Not so Frozen Bk. 03 by 88girfriend,88girfriend

Elsie and Anna shared a look and then a moment of sister telepathy, I know what you two will be up to tonight. “Yes Josef,” Elsie asked. “You were so kind to me and you must let me return the favor. Please stay.”

Josef was reluctant. He had not slept in a real bed for a long time and not in castle for even longer. Was this really happening? Was Elsie really falling in love with him? What if he messed things up? thought Josef. Fortunately, Josef’s heart overrode his fear and he agreed.

Kris, ever concerned about his wife, now more than ever, simply picked Anna up and prepared to carry her to their rooms. “Goodnight, Josef,” said Anna extending her hand. He took it and kissed it again, enabling her a final look at his ring. Elsie blew Anna a kiss and Kris headed for the door. “I will send Kai to get Josef something to change into for tonight. Inga can show Josef to the green guest room whenever you’re ready. I don’t want him getting lost.”

Elsie wondered out loud, “How do those two do it?”

“Well, it’s really quite easy. I mean Kris probably lifts 100-pound blocks of ice all the time and your sister can’t weigh that soaking wet.” To demonstrate, Josef lifted Elsie off her feet in a similar fashion and carried her around the hall as the song finished.

Elsie had never been swept off her feet by a man before. It was nice. “That’s not what I mean.”

Josef smiled, “do tell.”

Elsie explained “They have been that nauseatingly in love with each other since they first met and if anything, they’re only getting worse.”             

Josef looked into her eyes. “You don’t think we’re that bad?”

“We are not even close to that bad,” Elsie protested.

Josef danced them over to a wall length mirror and turned her to face it. “You sure?”

Josef kissed Elsie on the lips. This was all again different from before. Josef’s beard was gone and she found that not having her face tickled by his facial hair was not at all an unpleasant experience. She let herself go and just gave into the kiss. She could still taste the wine from earlier on his breath and her stomach filled with butterflies.

Finally, the kiss broke and Elsie couldn’t stop herself from commenting, “Well, that keeps getting better.”

“I aim to please, Your Majesty.” He responded and leaned into kiss her again.

He didn’t get the chance because Elsie suddenly jerked away and pressed her hands to her face. “Oh no, not again.”

Josef was confused and concerned all at the same time. He didn’t know if he should put Elsie down and defend her from some unseen attacker or press her to his chest and run. “What’s wrong?”              

“I am the worst sister ever.” Elsie proclaimed, enunciating each of the last three word for emphasis. “Anna wanted to tell me something three days ago and then again, this afternoon but we spent the whole time talking about you and other stuff and we never got back to her. My goddness how could anyone love someone so self-centered as me?”

Josef began to dance again holding her tight. Then he kissed her on the forehead. “It’s very easy to love you and it’s not just because you’re so beautiful.”

“Can you help me, Josef?” asked Elsie. “I seem to be so much more in control of myself and such a better person when I am with you. Can you hold me down and help keep me grounded?”

“Heavens no,” Josef said truthfully. Elsie covered her face again. Josef danced faster. “You are a free spirit. A force of nature and woe to anyone or anything that gets in your way,” complimented Josef. “But.” He let the but hang in the air until she looked into his chocolate brown eyes, “if I can help to tether you a little, I will gladly do that, but ground you or cage you? That I could never do.”

Elsie’s eyes filled with love and tears. She leaned in to him to initiate another round of kissing when the moment was interrupted by the loud creek of a floor board. Inga, a maid servant stood half in and half out of the door way. Elsie looked over Josef’s shoulder at the trembling women.

“I am so sorry. I interrupted you, Your Majesty.,” Inga said her voice shaking almost as bad as her body. “The Queen sent me to fetch Mr. Josef. And she told me to take him to the green guest room, which of course doesn’t make sense as we never use that guest room, but orders are orders. I didn’t mean to stare but you two are so lovely and I couldn’t help myself.” The woman was so afraid she began to ring her hands in front of herself.

Elsie motioned with her head to Josef that she needed him to put her down. Once she regained her feet. She walked over to Inga and patted the woman on the shoulders. “It’s alright Inga. I was just going to send for you anyway.”

“You were?” asked Inga and Josef in unison. Inga elated and Josef dejected.

“Yes, I was. I’m getting very tired.” And the truth was she was getting a little tired it had been a long day. “Aren’t you getting tired Josef?” Elsie asked with a fake yawn.

“No, not really.” Joseph answered perplexed.

“How about you Inga?” Asked Elsie.

“I am not tired at all if you don’t want me to be, Your Majesty,” Inga answered.

“Good. Can you take Josef to see the Northlander wardrobe and then take him to his room?”

Inga beamed, “Of course Your Majesty. You know how much I live to serve you and the Queen. I will be more than happy to show it to him.”

“Can’t I see it tomorrow morning?” Josef asked.

“Oh no. it is so spectacular but only at night when the moon is full…” Inga kept talking but neither Elsie nor Josef heard her.

“Well, Josef,” Elsie extended her hand. She reveled almost a little too much in the dumbfounded look on his face. “It has been an unforgettable night.”

Elsie left through the door on the far end of the hall. Inga pulled Josef out the way they had come in earlier. Josef called after Elsie, “See you in the morning.”

“You’ll be seeing me way sooner than that,” Elsie mumbled, but Josef could not possibly have heard her as Inga was already starting to explain in an excited voice, “Wait till you see it, it has carvings all over it and when the moon light hits it, it glows.”

Chapter 4

Josef had to admit the wardrobe was pretty spectacular, especially in the moments where the moon light hit it just right. It took Josef half an hour to politely but forceful get rid of Inga. The woman followed her orders to the letter. She was also very taken with Josef and kept sneaking glances at him when she thought he wasn’t looking. He in turn encouraged only a little bit in hopes that she would accidently let out the location of Elsie’s rooms. Inga didn’t. Inga then took him back to his room but once there she kept talking to him.

Josef discovered why it was called the green guest room as its door was green. Josef could not help but notice It was in sort of an out of the way part of the castle though. Inga made one last attempt with Josef. “Here you are Mr. Josef. I saw Mr. Kai put some cloths and fresh water in there about an hour ago and of course if you need anything else, all you have to do is ask.”

“Thank you again. I’ll be fine. Goodnight,” he exclaimed.

“If you’re sure you don’t want anything else…” Inga started to say.

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