Oz Beach Boy's Epic Nude Run by MyBareTorso,MyBareTorso

All four girls were wearing bikinis and holding towels, and had obviously been for a late night swim to beat the heat. Their hair was wet and straggly.

As I stood in the darkness absurdly clutching the cardboard box around my waist, one of the girls sitting on the ground spotted me and jumped in fright.

She pointed right in my direction with a look of surprise, fear and confusion on her pretty face.

“Hey, you,” she said. “What are you doing there, mate?”

The four English girls jerked around suddenly and looked in my direction with obvious concern.

Thankfully, Sarah and Hayley’s faces instantly softened and relaxed when they recognised me.

“Oh, it’s okay,” Sarah laughed in her charming English accent. “It’s just Matt…he lives in the building.”

“Hey, Matt,” Hayley smiled. “How are you, lad? Late night, huh? We’ve just been for a swim…it’s so fucking hot. Come and say hello.”

“Um…okay,” I muttered quietly, and moved out into the light of the building’s entrance from the darkness of the garden area. “Let me explain…”

As soon as the four English girls saw my bare torso and exposed legs with the cardboard box comically held around my waist, their mouths dropped open in shock.

Then, with no surprise and total justification, they all started loudly guffawing and pointing at me.

“What the fuck happened to you?” Sarah laughed. “Matt, where are your clothes? What are you doing?”

“I’m so sorry,” I said quickly as the girls slowly eased their laughter to listen. “I went for a nude swim at the beach and someone stole my clothes. I had to run all the way home naked. I got chased by some arseholes in a car. It’s been a nightmare.”

“Oh, my god,” Hayley tittered. “Are you serious?”

“Yes, I’m so embarrassed,” I said. “I’m so sorry…”

“Oh, don’t be sorry,” Sarah smiled naughtily. “We love checking you out in your little Speedos at the pool…this is even better!”

“Fuck, is this the guy?” one of the other girls howled in a thick Northern England accent. “Is this the guy with the huge willy?”

“Yes, Geri,” Sarah replied. “This is Matt…he’s the guy with the bulge in his Speedos that we drool over at the pool.”

I was exhausted and in pain from my nightmarish nude journey home, and I desperately wanted to get upstairs to the safety of my apartment.

But despite all that, I was still getting turned on by how boldly these cheeky English girls were so shamelessly objectifying me.

“You weren’t lying,” giggled Geri, who was wearing a bright pink, trucker-style cap with her wet bikini. “He’s a cute one alright…what do you think, Cheryl?”

“Yes,” Cheryl said very quietly with her head down, “he’s really hot.”

“Mmmm,” Sarah said cheekily, “if you want to get past us and back into the building, you might have to drop the box and give us a look at what’s under there. It’s four on one, Matt, so you might just have to do what we say…girl power, yeah?”

At that, all the girls laughed uproariously, even the quieter Cheryl. Right on my doorstep, and mere minutes away from the safety of my apartment, I was about to be subjected to one final act of humiliation and ridicule.

Though this night had undeniably also been hot and incredibly sexy, it seemed as if this nightmarish experience would never end.

I looked blankly at the four English girls, who all smiled back at me wickedly and without mercy.

Sarah, Hayley and Geri were all pretty Anglo girls with straight, long, sandy blonde hair.

Their sexy, slightly fleshy bodies were shown off nicely by their skimpy bikinis, as were their uniformly big, sloppy breasts.

Cheryl, however, was different looking from the other girls. She seemed less confident than her friends, and had dark, short hair.

She was considerably overweight, and her big, loose breasts wobbled around freely in her bikini top.

Thick layers of flab bunched around her mid-section, but Cheryl’s sweet face was round and warm, and she had blazing blue eyes.

“Come on, Matt,” Hayley giggled. “Drop the box…be a good lad and get your bollocks out for the ladies.”

“You’re really going to make me do this?” I pleaded futilely. “It’s really humiliating.”

“We won’t laugh, Matt,” Hayley said quietly. “And unless you stuff your Speedos, I don’t think you’ve got anything to be ashamed of. Come on…get your bollocks out.”

“It’s only humiliating if you’ve got a little one,” Geri added. “You don’t have a little one, do you, Matt? You don’t stick a sock down your trunks?”

“No,” I grumbled. “It’s all me down there.”

I hung my head in embarrassment and then dropped the cardboard box to the ground with a humiliating thud.

The sight of my now nude body was greeted with shocked silence. I looked up to see the four English girls staring at me open mouthed. Surprisingly, they didn’t laugh.

“Fuck me stiff,” Sarah whispered. “It’s gigantic…look at it!”

The four girls continued to stare at my nude body and exposed cock and balls, slowly shaking their pretty heads in disbelief.

“His bollocks too,” Geri said. “They’re huge…look at them! Like two brown onions from the supermarket!”

“We have to get a photo of him,” Hayley giggled. “We have to show the girls at work…they’ll go fucking mental.”

As I stood there completely naked, the girls all reached for their phones, and pointed them mercilessly in my direction. I held my hands up in the air as if I had a gun pointed at me.

“Please,” I pleaded, “people will recognise me. Can I at least hide my face?”

“Here,” Geri laughed and threw her pink cap at me. “Put this on and pull it down low…not that anyone will be interested in your face when you’ve got that big thing hanging out!”

I caught the pink trucker cap and annoyingly noticed that it had the word “Bitch” printed across it in thick, black lettering. This would, of course, take on a very different meaning when I wore it.

I put the hat on and pulled the brim down low. I hung my head and sighed with embarrassment as the girls held up their phones and proceeded to pop off multiple shots of my nude body.

I was completely and utterly humiliated, but I was also incredibly turned on by the whole experience.

“Pose for us, Matt,” Hayley giggled. “Do a little show…flex those big, strong muscles.”

I didn’t even bother protesting. I obediently clenched my fists to make my biceps pop and bulge.

I lifted my hands up above my head to stretch and elongate the muscles of my torso. I flexed my biceps in the classic bodybuilder’s pose.

“Yes,” Hayley muttered under her breath. “That’s it, lad. Twitch your willy too…I love it when lads do that.”

Like a good boy, I tensed my cock to make it bounce slightly, and then flexed my leg muscles. Hayley giggled loudly.

I turned around for the girls and tightened all the muscles in my back and shoulders. I stretched my arms upward.

I popped my rock-hard glutes, and I heard the naughty English ladies giggle at the sight of my butt.

“Look at that arse,” Geri roared, and continued to pop off shots with her phone. “Cor blimey…it looks like it’s made of stone!”

I turned around, and the girls thankfully slowed down their impromptu nude photo session.

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