New Job, New Chances by Suitman21,Suitman21

All characters are over 18 and this is a pure piece of fiction.

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Sitting daydreaming at her desk in reception of the Estate Agents, she is temporarily contracted to work at, Steph is bored senseless. Nothing much ever happened. When, Sally had been off ill recently. Like everybody else, struck down at some point with Covid. Steph had tried to spice it up a bit with one of the partners on the late evening they worked together…..nothing ever really necessitated staying open late, but the big boss wanted to offer a service to those that also worked office hours, so twice a week the juniors started at 12 and worked until 8 with the last 3 hours basically taken up with making sure all listings were up to date and on the off-chance someone walked in there was someone to handle any queries.

Sally was Mike’s assistant so when Steph was covering her, she had to do the later shift as well. Steph had chosen a skirt that could be altered to differing lengths by zipping on or off 3 further sections basically turning one skirt into a mini, knee length, midi or maxi length. During the day she had worn it as a midi, with modest 3 inch heels on her shoes. Wearing stockings and suspenders, as was her chosen attire on that day, meant the swish around her calves as she flitted around carrying out her duties had felt wonderful. Mike had even seemed to push his arm harder against her leg as she stood next to him as he showed her something on the computer.

5.15, everyone had left the office except her and Mike so she thought she would test a theory for herself…. Namely unzip the next section, thus making her skirt knee length. She caught Mike craftily eyeing her up as she bent to put some files into the bottom drawer of the filing cabinet, where obviously her skirt pulled tighter to her legs so outline her suspender clips, this actually causing her nipples to harden slightly and a fluttering in her pussy to commence. The two upper sections of the skirt had side zips as well, allowing the opportunity to be a bit more daring if wearing to a party or on a night out, carefully edging the bottom one up slightly so that when she was putting sales details into the plastic holders on the wall, if she put one leg forward and pushed her thigh to one side the detailing that commenced just above her knee on the stockings is visible. Over the next 2 hours she notices the crafty sly looks every-time she is in his eye-line……feeling exceedingly horny and knowing Mike was actually between girlfriends at present she can’t resist pushing the boundaries a little further.

Having completed all the paperwork and filing there was and having restocked all the stationery etc she asks Mike ‘Have you got anything planned for this evening after we get out of here?’

Leaning back and stretching his arms above his head…’Not much, gotta slip to Tesco and get some bits and pieces, then home and catch up with Netflix I guess……What about you?’

Putting her foot up onto the open desk drawer so that as he looks at her he is bound to see the rear of her thigh, including the suspender catch, she mutters, ‘Not much, I gotta drop off my timesheet at the agency and then I will probably go for food and a drink in The Star….. It is Karaoke night tonight that is why I wore this skirt so I can zip the sections off instead of going home to change….. I have a clean blouse and some more shoes in my locker.’ As she says this she flounces the skirt a bit to guarantee he has seen the move from stocking to skin.

‘I stay away from those nights…..I can’t carry a tune in a bucket.’ He splutters as he sees milky white flesh.

‘That is the whole point, nobody can, it is just a bit of fun.’ Seeing how flustered he got she stands up, closes her drawer and looking over her shoulder ‘I am gonna make sure all the cups are washed and dried in the kitchen and change my top if you don’t mind.’

‘No…. go ahead…… just a shame we have to stay here until bang on 8….. Jeremy will check the alarm code setting when he comes in tomorrow… if it is 2 minutes early he will go mental.’

**** **** **** ****

Desperate to push the boundaries as far as possible Steph pops into the toilet, unzips the last section, thus turning the skirt into a mini, locking off the side zip at 4 inches above the hem, she also removes her damp panties leaving herself commando…..fluffs her pubic hair. Puts on the shiny satin blouse with the plunging neckline which frames her cleavage perfectly, spritzes herself with perfume, and decides to put her 6 inch heels on at her desk, hopefully with Mike watching.

‘You sure you don’t want to join me in a duet tonight?’ She croons as she puts her foot back up onto the open drawer, clips the ankle strap in place and sits back allowing her thighs to fall open just a little bit more. Noticing how Mike slightly ducks his head to get a better look at her crotch.

Blustering slightly ‘No, it is fine….. I have to get home to tend to my pussy….. she has been shut in all day as she is recovering from being spayed.’

‘Aww poor thing……. I didn’t know you liked pussies.’

Mike just goes exceedingly red and turns back to his computer but positions the mirror on his desk so he can watch Steph as she continues to let her legs loll open, allowing him to see her bush but also the delicate pink of her labia as they puff with blood from excitement.

‘Well you know where I shall be….. if you want to come and play later I am sure you won’t disappoint.’ Steph coos seductively.

That was 4 weeks ago, Mike didn’t join her and he actually does all he can to avoid being in the same room with her.

**** **** **** ****

Leaving the office bang on 5 she scurries along to drop off her timesheet before the agency closes, wanting to catch them to see if there are any new positions become available.

Pushing the door open she is pleased to see that nobody else is waiting, which could mean there are no new vacancies or just that everyone had decided to head home straight from their current positions…. It was hit and miss whether there were none or 12 people clamouring for jobs every Friday, all the time sheets had to be dropped off to be able to get paid the following Thursday.

‘Hi Rhea, I don’t suppose there is anything new on the books this week?’

‘Oh hiya Steph….. it is all or nothing, it seems to be that we get new requests for 13 week contracts which we just move you all around to fill and unless something goes wrong we are sorted until the next round, we have a few short time positions come in everyday, which we give to the ones who don’t need such a regular income.’

‘Oh well, I thought I would ask…… that estate agents is so boring.’ Steph sighs ‘I never thought I would struggle to find work, after all pampering and self-care is meant to be all the rage at the moment.’

‘What do you mean?’

‘I did 4 years at college to train in complementary therapies…. Reflexology, massage, yoga and nutrition…. Admittedly only scraping the surface, but I have some qualifications but no chance of using my knowledge unless I move house, which I can’t afford until I get full-time employment that is stable.’

‘Really?’ Rhea mutters ‘Hang on two minutes I might have something for you.’

Flopping down onto the sofa against the wall Steph waits for Rhea to come back from the back office where she can see her on the phone.

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‘Hey Roge……I just found something out that might interest you.’

‘Ummm…..let me guess, my little sis has a cunt like a bucket?’ Roger laughs.

‘Cheeky git……. Nope…. You remember Stephanie Bowles?’

‘Cute face…. About 5ft 5….. and a pair of tits to die for?’

‘Yeah, that’s the one…… I lost touch with her when we left school, but it appears she went to college to study massage and reflexology and all that other shit.’

‘So what has that gotta do with me?’

‘She is on my books for placements.’

‘I ain’t taking staff through your agency…… one, I can’t afford your inflated rates, I prefer to pay the guys and girls the wages into their hands…… two, I don’t want anything that leads back to you…. Yours is the only purely legal income that any of us have.’

‘I know, I am not thinking of putting it through the agency……. I was thinking of just sending her along to see you for you to make the decision.’

‘But would she be prepared for the extras that our clients demand?’

‘I think so….. she was always game for anything…… but you can start her dealing with the day clients….. with Simone leaving there will be a need for cover on the front desk…. Isn’t reflexology to do with feet?’

‘What has reflexology gotta do with Simone leaving? She was one of the most asked for therapists I had and she never did feet, not even on the kinky massages.’

‘Think about it….. you can get Steph to do the dear sweet little old ladies that come in for their mani/pedis by offering a foot massage with creams after the other girls have done their nails etc during the day….added pamper…….then if you broach the subject of possibly doing evening shifts for the private members….. if she is keen then you can check if she might be willing to earn a bit of extra cash.’

‘You said she is still cute though?’

‘Oh fuck me yeah……she is probably even better than you remember……. I’ll see if she can pop along to see you tomorrow at about 11 shall I?’

‘Tomorrow or Sunday works…… remember we are shut this weekend for essential maintenance.’

‘Perfect….. you can maybe sound her out properly tomorrow then, as you can show her the full tour.’

‘Give her my number and then she can ring me when here, tell her to come to the side door if she is interested.’

‘OK bruv…… by the way isn’t it about time you popped over to see Grandma Ruth, she is lost since Grampa Randolph passed……. Dad went to see her last week and said she was literally letting go…….. you know she always enjoyed your attention.’

‘You are just miffed that you can’t get your little rewards from Randy……..even when his body was failing his cock still seemed to rise for you.’ Roger laughs as he hangs up on his sister.

**** **** **** ****

Walking back into the front office Rhea sits down on the sofa as well, noting the swell of Steph’s chest and also the cute slightly turned up button nose and the dimples in her cheeks when she smiles. ‘You know R & R Retreats out at the end of town?’

‘Yeah….. isn’t it like a posh members only Country Club type place with tennis courts, a swimming pool and a golf course?’

‘It is a bit like that but they also allow day visitors to use the facilities until 6 in the evening……. It was actually started by my grand-parents, passed to my parents and my brother actually manages the place…… Well, since you mentioned about your qualifications for complimentary therapies, I just checked with my brother to see if there are any vacancies… of the girls is leaving in about 3 weeks…… So I wondered if you might fancy putting your skills to good use.’

‘I didn’t think you did anything but clerical vacancies here?’

‘We don’t, this would be a full-time job employed direct by the company.’

‘Your brother… that Roger?……..he was 3 years above me at school……. I wondered what he ended up doing…… I had a huge crush on him back then.’ Steph gushed.

‘Oh, don’t tell him that…..he is big-headed enough as it is without finding he has an admirer.’

Blushing badly, but feeling a twitch in her panties just thinking of him Steph mumbles ‘He was always surrounded by loads of girls, so he is probably married and settled down now……. I lost touch with everyone from school because of the fact we all came from all over the place.’

‘I hear you….. it wasn’t until you moved into town and registered with us that I remembered you, but I didn’t see your qualifications on the paperwork.’

‘I didn’t mention them as like I said I thought it was just clerical work you offered.’

‘Well, now I know and the fact we know who you are, as long as there is nothing amiss in your DBS check, which I don’t think there is or we wouldn’t use you for the temporary vacancies that we offer…….hopefully we can get you into a full-time job with any luck…..that is if you want a proper job?’

‘Yeah, it would be mint.’

‘Well, they are closed this weekend as the pool has to be drained along with a couple of jobs that need doing so if you want to pop along and see Roge tomorrow at about 11 he can interview you and show you the set up.’

‘Brilliant…… I can’t take too much more of the missogs in the estate agents.’

‘Normally it would be a 14 day notice period to stop your contract, but if you like the set up at R & R I can get you covered literally from Monday……. I will send one of the older women along there.’

**** **** **** ****

Feeling quite conflicted as to what she should wear…. Remembering how gorgeous Roger was but not wanting to jeopardise her chances of obtaining a proper job Steph decides to be conservative in all things smallish heels, a below the knee skirt and a fully buttoned through blouse.

Hearing his phone ringing and realising time has got away from him and he is not ready to greet anyone, let alone a prospective new employee, who incidentally he remembers as being smoking hot but just unattainable a few years previous….. Roger swings himself through the gap in the scaffolding tower, realising he has misjudged it he makes a frantic grab for the bar as he flies through the air, catching it but wrenching his shoulder pretty badly which actually slowed him down more than if he had climbed down properly.

Opening the door to admit her and apologising profusely for being so mucky, as he ruffles his hair releasing a cloud of dust into the air.

‘No problem….. Rhea told me there was some maintenance work going on…… I didn’t realise you were doing it yourself though.’

‘It is only cleaning out the fan units…… but it is a pretty filthy job without all the correct equipment.’ He assures her as he guides her towards the reception to the club, wincing as he pulls the door open, clutching his shoulder, he smiles at her.

‘Have you hurt yourself?’

‘It is nothing…… I just pulled my shoulder a little bit.’

‘Oh… you want me to take a look at it?…….Maybe I can manipulate it for you and make it feel a bit more comfortable.’ Steph mumbles as she gazes at his topless torso.

‘No it is fine…… So Rhea says you have some experience in Complementary Therapies…… Did she tell you what we do here?’

‘Not really….. I know it is like a Country Club kind of thing.’ She waves her hand around indicating the photos on the walls of Golf, Tennis and Swimming which makes her chest wobble gently.

‘Hmmm not quite as posh as a Country Club, but yes we have a Golf Course, Tennis Courts a Swimming Pool and also Tanning beds, Sauna, Hot Tubs and a Gym…… with what we term ‘Pampering Potential’ offering mani/pedis, massage therapy and I am looking into installing 4 individual mud baths.’

‘Wow….. I didn’t realise you had all that…… I used to see this place on the way to school on the bus but thought it was just Golf and Tennis etc.’

‘It would have been when we were at school…..the pool was added about 10 years ago and the rest has slowly been added on by doing away with the Function Rooms……. It used to be like a business/conference venue when Gramps first built it, but with all the new hotels in town offering facilities alongside accommodation it wasn’t viable here anymore so my dad started to change it and then I just ran with it when he made me manager….. If you allow me 10 minutes to quickly grab a shower and put some clothes on I will show you around.’

‘You don’t have to do that…… I can come back.’

‘No, really it will be 15 minutes tops…….shower and pull some clothes on and we are good to go.’

‘You don’t have to get dressed for me.’

Laughing ‘Well even though we are closed I think it might look odd if I walk around naked and you are still dressed’

‘Roger…… you will make me blush.’

‘On you red is a lovely colour I am sure……. If you follow me a minute I will show you where there is coffee and tea stuff and then I will soon be clean and sparkly again.’ Wincing as he again forgets his shoulder is painful.

**** **** **** ****

Sitting quietly flicking through a magazine, in the staff room Steph can hear the voices of the guys doing the pool maintenance but can also hear the faint sound of a shower running, which appears to be coming from behind the door Roger had gone through. Standing to go and look out through the window overlooking the reception area of the club she notices the door isn’t totally closed so sidles up to it to peek through the gap, as she gets closer the sound of running water definitely gets louder.

Looking around her to make sure there are no cameras filming she reaches out to pull the door open a few inches more so she can actually see into the room behind the door. Noticing there are 4 doors that lead off of this room. One door is open though which is where she can hear the water running ‘Ahh so there must be staff showers up here’ she muses to herself, assuming through one of the other doors is a shower for the females. Hearing the water stop she isn’t too concerned as she thinks Roger would need to dry himself and dress first so she continues to gaze around trying to get some perception. How wrong she is, less than 15 seconds later Roger walks out into the room stark naked casually wiping his face and hair on a smallish towel, as he heads towards the door opposite. Even though it is only a small gap she is looking through she is concerned in case he realises she has been snooping around. All of a sudden he turns back towards the slightly open door and starts walking towards it. She can’t help but notice his toned body in all its glory, including a gorgeous cock that swings freely between his thighs, even flaccid it is impressive. Seeing him reach out she is concerned as to how she can explain why she is by the door, but surely he wouldn’t barrel through without clothes on!

Grabbing a large towel off of the rack by the door, noting the door is slightly more ajar than he had left it and also noting the shadow cast on the floor, Roger gets his first answer to his query….. Having purposely set a subtle trap to see 1) If she was inquisitive and now seeing that she wasn’t moving away from the door 2) Knowing she must have seen him naked and possibly might be perfect to join the organisation.

Seeing him turn again and walk away, this time wrapping a towel around his waist Steph sighs quietly, but can’t get the sight of his cock out of her mind. She can feel the slight arousal in her nipples and pussy, being a bit more daring after seeing this she decides maybe to unbutton her blouse slightly thus showing a bit of cleavage.

**** **** **** ****

Drying his body, dressing in joggers and a company polo shirt, combing his hair and thinking how far he might be able to push things to ascertain if she would be an asset to their set up. Roger is concerned to note his shoulder is stiffening up, but also realises that might be an opening to test the ground, if he can get her to offer to take a look at it again, firstly he can see if she does know her craft but also he can see how she is with contact.

Sitting back down, trying to compose herself before he comes back into the staff room, Steph quickly checks in her little mirror in her handbag that she isn’t too flushed.

‘So, Steph….. Can I call you Steph or as this is a formal interview do you prefer Miss Bowles, I take it that it is still Miss?’ Roger, deciding to bluff but be slightly more professional asks her.

Sitting up straighter as she is quite intimidated by his more distant tone, ‘Umm…. Steph is fine, unless you feel it is better to be more formal, as you say it is an interview…… yes it is still Miss.’

‘I am just playing with you….. However, with some of our clientele it will be Steph, others it will be Miss Bowles and sorry to say others it will just be as though you are not even present…… I was thinking about when we were all in school together and how free we all were….. now it is a different world it seems.’

‘Yes indeed it is….. I see some people who were really friendly who now look down on others and then there are people like Mr Peacock, owns that little newsagents by the school, he hated us when we were kids but he is really nice whenever I see him walking down the High Street or in The Stars.’

‘Oooo there is a blast from the past…… I remember him, he was always shooing us out of his shop…… The Stars….. is that the Pub just down from Rhea’s office?’

‘Yeah that’s the one…… it is midway between where I am currently working and where I live.’

‘Oh, so you have moved into town have you?’

‘Yeah….. I couldn’t stay living out in the village…… I was restricted for work opportunities and whatnot….. I couldn’t afford to learn to drive without having a proper income and I didn’t want to rely on Dad all the time…… So I found a small flat and Dad bought it, renovated it and lets me live there……. So still relying on him but not intruding on his social life.’ Steph utters, thinking maybe she is oversharing.

‘OK,….. I don’t really know how best to do this…. Rhea phoned me last night and said that she had discovered you attended college to study Complementary Therapies…… So as she has had you working for her and seems quite happy with you…. I guess the best thing is to show you around, let you ask questions…… I take it you are interested in a possible job here or you wouldn’t have turned up today.’ Roger asserts.

‘I don’t know what good I can be to you…….. I don’t play Golf or Tennis….. I do swim but doesn’t everyone?’

‘Did Rhea tell you anything about this place?’

‘Only that it was family owned, you do have a private membership but allow anyone to use the facilities during the day.’

‘Typical Rhea, simplistic to the end…….. There is an annual membership which allows full use of the facilities from 8am to 10pm…. Then there is a Pay As You Go tariff of £8 a day for anyone who wants to use the facilities on an adhoc basis but that only allows use from 8am until 6pm. That is the indoor facilities…..The Golf Course and two outside Tennis Courts are used as long as the light holds, so limited naturally for big chunks of the year. But only the members have a fob to gain access to the showers etc after 6pm………. Let’s go for a walk and I can show you.’

Heading out of the staff area, after assuring her that she can leave her stuff there safely as there is nobody except the Pool Engineers and himself in the building, the Pool Engineers having no reason to come upstairs…… Steph had left her handbag and phone under her jacket on the sofa she had been sat on, thinking it was not a good idea to be seen carrying her phone when she should be paying attention.

Noting how her blouse was now undone a little more displaying a touch of cleavage and remembering she had obviously seen him naked, Roger is more inclined to believe she might be accept the extra options that would be offered if she came to work there.

‘I take it you don’t need to wander out onto the Golf Course or run around on the Tennis Courts…… We can look out over both from inside the building when we get towards the end of the tour.’ Roger cajoles as he watches her literally skipping along beside him to keep up, the joys of his long legs, means he can stride out making her step quicker which sets her bosom bouncing delightfully and he can hear the swish of her skirt as it twitches.

‘No, I am fine not walking on the grass.’ She chuckles, also noticing his jiggling in certain areas, realising that he must be commando under those joggers.

‘If we start where the general public will start then we can flow through the place and give you a better feel for the place.’

‘That sounds good to me.’

‘OK then, any questions just feel free to ask and I will answer as best as I can….. Normally the left hand door as we look at it would be open, except for in extreme weather, when it would be unlocked but not propped open…. People come in through the lobby and enter through the glass door to the reception desk here, where they either swipe their fob to register in or pay the fee to the receptionists, always 2 on duty together from 8 until 6….. This is one area that everyone takes turns at.’

‘What happens at 6pm then….surely anyone could just walk in then?’

‘No, at 6 when the door is locked, members use their fob to gain access but most will use the side entrance as there is a members only car-park on the side of the building, only accessible with the fob as there is a barrier to be raised……. Not all members come here at night.’

‘Once they have swiped in or paid the fee then they either head through that door to head for the changing rooms for the Golf and Outdoor Tennis.’ He points as he places his hand on her shoulder to guide her, noticing she didn’t flinch away from his touch, or through those doors to access swimming pool, sauna, Hot Tubs and massage treatment rooms or the Indoor Tennis courts, pointing to two more doors at the end of the room…. Turning her slightly with his hand on her shoulder, then through that door is the Pampering Section, where mainly the ladies get their nails done, fingers and toes whilst having a cuppa, there are getting to be more guys starting to use the facility…… Now, with your qualifications hopefully we can use you in the massage rooms and maybe the Pampering Section for foot treatments…… unless you are averse to touching feet, but I think Rhea said you trained in reflexology as well.’

‘I only scraped the surface, but am willing to get more training if necessary.’

Walking towards the stairs at the back of reception, his hand still on her shoulder, thus walking close together, allowing him to gaze down from his foot height advantage, being 6ft 6 tall, to see her cleavage more clearly.

‘Up here we have a viewing gallery, often parents bring their kids to go swimming, but prefer to just sit and watch whilst having a cup of tea or coffee from the machine.’ Climbing the steps, ‘Or they can walk over to the other side and watch the Tennis on the indoor courts. We are looking at getting a couple of Tennis coaches.’ Roger notices Steph’s interest as the seating on both sides comes into her sight.

‘So…. If my understanding is correct the bit between the Pool and the Tennis, where we are stood is the changing rooms etc?’ She asks going to look over the barrier at the empty pool below.

Coming to stand by her side but slightly behind her also, Roger points to the foot baths that are necessary between the changing rooms and the pool edge, this ensuring no outside footwear gets onto the pool edge ‘Exactly, if you lean forward slightly you can see the three entrances from the changing rooms, male on the left, female right and the family one in the middle.’ Feeling her hip lightly brush the front of his joggers, as she leans forwards to see where he is pointing. ‘We also use this space for birthday parties and even a few groups meet here. I am considering putting in a proper café type facility up here.’

Leaning forwards, Steph is sure she felt his cock on her bum, she smooth’s her skirt down as she stands back up and yes he was definitely stood close enough for it to have happened.

Seeing her brush her skirt down and also feeling her wrist rubbing across the front of his joggers making his cock flinch, Roger still can’t decide if she is game enough. Directing her to walk right the way along the side of the pool they approach what just looks like a set of curtains hanging down, but opening one up he guides her through into another viewing gallery this time looking out over the Golf Course. ‘We often have tournaments here so instead of standing out in all winds and weathers a lot of the spectators bring their binoculars in here and watch…..most of the course is visible for the best part….. We also hold a liquor licence, so have set up a temporary bar over here, he guides her to a corner where there are locked beer fridges and a spirits section behind a locked screen.’

Looking to test a theory herself, Steph sees this as a perfect chance to see if the shower stuff earlier was accidental or on purpose…..she had noted his gazing down her top as they walked, his standing close enough to touch but not actually touching at the barrier and there is definitely a protrusion in his joggers……… Heading back towards the middle of the window, she stands against the barrier and gazes out…… ‘So, how many holes is the course?’

‘I thought you weren’t interested in Golf?’

‘I’m not, but if I am to work here surely I need to know what we have on offer…….. so is it 9 holes or 18?……. and which way does the course go?’

Standing behind her so he can point things out, he places one hand on her shoulder and points his other hand over her other shoulder to direct her view towards certain places, not noticing that she has placed one hand behind herself……. ‘If you look right the way up there to the crest of the hill that is where you will find holes 7 through 11, on our 18 hole course.’ He moves his hand from the extreme left right the way across the horizon as he says this. ‘Down there is the first Tee.’ He points down literally 20 yards from the building.

Steph leans forwards to look, thus pushing her bottom back which in turn pushes her hand into his crotch, before she immediately stands back upright. Both of them feeling it but not saying anything.

‘The course starts there and meanders its way up through the trees, crosses over the ridge and then returns back down that side.’ Roger croaks as he uses his hand on her shoulder to twist her slightly.

Twisting back quickly to point out towards where she knows the river runs Steph causes his hand to slip from her shoulder and to slide partially down her front so that the tips of his fingers are level with her nipple and his palm is rested on her upper chest, which cause him to wince again as it is his bad arm, again both of them noticing but not saying anything. ‘Isn’t the river over there?…..What happens if they lose a ball in the water?’

‘Yes it is and the players sort it out amongst themselves…. Some take a five for the hole others just use another ball and play on…… but in a tournament there will be set rules.’

‘Maybe, if I do get the job someone will walk me around the course one day so I can understand things better.’ Steph says as she turns to look at him….. ‘So, what’s next?’

‘Umm….. I suppose we ought to go and show you the sauna, Hot Tubs and massage area, as that is somewhere we need your experience.’ Roger answers, noticing a sparkle in her eye that wasn’t there before.

**** **** **** ****

Crossing back along the walkway to descend the stairs ‘We can look in the changing rooms but if you don’t mind I don’t want to get in the way of the Pool guys as I need them to finish on time so we can reopen on Monday.’

‘No problem…. I can see the pool from up here anyway…. Once you seen one you have seen them all….. they just come in different sizes.’

They skip through the pool changing rooms and head through the door at the end to access the sauna etc… every time Roger leads with his left arm to open doors and winces each time his shoulder is put under stress.

‘Please let me take a look at that shoulder… won’t take long… it allows you to see I do know a bit about what I am doing.’ Steph pleads as they enter one of the massage rooms…… ‘Here just sit down here and I will just manipulate it so I can feel if there is something wrong.’ She pulls the chair out from the wall and gets him to sit…… Knowing this is either gonna get her a job or blow it completely, she sets out to test another theory. Explaining that she is going to test his range of movement by gentle supported movement she begins. Placing one foot either side of his foot she lifts her skirt up just high enough to shuffle over his leg to get in the position she needs, placing his left hand on her shoulder as she crouches, she places her right hand on his shoulder and slowly starts to rise and fall, feeling for any resistance in the joint, but noting more the way his eyes are drawn to her cleavage as she moves up and down, also noting the obvious movement in his crotch……. Shuffling forwards slightly with her left leg, the one between his legs, she knows as she squats again her knee with come into contact with his growing cock, plus it also puts her chest closer to him and she knows he must have noticed her nipples are like bullets.

‘Steph, can I ask you a question?’

‘You just did,’ she giggles ‘of course you can.’

‘Can you feel anything that needs checking out?’ The last two words uttered an octave higher, as once again her feels her leg rubbing his cock head through his joggers.

‘Ummm…… Yeah I think you might have torn the muscles or tendons in your shoulder, but only a proper scan will give you the answer, but you will need to rest it for a few days regardless, you are wincing every time you put it under strain………….. But, Mr Rodgers, there is something else that needs looking at as well.’ She steps back, takes his hand from her shoulder and rests it back on his thigh before letting her left hand cup his ball sack, kneeling in front of him she gazes into his eyes as she reaches out to fondle his cock through his joggers, waiting for him to push her away.

‘You know this is going above and beyond don’t you…… the job is yours if you want it.’

‘Stop talking and just lift your butt up.’ She grabs his waistband and pulls it out to release his cock to her sight, noting she was right, he was commando….. leaning forwards she kisses the tip of his huge meat skewer before licking all around the bulbous head.

‘This isn’t right……. Why do I get all the pleasure?’

‘Shush…….. get that shoulder fixed and trust me……. With this baby you can pleasure me any time.’ Steph gushes as she takes as much of his cock into her mouth and throat as she can, massaging the rest with her hand.

**** **** **** ****

Having survived less than two minutes of her sucking and munching on his cock, Roger is dismayed to fire a load of cum straight into her mouth and throat. He hadn’t even had time to touch her in anyway except resting his hand on her head as she drank everything he had.

Standing up, brushing her skirt down and grinning inanely ‘Damn that was good…… I haven’t even kissed you yet either…….. I have been waiting for that chance ever since you teased me upstairs earlier…..wandering out of the show with no clothes on indeed.’

‘Ha ha, I did wonder if you would be curious…. That is why I purposely left the door open a bit……. Rhea was right….. You are way cuter than you used to be…..Back then you were gorgeous.’

‘Oh, so you have been talking about me have you?’ Thrusting one hip forwards playfully.

‘Only good things,’ He chuckles….. ‘We better finish the tour and then we can talk details.’

Taking his hand, they walk back through reception and back to the staff room.

Going over to the coffee machine and inserting a fresh filter, Roger pours out the dregs of the old pot and refills the reservoir on the machine.

‘I still haven’t had that kiss you mentioned…… the way…..where did that come from?’

‘I don’t know to be honest…….I have always had a soft spot for you, but I was never lucky enough to catch your eye……but after talking to Rhea last night and then seeing you earlier when you let me in, I suddenly realised how much I like you.’

‘Hmmm…. That is good to know……. Do I get that kiss then or what?’

‘Before you do…….. I need to wash my mouth out……. But more importantly, even though this is a bit late, I need to check are you with anyone?’

Laughing heartily ‘Trust me if I was with someone I would have stopped you before it went so far…… As for the other bit……shut up and pucker up.’ He leans down to kiss her deeply before she can react.

Pouring her a coffee and checking if she wanted milk and sugar Roger carries it over and puts it on the side table by her side……. Puts his on the table at the other end of the sofa and sits down.

‘Well, this didn’t go quite as I intended,’ Holding his hand up towards her as she tries to speak ‘but it makes what I need to say now so much easier.’

‘Oh…… I have buggered up my chances of a job.’ Steph mumbles, looking down and twiddling her fingers.

‘Not at all…… I am just gonna come out and say it as it is and hope you don’t then screw me over.’

‘I wouldn’t.’

‘I hope not…… because it isn’t just me that would get caught up in the backlash.’

‘So come on spit it out….. I’ll swallow it.’ Steph laughs looking at him with a kooky smile on her face.

‘You are bloody nuts, you know that don’t ya?’


‘Ok, don’t interrupt me……… We allow the public to use the facilities to keep things going, as we can’t survive on just the annual memberships…… we need a regular cash flow to continue throughout the year, not just have a big cash pot in January and then nothing for the other 11 months…….Plus this is the bit that might be hard to digest…… We have a few members who get special treatment…….. One of our best members of staff is leaving shortly….. In fact she is one of the staff members that administers the special treatments…….. I am now looking to employ someone to carry out the normal duties, which will allow the other staff to take on some of Simone’s duties…….. That is where you fit in…… I wouldn’t expect you to do anything above and beyond…….. Unless you wanted to that is…… It is worth a bit more money but not everyone is keen……… Now you can speak.’

Nodding ‘Is that why it is members only from 6pm onwards?’

‘Not really, it is just better for controlling numbers for the sauna, Hot Tubs and even swimming………. But it does allow us to be flexible in helping those with extra requirements…….. Come on I have something to show you.’

Taking her hand he walks towards the door to the room beyond the staffroom. Leading her into the room where he showered earlier ‘This is our sharing shower……..used by both men and women and sometimes at the same time.’ Walking across the hallway he pushes a door open ‘This is one of two private massage rooms up here.’ Heading towards another of the doors, he opens it to show a staircase that doubles back on itself. Going down it Steph is surprised to see a single 8 person Hot Tub. ‘This one is special in the fact it is used completely naked.’

‘So, these special treatments are of a sexual nature?’ Steph asks.

‘In a word yes……. Not all involving staff……. Some of them are just people who can’t be seen together outside.’ Taking her hand he climbs back up the stairs and heads towards the final door, pushing it open she sees a giant circular bed. ‘This room is the hardest to keep under wraps…… Should we have an inspection, there is a sectional wall that drops down from above with loads of mops and buckets and extra pumps for the Hot Tubs attached to it, so it looks like a big cleaner’s cupboard.’

‘Are you saying you host orgies?’

‘Not orgies…… but sometimes 4 or 6 people at a time…….. before you ask, the sheets are washed after every use and there is a mattress cover on there as well.’

‘If I wanted to partake in these extra treatments what would I have to do?’

‘Steph, I am not expecting you to do anything like that, Shirley and Carol can cope as long as you help to keep the regular members content with their swimming, normal massage and stuff like that……. all massages, Hot Tub and sauna sessions have to be booked to make sure they don’t get crowded…… in the evening it usually isn’t a problem anyway…… most just want a swim and then a laze in the Hot Tub on the way home from work.’

‘I know you say you don’t expect it, but what if I want to earn extra cash, what things are needed?’

‘Umm…..well it could be an erotic massage to orgasm, just using hands, on both male and female….. 3 of the boys usually alternate with the female members……..funnily enough none of the male members want a guy……. But some of the females prefer a girl to help them……..Or it could be using hands and mouth and in extreme cases it could be the members will actually fuck the masseuse.’

‘Oh a full service is offered then?’ Steph mumbles looking thoughtful.

‘But everyone is vetted and trusted.’

‘Tell me more about the Hot Tub downstairs.’

‘Ahh, well that is for everyone’s use, members and staff……. Often there are 6 people just sat in there enjoying the warmth and the jets……. Usually all naked and should the desire take over it means we drain it and clean it…..usually they enjoy the warmth and bubbles and then come up here to relieve the tension.’ Indicating the bed, which Steph seeing her chance pushes Roger down onto ‘What are you doing?’

‘In case you hadn’t noticed, you have had some relief today……. I am like a bottle of fizz waiting to pop my cork……. I want that cock buried right in my twat right now.’ She growls as she pulls his joggers passed his arse and down his legs, taking his slider slippers with her as she dumps them on the floor…….. Taking his right foot in her hand and lifting it to her mouth, licking from heel to toe. ‘This should answer your question about me and feet.’ She coos as she takes two toes into her mouth to nibble and suck on while she kicks her shoes off and shuffles her skirt off, quickly followed by her panties. ‘So pleased I wore stockings today.’ She utters as she crawls up the bed, quickly licks his cock before positioning herself above him and impaling herself, feeling every inch both in length and girth

‘Fuck me that feels so good.’ Is all Roger can respond as he starts pumping up to meet her downward thrusts crashing their pelvic regions together with thunderous claps.

Steadying herself by placing her hands on his chest, as the thrusts of his cock piling into her, filling her wanton pussy to the brim, Steph feels an overwhelming orgasm building deep in her soul. She throws her head back and screams ‘Rrrrrrroooooooooggggggggeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrr……….. yyyyoooouuuu hhhhaaaaavvvvveeeeee ttttthhhhheeeee mmmmmmooooosssssstttt aaaaaammmmmmaaaaazzzzzziiiiinnnnnggggg ccccccooooooocccckkkkkk.’

Seeing her towering above him, as her body quakes with shivers and her cunt sprays her juices all over his cock, balls and even nearly to his chest as she continues to bounce maniacally on him, milking him for all she is worth, her internal muscles clenching and gripping at will, as she rises and falls with an increasing rhythm dragging him closer and closer to shooting his load deep inside her.

‘Fuck…..why did I not discover ages ago you had this hiding in your trousers?’ Steph gasps as she feels the warmth of his ejaculation deep inside her, literally painting her whole insides with hot thick white junk.

Lying side by side, wrapped up in each-other’s arms, they try to get their breathing under control and their heart rates down to a more normal level, cum dribbling out of Steph, running down the crack of her ass and pooling under her. Roger, leaning over to kiss her deeply and probably only then realising she had the most luxuriant pubic bush that he had seen in many a year, he just needed to bury his face right in there and taste both of their juices, but not wanting to deny her if she wanted to also partake, by sucking him clean he literally spins his body around on the spot, so they are in a mutually pleasant oral sex position.

Feeling his fingers parting her curls, then the warmth of his breath, as he moved in to tongue her flaming orifice Steph squirms, but opens her legs as wide as she can to give him unfettered access to the centre of her being, loving the touch of his tongue on her swollen clit.

Finding her cunt is literally still spasming, he curls his tongue to lick as far within her as possible, surprised that she literally could grip his tongue with her muscles. Wiping up the crack of her arse scooping some of the cum that has pooled below her he circles her bum hole with his finger unsure as to whether that area was off limits, but feeling her shuffle her bum forward, virtually inviting him to push forwards, he pushes his finger into her most secret place, finding it slipped right in with no resistance, with his tongue fucking her cunt and his finger buried in her arse he realises that she is going to be such a seamless addition to the staff, but not sure he is willing to share her with anyone else.

Steph, just sighs deeply before once again taking his cock in her hand, instead of taking it deep in her mouth, she gently starts licking and kissing up and down the whole 10 inches of it, finishing up with taking both of his balls into her mouth at once driving him into paroxysms of unknown pleasure.

**** **** **** ****

Walking along the street towards the temp agency Steph feels as happy as she could possibly be. Roger had offered her a position at R & R but he had made a few provisos. Initially she would be employed purely for the reception duties and general duties, making sure changing rooms are clean, bookings for sauna and Hot Tubs are correct etc etc…. The only massage she is to partake in is the creaming of clients who have had foot treatments. However, even with the restrictions she is exceedingly happy.

‘Hi Rhea…… I have just popped in to tender my notice. I know it is normally 14 days, I can fulfil that if needed, however, if you could see a way to make it 7 days I would be grateful.

‘Oh hi there Steph…… Roger has already phoned me to say that you are starting with them as soon as I could release you from my books.’ Rhea gushes ‘I need to see you in my office though to complete a couple of things, so when would be convenient for you to come in?’

‘Well, now is good if you want.’

‘Any chance you could come back in about an hour….. I can lock the front door then and we can do what needs doing then without being disturbed.’

‘Yeah, that works for me……. I can slip home and change out of these dusty clothes…… I stopped to help him clear up some spillage!!!’

‘OK…..sounds good to me…… see you in a little while then……. If you aren’t in a rush maybe we can have a little chat….or something.’


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