Same Old Lang Syne by 32aa,32aa

I knew both of them. Jackie was a year younger than my high school girlfriend, Michelle, who was a year younger than me. And, her husband, Tom was a year older than me. They had been going together while Michelle and I were dating during my senior year in high school.

Jackie was a smart girl. Honor Roll most of her high school years and graduated pretty high in her class. After high school, I know that she had attended one of the universities and had graduated with a degree in education. Guess that degree wasn’t going to get put to any practical use. Tom was a nice guy, and had been drafted and served two years in the Army. Fortunately, he avoided Vietnam, and spent most of his time in Germany. The four of us would occasionally go out together. They got married just last year.

The store was in a pretty poor location, as far as being able to attract random ‘foot traffic’. It sat behind an existing store, which faced the main street. The only access to their store was from a side door, and the only way that you would know it existed was the name of the store on the door. It did have a backdoor that faced the alley, but, nobody walked through the alley.

Going down the long hallway and opening the final door, I heard a soft bell as the door clipped a hanging bell, signaling that someone had entered the store.

“Be with you in a second,” I heard from the back room.

“No problem. I’ll just look around.”

The inside of the store had a warm, relaxed, comfortable feeling, and was softly lit. It was probably twenty foot by twenty foot, with an open area in the center. Shelves of various vitamins and health stuff on threes walls. In the center side sat a sofa. In front of the sofa sat a slightly used coffee table with an incense burner. A couple of end tables with a couple of small lamps sat alongside the sofa. A soft piano melody played in the background over their sound system.

It was clean and orderly. You could tell that they had put most of their money into their products, but, tried to make the rest of the store warm and inviting.

“So, how can I help you?”

I turned, expecting to see Jackie.

Instead of the dark haired Jackie, I was facing a blonde… Michelle. We stood there and stared at each other, not completely sure of what our senses were telling us. But, looking at her eyes… I was certain in an instant.


The Michelle I knew in high school was about five foot six maybe 115 pounds, with light brown hair in a pixie cut that framed her face. Some girls can be best described as beautiful, pretty, cute, or plain. I would put Michelle as between pretty and cute. And then there were those full ‘B’ cup breasts.

It had been around two and a half years, since I last saw her.

The Michelle that stood in front of me was now blonde and a bit heavier, but not too much. She was still attractive. Her blonde hair was up in a casual ponytail. Her breasts seemed fuller than I remembered. But, she still had the same gentle smile that I loved so much.

She was dressed simply. A lose button-down white blouse and a pair of modest dark blue lose shorts. The fact that she was barefoot, I thought was a bit strange, but, it kind of fit with the casual atmosphere of the store.

I had not heard very much about her after she broke up with me. I suppose I could have; but, what was the point? I wasn’t a stalker and I knew that she had taken me out of her life, for whatever reason.

We had gone together all during my senior year in high school, and into my freshman and sophomore years at college. The fact that my school was at the other end of the state, meant that I was only home during the holidays and over the summer. We had each other’s class ring. Michelle wore mine around her neck and I wore hers on the little finger of my left hand. Our plan was to stay together throughout my four years at school. To stay true and loyal to one another.

I did. At times it was difficult. But, then like I mentioned earlier, I was not a social butterfly. I was not good at meeting new people, especially girls. And girls in engineering classes were non-existent.

All that time away at school, I didn’t know what Michelle did as far as school dances: Homecoming and Prom. It was never discussed. If she had gone, just for the sake of going, I probably would have been fine with that. I mean we had attended each of those together my senior year, so at least she had the opportunity to experience each. She never volunteered any information and I never thought to asked. Don’t know why, just didn’t.

The way my school year was situated, I was not able to attend her graduation. That first summer, we tried to make up for lost time and did what horny teenaged couples did… we made out. We groped. We fondled. I never really saw her totally naked, just topless with her shorts pooled at her ankles as she laid across my lap in the front seat of my car. And then, only in the dim light of the car dashboard and radio, when we were parked on some back country road and doing our thing.

We never did the deed. I was terrified of having an accident and Michelle winding up pregnant. That would end my schooling and my dream to be the first one in my family to graduate from college with a four year degree and become a mechanical engineer that I had dreamed of.

While condoms were available from vending machines in the men’s room of many local taverns, they were deemed unreliable, as a few high schoolers discovered. The only reliable ones came directly from the local pharmacy, through the pharmacist. And, I definitely wasn’t going there. So, we did what we could. Michelle was introduced to the art of the hand-job, and me with her clit, and that sensitive, and lovely spot inside of her. At the time neither of knew what it was called, she just told me that it felt really good when I had my fingers inside of her… the elusive g-spot.

After Michelle graduated, she took a job in a neighboring town, for a small machine shop, as an office secretary. I mean, girls who didn’t go to college, that’s what they generally did. Remember, it was the early 70’s.

We made it through the summers between my freshman and sophomore years. Made it through my sophomore year while back at school.

There was one weekend in February, during my sophomore year, where Michelle took the bus down and visited me Friday and Saturday. It was a weekend that horny teenage guys dream of.

I had a motel room reserved for Friday and Saturday night. I couldn’t spend the night Friday night, as I had an 8:00 class, with an exam, the next morning. Back then, due to the high student volume, everybody was required to take either an evening class during the week, or a Saturday morning class. Plus, it was a 45 minute walk back to the campus.

Our clothes were off 30 seconds after entering the room, and we devoured each other’s body. I don’t know if Michelle thought that we would consummate our relationship that weekend, or not. We didn’t. I don’t know why. I mean, it was a college town. I suppose, if I had looked, I could have found some reliable condoms. Just didn’t. I think the threat of an accident occurring weighed heavily on me.

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