Seamed stockings

An adult stories – Seamed stockings by jmm999,jmm999 British English spelling and grammar.

Seamed stockings

“Best of luck today darling; you look wonderful.” said Adam, giving her a hug.

Rachel regarded herself in the hallway mirror. Not too shabby for late forties. The grey cashmere sweater was a present from better times when they’d had more money. It clung to her shapely breasts and waist. Her skirt was navy blue and pleated. Getting on a bit now, but it was always in style. Black tights and navy blue shoes.

“I got you a present.” said Adam.

“We can’t afford presents.”

Then she saw what he’d bought. Black seamed stockings.

“What’s this about? The tights look fine.”

“It’s not about how you look. You wore seamed stockings on our first date; though I didn’t know it at the time. And you wore them again when we applied for our first mortgage. You said they made you feel powerful and brought you good luck. You needed a suspender belt in those days, but these are hold-ups.”

“We may need this job, but I hadn’t planned on flashing to get it. We’re not that desperate.”

“Not yet we aren’t.”

She stepped out of her shoes, pulled off the tights and put on the stockings.

“Nobody has to see, but during the interview you’ll know.”

“Let’s hope you’re right.”

“I’m proud of you anyway for getting this far. No pressure, you just go and enjoy yourself.”

Sitting on the bus, Rachel knew Adam was being supportive when he said no pressure. There was; and it was getting worse. She was taking the bus because they’d sold her car, rather than remortgage. The job market beckoned again, after years as a housewife.

In the early days of their marriage, Adam had been earning well at Clarksons, and they both preferred Rachel being the homemaker. But now Clarksons was suffering in the recession. Last year there had been no cost of living pay rises. Vacancies were left empty, and there was a ban on promotions. And despite all Adam’s unpaid overtime, the redundancy threat was looming.

This was the twelfth job she’d applied for but her first interview. She’d been after secretarial positions for many months, but they were few and far between. Today’s company was not big, but was doing well against the downward trend. She would be seeing the Managing Director, and Human Resources Manager.

As she entered the meeting room, they both looked very young for such positions. They were friendly and informal. Rachel thought Adam was right about the stockings. She felt very ‘I know something you don’t know’. She crossed her legs, though didn’t flash. She didn’t relax till she was on the bus home, when Adam’s comment suddenly resurfaced. She had said they weren’t that desperate. He had replied ‘Not yet we aren’t.’ Did he mean there might come a time when they were that desperate?

“So how did it go?”

“If the top six directors can gangbang my arse twice a week, the job is mine! I said I’d better check with you first!”

His jaw dropped, and she laughed.

“You should see your face! Sorry, they said they’ll let me know. It was rather non-committal. ”

“But what do you think?”

“It’s difficult to tell. The Sales Manager I’d be secretary to, wasn’t present, just the MD and Personnel Manager. I’ll only meet my boss, if I get a second interview.”

Four days later, there was an envelope on the doormat.

“I’ve got a second interview, Friday afternoon.”


“This will be with the Sales Manager, his name is Kris. But I must ask you something. When I said we weren’t desperate enough for flashing, you said ‘Not yet.’ Was it a joke?”

He held her hands.

“At the moment Rachel, it’s a joke. But we’ve cut back everywhere we can, and reached the stage where we both need to work. So, let me say I love you and we’ll get through this. But we know sex and love is not the same thing. So the bottom line is: don’t tell me, and I won’t ask.”

“I see.”

“Clarksons are bidding for a big job,” he continued, “and will start getting back on their feet if they win it. But if they don’t, they’ll be calling for volunteer redundancies. My computer skills are aligned precisely to their requirements, which is both good and bad. On the one hand I should theoretically be the one of the last to go. But on the other, I’ll struggle to fit in anywhere else.”

Rachel was waiting in Reception for the second time. Kris, the Sales Manager, was running late. She was just considering a quick trip to the loo, when he rushed in.

“Mrs Nicholls? So sorry, I’m still waiting for a call from Germany. You’re the last one I have to see. Would you like to reschedule?”

“I’m here now; I might as well hang on.”

“I worry I’m making you late, but would prefer to get this sorted before the weekend.”

“I’ll wait then.”

And she knew that was the right answer.

“Excellent.” he turned to the girl on reception.

“Sonia, get Mrs Nicholls a coffee, would you?”

As he rushed out, Rachel looked at Sonia and smiled.

“Skip the coffee thanks. What I need is the loo.”

While she was in the Ladies’ she checked her seams were straight and wondered if she should flash him.

“At last, Mrs Nicholls, sorry it’s so late.”

“If it’s ok, I prefer Rachel.”

“Rachel it is. We’re pretty informal here so call me Kris. Thank you for being so patient.”

It went well. He kept looking at her hair. It was brown, and she wore it in waves to the shoulders. Adam said it looked a bit 1950s, but she preferred to think of it as retro. And Kris was making little effort to disguise his appraisal of her legs. The stockings were working their magic.

He made it clear he was less concerned with her keyboard speed and more interested in accuracy, and how she would fit in with the team. Although she would officially be his secretary, any member of his sales team would give her work. She’d be expected to stay late when necessary. But, if things were slack, it would be all right if she knocked off early, or took longer lunchbreaks.

As the interview wound down, Rachel was feeling upbeat. Inevitably, they got round to ‘Do you have any questions?’ She’d always been advised to ask a question at this stage, and could think of two.

“May I ask how come you’re hiring staff, when so many other firms are laying people off?”

“Good question. Strictly speaking, we’re not. We have five main departments which had a secretary each. But we needed to cut that to four; who will be shared. We asked for volunteer redundancies, and were surprised to get two. One was my secretary and now we’re one short! Sales department is biggest, so you won’t often get shared.”

“Good. And how many other candidates I’m up against?”

His response surprised her.

“I shouldn’t really tell you. How did you get here today?”

“By bus.”

“It’s getting late now and the buses will be full. I’ll give you a lift home. Your CV says Chestnut Avenue, is that right?”


“Well once I’m out of the office, I might be able to give you more information.”

They set off.

“Does the company have a dress code? I’d like to know if my image fits.”

She was proud of the ‘my’, it projected her into the job.

“We prefer skirts, like you’re wearing today. We pretend we’re too modern for an official dress code. But customers often visit our offices, and can wander around and check our set-up. So in effect, any one of us might be on show.”

“So these clothes are suitable for my position?”

There, she’d put herself into the job again!

“Yes. Let me tell you what I don’t like. Female candidates who wear pretty skirts at the interview, flash their knickers, and then slop around in jeans and T-shirts on the job. You look perfect; understated glamour.”

“Thank you.”

She crossed her legs. It was becoming a habit, and giving her a tingle somewhere above the seamed stockings.

“You asked how many you’re up against.” he continued.

“Yes. But I wouldn’t want to get you into trouble.”

“Ha! Getting me into trouble might be a good move!”

Kris pulled into the free carpark by the library. It had closed, but its carpark was not locked until ten. This time of day it was empty. He parked the Audi under a tree. When they were stationary, he leaned over to the back seat.

His armpit was inches from Rachel’s face, as he stretched. He smelled of old deodorant and sweat. The atmosphere was heavy with anticipation. Kris retrieved his briefcase and extracted two documents. Then turned on the interior light and passed them to her. They were employment contracts; identical except for the names at the top. One said Rachel Nicholls and the other said Judith Greene.

“There was a third candidate for second interview, but I’ve rejected her; baggy trousers and pink hair. After Ms Greene’s interview this morning, she was informed I will telephone her on Monday, either way. Now sign and date yours at the bottom. Here, rest it on the briefcase.”

Rachel signed, acutely aware of the space for his signature under hers.

“You’re holding two contracts, one of which will be co-signed by me. Ms Greene is younger than you, and has more up-to-date work experience. But I have reservations about her as a team player. Higher management will expect me to choose her. But if I don’t, I’ll say I think you’ll fit in with the team better. Whoever I choose, they will keep an eye on that person for a while. All you have to do is show you are a team player.”

“How so I do that?”

As if she couldn’t guess. Her panties were damp and she expected to be asked to take them off.

“Think in terms of you getting what you want, and me getting what I want. I find you attractive Rachel, and there’s nothing wrong in preferring attractive people on my team. So, it’s time for you to make your decision. Put these contracts on the back seat, and I’ll take you home. I’ll phone you Monday and let you know my decision. Or, give me a blowjob, then rip up Ms Greene’s contract. For the record, I did not make her this offer.”

“And then I have to give you regular blowjobs at work.”

“No, it’s been a long day. This is a one-off deal.”

Rachel unzipped him.

He put one hand under her chin and kissed her, and she kissed him back. Part of her felt like a teenager again, making out in a car. Though encounters in her youth had been on the back seat. Here, in the front, a blowjob was all they could manage.

Their tongues tangled and her mouth filled with saliva. She wasn’t sure if it was hers or his. Kris’s hand squeezed one breast, and slipped down to her waist. Rachel held her breath as it continued its journey to the hem of her skirt. He was about to discover her stockings. She didn’t care, in that moment she would let him do anything. At last she got her own hand into his boxers. His penis was erect and warm. His hand slid up her skirt and he moaned into her mouth as it found her stocking tops. He paused for a moment as he crossed the line from nylon to flesh. Their tongues tangled with more urgency now, and it was Rachel’s turn to moan as Kris fondled her. His fingers were thrusting inside her, so he would be going home carrying the scent of her juices. She lifted her hips to allow him to remove her panties, but he stopped; just the blowjob then.

He removed his hand and sat back; turned off the interior light and unbuckled his belt. Then he pushed his trousers and pants down to his knees. His erection sprang up and, after a quick look round to confirm the carpark was still empty, Rachel lowered her head. She started with little butterfly kisses all around the uncircumcised head and he sighed. It looked enticing in the light of the library’s arcs. She opened her mouth and took it in, pushing the foreskin back with her lips. It tasted a bit stale, but that was to be expected after a long day. Rachel knew most men only gave it a shake after peeing. On occasions, she’d sucked Adam off as soon as he’d arrived home, and this was no worse.

And she thought about Adam. This was not cheating. Kris might not know it, but she would do more than suck him off to get this job. Her left hand cupped his testicles and gave them a scratch. Her right gripped the shaft of his penis and she sucked it all in. He didn’t speak, and she soon had her nose touching his pubic hair. Rachel didn’t need to be told she was good at this; Adam loved oral. Kris’s was the first penis she’d had in her mouth for many years and the excitement of what they were doing was bringing her close to orgasm. She thought the juices in her undies, might seeping through to her skirt.

As he ejaculated, he leaned back and laced his fingers behind his head. Rachel made sure his semen stayed in her mouth, before swallowing. She loved the taste of cum, and often missed out on the taste when it shot directly into her throat. She swirled it around relishing the salty, slightly soapy, flavour before gulping it down. Finally, she lifted her head, gripped his penis with thumb and forefinger, squeezed it from testicles to head, and licked off the last drop.

“I’ll call you Monday to confirm,” Kris said, “and you can start on the first of next month.”

But Rachel wasn’t listening; she was busy tearing up Judith Greene’s contract into small pieces.

“By the way, the contract includes something you might not have noticed.” he said, as they drove out of the carpark. “During the first three months probationary period, either party can call it a day by giving a week’s notice. I have to review your performance at the end of each month, and report back up the chain.”

“I did see that.”

“Good. But what you might not have noticed; is there is a five percent payrise after month three.”


She went in, and Adam was waiting.

“You’re a bit late — any problems?”

“No, Kris was running late. He offered to reschedule, but I thought I should show willing and wait.”

“Quite right; so, how did it go?”

“He’ll call me Monday, but I think I’ve got it!”

“That’s fantastic!” shouted Adam. “Well done you! I’ll open that bottle of Vintage red we kept!”

“No, leave it till Monday just in case.”

He grabbed her and kissed her. Rachel was concerned he might get a taste of Kris, but he didn’t notice anything.

“My clever, sexy wife.” he said.

He pulled her closer and ran his hands up the back of her skirt, squeezing her buttocks. She worried he might find out how wet she was. He’d said she could do what was necessary, but there was no point in him finding out yet.

“Did you flash your undies?” he asked.

She stepped back, raising her right hand, courtroom style.

“I swear. He has not set eyes on these panties! Now I’m going up to the bathroom to take the filthy things off. I’ll have to wring out the worst of my juices, and half a pint of his cum, before they go in the wash! Then, after dinner, I’ll fuck your brains out; see if you’re as good as Kris. OK?”

He laughed.

“Well if we can’t celebrate with wine yet, I fancy some dark place action tonight!”

They both enjoyed anal sex but Rachel had told him the term browneye was unpleasant, so he always referred to it as her dark place; it sounded more mysterious.

“Down boy!” she said. “You can have all the dark you can handle later. I’m starving.”

In the bathroom, she wiped herself, using three handfuls of tissue. Rachel had surprised herself today. At the back of her mind she’d always thought she might have sex to get the job, but hadn’t expected to enjoy it so much. She dropped her knickers in the laundry basket. The mood Adam was in, there was no point putting any more on.

That night they made love for the first time in weeks. The pressure of Adam’s job uncertainty was diminishing his sex drive. She was surprised how wet she still was the moment he began. She especially enjoyed Adam’s excitement; happy he was back on form.

Rachel’s first day at work was mostly orientation and meeting colleagues. It was black seamed stockings all the way now – she was scared that tights might break the spell. Kris wasn’t in, so there was little ‘real’ work to do.

On Tuesday, she got into the swing of things. Contracts needed accuracy and she often found herself standing at Kris’s shoulder, while he checked her work. But there were no further sexual moves. She wasn’t sure if she was relieved or disappointed. The following week he remarked: “Another few checks and we can stop doing this. You’re picking it up really quickly.”

But a few days before her first review, he called her into his office. There was a glass wall, so anyone could look in. He told her to come and stand at his shoulder. She leaned over to look at the quotation she’d just completed.

“What’s this?”

She saw it as soon as he pointed. It said 100,000 items instead of 10,000 – for the same price.

“Oh God, I’m so sorry.”

She was about to stand upright when she felt his hand slide up the back of one leg.

“Stay where you are. To present a buyer with a contract bid that has spelling errors, even a typo, reflects badly on us. But to add an extra zero, is disastrous. If this had been signed, it could have cost us thousands of pounds. Not the kind of amount we could stop out of your wages, even if you did keep your job!”

All the time he was speaking, his hand ran up the back of her thigh until it wedged between them. She thought it prudent to remain silent, and opened her legs as he pinched her through her panties. They were facing the door, but anyone glancing in would not notice. His hand grasped one thigh hard, and his forefinger scratched at her panties. He pushed the material deep into her vagina.

Rachel knew her face must be red, and felt that same excitement she’d experienced in the library carpark. She was being used again, and part of the thrill was not being able to do anything about it.

“I did make it clear that you should get the guys to give their quotations the once over before sending them for signing. They have a vested interest in ensuring everything is correct. I shouldn’t have to check details, only sign.”

“Yes Kris.”

He continued his attentions above her stockings, pulling the gusset out of her vagina and pushing the elastic to one side. He roughly slid two fingers into her. Rachel found she enjoyed the humiliation but was mortified at the squelching noises. He finished with a squeeze which made her flinch. Then he told her to sit in her usual chair, facing him.

“My contract requires me to report to the MD, any mistakes you make in your probationary period. If I tell him about this, he’ll extend it to a fourth month, and he will sitt in on your reviews. But if I don’t, I run the risk he’ll find out. Also, there will be hints that I chose the wrong candidate.”

“I understand.”

“For the remainder of your trial period, you will wear no panties. When sitting there, occasionally you will raise one knee, and cross and uncross your legs, showing me your cunt. Your back is to the door, so no-one will notice. Wearing panties will indicate you’re having your period. Clearly you need further checking. So when you show me your work, you will stand at my shoulder and expect my hand up your skirt. Opening your thighs is considered good teamwork.”

“I understand.”

“Finally, book a double room at The Castle Hotel for this Friday; we have an account there. In fact, make it for the last Friday of each of the next three months. Tell your husband you have to attend a series of sales seminars to familiarise yourself with our procedures. And socialising in the bar is part of the teamwork, so you’ll be staying overnight. When we are there, you will demonstrate your teamwork skills. I’ll require more than a blowjob.”

“Of course.”

“Now go and retype that quotation.”

“Good day?” asked Adam.

“Not really.”

She described the error, but not the groping.

“They got it corrected in time though?”

“Yes. But Kris thinks I’ll gain more experience, if I attend their sales seminars; I’ll be away one Friday night a month.”

She didn’t specify how many months.

“You’ll stay all night?”

“Yes. Drinks, in the bar afterwards are considered good for team-building. I’ll have my own room of course.”

“No problem.”

The flashing and groping continued for the rest of that week. Rachel more than a little turned on, when Kris blatantly licked his fingers after they’d been inside her. She quite liked the idea of licking them herself. She started to turn her more modest skirts at the waistband to shorten them. That was after she arrived at work, when she had to visit the toilets anyway, to remove her panties. As for the seminars, the Castle Hotel was on the far side of the city, where she was unlikely to run across anyone she or Adam knew.

That first Friday night, to be safe, the room was registered in Rachel’s name, just in case Adam tried to contact her. He didn’t know Kris’ surname. At dinner, she was trembling with anticipation; enjoying not being in control.

“Apart from that one glitch, you’ve done well. I hope you learned a lesson.”

“I did.” agreed Rachel.

“Good, back to our room now.”

There he removed trousers and boxers half way to the bed, and pushed her roughly onto it.

“Hold it open for me.” he ordered.

She shoved his thumbs into her crotch and pulled her vulva open. He dived in and licked her clitoris, and wriggled his tongue inside her. Just as she was about to climax, he withdrew. Then thrust two fingers into her and transferred them to her mouth and she licked him clean.

“Open up again. It’s time for the main event.”

Rachel lifted her knees back to her shoulders. In her overnight bag, there was plenty of anal lubricant. She hoped she’d have time to apply it if that’s what Kris wanted… demanded. He pounded into her cunt with aggression, then bent his face to hers and kissed her. She tasted her secretions again on his lips. The tonguing triggered his climax and he shot his semen inside her. Rachel felt disappointed. A dozen pushes and it was all over. His cum oozed out onto her skirt and she thought next time she’d try to take it off. Never mind, it would rinse out and dry overnight.

“You’re probably thinking that was too quick but I make no apologies, I’m a repeater. I’ll be ready again in less than ten minutes, and the next one will take much longer.”

“Now go to the bathroom and douche. Keep the skirt and stockings on”

“I am on the pill.”

“But I might want to go down on you again. And I don’t want to taste my own cum!”

She returned and he insisted on checking her.

“There’s a damp stain on one of your stockings your skirt is thick with it. Leave it like that; it suits your new status.”

A cursory lick and he fucked her again; this time Rachel climaxed with him. He took great delight in making her squeeze his ejaculate out of her cunt, onto the same wet patch. Then she had to rub it in. She stood and looked at it in the mirror. There was dark area on the back. Anybody seeing it would know it was either from sex, or she’d peed herself.

“Time for Round Three!” he announced.

This time he was even rougher, but avoided marking her anywhere except the nipples. He fucked her again before Saturday breakfast. Rachel’s nipples were still painful when she went home, but she enjoyed the sensation. She just felt disappointed he hadn’t demanded anal.

Rachel and Adam were having lunch.

“How was last night’s seminar?” he asked.

“It was ok.”

“Any mention of your mistake?”

“No. He never said a word.”

“He? I thought the whole sales team were there.”

“They were. But they’ve taken a vow of silence. Only Kris would be allowed to bring it up, and he didn’t.”

“Not really appropriate while we’re drinking this,” he said, “but Clarksons did not nail that big deal. There was a meeting today with all the managers and there will be redundancies next month. They’re encouraging anybody who can find a new job – to go. Not a chance I can, but I have been looking. They’ll review it again in the new year.”

“What are your chances, realistically?” asked Rachel. “You are management after all.”

“That worsens my chances. Businesses’ greatest expense is salaries, and redundancy payments only cost in the short term. Middle management is the first target. My special skills will keep me there for a while. But if things get worse, they won’t need them. Good thing you’re earning now.”

Monday morning, when she emerged pantieless from the toilets, Rachel wondered if things would be different now they’d had full sex. She was also thinking about the humiliation aspects of what she’d been through. But it excited her; losing control was scary, and very sexy. As she crossed the sales offic, the atmosphere was electric. Everyone was white faced, and Kris was blazing.

“My office! Now!”

The salesmen looked down at their desks; except for Nick, who glared at her. She closed the office door.

“Our quotation for the German contract, with the extra fucking zero, went out to the fucking customer!” he roared. “They’ve just opened the sealed bids. Luckily, they spotted our mistake and told us.”

“What? But I corrected it.”

“No doubt, but you didn’t destroy the incorrect one, did you?” he shouted. “And your job description clearly states that is your responsibility. The post clerk must have picked up the wrong one and mailed it.”

“But that’s not my fault. I put the right one on your desk. I’m not responsible for ensuring you post it.”

“Sit down and listen. No, you’re not entirely to blame, it is my responsibility. But the director doesn’t care who made the mistake; we’re a team. None of this would have happened if you hadn’t mistyped it in the first place. And you should certainly have destroyed it immediately.”

“I’m so sorry. What happens now?”

“If I go to our director and tell him what’s happened, he’ll see the date on that contract. And the first thing he’ll demand to know is why it wasn’t reported on your November appraisal. I’ll be in the shit far worse than you!”

She felt tears welling up.

“Will it really cost us thousands?”

“Doubtful. The customer is not stupid. He knows it’s an error. But he’s laughing at us. It would have been better if we’d just lost the contract to a rival, but with the right figures we’ve probably won it. Now I have to find a way to swing it without the MD finding out. If this ever went public, it would be all over the industry. We’d be a laughing stock, and lost business will cost us thousands.”

“What can I do?”

Kris told her.

She told Adam that evening, reminding him of her original mistake and that her job was now in jeopardy.

“That sounds serious.”

“At the correct price, our bid is attractive. Two Germans are flying in tomorrow and we’re putting them in a five star hotel. Their contracts manager should be the only one to come, but they’re milking it. We also have to accommodate the salesman who put the deal together with our guy.”

“Go on.”

“We’ve booked them into The Regent and will join them for lunch and drinks. In the evening, we buy them dinner, and take them to a nightclub or something. Officially, it’s an opportunity for all parties to meet face to face. They want to check out our offices and warehouse facilities next morning, and we hope they’ll sign the contract then.”

“So you have to stop overnight too?”

“Yes. They want to meet who made the error, so Kris and I are more or less at their beck and call. We’re booked into the Regent. I’ll take overnight stuff, and a change of clothes.”

Adam made no comment as to what extent Rachel might be at their beck and call. But she knew he was thinking about it. They both knew her salary was even more important now, so she was confident he wouldn’t ask. They finished dinner on a brighter note, but the atmosphere felt strained. And when they went to bed, she said she fancied anal sex, thinking she’d better get some practice in. Who knew what it would take to keep a German happy?

Next morning at work they were ready to go to the airport. In the carpark, Rachel’s overnight bag was taken by Nick.

“You’re travelling with me.” he said. “Kris has borrowed the boss’s Merc and will collect their contracts manager. I’m in his Audi, and we’re taking my opposite number. Hopefully the German cars will impress. Sit in the front.”

She thought he sounded like Kris, dishing out orders. But after all, it was his contract she’d got wrong. They arrived at the airport and Kris waved and went inside. Rachel undid her seatbelt.

“We don’t go in, but you can leave your seatbelt undone. I want a blowjob; you have a sexy mouth and should show me you’re sorry for nearly fucking up my biggest contract. Kris only had to sign it, I put in sixteen hour days on that.”

“Does Kris know about this?”

“What do you think? He told us to wait here didn’t he?”

He was smaller than Kris and less hairy; with a handsome circumcised penis, which looked and smelled freshly washed. Rachel was pleasantly surprised to find it tasted slightly of shower gel. She bent to her task, and liked the feeling of his dick throbbing inside her cheeks. She sucked him in, cupped his balls, and grasped the base of his penis firmly. Soon she got into a rhythm. As he unloaded, she drank it down, avoiding spillages. The experience made her vagina wet, and she wished she was wearing panties to absorb some of it. But Kris had insisted she remain undie-less all day.

They checked in. Rachel was openly sharing with Kris. The other three had a room each. At lunch, the Germans spoke English, and she lost count of the number of times she said ‘Sorry’. Nick’s opposite number was Karl, and his manager was Gunther, who was fat and ugly. He whispered to her: “We all make mistakes. The important thing is we learn from them.”

She shuddered. But felt that familiar tingle again. The thought of having to succumb to such a gross man was exciting. When they’d eaten, they went to the bar. Rachel ensured she sat next to Gunther.

“Once I have relaxed from the flight, we put this mistake behind us. You must come to my room. Help me relax.”

“That will be my pleasure.”

He squeezed her thigh, then, Nick and Karl left to find a snooker room. Gunther’s hand moved higher. He was clearly delighted with her lack of underwear, pushing his fingers in her vagina with one hand, and draining his lager with the other. Then he stood up and did a dramatic stretch.

“I will go and rest now.” he announced.

“Let me show you to your room.” offered Rachel.

Once in his room, there was no pretence at subtlety. Rachel didn’t care. She wasn’t there to be seduced. Gunther stood her in front of the mirror and watched their reflections as he cupped her breasts. He removed her shirt and pinched her nipples hard. She groaned; it was painful but she laid her head back against his shoulder.

“You are a very bad girl Rachel.”

“I’ll try to be good for you, Gunther.”

He lifted her skirt, displaying her naked charms, and thrust two fingers in. Once they were soaked, he transferred them to her anus.

“Bad girls give me this hole also. You call it shitter?”

“My shitter is all yours.”

Rachel was hamming it up, but feeling horny. She was in a vulnerable position again, and loving it. He removed his fingers from her anus and raised them to her face. She grabbed his wrist and sucked them clean. The taste was not pleasant. But she could imagine doing this filthy stuff again – only not with Adam. This emerging side of her personality could only be enacted with strangers.

Gunther stood back and took off his clothes. Rachel did likewise, except for the seamed stockings. She turned and reached for his penis, then groaned inwardly. She’d seen her fair share of porn, but Gunther’s cock was alarmingly big, and very hairy like the rest of him.

“I knew you would like my grosse schwanz,” he boasted, “but I need a piss first. Come to the bathroom with me.”

He forced her to the bathroom floor and she took half his cock into her mouth. She could barely get her lips round it, and couldn’t imagine what damage it would do to her ‘shitter’.

“Now, be a good whore and hold it for me.”

Rachel pointed it over the toilet bowl and he let go a stream of piss. The last few drops dribbled over her knuckles. She had no doubt he would make her lick it off. So she did it without being told. Then looked up and returned his grosse schwanz to her mouth. He held her head in place.

“Oh, I have a little more.”

He pissed again, straight down her throat. Rachel breathed steadily through her nose and swallowed it all.

When he’d finished, Gunther took her to the bed, laid her on top of it, thumbed open her vulva, and entered her roughly, fucking her hard. Somewhere between the bathroom and the bed, he’d got hard. He clearly liked talking and wanted his words to humiliate.

“Is your dirty cunt enjoying this?”

“My dirty cunt loves it; it’s the best cock I’ve ever had!”

Actually it was. His length and girth was uncomfortable, but she was accommodating it without too much trouble; her wetness helped. But she still faced anal sex with trepidation.

He went at it harder, and leaned forward and kissed her, shoving his tongue into her mouth. Rachel felt her climax approaching. He seemed to be on the verge of withdrawing, so she gripped his buttocks; pulling him all the way in. He was a disgusting hairy beast, but gave her the most intense orgasm. It was partly because of his size; but more because she was revelling in her own whorish behaviour. Her eyes squeezed shut and her lips pulled back in a grimace of pain. She cried ‘Nng! Nng!’ and collapsed.

Gunther pushed himself up; he hadn’t cum.

“Will you tell your husband what you did?”

She didn’t like his mentioning Adam, and quickly changed the subject.

“I’m your whore. You are my stud!”

“What is stud?”

“You’re my big beautiful horse!”

He laughed.

“Your cunt nakes my dick wet. What will you do?”

“I will clean it of course.”

He pulled it out with a plop and straddled her chest. She raised her head and took him in, sucking enthusiastically. Gunther face-fucked her roughly and Rachel hoped he would ejaculate. She really wanted to taste his cum properly.

“Enough! It’s wet enough for your shitter now.”

She’d had the foresight to lubricate herself during lunch.

Gunther turned her over onto her knees, dragged her buttocks apart and plunged in. Adam like anal sex face to face, but this German just wanted her like a dog. His fingers had removed most of the lube, and she screamed, mostly with pleasure. He laughed again and pushed her face into the pillow. Rachel struggled to breathe. He ploughed into her bowels for another five minutes. At last she managed to lift her head. Her screams had become grunts. And the sensation had becone pure enjoyment. Her grunts became language; she was shouting ‘Yes! Yes!’

At last, Gunther yanked it out.

“Your shitter is big now. I think you do this all the time. Turn over again.”

Rachel rolled onto her back, automatically pulling her knees up to her shoulders and tugging her buttocks apart. It was worse with all his weight on her. Her knees, squashing her breasts into her ribcage, made it difficult to breathe again. Her arse was drier now, and she groaned loudly with every stroke. When she could stand it no more, she shrieked out loud. But not with pain; it was the mother and father of anal orgasms. That finally triggered his, and he exploded into her.

“You are a filthy whore Rachel. I’ll be ready again soon. As I have been so nice to your ass, you must be nice to mine. Lick it!”

“I will, but please let me use the bathroom first.”

She took her handbag and, after washing away the worst of the mess, she reapplied some lubricant.

Back in the bedroom, he was now on his back; his filthy cock still pointing at the ceiling.

“You all clean?” he sneered. “Now it’s my turn.”

Rachel lowered her mouth over his foul dick. It was covered in cum and smears. Ok, she had sucked shit from his fingers, but this was far worse – or better depending on your viewpoint. She took a deep breath and enveloped as much meat as she could with her mouth. Once she got going, the taste dissipated. By the time she was done, his dick was shiny and gleaming. Rachel felt proud of herself.

His powers of recovery were even more spectacular than Kris’s. He was hard again and pulled his thighs back.

“Now you must kiss me. He pulled his buttocks wide open, mimicking what she’d done for him. “Leck mich am arsch” he instructed. She didn’t need an interpreter for that. She laid her left arm behind his knees and pushed them back. Then squeezing his cock with her left hand, she held his buttocks open with her right and licked his anus.

“You are the filthiest whore I have ever fucked!”

“Thank you Gunther, I love your arse!”

“Lick your finger and push it in deep.”

Rachel complied with enthusiasm. She no longer gave a second thought to the humiliation; merely accepted this was a new and exciting side of her. She was going to love this next part and do a good job. She licked her index finger and slid up his arsch.

“Perfect!” he moaned, as she frigged it in and out. She removed it and studied its nasty smears. He raised his head to watch. Rachel lifted her head and stared at him from between his knees, then lifted her soiled finger to her mouth and shoved it in. It was clean when it came out. It was one thing to be forced to taste her own anal stains, but quite another to taste his. This was thrilling! She lowered her head again.

“You dirty whore!” he said.

Rachel laughed; some of the power now transferring to her.

“Sit on me now. It’s time for the big finish!”

Rachel’s cunt straddled Gunther and bounced up and down on his monster dick. He gazed at her breasts jiggling about, as she did all the work. Suddenly he pulled her head down. She thought he was about to kiss her, which would have been a surprise, but he just pulled her into the side of his neck and held her there; looking over her shoulder.

Then he stopped thrusting. With his hands still gripping her head, and pulling her hair, she wondered how he was managing to open her buttocks.

“I see you stretch her arsch for me boss!” said Karl.

“Welcome Karl.” said Gunther. “This dirty woman will love getting two holes filled! Won’t you Rachel?”

“Yes, I’m a dirty bitch. Fuck my shitter Karl, do it hard!”

As he thrust violently up her arse, Rachel thought he was not quite as big as Gunther, but who cared? He was just as rough, and rammed into her. The feeling of being penetrated by two men at once was a dream come true. After some initial discomfort, she found her rhythm.

At first they pistoned into her with alternate strokes. But as they picked up the pace, they started ramming in at the same time, jerking her whole body forward. Rachel yelped with every thrust, but not with pain. Just before they unloaded, she had the most intense double climax of her life. She was lost in her own world, knowing she must try this again.

They rolled apart and allowed her to go to the bathroom. When all the abused parts of her body were a little more presentable, not least her face, Rachel returned. Now tasting of hotel mouthwash, she approached the bed. She was at a crossroads. If she continued with this, she would be lost to the dark side for ever. It would mean a lifetime of trying to keep this side of her a secret from Adam. But, if she stopped now, she might just be able to retrieve something, if not her dignity. It was now or never. Shit or bust as they say.

“You remember how you helped me with my problem in the toilet?” said Gunther. “Well Karl has a problem too. But his is a shitter problem! Your fingers and mouth must help him now, and I will watch. You’ll need more mouthwash!”

“No, that’s enough, I’m going!”

They looked at each other and shrugged.

“We have a saying in England, gentlemen. ‘Leave them wanting more.’ You’ve had all you’re going to get on this visit; so be satisfied!”

“But we want you to come back for more, after dinner.”

She noticed it was ‘we want’ rather than ‘you must’.

“Are you not worried about the contract?” asked Gunther.

“I think I have done enough. You sign tomorrow, and I’m sure there will be times when you visit us again. And when we do meet, I will give you both even more!”

Rachel wondered if it was really over, and would she really do it again? She left.

Kris, still in the bar, got her a red wine.

“Good news and bad news Rachel.”

“Go on.”

“The good news is Nick got a peek at Karl’s phone. They’ve been told to sign tomorrow, so you don’t need to help Gunther ‘relax’ again. It’s over.”

Apparently he didn’t know she had helped both of them.

“And the bad news?”

“The office called again. Another customer has failed to re-sign, and we won’t feel the financial benefit of this German contract for several more months. We need to lose another secretary, and you were the last in.”

“I have to keep this job Kris.”

“I think the MD can be persuaded. I’ll show you how tonight in bed.”


That night, Kris fucked her three more times to demonstrate what the MD would also require; but no anal. After he’d drifted off to sleep, Rachel slipped out of bed and went to the bathroom, studying herself in the mirror. She was wearing a short see-through nightie, bought specially. She smiled at her reflection; not too shabby for late-forties. She pulled on an equally transparent robe and a fresh pair of seamed stockings. Then she crept down the corridor and knocked on Karl’s door. He opened it and grinned at her. She held up a tube of anal lubricant, and a bottle of mouthwash.

“Do you still have a problem?”


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