PUNKS Ch. 23: Conspirators

An adult stories – PUNKS Ch. 23: Conspirators by dadadadiox,dadadadiox April 1995

Joe awakened in one of those ‘where am I’ states staring at a strange room before consciousness reminded him he was in Jenna’s bed. He looked to his right. Half the bed was empty. She was already up and about. He looked at the clock.

“Holy fuck.”

It was 11:32 AM. He threw the covers off just as Jenna walked into the bedroom fully dressed, with hair and makeup done, ready for a day with her new lover.

“Good morning,” she said and held out a cup of coffee. “I heard you stirring.”

Joe sat up and took the mug. “Good morning, baby.” He looked down at his morning wood. “We need to do something about that.”

“Yeah, you can handle that manually. We fucked twice last night, only ten hours ago. My pussy is taking a break…”

“What about…”

“and so is my mouth.” She sat on the edge of the bed. “We have a lunch date with a friend.”


“It’s a surprise.”

“Someone, I know?”

“You could say that.”

“And they’ll be okay with us, doing this?”

“You mean doing each other? Yes. Totally cool with it.” Jenna spanked his leg. “Get up, in the shower. We gotta get going.”

Joe watched her leave the room thinking he could get used to being with this woman. Jenna was cool. She was clear-headed and logical, and he found that sexy. Hours ago, they had a great conversation in bed, among other things. Being with Jen was all that he imagined it would be.

An hour later they were standing in front of The Starlight Lounge. Joe looked at Jenna, “I don’t think I’ve ever been here this early.”

“I certainly haven’t,” She said as Joe held the door open for her.

As they walked in Joe scanned the room wondering why so many people were in a hook-up joint at one in the afternoon. He had already figured out that Tamara De La Croix was waiting for them. Who else would they be meeting at this place? There were maybe two dozen day drinkers in the bar area, then he saw Tammy in the back holding a booth for them. Jenna walked ahead and reached out for a hug.

Tamara embraced Jenna in front of the booth she was sharing with her old friend, Tom Collins.

“Hey beautiful,” she said to Jenna, then moved on to Joe with a big smile. “Hi gorgeous, are you happy to see me?” She hugged him, her lips close to his ear. “You look delicious.”

“It’s nice to see you again,” Joe said as Jenna slid into the booth.

Tamara waved him in ahead of her then slid in beside him. Joe was sandwiched between the women who did not give him much room.

Tamara looked at Jenna, “Does this mean you finally did it?”

Jenna smiled, “Yes, we did, last night, and I’m feeling it today.”

“I bet you are,” she reached under the table and ran her fingers over Joe’s mound. “He has a lot to handle.”

“Yes, he does.”

Tamara smiled at Joe, “This young lady was so wrapped up in her selfless scheme to get you and your ex back together, she forgot to think of herself. I told her she may as well have fun while you’re working on her plan.” She smiled, “So, you can thank me for last night.”

“Thank you.”

“She told me all about you and Tina,” Tamara put her lips near his ear. “and her special talents you enjoy so much.” She patted his leg, “Jenna told me everything.”

The waitress came over to take drink orders. They got the usual. Then Tamara went straight to teasing Joe. Her hand slid over his thigh and between his legs. He glanced at Jenna with wide eyes, looked down at the table, and made a WTF face. Was she seeing this?

“So, Jenna told me your life story, including that you’re a big rock star who’s fucked a hundred women all over the world, and how sad you are over losing your girl.”

Joe looked at Jenna, “Is she somehow part of your master plan?”

Jenna shrugged. “Tammy and I brainstormed and worked out some new angles.”

“Based on what Jenna tells me,” Tamara said, “it sounds like she has a well-conceived plan. I just added a twist and made a few suggestions. If this Tina is as stubborn and strong-willed as Jen says, you’re gonna have to be hard on her. You might have to be an asshole at times.”

Jenna put her hand on Joe’s forearm. “Tina has been getting her way for so long she’s not accustomed to being told she can’t have something. Her dad spoiled her. She’s been the teacher’s pet. T is always the best at what she does, and she’s been rewarded for it. She never loses.”

Joe nodded, “That’s kinda true. She’s so used to success I don’t think she’s capable of accepting failure. T will just keep fighting.”

Their cocktails arrived. The threesome waited for the waitress to serve them before resuming their conversation. The cute girl smiled at Joe sandwiched between two women.

“So, you said you tweaked some things. What did you two decide for me?” Joe asked.

Jenna sipped her drink. “You know the plan, Joe. This is just a little pep talk to share our thoughts.”

“And sleeping with me was one of the changes you agreed to.”

Tamara set her glass down. “Jenna told me that she’s wanted to fuck you for fifteen years, and I asked her what the hell is stopping her? You’re single, she’s single, go ahead an fuck him already.”

“That was our very first conversation,” Jenna said, “then I told her about Tina and that fact she’s my best friend.”

“She’s married,” Tamara added, “She gets no vote. It was unanimous, Jenna and I decided she should get what she wants next time she sees you, and then we can get to work on this Tina chick.”

“If you want this to work sooner, rather than later,” Jen said, “you can’t go three months between visits. You’ll need to make more frequent trips here.”

“How frequent?”

“As often as you can manage.”

“How many flights can you afford?” Tamara asked.

“He’s a millionaire,” Jen said to Tamara, “he’ll be fine.”

“Money and a nice cock,” Tamara smiled, “You’re the man of my dreams.” Her fingertips found his knobby head under his denim.

Jenna continued. “When you come out for these visits you must see Tina and then stick with the plan to reinforce in her head that you’re moving on from her.”

“That’s gonna be hard.” Joe said, “When she gets that look in her eyes that she wants me, I melt inside. I can’t not…”

“That’s where our girl comes in,” Tamara added, “This might take months. You’ll get what you need from Jenna. If she’s taking care of you, that helps in two ways. You’ll have a nice incentive to come here and you won’t have any lonely time at your hotel.”

“You’ll be staying with me,” Jenna smiled, “so that’ll save you money every time out.”

“Wow,” Joe said loudly. “You girls have really thought this through.”

“Being with me is part of the head game,” Jenna said, “I plan on telling Tina that you and I are fucking. I don’t care what she thinks about it. We’re single. We can fuck. She’s the married one.”

“Once your lady realizes you’re seeing Jenna and have no use for her,” Tamara said, “she’s gonna be in a bit of panic.”

“I wouldn’t assume that.” Joe said, “She might be upset with Jenna, but I guarantee she’ll assume I will eventually break down and fuck her.”

“But you’re not going to fuck her as long as she’s married.” Tamara said, “That’s the deal. Jenna will take care of you when you’re in town.”

Joe looked at Tamara, “What are you getting out of this?”

Tamara shrugged, “I’m in it for the adventure. I’m a sucker for a love story. After Jenna told me your tale, and what she wants to do for you, I became emotionally invested.” Her fingers continued to play under the table.

Joe glanced at Jenna. Was she okay with Tamara diddling down below? He found it odd that he felt uncomfortable. Last time he was at The Starlight he thought Tamara’s hands were hot, and also hilarious, but now he wasn’t digging her attention so much. Was it because he and Jenna had slept together?

Jenna took another sip. “I believe what you said is true. T might not make a big fuss about us and she’ll assume you’ll come back to her because you always have. That’s why this could take a while, at least a few visits.”

Tamara leaned in. “What if you’re wrong? She is your boss. What happens if she uses that authority to forbid you from seeing Joe?”

Jenna looked at Joe, “What would you do?”

“I would make it clear that threatening you would be detrimental to our friendship because it would be. I won’t have to pretend anything.”

“Good,” Jenna said, “I don’t believe she’ll see me as a threat. Tina will know I’m not trying to steal you. I’m just sleeping with you.”

“Over time,” Tamara said, “Tina will realize you’re perfectly happy playing with Jen and being just friends with her.”

Joe smiled. “That’ll definitely trigger her jealousy and insecurities.”

“As Tamara said, you may have to be an asshole at times. Tina will try to manipulate you. She’ll judge you and play her best cards, like offering her pussy.”

Tamara laughed, “This sucking your cock isn’t cheating bullshit is hilarious. When Jenna told me that I dribbled my drink laughing. C’mon, of course it’s cheating. I believe sucking cock is more intimate than fucking when you’re with a man you love. Your girl just wants to suck your dick to keep you in her pocket. She absolutely knows she’s cheating. It’s forbidden and dangerous, and she’s getting off on that.”

Joe smiled. “Yeah, I’m getting off on that too.”

“I’m sure you are,” Tammy smirked.

Jenna steeled her eyes. “Not anymore.”

Joe sat quietly pondering the plan, looking for a weakness, as Tamara’s fingertips caressed his cock. It was definitely risky. Tina was an emotional woman, accustomed to having her way. There’s no telling how she’d react. The waitress came by and took another drink order. When she left, Joe had a question for Jenna.

“What if she refuses to see me? She did cancel our lunch date. If I come out here and she won’t see me, how does the plan work?”

Tamara leaned closer to Joe, “Would it be so terrible if you just came out and had fun with Jen?”

“No.” He looked at Jenna. “It’ll be great.”

Jenna smiled. “It’s the best part of the plan.”

“Okay,” Joe thought of another thing, “You said I must stay with Jasmine until I get Tina back. What’s her role in this?”

“Jasmine is the one Tina should be worried about,” Jenna said. “I’m just your fuck buddy. I’ll make sure she knows that. Even if you and Jasmine broke up, we wouldn’t tell Tina.”

“I like that,” Joe nodded.

“There’s one more thing.” Tamara added, “If you brought Jasmine to New York to meet Tina, how do you think that would go over? Do you think Jas would show Tina that she’s a genuine threat to take you off the market?”

“I could definitely arrange that,” Joe said. “Jasmine is dying to come to New York. She’s never been, and I promised her I would take her someday. She’s a ball buster. She would relish the chance to rub her tits and ass in Tina’s face.”

“I’m not saying we’re doing that, but if we must…” Jenna shrugged.

After the second round was done, Tamara had another engagement and said her goodbyes. Walking down 3rd Avenue after the meeting, with a day buzz, Jenna turned to Joe. “So, what do you think of Tamara?

“She’s great. I was trying to figure out what her angle was. What does she get out of this? I’m not even sure what her role is, aside from putting ideas in your head.”

“What do you mean?”

“You didn’t seem to care that she was playing with me under the table. It made me wonder if…”

“If I was going to let her fuck you? Do you want to fuck her?”

“You might not believe me, but as long as I have you, I’m not interested in her.”

“I believe you, but I still think you want to fuck her.”

Joe stopped walking and pulled Jenna aside, “No. It’s really weird. I don’t want to fuck Tamara. I mean… she’s hot and sexy, but she comes on too strong. I wasn’t into her games like I was last time here.”

“That is weird. Maybe it’s because you don’t find aggressive women so attractive,” Jenna elbowed him, “You prefer sweet girls… like me.”

“I don’t know. You’ve been pretty bossy lately. Tammy’s a bad influence on you.”

“And you love it,” Jenna said, “I won’t be sharing you with her, or anyone.”

They resumed walking. “Did it bother you that her hands were under the table on my cock?”

“No.” Jenna laughed, “She’s just playing. I’ve seen her do it before, with you and other men. It’s unbelievable how bold she is. Tamara doesn’t give a fuck what people see, or what they think.”

“Okay,” Joe said, “I need to go to The Chelsea and get my bags if I’m staying with you.”

Jenna reached up and kissed him. “You’re definitely sleeping in my bed.”

After fetching Joe’s bags, they returned to The Hawthorne Apartments and fucked, then took a late afternoon nap. Joe convinced Jen to go shopping that evening so they could stock up on groceries so they could stay home and cook, and fuck, and cook, and fuck… for the remainder of his stay.

— The Beach Circuit —

Joe was content playing one night a week when he was home. The Eldorados rotated between their clubs in Venice, Santa Monica, and Redondo Beach. Joe wouldn’t even consider playing east of the 405. They did a gig in Carlsbad and played a bar near UC Santa Barbara, but he had no interest in branching out. Guerrilla booked bands in more than a dozen clubs in cities from San Diego to Seattle, but Joe was happy on his local beach circuit.

Danny and Bobby were fantastic. Joe felt great about his new rhythm section. The Eldorados put on a lively show, every song was danceable, rockabilly, surf, and punk. Joe tagged Bobby with the name Smiley, for his perpetual grin. The kid’s enthusiasm was contagious, as was his beat. Danny found his groove, using his big beautiful bass like a prop as much as an instrument. He embraced Joe’s manta – aim the beat at their feet.

Chico was always the cool hombre wearing something with Mexican red, white, and green. He had his stage moves, but his main job was to be flashy with guitar, something Joe was not. Joe did Joe, rhythm guitar and master of ceremonies. He was a natural frontman.

On a Friday night at The Wilshire in Santa Monica, The Eldorados played to a full house with people hanging around outside. Two drunk girls danced on stage to surf rock. The crowd egged them on. The brunette was in a tube top. She smiled and flashed her titties toward the dance floor, scoring points that would crown her dance contest winner. Her prize was Joe’s sweaty, pit stained, Pee Wee’s Playhouse T-shirt. First, she had to wrestle it from him. Joe played the heel, fighting to keep the shirt as she yanked it over his head, pulling and stretching the cotton, until he let go. She stumbled back, prize in hand, victorious. The crowd loved it. Shirtless Joe then strapped on his Tele and jammed one more song before the set break.

As Joe was heading toward the bar, Jasmine intercepted him. “David is here?”

“David who?”

“Rodriguez. He wants to talk to you.”

“Okay. Let me get a fresh shirt and a drink. I’ll meet you on the patio.”

Joe was surprised his former City of Angels drummer was around. He hadn’t heard from him in the eighteen months since the band last played. As far as Joe knew, David was living with a girl in San Jose. On his way out to meet him and Jas outdoors, he grabbed Chico.

“David is here.”


“Yeah. He wants to talk. He’s outside.”

Chico and Joe walked up to Jasmine and David standing with the cigarette smokers. Joe motioned for them to follow him, away from unwanted ears. Jasmine left the guys to talk.

“Good to see you, brother?” Joe reached out to embrace David.

Then it was Chico’s turn. “What’s up, bro.”

“I’ve been back in town for a couple of months and heard you guys were playing again. I thought I’d come to check you out.”

“Yeah, we got the itch to play late last year,” Joe said, “so we resurrected this project.”

“Your drummer is solid.”

“He is, and he’s a good kid. So what have you been up to?”

“Not a goddamn thing, and that’s the problem. I’m idle and it’s driving me fucking nuts.”

“That’s one reason I wanted to get out and play,” Chico said, “just to get away from the damn house.”

“And the wife and kids are so grateful,” Joe smirked.

“Look,” David stepped closer. “I know things ended poorly with you and PJ, but we have no quarrel, right?”

“Of course not,” Joe put a hand on his shoulder. “We’re cool.”

“When I heard you guys were gigging it got me thinking. I’m wondering if you’ve thought about doing something with the angels again.”

“Honestly. I haven’t thought about it for one second.”

That’s not what David wanted to hear, so he had no reply. There was an uncomfortable moment. Joe was just being honest, but it landed harshly.

Chico saved him. “I have.”

“You?” Joe turned, surprised. “You’re the reason we stopped touring. Now you want more of that shit?”

“I don’t know.” Chico raised his hands. “It depends on what we do. I could handle short tours.”

“And you never mentioned this because?”

“You and PJ,” Chico answered. “I didn’t think you’d be interested in going down that road.”

Joe turned to David. “Have you spoken to PJ? Does he know you’re reaching out to me?”

“He doesn’t know I’m here talking to you, but I told him I was interested in getting back together.”

“Is PJ on board?”

“Yes, he is. He’s been in a dark place over how things ended with you guys. It’s really messed him up and he wants to fix that.”

“He knows where I am,” Joe said. “He could call any time.”

“Yeah, well, he didn’t think you’d want to speak to him.”

“The only way to find out is to ask.”

“I’m asking for him,” David said. “Have you been writing any music?”

“I’m always writing music, even when I’m not I have ideas percolating.”

“Do you have songs for a new record?”

“Yeah. I have some stuff that could work, but PJ would have to come to the table with his material. That’s always been our formula, I write, he writes, and then we collaborate on a few.”

“I know he has some songs,” David said. “He actually thought about starting a new band, but you know PJ, he talks a good game.”

“Yeah,” Joe chuckled, “I know all about PJ’s talk.”

“That’s not what I meant.”

There was another uncomfortable silence. Joe was not interested in playing with City of Angels. He was happy on the beach circuit, playing for friends, living a simple life, searching for new bands, and not being away from Venice for long stretches. He felt bad knowing how hard it was for David to show up and ask. He felt had to at least listen to his old mates.

“Why don’t you and PJ figure out a good time to come down to the studio so we can talk, all four of us.”

“Okay. I’ll do that tomorrow and call you.”

“That works.”

“Thanks for seeing me, Joe. I appreciate it.”

“It was never a question, brother.” Joe shook David’s hand. “I have to get back to work.”

When Joe entered the club, Jasmine wanted to know what that talk was about. Joe glanced at Chico, then back to Jas. “He just wanted to catch up.”

“Really? I thought it was something important.”

“Nope. It’s good to see him.”

As they took the stage, Chico leaned into Joe. “Are you serious, bro? Are you gonna talk to PJ?”

“I’ll talk, but I don’t see myself doing the angels again. If you guys want it, I’ll feel shitty not doing it, but I don’t want to do it.”

— Rebound —

The morning after The Wilshire gig, Joe went to the kitchen and poured Jasmine a coffee. She was just waking, still tangled in the sheets. He had been up for a while, and had Annie fill his carafe with fresh coffee. He handed Jas a cup.

“We should talk,” she said.

“About what?”

“Something you hate talking about?”


“Yes, that.” Jasmine patted the bed beside her, “I have something to say, then we can fuck.”

Joe climbed over her to his side of the bed. “You drive a hard bargain, sister.”

Jasmine took a cautious sip of coffee. “Do you think we’re in a rut?”

“Ummm, I don’t know if rut is the word I’d use.”

“What word would you use?”

“We’re in limbo, or neutral. It’s like relationship purgatory. There’s no moving forward or going back.”

“That’s fair. It’s been like this a long time.”

“What’s this about, Jas? Why the sudden need to talk about our arrangement?”

“Hear me out.” Jas took another sip. “Before Christmas, you asked me to really think about how the situation with my parents makes you feel. I have thought about it, Joe. I realized maybe I hadn’t given it the gravity I should have. You asked me, what if the shoe was on the other foot and my race was the issue? That’s something I hadn’t considered.”

Jas exhaled, “If your family or friends had a problem with me because I was black and you didn’t have my back, I’d dump your ass. There would be no second chances. That made me realize you’d have good reason to walk away from this. Honestly. Joe. We haven’t been the same. I thought you were pulling away.”

“I would not say that. I’m just going along with whatever you want. Have I complained?”

“No, you haven’t, unless I want to talk about it. Every time I bring it up you tell me to stop, it doesn’t matter. I don’t want to cause tension. No apology seems to be enough, so I just shut up about it.”

“An apology is always enough if it’s backed up with action,” Joe said softly. “You gotta fix what’s broken for an apology to be real.”

“I think you should meet my parents and let my Mom decide if she’s going to be racist.” Jas waved her hand. “I can’t even believe I’m saying that about my Mom, but she has a problem with white men dating sisters. What else can I call it?”

“It’s not racism in a classic sense. It’s based on her experience with sexism and racism. She’s seen white men objectify black women. Maybe it happened to her. She projects their attitudes on me.”

“That’s well said. I’m glad you understand.”

“I’ve always understood, Jas. I resented the fact you never gave me a chance to be me, to show them that I love you and treat you right. You assumed I could not win them over.”

“I want you to meet them, as my guy. I’m coming out of the closet but I’m not so brave about it. I’m scared. My mom is a tough woman and if she doesn’t like you on first impression, you’re in a deep hole.”

“How about you invite me to a party not as your date, but as a friend. I can talk to your Mom and gauge where she is with me. Then we decide if it’s the right time to uncloset this thing.”

“That’s actually a good idea.”

“I must warn you. If they ask me questions. I’ll give honest answers. I won’t lie to them, not even to save you some grief.”

“I can live with that,” Jas smiled and touched his hand.

“Last night you asked me about my visit to New York.”

“That’s the other thing I wanted to talk about. Did you see Tina?”

“I was there for four days and saw her once, then she canceled a lunch date.”

“Why is that?”

“I told her I needed to focus on my life here and I’m no longer playing her game. I’m not going to lie and say I don’t love her. She’ll always have a place in my heart, but she’s married and I have to move on.”

“You said that a year ago.”

“Jas, I haven’t seen T on four trips to New York. I saw her last in August, until last week.”

“Really? That must be making her crazy.”

“I suppose. That’s not my problem. I’m not saying I won’t see her, she’s a dear friend, but the game is over. I’ll be back there next month. I’ll probably see her, maybe, maybe not. I don’t know.”

“Okay. I’m just gonna say it.” Jas shook her head, “if it upsets you, whatever. I’ve just assumed you were having another affair with her, or is it still the same affair?”

“There have been a few rounds, like a boxing match, and I’m tired of getting punched.”

Jas sat there quietly considering the two biggest obstacles in their relationship wondering if they could be resolved. Joe accepted the fact that he just lied to Jasmine. He was actually trying to win Tina back, and he did omit fucking Jenna. He felt bad because he sensed she was actually trying to fix the things that have troubled him for more than a year. Joe decided it didn’t matter. He was sticking with Jenna’s plan.

Jasmine put her coffee mug on the side table and turned to Joe. Her lips went high and her hands went low.


Joe sat on his patio, a morning ocean breeze offsetting the hot sun. He was daydreaming, reliving his time in New York, thinking of how incredible Jenna was. If this thing with Tina doesn’t work out and it blows up in their face, he wondered if she might consider being with him. He could totally see this backfiring, leading to the end of him and Tina, for good. What would that mean for him and Jenna?

Jenna would be no consolation prize. Joe had affection for her nearly as long as Tina, and now they were closer than ever. After the time they just shared, he knew he could be happy being her man.

He had a lot going on in his love life, the plot to wreck a marriage, his relationship with Jenna, and now Jasmine making a move to make their relationship public. At some point, this emotional three-way tug of war would resolve itself, but Joe didn’t see the end coming soon. It was titillating at times. He laughed at himself over the ridiculous state of his life.

Joe snapped out of his daydream, he had a coffee date downstairs.

David and PJ were sitting at a table by the window when Joe walked into The Daily Grind. He gave David a man hug. Then PJ stood up and opened his arms. “It’s great to see you, brother,” in baritone.

“It is, PJ. Let me get a coffee. I’ll be right with you.”

While Joe ordered two coffees, Chico walked in and did his greetings. Joe handed him a coffee and the four members of City of Angels sat at two side-by-side tables. Right away, PJ opened with an apologetic tone about how things ended. Joe cut him off.

“We don’t have to rehash that shit. If I’m sitting here, we’re past it. I don’t have to tell you where I stand on personal business. I do have one question. Is this about money? Are you guys hard up for cash?”

“I’d be lying if I said no,” David said, “but I’m actually okay. I don’t blow money. You know that. No wife and kids draining my reserves,” David made eyes at Chico, “like some people.”

“Tell me about it,” Chico said, “Rosie had Lena and got pregnant again two months later. I have a third kid on the way.”

Joe poked him. “Rosie got herself pregnant? You say that as if you had nothing to do with it.” Joe paused for effect, “You did, didn’t you? It’s yours, right?”

PJ, David, and Joe laughed.

“Fuck you guys.” Chi flipped them off, “I’m telling you I could use a cash infusion. I’m gonna need a bigger house if we keep popping them out.”

“You’re not gonna stop fucking,” Joe said while sipping coffee, “so you better get a job, amigo.”

“These checks from the Budokan record have been nice,” PJ added. “I think they reminded us how good things were with the band.”

“Look,” Chico leaned in, “I’d be okay with touring as long as we’re not away too long. A few weeks at most.”

“I could use the money, too,” PJ admitted. “The wife wants another baby. I need work.”

“How old’s your daughter?’ Joe asked.

“Nine months. We’re thinking of trying again next year. I can do short tours until then.”

Joe leaned back and listened as they each made points supporting a new CoA project. It was clearly three to one in favor of getting the band back together. This had to be unanimous. His one vote was a veto. Their united front had Joe wondering if he was being set up. Maybe his bandmates had conspired to persuade him, knowing Joe would be the holdout.

He steered the conversation to music, and what PJ had to offer. The three in favor of a new record were animated while Joe was passive, adding comments but saying nothing that could be interpreted as a done deal. Finally, when they all made their points, Joe sat there staring back at them.

“I have to think about this. I honestly have not considered it until now. I need some time.”

“What’s there to think about, bro?” Chico asked. “You have the easiest situation. You can do whatever the fuck you want.”

“I know,” Joe nodded, “And I don’t have to do anything I don’t want to do.”

Joe noted the concern in David and Chico’s expressions after he said that. PJ didn’t show any emotion. The bandmates made small talk, catching up after eighteen months. Once they had gotten past the business, Joe felt good sitting with them, no pressure, breaking balls, just being real. He gave no indication what he was thinking.

— The Fallout —

Joe had been waiting several days for Tina to call. He spoke to Jenna three times since his return. She gave him a word-by-word account of her telling Tina that

Joe had spent the weekend at her place. Tina did not take the news well, coming on the heels of Joe shutting her off. The fallout call finally came on a Monday, at the traditional lunch hour EST.

“How many of my friends are you going to fuck?”

“Hi T, how was your weekend?”

“You said this wasn’t about Jenna. You said you weren’t sleeping with her.”

“At the time, I hadn’t slept with her, but I admitted I would fuck her if I had the chance. I didn’t see it coming, T. Jenna kissed me, and it happened, and I’m okay with it.”

“I think you knew, or you were hoping, and you wanted me out of the way.”

“That’s not the case, but you’ll believe what you want if it makes you feel justified in your anger. I assume you are angry with me. It’s hard to tell.”

Tina sighed. “I don’t know. I guess I am, but I’m also not at all surprised. I could have predicted it.”

“How about Jenna?”

“I’m more disappointed in her than angry. As I said, I could have predicted it. It’s all fresh information. I’m still thinking through it.”

“Well T, I’m single, she’s single and available, and you’re married and unavailable.”

“Did you rehearse that line? She said basically the same thing.”

“Rehearse no, but we discussed it. We didn’t go into this without considering the implications.”

“Brittany said she had a smile on her face and a bounce in her step first thing Monday.”

“I didn’t fuck Brittany. She’s not my type.”

“Jenna had a smile! You knew that. Why isn’t Brittany your type?”

“She’s your yes-girl and reports all comings and goings to the boss lady. You know I don’t like ass-kissers.”

“She does not kiss my ass.”

“Whatever you say, T.”

“I noticed you didn’t come here.”

“Did Brittany’s visitor log tell you that?”

“That was my idea, not hers.”

“That’s right, you’re the warden and boss lady.”

“Okay. I’ve had enough. Are you coming again to fuck Jenna anytime soon? I’ve had time to think about what you said on the street. I’d like to talk.”

“Go ahead,” he said. “I’m listening.”

“I’d like to say what I have to say face to face. Are you planning any trips?”

“I’ll be there in a few weeks, I think. I haven’t booked anything yet.”

“Will you see me when you’re in town?”

“That’s up to you more than me, T. I’ll make myself available.”

“Okay, give me the dates when you know for sure so I can work my schedule, and try to not fuck any more of my girls, okay?”

“I have my hands full with Jenna. Bye now.”

When Joe hung up he was pleased. That went way better than expected. Fucking Jenna didn’t seem to have a downside.

— May 1995 —

Jenna gripped the top of her headboard with white knuckles as Joe fucked her hard from behind. His long cock slammed against her warm depths and his groin slapped her wet ass on each downstroke. Her hands above her, hanging on, the top of her head pressed against her cushioned headboard. Jenna had begged to get pounded but now wondered if it was too much. At the threshold of pleasure and pain, she surrendered.

“Go easy, baby,” she said breathlessly. “My pussy needs a break.”

Joe slowed his pace, taking his head to the point of nearly pulling out, then gently pushing himself deep inside her, careful to not bottom hard.

“I’m sorry,” he said. “You begged me to pound your pussy. I hope I didn’t hurt you.”

“No, Joe. I got what I asked for. I didn’t realize…” she paused. “I just need a breather.” She moaned as he stopped, holding his shaft deep, his head pressing against her insides. She caught her breath and braced herself for more. “Fill me with your cum, baby. Just go a little easy on me.”

“I thought you wanted to get off again,” he said, as he resumed fucking her.

“I went twice,” she said in a snappy tone. “I think I’m good.”

Joe focused on himself, pushing a little harder but not too hard. Jenna squeezed his cock as he slid the full depth of her. Joe found the angle that worked his head, going a little faster, but not deep. Jenna let go of the headboard and hugged her pillow. Her g-spot was getting stroked hard by his new angle, his head nearly slipping out of her on his long steady action.

Joe felt the rising lava in his loins, he pushed harder, faster. Jenna grunted and groaned, “C’mon, baby. You can do it.” Joe’s body shuddered. She screamed into her pillow. Jenna’s cunt clenched his cock. Joe’s juice flowed through his shaft. Her contractions made her tight.

“Oh, fuck.” Joe exploded inside her. His cum made her already dripping-wet pussy more slippery. He kept fucking, draining himself, his load squished out of her, running down her leg. Joe stopped cock deep, breathing heavily, spent.

“Where’s your little towel,” he asked.

“Don’t worry about it,” She answered. “I need to move my legs.”

Joe pulled out and pushed her ass to his left, Jenna toppled, falling to her side. She panted lightly. She looked up at Joe as he squeezed the last drops of cum from his cock. His milk spilled onto her silky rose sheets.

Jenna caught her breath. “I came again, just a little. I didn’t think I could. That was incredible.”

Joe fell by her side, facing her, feeling the sticky witness under him. He moved closer and kissed Jenna gently on the lips. She kissed back, more forcefully. Jen gazed into his eyes.

“You’re incredible,” he said. “You’re gorgeous, and so goddamn sexy. I love everything about you: your eyes, the way you smile, your thick luxurious hair.” He slapped her hip. “Your fine ass.” He kissed her again. “Your amazing pussy.” Joe touched his finger to her mouth. “And your lips. What you do with this mouth,” he sighed.

Jenna smiled. “Thank you, baby.” She reached down to touch his near-soft cock. “Tell me how good my mouth is. Am I the best cock sucker you’ve ever had?”

“You have the most important thing.”

“What’s that?”

“Eagerness, the desire and passion to give head. That hunger is what makes a woman a great cock sucker. Without it, it’s just another blow job. You crave cock. It all derives from your desire.”

“And you’re the same eating my pussy,” she kissed his lips. “I have to push you away after I cum.”

Joe rolled on his back and stared at the ceiling. “These days with you have been just what I needed. How do I love thee? You can cook, a fantastic fuck, and you’re intelligent and funny. I think I love you, Miss Martin.”

She slapped his belly. “We’ll have none of that sappy crap. You live a continent away. If you lived here, I’d never stop fucking you, but I live in the real world.”

She propped herself on her elbow and looked him in the eyes. “You didn’t answer my question, Joe. Am I your best cock sucker?”

“You might be, but that could also be a recency bias working in your favor.”

Jenna laughed. “You’re so weird.” Her eyes smiled. “A few years back, before I met Steve, I was in a dick drought. I couldn’t get laid. When I finally fucked a guy I met at the gym I thought he was a great lay. After a couple of weeks, I realized it was just my desperation and a recency bias. He wasn’t so special.”

“Sometimes the sex you’re having is the best sex you can get… at that time.”

“But that doesn’t make it the best,” Jenna added.

“Having traveled the world, in the business I’m in, I’m very familiar with post-coitus clouded judgment. Hindsight is better.”

Jenna giggled again. “My question stands.” She gripped his shaft. “I demand an honest answer.”

“I hate comparing women. I could simply say, ‘Yes, Miss Martin, you are the greatest cock sucker to ever have my junk in her mouth.’ and that would make you smile. The truth is, I don’t rank lovers.”

“You’ve said T was the best lover in your life – and an amazing cock sucker. So I think you do compare.”

“You know Tina has the same hunger you have. She loves giving head, and she loves this guy.” He pointed at his penis. “You girls talk about sex. You know she’s eager and talented and I love her. I think that’s a huge factor.” Joe sighed. “How about we call it a draw, so you don’t question my honesty.”

“I’ll happily share the cock sucking championship with the love of your life,” Jen smiled, “Can I tell her?”

“Do your worst. What is she gonna do, shut me off? Stop calling?”

Jenna lay her head back on the pillow, running her fingernails up Joe’s torso to his chest. She made circles around his areolas. “What do you think she has to say to you tomorrow? I’ll be damned if I know. She’s totally clammed up since I told her we’re fucking.”

“I don’t know, but I suspect she’ll have an angle to lure me back in.”

Joe took all of Jenna’s advice. When Tina suggested he show up at gallery closing time to visit her. He declined. He then suggested they meet for lunch, adding that he wouldn’t have extra time afterward. She turned down that offering initially, but once she realized Joe was not going to accommodate her, T begrudgingly agreed to a simple lunch date

Joe arrived at her bistro first. Tina was a few minutes late. He hugged her as she walked up to his table. When she sat, she got right into it… and her tone meant business. “This is the first time we’ve sat and talked in almost ten months, Joe. That is not a coincidence. I feel you’ve been avoiding me. What are the odds that four trips would fall on the worst possible days for me? I don’t have a busy social calendar.”

Joe didn’t reply. He cooly took a sip of water. “Go on.”

“This stepping away from us, fixing your life in LA, it’s not new. You walked away right after you fucked my ass. It can’t be a coincidence.”

“The ass thing has nothing to do with it. Was I avoiding you? No. I just didn’t care if our dates matched up. If I have a trip planned, I will take it, regardless of your availability. Clyde’s thing was the weekend of your parents’ anniversary. Then I had no clue you were on a honeymoon until I showed up that week. Your guests in December, how could I know? You stopped calling. And that’s why I didn’t know you were going to the Super Bowl with Troy.”

The waitress was standing ten feet away, afraid to approach. Joe waved her in. He said he was good with water. Tina ordered her martini and then pleaded with Joe before the waitress left.

“Please have a drink with me. It will make me feel like things are normal between us.”

Joe looked up at the older lady, “I’m good with water.” When the waitress walked away, he looked at Tina, “Nothing has been normal between us for a long time, T. We’ve been hurting one another since the day we reconnected. This is not normal.” He moved his finger from him to her. “I need to get off this emotional rollercoaster.”

Tina stared blankly for a moment. She started off on offense, but Joe had stolen the ball. She sighed. “You’re right. I’m so angry with you right now, and I’m hurt, and confused, and so many things about me and you are spinning in my head.” She paused for a moment, “I don’t know what to do.”

“You know what I want from you. I want it all, T. All of you, all the time. I won’t take less. I’m done taking less than I want.”

“You know that’s not possible.”

“I just realized it,” Joe said sharply. “not too long ago. I finally let go of my fantasy. That’s what this is about. I won’t chase after small doses of your affection because they make me feel connected to you. It’s killing me.”

“So fucking Jenna is your answer?”

“If you want to have a tantrum about Jenna and me, or try to guilt me for having an amazing experience with a friend I’ve adored for years, that’s your call. You choose how to react. It won’t influence me one bit – or Jenna.”

“How do you think it feels for me to know you’re sleeping with her tonight? She’s my best friend, Joe. I see her five days a week. Jenna and I are a team. Do you have any idea how it feels to know what you’re doing with her?”

“Yes, she’s doing with me what you would like to do with me, except she’s actually available. It’s not a quickie blow job in an office. We have actual time together, go on dates, and cook meals. All the things you once loved doing with me, Jenna is doing that, and the sex is… well, I’ll spare you.” Joe paused for effect. “Yeah, T, I know how that feels for you because I know another man is getting everything I want from you. I’ve felt what you’re feeling for years. Welcome to my world.”

Joe didn’t smile outside, but he was smiling inside for disarming her how-do-you-think-I-feel pity weapon. Tina stared at him. When the waitress arrived, T was grateful for the break in the action. The waitress took their food order. Before she took a sip of her first, Tina ordered a second drink.

“What about Jasmine and working on your life in LA? You said this was about that. How does fucking Jenna help you fix your life in California?”

“Well, it doesn’t, but Jenna is no fool. She knows I live cross country and this could all end in a moment. We’ve discussed it, T. Jenna’s eyes are wide open.”

“So she’s just in it for your dick.”

“We have an emotional connection you’re well aware of.”

Again, Tina stared at Joe in silence. For every comment she made, Joe had a quick retort that at least equaled her point. She took a drink of her martini, which was almost gone. There were a few moments when Joe, nearly out of instinct, opened a line with, ‘I’m sorry,’ but caught himself and didn’t say the S-word.

Joe broke the silence by changing the subject. “I’ll be in town next month with my band from Phoenix. They’re recording a new album. Later in the summer, I might be in town to record a new record with City of Angels.”

“Really? You’re back together? Will you tour?”

“I don’t know yet. We’ve talked, but it’s not decided. If we do it there will be a new record and limited touring so the family men aren’t away from home too long.”

Tina smiled for the first time since she arrived. “I’ll be happy to see you perform again. It’s always an emotional night for me.”

“Not always good emotions, like when Troy’s Wall Street crew made you miserable.”

“That sucked, but once you took the stage I forgot about them. Seeing you play in front of twenty thousand New Yorkers, realizing the goals you had when we were young… It’s overwhelming for me. I’m so proud of you.”

“Thanks, T.”

The waitress arrived with Tina’s second martini. After she left Tina changed her tone.

“I want to try to be friends. Joe. It won’t be easy, and you’ll have to grant me some space if I struggle. I don’t want to be platonic, but I’ll take that over not seeing you. You know I love you, and I don’t want to be without you in my life.”

“I feel the same. You know that. I was here when you wanted platonic and after you decided sex was okay for us. I’ve taken whatever you gave me, whether it was what I wished for or not.”

“I know you have. I’ll do my best, Joe. I can’t promise it’ll be great. I’ll just work through my feelings and try to be a good friend. I think we owe that to each other.”

“I agree. When I come to town, we’ll do this, a nice lunch and a talk, maybe a park or museum.”

“Maybe you’ll fall off the wagon and have a drink with me.”

“So we’re good, T?”

“Hell no,” she laughed, “We’re a mess. I’ll never understand how fucking Jenna is okay but fucking me is not legal in your new life.”

“What’s so hard to understand? In my relationship with Jenna, we have understanding. Neither of us sees what we have as long-term. That makes it uncomplicated. I want you completely but I can’t have that, and it complicates my life. I’m hurt and frustrated. That should be easy to understand.”

Tina leaned in, now halfway through her second cocktail, fun-Tina was making her first appearance. “I’m only talking about the sex, Joe. I love taking care of you. I want to have that connection with you. I don’t think us fucking and then you going home to Jasmine is complicated.”

Joe put his hand on his heart, “It’s complicated here. I intellectualized and rationalized our sex, so I could have you suck my cock, but that doesn’t make it less hurtful for me to know I can’t have all of you.”

“I want to fuck you, ” Tina said too loudly. “not just suck your cock. I want that too, but I really enjoyed having you inside my pussy the last time we…”

“Whoa there,” Joe put a hand up, “Now that was a good time? Are you rewriting history?” He smiled wide in astonishment.

“I said I was horny, and I wanted you to take me. Talk about complicating things, you helping yourself to my ass did that. My pussy was waiting, taunting you, wishing you’d just forcefully fuck me. I wanted it so bad… and I still do.”

“Wow,” was all Joe could say, but there were many more thoughts swirling in his head. He couldn’t wait to tell Jenna that T went straight to offering her pussy, before lunch was even served. And Tina calls Joe shameless?

“Look,” Tina pointed at Joe, “I’m being honest with you, okay? You like it when people say what they think and don’t bullshit you, right? So I’m telling you it really hurts that I can’t fuck you. That’s the truth.”

And now she was getting all indignant, just as lunch arrived. Their plates defused the best weapon Tina has in her arsenal. Her pussy offensive ended. The first few bites were taken quietly, then Tina started talking about her fashion plans and the possibility of finding buyers for her gallery. She shifted gears effortlessly from sex to business as if they were connected topics.

Joe then told her how his three bandmates are working on him to put the band back together and that he suspects it’s a concerted effort, three against one. By the time their lunch was done, Tina was in two-martini mode, and back to what she liked talking about most.

“I think about you a lot. I literally lie in bed and relive our times together. I wish I could have that first day again, the morning after The Beacon show. We hadn’t seen each other in seven years. I was overwhelmed seeing you on stage, and that sex was loaded with emotions. It was wild. I’ll never forget it.”

“I was there, T. You don’t have to tell me how great it was.”

“I would do that again in a heartbeat.”

“Do what?”

She smiled and ran her fingers down the stem of her empty glass. “Have you in my bed.”

The waitress cleared the table and left the check. Tina slid it to the side, trying to prolong their lunch by not settling immediately.

“Are you sure you don’t want to come by the office after five?”

“I’m sure, T.” Joe smiled, “I appreciate you swinging for the fence, but I have to decline.”

“Well,” She left her charge card on the table with the bill, “You know what I want, Joe. I’ve put my cards on the table. If you change your mind…”

“I’ll know who to call.”

In front of The Gallery, Tina held Joe in a very long embrace. When she released him, she stepped back. “Don’t forget my offer. And I don’t care if you’re fucking Jenna. I’ll do you too.” She smiled sexily and walked through the front door.

Joe walked away, with a raging boner, turned on and amused by how their lunch went, and pleased with how he handled it. The wisdom of Tamara was evident at that moment, walking through Soho. Joe realized that if he didn’t have Jenna to go home to that night, he most certainly would be fucking Tina. He had no doubt that he would have been seduced, thwarting the plan Jenna had hatched.

— Sabotage —

Joe had a lot to tell Jen over dinner. First, he shopped for groceries on the way home. He wanted it on the table when she got in so they could sit down, discuss business, and then have a fun night without T-talk. When Jenna got home she didn’t give Joe a chance to tell his tale of two-martini Tina offering him her pussy. As they sat at the table she asked a direct question.

“Did you fuck Tina in the ass?”

Joe stopped with his fork an inch from his mouth. Then he decided to just eat dinner and tell the story truthfully and casually. After he chewed and swallowed, he answered calmly, as if he was talking about the weather. “I did penetrate her ass, but I wouldn’t say I fucked her because I didn’t pound her, or finish. I just pushed my cock in her butt.”

“But she didn’t agree to that or want your huge cock in her butt. That’s what she told me.”

Joe then explained the whole story of Tina teasing him with her ass, taunting him, and how she wanted him to take her pussy by force. “I was frustrated, and in the heat of the moment, I took her ass instead.”

Jenna sat there, looking at Joe, expressionless. She shook her head, “Tina didn’t tell me all that.”

“Yeah, because her intent was to cut me down in your eyes by telling you only half the story?”

“Half?” Jenna scoffed, “I didn’t even get that. She told me you bent her over her desk, fucked her ass without consent, and that it messed with her head for a long time.”

“Remember last fall when you sensed she was upset with me but she was holding back?”

“Oh, I know exactly when it was and it all makes sense to me now.” Jenna paused, “She says you’re not sorry and you don’t regret it. You liked it.”

“I did like it. And I have nothing else to say about it.”

Joe went back to his Swedish meatballs over noodles without speaking another word for a long time. Jenna ate her dinner, pondering this new information about the man she was sleeping with. Finally, she said what she was thinking.

“We both know what she’s trying to do. She told you I had a new boyfriend when I didn’t. Now she’s trying to use shit that happens in your fucked up relationship to sabotage us. I’m not letting her get away with it.”

“I appreciate that.”

“And just so you know.” She pointed her fork at him. “I don’t do anal.”


They each took a bite of noodles, then a sip of water, looking eye to eye.

“So,” Jenna smiled, “What happened at lunch today? If she’s resorting to sabotage, it must have been good.”

When Joe told his tale, Jenna smiled. “I’m not surprised she offered her pussy. T doesn’t fuck around. When she wants something, she’s all in.”

— Taking his pulse —

Days after Joe had gone back home, Tina was in a bitchy mood, criticizing work done in the art studio, and questioning decisions made in her absence. This pissed off Jenna early on a dreary Monday morning. She let it go, knowing this was not a work problem. This was precisely what she did to Casey. It was personal. When Tina got a little snippy later in the morning over a minor scheduling overlap, she decided to play hardball. Jenna took her lunch into Tina’s office.

“What are you having?” Jenna leaned forward to peek at Tina’s lunch.

“Tuna salad on a bed of lettuce.”

“Joe’s recipe? He makes that at my place.”

“Ya know, he’s not the only person with a tuna salad recipe.”

“What’s in it?”

“It’s super simple; celery, onion, garlic salt…”

“Served in a lettuce cup,” Jenna smiled, “That’s his basic tuna thing. Sometimes he adds other stuff. Green chiles are really good in there.”

“Whatever,” Tina took a bite of tuna salad.

“I love cooking with him,” Jenna smirked, “or I like having him cook is more like it. It’s just nice having that time together. We talk about everything, and he makes me laugh.”

“I know what it’s like to be with Joe.”

“Sure, but you guys haven’t…” Jen paused, “well, you guys fucked, but this is more than that. It’s like the old days on Jones Street, and that’s nice.”

“I get it,” Tina said, “What are you eating?”

“Just crackers and hummus, and a pickle.”

They sat quietly for a minute, eating lunch. Tina flipped through a fashion magazine. Jenna sighed. She reached for a pamphlet on the desk. She read it. glanced at Tina and sighed again.

Tina looked up, annoyed. “What are the sighs for? You got something to say?”

“No. I was just thinking.”

“Of what?”

“It’s about him. You don’t want to hear it.”

“What is it?”

“I was thinking about taking Joe’s pulse.”

Tina furrowed her brow, “What do you mean?”

Jenna hesitated, or at least faked apprehension. “You know when Joe’s really hard, and that big vein in his shaft is so full you can feel it in your hands. It throbs. I like to hold him in my mouth, not too deep, and press my tongue on that throbbing vein and feel his pulse.” She closed her eyes. “It’s so fucking hot.”

Tina stared at Jenna, speechless, imagining that sensation.

“That’s Joe’s heartbeat,” Jenna said with a smile. “in his cock. I just love having my mouth filled with him and that pulsing heartbeat.”

“Okay,” Tina woke from her daydream of cock and waved a hand, “Been there, done that, you’re not a trailblazer.”

Jenna laughed, “I didn’t think I was. I’m sure that vein had been mined by a few women.”

“A few hundred,” Tina said sarcastically, half under her breath.

“Well,” Jenna said, “I’m happy to have my turn. I like having Joe as my guest. I can’t wait for him to come out again.”

“That’s enough.” Tina placed the cover on her lunch container. “I have to get back to work,”

Jenna walked out with a sly grin knowing she put the image of her taking Joe’s pulse orally in Tina’s head. This is what she did from time to time, talk about the sex she was having, just as Tina always had. Since sex talk was normal for them it was easy for Jenna to slip in comments.

“Oh my God,” she said one morning during Joe’s last visit. “I don’t think I can walk today. He was unleashed like we were in some trashy romance novel.”

Tina just stared at her, in disbelief that Jenna would flaunt it.

On another day, she let Tina catch her smiling, saying nothing, just daydreaming during a meeting. When Tina asked what was up, Jenna pretended to snap out of it, “It’s nothing.”

“It looked like something to me.”

Jenna exhaled, “I was feeling off this morning, just tired and not wanting to come in, so Joe jump-started my day. He pulled me back into bed after I had showered and took care of me.” She sighed, “His tongue is so soft.”

“Are you trying to get under my skin?”

“Hey, I said nothing until you asked. If you don’t want to hear it, don’t ask.”

Jenna was performing a slow water torture on Tina, giving her drips of sexual tidbits that sparked sensual memories in Tina’s smutty mind. She knew precisely what Jenna was talking about because as T said, Jenna was not the first. Tina had been there, done that, had been pounded, licked, and sucked, and held that throbbing cock in her mouth. Jenna could see the memories in Tina’s eyes each time she slipped one of her sexual memories into T’s willing ears. It was delicious watching her squirm, thinking of Joe, knowing Jenna was getting what she desired but could no longer have.

Sex was only part of Jenna’s play. She was with the couple for nearly the entire five years they were together 1979-1984. No one knew the quirks and kinks of Joe and Tina’s relationship better than Jenna Martin. They were the Three Amigos back in the village.

It was those days in that Jones Street apartment where Jenna got to know Joe and Tina better than anyone. She saw all the tiny gestures he offered that made Tina adore him. Even at eighteen and clueless in many ways, Joe was thoughtful. Jenna knew what Tina loved most about him. Time with Joe, even the seemingly mundane task of cooking a meal, stirred memories in Tina of her happy years of youth, in love with this strange kid from Providence.

When Jenna had chosen to take Tamara’s advice to finally fuck Joe, her decision to go for it fit nicely into her scheme. It was an easy call, The fact her time with Joe was now a tool to manipulate Tina’s emotions made it a stroke of genius. Jenna used her access to Joe as often as she could reasonably slip it into the conversation.

Getting ready for lunch in the gallery coffee closet, Jenna pulled her leftovers from the microwave. She waited a moment for Tina to enter the confined space.

Tina made a face, “Smells fishy to me.”

Jenna nodded, “Scallops with pasta, and some veggies.”

“Where’d you get that?”

Jenna paused as if she didn’t want to say it. “It’s leftovers. Joe made it.”

Joe made it. Those three words made Tina feel some emotion Jenna could only speculate on. Days later, she allowed Tina to overhear her telling Brittany that she was thinking about flying to California for a vacation. When she saw Tina’s eyes, Jenna walked away.

That night, Jenna called Joe in LA.

“You should have seen her face,” Jenna said, “I actually felt bad. I cut her deep, Joe. I didn’t mean to hurt her.”

“Does that mean you’re not coming out… because you feel bad?”

“I’m not coming to Los Angeles, Joe. I was just saying that to…”

“Hurt her,” Joe interrupted, “and you did.”

“It was just more than I expected.”

“You know you’re welcome to visit anytime. That invitation is always open. I would love to show you California.”

“Tina would have me murdered.”

“Maybe, or it might be the final nail in her marriage coffin.”

“I’m not coming to LA.”

“If she murders you, I will testify against her, just so you know.”

“What a guy.”

Tina was struggling with the fact her best friend was fucking the man she loved, as well as all the other things Jenna was getting from Joe, but she did her best to not overreact. As she had told Joe, she and Jenna were a team, and Tina didn’t want Joe to get between them, even though he clearly was – and it was Jenna who put him there. She had a business to run, and she needed Jenna. They were best friends for more than fifteen years. As difficult as this was, she would not lose another friend over Joe.

Jenna was not without risk. As emotionally measured and pragmatic as she was, considering every angle, and planning her conspiracy to wreck a marriage, her feelings for Joe were undeniable. She knew it, he knew it, and Tina knew it.


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