Shirts vs. Skins by barkirk,barkirk

“Drew laughed, “I’d rather do you,” he said.

The girl laughed, “Do me? Not help me?” she shook her head and looked around. “First time you ever offered to help me. This,” she fingered the bra, “is just another piece of clothing. I’m still the same player, the same person.”

“I think it gave you an advantage,” Rob said as he came over. “Your tits were too distracting at times. Every time you ran or jumped they bounced all over the place and took away my concentration,” he said.

Sarah sighed, “This was a one-time thing. I’ll be back to wearing a sports bra and when I win you’ll have no excuse.”

Drew laughed, “I’ll tell you what. Rematch tomorrow…same bra, or type of bra. Same teams, ok? You beat us and we’ll not only lose the $10 stake, but we’ll also give you an added $50 from each of us.”

“What? Why? You just want to see my boobs?” she asked, “This sounds a bit too good to be true, what do we give you?”

“Not ‘we,'” he said, “you. You give each of us a blowjob if you lose,” he said, “You’ll strip down completely naked, and you’ll kneel right here,” he pointed to the lawn next to him, “and you’ll suck all 5 of us off.”

Sarah laughed, “Not a chance.” She looked at the 9 eager faces and felt something she’d never felt before. “Why now? We’ve been playing for years,” she looked at her bra-covered breasts,” I wear this and…”

Drew shook his head, “Up until last week, you were jailbait. We’ve always known you had tits, but now that you’re legal…”

She shook her head. This had never occurred to her. They’d always treated her like one of the guys. “Wait a minute, did you guys come up with this together? Larry, was this your idea?” She glared at her friends, “You know all of you would love to get me naked so I’d lose for sure,” she backed up and pulled on her tee-shirt.

Drew shook his head, “Nope. We’d wait until they’re gone so they don’t get even a peek, plus, they’d be $60 richer each.” He looked at his teammates, “But maybe Rob was right. She couldn’t beat us unless she was distracting us.”

“We can beat them, Sarah,” John said, “But, I’m only in if you play with this bra or one like it. I liked seeing your tits bouncing around but I could keep my head in the game, unlike these pussies. We can beat them,” he said firmly.

Sarah laughed, “You’re not the one that has to take their stinky, smelly penises in your mouth.”

“And neither will you,” Larry said, “We can beat them and I need the money.”

The girl looked at the guys who were all waiting for her to say yes.

“Unless you don’t know how,” Drew sneered.

“Of course, I know how,” she sighed. “ok. Tomorrow, 9 AM. One thing, please shower before playing, just in case,” she ordered.

That night, she pulled out her tablet and searched blowjobs. She found almost nothing which surprised her until she saw something called safesearch. Agreeing she was over 18, she gasped. There were thousands of videos showing girls, women, and men giving blowjobs.

She watched various ones before deciding to head to the kitchen. She found a carrot that seemed the diameter and shape of some of these penises she’d seen on the videos.

For no logical reason, she took off all her clothes and practiced stroking the carrot with her fist while sucking on the end. She couldn’t understand why she was getting wet between her legs while doing this. She was even more surprised to see it was after 1 AM.

‘It looks easy but why should I do with the goo they shoot out? Most girls showed it was in their mouths but then spit it out. Does it taste that bad?’ she thought as she fell asleep. Her dreams were filled with rigid shafts of flesh being pushed into her mouth.


“I told you so,” Sandra said happily as her daughter came into the kitchen. “Did the boys make any comments? Say how pretty you looked?” she asked.

“Sarah grabbed some toast, “Nothing. We were too focused on the game. We won 50 to 48,” she said happily. Today, she’d put on the even tinier pink shorts with a different white lacy bra over her tank top.

“Remember, you’re skins,” Drew said. I know it’s hot, but I want to see as much of you as I can before I get to see all of you.”

Sarah stripped off her shirt more quickly this time having resigned herself to showing a lot more than she was used to. This was a huge mistake as this bra was smaller and did not contain her boobs with any motion at all. Finally, she gave up, “Time out!” she said as she walked over to get water. The score was 24 – 20, their favor, but she was getting exhausted trying to keep her boobs in her bra. The boys all whopped every time she had an issue which at first she found mortifying but then somehow enjoyed the attention.

“Come on,” Drew moaned, “We were on a roll.”

Sarah started to head back to the court aware of her breasts bouncing as if there were no support at all. “Screw it!” she said as she reached behind her back, pulled off the bra then tossed it aside. She held her arms out to the side, “Ok, you’ve been seeing them all day anyhow.”

The final score was 50 to 38 as the boys never had a chance. Sarah ran off 22 straight points feeling like she was lighter. That flimsy bra unable to contain her boobs illogically made her feel restricted whereas her unfettered breasts gave her total freedom.

The opponents all came over and shook her hand, “Great game,” one of them said. “I think you’d play even better fully nude,” another said.

As they distributed the cash, Drew suggested, “Same thing tomorrow, but you play completely naked?”

“Yeah!” Rob said.

Larry looked at the cash, “Shit yes. She’ll do it. I’ll bet we win by 20!”

“Boys! Not happening. I’ll be back to wearing a better bra tomorrow, when we decide skins means all skin, then we’ll see about that.”

“I want another rematch,” Drew said firmly. “With this,” he fingered the lacy undergarment. You can play all the games you want, flashing us, taking us off our game, but we will beat you tomorrow and you will be swallowing our cum.”

“Swallowing? That wasn’t the deal,” she hissed. “And the bet was for this one match, I, we won and sucked for you, but it was distracting for me to keep these things contained.”

Drew pulled out $500, tossed it down. “One more week. One week and you beat us fair and square all 7 games, this is yours.” He said.

The other four boys all stepped over, standing next to their captain, each one nodding and saying they’d toss in $500 also.

Sarah felt her head spin. They’d put $2,500 up and if she wins…her team wins the next 7 games, she gets all that? She looked at her teammates, “Are you guys good with that? I get $2,500 and you get…”

“…a terrific view of the competition, Larry smiled. Fuck the money, I love the tension here. This is real competition.”

It was a good thing the other boys all had jobs, some in the afternoon some in the evening as they won the next 3 games. Every game Sarah just gave up trying to keep her huge boobs in her bra and ended up just taking it off. She and her 4 teammates made some nice cash and all the boys went home and jerked off thinking about the beautiful blonde they got to see. Had these been officiated by a real ref, the whistle would have blown constantly with all the inappropriate hand-checks and other fouls, but Sarah kept scoring anyhow.

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