Owner’s Guide: Human Breeding

An adult stories – Owner’s Guide: Human Breeding by EVHayes720,EVHayes720 Qilard looked at the monitor again. The human male was pacing the walls again, with the smaller human female sitting on the bed, watching him. When he had purchased the two, he had visions of a human farm that he could travel around with and show off to the various alien species. There would be good money paid to see such a hard-to-get creature. But instead of reproducing, they simply sat there.

The door slid open, and his partner sat down at the other station. He looked over the feeds. “Have the humans been fed yet?”

“Not yet. Maybe we should try adding something into their food? They haven’t done anything to start breeding yet.”

His partner wobbled its bulbous head, “That is a good idea. I will review the samples we were given during the purchase, perhaps there is something I can synthesize from those.” It looked over at the screen again.

“Have they been using the bed?”

“Yes, after we took away one, they now share the single bed together.”

“Hm, perhaps try taking away their clothes too. It is restrictive and not conducive to mating.”


“Daddy, can you please sit down?” The strawberry-blonde woman rested her head on her bare knees. She had been stuck in the same pink Cami and black skirt for several days now. There was nowhere to go and nothing to do. They had been stuck in a completely opaque cube, with only a sliding door to a tiny room with a toilet.

“I’m sorry sweety” Allen stopped walking along the edges. Her father was a construction worker who couldn’t ever stand still. If he wasn’t working on something, he’d find something or else go crazy.

Allen sat down on the single-sized bed, the only furniture in the room. There had been two beds until last night, when one just disappeared into thin air. He kissed her head and wrapped her in his arms. She rested her head on his shoulder.

“Daddy, what do you think they want?” Ashley didn’t cry anymore at least. They had tried everything they could think of to communicate with their captors, but they never received a response. All they knew was that food and water would be delivered on a regular basis and the lights would dim for day and night cycles.

Allen sighed, “I don’t know baby. They aren’t experimenting on us, so there’s that. But this is definitely aliens.” He wasn’t some alien conspiracy nut, but the fact that things appeared and disappeared routinely certainly made him believe that they had been taken by them. Also, the fact that the food was horrendous and completely unrecognizable.

Speaking of which, two plates materialized on the floor with something yellowish on it. Ashley went over and grabbed the plates, handing one to Allen. They both looked at each other, then the dish, and hesitantly picked up a morsel. It was squishy but looked vaguely like scrambled eggs. Very vaguely.

“Okay, not terrible. Kind of a smoky meat taste.” Allen took another bite and looked over at Ashley.

“Wow, mine tastes like strawberries.”

This was new, usually they all tasted the same. Allen grabbed a piece of hers and she grabbed some from his.

“At least we’re getting some variety.”


“Qilard, this says that the humans require a bathing station.” Kikis pointed to a document on the screen.

“Do they not self-clean? I assumed all creatures did that.”

“No, we should provide them with a bathing station. Perhaps the odor prevents mating. The guide says that sanitation is highly important to humans.”


Ashley lay on her dad’s right-side, head on his chest and leg over his to keep from falling off the bed. This was still more comfortable than lying on the cold, hard floor. He was a big, broad-shouldered guy, so regardless of how he lay, he took up the majority of the bed. She on the other hand was petite, a head shorter than him and only about 100 pounds.

She was glad her dad was here though. Without him, she would have gone insane. He had always been the man in her life, the guy she looked up to, who she ran to for every and all problems. He was always kind and caring, and always there for a hug when she needed it. He had been her rock through this. He would hold her in his big arms and let her cry when it became too much. She loved him dearly.

The sudden sound of a bell surprised them both, as this was the first time they’d ever heard anything.

“Hello? Hello? Can anyone hear us?” her dad called into the air. There was no response, no sound at all.

“That was weird.” Ashley looked around but didn’t see anything that had changed. “Did they put something in here?”

They both stood up and looked around, checking under the bed and feeling the smooth surface of the walls. When Ashley went to check the bathroom, her mouth fell open. Gone was the tiny room with a toilet, and now there was a luxurious hot tub with an open door on the opposite side with a toilet. There was also a sink with toothbrushes and toothpaste.

“Oh my god daddy, they gave us a bathroom!” Ashley jumped with joy. They had been getting ripe, and while she liked her dad’s musk, it had been growing overpowering recently.

Allen ran over, just as excited. “Holy shit, this looks amazing.”

Ashley pushed his chest, “Out, I need to bathe.”

He reluctantly stepped back, “Okay, but don’t take forever, I need it badly as well.”

She wrinkled her nose and giggled, “Yeah, you really do.”

The door closed and she rushed over to the pool, peeling off her Cami and bra covering her perky C-cups and dropping her skirt and panties. She didn’t bother putting up her shoulder-length hair, as it could use a wash as well.

She practically dove into the warm water, laughing at how it felt on her. She dipped her face into it, washing herself down. She noticed a bar of soap and proceeded to use it with a loofa. She hadn’t felt so happy in ages.

She was in there for at least 40 minutes but noticed that the water stayed at the perfect temperature and seemed to clean itself. She groaned in happiness as she floated there. She did feel bad for her dad though, and finally got out, drying off on a fluffy white towel, which she wrapped around herself. She was so relaxed; she hadn’t even noticed that her clothes had disappeared. She brushed her teeth while humming and finally exited the bathroom, which Allen immediately utilized to the fullest.

Allen came out some time later in a happy haze but saw a distressed Ashley on the bed.

“What’s the matter, baby?” he headed over as quickly as he could, towel wrapped around him.

“Daddy, where are my clothes?” Allen looked around, then a look of realization crossed his face. He rushed back to the bathroom only to find it made perfectly up, without any clothes in sight.

“Uh, so, they seem to be gone baby.”

It was a bit awkward at first, just walking around with towels on. It was also disconcerting that their body hair seemed to have fallen off at some point during the bathing process. Luckily, it only applied to their bodies and not heads. Ashley had to admit though, her dad looked a lot better when he wasn’t his hairy, usual self. Without the hair, she could see his well-defined muscles from years of weight training and physical labor. He didn’t have a six-pack or anything, but she could see why her mom would cry out his name in the middle of the night.

Ashley grimaced, why had that thought crossed her mind? She shook it off and tried not to think about her mom’s muffled screams, or the creaking of the bed when he took her hard and she wailed. Ashley shook her head again, harder this time.


“They appear to be more comfortable. That was a good idea with the bathing facilities.”

“Yes, I will increase the food additives. Perhaps they will reproduce tonight.”


Allen awkwardly got into bed with Ashley as the lights started to go down. The bed was so tiny that they had already started spooning since last night. They had tried back-to-back, but that just ended up with one of them on the floor. The towels though, added a new problem as he was worried that it would fall off, or worse, not restrict his growingly insistent erection.

The terror of the kidnapping had worn off and now he was painfully aware that he was in a closed space with his gorgeous daughter, the spitting image of his wife 20 years ago, who tended to shuffle in her sleep and rub her delicious ass against his cock. He’d managed to keep it restrained so that she hadn’t noticed, but several days without action was starting to take their toll on him. He tried not to think about her perfect tits that he’d seen in the shower one day when she was back from college. Or the way her ass bounced when she was at the pool. He tried to focus on her cute face instead. She reminded him of his wife, soft curves, bright blue eyes, button nose, gorgeous lips that could wrap around his cock. He shook himself and started listing out the cast of various shows in his head.


Allen awoke to the most amazing feeling on his cock. It felt like it was sandwiched between two perfect tits, being slowly stroked, feeling the warm skin as it rubbed over him. He opened his eyes and immediately realized what he was doing. His cock had slipped the towel and was firmly squeezed between his daughter’s delectable cheeks. She hadn’t awoken yet, so he carefully removed his protesting cock and wrapped his towel around it as he got out of bed, taking one last look at her wonderous curves before pulling the sheets over her.

Ashley had been awake but had frozen when her dad woke up. She had felt his cock pressing against her ass, and she had been slowly rocking her hips to feel it glide between her ass cheeks. It had felt amazing, and she was already wet from it, but then he woke up, and she just pretended that she was still asleep, but her pussy was drooling.

She eventually got up and started to stretch. Being confined to a tiny bed was a bit rough, so she rolled her shoulders and cracked her spine, causing her towel to wander down her generous tits. She caught her dad checking her out a bit, but she pretended not to notice, stretching down to touch her toes, giving him a good look down her chest. Allen quickly retreated to the bathroom.

The rest of the day was pretty similar to all the prior days with nothing really to do. They each bathed twice because, why not? They ate their meals, which tasted like fruit today. Allen did some exercises but didn’t get too daring since all he had was a towel. Ashley watched in fascination as his back muscles flexed with every push up and she could see the muscles in his arms grow taut.

That evening though, their towels disappeared as well after they were done using them. When they returned to the bathroom, there weren’t any extras either. Ashley quickly scampered to the bed and got under the covers, face burning red as her ass bounced for her dad to see. Allen got in bed, bunching the sheets up between them.

At one point they turned, which was a huge relief for Allen as his massive erection would not stop poking her back. The downside being that now he felt his daughter’s soft tits and hard nipples poking him and brushing his skin with every breath. Ashely wrapped her arm around his broad chest and held him tight during the night.

In the morning Allen ran to the bathroom before Ashley woke up to jerk off, desperate to get his cock under control. He thought about his wife as he bent her over the kitchen island, lifting her skirt and peeling her wet panties down. He would push into her hot pussy, and she would cry out for him. Daddy. Daddy. His eyes shot open as he blasted cum all over the toilet.


“He did WHAT?!”

“He has decided not to use the female for reproductive purposes.”

“We need to punish this behavior.”


Allen heard a sudden gasp and froze, his hand on his cock for the third time today as he stared at his daughter wide-eyed. The walls separating the rooms had suddenly disappeared, leaving him mid-stroke and looking at the shocked face of his daughter, with her perky tits pointing accusingly toward him. He spun around quickly, covering himself.

Ashley was shocked, mostly about the size of his cock. She had seen him for a good couple of seconds as he stroked his massive dick, the bulbous head a dark color as his entire length twitched. She regretted making a sound.

Allen avoided looking at Ashley for much of the day out of embarrassment.

They continued to get their meals, which were becoming progressively better. Perhaps their captors were figuring out what they liked.

The only issue today they noticed was that the tub was not full of water. Ashley had tried looking for something to turn on, leaning over and exposing her pert bottom to Allen. When she couldn’t find anything, he tried coming over to look, and that was when the water started to flow. When he left though, it disappeared. They shared an awkward look, then laughed. They had been seeing each other naked for most of the day, and running around covering themselves up was getting kind of silly. They both slipped into the tub, lying on opposite sides, there was plenty of room for two people to stretch out. They both studiously avoided talking about his massive erection, though some glances were stolen.

That night they lay in bed, spooning again. Allen dreamed again of being with his wife, her angelic face looking up at him as she rubbed her tits lovingly around his cock. She rocked gently; her mouth slightly open as she worshipped his cock. He couldn’t take it anymore and came all over her face.

Ashley felt her daddy humping up against her ass again. He was making little thrusts, running his shaft up and pressing his balls to her cheeks. He was mumbling as he ran his hot meat over her. She was breathing heavily, running a finger along her slit and moaning with him. She heard him grunt, and then felt something warm splash on her back. He groaned and then stopped his rocking, letting his cum roll down her back onto the bed. Ashley closed her eyes and luxuriated in the feeling of his hot jizz on her skin.


Qilard sighed, “So, it appears he doesn’t know where it goes.”

“He’s getting closer. I will increase their doses again.”

“Will that cause any side effects? We’ve already exceeded the maximum recommended dosage.”


Ashley was breathing heavily, she had been feeling hot all day, and the thought of her daddy cumming on her back set her on edge, but she couldn’t cum. She had tried quietly while lying in bed taking a nap, but regardless of how much she tried, she couldn’t get there. She was frustrated, and desperately needed cock. She continuously shot glances at her daddy’s as it swung when he exercised. She could practically taste it; she needed it so badly.

Allen’s final hope was to exhaust himself. Every time he looked at his daughter, he would get hard. He imagined what it would be like to press into her sweet pussy, have her moan for him and beg him to cum in her. He shook his head and continued doing push-ups.

That night, Ashley felt her daddy get hard again, and positioned his cock between her thighs. She could feel him pressing it along her slit, rubbing her clit. She was soaking wet, rubbing her juices all over him, but still unable to cum. She grew frantic, humping harder against him, watching his head push through her thighs and rub her swollen clit at the end. Suddenly he grunted and blasted her face with cum. She opened her mouth, catching some and savoring the surprisingly sweet flavor. She groaned in frustration though, as it wasn’t enough. She kept him between her thighs though, feeling his cum oozing onto her leg.

She felt him twitch and start humping again. She looked down in shock to see his cock still hard, rubbing her again. She knew this was her chance, and she slowly moved her hips to position herself so that he would press into her. His bulbous head forced open her sopping hole and easily slid in. She stifled a scream as her daddy kept pressing his cock into her, feeding more in with every thrust. She was crying with pleasure as he fed more of himself into her. She felt fuller than she had ever felt in her life, and he was only halfway in. She groaned as she pressed back on him, jamming another several inches inside of herself.

Allen was having the most intense dream of his life. He was spooning his wife, slowly pressing into her as she whimpered at his massive size. She gasped with every thrust, crying for him. Daddy. Daddy.

Allen slowly opened his yes, hearing Ashley calling him, a desperate call for him, the need apparent in her voice. He only then noticed that he was balls deep in her as she was shaking, gasping for him.

“Daddy! Daddy more! Please Daddy!”

He lay in shock, knowing that he had violated his own daughter in the worst way, but his hips kept rocking as she continued to press back onto his cock, making wet slapping sounds.

“Yes Daddy! I’m so close daddy! Please!”

He could feel her pussy squirming around his cock, fluttering constantly just at the edge of release. Her desperate cries drove something primal in him, and he slammed his cock into her as hard as he could. He could feel his cock head pressing against something soft as she screamed out his name, pulsating on his cock. She clamped down on him as he continued to savagely slam his cock into her, pulling her down onto him with his arm around her waist. She continued to scream, and he could feel her tummy bulge with every thrust. He needed to cum, he couldn’t take anymore.

“Daddy! Oh God Daddy! Cum in me daddy! Let me feel you!”

Allen slammed in a final time, feeling himself unload an enormous amount into his little girl. She shook, she screamed his name, her pussy squeezing him and milking him for all of his cum. She made guttural gasping sounds as she pressed herself back onto him.

Finally, he could feel his cock slow down, still twitching inside her. Ashley looked back at him, sweat on her brow and shaking, mouth open in a perpetual gasp. She looked into her daddy’s eyes, and he looked into his little girl’s. Memories of them together growing up, slowly being replaced by the memory of his twitching cock inside of his little girl. He grew hard again as her eyes opened wider.

“Fuck me again daddy.” She whispered as he kissed her, slowly thrusting his hips into her filled pussy. He reached around and played with her hard nipple, making her groan as his other hand moved to her clit, rubbing it softly. He could feel her heating up for him, his cock feeling hotter by the moment as he continued to gently fill her, but he wanted more.

Allen sat up, rotating her leg over him so that he was on top of her, looking down at his little girl. She looked beautiful, a beaming face wracked with pleasure, her heaving tits begging to be sucked, and her tight pussy, clamped around his cock. He leaned down to kiss her, their tongues intertwining as he continued to pump into her. He could feel himself going deeper, pressing against her cervix. She whimpered into his mouth as he pulled from her and then drove back in.

Ashley wrapped her arms around her daddy, holding on as he began to quickly hammer into her. Her pussy ached for more, and squelched with every hard pump he gave her. Her daddy had filled her so much already, but she could feel his heavy balls hitting her. She knew he had another huge load for her, and she needed to feel it. She needed her daddy to own her, to cum in his little girl.

Allen could feel his orgasm approaching, feeling his balls tighten as the need hit him. Ashley was whimpering incoherently, seemingly begging him to breed her, to cum inside of her again. He sped up, hearing the wet slaps as he proceeded to fuck her into the mattress, viciously thrusting into her tiny pussy, determined to cum in his little girl.

“Daddy” she gasped as he pistoned into her, “I’m your good little girl. Good girls get their daddy’s cum. I want your cum daddy. I’m such a good girl daddy. Good girls get bred by their daddies. Please daddy, make me your good little girl.”


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He pressed as hard as he could into her, feeling her cervix protest as he pushed at it. She screamed as he pumped his massive load into her again, grasping onto his back, wrapping her legs around him, trying to pull him deeper. She needed it, she needed to be bred. Good girls have their daddy’s babies. Her mind went blank as she felt her pussy overflow with his cum. Her whole body shook as cum spurted out of her hole when he pulled out.


There was much celebration in the monitoring room. “We’ve done it, finally!”

“Now that we know what to do, we should get more females to breed.”

A thoughtful look came over Qilard’s face, “Do you think they could breed with other species?”

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