Outside Reality by sirensong47,sirensong47

He handed me the open notebook and a glass of wine.

“Welcome to our playground. I’m glad you came .The bushes make this area very secure!”

“Yes, I agree. As I walked the path, I stopped along the way to familiarize myself and to reassure myself of our solitude.”

“So how about a toast to the other couple somewhere in the universe, playing as we are right now….”

“I’ll drink to that. Have you determined that no one is at home on the other hillside?”

“I haven’t seen a soul, car, or anything else over there in 3 days. Now, please remove your blouse and lift your skirt so I can se you.”

“Are we taking sunburn into consideration?”

“We will be in shade in 30 minutes”

“I am having a wave of panic that we might get caught. Tell me again that we haven’t drawn any attention to ourselves that might draw scrutiny.”

“Nothing, Dear! No one saw us and if they did it would look as if we were taking a picnic.”

He took the book from my hands and closed it and then leaned forward and took a breast into his mouth. First one and then the other until both nipples were hard and very very pink. He slid his hand between my legs as he tenderly guided them apart. A rush of cool air preceded the entry of his fingers inside the wet darkness. To both of our surprise, my body responded immediately as I climaxed on his hand. It was sudden, it was intense, for so great had the anticipation been that there was no holding back.

“There will be many more of those before this picnic is over.” He withdrew his fingers and got to his knees.

He prepared us each a small plate and refilled our wine glasses. We only nibbled for both of us were more focused on the stirrings of our bodies and the erotic imaginings of things to come. Sensing this, he gathered the lunch items and put them away.

He busied himself laying out a large heavy purple towel and draping it over the fallen log as if the log were a stallion and the towel a saddle. He patted the towel and indicated that I was to straddle the log.

The towel was positioned to fit from my neck to the edge of my lips. He has rolled a small towel into a pillow where I could rest my head. He raised my skirt to above my waist revealing the delicate black panties, the vaginal lips shaved barren and the recesses of my glistening vagina. .

From the backpack he removed a two-quart enema bag that he laid flat on the quilt beside the log. He attached tubing and a red bulb, which he explained was a pump. This device he said did not require a gravity feed.

Once again he reached deep into the pack and removed a gigantic looking dildo that had life like markings of a male genitalia. “This is the nozzle, Diana. Do you want to feel it? There is a tube that runs through the shaft. When I fill you it will be like I am ejaculating my juices inside you.”

He placed a latex glove on his hand while smiling at me coyly. “Can you pass the rubber glove test?” He did not wait for my answer. My answer would not have mattered. I was his birthday toy. And he was the birthday boy, so he could play with his toy any way he pleased.

First one finger, then two entered the first elastic ring. It snapped tightly around the digits. He curled his fingers and pressed down towards the vaginal wall. Then he began a slow deliberate circular pattern. Upon the completion of each circle he stretched the ring slightly open. My body shuddered.

“Good girl.”

He stretched his fingers full length and thrust in and out before slipping them out completely. He held his gloved hand up for his and my inspection. “Very good. You are very clean!” At that moment, I experienced a pang of emotion, a mixture of minute humiliation and pride that I had pleased him.

He picked up the artificial penis and lubricated it well. With one hand he spread my cheeks apart forcing the pink ring to pucker outward. He placed the tip of the head at the opening and instructed me “swallow it”. With amazing ease it filled the cavity snugly. He fucked my body with this object , all the while watching my face intently for any nuance of change. My arms wrapped around the log just as I would caress a lover. “Ooooh!” I sighed my pleasure.

He squeezed that big red bulb and a gush of water flowed into me. He waited. Then he squeezed again. He waited. He kept repeating this process before suddenly stopping. He slid the dildo out and placed his hand firmly on the small of my back. “Now, Diana, you must expel.”

My only resistance was to swallow hard on the lump that had formed in my throat. I simply contracted my abdominal muscles and a stream of water exited. “Don’t worry. You are very clean. Just relax and enjoy it.”

Again the dildo and my rectum were united. Again he pumped the fluids, squeeze after squeeze, and then the release. He watched in fascination at his work. Each expulsion became easier. Each filling and expulsion made me crave more. I relished this freedom of nature and passion!

He ran out of water before he came close to tiring of this game.

He tugged on my skirt to indicate that he wanted to reposition my body. He placed me on my knees using the log to support my upper torso. My eyes faced the Pacific. He crawled behind me and penetrated my ass with his own beautiful erection. His thrusts were accentuated with guttural grunts. The texture of the bark made slight indentations in my torso, my mind blazed with erotic images, and my body eagerly received his intensified thrusts.

“I could fuck you like this all day!”

My breasts hung loosely over the side of the log. Each tempo change caused them to bounce against the log. The sensations were each so unique that my body responded greedily. This could best be described as a sensual overload.

He told me that he was going to fill me with his orgasm. He clung to the curve of my ass. How delicious was the feel of the repeated throb within me! How intoxicating was the explosion of heat from his ejaculate!

His body draped atop my own as we both clung to the other and absorbed the beauty that surrounded us.

Afterwards, as we lay on the quilt together whispering terms of endearment, a magical happening occurred. A humming bird flew in to “our nest” only inches from my eyes. It hovered, its wings moving so rapidly , as we seem to study each other in equal awe. The last touch of whimsy to end a very perfect afternoon.

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