Neighbors – Day One by NerdSarah93

Introduction: My neighbor Will and I start a sexual adventure… in an unlikely beginning , I awoke on a normal day in June, not realizing everything that would start this summer. I had been living at home for a year with my parents now, an only child, not sure what I wanted to do with my life. I had a part time job, played way too many video games online with friends, and generally didn't go out much except for work or maybe to catch a movie or get some food with the few friends that stayed in the area after graduation. I had hoped when I graduated high school and was considered 'an adult' I would figure everything out. Not so much, it turns out.

I was always a bit of a loner through school. I was average looking, nerdy, shy, and anxious. I had a few close friends, and had a few boyfriends through that time. Sure I had had sex before, not many times, and other than being told I was really good at giving a blowjob by two of my exes, I was pretty inexperienced and naive. My mother was a strict Christian, so if she found out she might kill me. My father had lost his faith, being paralyzed after a work accident, and though we shared a common hobby in watching some sports, he was non-existent in my life, mainly due to his depression since the accident, which was years prior.

The accident that had paralyzed my father also earned us a large settlement check, which was putting me through college, as well as allowing us to live comfortably, despite the situation. I took classes online because I was too shy and anxiety ridden to even attempt to go onto a college campus. I was fine with it, I could easily focus on both my courses and my video gaming, as sad as that might sound when you think about it…

My morning started normally, I dressed myself in work attire and walked to work, grabbing a coffee on the way. My parents had left for a vacation a few days prior, and were to be gone for nearly four weeks. I wanted to go, they had found a really nice place in the Bahamas, but I had both work and school I needed to focus on. The upside, however, was having the house to myself, no worries about loud noises from my games or my chatter over voice comms.

Work was exactly as I expected it to be, terrible. My shitty part time job at the nearby supermarket was never fun, especially working as a cashier. Most people were polite, my hair color, which I had recently cut short and dyed a dark shade of green, threw some people off though. I did get some compliments, but usually about my hair, not my looks. I was 5' 4″, short, plain looking, skinny, petite, and pale, which kinda lent itself into my nerd like profile I suppose.

The only things of note that happened at work were that my manager talked to me about my being late again this week. I knew I wasn't, I was almost always five minutes early, but he had to have a reason to talk to me. I knew he had a thing for me, but he was also in his late 40s, balding, and slightly overweight. Not that I judge people by the way they look, but to me, he was just not that attractive. Maybe if he lost 20 or 30 pounds and shaved, stopped pretending to keep the hair that was so obviously gone, and was 20 years younger.

The other thing of note was that my neighbor, Mr. Watson, though at this point we just called him Will, came through my line during a slow time right before my shift ended.

“Hey Sarah” he said as he walked through, only grabbing a few items, sunscreen, some apples, and lunch meat. Will Watson was an average looking guy, but attractive nonetheless. He was easily 6' tall, had a few extra pounds, black hair, and some of the greenest eyes I'd ever seen. He was also one of the most polite people I've ever met as well.

“Hey Will” I smiled as I rang up his few items “What you up to?” I asked as I bagged.

“Not much, took two weeks of vacation from work so I'm just enjoying my staycation” He replied, chuckling. “Enjoying the empty house?”

“Yeah, it's a lot quieter without my dad watching ESPN all day, or my mother on the phone working.” I took the cash from him and made change.

“Well, it's gonna be a lot hotter this week, don't forget I have the pool open as usual, feel free to hop in even if I'm not home” he said. He was nice enough to share the pool with many of the families on the small dead end road we lived on. Our neighborhood was right on the outskirts of a small suburban area, bordering on rural where we were, some woods and then a large cornfield behind our houses. Most people living in the area had kids too young to go themselves, or none at all, so I found myself usually the only one taking advantage of his offer.

“Sure thing” I smiled and handed him his change and bag, and he smiled and went on his way.

Later, after I had walked home, the heat was evident. It was nearly 100 out and having to wear a black t-shirt and pants to work was just awful for the mile and a half walk home, so when I arrived, I quickly ran into my room and stripped down to my bra and panties, most of what I owned was boyshorts, with a few thongs mixed in, and a tiny red g-string a friend had bought me as a joke on my 19th birthday. I booted up my game, put on my headset, and played, talking to friends and just acquiring materials to craft items that I could sell for a profit, nothing special since we didn’t have large guild sized raids that day or the day after.

A few hours later, I walked away from my computer, hungry, and even with the air conditioning, I felt warm. I knew my computer output a lot of heat into the room when I used it, so I had to let it air out a bit from time to time, running a box fan in the doorway to circulate some air. I headed downstairs and made a quick sandwich, and ate it, sitting in the living room, the cool air on my skin as I did.

I took my plate back into the kitchen and looked out the back window, seeing Will's pool next door. It triggered something in my mind, thinking that maybe I would go change and take a swim. It was a little after 7 pm and the air would begin to cool soon, and that was the perfect time to hop in. I went upstairs into my room and changed into a solid red bikini I owned, grabbed a beach towel, and headed out the back sliding glass door to my neighbor's pool.

I jumped in and enjoyed the water for some time. The air was cooling slowly, still hot and humid, but tolerable. There was no sign of Will as I swam, and I wondered if he was home, but the thought passed as I enjoyed the water. My sense of time escaped me somewhat as I realized it was getting dark way sooner than I expected and got out of the pool. The sunset was nice, though hard to see through the trees, and I stood there, toweling my body off. As I did, I looked towards Will's house and saw a flicker of movement from the garage door window. I knew I shouldn't, but I placed my towel down, my hair still slightly wet but I was mostly dry anyhow, and moved towards the door to look.

I got to the door and looked in, it was black, dark. I saw his car so I figured he must be home. I turned the knob and the door opened, which was a little surprising but I figured if he was home, why wouldn't the door be unlocked. Entering the garage, I walked towards the door to the inside of his home “Will?” I called to no response. I opened the door into his kitchen entryway and called again, no response.

At this point I was nervous, cool from the air conditioning hitting me, still somewhat wet, and thinking I needed to go home. However, for some unknown reason in my brain, I thought about using his bathroom before I left, which was right next to the door I just entered. I took two steps and opened the bathroom door, intending to use the toilet quickly and leave. What I saw instead was Will, standing in front of the toilet, shorts around his ankles, rapidly masturbating. I screamed, he yelled, and I ran out the doors home, face red, not believing what I saw.

I went into my room and changed into a pair of boyshort panties and a long t-shirt my dad gave me, taking my wet bikini off. I trembled, my mind racing over seeing Will jerking himself off like that. Wondering what made him do that, why there, was he watching me or did I imagine that? As my thoughts raced for some time, I heard a knock at my sliding glass door downstairs, and I knew it was probably Will. I didn't want to answer it, my anxiety, nervousness, and sheer embarrassment was fighting me but I went anyhow, going down and opening the door, not thinking about putting on pants first since the t-shirt nearly went to my knees.

“Hi Sarah” he said, sounding quiet, reserved “I'm sorry you saw that” he said

“Its… it’s ok I guess… I shouldn’t have come in like that…” I half apologized myself, my nerves making me tremble to the point I knew he could visibly see it.

“May I come in a moment?” he asked and I stepped aside, allowing him to enter and closing the door once he did. He sat on the large couch in our living room so I sat on it as well, we were close but not too close.

“Look, Sarah” he started “I'm sorry… I just… you’re such a beautiful girl and I was unable to help myself when I saw you in your bikini, you look so sexy” He said, and I was stunned. His apology had turned into flattery and I felt awkward, as if he was coming onto me. And as nervous and anxious as I was, I kinda liked it, and I blushed, I could feel my cheeks, my face, heating up.

“I um… I … thanks… I guess…” I said, trying to pass it off as nothing, looking away from him because of my emotions.

He moved himself closer to me, turning and putting one arm on the back of the couch beside me and leaned in. “It's hard not to be excited by a girl like you” he said smiling and I blushed redder, feeling my stomach churn, nerves, and excitement began to flush in.

I turned to look at him, opened my mouth to speak, but what I got instead was his lips against mine, kissing me. I opened my eyes wide in surprise but I didn’t pull away, it wasn't a bad kiss, just surprising, and after a moment, I leaned into it and kissed back, enjoying it. We continued to kiss for what seemed like an hour ,but I'm sure was no longer than a few minutes, my breathing increased, my body got warm, then hot, his hands moved onto my head, my shoulders, my arms, sliding along my shirt and skin.

He pulled back and smiled at me “I hoped you'd like that Sarah, you're so beautiful” he said, leaning in and kissing my neck. I turned my head and my body shivered as he did, my nerves mostly gone, removed by excitement and pleasure now. As he kissed my neck, I felt my shirt move and the fabric slide up as he lifted it, pulling back he removed it, and I lifted my arms in the air in response, allowing him to.

“Oh my god… so perfect” He replied as he took in my bare chest, then leaned in and began to lick and suck on my nipples. I moaned and shook in response, feeling them get hard and excite me even more, my pussy began to get wet and my entire body hot as he did, and for a single moment I wondered if I should stop this, but I couldn't, I was in the moment now.

He rubbed his hands down onto my legs and pushed them open, once again my body didn’t resist at all, and he began to rub me through my boyshorts, causing me to moan louder, closing my eyes, shivering on the couch as he touched me. I surprised myself, I was never the type of girl to just fuck a guy, but Will wasn't just a guy, I'd known him since I was a little girl, so that was better than just a few dates, right?

I looked down at Will's crotch, my body aching for something and saw that he was wearing a pair of basketball shorts, red, and he was definitely hard underneath, and this just excited me more. My eyes locked on it and one hand slid across his thigh to touch, grab, and rub it through his shorts. As I did, he leaned back once more, no longer rubbing or licking me, and smiled wide.

He then stood up and moved right in front of me. My eyes trained up to his face “Wanna see it?” he asked, but before I could respond, he slid the shorts, and what turned out to be boxers, down and his cock sprung free in front of my face. I saw it, he shaved his area and it was 6″ long, not overly thick or thin, but hard, throbbing, and impressive to me at that point. I was addicted to looking at it, not wanting to look away. He let out a chuckle and placed a hand on my head, guiding me to lean in. I knew what he wanted, I wanted to do it too, so I reached up, grabbed the base, and opened my mouth.

I wrapped my lips around his cock and began to suck, enticing a loud moan of pleasure from him as I did. His hand on my head guiding me slowly, not pushing me but also making him seem in control of my movements. I moved my head back and forth, tasting his flesh in my mouth, smelling his musk with my face in his crotch. I could feel him throb on my lips and tongue, his groans and moans of approval not wanting me to stop, but to just keep going.

I picked up my pace, sucking harder, faster on his throbbing dick, my body hot and excited, feeling my pussy get hot and damp as well, my eyes locked on his stomach as I pleased him orally. He groans and moaned, and his cock began to twitch more, and I knew he loved it, but before I knew it, he quickly pulled away, pulling him out of my mouth. I looked down at the floor a moment, and took a deep breath, and went to look up at him. As I did, I saw, and felt, a load of cum smack me in the face. Hearing his loud groans as he came, I recoiled, surprised by this, but he must have stepped forward, more cum shooting out and coating my face.

“Oh my… god yes….” Will groaned over me, finishing off his orgasm, his cum seeping on my skin, able to smell the pungent odor of it as it coated my face. I remained sitting there, surprised, amazed, and dumbfounded.

“How did today turn into me giving him a blowjob and then getting cum on?” I thought to myself as I remained motionless, hearing Will move in front of me, my eyes closed still. A few moments later Will began to rub my face with something, which I reached up to grab and do myself. I cleaned my face off as best I could, opening my eyes and realizing it was the towel I had taken over to his house earlier.

I threw the towel aside and Will sat next to me “That… was fucking amazing” he said. I, however, wasn't sure how to feel. I had a mix of emotions all running through my head. I just politely smiled and he stood up again “I'll talk to you tomorrow, okay?” he said, his voice soft, sounding reassuring to me and I nodded back, and watched him walk out the door.

I remained on my couch a few minutes, thinking, reflecting, trying to make sense out of everything, before I went upstairs, throwing the cum soaked towel in the dirty laundry as I went. I grabbed some clothes from my room and walked to the bathroom, turning the water on and letting it run to the proper temperature first. I quickly ran back to my room and grabbed one more thing and then locked the door, just in case.

The next thirty minutes turned into a shower and furiously fucking myself with my red vibrator, orgasming multiple times, realizing what had just happened to me had been so exciting, so sexually adventurous (for me) and that I loved it. It took me longer to finish my shower than I wanted, but I didn’t care, I had to let this sexual tension out.

Normally, after a shower at this time of day, I would play games for several hours online, but since my guild had nothing of note planned, I decided to lie down, and fell fast asleep, the excitement of the day tiring me out more than I thought. Read 13488 times | Rated 90.8 % | (98 votes) Vote list (Close) :
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