Second Chances

An adult stories – Second Chances by Regguy69,Regguy69 The wife screws up and asks for another chance.

A very short story that asks a complicated question.

I was floating in that warm comfortable zone halfway between sleeping and waking. Images of the erotic dream I had were floating into and out of my mind. I felt naughty to have been dreaming about Todd, my handsome young co-worker. I mean, I’m a married woman! A happily married woman! I squeezed my thighs together as I relived the feeling of his thick cock sliding into me. God, it was so real! I could feel my nipples growing hard as I remembered the massive orgasm he had given me.

Slowly I became aware of new noises that intruded on my sweet memories, forcing me to leave them behind. What the hell was that noise? My brain fought to sort reality from my dream world. Fuck! I don’t want to wake up! Why can’t I sleep a little longer and relive my erotic dream one more time? That fucking noise! What the hell was that …?

My eyes popped open and it all flooded back. I snapped my head to the side. OH MY GOD! NO! NO! NO! Please, God, it was a dream, a dream! Todd was sound asleep. His handsome young face was slack as he lightly snored, totally unaware of my panic.

I sat up and looked around the room. It took just seconds to recognize my hotel room. The empty wine bottle and two glasses were still on the little table beneath the mirror. Our clothes were strewn about the room as if they had been caught up in a whirlwind.

I lifted the sheet and slid out of bed. I was naked as I padded into the bathroom to find my robe. I flipped on the light and looked into the mirror. Guilt washed over me as I looked at my pitiful reflection. Makeup smeared, hair a mess, bloodshot eyes, it was the face of a shameful cheater. I burst into tears as I turned away from that awful woman in the mirror.

I cried for several minutes before I felt a gentle touch on my shoulder. I turned to see Todd’s handsome face, creased with concern. He pulled me into a hug and I cried harder.

“Hey, hey, it’s okay, Erin, … It’s okay,” he said as he patted me.

“No, it’s not! How could I have been so stupid? I’m married! Oh lord, what have I done?”

He patted me some more and hugged me tighter. “Look, we just got carried away. It wasn’t planned. It just happened. We can get past this, we just need a plan.”

“How? I cheated! How am I ever going to be able to face David again? It’s over! I’ve killed my marriage! All our hopes and dreams are gone forever!”

“Erin!” He shook me. “You’ve got to pull yourself together!”

I looked up at his angry face and then hung my head as I sobbed into his chest.

“Listen, you talked to David last night after dinner, right? He knew we had been together, as always. He knew we got the contract and we were going to hit the bar for a celebratory drink. Go check your phone, did you miss any calls?”

Still sniffling, I went and got my phone. “No calls.”

“Okay, it’s 7:00 now. Text him good morning and remind him what time the plane lands.”

“Yeah, okay, that’s what I usually do.”

I texted my husband and 30 seconds later he responded.

David- Okay, Babe, I’ll be there. Congratulations again! Love you!

Erin- Thank you! Love you too!

“There, you see, no need to panic, everything is going to be okay.”

I sagged down onto the bed, “God I hope so. I don’t know what I’d do if I lost him.”

Todd stepped up to me and pulled me against himself. My head pressed against his bare lower chest. He patted me a few times and then bent and kissed the top of my head.

“Don’t worry, he will never know. It will be our secret, I swear I’ll never tell anyone, I could never do anything like that to you, Erin.”

I sniffed a few more times and nodded my head in response.

Todd put a hand in my hair and hugged my head to his body. After a few seconds, he lightly chuckled. I looked up at him.

Grinning, he said, “We’re already guilty, there’s no reason we couldn’t have one last time together.”

I pushed him away. “Are you out of your fucking mind?” I yelled as I stood. “This,” I said gesturing at the shambles of my bed, this will never happen again!”

He backed away, raising his hands, “Sorry, sorry, I was just trying to be funny.”

“Sure you were,” I said while I glared at him. You need to get dressed and get out of here.”

I spun on my heel and went into the bathroom and locked the door. I showered and spent a great deal of time making sure there was not a trace of Todd anywhere on my body. As I dressed I checked myself in the mirror, looking for any marks that I might need to explain.

Todd and I rode to the airport together and were seated next to each other on the plane. We talked about the contract and the bonus it would earn each of us. After my outburst in the room, Todd was smart enough to not mention anything about our liaison. In fact, we never spoke of it again.


Twenty years later, David and I were cleaning up the last of the mess from our son, Martin’s high school graduation party. In a few short weeks, he would be off to college and we would be empty nesters. I crammed the last few dishes into the dishwasher and turned it on. When I stood up, David wrapped his arms around me and kissed me deeply.

“I love you, Baby. I’m looking forward to spending lots of “alone time” with you once we have the house to ourselves.”

I smiled at him and squeezed him tightly. “I’m going to hold you to that. In fact, Marty won’t be back home for a while, come with me.” I lead him upstairs to our bedroom.

Afterward, my loving husband quickly drifted off to sleep. As I lay in bed, my mind drifted back to the events of 20 years ago that nearly ended my marriage. I sucked in a breath as the guilt washed over me. It was painful, but not as painful as it was that afternoon when David picked me up at the airport.

I tried to act normal, but I couldn’t. Things were NOT normal. I had destroyed normal. I struggled to look my husband in the face. When we got home David carried my bag up to our room and I sat at the kitchen table. When he came back downstairs he sat down across from me.

“Okay, something’s wrong. You just landed a huge contract and you’re acting like our dog died, so tell me what happened.”

I began to cry, I fought it, but the tears came and soon I was sobbing. David pulled a chair up against mine and comforted me as best he could.

“I’m so sorry, It wasn’t planned, it just sort of happened,” I muttered between sobs.

David pulled back from me. “What happened? What are you saying, Erin?”

I sobbed harder, “After dinner, we went to the bar and had a few drinks. Todd asked for a bottle of wine, but I was already buzzed so I said I was heading back to my room. He said he’d escort me to the room and he brought the wine with him.

“Once we got to my room, he asked if I wanted a nightcap. I should have said no. I should have sent him away, but I was giddy from our big victory and a nightcap sounded good to me.

“I let him in and we started toasting each other. The next thing I knew the bottle was empty and we were kissing. I was drunk, but I was aware of what I was doing. The kissing got intense and we fell into bed.

“The next morning I was horrified by what I’d done. I cried and was nearly hysterical. Todd got me calmed down and he promised he’d never tell anyone about it. Technically, I’m his superior, if he tells HR, I’d be fired, but that was just an afterthought. My biggest concern was what I’d done to us, to our marriage. I was scared to death. I actually thought about not telling you.”

“You slept with Todd?”

“I’m so sorry, Baby! I swear it will never happen again. Please, Baby, I’m so sorry.”

“My god, Erin, how could you do something like that? I know you were drunk, but do you think he drugged you?”

“No, baby. I was drunk but I remember everything and it will haunt me forever. We both just lost control, It was stupid. I’m so sorry.

“Is this the first time? You know, the first time you and he …?”

“First and only! Just that one time, then we both passed out. Oh God, I’m so sorry.”

David sat back in his chair. “Jesus, Erin. I can’t believe you cheated on me. We’ve been talking about starting a family.”

Erin slipped off her chair and onto her knees, her head in David’s lap. She wailed loudly as she gripped his legs. “No God, No! Please don’t give up on us! I want to have your children, I want us to be a family, to stay together forever. Please, David, I’m begging you. Please!”

David patted her head and then slowly stood. “I need to think about this. I think you should go to your Mother’s.” He grabbed his keys and walked out the door.

I was devastated, the love of my life had just walked out on me and it was entirely my own fault. I called my mother and told her I was coming over. I repacked my bag and carried it out to my car.

“Oh my god, Erin! You didn’t! How could you let this Todd guy take advantage of you?”

“No Mom, it wasn’t like that. He was no more to blame than I was. It’s my own fault.”

“Jesus, Will he forgive you? He has to forgive you. It was one stupid mistake. He can’t divorce you over one stupid mistake.”

“I don’t know, Mom. I cheated, He has every right to be very angry with me. All I can do is beg him to give me a second chance.”

“He will, Baby, he loves you, he’ll give you another chance.”

“God, I hope so. I’m not sure I could do what I’m begging him to do. I mean, could you, Mom? Would you take Daddy back if he cheated?”

The two women stared at each other and then cried as they hugged one another.

It was five days before David called and asked Erin to come back home to talk. She was elated he had called, but worried about what he’d say. She sat at the kitchen table again, trembling in fear, with tears sliding down her face.

“Erin, I have given this a lot of thought. I talked to my Dad and he told me to search my heart and see if there was forgiveness there. Well, there is none …yet. I still love you, but it’s going to take us a long time to get past this.”

“Anything, I’ll do anything you want me to do. I’m so sorry, please give me a second chance.”

David held up his hand. “I believe this is the only time it has happened and you are truly sorry for what you did, but it’s going to be hard for me to trust you again. If I can’t bring myself to trust you again, we can’t stay married.”

Those words just crushed my soul. I sobbed uncontrollably.

“Erin, you fucked up and you know you fucked up. You probably could have hidden it from me, but you chose to confess your betrayal as soon as you got home. That decision to be honest with me about what you’d done buys you a tiny bit of trust. I am hoping we can build on that tiny bit of trust.”

His words slowly sank in, and my heart soared! “Does that mean, you’ll give me another chance?”

David opened his arms and I rushed to him. He held me as I sobbed tears of joy. I kissed his face. “Thank you, Baby. I swear I will never do anything to make you mistrust me. I love you with all my heart.”

It was a rough eighteen months that followed. I did everything I could to keep David happy with me. At work, Todd decided it would be best if he took a transfer and I think Dave was glad to know he had moved to another state.

Even though he had okayed me discontinuing my birth control, I was still nervous when I told David I was pregnant. I feared he might somehow think I got pregnant just to trap him in our marriage, but he was so excited about it, that I knew my fears were baseless.

Now our son is 18 and will soon head off to college. While I’m sad we weren’t able to have more children, I look forward to as much “alone time” as my husband can stand.


Sometimes we get a second chance in life. Erin was wise enough to make the most of that opportunity. She did what she could to reassure David and gradually he began to trust her again. As for myself, I’d like to think I could do what David did, but I hope I never have to. How about you? Do you believe in second chances?


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