a short while later, George was fucking Jessica against his bedroom wall. Their clothes laid scattered on the floor. His thick cock pushes repeatedly into her. Both moaning in the process. Her breasts swaying wildly, as her fat ass ripples with every thrust from his pelvis.

“Yeah you like that don’t you Ms. Jessica?” George said.

“YES!” panted Jessica, “Your cock feels amazing!”

“Better than what Andy’s would’ve been?” he taunted smacking her ass.

“Better even!” she said, “I love the way you feel me up!”

Jessica lets out another moan, as George slaps her ass harder. Leaving a very red and visible handprint there.

She then turns her head towards his clock.

“Worried about something?” George asked.

“W-When does your father get home?” she asked.

“Around one in the morning mostly,” George said.

“You’re worried that he might hear us aren’t you?” he then said smirking.

“Well aren’t you?” Jessica said.

“Dad’s a…hard sleeper.” George stated, “Nothing really could wake him up. So don’t worry.”

He goes back to thrusting hard into her.

“It’s still kinda awkward for me to be doing this in your house,” Jessica said.

“Would it be better if we did it back in your bedroom?” George asked.

“Where Andy could hear us and most likely interfere?” he added afterwards.

“I still can’t believe he confessed to me like that,” Jessica said.

“I agree,” George said, “but it was to be expected.”

Jessica pushes him back onto his bed and mounts him. Then grabs his cock and slides down on it, as she began slowly riding him.

“What do you mean by expected?’ Jessica said.

“Well you are hot and it’s obvious that Andy holds a flame for you.” George explained.

“It’s still gross and inappropriate,” Jessica retaliated.

“It is what it is babe,” George said, “It’s your fault for wearing such revealing outfits.”

“It’s my fault?” Jessica repeated, “How is it my fault?”

“Like I said,” George stated, “because you wear such revealing outfits all the time around him.”

“T-That’s because you told me to wear such outfits!” Jessica whined, “So it’s your fault to begin with!”

They both then laugh and continue fucking on George’s bed.

“Still though,” Jessica grunted, “I feel like I should punish him for that.”

George rolls her onto her back and assaults her nipples. Biting gently on each one, as his cock continuously slides in and out of her wet pussy.

“I have an idea on that,” George said smirking.

He then leans into Jessica’s ear and whispered to her. All the while his lower half kept thrusting in her.

“But…that’s so mean,” Jessica said between thrusts.

“Still a idea though,” George stated.

She glances at his clock again. It was nearly close to 7pm already.

“Should we just…” Jessica started to say.

“Stay the night here?” George finished her sentence.

She nods her head. Eyes staring at him.

“Do you want to?” George asked.

“I-I don’t want to return home after that scene with Andy,” Jessica said blushing.

He kisses her lips.

“Then of course we’ll stay here tonight and tomorrow we’ll inform my dad about our relationship.” George said smirking.

They then renewed their lovemaking as Jessica’s phone vibrated in her discarded pants pocket. His bed groaning under the constant movement on the mattress.


Andy hung up his phone and sighed. It’s logical that his mom wouldn’t answer her phone right now. She’s still upset about what he said. If only she knew how he felt. Then maybe she’d come around to the idea.

He heads upstairs and heads towards his room. Only to instead head towards his mother’s bedroom. He steps inside and heads towards her dirty laundry basket. Stopping only when he saw a crumpled piece of paper tucked away behind it. He pries it out and unwraps it. Noticing right away, that it was his report card from over a month ago. It had a few stains on it and some of the markings appeared to be faded.

He holds it up to his face and cries. It was just another reason why Andy despised George. Ruining Andy’s chance at a real relationship with his mom.

He crumbles up the paper and throws it away in her trash bin. Noticing a few discarded condom wrappers and…a few other things that alarmed him.

He picks up the home pregnancy kit from her bin and examines it. A little plus sign making his heart stop.

Was his mom pregnant?”


Jessica came home the next day looking chirpy. Andy understood that meant they had sex all night. Which again frustrated him to no need. He watches her head upstairs and follows afterwards.

“Look mom about yesterday,” Andy began to say.

She stops in her tracks.

“I…just want you to know that I’m sorry.” he continued.

“As you should be,” Jessica said, “I’m still disgusted by your response. But I…appreciate your apology.”

She then heads into her room and closes the door behind her. Andy sighed and turned to go into his. Maybe it was too soon to offer an apology.


Jessica hops into her shower and began cleaning herself. The events from last night flashed through her mind. They made love…no fucked until early in the morning. Then collapsing into each other’s arms and slept soundly.

As the hot water hit her hair, she thought about Andy’s half-assed apology. While it was nice he apologized for what he said, it still upsetted her.

George was her boyfriend. Andy was her son. He’d always be her son. Nothing on God’s green earth will change that. The sooner Andy accepted that, the better.

She then sighs and gets out of the shower. After toweling herself and stepping into her bedroom, she noticed something was off. Jessica spotted it immediately. There on top of her trashbin, was the home pregnancy kit from a few weeks ago. The one that told her that she was pregnant.

“I hid this deep in there,” she told herself. “nobody should have known it was in there.”

She froze.

Unless someone was rummaging through her trash. Who would do such a thing? That’s perverted and disgusting! Besides the pregnancy kit, there was used condoms in there too. Not to mention issue kleenex tissue papers.

She then noticed a crumpled piece of paper tucked behind the bin. She plucks it out and unwrinkles it. It was the paper consisting of Andy’s grades and his college selection. A tear wells up in her eye. which she dashed away.

That night after Andy showed her was the most fantastic. It was the night she finally submitted to being George’s girlfriend. The first night they had sex unprotected with her encouraging him to impregnate her.

She crumpled up the paper and discarded it into her trashbin. Then proceeded to get dressed. Picking out a short sunflower dress with stockings and no panties, for obvious reasons. After getting dressed, she applied on light makeup and exits her room. Smiling to herself as she descended the stairs and exits the house. Then getting into her car and pulled out of the driveway.


Andy watched as his mom drove away again. A tear running down his face. She’s devoting all her time to George now.

He angrily takes out his phone and texts George.

“Fuck you!” he wrote, “I never should have given you advice on dating! This is all your fault!”

He hit send and blew a sigh of relief. Even though sending that made him feel better, it still didn’t change the fact that George was dating and fucking his mom now.

A ping a few seconds later told Andy that he had received a reply. He clicked open on his screen and read the message.

“At least you’re finally honest about it,” George wrote, “but I seriously doubt it’s my fault Andy. When are you going to get it through your thick head that she is just your mother? That she doesn’t love you that way?”

Another ping and a new message.

“Do you really want to get in the way of your mom being happy for the first time in ten years? Because it seems to me like you do.” George then added, “Maybe I was too generous with those pictures I sent you.”

A pang of guilt ran through Andy’s spine. At the time, he didn’t know that the woman in the photos was his mom. All he saw was a naked chick immediately jerked off to it. He still does.

Then another ping.

“Tell you what Andy,” George said, “I’ll allow you to watch and see how happy she is with me.”

The idea disgusted him, yet also aroused him.

“When?” Andy asked.

It took a few minutes for George to reply.

“You’ll know when,” George wrote, “and when that day happens I’ll tell you where we’ll be at.”


George placed his phone on his nightstand, just as Jessica walked in. Then she leaned over his face and gave him a long wet kiss.

“I think Andy was in my room recently,” Jessica said between kisses, “I found his grades paper in the trash bin.”

“Just got off the phone with him myself,” George said, “still blaming me for us being together.”

Jessica stops kissing him and gets on the bed. Pressing her body against his side. Running his hand up and down his chest.

“There’s got to be a way to make him realize that I’m happy with you,” she said, “that I don’t love him that way at all.”

“Well there is…one way,” George said, “remember what I whispered to you last night?”

Jessica nods her head looking up at him.

“We can do that,” George stated.

She sighs.

“I don’t know,” Jessica said, “are you sure it’ll work?”

“Oh it will,” George said, “then he’d back off and grow to like the idea.”

“But fucking in front of him?” Jessica retorted, “I don’t know hun…seems wrong.”

“If you have any better ideas I’m all for it.” stated George.

She opens her mouth to speak, yet nothing comes out. His idea wasn’t a bad one, just…to risqué.

“Fine,” Jessica said, “we’ll go with your idea then.”

They then returned to making out on his bed before leaving his house and going out to eat.


Andy stares at his phone three weeks later. Today was the anniversary of his father’s death. He gets up from his bed and heads downstairs. His mom was in the kitchen sipping from a cup of coffee. Her hair neat and her clothes new and provocative.

“She’s changed so much since they started dating,” Andy thought, “I hate her new look.”

Jessica smiles at him sweetly, as Andy enters the dining room.

“Well look who it is,” she said teasingly, “my second favorite person.”

His heart sank. Second? So George was more important than him? Her “boyfriend” was more important than her own flesh and blood?

She then glances at her phone on the counter.

“Meet me at my house,” George wrote.

“On my way,” she wrote back.

But first she had to deal with Andy. Jessica knew what today was and frankly? She didn’t care right now. All she wanted was to be with George and get fucked by him.

“Listen mom,” Andy began to say, “why don’t we visit dad’s grave today and maybe hangout?”

She sighed and shook her head. Acting upset.

“I’m sorry sweetie,” Jessica said, “but George and I made plans today.”

She began walking towards the entryway. Slipping into her heels and grabs her car keys. Andy followed afterwards.

“But it’s dad’s anniversary!” he said, “Plus I hardly ever see you anymore.”

She exits the house and gets into her car. Andy wipes a tear from his eye. Jyst then, he got a message from George.

“Come to my house,” he wrote, “want to show you something.”

Was it today? Was he really going to watch his mom get fucked by George?

Yes he was.


He knew George’s house by heart, so when he saw his mom’s car parked in the empty driveway, he knew. It panged him, knowing that his mom would rather get fucked by her boyfriend rather than visit the grave of her dead husband.

Andy sighed and rang the doorbell.


Meanwhile inside George’s house, Jessica sat on his bed. As George tied a blindfold around her eyes. Wearing nothing but a garter belt and stockings.

“Ah looks like he’s here,” George said uponhearingthedoorbell, “I’ll invite him up.”

“I’m not so sure about this hun,” Jessica said.

“Trust me,” George said and left the bedroom.

Jessica had yet to tell George about her pregnancy also. So maybe this would be the perfect time for it. She waited anxiously. on his bed.


The door opens and George ushered Andy inside.

“She’s in my bedroom,” George told him.

He then places a arm around Andy’s shoulders and smiles.

“Just so you know,” George said afterwards, “she doesn’t know you’re here.”

Andy shrugs off George’s arm and proceeded to head upstairs. His hands were sweaty and he rubs them against his jeans. He gulps as he stood outside George’s bedroom door. instantly grabbing for the knob. Then stops.

“Could I touch her?” Andy asked without turning around.

“What makes you think you can?” George said, “All I said was that you can WATCH.”

Andy then heard George sigh.

“Tell you what Andy,” George said, “go ahead. Get it out of your system.”

Andy then opens the bedroom door and steps inside. His mom sat on the bed, wearing only a garter belt and a blindfold. Her head snaps to attention and smiles devilishly at him.

“There you are!” Jessica said, “Stop teasing me like this!”

She was panting and clearly aroused by what Andy could see. Her pussy was clean shaven and waxed. This was the first time Andy saw her naked. Like truly naked.

“What are you waiting for!” Jessica begged, “Come over here already and fuck me!”

Andy reachs out his hand and touched his mom’s chest. Squeezing her left breast lightly. She lets out a slight moan.

“Stop toying with me like this!” she giggled, “That tickles!”

Next he touches her ass and hip.

“You’re driving me crazy like this George!” his mom said, “I want you to fuck me already!”

Andy felt a firm hand on his shoulder.

“You heard her,” he said, “now get to the closet and watch.”

Andy saw George start to discard his clothes and notices for the first time, that George was huge. His cock jutting out of his boxers like a pole.

“Who were you talking to?” Jessica asked.

He watched as Andy scrambled into his closet and slides it shut.

“Nobody,” George said, “you ready?”

“Yes!” Jessica replied, “Give me your big cock already!”

Andy watched as George climbed on top of his mom and pushes his cock into her. She lets out a moan, as her legs wrapped around his and her arms clung to his shouldes.

From the closet, Andy could see it all. He could see that George’s cock was stretching out her pussy. He also saw how his heavy ballsack slapped against her anus. Was he that inferior to him? That pathetic to think he still stood a chance at winning her over?

Tears began to roll down Andy’s face now, as they began fucking on the bed. Slow movements at first, then they began picking up speed.

Andy cringed as his mom called out George’s name and said how much sge loved him.

“You happy you chose to be with me instead of visiting your dead husband’s grave?” George asked.

“Do you really need to ask?” his mom replied, “You know I am.”

Andy felt his heartstrings tug in his chest. So spending time with him was secondary compared to getting fucked by George?

“He literally has her wrapped around his finger.” Andy muttered.

He then heard his mom tell George to lay on his back. That she wanted to ride him now. Without missing a beat, George rolled over onto his back. His cock still inside her, as Jessica began sliding up and down his shaft.

Andy admired the view. His mom had a fine big ass. He watched as it rippled with every movement she made. It made Andy feel aroused. Instantly grabbing for his zipper and pulling out his cock. His meager cock already as hard as a board. As he began jerking off, he learned against the closest door. Eyes glued to the image before him. Hand slowly working up and down his cock in a steady rhythm.

His hands spreading each cheek, as if showing Andy indirectly that his thick cock indeed stretching out her pussy. His cock slick with her juices as she slide up and down his shaft.

“Just so you know,” George said, “Andy is in the closet watching.”

Andy froze mid stroke. Did George seriously rat him out?

“I figured as much,” his mom said, “wish you told me sooner.”

She turns her head and stares at the closest door.

“Don’t you see how much you changed mom?” Andy said through the door, “That George is corrupting you?”

Her response was was to maneuver around and face the closet. Her ass in George’s face.

“Now why would you say that he is corrupting me?” she asked.

“Because you never acted like this until you two started dating!” Andy said.

Tears welled up in his eyes now.

“Maybe he just brings out that side in me,” his mom retorted.

She slowly began riding him. All while her eyes were glued to the closet door. Her breasts bouncing in front of Andy’s face.

“I know you were the one that was in my room recently,” she said.

He froze.

“So I’m guessing that you found out my little secret then,” she continued.

“I don’t know what you are talking about,” Andy said.

“Oh but I believe that you do,” she said, “it was something I wasn’t trying to hid. Rather I was going to wait until I was ready to tell you.”

There was silence before she continued speaking. With only three words.

“I’m pregnant with George’s child,” she said.

He bursts out of the closet and stared at her. She places a hand on her stomach.

“He has really strong swimmers,” she stated, “now you’ll be a big brother.”

He runs out of the room and heads downstairs. Then heads out the front door and heads straight home. All the while his mom and George continued to have sex on his bed.

A solitary tear runs down her cheek before she dashes it away. Returning her attention to George and riding him with renewed zeal.


Her belly began to swell now as a few months passed. Andy saw less and less of his mom. As she was busy setting up the new nursery with George and taking parenting classes with him as well. The only time Andy saw her, it was with George sitting next to her on the couch. Hand on her belly and smiling.

She turns her head to face his and kisses him. Not a short peek on the lips, but a kiss only lovers did. She then grabs his hand and leads him upstairs. Totally ignoring Andy as he stood in the entryway. It was like he didn’t exist anymore. Soon the sounds of lovemaking came from her room as Andy returned to his. Hand on his cock as he listened.


The day he moved out and got a room near the college he applied and got accepted into, was the day she finally went into labor.

George sent him a picture a few hours later of his mo. holding her new baby in a pink colored blanket and smiling at the camera. “It’s a girl!” came the message along with it.

Andy hovered his thumb over the delete button and pressed down on it. He didn’t care anymore. For him, his mom was now dead to him. Choosing to start a new life with his friend over him.

He had since cut all contact with them.


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