Opportunity of a Lifetime by imhapless,imhapless

I guess that I, Will Burke, had the normal number of sexual fantasies that an average heterosexual male in the United States has. Of course everyone’s fantasies are a little different, but I didn’t think that mine were extreme, perverted, or realistic. My fantasies basically revolved around having sex with an attractive pregnant woman not my wife, and having a one night stand with Natalie Morrill.

Who’s Natalie Morrill?

Natalie is a reporter for what is generically called a television newsmagazine reality legal show which usually deals with a strange circumstance murder. The show that she is one of the lead reporters for is called “Villainy Link.” Natalie asks cogent questions, seems passionate in getting to the truth when doing her job, and is very personable on the screen.

I’m not sure exactly why Natalie rings my chimes so forcefully. I mean sure she’s good-looking, including what appears to be a tight round ass, killer thighs, and a very intriguing face — somewhere between beautiful and exotic. It doesn’t appear that her chest is large, but that’s never been particularly crucial to turning me on. She is about the same age as me — at the time of this story — early thirties.

Anyway, regardless of the reasons why I’ve always considered Natalie the most desirable woman on TV from gossip on the Internet it appears that she lives about 2000 miles from where I do, and in any event I never seriously considered the possibility that I’d meet her. Of course it was ridiculous that an ordinary guy like me would have any chance with a famous woman with a husband and two kids.

As far as my fascination with attractive pregnant women is concerned I actually had one or two chances of fulfilling my fantasy when in my early twenties, but I was too clumsy to pull it off. Therefore it seemed for a long while that my only success with Natalie or a hot pregnant woman was going to be in my mind when I had a masturbation session.


Despite my fascination with Natalie, no one really wants to be interviewed on TV by a reporter like her. If you appear on the show Villainy Link it’s most likely because someone you know has been murdered — or is under suspicion of being a murderer. When one of my friends was involved in what many felt was a weird accident and died, and his wife was investigated for maybe being the catalyst of the accident, it apparently tweaked the interest of Villainy Link because a month after the accident(?) and the arrest of the wife I got a call from a producer of Villainy Link.

“Mr. Burke?”

“Yes, I’m Will Burke.”

“I’m Beth Lipscomb a producer of Villainy Link. Are you familiar with our TV show?”

“I sure am — it and Dateline are probably two of my favorite shows on TV.”

“Glad to hear it. I understand that you were friends with Anton Bianchi, and also are friends with his wife Monica.”

“Yes, that’s right. I knew Anton for ten years before his accident and we did lots of things together, and I gave a eulogy at his funeral. Since then, I’ve tried my best to help Monica out.”

“Do you have an opinion as to whether or not Monica is responsible for his ‘accident,’ or whatever you want to call it? The police seem to believe that she was having an affair and he found out about it, and that is a motive for her seeing to his demise which led to her arrest.”

“Well — there are several different things that are relevant to that. One is that Anton was a skilled hiker and I found it hard to understand how he could simply fall off of a cliff. However, another thing that I know is that it’s even less likely that Monica was having an affair than Anton slipping off of a cliff. Also. I don’t think that Monica had either the personality or strength to push Anton off of a cliff. He was a big strong guy, almost as big and strong as I am. I guess what I’m saying is that it was an unlikely but still possible freak accident and that Monica had nothing to do with it.”

Beth and I discussed the situation further and she had lots more questions, and I provided much more information. Finally she asked “Are you willing to be interviewed on an episode of Villainy Link?”

I paused, gave it some real thought, and then my fantasy woman Natalie popped into my mind. “This is going to sound strange, Beth; but I would only if Natalie Morrill is the reporter that interviews me.”

“Well we were thinking of Keith Mitchell…” she said before I interrupted her.

“I think Keith is a very competent reporter, but I’m sorry, unless Natalie is the reporter who interviews me I’m afraid that I don’t have any interest. If she is the one, I’ll provide you with photos, documents, texts, anything else that may be relevant. You have my number, let me know if you change your mind,” I insisted.

We exchanged a few more pleasantries then mutually terminated the conversation.

I called Monica and told her about the call (except not about me asking for Natalie to be the reporter). “Do you think that you’d have any objection?”

“No; I know that if there is anyone on my side it’s you. Make me look good. When things settle down I want to have you for dinner.”

“Sounds good,” I chuckled hoping that the absence of the word “over” was significant.


I didn’t hear from Beth for a month. In the meantime after Monica’s arrest for second degree murder and manslaughter fortunately they set bail and between her parents and sister (who are fairly well off), and with a large contribution from me, we were able to post the 10% bond and she got out awaiting trial after only three or four nights in jail.

I’m a plaintiff’s product liability attorney but a friend of mine by the name of Linda Law (a good name for an attorney, right) is one of the five best criminal defense attorneys in the state so I got her in touch with Monica. I sat in on several strategy sessions, although I had to be careful about my involvement since I was going to be a witness. Linda and I both recommended that Monica take advantage of our state’s procedure that requires that a defendant be brought to trial within ninety days of arrest if the defendant so elects. Few do, but we felt it important in this case because we were sure that we would be ready and that the prosecution wouldn’t be ready.

When Monica had been out on bail about two months, and the trial was only a month away, on a Monday Beth Lipscomb called me again. “Hi Will, Beth Lipscomb again.”

“I knew that it was you Beth both because of your melodious voice and because I have that modern invention known as Caller ID.”

“Very funny, Will, but glad to know that my voice is melodious. To get right to the point, Natalie Morrill was very excited to take on this case, and we had another case that Keith Mitchell seemed more interested in, so we have assigned Natalie. I trust that now you’ll agree to be interviewed.”

“You bet!” I excitedly replied.

“Also we wonder if you could talk to Monica Bianchi and/or her attorney Linda Law because we really want to interview Monica before the trial too.”

“I’ll see what I can do; I’m sure I can pull it off if you agree not to air her complete interview until after the trial, but you can use some basic information.”


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