Panty Game by HJO66,HJO66

(Chapter One)

I guess I should start out by telling you that in my eyes my sister Melanie was the most beautiful girl in the world. Melanie was her given name, but no one ever called her by it. She actually had three other names.

I just simply called her Mell like everyone else did but Dad called her Sunshine and Mom called her Princess. Yeah, I know it’s fucking sickening, but my parents just simply doted on her, and she was clearly their favorite child. As a matter of fact, Mell pretty much ruled the roost around our house.

Mell was a year older than me at nineteen and about to complete her freshman year at a local University. I had just graduated from high school at eighteen and would soon be attending there myself.

Mell still lived at home as the school was only fifteen minutes away and our parents both insisted that since it was such a short drive it was just good common sense for her to remain living at home.

Our parents were both forty years old Mom was a blond and her name was Susan and Dad was redheaded and his name was Derek, so Mell was from them a five-foot four-inch green eyed strawberry blond little fucking fireball!

At nineteen Mell had grown into an incredible little body and she definitely knew how to flaunt it.

Mell and I had always been really close Mom and Dad were both workaholics, so we spent a lot of alone time together growing up and over the years we had talked a lot. We talked about mostly everything even somethings we probably shouldn’t have been talking about with each other and we kept each other’s deepest secrets.

I knew Mell was still a virgin and she knew I was as well we didn’t hide much from one another but still there were a few things.

One night well after darkness had fallen and Mell had already showered, she walked in on me in the bathroom just as I was pumping a load into the pair of panties, she had worn that day.

Luckily Mom and Dad were not home yet because she screamed at the top of her lungs, “Oh my fucking god Alex what in the holy fuck are you are doing?”

“Ugh…ugh” I stammered as I stood there cupping the crotch of her little blue panties in my palm with cum still dripping from my dick.

“Never mind you little pervert it’s pretty fucking obvious and I’m going to tell Mama and Daddy and just as soon as they get home and Daddy’s probably going to kick your fucking ass,” she screamed.

“Mell please don’t I pleaded. I’m sorry and I promise it will never happen again.”

She pointed down the hallway and said, “Clean yourself up and then my room we need to talk right fucking now!”

“Would you like to explain to me just what in the fuck that shit was all about back there Alex?” she asked, as she patted the bed next to her and I sat down. I could tell from her tone that she was already softening a bit.

“I… I was masturbating,” I sputtered softly.

“No shit sherlock why were my panties involved?” she demanded to know.

I saw the fire leave her eyes when I said, “Because you are the sexiest and most beautiful woman that I know, and I love you.”

“Awe that’s really sweet Alex but I’m your fucking sister,” she quickly pointed out.

“I know I know,” I said, “but I just can’t help it you have really filled out in the last few years.”

I watched the last of the steam go out of her as she giggled and then suddenly stood in her short little nightie and tiny pink panties and twirled around in front of me, “Yeah I know I do look fucking good don’t I,” she offered.

“You have no idea,” I said, with a blush as she sat back down. “Are you still going to tell on me,” I asked.

“No not this time,” she said. “It’s actually a little flattering you know,” she added bashfully as she looked away.

“Really?” I squeaked.

She laughed softly and said, “I kind of have a little confession to make.” She hesitated a moment before adding with a giggle, “I play with myself sometimes too.”

When she saw my sly grin appear she giggled again and quickly threw in, “But I don’t use your filthy fucking underwear to do it with now get the fuck out of here before I change my mind.”

Mom and Dad had suddenly arrived just moments before and Mama tapped on the door and stuck her head in and said,” Hey kiddos what are you guys up to tonight?”

“Oh nothing,” Mell replied, “just talking how was your day Mama?”

“Long and tiring baby your Daddy and I are going straight to bed and will shower in the morning we are just simply beat down.” Susan relied.

She pushed the door open held out her arms and said, “Come give your old Mama a hug and kiss goodnight then.”

She hugged us both at once and kissed us on our foreheads, “I love you both my little sweeties now goodnight and don’t stay up too late,” she spoke, as she turned and left the room closing the door behind her.

“Alex?” Mell whispered when I reached the door.

“Yeah?” I responded as I turned back.

“What did you do with my panties?”

“I put them back in the hamper,” I muttered.

“Did you wash them out? she asked.

“No, should I?”

“No don’t worry about it,” she said. “I’ll take care of it.”

A few moments later as I sat at the foot of my bed wondering when and where Mel masturbated, I heard her come from her room enter the bathroom for a moment or two then quickly come back out.

“Hey Mell?” I softly hollered, “Can you come here a second I want to ask you something?”

She came to my door and cracked it just enough to stick her head in “Yeah what’s up now perv?” she asked.

“Mel, can I ask you something personnel?”

“You always do,” she replied with a laugh.

“What do you think about you know when you do it?” I asked bashfully.

She thought for just a moment and said, “Let me give that a little thought and I’ll get back to you on it in a bit,” and she quickly made her way back to her room.

A few moments later when I went to the bathroom to shower the lid of the hamper had been left up and the panties were gone.

After my shower I was lying back in bed playing a video game when Mel tapped lightly at my door and then opened it halfway. She stood there in the short little nightie with one hand holding the front of it down trying to keep her crotch covered and the other behind her back.

“Do you remember what you wanted to know about earlier you know about what i think about when I masturbate?”

“Yeah.” I replied.

“Well, as of just a few minutes ago, it’s you,” and she brought her hand from behind her back and tossed the tiny pink pair of panties onto the bed next to me and said, “Here Killer knock yourself out,” and quickly reached and closed my door.

As I sat dumbfounded and stared at the soaking wet crotch of the little pink panties laying there beside me, she spoke softly from the other side of the door.


“Yeah?” I replied.

“Put them in the hamper when you’re done will you?”

“Sure thing,” I replied. “And thanks.”

After a brief moment of silence, she softly muttered, “Hey Alex?”


“Don’t wash them out,” and she was suddenly gone.

After I quickly jerked off in them, I placed them just so on my nightstand and then drifted off to sleep.


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