RAGBRAI – Day 04

An adult stories – RAGBRAI – Day 04 by VanillaHombre,VanillaHombre “That’s where they served me underage…Over there is where I met George who brought his grandpa’s barbecue recipe from Houston…There was a party house a couple blocks that way called ‘The Bunker’ that the Marine officer candidates lived in…”

Considering the pampering on the front end of the day yesterday, they’d gotten in late so she asked for a rain check when he offered her the nickel tour and they were hitting the “sites” on the way out of town.

“What’s that over there? The clock tower looking thingie?” she asked.

“That’s the campanile – a bell tower basically. It’s one of the major landmarks on campus. Tradition has it that if a virgin graduates a brick pops out.”

“Seems to be in pretty good shape. You Moo U guys must do all right for yourselves.”

He shrugged in response.

“Wait a minute, you graduated a virgin? You never had sex in college? Have you ever had sex with a college-aged girl?”

He shrugged again.

They rode along in silence for a while. She paced herself to let him keep up, as they merged with the 10,000-rider phalanx.

“Where are we staying tonight?” she asked.

“I got that hotel room in Des Moines figuring I could use a real bed halfway.”

“I’ll meet you there.”

“You can’t check in without me.”

“You’ll probably beat me. I have an errand to run.”


He waved the card key in front of the reader and the lock beeped and opened. He heard the shower running and she was sitting on the bed with wet hair, eating strawberries, and lounging in a barely concealing hotel robe.

“How did you get in?” he asked, dropping his bag and starting to undress.

“I told him I was your wife but that I’d lost my ID on the ride and needed a shower in the worst way.”

“Iowans are so trusting. Is the room service on me too?”

“Oh yeah, thanks, didn’t think you’d mind. In his defense, he might’ve been too distracted by the tits and ass to check our story.”

He stripped off his jersey which was sticking to his back with sweat and wiggled out of his shorts – the next guy that found a way to seductively strip out of spandex would be the first. He limped over to the bed and collapsed next to her, opening her robe below the belt and combing her pubic hair with his fingers.

“That’s pretty self-congratulatory.”

“What’s that?”

“Suggesting your tits and ass are sufficient reason for the front desk to aid and abet fraud.”

“Oh, honey, I’m not talking about me.”

The shower stopped and he realized they weren’t alone – that she hadn’t started the shower to warm it up for him. A figure appeared in the open doorway between the bathroom and the suite, and he gawked at the picture of a perfect Amazonian. Closer to 20 than 30, arms and legs carved from stone like a Greco-Roman statue, washboard abs, completely bald pussy, and a perfect set of tits.

“Hey, uh, there aren’t any more towels in here.”

“Oh, sorry, I guess I hogged them all. There’s another robe if you need it…but you don’t.”

He sat up and looked back and forth between the Amazonian and his week-long companion. He wasn’t sure what was going on, but was pretty sure he was up for it.

“She looks like Gal Gadot, right? Wonder Woman?”

He could only nod.

“Hi, I’m Autumn,” she introduced herself, walking over to him with her hand outstretched to shake his like it was a job interview. “What should I call you guys?”

He managed to swallow and shake her hand.

“Well, since you look like Wonder Woman, why don’t you call me Lois and him Clark.”

“Like Superman,” Autumn giggled. “I get it.”

“Clark,” Lois started to explain, “Autumn got dumped by her boyfriend today. I saw her on the curb alone and thought it’d be the Christian thing to do to offer her a place to sleep.”

“I’m not sure he was my boyfriend. He’s just some asshole from DeKalb that I met on Sunday. I thought we had a good time together, but then one of his friends told me today that he got a blowjob gang banging some girl in a bar after I let him fuck me. I think the friend only told me because he wanted to fuck me, so I decided to leave their team behind.”

Lois and Clark cast surreptitious glances at each other, but didn’t say a word.

“Autumn, why don’t you come over here and sit on the bed,” Lois suggested as both she and Clark stood up to make way for the beauty who sat against the headboard, her torso vertical and her legs pointing toward the foot of the bed.

“So, what else did you do with this guy? Other than fuck him?”

“That was it. He was so fucking boring. He got drunk, he’d get on top, fuck me for two minutes – tops! – and then ask me if I liked it like he’d done me a favor.”

“Well, what did you want him to do?”

“I dunno. Maybe he could’ve gone down on me. I’d be down for some butt stuff. Hell, I’d even have helped that girl at the gang bang if I knew how boring his ass was.”

“How do you feel about girls?” Lois asked, leaning in for a kiss. Autumn allowed herself to be kissed, tentatively started to kiss back, and before long they were in the middle of the most passionate kiss she’d ever shared.

“If they all kiss like that, I’m done with boys forever.”

“Hold that thought. You might want to reconsider before the end of the night.”

Clark had crawled between her legs and was kissing his way up her inner thigh. His beard – still salty and scratchy from sweat and road dust – tickled her as he worked his way up to her pussy. Just before reaching the promised land, he scootched down to her other knee and worked his way up her other thigh. He started a third path when Autumn said, “Tell him to eat my pussy or I’m going to grab him by the ears and show him how it’s done.”

“Clark, honey, I think you’ve teased her enough.”

Clark took the long, slow road one more time, but this time when he arrived at his destination, he parted her lips with his tongue, with long, smooth licks from her taint to her clit, before starting from the bottom and working his way back up again.

“Holy fuck, this guy is such a tease. Just fucking eat me, goddamnit.”

He took his cue and dove into her young cunt. He widened his tongue and lapped at her pussy, imprecisely but exhaustively, leaving no inch unstimulated. After a few proverbial shotgun blasts, he stiffened his tongue into a tiny phallus and started taking rifle shots – fucking her with his tongue, tickling her perineum, and finally using his hardened organ to lift the hood of her clit so he could suck on and lap at her pearl. After a few minutes of him tickling her clit, she came on his face, soaking his bearded chin with her juices.

“Ok, yeah, I still like boys.”

Lois joined him at the Y and they french kissed, fractions of an inch away from the pussy of a woman young enough to be their daughter. She kissed his beard and whispered in his ear, “That does taste familiar,” causing them both to giggle at their inside joke. Luckily Autumn thought they were giggling at their dumb luck in bagging a gorgeous unicorn – an equally plausible explanation.

Lois stood on the bed with her pussy right in front of the younger woman’s face. “All right, Autumn, let’s see if we can make you like girls again.” Lois did grab Autumn by the ears to silently walk her through the basics. What she lacked in skill and experience, she made up for in exuberance, snapping her head up and down, back and forth to ravish the older woman’s pink pussy. Lois slowed her down a bit and got her to focus on individual parts of her anatomy – first sucking the right lip into her mouth, then stretching out the left, penetrating deliberately, and stroking intentionally. Autumn innovatively started humming to simulate a vibrator and Lois’ knees buckled from her orgasm, collapsing on Autumn’s lap and mingling their juice.

He’d watched this latest bit from the chair in the corner, slowly stroking his cock – edging, to ensure he didn’t waste a load.

“Come here, Clark,” Lois invited, and he walked back over to the bed, still stroking his cock.

“Autumn, you said you were into butt stuff. How’d you feel about a stuffed butt?”

Autumn nodded hesitantly, but nodded nonetheless. She watched Lois give Clark a sweaty blowjob, removing the salt from his cock and replacing it with her own brand of lube. Autumn lay down on her back and popped her legs in the air to expose her perfect, and now perfectly clean, asshole.

He pulled her to the edge of the bed and braced her legs against his shoulder, squatting down a bit to line up the head of his cock with her ass. He tried to pop his head into her but her body rejected his.

“Autumn, you said you were into butt stuff. Is this your first time?”

She nodded, “Technically I said I would be into butt stuff. And I still am.”

“We’ll have to take this in stages.”

Lois got her vibrator out of her pack and lubed it up with Hoo Ha cream. “Okay, Clark, you lay down on your back. Autumn, climb on top of him…you know, sixty-nine.” Lois handled the vibrator while Clark returned to muff diving and Autumn distracted herself by giving him a blowjob.

The vibrator was smaller than his dick and better lubricated. Lois set it to a low setting and worked her way past Autumn’s sphincter. Autumn gasped, while Lois gave the girl some time to get used to the experience and then started slowly, but consistently, pushing the vibrator further into her bowels. Once she reached the end of the vibrator, she started pumping it in and out, massaging and fucking her ass all at once. Between the anal stimulation, the excitement of having a cock in her mouth, and Clark’s expert oral attention, she orgasmed for the second time.

“Okay, honey, I think she’s ready.”

They resumed their previous position, her on the edge of the bed with her legs resting against his shoulders, and him about to impale her with his cock. Lois applied extra Hoo Ha cream to his dick, kissing him as she stroked his length.

“You better stop that if you want to save anything for her,” he admitted, and took Lois’s hand off his cock and into his. Before he started fucking the young ass in front of him, he picked up Lois and set her down over Autumn – one knee on either side of her head, pussy positioned perfectly above her mouth.

When all three were finally in position, Clark pulled them together using Autumn’s chiseled thighs as an anchor point. The head of his dick finally pushed past her asshole and she, once again, gasped – the experience less new, but more intense this time – his cock opening her ass wider than ever before. Recovering from her surprise, she realized she’d been neglecting the pussy above her, and using her mouth – and fingers – plunged into Lois’ cunt, the scents making her light headed. Autumn’s only regret was that Lois showered before she could taste her full range of flavors.

Clark continued to pump into Autumn’s ass while Lois leaned forward to kiss Autumn’s pussy while her own cunt was being devoured. Every nerve ending in two mouths, two pussies, one cock, and one ass were lit up like a Christmas tree.

Clark came first, filling Autumn’s ass with a warm load of cum; Autumn gripped his cock as he spasmed into her which, combined with Lois’ tongue lapping, initiated her own orgasm; Autumn was too exhausted and distracted to keep up with her obligations, so Lois rolled off her face and started fucking herself with two fingers; Clark realized not all heroes wear capes and knelt between her legs to help with the finishing touches and then the clean up.

They crawled into a pile in the middle of the bed. Clark was on the left with Autumn in the middle on her back tucked into his armpit and Lois curled up on her side to the right of their beautiful guest. Clark reached his right arm across Autumn to stroke Lois’ hair, while Lois gently brushed her fingertips against Autumn’s breasts, and Autumn’s left hand stroked his now flaccid cock. They fell asleep and rested as only one can after 260 miles on the road and an inaugural ménage a trois.


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