One Man's Nightmare

An adult stories – One Man's Nightmare by AnAverageGuy61,AnAverageGuy61 British English language and spelling. In some stories the legal process will be different to what readers from the USA are used to, over here we have laws that apply nationally, not state by state. Where possible I try to research facts in the hope I can be accurate in what I write.

I write for my enjoyment, and hopefully that of others. I welcome feedback and constructive criticism, hateful or pointless comments will be deleted.

To those of you who favourite my stories or follow me, thank you, it means a lot.

One Man’s Nightmare

This is a cuckold story

What happens when a fantasy becomes reality.

Oscar and Irene Garcia were like any other married couple. Both 47 years old, parent’s of two teenage daughters, Carmen and Sofia both still in school. Before they married Oscar had many sexual relationships with women whereas his wife Irene was a virgin when they married. She had a few boyfriends but never went past the kissing and petting stage. Irene was an attractive woman, she had a curvy figure and reddish-brown shoulder length hair. She kept herself in shape with a weekly aerobics class.

Oscar carried a few pounds more than he would have liked, but overall he was a happy man. Sexually he was more experienced than his wife, he could get her off using his tongue and fingers. Oscar knew he wasn’t the biggest guy around, his cock measured just under five inches. Oscar tried to make it look bigger by shaving his pubic hair. Irene was happy with her husband’s shortcomings, because she knew no better. The couple had a decent sex life despite both of them working and raising their daughters.

Sexually Irene was somewhat reserved, she didn’t perform oral sex on her husband, she didn’t like it. Oscar was happy to use his mouth on his wife. Irene kept her pubic trimmed at Oscar’s request, she flat out refused to shave herself bare. Although Irene satisfied her husband sexually, he wasn’t sure he did the same for her despite Irene assuring him that he got the job done. Their friends and families saw them as a happily married couple, which they were.

Oscar had always harboured a fantasy to see his wife have sex with another man, many times before and after sex Oscar mentioned it to his wife. Irene quickly shut the idea down, having sex with another man was not on her agenda. Over time Oscar stopped mentioning his fantasy when he realised his wife didn’t share his dream. Being reserved, Irene admitted that she had no sexual kinks or fantasies.

To try and satisfy his need, Oscar read a lot of cuckold stories. When he had the time he watched sex videos of wives cuckolding their husbands. Most of the videos showed the husbands as willing, Oscar had one favourite video he liked to watch. It showed a married woman who fucked a black guy with a massive cock, it was easily twice as big as her husbands. Oscar could get hard just thinking about it. He watched as the black guy fucked this woman, she howled and screamed with delight as she had orgasm after orgasm. The video ended with the wife laying on the bed, well and truly satisfied. The husband sat in the corner stroking his tiny cock, the wifes black lover had already dressed and left the room.

“If only Irene would do that for me, just once.” Oscar thought to himself, he knew it would never happen.

Oscar closed down his laptop and went to bed. Irene was already asleep when he got into bed, Oscar admired his wife’s curvy body as he pulled back the bedclothes. He turned on his side and went to sleep. In the morning they saw their daughters off to school. Oscar worked several miles from home, in the office of a Spanish insurance company. Irene worked for a technology company that boasted offices throughout Europe.

Oscar’s journey required him to use public transport, his wife was able to walk to work each day. Irene was always home before Oscar. When he arrived home their daughters would be busy with school homework, Irene would be preparing dinner. He always greeted his wife with a kiss, then he went to talk to his daughters. Irene insisted that they eat together in the evening, it was important family time.

When their daughters went to bed, Oscar and Irene would sit and discuss their day, or watch television and enjoy a glass of wine. Sometimes they would kiss and make out before heading to the bedroom, with two daughters having sex anywhere else was too risky. Sex usually involved Oscar using his fingers and tongue to warm his wife up, before they made love. Oscar liked how Irene tasted, he was always satisfied when they finished. Irene liked to cuddle after sex, many nights they fell asleep this way.

One evening when they were talking, Irene mentioned a new member of staff in the office. Actually he worked for the company in Germany. Andreas, as Oscar learned his name, was sent over to assist with a project. Irene said they would be working together while he was here. Oscar wasn’t concerned by this man’s arrival, as his wife never seemed to show any interest in other men.

“So will he be here for a long time?” Oscar asked.

“I don’t think so, maybe six months at the most. We all had a meeting earlier and he wants me to be the team leader for the project. I report to him, and he reports to the bosses.” Irene was happy, she was glad that someone finally recognised her ability. Oscar was pleased for Irene, he knew she worked hard and deserved some recognition. That night in bed they made love before going to sleep.

Dinner was anything but quiet for the next few weeks. The girls were talking about their upcoming exams at school, Irene was happy despite being busy with the new project. During the conversation she revealed she had a daily meeting with Andreas, it gave her a chance to update him on progress. Oscar was a happy man, his daughters were doing well and looking forward to their exams, they both studied hard, he expected both of them to do well. Irene appeared a lot happier recently, Oscar thought the project was a good thing for her.

That evening as they talked over a glass of wine, Irene seemed somewhat nervous.

“Is everything okay, Irene?”

“Yes, everything is okay, But there is something I want to ask you?” Oscar waited. “It’s about the man in our office, Andreas. We were talking the other day and he seemed lonely. It can’t be easy for him being away from his family for all this time. I was wondering how you would feel about inviting him to join us for dinner one evening?”

Oscar sat quietly for a few seconds. “Of course, of course you can invite him to join us for dinner. If he is a colleague and lonely then we should help him.”

Later in bed Oscar was using his fingers to arouse Irene. He kissed her neck just behind her ear, he knew this would drive her wild. Irene moaned with delight, Oscar felt her increased wetness on his hand. They made love slowly, Irene orgasmed twice before her husband finished inside her. They fell asleep with Irene cuddled into Oscar.

The following evening over dinner Irene told her family that Andreas would be joining them for dinner tomorrow night, the girls were excited to meet someone their mother worked with. Being German the girls were sure to have many questions for him about life in Germany. Oscar warned them not to pester or embarrass Andreas, after all he was a guest.

When Oscar arrived home from work the following evening his daughters were talking to Andreas, Irene was preparing dinner.

“Mr Garcia. I am Andreas Voller, I am pleased to meet you.” Andreas held out his hand, Oscar returned the gesture as the men shook hands.

“I hope my daughters are not being too much trouble, Andreas?”

“Absolutely not, they are very chatty and inquisitive. I offered to help your wife but she told me to sit down.” Oscar laughed, that was typical of his wife. He walked through to the kitchen and greeted Irene.

“What do you think of Andreas?” Irene asked.

“He seems okay.” Oscar had barely met the man. He did wonder if Irene was a little infatuated with him. After all, he was younger than her, and very handsome. His blond hair and blue eyes were a total change, Spanish people have dark hair and brown eyes, mostly.

“Go sit with him and the girls.” Irene shooed Oscar out of the kitchen. Andreas was talking about where he lived in Germany, the girls were fascinated to learn about Dusseldorf. Oscar listened to the three of them, he knew he would be able to talk to Andreas later when the girls were in bed.

Irene called them through for dinner, Oscar took his usual seat with Irene on his left. Their daughters sat opposite with Andreas on Oscar’s right. The girls monopolised Andreas’s time with their questions, Irene was happy that her colleague had been welcomed so warmly. Andreas showed them a picture of his wife and young son, the child looked to be about three years old. Oscar noticed how pretty Andreas’s wife was. Like her husband she had blonde hair, it looked as if she had a nice figure as well.

“What are their names?” Carmen asked excitedly.

“My wifes name is Sabine, my son’s name is Rudolf, we call him Rudi.” Andreas smiled as the girls passed the picture to their mother, Irene stared at it before passing it across to Andreas.

“Your wife is very pretty.” Irene commented.

“Thank you. But you are also very attractive, as are your two lovely daughters.” Andreas replied, this caused Irene to blush and the girls giggled. Oscar sat and took it all in, he was thinking of something totally different.

After dinner the girls went to their rooms to study before going to bed. The three adults sat in the lounge talking and drinking wine. Andreas relaxed in an armchair, Oscar sat beside his wife on the couch. Andreas was full of praise for Irene.

“Your wife is a great asset to the company, the project is running smoothly thanks to her efforts.” Oscar grinned while Irene blushed, she was shy and didn’t accept praise easily. Not wanting anymore wine Irene suggested some coffee, she headed to the kitchen. Andreas leant across to talk to Oscar.

“Your wife is a fine woman, Oscar. Not only is she attractive, but she is also very intelligent. May I tell you something?” Oscar nodded a little unsure of what was coming.

“My wife and I have an arrangement, so to speak. When I am working away from home I am allowed to see other women for sexual gratification, she sees other men in my absence. Normally I go with women who are single, it saves a lot of complications.” Oscar listened intently. “What I am trying to say is that I find Irene very alluring, I would like to have sex with your wife!”

Oscar sat stunned, he wondered if he just heard their guest correctly. “What did you say?”

“I said, I want to have sex with your wife.” Andreas repeated himself.

“That’s what I thought you said.” Oscar replied. “As much as I am flattered that you find my wife attractive enough for sex, sadly it will never happen. You see, I have harboured a desire, or fantasy to see Irene with another man. She has always shut the idea down, I doubt it would be any different now.” Andreas nodded his head, he understood the reluctance. “I will speak to Irene later when you have left, if she agrees I will allow it, just once.” Irene returned to the lounge, the topic of conversation was changed. Oscar zoned out for a while, he was thinking of seeing Irene and Andreas in bed together. Andreas left soon after to return to his hotel, when they shook hands he passed Oscar his card with a phone number. “Let me know what she says, please.”

Oscar helped Irene tidy up before they went to bed, Irene initiated the love making by reaching over to Oscar. As they made love Oscar wondered if Irene was having thoughts about Andreas, as they cuddled afterwards Oscar pitched the question.

“Irene, you seem quite taken with Andreas.”

“No, my love. I like him, he’s a nice handsome man. But he is only a work colleague. Did I do something to make you think otherwise?”

“No, not really. I just thought you were very attentive when he spoke tonight.”

“I did not want to appear to be rude, that’s all.”

“Irene, I have something to ask. Please allow me to finish before you answer.” Irene looked at Oscar as she waited. “You know I have always wanted to see you with another man, I was wondering if you would consider Andreas as the other man?”

Irene sighed. “Oscar, we have talked about this before, I am your wife. You are all I need in a man. Now you ask me to have sex with someone I work with. Are you forgetting that he is also married?”

“No my love, I know he is married. I just thought as he was so handsome and you get along well that you would think about it. I think he wants you as well, I could see the look in his eyes earlier tonight.”

“Now you are being silly. Why would he want an old woman like me when he has a beautiful wife at home?” Irene replied as she cuddled her husband.

“I think he would want you because he misses his pretty wife. He told me he thinks you are an attractive woman.” Oscar replied as his hand gently rubbed his wife’s back.

“He, he said that?” Irene stammered.

“He did. He told me he thinks you are a very attractive woman.”

Irene sighed and closed her eyes. She had never wanted to have sex with another man. She thought if she did it might stop her husband mentioning it. Realising his wife wanted to sleep, Oscar said no more.

The following day Andreas thanked Irene for inviting him to dinner.

“Would you like to join us again, maybe one evening next week?” Irene enquired as she passed Andreas the updated progress report.

“Yes. That would be wonderful, thank you. Let me know what evening I will be there, this time I will bring the wine.” Andreas smiled, he watched as Irene walked back to her desk. He liked the way her hips swayed as she walked.

That same evening Irene told Oscar she had invited Andreas to dinner again, Oscar was pleased as he hoped he could convince Irene to have sex with him. Irene was silently hoping that Oscar wouldn’t say anything to Andreas, as she worked with him it could turn out to be embarrassing. In bed that night they made love, Oscar was inspired by the thought of his wife and another man. He seemed to last longer than any other night.

Oscar didn’t mention Irene having sex with Andreas at all, he decided to say nothing until their guest joined them for dinner, whatever night that might be. Like last time their daughters were excited and talked to Andreas, eventually Irene asked the girls to remember their manners and remember other people. With dinner finished the girls headed to their rooms to study before going to bed, the three adults sat in the lounge. After realising that neither his wife or Andreas were going to say anything, he decided to say something.

“Irene, you remember our little chat we had last week?” Irene initially looked confused, then the penny dropped. She hoped that Oscar wouldn’t pursue the issue.

“Yes, yes I remember. Do we have to talk about it now?”

“Now seems as good a time as any.” Oscar replied. “Andreas, this concerns the talk we had last time you were here. I told Irene that you found her attractive, I also mentioned that maybe you would like to have sex with her.” Irene was shocked and embarrassed, she stared at the floor.

“Yes, I do remember the conversation, Oscar. You are right, I do find Irene attractive, and I would like to have sex with her, only if she agrees to it.” Irene sat bolt upright, unable to believe what she heard.

“You want to have sex with me? Why? Your wife is much prettier than I am.” Irene replied, she was still trying to work out why Andreas would want her.

“Irene, you are an attractive woman. I explained to Oscar last time that my wife and I have an arrangement. When i am working away from home i am allowed to see other women, likewise my wife can see other men. This is purely for sexual gratification.”

“I’m sorry Andreas, but we do not have that sort of marriage.” Irene replied, hoping to shut the conversation down.

“But Irene, you know I have always wanted to see you with another man. Could you at least consider it?” Oscar pleaded. “After all, Andreas is a good looking young man, you said so yourself.”

“Oscar, may I ask a question?” Andreas spoke up, Oscar nodded. “You say you want to see Irene with another man, does that mean you actually want to watch her with the other man?”

“Yes, Yes, it does. If Irene agrees to have sex with you, then I want to watch. I will not join in, just watch.” Oscar looked at Irene, she was angry with her husband.

“Is this what our marriage is to you, Oscar? You get to whore me out and watch me with other men?” Irene was almost in tears.

“No. Not at all. It would not be other men, just one man, one time.” Oscar replied, Andreas kept quiet not wanting to pressure Irene. He knew if he got her into bed she would enjoy it, he really didn’t care if Oscar watched. The more Andreas thought about it, the more he liked the idea of Oscar watching him and Irene.

“If we were to do this, where would we do it?” Irene asked, Oscar was pleased that she seemed to at least be considering it.

“Here I suppose. Naturally it would be when the girls are not here.”

“Naturally!” Irene snapped, the tone of her voice was not a good one.

“If this is going to cause problems, maybe we had better forget it.” Andreas suggested.

“No! If this is what my husband wants, then we will do it.” Irene replied, she hoped that by having sex with Andreas her husband would never mention it again. ” The girls are away for a few days on a school trip in two weeks, we can do it then.” Oscar smiled, he was finally going to realise his fantasy.

Andreas left a short while later. Oscar and Irene went to bed. There was no love making that night, Irene turned away from her husband and went to sleep. Oscar was a little upset, but not surprised by her reaction. He soon drifted off to sleep, his thoughts full of seeing his wife have sex with another man.

For the next week things returned to normal between them. Andreas never mentioned it to Irene at work, he still expected her to back out. If she did that wasn’t a problem as he was already seeing another single girl from the office, as she was not on the project team Irene would not have known.

The big day arrived, Irene and Oscar had seen their daughters off on a school trip. They returned home, they didn’t speak much. Irene started to prepare dinner for when Andreas arrived, she asked Oscar to watch the food while she got ready for their guest. Irene showered and shaved her legs. Irene dressed in dark blue lace lingerie, something she had worn for Oscar. The dress she picked was a light material, a nice burgundy colour. Oscar smiled when she returned downstairs, Irene did not return the smile.

When Andreas arrived they talked while eating dinner, the atmosphere was different, the conversation was not as lively as the previous times. After dinner they went through to the lounge, Oscar suggested Andreas sit on the sofa next to Irene. As they talked Oscar watched his wife, after a glass or two of wine she seemed relaxed. Andreas sat with his hand on her thigh. When Irene turned to look at Andreas he leaned over and kissed her, it was a gentle kiss on her lips. Irene returned the kiss. Oscar watched as they kissed and started to make out, he smiled when Andreas cupped his wifes breast. Irene was enjoying the kissing and making out, it reminded her of her life before she met Oscar. Andreas smiled as she whispered in his ear, they both stood up and smiled at Oscar.

Oscar stood and followed them upstairs to the bedroom. Oscar sat in the chair, he watched his wife and Andreas kiss. When Andreas unzipped her dress Irene pushed it over her hips allowing it to fall to the floor, she seemed shy as stood before Andreas. He looked her over and smiled before removing his shirt. Oscar thought his wife looked beautiful, her curvy figure and tanned skin. He could see why women would like Andreas. His washboard stomach and defined pecs attracted women, his chest covered in a light dusting of hair. Irene unclasped her bra and removed her panties, unsure of what to do next she sat on the edge of the bed. Both she and Oscar watched as Andreas undressed, Irene let out a small “oh” as he removed his boxer shorts.

The semi erect penis before was longer than her husbands, a lot longer. Oscar sat and gently rubbed his crotch, his tiny penis already hard but barely showing through his trousers. He reckoned Andreas was about 8 inches long, not very thick but the length made up up for the lack of girth. Andreas climbed on the bed and gestured for Irene to lay alongside him, shyly she moved next to him.

Oscar watched as they kissed, Andreas gently groped Irene’s breasts, her nipples hardened at his touch. Oscar knew the way she moved her thighs, rubbing them together, she was getting turned on. When Andreas kissed her neck she moaned quietly, her legs parted as Andreas gently rubbed her thighs. Oscar could see his wifes pussy lips glistening as her lover stroked his finger between them. Andreas knelt between Irene’s legs, she waited for him to lean forward and put his cock inside her.

Andreas kissed her body and moved lower towards her pussy. Oscar watched as his head moved slightly, Irene was breathing heavily and moving her hips up off the bed. Irene moaned as she had a small orgasm, Andreas rolled a condom on and prepared to fuck Irene. Slowly he inserted a few inches of his cock, this was what Irene was used to.

“Oh God!” Irene groaned loudly as Andreas slid deep inside her pussy. His cock touched places she had never been touched before. Oscar watched with delight as Andreas fucked his wife, her loud moans letting him know she was enjoying it. Irene screamed out loud as an orgasm hit her, Oscar noted she had never done this before. While his wife fucked the young stud, Oscar undressed, he sat in the chair and masturbated.

Oscar gasped when Andreas laid on his back, he guided Irene so that she straddled him. Andreas held his cock allowing Irene to lower herself onto it, she squealed as his cock filled her pussy. With his hands on her hips Andreas helped Irene move up and down on his cock, he knew from Oscar that she was normally a missionary position only woman. Oscar watched intently as his wife rode the big cock, Andreas had his hands on her breasts. Oscar shot his load onto the floor as his wife screamed and rocked faster, Irene had never had so many orgasms before. Andreas roared out loudly as he thrust his hips up, forcing his cock deep inside Irene.

“Oh my God. Oh my God.” Irene gasped as she rolled off Andreas. Oscar stared at the cum filled condom on his cock, he knew he could never cum that much. He went around to the side of the bed, he looked at his wifes pretty smiling face.

“How was it, my love?” He asked

“Wonderful, just wonderful.” She sighed, exhausted from several orgasms Irene was falling asleep.

Andreas tied off the condom and dropped it in the bin, he lay back on the bed beside Irene. Oscar watched as the younger man gently stroked his wife’s thighs, Irene started to wriggle in response, her hand reached over and took hold of Andreas’s cock. She felt the cock harden in her hand, Oscar continued to watch. Andreas rolled a condom on his erect cock and moved between Irene’s legs, Irene gripped his shoulders as the large cock entered her again.

Andreas fucked Irene with a fast tempo, she was now panting and squealing with pleasure. Oscar stood by and watched his wife get fucked he looked at the expression on her face. She always seemed happy when they made love, this look was something totally different. Andreas sped up and buried himself in Irene as he came for a second time, Oscar noted his second load was bigger than any he produced. Andreas stood and quietly dressed. Oscar dressed to show their guest out.

“Thankyou Andreas. Thankyou for satisfying my wife and making my fantasy come true.” Oscar was overjoyed that he finally got to see his wife with another man.

“The pleasure was all mine, Oscar. Thank Irene for me, tell her I will see her on Monday.” Andreas left the house and took a cab back to his hotel.

Irene had fallen asleep when Oscar returned to the bedroom, he slid in beside her and pulled the bed clothes over them. The following morning they sat in the kitchen for breakfast.

“Did you enjoy last night?” Oscar asked.

Irene Nodded. “Yes, yes I did, it was nice. Thank you.” If Oscar could have read his wife’s mind he would know that she wanted more of the same, sex had never been that good.

“Well it is over now.” Oscar replied. “I got to realise my fantasy, and you had a very enjoyable night.”

Irene smiled and sipped her coffee, she was thinking about Andreas and his big cock. She thought back to when she rode him and how full it made her feel, she never felt like that with Oscar, although she would never tell him. Things at home carried on as before. The main difference was when they made love, Oscar put his heart and soul into satisfying his wife, Meanwhile Irene was thinking of Andreas.

Things took a turn when Irene told Oscar that Andreas had invited her to dinner on Thursday night.

“I see. Just dinner, I presume?” He enquired, he really didn’t want Irene to say there was another reason.

“He just said dinner. Maybe it’s his way of saying thank you for when we have invited him to dinner here.”

“Maybe.” Oscar replied. He thought that maybe there was another reason, without knowing for sure he could see no reason to deny Irene a night out. “Very well, i will cook for myself and the girls on Thursday.”

When Irene left for dinner on Thursday she wasn’t dressed any differently to when she went out with her husband. Oscar also noticed how she was dressed, it relaxed him knowing she didn’t put any extra effort in for Andreas.

Irene and Andreas enjoyed a nice meal, it gave them a chance to talk. Andreas was sure that Irene wanted more sex, he knew he did. Irene was very vanilla in some respects. Andreas had worked out that she never had sex in any other position than missionary, he was hoping to change that. Truth be told he was hoping to get her to suck his cock, as well as trying some different positions. Andreas suggested a nightcap, in his room. Irene knew she should say no, but she knew he wanted her, she wanted him as much.

Andreas pulled Irene close as the door closed behind them, he kissed her as he removed her top. Irene removed the rest of her clothes and sat on the bed, she watched with lust in her eyes as Andreas undressed, his hard cock in front of her. She reached out and gently stroked it.

“Kiss it.” Andreas instructed her. Irene hesitated, Andreas pushed further forward. Irene gently kissed the tip of his cock, she tasted his pre-cum on her lips. This was the first time a cock had been anywhere near her mouth, she kissed it again. Andreas smiled as he looked at Irene, that was enough for now, she could suck it another time. Irene gasped as Andreas knelt between her legs, his tongue working her pussy. She knew he wanted her to suck his cock, she was nervous as she had never done it before.

Irene squealed as Andreas used his tongue to get her off, when he stood she reached out for his cock. Holding it at the base she kissed and licked the tip, nervously she opened her mouth and took the first inch between her lips. Unsure of what to do Irene rolled her tongue over his cock. Andreas liked what she was doing, it wasn’t deep throat, but okay for her first time. Irene was glad when Andreas pulled back, she didn’t want him to cum in her mouth, or force more of his cock into it.

Andreas rolled a condom over his hard cock, Irene moved back on the bed. Eagerly she watched as Andreas moved between her legs, his large cock nudging her pussy lips. A deep groan of satisfaction filled the room as his cock filled her pussy. Irene was lost in lust, she even moved her hips in time with her lover’s thrusts.

“Oh God. Oh God, so good.” Irene gasped between thrusts. Andreas knew he had her hooked, she would almost certainly keep coming back for more of his cock. Irene felt his cock twitch as he filled the condom with cum. As she recovered from the fucking she thought of Oscar, her husband. The man who loved her and willingly allowed her to have dinner with Andreas.

Irene rushed home from her dinner date. A light in the lounge told her that Oscar had waited for her to arrive home. She hoped he wouldn’t be able to tell she had sex with Andreas. As soon as she stepped in the door Oscar looked up, the look on his face said it all. He knew she’s had sex, he wasn’t a happy man.

“Sit down, Irene.” Oscar ordered. “I’m guessing by the state of you dinner was very good, although I think the dinner was an excuse for you to meet him for sex.”

Irene looked at the floor, she knew this was going to cause trouble. “I’m sorry, Oscar. So sorry.”

“This was supposed to be a one time thing, we never agreed to you seeing Andreas again for sex.” Oscar spat out.

“I know, but this is all your fault! You wanted me to have sex with him in the first place. I never wanted it. But now, well i’m sorry but he does things to me, as you know he is bigger than you and that drives me wild. I love only you, I don’t love him, but I like how he makes me feel.”

Oscar slumped back in the chair, he knew it was all his fault. Right now he wished he had never suggested that his wife have another man, damn his fantasy. “Will you be seeing him again?” Oscar prayed the answer would be no, but his heart told him otherwise.

Irene looked at her husband, the look answered his question. “I need to see him again. I need to feel how I do when I am with him. It is not love, I keep my love for you.” Oscar knew it was hopeless to argue, he couldn’t compete with Andreas. Oscar stormed off upstairs, Irene sat and weeped quietly.

Oscar was asleep when she entered the bedroom, Irene decided to try and speak with him tomorrow. In the morning Oscar had very little to say to his wife, he talked to their daughters but ignored her for most part. It was the same in the evening, Oscar sat silently when it was just the two of them.

“Oscar. Please talk to me.” Irene pleaded.

“Why? Is that all I am good for, talking to? Is your lover not good at conversation? Probably doesnt bother talking when he’s busy fucking you!”

“Oscar, there is no need for that language.”

“Oh really? Well I think there is every reason for me to speak like that. After all my wife likes to fuck another man, to make matters worse she wants me to be okay with it. I was okay with it, when I thought it would be just a one time thing, Now it’s obvious you want to keep seeing him.”

“Oscar please, I do not love him. I love you, but I need what Andreas does to me. When we have sex it is so different from when we make love, it’s new and exciting.” Irene was pleading her case, but Oscar wasn’t agreeing with her.

“How long is this going to go on, Irene? I will admit to being partly to blame, but there is no way I will stand for this. What happens when he goes back to Germany? Will you find another big cock to satisfy your lust?” Irene burst into tears and ran to the bedroom.

Oscar tried to keep things normal for the sake of their daughters, when the girls were in bed he barely spoke to his wife. The following week Irene said she was going out with the people from her office, Oscar knew this was a cover for meeting with him, as he had now started referring to Andreas. Oscar thought back to how he allowed the man into his home, more than that he persuaded his wife to have sex with him. Now, this was not how it was supposed to be.

Irene sat with Andreas in his hotel room, she felt some guilt, but not much. As Oscar had started to treat her badly, she deemed it revenge for him and his fantasy.

“What does Oscar think of you being here with me?” Andreas asked.

“He is not happy about it.” Irene paused. “If he had not persuaded me to have sex with you,we wouldn’t be in the situation we are in. It is all his fault.” Irene cuddled with Andreas, she didn’t love him, she wanted sex and nothing else. Why couldn’t Oscar understand that?

Andreas lay back as Irene kissed and licked his cock, she started to suck it. Andreas had to point out what she should do. Irene hoped that she might try this with Oscar, if they ever got back to having sex. He hadn’t touched her since the dinner date.

Irene moved to sit astride her lover, Andreas stopped her. “What about the condom?” He asked.

“Not tonight. Just for tonight we will do it without the condom.” Irene lowered herself onto his hard cock, it felt different without the condom. As she rode his cock Andreas licked and sucked her nipples. Irene started to orgasm, she sped up and gripped the headboard as she came. Gasping she carried on, she groaned deep with lust when Andreas came inside her. When she moved off her lover his cum leaked out and dribbled on him, Andreas wasn’t bothered as a shower would clean him up.

Irene dressed and left for home, she hoped Oscar wasn’t in the mood to start an argument. As she walked home she could feel the cum leaking into her panties Oscar was asleep when Irene arrived home, or so she thought. He barely opened his eyes as he watched her undress for bed, he noticed she wiped some cum from her thigh. He couldn’t believe she let him fuck her bareback, what if she got pregnant.

Irene continued to see Andreas one or two nights each week, it was under the guise of being out with people from work. Their daughters accepted their mother going out, Oscar did not as he knew the real reason. Despite Irene insisting it was just sex with Andreas, Oscar was worried otherwise. He knew his wife would have to have some feelings for Andreas otherwise she wouldn’t keep seeing him. He worried about their marriage, would Irene leave him? How would that affect their daughters? In reality he knew it was primarily his fault, Oscar realised it was his fantasy that started the problem. His main concern now was how to stop it.

Oscar knew it was no good telling Irene to stop seeing Andreas, whenever he raised the subject she always had the same reply. “It’s your fault, you started this.” Oscar knew from the limited conversations with his wife that Andreas was here for another 3 months, he couldn’t stand a further 3 months of living like this.

As he sat drinking a beer Oscar realised he would have to stop Irene seeing Andreas. Telling either of them to stop was not the answer, there was one way to achieve the desired result. He knew if he did this Irene would know it was him. “What the fuck, she is my wife, not his fuck buddy.” When Irene returned home Oscar was watching television, he looked at his wife then returned to the TV. Irene went upstairs to bed. She knew what she was doing was driving a wedge between them both, she liked Andreas, she liked how she felt with him in bed. Irene was conflicted when she was at home, she could see the damage her affair was causing. When she was with Andreas it was as if home didn’t matter.

The following day Oscar set his plan in motion, a very carefully worded email to Irene’s employers head office in Germany should do the trick. He explained that Andreas was causing a problem between him and his wife, although he did ask that they not reveal this if they took action against him. He re-read the email several times, finally Oscar clicked send.

At home he still behaved as normal, he talked and took an interest in how his daughters were doing. He spoke to Irene, but the conversation was usually short and very limited. Irene had given up trying to instigate sex, Oscar didn’t want to touch her. The truth was oscar wanted to fuck her, but not while that German bastard was enjoying his wife. Things carried on for another week or so between Irene and Andreas, Oscar wondered if his email had been read let alone acted on.

Things turned on the Tuesday of the following week. Irene told Oscar she would be going out to dinner with Andreas on Wednesday, he was surprised she admitted to seeing him, any other time the girls from work were the excuse.

“Any reason you are telling me this? It’s not like I don’t know what you have been doing for the last few months, despite you saying it was with people from work, rather than one person.”

Irene explained. “Andreas is going back to Germany at the end of the week. He has been recalled as our project is almost finished, something over there is more important.”

Oscar smiled, he knew the reason. Irene appeared to be mildly upset, she was going to miss Andreas.

Irene met with Andreas at his hotel, they talked as they enjoyed their meals. Irene was hoping to spend a few hours in bed with Andreas, her hopes were dashed after they finished eating. Andreas suggested a nightcap, instead of heading to his room he guided Irene to the bar. Andreas had been told that he was not to meet with Irene, he reasoned that dinner would be okay as it gave them a chance to part on friendly terms. Irene was hoping to part after one last fuck. She had enjoyed her time with Andreas, he had talked her into sucking his cock and fucking in different positions.

After their farewell dinner and drink, Andreas called a cab to take Irene home. Oscar pretended to be asleep when she slipped into the bed beside him. Things were strained for the rest of the week, Irene was particularly down on the Friday when she arrived home.

Several times she tried to initiate sex with Oscar, he refused. One evening Irene asked him the direct question. “Oscar, will we ever make love again?”

Oscar sat and looked at her for a few seconds,before answering. “Yes, yes we will. But before we do, I insist that you get an STI check!”

“Why? Andreas always used a condom.”

“Because I do not trust you. Over the last 3 months you have lied about where you were, and who you were with. I knew you were with him, even when you said it was a night out with the girls from the office. If you think I will trust you when you say he used a condom, you are very much mistaken.” Oscar knew Andreas fucked her once without a condom, he just wanted to embarrass Irene a little, to teach her a lesson. Oscar had another reason for delaying being intimate with his wife, he thought if he waited her pussy would be tighter.

“You know I learned some new things when I was with Andreas, maybe I can show you?”

“Maybe you can, but after you get a clean bill of health. Knowing you have been with him is bad enough, catching something he passed to you would be the ultimate insult.”

“I told you, he used a condom.”

“There was one time when he didn’t! I remember the night as you thought I was asleep, instead I lay there and watched you wipe his cum off your thigh with your panties. So now you see why I want you to get tested.”

“Okay, okay.” Irene sighed. She was upset, she wanted to show Oscar how they can improve their lovemaking, and he wants her to get tested. Irene watched Oscar, as he drank some wine, she knew he was waiting to say something else.

“Oscar, you have something else to say, I can tell by the look on your face. What is it?”

Oscar put the glass down. “I want to know is it over with him?”

“Yes. He has returned to Germany, I doubt that I will ever see him again. For what it’s worth I will never do anything like this again, I also want you to make a promise to me.”

Oscar turned and stared at his wife, after all she had done, she wanted him to make a promise. “Okay, what is it you want me to promise?”

Irene sipped her wine. “I want you to promise me that you will never ask me to have sex with another man, it was your stupid fantasy that started all this damned trouble.”

“I promise.” Oscar replied. He knew Irene was right, it had been his idea initially, although for him it was supposed to be a one time thing. Irene nodded and drank the last of her wine.

The following week Irene visited a clinic to get tested, she felt ashamed when she had to answer questions about her sex life. When the blood test had been completed Irene left to return home, she breathed a sigh of relief when she exited the clinic. The test results took a further week to arrive, during this time Oscar still refused to have any sexual contact with his wife.

Irene was overjoyed when the results arrived, she waited until the evening to tell Oscar the good news. Oscar was happy that his wife hadn’t caught anything from Andreas.

That night in bed Irene was determined to fuck Oscar near to death. He knew where she had learned her new technique from, he wasn’t about to throw it in her face. Oscar loved his wife, all he wanted was things to get back to normal between them. Irene had always been happy with Oscar before Andreas, she would have to forget him and keep her husband happy.


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