Of Tentacles and Eggs Pt. 02 by pigmaleon25,pigmaleon25

As indicated in Part 1, all characters in this story are over 18 and purely fictional.

Chapter 1

Five days after those squid creatures abducted my Dad and older brothers, I was still on the island. No, I wasn’t an idiot. After what I witnessed in that cave, I would have gotten the hell out of here if I could have. There was simply no way off this godforsaken island. My attempts to locate the boat that I had seen one of the squid creatures drive off on the day of the abduction had been in vain, and no other boats had come to the island. Cal and Jay had not returned. I had developed a disconcerting theory as to why, but I preferred not to think about it. I would have called out for help if I could have, but nothing worked: not the landline, not any of our cell phones, and not the internet. Someone had somehow cut off all communication from this island, and I had a pretty good idea as to who, though I was still scratching my head as to why. If the squid creatures knew that I was still on the island, why hadn’t they come for me? And if they didn’t know, why would they bother cutting off phone and internet service?

I worried the days and nights away until Day 5, the day before we were supposed to leave the island to return to the mainland. I had a hunch Day 5 would be critical. I remembered very well the lead squid creature telling Dad, Sean and Logan on that terrible day that their “services” would be required for the duration of their stay on the island, but that they would be released and free to go after that. I hadn’t pinned much hope on that at the time. I figured it had probably been a lie to get them all to calm down. But with no way off the island, I had nothing to do but wait and see.

When I spotted three shirtless men walking along the path up to the beach house on the morning of that fifth day, I could hardly believe my eyes. I should have been incredibly relieved. But I somehow couldn’t shake the anxiety that had built up over the last few days. Something told me this nightmare wasn’t over yet, not by far.

As the men drew nearer, I could see that it was indeed Dad, Sean and Logan. A wave of trepidation washed over me. Could it be? Could those creatures have simply returned them to normal and let them go? I couldn’t shake the doubts, and not a moment later, the doubts began to grow.

They were wearing the same sandals, sunglasses and bathing shorts they had been wearing on the day of their abduction, and I definitely felt more than a measure of relief when I saw that they looked human once again. My relief was tempered when I noticed that there was something odd about the way they were walking. They walked in a line, with Dad up front, and their movements were rigid, stiff, even a bit robotic. Stranger still, Dad was also walking with his legs oddly far apart, making him look a bit bow-legged. As they came even closer, I also noticed some physical changes. With Dad being a phys ed instructor, and Sean and logan having been competitive wrestlers, they had always been in very good shape, but they now looked totally ripped. Dad in particular looked good, really good, like underwear model good, his muscles even larger than they had been, and every one perfectly defined. He even had washboard abs, something he had never had before despite going on one health and exercise kick after another. Sean and Logan looked as muscular and defined as Dad, with one important exception: they didn’t have washboard abs. Instead, their stomachs bulged out a little, as if they had put on a bit of weight in that area alone. That detail in particular made me more than a little nervous.

I told myself that their enhanced physiques could simply be benign side-effects of the process for returning them to human form, but some part of me couldn’t shake the feeling that something was indeed very wrong. That’s when I saw it. I had been so focused on Dad, Sean and Logan that I hadn’t initially noticed the squid creature bringing up the rear of this strange parade. My anxiety returned full force.

When they reached the bottom of the steps up to the house, Dad, Sean and Logan turned to face the squid creature. They stood in line side by side, rigid, unmoving, like soldiers before a commanding officer. “Alright, slaves, you have your orders,” the creature said. “Behave normally around everyone you know, friends, family, colleagues. No one must suspect. Insemination and spawning must only take place when you are absolutely certain that you are unobserved. Hide your eggs where no one will find them until you have enough to send. Next year at this time, you will return and bring as many suitable candidates for conversion with you as you can. If you fulfill your mission, we will have a special reward for you when you return. If you fail, well…. You do not want to disappoint us. Are we clear?”

“Yes, Master,” Dad, Sean and Logan all intoned in near perfect unison. My heart sank. My fears had come true. This nightmare wasn’t over, not by far. But they looked so… so… human, at least compared to the creatures I had watched them turn into just a few days ago. How were they going to keep… “producing” for their new masters? I had a terrible feeling I would soon find out.

Its orders given and clearly received, the squid creature turned and began to slither back down the path toward the beach, while Dad, Sean and Logan turned and climbed the stairs up to the front porch. They walked in a line with Dad in the lead, still moving stiffly, like soldiers on a march. I had been watching them from the dining room window, careful to stay out of sight. As they entered the house, I slid behind the drapes, which were themselves partially obscured by an assortment of potted palms. Over the longer run, hiding seemed pointless; I couldn’t see any way of avoiding them altogether if I ever wanted to get off this horrible island. But what I had just heard more than creeped me out, and I was acting on instinct. Maybe those squid creatures had overlooked me after all, and maybe Dad, Sean and Logan’s transformations had wiped their memories of my presence here. Maybe…. But I couldn’t take that chance, at least not yet. The eerie silence that followed their entry into the house only seemed to confirm my doubts. I heard footsteps as they moved quietly from room to room. They seemed to have split up. A chill crawled up my spine. They were looking for me. Why else would they be stalking silently through the house?

One of them padded quietly through the dining room, but, to my relief, he didn’t stop. After a few moments, the sounds of their perambulating ceased, and I heard some low voices coming from the hall. Unfortunately, they were too low for me to make out exactly what was being said. I heard someone say something about “being ready”, another voice — Dad’s I think — agreeing and saying something about “making it quick”. Then, to my surprise, I heard the bathroom door close, and, a moment later, the shower start up. One of them was showering? Which one, and where were the others?

Chapter 2

I was wondering how long I should stay hidden, and what to do next, when I remembered the squid creature’s words. “Behave normally around everyone you know,” it had said. “Next year, at this time, you will return….” They had been ordered to behave normally and, from the sounds of it, were being released to leave the island. Behave normally…. That gave me an idea. It wasn’t much, but it was the only idea I could come up with. If I behaved normally, pretended that I knew nothing, maybe, just maybe, they would take me with them when they left the island. After all, to return home without me would definitely contradict their instructions not to raise suspicions. I could then make my escape as soon as I reached the mainland. Under the circumstances, I simply couldn’t think of a better plan.

I listened for a moment longer, but all I could hear was the distant murmur of the running shower. Who was in there, and where on earth were the other two? I quietly slipped out from behind the dining room curtains and wandered casually from room to room, ready to play my part, to look shocked and relieved at seeing them alive and well. But I found no one. I put my ear to the bathroom door but heard nothing. Were all three of them in there? I was pretty sure no one had left the house, so they had to be. Where else could they have gone? But why? The thought of the three of them together in there made me uneasy to say the least.

I remembered the bathroom window. Since the bathroom had no fan, we had generally kept the window ajar to let in some air. The shrubbery out there was pretty thick. I was pretty sure I could peer in through the window unobserved. But I hesitated. Did I really want to know what was going on in there? Yes, I finally decided. Yes, I did. I had to know, to know exactly what had been done to them, what I might be facing.

Walking around to the side of the house, I found the bathroom window part way open. Taking care to stay hidden among the greenery, I peered inside. What I saw initially puzzled me. Someone, Logan I realized, was standing in the middle of the bathroom with his back partly turned to the window. He was naked and striking poses, flexing his muscles, like they do in those muscle mags, and appeared to be admiring himself in the mirror, which was just out of my line of sight. From this distance I could clearly see that his muscles were definitely larger than they had been and much better defined. He kept passing his hands again and again over his biceps, his shoulders, his pecs, which could hardly have been less Logan-like. Logan had always been a pretty humble guy. I couldn’t remember a single instance of him admiring himself in the mirror. Was he maybe just relieved to be human again? Somehow I didn’t think so.

I caught the occasional glimpse of his expression as he twisted and turned. He looked fascinated by his muscles, his whole body, as if it was all somehow novel to him, as if he had never seen it before. And why was he naked? And where were Dad and Sean?

Dad and Sean were nowhere to be seen, but the shower was still running, the curtain drawn. Could they both be in there? The question had just crossed my mind when I heard the sounds. They were faint, but in moments when the breeze died down and stopped rustling the fronds of the nearby palms, I could clearly hear it: moaning and groaning, very sexual moaning and groaning. I heard someone sigh and someone — perhaps the same person, perhaps not — gasp and expel a deep breath, and a moment later the shower curtain was yanked back. I had to bite my tongue to keep from crying out. “Ahhh, thanks Dad,” Sean said softly, still catching his breath, as he stepped out of the shower. Those squid creatures had given him back his human man’s body, or a slightly more muscular, better defined version of it, but with one significant, very significant exception: his cock and balls. They were still missing. In their place was a more human-looking version of the same pussy he had sported as an incubation slave. Small rivulets of white liquid dribbled out of it and down along his muscular, wrestler’s thighs as he padded his belly, now so inflated that he looked several months pregnant..

“You’re welcome, son,” Dad said. His appearance was just as horrifying. He was rubbing Sean’s ass with one hand and smiling at him like a predator admiring his prey. Like Sean, he had been given a much more muscular version of his old human body, but with the same important exception: his cock and balls. Oh they weren’t missing. No, far from it! They were there, all too there! But they weren’t human. Between Dad’s legs twitched and writhed a single, slightly — and only slightly — smaller version of the tentacle cocks he had grown as a sperm slave. I was closer now and could see it better than I had in the squid creatures’ cave. It looked to be a good two feet long and really did look like an octopus’ tentacle minus the suckers. It was wider than it was thick, and it was thickest at the base, tapering to something closer to human-sized near the end, except for the tip, which resembled an enormously fat human cockhead. As for his balls, they were considerably smaller than the ones I had watched him grow in that cave, and they were human in overall shape and appearance, but they were still inhumanly large. No wonder he had been walking with his legs strangely far apart. The squid creature’s parting exhortation to behave normally echoed in my ears, and I wanted to laugh. How was Dad supposed to pretend that everything was normal with junk like that between his thighs!?

The fat head of his tentacle cock, wet and still dribbling sperm, rose up like a snake sensing prey on the air and pointed in Logan’s direction. Dad’s creepy, predatory grin broadened. “You’re turn, Logan. Come to Daddy.” As he spoke those last words, his tentacle cock began to undulate as if to beckon Logan forward.

“Yes, Dad,” Logan breathed, sounding more than eager. As he stepped into the shower and took Sean’s place, he turned slightly in my direction and I caught a glimpse of his own bulging belly, smaller than Sean’s, but still larger than it had been when he had entered the house just a few moments ago. I also caught a glimpse of his pussy, flared and wet, ready for insemination.

Dad drew the curtain, leaving Sean to towel himself off, as soft moaning and groaning began to echo from the shower. Sean threw the towel aside and began to admire himself in the bathroom mirror, much as Logan had done moments earlier. He smiled and looked extremely pleased as he ran his hands over the larger, better defined muscles of his arms and chest, over his inflating ball-belly, and then down into his groin. The angle of his body blocked his hands from my view, but from the soft gasping noises he made after his hands disappeared from my line of sight, it was pretty clear what he was doing. A moment later, he brought his fingers, slick and wet, up to his lips and licked them as if they were coated in chocolate before plunging them back down there. I wanted to gag.

I heard the tell-tale sounds — the quiet sighs, the soft gasping — of a muffled orgasm coming from the shower, before Dad once again drew the shower curtain back. Unfortunately, he and Logan hadn’t fully… disengaged. Half of his tentacle cock was still inside of Logan’s slit. Logan sighed again in obvious pleasure as the rest of it slithered out, dragging a few long white strands of sperm out with it. Smiling like a kid at Christmas as he padded his now heavily distended stomach, Logan stepped out of the shower, grabbed a towel and began drying himself off, even as thick streaks of Dad’s sperm ran down the inside of his muscular thighs.

Dad washed off his tentacle cock and stepped out of the shower, but he left the water running. He mouthed something to Sean as he toweled off. Sean nodded and went to the door, which he opened just wide enough for him to stick his head out into the hall. He was checking to see that I wasn’t around! He had to be. Who else could he have been looking out for? Sean drew back and shook his head, as he closed the door and locked it again. Dad smiled. “Good,” he said, “get into position.”

“Yes, Dad!” Sean and Logan replied in perfect unison, sounding extremely eager. It was their turn to break out into broad grins. They each grabbed something off the counter and took up positions standing in front of Dad with their backs to him. I knew with terrible certainty what was coming next.

Dad stuck a finger into each of them. I couldn’t see Sean and Logan’s anuses from where I was watching, but from the way they gasped and immediately widened their stances, squatting a little, and from the way Dad’s smile broadened again as his hands disappeared behind their backs, I knew. He was finger fucking their assholes. His cock writhed and snaked between them as their moans and groans of pleasure intensified along with the amount of fluid leaking from their gaping pussies. They were clearly trying to keep it down but having a very hard time of it. “Shush” Dad breathed in their ears, but they barely seemed to hear. Their bellies bigger and rounder than ever, they stuck out their asses and widened their stances still further until it looked like they were about to squat down to the ground. Then they brought what they had taken off the counter to their crotches: bowls, large, plastic salad bowls. I cringed. Of course. Not a moment later, something very white appeared in Sean’s pussy beneath his bulging ball-belly. He gasped and pushed out the first of his eggs, which plopped down into the bowl he was holding. Logan quickly followed suit, expelling two eggs from his slit into his own bowl. Spawning! They were fucking spawning again! In the bathroom! I wanted to scream.

Their spawning was nothing like what I had witnessed in the cave, when streams of eggs had poured out of them over and over again. But then their bodies were now overall much smaller and more human, at least in form. Perhaps that limited their egg production. Under the circumstances, that was very cold comfort indeed. They each spawned several eggs before it was finally over and their bellies were back to normal.

“Well done, boys!” Dad said. “Master didn’t think you would spawn so many in human form so soon. He’ll be very pleased!”

“Thanks Dad,” Logan said, sounding proud, as he handed his bowl to Dad and picked up a towel to wipe down his cunt. “It was all that cum you pumped out.”

“Yeah,” Sean agreed, handing his bowl over too. “You really filled me up good!”

“Shush,” Dad chided. “Not so loud. He’s out there somewhere.”

“What do we do when we find him?” Logan asked.

“Nothing,” Dad said as he put the bowls back on the counter and went to stand facing the mirror. “Well, at least not initially. First, we’ll see if he suspects anything.” Dad began to pose and flex as Sean and Logan had done earlier and looked very pleased with what he was seeing. If Sean and Logan had gained a bit of muscle, Dad had gained a lot. He now had a body a Milanese underwear model would kill for. “Fuck, I look good,” he said. “For a human, at least.”

“You look fucking awesome, Dad,” Sean said, as he and Logan came to stand on either side of him, one hand squeezing his ridiculously defined glutes and the other feeling up the perfect muscles of his chest. Again, I wanted to gag. Seeing them like this, fucking and feeling each other up, all while looking so much like their old selves, was in some ways worse than what I had witnessed in that cave. They had at least looked like monsters then, monsters without the mental capacity to appreciate what they had become and what they were doing.

“Alright, that’s enough,” Dad said as the petting and fondling got heavier. “I just made you spawn. At this rate, you’re going to be begging me to inseminate you again in no time.” He pushed Sean and Logan aside as if they were a couple of dogs begging for affection, and picked up his bathing shorts off the floor. He stepped into them and stuffed in his tentacle cock as best he could. It somehow withdrew part of the way into his body, so that it looked more human, or would have but for its grotesque thickness. That made the task easier, but the bulge at his groin was still inhumanly large. Looking down at it, he frowned. “I’ll have to find something to wear that better hides my new equipment,” he said.

Sean and Logan chuckled as they dawned what looked at first glance like ordinary jock straps. Looking closer, however, I realized that the part of the jock covering their crotches was made of a hard material molded into the shape of a flaccid human cock and balls. When they put their shorts on, the artificial bulge of their jocks made it look like they still had their human genitals. Dad finally turned off the shower, took the bowls with Sean and Logan’s eggs off the counter, and they quietly left the bathroom.

Chapter 3

I stayed where I was for a long while, considering the implications of what I had just seen and heard. As shocking and horrifying as all this was, it all seemed to confirm my plan. If I managed to convince them that I suspected nothing, I’d hopefully be fine until I got back to the mainland. Then… well… then I’d make a run for it, I guess, at least until I could get help and figure out how to turn them back to normal. I had absolutely no idea where to even start with that whopper of a problem, but I figured I’d cross that bridge when and if I got to it. Taking a deep breath, I left my hiding place and re-entered the house.

I found Dad in the kitchen, rummaging through the fridge. “Dad!?” I exclaimed, doing my best to sound shocked and delighted, rather than the way I really felt — shocked and terrified. “Where on earth have you been!?”

Dad turned to look at me and smiled. He had changed, ditching his bathing shorts for green Bermuda shorts and a white, rather bulky sleeveless T emblazoned with the words “Varsity Wrestling,” which belonged to Logan. The combination helped hide the inhumanly large bulge in his shorts, but if you knew to look, it was still perfectly visible. The shorts and sleeveless shirt also left his lower legs, arms and shoulders fully exposed, all of it rippling with much larger, better defined muscle than Dad had ever had. It was his face, though, that held my attention most of all and sent a chill down my spine. Dad had always been a pretty genial man. I knew that in his youth, he had been the quintessential good-looking but always friendly and amiable boy-next-door, and that had carried over into adulthood. People who had known him in his youth often said that he hadn’t changed one bit, and always meant that as a complement. Now his eyes had an unsettling gleam to them, and his smile was slightly off. The combination was more than a little creepy. It somehow said predator, predator who would only be too happy to eat what he was looking at, and he was now looking squarely at me.

“Hey Timmy! There you are!” he exclaimed in a tone that sounded neither particularly surprised nor friendly. “Sorry about disappearing like that. We got lost when we went out scuba-diving and ended up on another island a little ways over. We lost our boat and it took us a while to find another one and get back. Sorry if we worried you.”

Really!? That was his story!? Was I really supposed to believe that!? I did my best to look relieved. “Oh, I was worried, really worried. I was sure something had happened to you. I tried calling for help but the phone and internet crashed. I spent all my time on the shore hoping to flag down a passing boat somehow and… well, nevermind. I’m just glad you’re ok. Sean and Logan? They’re ok too?”

“Yeah, yeah there’re just fine. In fact, they’re out on the patio. Why don’t you go out there and have a seat. Take a load off while I make us dinner.” He was holding some canned fruit. I wondered what kind of dinner he was going to make with that.

“Um, sure, yeah, ok. Do you want any help with dinner?”

“No, no,” Dad said. “It’s fine. It’s the least I can do after worrying you so much.”

He could hardly have looked and sounded less sincere if he had tried, but I smiled and nodded. “Really glad you’re ok, Dad,” I reiterated.

He nodded and grinned, a toothy, predatory grin. “Me too, son. Glad to be back, very, very glad.”

Hoping that my discomfort hadn’t shown, I hurried outside, where I found Sean and Logan lounging on the back patio. Both were still clad in only their bathing shorts, making their new, markedly enhanced physiques all the more obvious, including the washboard abs they were suddenly sporting now that they had spawned.

“Hey bro! There you are!” Sean exclaimed. “Where were you!… like…. all this time?”

Where was I all this time? What a ridiculous question. “Where was I? I was right here, where I was supposed to be. Where were you!?” I wondered what story they would give me, whether it would be the same as Dad’s, but I didn’t want to give them any reason to doubt me. “No, nevermind — Dad already explained,” I pre-empted. “I’m just glad you’re ok.”

Sean and Logan exchanged a look I couldn’t read. “Yeah, uh, well,” Logan sputtered, “so are we — glad we’re ok, I mean. And glad you are too.” Their expressions were as alien as Dad’s. Their eyes looked a little glazed over, their smiles were a little too broad, and their speech a little too slow and too… well, stupid. Neither Sean nor Logan had ever been geniuses, but neither had ever sounded like an outright idiot. I wondered whether the squid creatures had given them back all the IQ they had lost. The combination of their eyes, goofy smiles, and slowed, slightly moronic way of speaking made me suspect not.

“Uhh…., so, like, where is Dad?” Sean asked. “In the kitchen, getting dinner ready.” They exchanged another peculiar look. What was this one for?

“Uh, we should help him,” Logan said.

“Yeah, we should give him a hand,” Sean echoed, as they both rose and headed inside. They looked in a hurry. I was about to tell them that Dad had declined help and said he’d be fine, but I thought the better of it and let them go. They had begun to creep me out. Belatedly, I wondered how exactly they were going to help him. Instinct told me to follow and find out, but I was afraid they wanted to spawn again before dinner. The very thought of witnessing anything like that yet again made me queasy. I was also worried about being found out. So I stayed put on the patio.

That turned out to be the wrong decision, though it didn’t initially sound that way. A few minutes later, I had my worst suspicions confirmed when I heard a gasp and grunt from the direction of the house. The sounds were a little muffled, like someone had tried to keep it down, but I had heard clearly. They really were doing it again. So revolting! How on earth was I going to get them back to normal? I didn’t have long to ponder the question.

“Ok, here we go!” Dad walked onto the patio with Sean and Logan in tow. I swear they looked even higher than they had a moment ago, like they had just taken a hit of something really strong. I wondered whether that was what spawning did to them, when I noticed their stomachs. Those washboard abs from just a moment ago were gone. They looked once again like they had put on some weight, their bellies slightly distended. When they had spawned in the bathroom earlier, their stomachs had returned to normal. Had they not done it again after all? Had I imagined those sounds coming from the kitchen?

Dad was carrying a tray with four large drinks. They looked like the ice cream shakes he always made in summer, the ones Sean, Logan and I were always so fond of. “Shakes?” I asked. “Before dinner?”

Dad looked at the shakes and then back at me, that same eerie gleam in his eyes. He gave another predatory smile. “Yeah,” he said, “dinner’s cooking but it’ll be a while. I thought we could use something to tie us over.”

Dinner’s cooking? Yeah, right, I thought. There was no way he had the time to put dinner on and make those shakes, but I said nothing. He handed me a shake, handed one to Sean and Logan, and then sat down in a chair directly across from me with his own in hand. “Cheers!” he said, raising his shake. “Cheers!” we all echoed and took a sip. I had to admit: it tasted great! From the way they were smiling, Sean and Logan seemed to think so too. Then again, that could just have been their new, lower IQs, or what ever they had just done in the kitchen, making all the world something to smile at. It was hard to say.

Once again, it was Dad who was making me most uncomfortable. And it wasn’t just that creepy smile and look in his eye either; there was something else, and it took me a moment to figure out what. Finally, I put my finger on it. His posture. He had always carried himself straight and been after us to do the same. If I had a quarter for every time he had told me to stop slouching…. Now, he was the one slouching, sinking back into his chair looking unnervingly relaxed. Worse still, he sat with his legs far apart. As I said, he was sitting right across from me, no more than a couple of feet away. So I had a perfect view of his bulging crotch. It was almost as though he wanted me to notice it, to look at it, to admire it. I did my best to look just about anywhere else.

“So,” I said at last after an uncomfortable silence, “I guess we should make the most of our last afternoon and evening here.”

“Absolutely,” Dad said, taking a long sip of his shake. Sean and Logan followed suit. “What would you like to do?”

I took a long sip of my own mostly because I had let the silence get to me and spoken without thinking. I didn’t really have an answer. “Um…. I dunno,” I finally said lamely. “Maybe a bit more volleyball, a bit more sun-tanning…?”

“Sure, sure, sounds good,” Dad said in a tone that suggested that he might have other ideas. Sean and Logan just nodded enthusiastically, looking as brain-dead as ever. The silence got uncomfortable again and we all took another sip. That’s when I began to feel it — a strange but very warm and pleasant feeling spreading through me. Slowly, I felt my anxiety begin to melt away. I initially chalked it up to the shake, telling myself that it just reminded me of the good old days, of the days before this nightmare had begun. But after a while, when I realized that even thoughts of my current predicament barely stirred up any anxiety at all, and that that strange warmth was intensifying with every sip I took, it slowly began to dawn on me that it really was the shake, but definitely not for the reasons I had initially thought.

By then, however, it was far too late. I started drinking faster and faster, and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t stop myself. Dad’s creepy smile broadened, as he watched me like a wolf, a wolf who knows that he has cornered his prey with no hope of escape. His expression chilled me to the bone; or, rather, it should have. It chilled some part of me, some part of my conscious mind that remained relatively lucid, but that part had no control over my body, which remained blissfully relaxed.

“Timmy,” Dad said at last, “get up and do some jumping jacks for me.”

That still lucid part of my conscious mind wanted to ask why on earth…, but I couldn’t even get the words out. What came out instead was “Yes, Dad,” as I put down my shake, got up and did as told.

Dad’s predatory smile broadened. “Good, good, now take all your clothes off and do some more.” Part of me froze in horror, and I tried to resist the order. I tried so hard, the effort probably showed on my face, but I was suddenly passed caring about giving myself away. My efforts were in vain, though. I felt compelled to obey Dad’s order. Dad, Sean and Logan watched me with obvious glee, as I stripped to the buff, and started doing more jumping jacks, my cock and balls flailing with every jump.

Dad gave a cruel, satisfied chuckle, sounding nothing like the Dad I used to know. “Good,” he said, after a few moments of clearly relishing the sight of me naked, helplessly jumping up and down, “now do some cartwheels for me.” Again, I obeyed. I was powerless to stop. What on earth had they done to me!?

“Very good, Timmy,” he said, grinning like a goon, as I completed my third cartwheel. “Now sit back down and tell me where you really think we’ve been the last five days.”

I wanted to repeat the lie I had told Dad in the kitchen. I fought and struggled desperately to form the words, but to no avail. Once again, I felt quite literally compelled to obey, and what came out instead was the truth, the whole nine yards. I told them everything from witnessing their abduction, to following them into the squid creatures’ cave, to watching them being transformed, to watching them “produce” in the bathroom. Their eyes initially widened, but Dad’s expression of surprise was short lived. That predatory grin quickly returned, and the gleam in his eyes was nothing short of triumphant.

When I had finished, they all stared at me for an uncomfortably long while. Sean and Logan still looked surprised, but Dad looked utterly delighted, like a predator savoring the moment before his first bite. “Timmy, Timmy, Timmy,” he tutted in mock disapproval, as he handed his shake to Logan, pulled his shirt over his head and threw it to one side in a gesture that seemed to say ‘well, I won’t be needing this anymore!’ “What a busy boy you’ve been!” With one violent motion, he then ripped his shorts open at the crotch. His fat tentacle cock immediately snaked its way out and started to undulate excitedly. The head was already leaking pre. “Come to papa, son,” he said.

My mind started screaming. But “yes, Dad” was all I could say. Without so much as a stitch of hesitation, my body obeyed, as if it was no longer mine. I slid off my chair and onto my knees, and then crawled over to him on all fours, like a dog toward its master. I opened my mouth wide and watched helplessly, as his tentacle cock, already well lubricated with his own semen, entered my mouth and began pushing its way down my throat. I recall shivering with pleasure, and being puzzled at the pleasant sensation coursing through my body at the taste of him.

Maybe I went into shock, or maybe the full effects of the shake finally took hold, because what happened next is a little fuzzy. As Dad started to fuck my mouth with his tentacle cock, sending more shivers of pleasure shooting through me from head to toe, I remember him laughing and mock-chiding me about not paying attention to what I had seen in the cave, to how obedient his sperm had made Sean and Logan.

I remember his tentacle cock pulling out of my mouth and hovering in front of my face for a moment before discharging a thick stream of yellow piss into my still gaping mouth. Dad laughed again, as my mouth filled to the brim and his piss began running out the sides and down over my chin, quickly soaking my naked body and sending more shivers of pleasure spiking through me. I heard Sean and Logan laughing too, and out of the corner of my eye, I could see that they had stripped and started masturbating, fingers in their swollen pussies.

After Dad finished pissing into my mouth, I remember him ordering me to swallow, the stab of surprise, thrill and horror at finding that his piss somehow tasted sublime, and the struggle to suppress a sudden terrible desire for more.

I remember him ordering me to stand, and obeying helplessly. I remember standing there between the three of them in nothing but my sandals, Dad’s piss still running down my body, with a raging erection despite myself. I remember them laughing at me, batting at my hard-on like at some party balloon, as arousal stronger than anything I had ever felt before shot through me again from head to toe. I don’t know how long I stood there between them, powerless to so much as move, before Dad ordered me onto the patio table, on my back with my legs up.

I remember Logan, I think, straddling me before sitting his pussy on my face, and I remember being unable to stop myself from pushing my tongue as far up into him as it could go, the scent and taste of him making my head swim. I remember feeling a mouth, probably Sean’s, close around my cock, by now almost painfully hard, and start sucking. And I remember something soft but strong and strangely numbing — Dad’s tongue — push its way into my asshole.

I remember the sensation of being penetrated for the first time by the fat head of Dad’s tentacle cock, the shock at realizing how incredibly good it felt, and the struggle to remind myself that everything I was feeling was probably, no definitely, had to be a result of having drunk that shake.

I remember that exquisite pleasure as Dad pushed deeper and deeper in and began to piston, and, finally, I remember Dad’s grunting and groaning and the spasm of his cock as it began to ripple and discharge hot jet after hot jet of sperm into my insides. As the most incredible orgasm I had ever experienced wracked my body, everything went dark.

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