“Who here left their barn door open?”

Sadie Outlaw, under the assumed name Sadie L’Amour entered the School and Church’ reasonably sized horse barn. That name change to L’Amour was to protect her last name from a future rendezvous with her great, great, great grandfather Texas Ranger Jessup Outlaw. Besides that, with a last name like Outlaw people would be leery around Sadie and her motives. Who could blame them after outlaws such as the recently arrested Dillsby gang had robbed banks in the surrounding territory. Add in the Butler gang who really had no robberies under their gun belts as of yet but did have a few murders under the straydar, which many of their members didn’t even know about, the term was becoming notorious. Nothing would ever change.

Sadie found the buxom Dorieann Finn pacing the straw and dirt floor of the barn with a Winchester over her shoulder. The derby wearing tough gal had stood guard until her brother Shaunesy showed up with Father Rodrigo to explain things better. Hearing of Sheriff Tom Barrett having been shot down Red Butler; the leader of his motley crew was smug until he heard three of his gang was in jail now. That took all of the color out of his name.

“Howdy Redmont!” Sadie stepped in front of him pausing Shaunesy from relocating the members to the church buckboard they had driven through the barn to collect them easier. “Shaun… Hunky? Can you gimme a few to chat with these boys?” Worried they might try and overpower her Dorieann Finn crept up and leaned in to whisper.

“Ye sure? I can help bust a few more jaws.”

“Nice Mits, by the way.” Sadie hip bumped Dorieann enticing a cocked eyebrow. Dorie was a tomboy through and through, but she didn’t know what to make of Sadie’s ofttimes erotic behavior. “Remind me to show you a few boxin’ tricks I learned from my boy Rocky Balboa. He was the Italian Stallion; I was the Philly Filly.” A fist bump against Dorie’s the girl grinned.

“Ye put up dukes?”

“Dekes too!” She laughed feeling her embedded vibrating dildo wiggling in her crawlspace. “I’m bettin’ you’d like to meet Deke… he can shake up yer world.”

“Introduce me!” Dorie flared up. “I wouldn’t mind me a beau friend.”

“I’ll jus’ do that one of these days. Go on with Shaun. Eddie? You mind walkin’ ’em out. You boys can go too.” Sadie prompted the teenage young boys with guns to join everyone outside. “Oh! And zip up that barn door.” They presumed close it. Darkness filled the barn once sealed, only the hay loft had light filtering down inside. “Alone at last. Now where was I Redmont?” She crouched down in front of the three men, her knees wide so that her leggings stretched a tad in the thighs. Her toy protruded about an inch and moved about gently. It did lure in eyes; none knew what to make of it.

“You hidin’ one of those gambler guns in yer bloomers?” Porky hissed even while still bleeding. The good Father Rod did have mercy enough to patch him up.

“Derrieringer, yup!” Derringer! “Good eye Porkchop!”

“Porky… jus’ Porky.”

“Bite yer tongue!” Red told his associate. “I wanna know how you know our names. If I’d met, you, I’d remember.”

“Aww! A compliment. I am a purdy gal, ain’t I? El Paso… ” She made things up as she went along, Tilly aware of whereabouts of these men over the course of three months. “… I saw you boys in a saloon losin’ at poker.”

“A gal lookin’ like you would never be allowed in unless you wore a dress. Drawings on yer doves there would spook off fellas if you were a whore.” He referred to her breast tattoos showing just enough for them to see clearly.

“Oh, I’m a whore Redmont! Ain’t no denyin’ that fact. But ya see, I’m a picky one. Bounty hunter from up North, Montana way.” Lie! “I got kin down here in West Tex I was gonna visit ’til I ran into the Dillsby’s, kinda tied me up a mite.” Lariats in a spread-eagle rape that she enjoyed as long as their horses didn’t rip her apart. Those equines however seemed to be on her side in an unexplained manner. She was still learning of her own talents with those microscopic nanites in her every cell. Sadie might never know the full abilities of those. Not even her voice of season from the future Tilly Ford who was connected to her nanites like an antenna, was privy to their full capacity. She only knew what Dr. Anson Carlsbad let her in on. Of course, being psychic Tilly did eavesdrop on occasion but was usually psi-blocked somehow. “Which brings me to… what’s yer beef with the Dillsby’s?”

“Jus’ figgered our two gangs could hook up and make a bigger name for ourselves.” Red spoke, his two members eyeballin’ Sadie with lust, licking their lips at her curves. Even bleeding Porky was nurturing a sizeable erection due to her allure.

“It’s gettin’ a mite hot in here with the doors closed, ain’t it?” She began unbuttoning her borrowed shirt until it came completely undone. Standing up she fluttered her fingers at herself then lifted each breast by her nipples to wipe sweat off beneath them. Flicking droplets at Porky and Nip. Grinning at her they stuck their tongues out as if catching rain. “Thirsty boys?”

“Parched!” Nip chuckled.

“Those are nice.” Porky chuckled. “Except for those other hands. Why would you go and ruin perfectly good lady bumps?”

“My body Porkloin!”

“Jus’ Porky.”

“She’s doin’ that on purpose you dummy.” Red grumbled. “Jus’ like her showin’ those off. We ain’t sayin’ nothin’ more. Don’t sound like there’s any law in Sugar Plum to arrest us. Let us go and we’ll ride off.”

“Yer after the loot.” She took off her cowboy hat and rested it on a gate pole. “My gut says you fellas only needed the Dillsby’s to show you where it was. Then chances are you’d have shot ’em cold. Ain’t that the plan Redmont?”

“Not sayin’ nothin’ more. Neither are you two.” He darted his attention from one to the other. “Nothin’ you can do will make me talk.”

“That a wager? You got money on that?”

“You keep money in yer boot Red. Bet on yerself.” Nip was just that stupid.

“That a fact?” Sadie moved to Red’s boot and kicked the left foot to hear a faint jingle, her hearing more acute than normal people due to those nanites. “Coins! Any bills in there paddin’ those smelly toes, Red?” She reached for his foot and stomped her own foot down on the other leg to prevent him kicking her. Lifting the opposite foot, she pulled his boot off then winced at his foot odor. “Damn, Red! Bettin’ that stink tarnished yer coins.” Shaking the boot, a flurry of coins dropped to the sand. Forced to reach inside with a grimace she lured out a few bills and counted it. “Lil’ under ten buckaroos.” Tilly confided its worth as over $180.00 in modern 2022 currency. In her mind Sadie told herself, “There’s enough to pay my way for a week or three then. He ain’t gonna need it and it’s his moolah, no money stolen if they’ve never robbed any banks.”

“There is the possibility of mugging someone.” Tilly mumbled.

“Well, seein’ as I dunno who it belonged to, it’s mine now Till.”

“Use it to your advantage.”

“That’s the plan.” She chuckled, the three captured gents wondering if she was crazy looking as if talking to herself. Vocals amped up she eyed the other boots. “Anymore pennies in yer piggy bank Red?” She managed to get his other boot off and found even more money. “Paydirt! I’ll jus’ use some of this to help the orphanage here.” It was the least thing she could do. “How’s about you boys? You buryin’ bucks in yer boot hill?”

“No ma’am!” Nip confessed. “I spent my last in El Paso on a gal named Lola.”

“Ginger!” Porky alluded to his own hooker.

“What about you Red? You get yerself a gal?”

“He’s too cheap.” Nip chuckled until he saw his leader’s sneer. “Sorry Red!”

“Maybe Red there, jus’ don’t like girls? Maybe that’s why he has eyes on you boys.” Hearing that Nip and Porky looked bewildered.

“I like girls goddamknit!” Red hissed. “Don’t make me kick yer asses.”

“Soooo… he admires yer asses. Careful Nip! You bein’ frail yer easy pickin’s. I’m bettin’ Redmont jerks off behind you fellas. Don’t ya know it’s wrong to go shootin’ a fella in the back? That’s jus’ bein’ a yella belly Red. Fer shame! Fer shame!”

“Shut it!” Red tried kicking at her as she collected his money and put it in her hat. “None you say anythin’ else. I mean it!” The boys did shut up. With all of her moving about her dildo was slowing up, the batteries low. A brainstorm idea to learn anything of value she chuckled and stepped out in front of them and faced away. Hearing whistles at her tight backside Sadie retied her shirt tails up and then began lowering her leggings. Bending forward her butt pucker and clam were in view, jaws dropping at her striptease. Deke the dildo barely noticeable at her thighs pressed together hid away as she spanked her own bottom just to get their attention. As if she didn’t already have it.

Stopping at her mid-thigh she left her leggings on rather than go totally nude and risk any of the school kids seeing her. She hoped the adults out there would prevent any of them peeping. Careful to hide Deke she slowly removed the eight-inch toy and halted its turbulence.

“What’s she doin’ Red?” Nip whispered. “She has a nice body.” All three thought the same but in the end, Red was too pissed off to enjoy it. He wanted free and his money back.

“Yer gonna pay for treatin’ us like this woman.” Red rolled enough to sit up against the rafter pole he was tied up to. “CUT US FREE!”

“Ain’t happenin’ Redmont. I still need answers and yer gonna fess up or it’s gonna get uglier than you are.”

“I AIN’T UGLY!” Porky was iffy on that. Nip just drooled over Sadie’s twat until she stood up straight, Deke posed in front of her. She knew these boys had never seen a dildo before, so this was going to be a riot. Turning around in step she patted her pussy and wagged her toy in front of them.

“She’s got rattlers Red.” Nip pointed out her tattoos with twin rattlesnakes flicking their tongues right at her clitoral area. It scared Nip into shying off a bit from his former lust.

“They ain’t real you dummy.”

“SHE’S GOT A WINKY!” Porky panicked seeing the realistic dildo. “What are you?”

“Devil’s Daughter! Who wants to go to hell first? How’s about you Red? Red is the devil’s favorite color. Course, you two are blushin’ so maybe yer all red.”

“SEND RED! I DON’T WANNA GO DOWN.” It was almost comical how naive these guys were.

“Do yer worst. We AIN’T talkin’.” Red challenged her then spit her direction. Leaving her leggings down she stepped directly in front of Red Butler and showed him her clit, her fingertips spreading her hood for a delectable view. He went cross eyed looking at her. Those Rattler’s tongues were just so very close to flicking the clit it was unreal. It made him piss his pants.

“I’m bettin’ Deke here makes ya talk Red. Thing is Deke jus’ told me he thinks ya jus’ need to clear yer throat. Frog swallow and all!” Gripping him by his red hair she yanked his head back, his jaw dropping under her strength. Mouth wide she shoved her dildo in between his teeth and went tonsil deep. His crew made all sorts of distasteful expressions, Nip even threw up all over his lap. Face fucking Red Butler she grinned. “See boys? Red does like guys more’n girls. Listen to that there gag reflex.” GAWK! GAK! UGH! He too vomited around the toy. “Ready to fess up Redmont? The Lord will have mercy ifn ya do. Jus’ ask Father Rodrigo. He might even baptize ya if ya ask nice enough. Ah hell! I’ll jus’ save him the time.” Bent knees she edged in to hover right over his chin and urinated drowning his beard. More hurling out of Porky she chuckled. “What? Jus’ wettin’ his whistle.”

“Sadie! Enough!” Tilly attempted closure. “See if he talks.”

“Yer right Tilly… I’m gettin’ carried away. You know as well as I he’s not gonna talk without humiliatin’ himself in front of his gang. I jus’ like shock tactics to get the job done. Besides I did need to pee after Deke there tickled my uterus to death.” Stepping a bit closer she wiped her pussy off on his eyebrows then stepped back, releasing Deke into his custody long enough to pull her leggings back up. Unable to remove the dildo on his own he just stared at her with hatred one second, terror the next.

“How about you boys? Want Deke to show you a good time? Ever play Pin the Tail on the Donkey?”

“We jus’ wanted the bank loot.” Porky confessed. “You knew that so why is ya tormentin’ us?”

“Cuz it’s fun!” She smirked at him. “So, freein’ the Dillsby’s ya do know they could have fought back and shot you boys down before ya had the chance. Sam is too smart for you fellas. Matter of fact he helped me catch yer other friends. They’re all sharin’ a cell rubbin’ all up on one another. Tight cell in that jail with nine big fellas, only gets tighter once I cram you three in with ’em. I’m bettin’ someone won’t like it once yer friends admit the truth. Hell, I wouldn’t be surprised if Sam and Shep ain’t choked out Remis, Jubal, and Bacon by now. With the Sheriff down and Grennen limpin’ they won’t save yer boys. I can… y’know what… I don’t really care. You fellas are already on yer way to a hangin’ tree followin’ Red here. Shootin’ at a lawman is bad news. Nearly killin’ one even worse. Is that loot really worth goin’ to jail or dyin’ over? You boys should jus’ get yerselves a job and a good woman.”

“Jubal is married Sadie.” Tilly interrupted.

“So! I’m preachin’ to the choir here. Maybe it does some good.”

“Porky is killed in a gun fight in Abilene. Nip shot for cheating at cards. Jubal goes to prison for shooting Tom Barrett now that the timeline has altered. Tom should not have even been shot today, Sadie. It was you catching the Dillsby’s that set this new timeline in motion.”

“At least I saved Tom’s life. He is still alive… right?”

“Yes. He still marries Clara Beth and William goes off to college and gets married. That has not altered thus far. Keep him alive Sadie.”

“What happens after I leave Sugar Plum? You know I can’t stay once Jessup comes to town. Tailin’ Grampa is my top priority ain’t it.”

“You can only keep this timeline stable while you are here. Just keep out of trouble.”

“Is she havin’ a fit?” Porky winced at Sadie chatting inwardly. Nip simply shrugged. Red was working at dislodging his throat. Watching him turning blue Sadie sighed and reached in to remove Deke. Coughing up saliva, Red spit all over her breasts. Looking down at her cleavage she nodded at the appearance as if it were semen.

“If only Deke could do that, I’d never need another fella.” She chuckled and put her shirt back together to soak up his spit. “I reckon I deserved that. Alright, Red, let’s get you three into that buckboard over there and haul you to town. Ya’ll come quiet and I’ll use Red’s money there to get ya a hot meal. My belly is growlin’ and I owe Eddie lunch and a date with a cute blonde so let’s wrap this up.” She unties Porky first from his post and then rebinds his arms. Guiding him to the wagon she literally lifts him up by his shirt and britches tossing him in. The slam against the floor of the wagon over his wound made Porky scream as if dying. Outside Sadie’s entourage winced at the pain heard. Only hearing Sadie call him a big baby kept them from rushing inside as back up.

Seeing her strength at heaving Porky like he was weightless Nip whimpered. “I can walk. Please don’t throw me like no sack of flour.” She laughed and let him hop up on the wagon by himself. Told to lay flat she left them for Red.

“Okay Redmont! You try anythin’ I break both yer arms. Purdy sure you know I can do ya bodily harm.” Cursing she released him and helped him up. Daring to break away and run for the barn door he realized he couldn’t open it with his hands bound. Socked feet try but without success. Giving up he turned to see Sadie behind him. Eyes lowered he relented.

Stunned as he expected to be struck, he found her opening the barn door and whistling. Around the barn came Tarnation and snorted directly into Red’s face, his demonic eyes begging Red to resist. “This here is Tarnation. He’s gonna head butt yers all the way back to town. Hopin’ ya don’t get cactus needles in yer feet Red.”

“Yer makin’ me walk all the way to… goddammknit!”

“You were the one lookin’ to make a run for it. So now ya can run.” Following Tarnation around, Doriann Finn mounted on her own horse with a tether line on the Butler gang’s steeds rolled up. Edward on Ezra, Sheriff Barrett’s horse closely behind. Everyone was ready to go home. Shaunesy Finn came through the back door and climbed up on the buckboard. With Red contained Sadie went back for Deke cleaning her toy off in an indoor water trough. Hat filled with Red’s money she stashed the bills down her leggings for safe keeping, the coins jingling in her hand she passed up to Edward. “Room and keepin’ me from being bored. Hold on to the rest for our dinner.” From Eddie back for Red’s boots she tossed them into the back of the wagon. Choosing to ride on the buckboard to maintain control Sadie pointed at Sugar Plum.

“Move ’em on, head ’em up. Head ’em up, move ’em on. Move ’em on, head ’em up. Rawhide!” Queer looks all around. “What? This ain’t no cattle drive? I’m tellin’ Red to get a move on.” Tarnation knocked Red over flat on his face.

If a horse could laugh.

Uncle Brandon sure was.


Sugar Plum…

Dooley Finn took a break from building Sadie’s new saddle using remnants of older saddles along with some forged new pieces. With the shootout subsided and hearing of Tom Barrett’s wound Dooley decided to check on Deputy Ira Grennen. Going into the jail he found the poor man passed out over his desk. Eyeballing the prisoners Sam Dillsby spoke up. “Deputy is bleedin’! Got shot in the leg out there. He’s findin’ watchin’ over us more important than his health. Ya might wanna fetch the doc.”

“Ira?” Dooley moved to his side and nudged the lank deputy. “Ira? You alive?” Reviving but weak Dooley saw how bad he was, pale in the face and shaking. “Come on Lad, let me take ye to Mister Hollister’s. Don’t none of ya go try’n to bust out.” Dooley had sense enough to take the cell key with him as he picked Ira up and tossed him over his shoulder.

“We’ll be here.” Sam confirmed. As if he and his gang had a choice. “This other fella is bleedin’ too. Gettin’ messy in these close quarters.”

“Canae do but one thing at a time. I’ll see what the Doc says.” Nodding Dooley left the jail but also had sense enough to warn a patron to keep an eye on them just in case. Brutus Kinkaid coming down from the doctor’s office saw Dooley coming and shook his head.

“Hole up Dool!” Brutus carefully removed Ira’s tin star and placed it on his own vest. “Actin’ deputy ’til the fellas get on their feet.” Respect shared Dooley told him he had his back. Drinking buddies were like that.

Taking the staircase up to the doctor’s office Dooley wished it were street level. It was a pain carrying folks up there if they couldn’t on their own. Doc at least made house calls to those he could but in cases like Tom he wanted to be there just in case. Not only that but even Doc Hollister for his age had a roving eye and Clara Beth Jenkins was quite the looker. His opinion on Sadie Outlaw was dubious, the woman reeked of trouble, he just couldn’t decide if it was good or bad. He had never before seen tight leggings and wide opened cleavage without any bustier to lift the lonesome doves. In her case eagles and rattlesnakes.

No knock Dooley just opened the door and walked right on in. The outer office was empty which meant Mayfair had everyone in his living quarters. That was likely a high point for Hollister having Clara Beth even in his room, whether it was for fun or not. Mayfair had lost his wife Abigail five years ago and finding a new bride at his age was next to impossible. He was happy with his hand most days. Hearing the door Mayfair made his presence known, stepping out with his sleeves rolled up and his eyeglasses lowered on the bridge of his nose.

“What now?”

“Ira was shot earlier but his stubborn ass let it go so he could watch over the prisoners. He’s breathin’ Mister Hollister.” For once his Irish brogue was easy to understand. “Leg!” Examining him while still on Dooley’s shoulder he saw the shock in Ira and hurried the Irishman to place his body on the lone table in his office. A careful assist in stretching Ira out they realized to work on him he needed his pants off. Dooley drew the line at removing another man’s trousers, good friend or not. Hollister grumbled at the fact he was the only one to help if it meant saving him.

“Oh, for goodness sakes.” Clara Beth stepped from the bedroom and saw them both looking awkward. “Men and their pride, I swear.” Sliding closely between the men she blushed faintly at rubbing up on both. At Ira’s side she fluttered her fingers for a nervous circulation then undid Ira’s gun belt passing it to Dooley. From there he already had his regular belt missing which was used on Tom to hold his bandages in place. Buttons undone, his pants without a zipper she opened his fly to realize that Ira was not wearing underwear. Both Dooley and Doc lifted a brow wondering if they would still need to take over.

“Don’t just stand there… lift his hips.” Dooley volunteered to do that much even if he diverted his eyes to avoid catching a glimpse of Ira’s pecker. Clara tried not to stare but Ira was pretty well endowed for such a meek gentleman. Tugging his drawers down Doc opted to remove Ira’s boots and socks. Even limp Ira was still a hefty seven which meant erect a larger than normal eight. Feeling his pants being tugged Ira revived although blurred vision and saw Clara Beth.

“Am I dead? I see an angel.” The compliment made Clara Beth smile.

“You just relax Ira. I’m here to help.” She stopped only long enough to pat his abdomen. In reaction to her touch his dick perked up and got hard. Shock or not it was proof that Ira liked Clara Beth as much as anyone. Blonde with blue eyes and big hooters she was a goddess in this tiny town. “Ira? You stop that.” She gave up and stepped back feeling as if she had just cheated on Tom Barrett even if they were not an item as of yet. In the future yes, but not this soon.

“Don’t leave me angel.” Ira was delirious. Sucking up her modesty she held his hand as Doc Hollister finished pulling his pants off. Blood everywhere smelled as bad as Ira’s sweaty privates. How that man endured wool trousers on bare skin was anyone’s guess. Taking a sheet Doc covered Ira’s penis at least removing the direct sight of it. Tentpole still Clara Beth shyly captured glances hoping the men would not notice. A God faring woman she was but even she was lonely and needing attention. Thou shalt not lust was easier said than done when it was right in front of you. Hell, she hadn’t even seen Tom’s dick yet. Shame on her!

Antiseptic poured on the bullet wound Doc Hollister cleaned his instruments and dug right in. Ira with no form of anesthesia began screaming. “Hold Ira down. I can’t work with him moving. Dooley held Ira’s upper body which left Clara Beth to hiss at his squeamishness. Palming Ira’s abdomen the sheet slipped a tad, and his erection stared her right in the face. Her other hand going to his unharmed leg to put her weight on it, the thrashing about made her other hand slide right up against his cock, knuckles touching it. She could even feel his heartbeat in the veins. Beet red she managed to hang in there as Hollister made incisions to give him room for reaching in for the bullet. “Stop being a baby Ira. The bullet is not that deep.” A losing battle Mayfair lost his temper. “ENOUGH! PUT YOUR BODIES IN IT!” Squealing Clara Beth stretched over Ira, her cleavage right over his dick. Dooley eying it, from his angle she could have been offering to let Ira titty fuck her. Surely not!

“STOP LOOKING AT MY CHEST.” She caught Dooley.

“I canae help it Miss Jenkins. ‘Tis right in my sight.”

“Close your eyes then.”

“Stop feuding and hold him down before I cut something I shouldn’t. Do you want him to lose his leg?”

“No!” Clara Beth whimpered and eyed Ira’s boastful cock, “Maybe… that one.” Even Mayfair had to grin at her embarrassment. The sheet fell off to the floor so there was only skin and no time to retrieve the covering. She was getting overheated in the room. As hot as it was already, this situation was not helping. Dooley busted up laughing at her comment. “You hush!” Now even she had to giggle. It was pretty funny.

“Everyone please, do your appointed jobs, I’m digging in for the slug.” Mayfair contained his muse and became the man his training had made all those many years ago. Serious now Dooley did close his eyes to honor Clara Beth. With no one to look she flared her eyes and embraced a good look at that magnificently constructed manhood. She was even pleasantly shocked that Ira was circumcised. But again, he was from the big city of Chicago before moving West. A former taxidermist prior to a wanderlust to live out his life in peace. He still practiced that trade as a hobby. Eyes misty at staring at it she noticed the tip of his cock moist and blushed yet again. A glance between Mayfair to note his locked gaze on the wound, then at Dooley who was even looking away completely out of respect. Resorting to licking her lips she eased forward a tad closer and let his dick touch her mounded right breast, that sent fire to her loins. No longer was she telling herself this was wrong.

This would never happen again, so she lived in the moment. The likelihood Ira would recall this was in her favor. With her chest blocking the view of her knuckles touching his dick she slyly tilted her wrist and curled her fingers about his girth. Eyes rolled back at his warmth, the throbbing nature of his will to live she trembled. “Forgive me Tom.”

Her left arm stretched out to hold his leg down she was stretched to her limits. Clara Beth would repent when she got home. For now, she felt like a woman wanted. It was obvious Ira had an affection for her to be this hard under so much pain. Further glances toward Mayfair and Dooley she lifted just a bit and stroked Ira. Hearing his moans from the surgery more than her she simply imagined they were he enjoying her touch. Maybe she was the best anesthetic available. A smile crossed her lips, right alongside her tongue. If only she could taste him.

“WHERE IS EVERYBODY?” Eyes bulged and Clara Beth quickly withdrew her hand from Ira.

“TOM?” She abandoned Ira just as Mayfair pulled the bullet from his leg and dropped it into a bowl. Dooley stood up straight but patted Ira on the shoulder. The sheet returned to cloak Ira the patient passed out, Mayfair sewing him up and bandaging the wound. Both men whispered over Clara Beth’s bosom. Telling Dooley to go ahead and go the big man left with a woody of his own. One that was not going down anytime soon now that Sadie L’Amour had returned, buckboard stopping in front of the jail.

Laying in Tom’s arms Clara Beth coddled her brother-in-law. Sharing the Doc’s bed, she didn’t even blush this time. Doc after checking Tom’s pulse told her he was going to stretch his legs and left the room. Tom was still too weak to stay awake long. Once he started snoring Clara bit her lower lip and cautiously lay her palm on Tom’s crotch. Ira’s dick in her thoughts she just couldn’t help taking the risk. Rolling fingers along the contour of his penis she flared her big blue eyes. “Goodness! Tom is bigger than Ira.”

Emotions all over the place she eased over his lower body and rolled her cheek along his lap to feel it close to her. Tempted to pull it out she chose respect to her late sister Dorothy. Stepping away she closed the door behind her. Seeing Ira laying there still hard beneath the sheet she held her chest with one hand to catch her breath. Going to the door of the office she saw Doc Hollister standing with Dooley and his brother Shaunesy on the boardwalk below. Sadie Outlaw hauling the Butler boys into an already crowded cell was almost amusing, the men begging for mercy heard clean up here at the office.

Knowing she had time Clara Beth tiptoed over to Ira. Touching his shoulder shyly she whispered, “Ira? Are you awake?” Nothing but a drool in the corner of his mouth. Sensing her chance, she moved to his side and lifted the sheet to see his erection. “I can’t resist. I have to hold that again.” Sheet drawn back she used both hands this time and lightly fondled him, her left hand moving lower to cup his scrotum. “Dear God! It’s… magnificent.” Under any other circumstances Clara Beth Jenkins was a true lady. Here and now, alone without supervision or scrutiny she simply could not contain her lust. She had never had a man before and although 27 years old she was ready to start a family. Ira had never been any sparkle compared to Tom Barrett, but Tom was respecting his wife even unto death. Maybe he was just shy. Waiting on his first move was getting tiresome, maybe she should give Ira a chance when he felt better.

Another trip to the door to peek out she still felt safe then returned to Ira. Unknown to her Ira had revived but was unable to focus so simply laid there motionless as he had been. Careless Clara Beth returned to Ira and clutched his cock again. Drawn to it she leaned over his lap and like she had Tom, rolled her cheek along the bare foreskin of his beast. Inhaling his manly scent, although sweaty and not perfect she touched her chin to his ball sack then dared to kiss it. Her hormones were delighted in her challenged demeanor.

Tilting her face toward his penis she pecked her way up to the tip then kissed his crown. Eyes rolled back she didn’t even notice Ira wincing, his head barely lifted. No real strength at the moment he just lowered his scalp back to the table. Not knowing of his awareness, she made the fateful decision to take his penis into her mouth and sampled what Dorothy had always bragged about to their mother when Clara Beth was far too young to be eavesdropping. All these years she kept her sister’s description sacred, often imagining Tom in her mouth like this throughout the years. Overwhelmed by Ira’s heartbeat on her tongue she bobbed up and down a healthy five times before deciding she needed to behave.

“You don’t have to stop.” Ira mumbled.

“You’re awake?” She quickly covered his lap and acted as if he were imagining it all. “You had us worried Ira. Doc just stepped out for air. Tom is resting peacefully.”

“Marry me!” He mumbled.

“What?” Her breath was stolen. “Oh God!” A tear in her eye she left Ira alone. That should have warned him of a lonely altar. Ashamed of herself Clara Beth took to the exit and staircase down. Marching past Doc Hollister, she told him, “I need to get back to my students. Let me know how Tom and… Ira is doing. Tell Tom I’ll keep William safe.” Emotional she found the Church’s buckboard vacant and tried to climb up. Unsuccessful she found Shaunesy offering a hand up.

“I’ll take ye home Lass.”

“Thank you. I really did not want to trouble Mortimer.”

The buckboard leaving Brutus Kinkaid and Sadie L’Amour stepped from the jail laughing. With twelve prisoners in a cell meant for six it was just plain hilarious. Sam Dillsby was not finding it as funny as they did.

“You jus’ keep on laughin’ L’Amour.” Sam glared through the bars, “Once my telegraph reaches our Ma… things are gonna change.” Ominous indeed!

“You keep watch Deputy Brutus. Oh, by the lay! I met yer nephew, Broderick.”

“How’s that? The boy should a been tendin’ to our livestock.”

“Yeah, well, he’s a man now ain’t he?” Double checking his age. “Says eighteen that there’s a manly age.”

“Jus’ turned! Why was he in town?”

“All the gunshots got his curiosity I reckon. Time you let him live fer himself Bucknife Brutus. You won’t mind if I teach him a few things do ya?” She grabbed Kinkaid’s crotch. “More my type!” Brutus had a smaller dick by the feel of it.

“Ya do know I could arrest ya for doin’ that now that I’m a deputy.”

“Could! But it’d be hell on those boys in the jail. I’d have ’em all beggin’ to be hung before the judge even got here. I prefer me some hangin’ that has the head down low, not chokin’ the life out of it. Well, that would be my job.” She laughed and slapped Brutus on the arm. “Brody can brag about it durin’ chores tomorrow. Tell ya what you done missed out on.” Grim expression shared behind his back Brutus just let it go. He knew she was on the side of the angels even if they called her the devil’s daughter. The devil was an angel once. At least that was what he heard.


Heard a mile away at his business the handsome barber quickly locked up his shop. Mistress Millie’s muffins had long since ran their course.

Rattlers in the front of Sadie guarding her cash, Eddie followed the sidewinder all the way to the saloon.

Butt crease!

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