Ryan's Story Pt. 28 by HotAss4U,HotAss4U

Ryan’s Story

Note: When I started this series, I thought maybe it would be ten chapters. But I keep thinking of things for Ryan to experience. I’m not sure it will end. Is there anything you’d like to see Ryan get into? Do I keep adding chapters (most are short) or start a completely new series? No end in sight.

Chapter 28

I woke in the morning with the sun coming in the windows. Mother was already gone, I was alone. Yawning, I climbed out of bed and headed for the bathroom. After a quick shower, I pulled on a pair of shorts and headed downstairs to the kitchen.

I saw the car of neighbor Gladys in her driveway next door, she must have gotten home last night. I stood in the doorway, watching.

As I stood in the doorway, Gladys came out of her house and walked to her car. As she opened the door, she saw me standing there. She smiled and walked over to our house. Pushing me back into the kitchen, she said, “Glad to see you back from your reunion. I’ve got a meeting to go to, so don’t have much time.”

She turned me around, pushed my shorts down, and bent me over the kitchen counter. As she unfastened her slacks, seeing my red ass, she said, “Looks like your mother had fun last night. I can’t wait to spend an evening doing the same.” Then she pushed the head of her cock into me. “But now,” she said, “I only have time for a quick one.” and rammed her cock all the way into me, causing me to scream out.

“Oh yeah, bitch,” she said, “Scream for me. I love to hear you scream,” and slammed hard into me again.

I cried out and shot my load onto the side of the kitchen counter. Slapping my ass as she fucked me, Gladys said, “It’s been a few days since I’ve fucked a boy. This is going to be a big load.” And shoving deep into me, she gave me that big load.

Sliding her spent cock out of me, she said “I need you over at my place soon. I’ve got a new paddle I want to try on your hot little ass.” Tucking her cock back into her slacks, she walked out and whistling, over to her car. I watched her drive off and went upstairs to get dressed. I put on a tight pair of jeans that really show off my ass nicely and a tee shirt. I refer to these jeans as my “bra jeans” since the lift and separate my ass cheeks.

I decided to walk to school to get my class schedule, it is only a couple of miles and it was a sunny day. Good day for a walk.

At the registration office, I ran into Phyliss, the chubby secretary I met last night. “Hi Ryan,” she smiled and said to me, “We adjusted your schedule so you can continue to be tutored by Dean Carter and me on Wednesdays.” Looking at my schedule, I saw that my classes ended at noon on Wednesday. She turned and walked down the hall toward Dean Carter’s office where I saw the Dean leading a young man into her office. Phyliss went in and closed the door behind her. I chuckled, knowing what was going to happen in there and it would be my turn tomorrow.

I decided to stop by the coffee shop on the way home to see Gina. It was only a short way out of the way. Heading over there, I smiled as I walked in and saw her finishing up an order for a customer. There were about a dozen people sitting around drinking and chatting and I got some lustful looks as I walked up to the counter. Seeing me, Gina got a big smile on her face and said, “Hey hot stuff, what brings you in?”

“Hi baby,” I said, “An iced latte and a chance to see you.”

Gina asked the other girl working with her to fix the latte and looking me over, said, “You look great. I’m glad you came by.”

Blushing, I just said thanks and took my drink. The other girl working with Gina was obviously checking me out, staring at my round ass in my tight jeans.

Gina said to me, “I remember the first time seeing you, it was here. And then seeing you and Julie in the office really hooked me on you.”

Giving her a big smile, I said to her, “I’m glad. Is the office empty now?” Biting my lower lip.

Gina said to the other girl, “I’m going to take a break. I’ll be back in a bit.” And taking me by the hand, led me down the short hall to the office. Once in the office, we were in each other’s arms, kissing passionately with hands groping. Her hands were on my ass and mine were on her breasts. I let my hand slide down and squeeze the hard bulge in her pants and she began to unfasten my jeans. Soon I had her pants undone and slid my hand inside and wrapped my fingers around her rock-hard cock. She moaned and pushed my jeans down and squeezed my bare ass.

“Turn around,” she ordered, “I want you just like Julie did.”

I turned and bent over the desk. Gina let out a low whistle looking at my still red ass cheeks.

“Still red from last night,” she said, giving them a squeeze.

I gave her a surprised look and she smiled. “Your mother sent me some photos. We’ve talked about you like it rough before.”

Picking up my thong underwear, she stuffed them in my mouth and gave me a hard spanking, my cries muffled by the make-shift gag.

Without warning, she drove her hard cock all the way into me, causing me to scream into my gag. Leaning over me, she whispered, “I’m glad you like it rough. I do too.” And started to fuck me hard and fast. Skin slapping against skin, my cries muffled I shot my load on the side of the desk and Gina rammed into me and gave me her warm cum. The door opened slightly and the other girl stuck her head in, “Got some customers, I’ll need help,” she said, staring at us.

“I’ll be right there,” Gina said sliding her cock out of me. Grabbing my hair, she pulled me and kissed me, passionately. I kissed her back. She left and I dressed and cleaned up our mess. I walked out of the office. Gina was talking to Iris and Gantz, a couple of the girls from Futa House that I recognized. I walked up and stood beside Gina, she put her arm around my waist and I snuggled against her.

“Iris has offered to drive you home babe,” Gina said.

Smiling at them, I just said, “Okay but I don’t mind walking.”

Iris gave me a lustful look and said, “You are safe with us. Gina has said your ass belongs to her and we don’t mind driving that way.”

“Great,” I said, “Let’s go.”

I gave Gina a quick kiss on the cheek and followed Iris and Gantz out to the street. I got into the back seat of their old coupe, Gantz got in the driver’s seat and I was surprised that Iris got in the back with me. As we drove off, Iris looked at me with a smirk on her face. “Your ass belongs to Gina,” she said, “But she said nothing about your hot mouth.” She pulled her hard cock out of her jeans, grabbed my head, and pulled it down to her lap.

“Open up bitch,” Iris ordered, “Suck it.”

I opened my mouth as Iris pushed my face down onto her crotch, her cock sliding into my mouth and throat. I placed my hands on her thighs and let her hold my head and control the flow. She’d push me down, her cock sliding into my throat, and hold me there until I tapped on her thighs, then she’d pull my head up to let me grab a quick gulp of air then shove me back down on her cock. She kept this up as Gantz drove us around and around the campus, slowly up and down the narrow streets. I’m sure anyone could easily see what was going on in the backseat. Soon Iris started bucking her hips and moaning loudly.


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