Part Five – The Fourth Challenge by rickyp83616,rickyp83616

The next Sunday was stake conference — or in other words, a Sunday we could skip church, stay home and get caught up on sleep and chores. I know that makes us not very good Mormons — okay, sorry, members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints — but that’s who we are.

The next Wednesday the Young Women worked on preparing for their camp, coming up in a couple of months.

The following Sunday was the first Sunday of the month, so fast and testimony meeting — not the best time for any exhibitionism at church. During the announcements the bishop said that they needed volunteers to help clean the church the following Saturday — and my fourth dare came to my mind immediately.

We would volunteer, and arrange some private time in the church building. We were told only two couples signed up to clean so it would be a lot of work. We checked out the “cleaning crew key” attached to a board about as long as my arm so it wouldn’t get lost. I told Meg about the dare and the plan and she was excited to see what we could accomplish. We would arrange to hang around in the locked building after the other couple left; the possibilities for some fun seemed good.

When Saturday came around we dressed in loose clothing for the cleaning work — and so we could lose the clothing quickly as we had some fun plans. When we got to the building, we were surprised to find that the other couple was Brother and Sister Wright.

“It’s good to see you again,” said Brother Wright — except this time Meg caught the double entendre.

“It’s good to be seen,” Meg replied with a hint of a coy smile. “So Brother Wright, what do you want to do first?” He clearly got her double entendre as well and smiled.

“First, let’s not be so formal. We’re just friends today, so call us Mike and Marie.”

We decided to split up the building — Mike and I would focus on the vacuuming and gathering trash. Marie and Meg would focus on cleaning the whiteboards and dusting the tables and lamps. We would tackle the restrooms together so nobody had to do the whole room by themselves.

The first hour of cleaning was hard work — we were building up a bit of sweat, and getting a workout cleaning all the hallways and rooms. While Meg and Marie were cleaning in the Relief Society room, Meg suggested they take a break – and release her “lady’s” that were constrained by her bra.

Without even waiting for Marie’s response, Meg pulled off her t-shirt, unhooked her bra and dropped it on the ground. She was still in her garments, but they were clearly damp from perspiration – so much so that they looked a little like a wet t-shirt. Marie was stunned by Meg’s brazenness, and a little curious about the beautiful breasts right in front of her.

“Join me,” Meg said. “You’ll be so much more relaxed.”

Marie gave it a brief thought and then unbuttoned her work shirt and removed her bra also. Marie’s breasts were a bit larger than Meg’s — about a 38D — so she was a bit more self-conscious than Meg. But Meg’s casualness made Marie feel comfortable after a few minutes.

“Mind if I check them out,” Meg said. Again, without waiting for much of an answer, she reached out and cupped Marie’s left breast over her garments. Meg lifted the breast and smiled. “These are beautiful tits, Marie. You should free them more often.”

Marie hadn’t noticed that Mike and I were gathering trash from the kitchen, and the serving door between the kitchen and the Relief Society room was not closed completely — so Mike and I were standing there watching as my wife molested his wife’s tits.

Meg noticed us watching just as she was weighing Marie’s breasts and decided to push the boundary a little further. So Meg pulled both of Marie’s breasts out from her garments and gently stroked them — giving special attention to her nipples that were now getting hard. “Yours are bigger than mine,” Meg said, pulling her tits out for Marie to consider. As she did so, she glanced into the kitchen and looked directly at Mike.

“But your tits are poking out pretty proudly – are you a little turned on?” Marie asked.

“I always get turned on when I know other people are watching,” Meg said, nodding her head toward the serving door. Marie quickly turned to see what Meg was pointing at, let out a short scream, and quickly did a hand bra.

“You don’t need to do that,” said Mike. “We’ve seen it all, and it’s beautiful.”

“You’re right Mike,” I said. “Marie is beautiful. You’re a blessed husband to have her in your life.”

“It looks like you’ve been blessed also,” Mike added.

“Well I’m glad you enjoyed the show gentlemen, but we still have to finish cleaning. Get back to work,” Meg said. So we all went back to work. After about another hour, we finished all the items on the cleaning cards and returned everything to the member cleaning closet.

We all then sat down in the chapel foyer to relax. There were a few moments of awkward silence — do we talk about what we had seen earlier? Do we just pretend it never happened? Then Mike broke the ice.

“I have to ask. Meg, why did you flash your breasts in Sacrament meeting last month?”

Marie looked at Meg, stunned, and said, “You did what?” It wasn’t accusatory or critical — it was more of an “I can’t believe you actually did that.”

Meg then explained that for our six month anniversary she had given me a coupon book full of sexy things that she agreed to do at any time with no excuses, no “I have a headache,” no “I’m too tired,” no excuses. Included in the coupon book were six coupons for dares or challenges — things I could ask her to do that would be outside her comfort zone.

She explained that I had used the first coupon there in sacrament meeting, telling her to expose her breasts for 10 seconds. She didn’t know anyone had seen her until we were on the way home and I told her about Mike watching from the stand.

“In fact,” Meg said, “we’re on a dare right now. As soon as you guys leave we are going to get naked all around the church, take a few pictures, and maybe have sex somewhere.”

“Oh we’re not leaving now,” Mike said. “You need a photographer to document your dare. Marie and I will help. Right, Marie?”

“Yes, but if they’re brave enough to do it, then we should do it too.”

I went out to my car and got the camera and tripod — and verified that the doors were locked, before joining Meg, Marie, and Mike in the room with the baptismal font. We had planned to use the mirror above the font to get some great pictures of the two of us. While we all stripped, Marie picked up the camera and said she would take pictures first.

Meg sat on the edge of the baptismal font, while I jumped down into the font. Meg spread her legs enough for me to get my tongue on her lips. I slowly worked my way up the crack toward her clit. Meg was arching her back, making her tits stand up. It wasn’t long until her clit was pulsing and she was getting close to an orgasm. I backed off my eating her to allow her to cool down. I didn’t want the fun to end too soon.

Marie was moving all around us taking pictures, sometimes just inches away, sometimes using the mirror to get other angles — it felt like she took a hundred, just constantly clicking. I was so happy that we could do that without having to do the photography too.

Mike declared “our turn,” took the camera from Marie and handed it to me. This time, however, Marie jumped into the font while Mike sat on the edge. I watched as she began working on Mike. It was so erotic that I briefly forgot I was supposed to take pictures.

I got pictures of Marie kissing the top of Mike’s cock, licking up and down the sides, and then she started taking his cock in her mouth. Mike wasn’t overly huge or long, but with his wife stroking it and sucking it in her mouth, it certainly reached its maximum length.

I loved how Marie would cradle Mike’s testicles while going to town on his cock. She was gently stroking his balls with one hand while the other slid up and down his cock ahead of her mouth. Mike would occasionally reach out to touch Marie’s tits, but mostly just enjoyed the experience. Then suddenly Marie stopped.

“Hey, you wouldn’t finish off Meg, so I’m not finishing Mike,” Marie said to me.

We left the baptism room, leaving our clothes there while we wandered the church still stark naked. We went to the primary room, looked in a few classrooms, trying to come up with our next activity. I suggested we do something you’re never supposed to do — run in church.

The two women were to start outside the chapel and race down the hallway all the way to the Relief Society room. Mike would stand at the chapel and give the “go” while I would be down at the Relief Society room with the camera recording the race on video.

When everybody was set, Mike gave the signal and they ran down the hallway. Marie’s tits were bouncing around much more than Meg’s — and given their larger size, they probably slowed her down some. Meg won easily.

“Your turn,” Meg said, taking the camera from me. Mike and I got together at the chapel end of the hallway. Marie said “go”, and we raced down the hallway. I’ve never been too athletic, and Mike clearly had some adrenalin going from the baptismal font — he beat me easily. Meg was laughing at our penises and balls flopping around as we ran. “I understand why guys use a jock strap!” she said.

We stopped in the “multipurpose room” (basically a carpeted basketball court) and played some basketball. We set the camera up on a wide shot and played two-on-two. It was fun laughing at how bad we are at basketball.

I especially enjoyed playing defense against Marie. I got up close, physically bumping into her to keep her from making any shots. You know how church ball is more physical than regular games — well this was no exception. I am a few inches taller than she is, and my semi-stiff dick was a few inches longer than her tits, so when I was on defense, she definitely felt my presence. I didn’t use my hands — but I used everything else to push her back from the basket, but with no officials to call foul, it was all fair.

When I was on offense, Marie had no problem getting into my space too. At one point, she grabbed my balls – my testicles, not the basketball. I quickly dropped the basketball and cried foul. She laughed and said I had it coming.

Mike did the same kind of thing to Meg when he was on defense. Meg figured out she could back him down by bumping back with her ass. Her butt crack was a near perfect height for his dick. It looked like she was grinding on him, pushing him back again and again.

He was reaching around her trying to swat the ball away, but seemed to have some difficulty with his aim because he kept slapping her tits. His dick was hard as a rock, and Meg’s tits were a bright red color. It was all in fun and technically nothing sexual was happening — just four people having fun playing basketball.

After a while, we decided to move on. We went to the materials center (library) because Marie wanted to put her tits on the photocopier. We went to the FamilySearch center but couldn’t think of anything fun to do. We started to go into the chapel, but Marie said we shouldn’t do anything there because it is a sacred place and we needed to be dressed to be there. We didn’t tell her about the scavenger hunt activity.

Mike decided we needed to “repent” (in jest) and invited all of us into the bishop’s office. We sat down, still naked, with Mike in the bishop’s chair, and he asked us what naughty things we had done. All three of us, me, Meg, and Marie “confessed” to doing sexual things — but only with our spouses. Meg said she had attended some lessons with a “friend” on how to use vibrators and other toys, but it was okay because it was educational.

Then I told Mike that he needed to confess too. He confessed to some naughty things — nothing nearly as exciting as what Meg and I had done. Then he said he had one more thing to confess.

“I’ve always wanted to fuck my wife in the bishop’s office,” Mike said. We were all aroused and said that this was perhaps the only time he would have a chance to do it so he should go for it. He looked at Marie who nodded yes.

She stood up and walked over to Mike, facing him, and slowly lowered herself on his lap. She rocked her hips on his cock in a little outercourse foreplay, but that didn’t last long as she grabbed his cock and positioned it below her pussy, and then slowly lowered herself until she was fully impaled on his cock. They started fucking pretty quickly – it was slow and erotic for the outercourse, but one she was on Mike he took over and started slamming into his wife.

Meg and I watched — no, stared — at first. I took a few pictures while I was stroking my cock. Meg was running a hand up and down her crotch. The eroticism was so strong that we couldn’t resist. I put the camera down and lifted Meg up on the bishop’s desk. She leaned back while I slid my cock into her. She was so wet that there was no difficulty entering her.

We started building a rhythm, all the while looking back and forth between our own fucking and the heavy action happening just inches away from us. I noticed Marie had picked up the camera now and was taking pictures of us and a few POV shots from her seat on her husband’s cock.

At one point Mike reached over to stroke Meg’s tit. It was brief, but incredibly exciting and I didn’t last long after that, exploding my cum deep into my wife. I stayed inside her and pulled her into a full upper body hug while she screamed her own orgasm.

When she screamed, both Marie and Mike looked over at her face and our intertwined bodies — and instantly had their own orgasms. Marie sounded like she was doing Lamaze breathing and then gave a few short grunts and one long grunt. Mike let out a series of “fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck” until he grunted too. Marie sank off Mike’s lap and ended up sitting on the floor.

I slowly released Meg and stood there with a limp wet dick. It was then that we realized we had made a mess of the bishop’s office. Mike reached in a drawer and pulled out several tissues. Marie and Meg excused themselves and went out to the women’s restroom to clean up. Mike and I did the same, but to the men’s room.

At some point, Meg went to the custodial closet, picked up a spray bottle of cleaner and some new rags, and brought them to the bishop’s office to clean up.

Marie and Mike went to get dressed while I helped Meg. As we were finishing the cleaning, Mike said “thank you for helping clean the chapel today. If you ever want to come clean our house, I’m sure Marie and I would love your help.”

“We can probably work that out,” I said, acknowledging with my smile that I knew exactly what he was suggesting. Mike and Marie left, and Meg and I decided we had done enough for today. We had hundreds of photos and videos — enough to get us through many long winter nights. We had promised to share all our photos with Mike and Marie — and the thought of them enjoying pictures of us added to the enjoyment. With everything cleaned up, we left the building.

A few weeks later, we did help the Wrights clean their house. That will have to be a story for another day.


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