Return to Eden Ch. 02 by Insufficient,Insufficient

All characters are eighteen or older. As always, feedback is appreciated. I read all of your comments, even when I am on hiatus.


The afternoon seemed to be dragging on indefinitely. It felt like an eternity since lunch, and the day felt like it must surely be at an end. In desperation, Evelyn looked at the clock on her desk. Only 2:14pm, she thought to herself. I’m not sure if I can handle another couple of hours of waiting…

On her computer screen were several data spreadsheets, but Evelyn could barely focus on the sales figures before her. Still, she trudged through the workload the best that she could. Her mind was elsewhere, and she made no effort to hide it.

At 3:30pm, she decided to call it a day and let her boss know she would be leaving a little early for personal reasons. It was just a formality–she had put more than enough years into the company that her manager never questioned her work ethic. Today was no different.

Her heart raced as she drove home. Something had been missing from her life lately, simmering first below the surface but coming to the forefront after her recent divorce. This was exactly what she needed, and she had been looking forward to it all week.

Exiting her car and walking up the driveway, she opened the front door and stepped into her home. She dropped her purse on the dining room table and moved quickly for the stairs. Her legs moved on their own, operating without any need for direction.

Quietly, she stepped to the closest door on the right and paused. It was opened a crack. She took a breath and hesitated. Finally ready, she pushed it open.

The young figure sitting at the corner desk sprung to her feet. “Mom!” Mandy greeted her with a huge smile. “I’m home!” she said excitedly.

Evelyn stepped into the room and hugged her daughter, who had just returned from college that same day. “Oh hun, it’s so good to see you again! How was the drive?”

The two women chatted as they made their way downstairs to the kitchen. Making a cup of tea, Evelyn sat at the table with Mandy and talked about school.

Her daughter had just finished her second year of university, hours away from her hometown.

Evelyn was so proud of her daughter–Mandy had always been a straight ‘A’ student, beautiful, and inheriting Evelyn’s gift of social grace. In Evelyn’s eyes, her daughter was perfect. Of course every parent says that about their child, but Mandy was exactly how Evelyn wished that she herself had been as a young woman.

Evelyn’s own youth was tarnished by a reputation that she was still trying to escape. In high school, she was promiscuous. Even worse, she had loved the attention that came with her acts.

It was not until she met her ex-husband, Travis, that she settled down and put those days behind her. And for years, she was successful. She got married, raised a wonderful child, and managed to keep a wall between her past and her present.

Her ex-husband and many of their friends knew about her past, but as years came and went it became less relevant–a silly young girl who enjoyed her youth, and nothing more. More importantly, Evelyn shielded her daughter from that part of her life. As a mother, she wanted to be a role model for Mandy and did not want her to follow in her mother’s footsteps.

However, some things cannot be forgotten entirely. Ten years into her marriage, Evelyn discovered that Travis has been cheating on her… repeatedly. The discovery was heartbreaking. It also happened to coincide with her own ten-year high school reunion, where Evelyn had gotten far too drunk and decided to enact her own revenge on Travis.

She never told her ex-husband, but that night she spitefully allowed two of her former classmates to fuck her mouth and cum down her throat. The grand finale was at the end of the night when she let Frank Larson fuck her on the hood of her own car. She immediately regretted her actions and tried to forget it had ever happened. Of course fate had other plans, and Frank would go on to become one of the biggest clients at the marketing firm where Evelyn now worked.

After the incident at her reunion, she decided to forgive Travis and give their marriage another chance. After all, she did not want their daughter to experience the turmoil of divorce. And so, things went back to normal for a time. Her marriage was far from perfect, but Evelyn wanted the best for Mandy.

Once Mandy was off to college, things got worse. Evelyn learned that Travis was back to his cheating ways… or perhaps he had never really stopped. It came to light that he had been cheating with one of his former students, who was only a few years older than Mandy.

I guess people can’t really change after all, she told herself at the time.

Evelyn finally had enough and filed for divorce. With Mandy out of the house, there was no need to give Travis another chance.

She never regretted the decision. After the divorce, she had shown no real interest in getting back into the dating scene. Instead, she focused heavily on her work.

That all changed two weeks ago when she confirmed what she had suspected all those years ago… people can’t really change.

It seemed somewhat appropriate that Frank Larson would be the catalyst for her inevitable recidivism. During a routine business meeting, he made several not-so-subtle references to their sexual history together. His suggestive comments triggered something in Evelyn.

That small push was all it took to get Evelyn’s thoughts into a space they had not been in many years. It almost came naturally for her to take those thoughts and make them real. The opportunity presented itself while sunbathing at the beach the next day…

Two days after the beach encounter, she received an email–she had, after all, given the stranger her business card. As she sat in her office, she almost lost her breath as she opened the mysterious message. One of her naked photos from the beach took up almost the entire screen.

Over the next few days she sent him several more revealing photos, taken in the privacy of her office. He was in town on business, and the day before leaving he invited Evelyn to his hotel room. Ignoring her better sense, she spent the night with him.

“Cheaper than hiring an escort,” he joked as she undressed and took his cock into her mouth. After debasing herself and giving in to his every dark fantasy, Evelyn left his room feeling a strange combination of shame and elation. It reminded her of being in high school all over again.

A week had now passed since that hotel room visit, and Evelyn was happily chatting with her daughter and trying to forget what she had done. Just a momentary lapse in judgement, she told herself. I think I am entitled to make one every now and again.

Evelyn hoped that with Mandy home again it would be easier to get her life back in order.

The first night was a strange adjustment after having the house to herself for months. As days passed, the two women slowly settled back into a normal routine. Mandy would typically sleep through breakfast, but when Evelyn returned from work each day her daughter would help her with dinner.

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