PUNKS Ch. 14: Sex Obsessed by dadadadiox,dadadadiox

May 1994

Joe found a message on his machine upon returning home from NYC. Jasmine had missed him over the weekend and felt badly her family’s holiday barbeque would make two straight weekends they wouldn’t hang out.

“I’m thinking of taking a personal day Friday,” the message said, “That way I can come over Thursday and spend a couple of nights before I have to go to Moms. Let me know if that works for you. Love you.”

“Love you?” Joe said to himself, because ‘love you’ was not her usual sign-off. He smiled at the thought, ‘Jas must have really missed me.’

Of course, that plan worked for him, and it made Joe feel good that Jas would make a special weekday arrangement to see him; also not her usual thing. This was progress. For once, Jasmine was doing more than he’d come to expect.

When Jasmine arrived on Thursday evening, she wasted no time in jumping Joe’s bones. The satisfaction Joe got from knowing this woman desired him so strongly was immense. Jas was genuinely into him, going way back before he was a middling rockstar. The crush has always been there. This fed Joe’s belief there was a possible future with her.

For much of that night, he was expecting her to ask about New York, but she was focused on his flesh, the here and now. Very late at night, sitting together on the chaise on his balcony, she finally got to it.

“How was your trip?” Jas asked while running her silver nails through his hair.

“It was very good,” Joe said, looking up at her. “I forgot how much I like being in New York. That city can suck hard, especially in winter, but there are times when it’s the greatest place to be.”

“What makes it that?”

“It has everything; culture, the food, the vibe of that city is intense at times. There’s a vibrancy I don’t feel in other cities. When I was young we’d walk the streets all night, go from diner to diner, ride the subway, and stay out til dawn. I didn’t know it at the time, but they were the best years of my life.”

“You’re doing damn good now, baby,” Jas laughed, “you have a good life. Walking city streets was better than the beach?”

Joe smiled at her take, “You’re right. This is better than Manhattan, but New York is amazing.”

I’ve never been,” Jas said sadly, “It’s on my shortlist.”

“I’ll have to take you someday.”

“That would be great,” her smile cut through the darkness, “having someone who knows the city.”

“When I go back east it’s usually for business,” Joe said, “I’ll have to make a special trip for us.”

“I would love that.” Then Jas got down to business. “Did you see Tina?”

Joe answered quickly, “I had lunch with her on my last day.”

Jas noted his readiness, “How is she?”

“Sad,” Joe said softly. “Sad that she doesn’t see me anymore and pissed off at her husband.”

“Ya know something – you never told me what his problems are.”

Joe gave Jas a one-minute rundown of the charges Troy’s facing, his arrogance, and the bullshit Tina has to deal with. It only took a minute because that was the extent of Joe’s knowledge. Jas sat there quietly after he finished wondering if she should say what she was thinking, then she did.

“Someday, that girl’s gonna wake up and smell the coffee. How can she put up with that shit?”

“She’s a hardcore Catholic who believes divorce is against God’s wishes. It’s fucked up, I know. And she’s a stand-by-your-man kind of woman. He’s testing her resolve.”

“Sounds like stand-by-the-wrong-man to me.”

Joe quickly realized that telling Jas about Tina and Troy’s problems only buttressed her opinion on Tina’s future awakening. He probably should not have done that.

After months of trying to extricate himself from his past relationship with T, a genuine attempt to move forward with his life, Joe found himself right back in it with Tina. He was home in LA thinking about her and her gallery girls who he had so much fun hanging around with. Her blow jobs aren’t cheating argument was complete bullshit, and Joe knew it, but he was fascinated by the idea. The moral dexterity required to take that seriously was impressive.

He knew what the score was. Tina wanted to keep him close. She wanted to suck his cock and had to devise a way she could explain why it was okay without admitting she was morally weaker than she liked to portray herself as. He was perfectly fine with her move. The power of Tina’s blow jobs and the promise that she would do him when he visited her city had Joe planning more recordings in New York.

Guerilla Records had been using a ploy to entice bands to record with them. Marty occasionally sent east coast bands to Los Angeles to record with Joe, a free trip to California for the band. More often, Joe sent bands he found in the West to NYC for the same reason. He was now thinking he should be doing more of that.


In his head, Joe had the philosophical debate around this blow jobs aren’t cheating nonsense by taking both sides of the issue, free love versus the prudes. He did this to prepare for conversations he was planning to have with Tina. He loved pushing her morality buttons, and this free oral sex thing was a big red button. He just had to be careful to not trigger Tina’s Catholic guilt. That could lead to her unsucking his dick.

Joe loved that she broke down her own barrier to suck his cock. She did it for him and for herself. It didn’t matter to Joe. He had no qualms about having an affair with Tina. He wanted it. In his mind, Joe automatically sided with the cock suckers. He did what Tina did, building an argument to support a desired conclusion. These ideas filled his head in the days between Tina doing him in her office and their next phone call.

Tina sighed. “Okay, I’ll bite. What’s your big philosophical question?”

“If you’ve accepted the position that a woman sucking a man’s cock as a favor is not cheating, is that man cheating by having his cock sucked?”

“Hmmm. I never thought of that. I guess you’d have to say no, just to be fair.”

“So, if you found out Troy’s receptionist was blowing him regularly, would you be okay with that?”

“If you asked me this a couple of years ago, I would have lost my shit over it. Now, after the mess he’s caused us, I don’t give a fuck what he does.”

“So, if you were in a good marriage, you wouldn’t give me head and think it’s okay, not cheating.”

Tina thought about it, realizing her position on the matter had as much to do with her marital mess as it did with wanting to be with Joe. “I don’t understand why you’re so intent on making this a moral debate. Can’t we just have fun when you’re in town?”

“Of course we can. But this fellatio is not a cheating thing blows up the entire construct of relationships, monogamy, and fidelity. It’s fascinating to consider all the angles.”

“That’s so like you, to take something simple and make it a big social debate – as if it matters.”

“Can you imagine if this were the accepted norm instead of just a thing we moral deviants considered?”

“A lot more dicks would get sucked,” Tina laughed. “That’s for sure.”

“Here’s what confuses me about your position on this; why can’t I go down on you? You’ve assigned pussy a special status, a no-go zone. I can’t do you a favor but you can do me. You don’t see the unfairness in that?”

“I think it’s just a blow job thing. I also think men would have a problem with their wives spreading their legs.”

“Why? If a man can be orally serviced without guilt, why can’t his wife get off too?”

“Joe, you’re single. You’ve never been married. You don’t understand.” Tina paused. “Do you want me to be with another man, total oral freedom for all?”

“We’re not married, T. It’s not the same rules.”

“But you love me, so it’s the same emotions.”

“These rules don’t apply to single people,” Joe said emphatically, “we’re free agents.”

“They apply, Joe. When there’s genuine affection in the equation, they apply.”

“You and I aren’t married, T. You can’t cheat on me.”

“How do you feel about me sucking my husband’s dick? Do you ever think of that?”

“No, why would I? I know you suck dirty Wall Street dick. It doesn’t make me love you less.”

“You’re such a jerk,” Tina said. “Why do you say things like that?”

“We only hurt the ones we love. Okay, you claim that when emotions are involved it gets complicated. You love me, right?”

“You know I do,” T said softly.

“Would you have a problem if let’s say… Casey sucked my cock – because you and I have an emotional connection?

Tina took a moment, pondering his query. “I think that would be more of a Casey issue than you getting your cock sucked.”

“Why, she’s single and I’m single. You’re married. It’s not reasonable for you to forbid that. Is it because she’s your employee and friend?”

“Look at it this way. You’re a musician. I know you’ve fucked women on the road. Do I make a fuss about it? No, but if you had sex with a woman I have to face every day, that would bother me.”

“But it’s just a blow job, T – not a big deal. It circles back to that standard that a woman can suck a dick and no one is cheating. If you accept that standard that oral sex isn’t cheating how can you ban Casey from sucking my cock? You’re not being consistent.”

“Are you playing an angle,” Tina said curtly, “trying to get permission for Casey to suck your cock?”

“No, I just used her as an example, but that would be amazing. I bet she’s an eager beaver.”

“That’s enough. This debate is over. She’s too young for you.”

“She flirts pretty hard when I’m there and you’re not around.”

“She flirts with you under my nose.”

“That’s nothing, we’re just playing, to rile you up.”

“Casey is not sucking your dick. Get that out of your head.”

“Now that you put it in there, that’s gonna be tough.”

“I didn’t put it in there.”

Joe laughed. “Yeah, you did.”

“I have to get back to work. Bye, Joe.”

Joe laughed out loud after Tina hung up. This was his favorite part of their friendship, getting her riled up. He knew she’d be thinking about what he just said about Casey for the rest of day, and possibly beyond. It was confirmed in an email.

— May 26, 1994 7:42 AM EST

Since Monday’s talk, when you put the image of Casey giving you head in my mind, I haven’t been able to shake that thought. I feel a twinge of jealousy, suspecting you really want that and how awkward it would be for me to have my employee in a sexual relationship with you. After a couple of days, my thinking began to evolve.

That started after I thought back to you telling me stories of other women you’d been with and how horny that made me. Then my imagination took off. I fantasized about what your big cock would do to that petite girl. I was turned on. I could not believe how hot those thoughts made me.

Damn you, Joe! That was a joke, right?

Love, T

— May 26, 1994, 7:01 AM PST

Of course it wasn’t a joke. Men imagine women sucking their dicks. It’s what we not-so-secretly do. I’d be willing to make your fantasy come true, if that’s what you’re asking, and Casey was willing.

Love, J

— May 26, 1994, 11:55 AM EST

I didn’t say anything about that being my fantasy. I just wanted to tell you where you put my head this week. It occurred to me that I still look at Casey as the college kid I hired a few years ago, so young and in some ways naive. You never saw her that way. You see her as mature and sexy. Now I’m seeing what you see in her.

It’s your fantasy, not mine, and you’re the one who brought it up, not me.

Love, T

— May 26, 1994, 1:12 PM PST

Now that you’ve told me you’re fantasizing about my big cock pounding Casey’s little pussy, it’s definitely my fantasy. How cool is it that we have the same fantasy? Someone needs to tell Casey. Maybe it’s her fantasy too.

Love, J

— May 26, 1994, 4:45 PM EST

Don’t even think about telling Casey about this conversation. That’s not even a little funny.

— Safe Down Here —

Late Sunday evening of the holiday weekend, after two days with her family, Jasmine showed up at Joe’s doorstep unexpectedly. He was surprised and happy to see her.

“I thought you were spending the night in Brentwood?”

“I had to get out of there. Mom’s upset that I drove. I had a few beers the whole day, I’m fine, but I’m ready for some serious alcohol.”

“Is everything okay?”

“It’s fine. The day didn’t go as well as I hoped. Make me a drink and I’ll tell you about it.”

Joe led Jas into the dining room and opened his liquor cabinet. “What are you having?”

“Don’t mix, just give me a bourbon on the rocks.”

“Basil Hayden’s it is.”

While Joe dropped ice in a tumbler and poured whiskey, Jas started her Memorial Day barbecue tale.

“Saturday was great. Mom and I cooked all day and cleaned the house. Dad mowed the lawn and we helped him set up the backyard. It was nice. We talked a lot. We had done enough cooking so we ordered pizza for dinner. I had a couple of beers with Dad watching the Dodgers game.”

Joe handed Jas a double bourbon because he sensed she needed it.

“Thank you, baby.” Jas kissed Joe on the cheek and took a big sip. “Janice is always early to parties. The first to arrive, because god forbid she miss something. She came up to me with all smiles and hugs and asked how I am. ‘I never see you. You spend all your time down there.”


“Yeah. She couldn’t say Venice, just down there.” Jas rolled her eyes. “I don’t want to tell her a damn thing about us. She can’t be trusted. So I just said I’m great and Joe and I have nice weekends in Venice. Then she asked if you were coming to the party.”

“Pffft, she knew I wasn’t coming.” Joe said, “She just wanted to make you explain it.”

“I know.” Jas took another sip. “So I said you weren’t coming, no explanation. Then she asked another question she knew the answer to. ‘Does your Mom know about you and Joe?”

“Passive-aggressive bitch.”

“Joe, I wanted to scream. There are like seven people at the party. We’re ten minutes in, and I’m already pissed off at Janice. I looked at her and said, ‘You know she doesn’t unless you told your mom and she told my mom.”

“What did she say?”

“Nothing. We stared at each other and then I said I had to help Dad with something. I didn’t speak to her for the remainder of the day. The thing is, I didn’t have a terrible day, I just got sick of answering the same questions. Is Joe coming, does Merideth know about you and Joe?”

“Who was asking?”

“The girls. They each pulled me aside to ask, so that means they know I’m keeping it on the down low. So why ask?”

“Maybe they’re just being nice and showing concern.”

“Denise, for sure. Rene, maybe. I just think the others wanted to give me shit because I don’t see them much anymore.”

“And that’s not right,” Joe said. “You know how I feel about that. They’re your best friends. You should see them. I feel bad that you don’t.”

“Joe, all they want to talk about is us, and I can’t trust anyone to keep my words in confidence, except Denise. She’s on my side and I trust her. She’s the only one I’ve seen lately.”

“I like Denise. She’s always nice to me.”

“They all asked, and I answered politely, but I was annoyed. Denise didn’t ask if you were coming, she asked how you were, and how we were, and I was happy to tell her. She knows our deal and she’s not playing these gossip games. She caught me inside and we sat in the kitchen and talked. Denise hopes we can figure out a way to get you out of my closet, her words.”

“Is that it? That’s what got you worked up?”

“No, my Mom teased me about not having a man, ‘How can my gorgeous, successful, kind daughter be without a man?”


“Everyone is staring at me. Those who know about us were really focused on what I’d say.”

“What did you tell her?”

“That half the single girls here don’t have a date, will you embarrass them too? Then I got teased for not taking a joke. It wasn’t yet three o’clock and I was ready to leave and come straight here.”

Joe scrunched his nose, “You know how I can wind myself up sometimes with my sensitivity? Did you do that to yourself today? You were kinda dreading this party. That’s the vibe I got Friday.”

“I admit, I wasn’t thrilled to be there, because I knew what was going to happen.”

“Well, I’m sorry you had a rough day, but you’re safe now, with me, down here.”

Jas laughed a little, “Is ‘down there’ gonna be your new joke?”

“Where do you live?” Joe said. “Down there.”

“Thank you, baby.” Has kissed him sweetly on the lips. “I always feel safe down here.”

Jas spent the night and the Monday holiday with Joe, drinking coffee and reading the newspaper on the beach, cooking and fucking, more than making up for any lost time. Joe pondered her complicated family and friends’ situation. He knew Jas was paying a personal price for being with him. He felt bad about that, but her life is her call, and he hoped that someday they could figure it out.


Tina called Joe the morning after the Monday holiday. She would not be cheated of her weekly long-distance lunch date with Joe. Tina was very happy that their Monday call was a thing again.

Joe went straight for the jugular, “Are you still fantasizing about Casey sucking my dick?”

“Ha ha,” Tina said sarcastically, “No, I got over that.”

“No, you didn’t. You know she’s exactly my type, right?”

“Yes, Joe. I think you tell me every time you visit just to make me uncomfortable.”

“I’ve told you about my days on the road, how overly confident, aggressive, punk chicks never attracted me. My favorites are the smart, modest girls who don’t know the heat they’re packing. You were one of them in college, T. That’s why I fell in love with you.”

“And you think Casey is one of them.”

“I know she is.”

“I will admit that modesty is one of her best traits.” Tina said, “You once joked that Casey has no clue how hot she is. She’s the same with her career potential. She doesn’t realize how good she is. That humility is what keeps her head straight. It drives her to study and work because she doesn’t assume things will come easily.”

“You’ve always been a champion for the good kids, the hard-working and underappreciated. Most of your artists fit that mold, the underdogs.”

“Yeah, I do have a soft spot for the underdogs. Casey went to NYU on a full scholarship. Her family could never have afforded it. Everything she has was earned. I admire her for that. It’s one of the reasons I hired her. She has no silver spoon.”

Joe sighed, “Her shyness is adorable, and the blushing…”

“I know, Joe.” Tina interrupted. “You love to make her blush. There’s no need to talk her up to make me jealous. I’m over that.”

“No, you’re not, T. You’ve grown since the days we were together, I’ll give you that, but that jealousy gene is still there. Maybe it goes dormant from time to time, but deep down, it’s there.”

“Whatever you say.” Tina dismissed his point, “Anyway, I gave Casey a nice raise Friday morning.”

“Because of us talking about her?”

“Yeah, because you made me reassess her and I realized that I had been taking Casey for granted. I told her she’s doing a wonderful job and everyone loves her.”

“I wish I saw her blushing face when you said that.”

“Jenna and I love her. What’s messed up is, before our talk on Monday, I don’t think I ever fully appreciated all these thoughts I have on Casey. You put the image of her sucking your cock in my head, and I then saw her more as a grown woman than the kid I hired out of college.”

“I’m so excited that I can now tell Casey that I got her that nice raise… and she owes me, big time.”

“You are not doing that,” Tina said sternly. “don’t include my business in your fun and games.”

“If I told her that, would I be lying?”

Tina did not answer that question. She swiftly changed the subject by appealing to Joe’s ego, a tactic he uses against her all the time.

“You were saying that you’re not attracted to aggressive girls.” Tina paused for a moment, “That made me think back to when we first met. I saw you with The Young Punks in Boston, and I was captivated by your show. You were so confident on stage, running those stunts and scripted gags. The singalongs and dance contests were so much fun. You were funny and the band was great. I was very impressed by you. Then I met you in New York and saw you play a second time, at Tommy Guns.”

“That was our first date… after I got off work from the carnival.”

“Oh my god, the punk rock carnival. I forgot about that name. It was perfect.”

“That was my job… the carnival barker.”

“Off stage, you were one thing, and it felt like I was looking at a different man performing. You’re a ham on stage and I half expect a character like that to be a real dick offstage, arrogant, and full of himself. You weren’t at all like that. You were sweet and almost modest.”

“Thank you, T.”

“You were like two personalities at times, and you still are. I see both the clown and the man with a heart at different times.”

“Maybe I’m just a clown with a heart.”

“I suppose. I fell in love with you that night after the show when we walked and talked all night in diners. You had so many ideas for your future. Like it was preordained. You were passionate about your band and music, but the business side is what blew my mind. You had a business plan, for a punk rock band, at age eighteen.”

“I don’t take a dump without a plan.”

“Is that from a movie?”

“Fred Thompson in The Hunt For Red October.”

“Yeah,” Tina remembered. “He said that about the Russians.”


“You had an enthusiasm that was contagious.” Tina continued to butter him up. “I barely knew you and I wanted to be with you. It was overwhelming at times. We had so much fun in those early days getting to know each other.”

“New love is fun,” Joe said, “but what was cool about our early years is how many seemingly insignificant things we both liked. Alone, none are a big deal, but together we could go to so many places and do so many things because we loved the same stuff.”

“My favorite days,” Tina jumped in, “were when we’d fuck in the morning, read the paper at breakfast with coffee, then walk into the city with just a list of things to do, or maybe not, we just winged it.”

“There would always be a park in the plan, and a diner, maybe a museum, a record shop, then maybe another diner, or just a slice and a coke for lunch…”

“Remember we stumbled into a Puerto Rican festival and they pulled us in?”

“That was a fun day.” Joe snickered, “They got us good and drunk.”

“They were so nice.” Tina said, “The music and the dancing. Those were our best days, Joe, being in the city. I’d drag you along as I schlepped all over town to take photos of things, buildings, and the urban stuff. You were so patient.”

“You weren’t dragging me. I loved doing that. You’d always apologize for taking all day, but I never complained, unless my feet hurt from all the walking. That happened more than once.”

“You had the wrong shoes on. Converse Allstars are not good walking shoes.”

“They’re crap basketball shoes too,” Joe snickered again.

“Then why do you still wear them?”

“Because they’re the classic, the first big sneaker in a world gone mad over sneakers.”

“You need a serious makeover, Joe, a professional job.”

“No, then I wouldn’t be myself.” Joe said in a half whisper, “That’s what I loved about you, T. I loved that you were so uniquely yourself with the crazy colored hair and your artsy Bohemian fashion. I didn’t know anyone like you. You were perfectly comfortable in your skin. You were just normal and weren’t trying to impress anyone. Being yourself is always the best person to be, and you were.”

“I can say the same.” Tina said softly “I never knew anyone like you. I still don’t know anyone like you.”

“Good. Why settle for an imitation when you can have the real thing?”

“You once said about us as a couple, ‘If someone doesn’t like us as we are, to hell with them. We have plenty of friends.’ I laughed, but then it sunk in. That’s a good outlook on life.”

“I walk away from shitty people.” Joe quickly changed gears, reversing Tina’s earlier move. “Tell me about this evolution you’re experiencing.”

“I don’t think it’s that serious,” T downplayed it, “I just think I’m growing and less insecure than I was.”

“I think that’s a big deal, T. It blew my mind when you got off on me sharing stories about other women. It was so unlike you. Now you’re fantasizing about Casey sucking my cock. That’s amazing growth.”

“I’m not fantasizing about it. You put that image in my head and I had…

“You couldn’t stop thinking about it and it made you horny, right?”

“Yeah, sort of.”

“That’s close enough to call it fantasizing.”

“Are you fantasizing about Casey?”

“I’d be lying if I said no. I jerked off imagining her mouth filled with my cock.”

“You did?”

“Of course, and I bet she’d happily suck me if she had the chance and it was… safe.”

“Safe from what?”


“You think I would hurt Casey if she fucked you?”

“I don’t know,” said Joe, “but it would certainly test this growth and evolution thing you’re going through.”

“It would definitely be a test,” Tina said lowly.

Joe let that thought hang for a few moments, then changed the subject. “So I’m considering bringing a band from Santa Cruz out for a recording session.”

“Really, visits in back-to-back months?”

“Well, if you’re gonna suck my cock, it’s worth the trip.”

“Of course, you had to make it about that.”

“I’m being honest, T. I love your special attention.”

“I know you do, baby. I have to go. Let me know the dates so I can arrange my schedule.”

“Will do, T. I love you, bye.”

“Love you too, baby.”


Joe was in deep. The promise of blow jobs in New York was just part of it. He was enjoying their Monday conversations and how they slipped right back into their roles. He would think ahead, before T called on her lunch break, planning a way to get her talking about sex. It wasn’t difficult. Tina often led the way.

“Did you jerk off this morning?”

“I like to wait until after our talk.” Joe said, “Hoping you’ll inspire me.”

“I don’t think you need inspiration,” Tina laughed. “Are you still thinking of Casey sucking your cock?”

“Yeah, sometimes. Do you want to know what else I think of?”

“Of course I do.”

“Your pussy. It’s kind of making me crazy that you’re willing to suck my dick but I can’t have your pussy. I want to fuck you, T.”

“Well, my pussy is not on the menu.”

“Maybe I’ll just have to take it.”

“You wouldn’t do that.” Tina said, “You’re not that kind of man.”

“I remember a time when you liked that.”

“We were roleplaying, and it was fun, but I don’t think I’d like you to actually force yourself on me.”

“I think our roleplaying suggests you’re into that. Maybe I am that kind of man, and maybe you would like to have me force my cock inside your wet pussy.”

“I loved those games, Joe. When you took me like that I was playing my part, but I was a terrible actor. It was awkward at times.”

“You did fine, even when it made us laugh.”

“It was hard to pretend I was resisting when all I wanted was you slamming my pussy.”

“Maybe it’ll be easier if I took your pussy when you’re actually trying to stop me.”

“I don’t think I would like that.”

“C’mon, T. You know you want to fuck me. You’re just denying yourself because you’ve adopted this pussy is sacred and blow jobs aren’t cheating theory. The only reason you’re doing that is so you can suck my cock and still feel you’re being faithful in some way. You want to fuck me, T. It’s okay to admit it.”

Tina sat quietly for a moment, “It doesn’t matter. I’m sucking your cock because I want to do that for you. Of course I love it, but it’s because I’m with you,” she sighed, “but I’m not fucking you. My pussy is not in play.”

“Okay. If you say so. If your pussy is non-negotiable you should leave it at home. Don’t even talk about it.”

Tina went quiet for a moment, and then used her sultry, breathy voice, “Joe, my pussy is moist just from talking to you. If you were here right now, I would give it to you.”

“Don’t do this, T, unless you want me to take it. There’s only so much I can take.”

Tina moaned, “Oh my God, Joe. My pussy is so hungry for your cock,” she giggled.

“You’ve been warned.”

“You’re a big talker, Joe.”

As good as Joe was at getting Tina flustered with jealousy, Tina was his equal at getting him flustered with lust. She relished in the knowledge that she could get him hot and bothered with a breathy voice and a few words about her soaking wet pussy. When she hung up the phone Tina sat smiling, satisfied Joe was probably thinking of her with his cock in his hand.

— Stoner Band —

Joe had recently signed a quirky, nerdy surf-punk band from Santa Cruz. The four kids were UCSC seniors graduating that month. The Surf Geeks asked Joe to schedule the recording after graduation. The original plan was to record in Venice. Joe pitched them a trip to NYC. They jumped on it.

He planned their stay, in the last week of June, to be mostly weekdays, because Tina only sucked his cock on workdays. When he told Tina what the plan was, she was delighted.

Joe booked his flight a day ahead of the band to assure some early time at the gallery. Because they typically recorded during business hours, Joe would have to tweak the studio schedule to get what he was really in town for.

Arriving at Amethyst Gallery in mid-afternoon, Joe presented Casey with two dozen assorted pastries. She smiled, “You’re always trying to find your way into my heart with treats.”

“Awww, I thought I was already in there.”

Casey smiled, “You are,” she held her thumb and finger a half inch apart, “just a little.”

“I’ll have to see what I can do about getting in deeper.”

Casey’s eyes got wide, she blushed but didn’t answer. She peaked in the heavy box. “You are going to make us all fat.”

“It’s only once a month.”

“You can go in. She’s expecting you.”

Joe watched Casey carry the pastry boxes to the coffee closet. She knew he was watching her, and Casey loved it.

“Now seriously,” Tina said as soon as Joe walked in her door, “you didn’t book this trip for a blow job. You were kidding, right?”

Joe didn’t answer.

“You’re not serious. You wouldn’t fly a band all the way across the country and put them up in a hotel just to get your dick sucked.”

“If you could experience what it’s like to have Tina Costello suck your cock, you’d believe me. I’d crawl a mile over broken glass to get in your mouth.”

Tina shook her head and smiled, “I’m flattered, but I still don’t believe you.”

“Maybe you will after next month’s trip.”

“You’re coming out in July too?”

“You are that amazing.” Joe smiled, “It’s not definite, but I might be back in a few weeks.”

After his conversation with T was cut short by investors on the phone, Joe hung around the gallery for a couple of hours. First, he visited Casey, who was organizing piles of programs for an upcoming event. He picked one up and flipped through the pages.

“Thank you for saying whatever you said that got me a raise,” Casey said shyly.

Joe looked up from the program. “T gave you a raise? What did she tell you?”

“She said you and her were talking and after thinking about what you said, she thought I deserved a raise. She didn’t explain it.”

“Tina said that to you?”

“Yes, so thank you, for whatever it is you said.” Casey smiled and went back to her chore.

“Well, you’re welcome, Casey. She didn’t say anything else?”

“No, just a raise, something I really needed.”


“You’re a good guy, Joe. You’re nice to people. Everyone here likes you.”

“I try to be…”

“Thoughtful.” Casey finished his sentence.

“Kind,” Joe finished it his way.

“That too,” Casey said. “Thank you for being kind.”

Joe was totally caught off guard by that exchange. He went there to flirt but instead had a real moment with Casey. He went downstairs to the artist’s studio to visit with Jenna, feeling a little squishy inside, and she was very happy to see him.

“Thank you for making everything good with her,” Jen hugged him when he walked into her office, “You lifted her spirits, Joe. Everyone noticed. And now this; I was very surprised you were coming out again. What’s going on?”

“Our California bands like the New York VIP treatment. If they’re really good and I think their music will sell, I’ll make that investment.”

“Are you sure it’s not the other thing you’re in town for?”

“What other thing?”

“She told me, Joe.”

“Told you what?”

“Her new rules, blow jobs aren’t cheating.”

Joe thought for a moment before responding, wondering where he might take this conversation. “What do you think of her new rule?”

“I’m not against her doing that for you. I told you, I want you and T to be together again. Maybe this is a step along the way.”

“No, how do you feel about that rule in general?”

Jenna laughed, “It’s nonsense, of course, but I think people need to make their own arrangements that suit them. Who am I to judge?”

“What about you? Would that rule work for you?”

Jenna sighed, “You’re always pushing, trying to get a reaction.”

“If you ever want to test your Protestant morality, I’d be happy to be the organ donor.”

Jenna guffawed, covering her mouth as she laughed, looking Joe in the eyes and then turning away. “You are unbelievable!”

“Since your hunky boyfriend took that job in Boston I figure you might need a new friend.” He smiled. “Or maybe an old friend. Consider that an open offer. Anytime.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.” Jenna rolled her eyes. “I have to get back to work.” She got up, walked around the desk, and hugged him. “I love you, Joe. You always make me laugh, but you’re a one-trick pony.”

Joe’s jaw dropped, “That’s an insult, I have at least three tricks.”

Joe made his way back up to Tina’s office as the five o’clock hour approached. He wore a big smile, thinking he just told Jenna exactly what he would like from her. She laughed it off as a joke, but he suspected that she knew he was dead serious. He hoped Jenna was thinking about him after he left.

He stopped at Casey’s hostess station to say goodnight. She was turning off the lights and getting ready for closing. He watched her from across the lobby, then stepped her way.

“What did you say to Tina about me?” Casey asked Joe as he walked up.

“That’s confidential. I don’t discuss private conversations.”

Casey laughed.

“No, seriously,” Joe said earnestly, “Do you know how Tina’s always running her mouth about us; our past, the present, what we do together… my junk? I don’t do that. I don’t kiss and tell and I can keep secrets. If we talk in private, it stays that way.”

“Good to know,” Casey smirked at Joe with a twinkle in her eye. “So what do you have planned for the night?”

“I don’t know. T said we’d go out for drinks, or something. Maybe we’ll get a bite.”

She smiled, “I’m pretty sure you’re staying in. She restocked her little bar.”

“So, the boss lady likes her cocktails.”

“The boss lady just ordered takeout.” Casey added, “You’re staying in,” she smiled.

“Okay,” Joe said, “so I guess we’re staying in. I’m okay with that.”

Casey smiled again and held eye contact with Joe, “I bet you are.”

“Do you know something I don’t know?” Joe asked.

“I’m sure I don’t, but I know something you do know. Good night, Joe. Have fun.”

Jenna knew and Casey knew. How many people did Tina tell about her new rules? When Joe walked into Tina’s office, she was on the phone. He sat on the loveseat sofa across the room and picked up an art magazine. He flipped pages, art, art, ads, art, ads, art, art, ads, while she gabbed about the sale of art.

When Tina hung up the phone, she dove right in. “Are we sex-obsessed? I had a happy hour with Steph, Niki, Cynthia, and Marsha. I brought up the oral sex Isn’t cheating theory. We had some laughs but it made them think. Marsha said we’re sex obsessed.

“Who’s Marsha?”

“She missed the night you were with us.” Tina said, “She has a husband and two kids. Marsha thinks we’re all sex-obsessed.”

“Married with two kids Marsha probably isn’t getting any.”

Tina laughed, “That I’m sure of.”

“I think we’re just open-minded, sexually active adults who enjoy expressing ourselves after breaking the chains of religious morality and the guilt that comes with them.”

“Did you just come up with that?

“Those precise words, yes. The idea behind them, no. These are things I think about, T, my moral philosophy.”

“Would you like a drink?” Tina asked, “I was thinking of gin and tonic so it’s not straight booze.”

“I like a good G&T.”

Tina got up and started mixing. “I took the liberty to order us some Indian food. Are you okay with that?”

“I love Indian food,” said Joe, “as long as you include meat.”

“Tandoori chicken, lamb curry, and a few vegetarian sides. It won’t be here for more than an hour, I told them to deliver at 6:30.”

“Sounds good. What about your husband?”

“I told him I’d be late, a little late, and he was on his own for dinner. Go on about your moral philosophy,” Tina said, “regarding sex. I’d like to hear it.” She approached Joe with two drinks. Handed him one and took a seat beside him.

Joe took a sip and set his glass down. “I use the word philosophy but that word is too weighty. There are just some things I know about myself, my rules for me. I was in a happy, committed relationship, I would be faithful. I know this for sure.”

“I believe you.” Tina said, “You were faithful to me.”

“I was, and it was hard with my job, but I was committed. At the moment, I’m not in an exclusive relationship, so I can fuck anyone woman I want, but I don’t, because while I may be a deviant, I do have standards.”

“Like your no-one-night stands rule.”

“Exactly, and not mixing business and fucking.”

“But you will fuck your ex-girlfriend’s best friends if she let you.”

“Are they single? If so, anything goes.”

“And you’ll fool around with a married woman?” Tina smiled.

“That’s because it’s you. I don’t know if I’d fuck another married woman.”

“I know I would not be doing this with another man.”

Tina put her drink down and scooted closer to Joe. She leaned close and kissed his neck. He turned to her, kissing her lightly on the lips. Tina’s hand ran over his thigh, finding a bulge. “You like getting me all worked up talking about Casey,” she said.

“Are you all worked up?” Joe asked before she kissed him more passionately.

“Yes, I am. I was thinking,” she said breathlessly, “If blow jobs aren’t cheating, hand jobs are surely not cheating.”

“That makes perfect sense to me.” Joe had to ask the question on his mind, “You told Casey about our talk that led to her raise?”

“Kind of, but not really, I just said I was talking about her, with you, and after we talked I felt she deserved a raise. Never mind that.” she pointed, “Reach behind that pillow,” Tina pulled down on his zipper.

Joe leaned to his right, stuck his hand behind a throw pillow, and found a bottle of lube. He turned to her and smiled. “You planted this?”

“Yes,” she unbuckled his belt. “I wanted it to be handy.”

“What did you tell Casey I said?”

“Nothing, only that we talked. Never mind that.”

Joe lifted his ass off the cushion to allow his jeans and boxer briefs to slide off, down to the floor, where he kicked them off. Tina took his cock in her hands, massaging lightly. She kissed Joe, sucked on his tongue, and reached under to cup his balls with one hand while gently stroking his cock, her dry hand sliding over the skin. Joe had the lube in his hand, ready for deployment.


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