My Sweet Tender Very First Time

I was nearing the end of my first year at university, and I’d come home for the Whitsun break, I was heading towards my nineteenth birthday in July and looking forward to the summer holidays.

Apart from being in the halls of residence at Uni, I was still living at home at that time, and was almost at the end of the two week break, it was Friday and I was due to drive back the following Monday.

It had been enjoyable, I caught up on a lot of sleep, and spent a lot of time talking to my mother, as well as completing some classwork that was due on my return.

My parents were going out to a dinner dance, with my fathers business colleagues and their wives. It was one of those annual things, but they both loved getting dressed up for them.

Dadhad booked a taxi to take them there, and they were going to stay overnight at the hotel, choosing to get home around midday on Saturday.

That meant I had the house to myself, and I could hopefully relax in peace and quiet.

In the meantime I was helping my mother get dressed, she had put on a light blue ball gown, and I was helping her with hair, makeup etc, she chose a blue and white sapphire necklace and matching earrings that dad had bought her for her fortieth birthday.

Like me, she didn’t often wear jewellery, but when she did, it was stunning. Otherwise she wore a watch, and a gold chain around her neck.

She had given me a similar chain with a small diamond cut crucifix for my 18th birthday, I wore that all the time, ever since she gave it to me, and we laughingly called it my tit tickler, even though I have very little tit to tickle.

Edward, my dad came into the dressing room, and stood by the door, looking very handsome in his suit, he was in his mid fifties, and took care of his health and fitness making him the perfect match for my mother.

He’d just come back from a business trip overseas, so he hadn’t had a lot of time to relax, the dinner dance was a welcome opportunity for them to let their hair down together.

He watched us silently for a while, and then said to my mother, “Andrea, you look stunning.”

“Thank you darling, should don’t look too shabby yourself.”

“Watching the two of you together, is almost like seeing two sisters you look so alike.”

“We’ll, what do you expect, she is my daughter.”

“I think I had a part to play in creating her too though.”

“True, she has a lot of your temperament, but my looks and capabilities.”

“How are we doing, we don’t want to arrive late?”

“You know I prefer that, it means we get noticed when we walk in.”

Dad smiled knowingly, he knew she made an impact whatever time she turned up.

Turning to me, he asked “Miche, what have you got planned for this evening?”

“Nothing much, I thought I might catch up with my classwork, or maybe just relax in front of the TV.”

“I wonder if you might do a quick favour for me this evening?”

“Yes, OK, what do you want me to do?”

“I brought a carrier of fine wine for your uncle Malcolm, I was hoping you could drop it over to him this evening, it won’t take you long?”

Uncle Malcolm was an old friend of my parents, not a relative but he was around the same age as my mother, and my father. My brother and I always liked him, he was fun to be around, though we hadn’t called him ‘uncle’ for a good few years.

He had an import/export business and did a lot of trade in the far east, he had a particularly sharp eye for ceramics, and supplied big high end department stores, as well as having a thriving internet site.

He did a lot of business with my fathers firm, and dad had invested in some of his speculative ventures, they both made a lot of money from them, adding to his, and dads wealth.

He had known my mum, before she met my dad, they had been good friends, and he had immediately taken well to my dad, he attended their wedding, and had remained friends ever since.

He was tallish, really good looking, well built, good physique and he was fit, he had wavy light brown fair, clear skin, deep blue eyes, and long thick eyelashes, he’d been married twice, divorced both times, he was a bit of a ladies man, and there’d been a succession of girlfriends in recent years.

I last saw him when I went off to Uni in September of the previous year, he came round to see me off, he had given me a gentle kiss on the cheek, his hand on the back of my neck, his fingers lightly brushed my skin, and had said, “you look more and more like your mother every time I see you.”

We get a lot of that, mum is slightly taller than me, it in most other respects we are almost identical, she’s always flattered when people say that, and we draw a lot of male attention when we’re out, particularly in cafes or restaurants.

I replied to my dad, “yes, I’ll do that for you.’

“Thanks, I’ll leave the wine in the kitchen, and I’ll text to let him know you’re coming round, any idea what time you be there?”

“About 7pm I should think, it’s only a 20 minute drive.”

“That’s great, thank you.”

With that he went downstairs, the taxi arrived, and they were gone, in a flurry of goodbyes, and waves, leaving me to my own devices.

I thought I’d go straight around to Malcolm’s and get that out of the way, I didn’t need to change, it had been a warm day, but I was fresh and wearing clean clothes, a pink sundress which was short, to my mid thigh, plain white stretchy sports briefs with a matching bra, and plain white tennis shoes.

I brushed my hair, it was quite long, down to the middle of my back, so I gathered it up into a loose pony tail, and put on a thick pink scrunchie to hold it back.

I checked everything was locked, picked up my handbag, and the wine carrier, went to my car, got in, started up and drove out though the gates, the traffic was light and I arrived at Malcolm’s in about 15 minutes.

I parked on his drive, got out, and looked up to see him standing in the doorway watching me walk towards him, he drew in an admiring breath, I looked down and saw that the sun was behind me, and shone through my dress, revealing the white bra and panties which was all I had underneath it.

He was wearing light coloured linen trousers, and a loose cotton pullover shirt, his feet were bare, he looked good standing there leaning against the doorframe.

He welcomed me in, and said, “thanks for dropping this off, I’ll just put it into the kitchen, I’m watching a quiz show at the moment, if you’d like to stay?”

“Yes, that sounds nice, I haven’t seen you for ages, it’ll be nice to catch up.”

“Go on into the den then, would you like a drink?”

“Just some iced water would be fine, it’s been warm today.”

“You’re certainly dressed for it, he said with a smile, you look even more like your mother than the last time I saw you.”

I took of my tennis shoes, and went into the den, the TV was on, and I sat on the leather double recliner, swinging my legs up onto the rest.

My dress, rode up to my upper thigh, leaving a glimpse of the small white triangle of my panties visible.

Malcolm came back in with the water, and put it on the side table next to me, along with a bowl of snacks, took a careful look, and said, “I just need to pop upstairs for a moment, so excuse me.”

With that he went out of the den, I heard him climb the stairs, and move around up there. I settled back to watch the show, not actually realising that my dress had stuck slightly to the leather of the seat, and had ridden up further, almost to the waistband of my panties.

Malcolm came back down, and joined me on the recliner to watch the quiz, we tried to answer some of the questions, laughing at ourselves when we got them wrong.

I leaned over to pick up the glass, and take a sip of water, as I did, I slipped down further in my dress, exposing an expanse of smooth white covered bottom, and then settling back, my dress had ridden up to my waist, revealing all my panties to him.

As I did so, he put his arm around my shoulders, and as I rolled back, my head rested against his forearm, and he gently stroked my shoulder, it was comforting, and put me at ease.

I could see him, almost unable to take his eyes off me, I was surprised that I had such an effect on this mature experienced man.

We started talking, his soft deep voice sent thrills through me, mine was light, and punctuated by throaty little laughs.

“How’s Uni, are you enjoying yourself there?” He asked.

“It’s hard work, there’s a lot of studying to do.”

“Making friends though?”

“Oh, yes, the other girls are really friendly.”

“How about boyfriends?”

“No, most of them are either arrogant or painfully shy, apart from that I’m too busy with classwork, and projects to have the time.”

I sensed he was moving the conversation toward sex, so I followed along, smiling at him in a coquettish way.

There had been a few dates with one or two boys, but they hadn’t come to much, a bit of kissing, bumping noses, and fumbling about with my breasts which were very small then, I could barely make 30A at that time.

When they realised that I was still a virgin, they seemed to be frighted off by it. Malcolm smiled knowingly as I outlined it to him.

“Well it’s a very intimidating experience for a young man.” He mused.


“Think about it, it’s probably that they don’t have a lot of experience, and they know that if they get it wrong, it would spoil it for you, it’s a huge responsibility that probably overwhelms them.”

“I don’t know how to get past that with them though.”

“Are there any boys there that perhaps you think might have the courage to share that with you?”

“No, most of them are full of themselves, they show off and think they’re irresistible, apart from that, most of them have girlfriends anyway, and I won’t get involved with anyone in a relationship.”

“You must be nearly 19 now, so I think you’re a bit of a late bloomer?”

“I suppose I must be, I’m not rushing, but I think I’m about ready now.”

“Yes, you are, but it should be something that you enjoy, so it needs to be done properly, it will only happen to you once, and it ought to be a memory that you cherish for the rest of your life. It’s a bit cliched these days, but it’s still true.”

“I’ll have to find somebody who knows what they’re doing then”

I giggled a bit, and teased him with my eyes, raising my eyebrows, the tip of my tongue poking through my teeth and lips.

During our conversation, he had turned on his side to face me, his face close to mine, touching his forehead to my temple. He smelled divine, he’d put on a delicate cologne, it was sort of rich and musky.

He reached down, and put his hand down the front of his trousers, somehow he’d got tangled up in his underpants, he adjusted himself, and comfortable again, and pulled his hand out.

He leaned in slowly, tilting my chin up, and softly kissed me on the lips, it was incredible, I’d been kissed by other boys of course, but this was like nothing I had ever felt before.

His tongue was soft and silky, as it slipped into my mouth, hunting the tip of mine, which flickered around his, and he rolled his around, taking mine with it, exploring me, sending soft sensations down my body.

He pulled back gently, placing his hand on my bare midriff, I hadn’t tried to pull my dress down, it was pointless as it only rode up again, and I had to admit I was relishing his gaze on my body.

I exercised, had a healthy balanced diet, so I was taut, shapely, nice legs, strong thighs and I knew I was good to look at.

Moving his hand round my waist, he smoothed it over my bottom, fingers moving softly to my lower buttocks, and slipping into that sweet spot, just under my vagina, and above my anal area, pulling my hips towards him.

He moved his hand and began stroked my tummy, his touch was electrifying, his head pressed against mine, he kissed me again and looked down my body towards my hips.

I looked down as well, he put his fingers into the top of my panties, and lifted the front of them up, the elastic material stretching and revealing my mound, I had very little pubic hair, so my cleft looked really pronounced.

I started to get moist, and he smelled my feminine scent, and looked into my eyes, smiling warmly, at that point I knew what was going to happen.

I knew I was going to give him my virginity, and give it willingly, he wasn’t going to hesitate, he was going to take that sweet piece of my soft innocence, and he was going to ravish me, it was what I wanted, and I was sure I would remember this always.

He slowly slipped his hand down inside my panties, the material stretching over his knuckles, his fingers gently squeezed my pubis, it was soft and plump, I could see that he was enjoying how it felt, he briefly touched my clitoris’s hood, sending a bolt of feeling through my entire body, leaving my nipples tingling, and almost making me faint.

He stood up, and moved round towards me, I felt very small lying there on the recliner, I noticed he was very aroused, his penis straining in a massive bulge against the front of his trousers, I couldn’t believe that I had the power to affect a grown man like him in such a strong way.

Without a word he picked me up in his arms, almost as if I was just a feather, and carried me out of the den, upstairs and into his bedroom.

Gently placing me on the bed, he lifted my dress over my head, followed by my bra, then softly, smoothly took my panties down, folding them all together and placing them on a chair by the door to the bathroom.

I took the scrunchie out of my hair, putting it on the bedside table.

It allowed my hair to fall free onto the pillow, I swept it out of my face, and it lay there, like a mass of gold, framing my face, curling around my neck and shoulders.

He pulled off his shirt, then unfastened his trousers letting them drop to the floor, followed by his briefs. He stood there, naked and incredibly desirable. His penis seemed huge, but I hadn’t really seen that many to make any real comparison.

He went into his bathroom, and returned carrying a thick white bath towel, which he folded and placed under my bottom, I was already so wet that I’d made a damp patch on his sheet.

My mouth was dry, and I was trembling, I asked, “what do I do now?”

“It’s all right, I’ll look after you properly, I’ll tell you if you need to do anything, but leave it to me, relax, and I’ll take care of everything.”

I looked at his penis, it had an almost heart shaped tip, narrow at the end, light pink and flaring out to the base of his head, his shaft was thick, long, and curved neatly into his belly, his urethral tube disappearing into his neat tight scrotal sack, the reverse ‘S’ type curve almost resembled a big tortoise’s head and neck.

I giggled nervously as he climbed onto the bed next to me, he asked, “do you want to touch it?”


I reached out, and put my hand around it, I couldn’t touch my thumb and fingers together, there was a fairly large gap between them, and his shaft became thicker as it swept down to his belly.

It felt stiff, hard and warm, I could feel ridges of sinew all down it, as I held him, clear slippery liquid started to ooze from the end of it, I asked, “what’s that?”

“They call it the lover’s teardrop, it’s a lubricant men make when they are turned on, a lot of people call it pre-cum.”

“What do you want me to do now, do I lick it, or suck you?”

“No, it’s not my thing, and if you ever do that to a boy, knowing you like I do, you won’t like it either.”

“So it isn’t nice for you?”

“Some men like it, and they’ll ask you to do it to them, but you don’t have to if you don’t want to, it’s your right to say no.”

“I thought it was part of it all, from what I’ve heard.”

“Boys, will try to convince you, and use all sorts of persuasion, like ‘if you love me you will,’ or ‘I need this to help me get turned on,’ but don’t fall for it.”

“What do you like then?”

“What you’re doing now, gently holding me, stroking my cock, pulling my foreskin back, it’s very stimulating, it’s really enjoyable knowing it’s you, I hadn’t realised how much I wanted you, and to find that I’m sharing your first time, makes it really horny.”

I didn’t say anything, but thought how ironic it was that he was giving me advice about boys, while at the same time, we were both naked on his bed, with me holding onto his cock.

He leaned over and kissed me, his hands stroking my breasts, and nipples, he kissed down my body, and moved his body over me, kneeling between my legs, positioning my hips, them moving his lips over my belly, onto my labia, licking me gently.

His tongue was like soft sweet velvet, he caught my clitoris, gently rolling it with his lips, the tip of his tongue stroking its underside I had never had anything like that done to me before, I hadn’t even been fingered, the new feeling of electrifying waves flooded through my body, turning me to trembling jelly.

He moved back up, putting his tongue into my navel, then moving to my nipples, my breasts were small and tight, nipples erect, and he easily fitted each one after another in his mouth.

He said quietly, “lift your knees, and put your feet flat on the sheets, it’ll be more comfortable for us then.”

Placing one hand under my arm and holding the back of my neck, and putting the other one under the small of my back, at the top of my bum, he took his weight on his elbows and knees, kissing me, with my last long lingering kiss as a virgin, he lifted his head, and looked deep into my eyes.

He lifted my hips pushing down towards him, and pressed his tip against my pussy, I could feel the pressure, and as he wiggled the end, I felt it start to enter me, peeling back the labia.

His eyes were smouldering as he pushed gently against my soft wetness, pulled back a bit, then pushed in again, I opened my legs a little wider, and put my arms around his neck.

I thought, “so this is what it’s like, it’s not so bad, and I like it so far.”

Then my vaginal sphincter popped open and he was inside me, I felt a jolt of incredible searing pain, I thought I was being torn apart, my eyes widened and I tried to scream, but nothing came out of my mouth.

Malcolm pushed himself in as far as he could, smoothly and gently, holding it in hard as the waves of pain coursed through me, making my anus clench, and my stomach tense up.

I tried to wriggle away from it, but I didn’t want it to stop, Malcolm, pressed deep into me, holding me firmly against the bed with his hips, not letting me pull away, whispering softly, “shhh, shhh, it’s alright, it’s normal, it’ll pass, shhh, shhh.”

His words comforting me, I started to breathe fast, panting loudly, as I took the pain, but started to feel mingling spasms of pleasure, my head rolled back, as I started to relax a little.

He started to thrust into me, slowly, smoothly, firmly, wonderfully, almost pulling completely out, before slowly plunging deep into me again, and again, it hurt, but it was absolutely lovely.

I felt myself leaking vaginal juices, it felt warm and slippery as it dripped down between my buttocks, and I realised why he had put the towel there.

I don’t know how to describe that first time, I felt filled up, but raw, as if I had lost part of me somewhere, I felt him stretching me, and wondered if he was going to ruin me, I was quite pleased with my small pussy, and I didn’t want it destroyed by what seemed to me to be an enormous penis.

Later I realised that it was a combination of physical feeling, it was my first time, so there was nothing to compare it against, yes, he was quite big, but then, I’m quite small, but it still felt as though I was overly full.

His biological impulses took over then and he started to speed up, his strokes getting slightly shorter as his pace increased, I could feel my inner labia vibrating as the ridges on his penis, plunged in and out, he had positioned himself so that the top of his shaft rubbed against my hard, protruding clitoris

The springs in the mattress were making that rhythmic double noise in synch with his thrusting, and I moaned softly, thinking to myself, “so this is what sex is really like, and with a fully grown man.”

His face was down by the side of my neck, and at each moan I made, he ran his lips down it from my ear to my collarbone, sending me onto wild ecstasy, I gripped his hips firmly with my knees, lifting my feet onto the back of his thighs.

He was controlling himself, but I could feel him tensing as he started to near his climax, he moved his lips to mine, and holding me in a long kiss, pushed his tongue into my mouth, backwards and forwards, in time with his by now very vigorous pelvic thrusts.

The bed was rattling loudly, I could feel my belly and breasts, moving up and down in time with our motion, my nipples brushing against his chest, his light body hair rubbing against my skin, my hips moving backwards and forwards in time with his.

I felt as though every inch of me was hypersensitive, and I could feel every movement, hear every sound, clearly, his deep breaths, his groans as he held out, my moans had turned into high pitched squeaking, we were getting close to his climax, and I wondered what it would be like for me.

Suddenly he couldn’t hold it any longer, nature was too powerful for him to defy, he struggled frantically, his back arching, his head thrown back, he pushed in as deep as he could, his thrusts coming to a sudden stop, I gripped his shoulders hard, digging my fingers into his muscles.

He gave a long loud deep throated groan, as he pulled his penis back and ejaculated deep inside me, I felt his shaft ripple and his tip pulse, as a very hot profuse stream of semen flooded my vagina, I’d never felt anything like it before, so I hadn’t known what to expect, but it felt wonderful.

He pumped semen again several times, each one closer to the last, I could feel his seminal fluid leaking from my vagina, dripping down in thick rivulets across my bottom, and onto the towel.

Malcolm slowed to a stop, and collapsing on top of me, went into his ‘little death,’ we lay there motionless, his weight pressing me into the firm mattress, I could feel him shrinking inside me, but still cherished the sensation of being full and complete.

He moved off me, and kissed me, softly and gently, running his fingers through my hair, he held me close, as the emotions swept over me, deep sobs came from my chest, as I cried and cried uncontrollably at my loss of innocence.

The sex between us had seemed like a long time, but it was only about 15 to 20 minutes, he had pierced me, broken me, it had hurt, but he had changed me from a girl to a woman, and had done so with such care, gentleness, and patience, that I would always have those beautiful moments to remember.

We sat up, I felt like a broken doll, my leg as were weak, and my pussy was stinging, Malcolm got off the bed, and put his arm around me to help me up, and supported me until I got my strength back.

I looked back at the bed, the towel was stained with my blood, not much, maybe a tablespoon full, but it looked like a lot more.

The wetness between my legs, his semen, my fluids, and a slight trace of blood, ran slowly down the inside of my thighs.

He helped me into the bathroom, ran one of the taps on the pair of sinks, and handed me a facecloth, I soaked it in the water and gently washed between my legs, my vulva and labia, and my bum, soothingly taking away all of the liquids.

I was still bleeding slightly, but it was only a light trace, but I was sensitive to the touch of the cloth, and my pubis felt a bit bruised an swollen, with my pussy still a bit sore.

Malcolm washed his penis and sack, rinsing the traces of blood off, while watching me with a little concern at my discomfort.

He said, “It’s normal to be sore like that, after all, you are small and tight, and you’ve done something down there you’ve never done before, but it will ease down, you’ll slowly heal, and in a few days you’ll start to feel comfortable again.”

“It’s all right, it’s not as bad as I thought it would feel, and it feels better now that I’ve bathed myself, and I feel clean.”

He smiled, knowing that I was hiding the discomfort from him, putting on a brave face to spare his feelings.

“Was it alright for you, I didn’t hurt you too much?” He asked.

“Yes, it was the most wonderful thing I’ve ever experienced, it was lovely, really lovely, thank you for that, you’ve made me into a woman.”

“You’re still a girl though, as you get older you’ll find yourself on an adventure of sexual discovery over the next few years, but once you get your experience and find out what you like, you’ll be fine.”

We went back to the bed, Malcolm took the towel off the mattress, the stain hadn’t gone through to the sheet, he took it into the bathroom, then came back with a fresh one, folded it and placed it on bed.

“Just in case you bleed a bit more, you’ll feel comfortable knowing it’s there.”

“Thank you.”

I stood there, shivering, small, pale, naked, tired, and still very emotional.

We lay down again, and held each other close, Malcolm stroked me, his hands gently smoothing my back, and running his fingers through my hair, whispering soft secret things into my ear, I was still crying a bit, as the hormones subsided, but eventually we both fell asleep.

I woke with a start, it was 5am, and I needed to get back to the house before my parents arrived home, I looked at him, lying naked next to me, and I felt strong desire rise in my lower body.

They say that there’s nothing more carnal than a recent virgin, and I found truth in that, I ran my hand down his lower stomach, and held his penis, pulling his foreskin back, I felt him stiffen between my fingers.

He woke looking at me, surprise in his eyes, he reached for me and kissed me.

I said, “I have to go soon, but I want to feel you in me again before I go.”

“But aren’t you still sore?”

‘Yes, but I want a quick, hard, dirty fuck, something to remember you by while I’m away.”

He looked startled, I don’t use strong language very often, so it was quite a shock for him to hear it from me, but I think my talking dirty, with a thick husky voice really turned him on.

I lay back, and he mounted me, quick, hard, fast and vigorously, it hurt at first but it wasn’t so bad that I couldn’t cope with it.

It was over in minutes, his eyes bulged, and his mouth opened wide as I drained him, but it was really good, we lay there afterwards, chests heaving, covered in sweat, catching our breath, and laughing at ourselves.

“I have to go, I have things to do before my mum and dad get home.”

“It’s alright, I understand, but when you come home for the summer, I hope you’ll come over to see me again.”

“You won’t be able to keep me away, I want more of you, I want you to do things to me, special things, I want you to teach me as much as you can, and for as often as you can stand fucking me.”

“God, July can’t come soon enough.”

I quickly washed myself again, and looked for my clothes, my panties, and bra were on the chair, looking very white but a bit forlorn, I pulled them on, the material stretched to a snug fit, I pulled on the sundress, and we went downstairs to the hall.

I put on my tennis shoes, reached up and kissed him goodbye, went to my car, started the engine, and pulled out of his drive, he watched me go, and I left him there, as i drove back home, it was 6am when I went in through the front door.

I stood there thinking of what I had to do, but I felt comforted that I was still carrying his semen, a little bit of him inside me.

I took a quick shower, put on fresh light cotton underwear, and put my clothes from yesterday into the washing machine, together with other whites from the laundry basket, and remembering to take my pill, I checked the strip to make sure I hadn’t missed a day, it had become important now.

I checked the panties first, but there was no blood in the gusset, I felt quite relieved, but I still put wet salt on them and let them soak for half an hour before putting them into the wash.

I wore an old loose blue gingham sleeveless dress, so I felt cool, and had freedom of movement, I still felt slightly sore from the previous night, every now and again, when I stretched or moved my hips, there was a slight twinge of pain.

My parents were due home at around 12 midday, so I started to get lunch ready, peeling potatoes, and trimming fine beans, putting them into saucepans, and placing them on the hob.

I prepared some lamb leg steaks, soaking them in Japanese rice wine, then rubbing rosemary into the meat, I laid them in the roasting tray, covered it in foil, and placed it into the lower of the two ovens.

Once everything was ready, it was just a question of turning the cookers on when they arrived home.

The washing machine finished, I unloaded it, and took the clothes out to peg on the rotary dryer, we have a tumble dryer, but if the weather was nice, we preferred to dry it outside on the line, with the conditioner it always had that fresh smell to it, and it was easier to iron.

I stood by the kitchen sink, washing the utensils I’d used, and idly dreamed about the time I’d had with Malcolm, feeling his presence within me, I was getting some movement deep inside, as my cervix seemed to be dipping down into the top of my vaginal canal, though I thought I probably imagined it, and it was just residual feelings.

I thought to myself that I must shake this lack of concentration off, I didn’t want my parents to suspect anything, particularly my dad, I was still his little girl and he would have been upset if he’d found out.

Suddenly there was a rush outside, as the taxi arrived, I opened the door and let them both in mum and dad bustled in, dad taking the small suitcase upstairs to their room, they were both dressed casually and had clearly enjoyed the evening together.

I asked her, “did you both have a good time?’

‘Yes, the dinner dance was very glamorous, and the hotel was really luxurious, your dad and I had a great time, it was nice to spoil each other a bit.” She winked at me, and her eyes said everything.

I raised an eyebrow at her, sharing a conspiratorial smile, and catching her eyes in return.

Mum, looked at me with a little concern on her face, but said nothing for the moment. Dad came downstairs, gave me a hug, and said, “everything all right, you weren’t lonely?”

“No, I was fine, I had an early night anyway.”

Not quite a lie, but there was actually an element of truth to what I’d said, and it seemed to suffice for them.

“Did you drop the wine off?”

“Yes dad, I went straight away after you left.”

“Did he like it?”

“He appreciated the vintage, and said to tell you, thanks.”

“Excellent, how was he?”

“He seemed happy enough,”

‘Well, I’m going to watch the cricket, you can fill in any details a bit later.”

Then going into the lounge, he left mum and I together.

I said to her, “I’ve put everything ready for lunch, all you have to do is switch it on, I’m just going upstairs to pack ready for Monday, but call me if you need help.”

She didn’t say anything, but she smiled as she looked into my eyes, I turned and went upstairs to my room.

I started to sort out and lay my clothes on my bed, ready to pack my case, I could hear mum moving around in the kitchen, the clatter of crockery as she took out the china to lay the table in the dining room.

After half an hour or so, I heard mum coming upstairs, she hesitated outside my door, then knocked softly and came in.

She sat down opposite me on one of the chairs, I sat in the other one, pulling it close to her, I knew she wanted to talk.

“Your dads fallen asleep in front of the TV, I must have worn him out last night.”

“Mum!” I said in mock horror.

“Listen Michelle, I know you’ve crossed an important threshold, I can see it in your eyes.”

I didn’t say anything, but listened as she continued, “you’re nearly nineteen, so it’s perfectly natural, I just want to know that you wanted it to happen, and there was no pressure.”

“No mum, it was what I wanted, and it was beautiful, I couldn’t have wished for it to be better.”

She regarded me gravely, looking deep into my eyes, carefully gauging my reactions, then taking a deep breath, she asked, “Malcolm?”

I blushed, and answered, “yes.”

“Did he hurt you?”

“Not intentionally, but I’m small like you, so it probably wasn’t any worse than what you went through, when you lost your virginity, but it was really lovely as well.”

“Yes, I know, Malcolm is a very sexually experienced, he knows what he’s doing.”

I was startled by what she’d said, and the way she said it, there was a dreamy look in her eyes, as though fond memories were in her mind.

“You mean, Malcolm, and you, you gave yours to him as well?”

“Yes, before I met your father.”

“Oh mum, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to do anything to hurt you.”

“No darling, you haven’t done that, I’m glad you chose him, I couldn’t be happier for you, I know he would have been tender and gentle with you, and it’s a secret we can both share with each other.”

“So, he’s had both of us, and I think he’ll know now, when he sees us, that it isn’t just that we look alike anymore.”

“Did you enjoy it with him?”

“Oh god yes, he was really good, but, I don’t think I orgasmed though,”

“No, it isn’t usual the first time, it’s something your body and you have to learn, but you’ll get there, and when you do, well, it’s a whole new experience.”

“Thanks for being so understanding mum.”

“Well, why shouldn’t I share my daughter’s evolution to womanhood, but whatever you do, don’t let dad find out, about either of us.”

We talked for longer, about secret special things that pass between mothers an daughters, until we heard dad stirring, and we went down for lunch.

The weekend passed, and before long I was on my way back to university, as I drove, I knew from the things that mum had told me, that Malcolm wouldn’t have a long relationship with me, as with her, he’d move on, that was his nature.

However, despite that, I felt rising excitement as I looked forward to July, and the summer holidays, when I would be spending time with Malcolm again, and enjoying all the things he was going to teach me.

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