Our First Time at a Nudist Beach by willmill,willmill

Hi guys,

it’s been quite a while but I thought I would write about our first time at a nudist beach. It goes back a few years but the memory is still as strong now as it was then. As a young wife, it was quite an eye-opener for me, I never thought that such a place even existed especially on the west coast of Scotland, what, with our weather.

As with all my other accounts of our Bill and Veronica adventures it is quite a bit long maybe too long for some So I apologize in advance, but here goes.

Watching TV one night a program came on Chanel 4 about nudist beaches, good old Chanel 4, with my mother watching we turned it over right away.

Bill later told me that Scotland had its own official nudist beach and that it was about an hour’s drive from where we lived. I had to ask him what that meant. When he told me that it was a place where men and women can wander around naked, without getting arrested, I had just laughed outright. No honest he had said, yeah right I had said but my interest was piqued and when my interest was piqued it meant that I would have to see it for myself.

We agreed that one-weekend weather permitting we would go and have a look but a month had passed and there was no break in rainy days at the weekends. That and of course work and being a young mother and in general our social life too. So we agreed that if we got a good day through the week we would both spring a sick day and go see the nudist beach. I guess I was expecting to see numerous men and women wandering around naked swimming and playing around as they did on any other beach. It would be another two weeks before we got a good break in the weather.

It was a Wednesday we popped over to my mother’s and dropped off our daughter, with us claiming a false reason but mum being happy that she could spend some time with her granddaughter.

So there weren’t too many questions asked about our intended destination, just as well, oh we are going to a nudist beach mum I don’t think that would have been acceptable to her.

So we set off on our hour’s journey, I had packed a bikini and was wearing a denim almost mini skirt with buttons up the front and a white wrap over top no bra. The top did very little to hide my thick nipples so a light jacket was required to hide them. My nipples are very thick and over an inch long when excited. So much so that if we go out socializing I used to used electricians’ tape to prevent them from poking out, sometimes the tape would slip off and reveal them under my tops. I could always tell when that had happened by the number of men staring at my chest. Bill had on the shorts and a T shirt that he would wear onto the nudist beach.

The car journey was uneventful but still seemed to pass quite quickly, before I knew it we were there. There were say five or six cars in the car parking area and a works van too. We sat in the car chatting and watched the odd man go past our car and head for the beach. They all seemed to stop and have a second look at us just sitting in the car and then they were constantly looking back at us. We had a cigarette and then decided it was time to go see.

We had only been on the beach walking for about five minutes when a man was coming back from the other direction. He was no beach Adonis he was fat and looked to be about fifty years old, with old work overalls on. Oh dear I thought, I hope there’s better looking than him wandering about the beach. He stopped and said in a quite pleasant voice not much today folks, his eyes never leaving me I felt as though I was naked in front of him. I noticed a white stain on the crotch of his overalls which I thought was rather distasteful

I have to get back to work he said conversationally as though he knew us. Bill asked him where the nudist beach was. He casually said it’s about a mile that way he said hooking his hand over his shoulder and looking at his watch.

He said you go past the poofy cunt lying on the sand with a sign saying please fill my mancunt, you’ll see condoms and lube by his side. I felt as though he was getting a buzz talking to us like that There’s an outcrop of rocks its just past there he said giving me a full look over and again looking at his watch and turning and heading for his car.

We exchanged glances Bill said I think he wanted to come back with us the way he was looking at you. I know I said I thought I was already naked. We walked on and soon sure enough came to a man lying in the sand and the sign was there along with the lube and condoms. Fuck I thought he was joking I said, me too said Bill.

As we approached him he turned his head to the side saw that we were a couple and turned his head again, but as we passed him he raised his arse and I could clearly the white lube spread all over his hole. I looked at Bill and was about to say something when Bill said, well looks like Mr overalls didn’t go past the poof and we both laughed.

As we neared the outcrop of rock I could feel that special tingle I get between my legs when we are about to embark on a new sexual adventure. Rounding the rock I held my breath, I knew I was about to see dozens of naked people enjoying the sun. I didn’t we could see up ahead maybe five or six men lying naked on their towels, spread out over a couple of hundred yards.

We decided to go past them all and find our own little nook. Obviously, I couldn’t help but peep as we went past each one of them. I was fascinated by the different sizes of both their cocks and balls. They were all much older than us me being twenty-three and Bill being twenty-eight, most of them were older than my own father.

As we reached the fifth man he was standing with his back to us but as we passed him he turned to the side, pretending to do something. His cock was huge and even from where I was I could see the thick veins all over it, his big heavy hairy balls were hanging low. My cunt twitched and I stared making a mental note for the next time (Dark Sunglasses.) He just looked me straight in the eye and smiled looking down at his cock. Cheeking bastard I thought then looked away quickly suddenly all shy but I felt a wetness between my thighs.

We found a nice little nook about three hundred yards further along, almost like a small alcove where we couldn’t see back the way we had come or what was ahead of us. We spread out our towels and Bill just stripped right off, his big thick seven and a half inches sticking out fully erect and lay down. Well someone likes what they have seen so far I said nodding at Bill’s erection he just nodded his head and smiled.

I looked around and removed my wrap-around blouse, well says Bill someone else likes the views too nodding to my thick nipples which were already beginning to ache, a sure sign that I was getting horny, mind you the wetness between my legs was another sure sign. Well said Bill it is a nudist beach so take off your skirt and your panties, I wouldn’t want you to look out of place he said smiling.

Good old Bill forever the driver of our perversions and me good old Veronica the ever-willing passenger. I removed my skirt and panties and felt exhilaration soar through me. I was outside and I was completely naked, the air against my skin felt as though it was caressing all of my body at the same time. Mmmm I liked this.

We lay there for a good half hour and never saw anyone passing. Then Bill says let’s walk down to the edge of the water and dip our feet in. Okay, I said and he reached over and grabbed my hand. Hang on I said they’ll all see me if we walk down I’ll wrap a towel around myself. You can’t says Bill it’s illegal to be covered up on a nudist beach. Well, I don’t know the laws for nudism but I’m sure you’re allowed to be covered up if you want. We sat another five minutes with Bill coxing me and teasing me and eventually, I succumbed to his persuasions.

Looking right and left I noticed that all the men were still lying on their towels, this calmed me a little and I stepped out holding Bill’s hand and we headed for the water’s edge. I knew that as we were walking that all these older than or as old as my own father would see me if they sat up. So keeping my eyes straight ahead we went to the water’s edge.

I stared out into the sea as we stood there ankle-deep in what was very cold water. Fuck that water is cold said Bill as he turned and said let’s go back.

When we turned round every one of the men were now sitting up on their towels oh fuck I said. Well it’s a bit late now says Bill, we’ll just have to keep walking back. As we were walking back I caught a glint of something, one of the men was looking at me through binoculars.

Not only that I could see that he was holding them in one hand and was wanking his cock with the other hand. Fuck I thought, what a dirty bastard, but my young cunt twitched, he was wanking too me and the rest of them were looking in my direction. They could all see me completely bare naked, my cunt twitched again and I slowed my walk. With the warm air all around my body and these older men all looking at my nakedness I was suddenly gone. My cunt was twitching as I felt the liberation of being naked outside in front of an appreciative audience. I knew that they could all see my tits and my very hairy bush.

We eventually reached our nook and sat down. Bill put his hand on my cunt and said well now someone enjoyed that, sticking his fingers into my lubricated hole. I began to ride his hand and was close to an orgasm when Bill stopped and said not yet, Veronica. Come on he says let me put some lotion on you. Reluctantly I agreed for I knew he would ride me soon enough, his big thick cock was twitching all over the place.

Sit forward he says and he sat behind me and began doing my shoulders in no time he was lotioning my thick aching nipples. My nipples are very sensitive and I have come often by just having them pinched or tweaked. Bill obviously knew this and was doing his best to make me orgasm, I could feel his big cock poking into my back, so he was getting as much pleasure as I was. I could do that for you said a voice.

I jerked my head up and there was the man with the huge cock just standing smiling, I looked at his big cock and I could see that his foreskin had peeled back and the thick head of his big cock was glistening. I just sat there staring, sure on you go says Bill. Wait a minute I said, it’s alright Veronica says Bill I’m here, he just wants to lotion you up. Bill got up and made way for this much older man. I could feel him behind me as he settled himself into the same position that Bill had been in. Immediately I could feel his big cock poking into my back and as he leaned forward to lotion my nipples I could feel the wet head of his cock sliding up and down my back. He was an expert nipple pincher and soon had me coming on that delayed pinching from Bill.

Then he pushed my head forward and said to me get up on your knees Veronica, I meekly obeyed and almost immediately felt the head of his big cock probing my sodden cunthole. He slid it in a couple of inches moaning as he did but not moaning as much as I was. I pushed my young arse back to meet his old cock and he penetrated me deeper and deeper. He wasn’t as thick as Bill but he was a good three inches longer and I felt him bottom out on my cervix. Then he began to saw back and forth I was busy having another orgasm my head on my arm in the sand.

As he was thrusting into me I wondered what made him think he could just mount me like that, without so much as a by your leave cheeky cunt. To be honest, though, I think it was the fact that he had decided he was going to use me that I found so horny. He was a bit of a cocksman and he kept me on the boil constantly. That’s it go on ride the dirty wee cunt Sam, says a voice almost from nowhere, I looked up and saw all of the men that we had passed earlier. They were all standing round me and wanking their cocks.

I tried to back off of Sam’s big cock but he held me firm as he ploughed into me, my orgasms were beginning to run into each other as he expertly pounded my cunthole. You like that he sneered at me well do you like it Veronica? Yes, I like it I gasped as he began to work up a real pace. One of them had reached under me and was tweaking my nipples hard. Fuck the nipples she has on her holy fuck and what a hairy fuckhole said a voice. Then the same voice go on Sam fill the dirty wee whore give her your load spunk up its cunt.

Now if you’ve read about our previous adventures, you’ll know that I love being talked dirty too and that I seem to come even more the worse the language gets.

These old men were experts at verbally abusing me. I have found that the older men tend to be like this, whereas the younger guys tend to be pretty much quiet unless they are coming. Suddenly Sam let out a roar and I felt his big cock twitch inside me. Yes, go on Sam empty into its cunthole. I felt the big cock twitch a few more times then Sam withdrew from me and I could feel the cold air on my cunt.

I made to sit up when Sam says where do you think you are going cunt, stay like that.

I dropped my head to the sand as I felt myself being penetrated again not as big as Sam’s but still a nice thickness to it. Its owner pounded into me calling me every name he could think of, ya fucken wee spunkbucket, dirty wee whore, cock taking cunt. Right, I’m coming he suddenly said as his thickness twitched inside me, here take my babies you dirty little cunt. As he pulled out of me he said now that is a top quality fucken wee ride, you’re a lucky man he says to Bill.

I was told to get up and bend over a rock whereupon I was mounted again by whom I haven’t a clue, it was just another one of these old men pounding my young hole. Oh, you’re right he says what a lovely wee ride. He lasted about 3 minutes then let out a low moan as he emptied himself into me. I was then laid on my towel and a much younger guy probably ages with myself mounted me. He didn’t say anything he just pounded into me for about two minutes then emptied himself into me. Their combined spunks was running freely from my worn hole.

I was told to get on my knees again and I was swiftly mounted, this time it felt different I could feel the man’s stomach on my back, I looked back and it was the dirty fat old cunt with the overalls. I came at the very filthiness of it, I would never let this man ride me yet here I was. I knew it he says I fucken knew it the minute I saw you that you were a dirty wee fucken ride then he was emptying himself into me. That’s two rides I’ve had today he says. A big hard cock was pushed into my mouth and I looked up to see Sam sneering down at me, suck it ya fucken wee whore suck it.

Then he told me to get down on my now sore knees and he began pounding my worn hole with shouts of encouragement from all the other older men watching. Rip its hole, fuck it harder, look it’s fucken loving it, and loving it I was, Sam let out another roar and unleashed another load into the torrent of spunk up my cunthole. When I looked up again there were two old men wanking at my face go on said Sam spunk in its mouth, open your mouth whore he said. The two old guys stepped forward and sprayed all over my face and in my mouth.

That seemed to be it they were all either gone or were packing up, Sam stayed for a bit and chatted with us. Turns out the poofy cunt’s name was Simon and Sam had watched the old cunt with the overalls ride him earlier that day. He’s still there says Bill looking along the beach. Aye, he’s normally the last to leave. Like to catch any strays he does, how so says Bill. Well on the odd occasion I’ve used him myself says Sam. Most days you won’t see a couple around but we do get them mostly at weekends.

So you’ve rode him too says Bill aye says Sam a standing cock has no morals no couples any warm hole will do and Simon knows that. I’ve seen him do five or six in a day and he’s here most good days weather permitting. As you’ll know if you have read our past adventures my husband Bill is no stranger to the cock.

Am I a whore, a spunkbucket, a dirty wee ride, a fucken cocksucking whore, well not all the time. Like most of us here we keep our adventures separate from our social life. If you saw me out socializing or shopping you wouldn’t think that butter would melt in my mouth. Heheheh that’s the secret says Bill.

So the nudist beach was added to our Dogging, gloryholes in gents toilets, sex cinemas, and well so much more. I hope you enjoyed I know it’s a long one but I hope you got to the end thanks for reading. Comments good or bad welcome.

Veronica X.


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