Sile, Off to Japan by LostDreamer79,LostDreamer79

Sile, off to Japan,

Sile was in a hurry when she left her friends to lock up the ranch for the drive to the airport a bit after 4:00. Her heels and small purse in the passenger floorboard, the wind drying her thick red hair, trying to make a 6:35 flight out of Bush Airport.

She had only been on the road for about fifteen minutes when she saw the blue lights in her rear view mirror. “Fuck I don’t need this right now!” Looking down at her speedometer, a bit over 85 miles per hour, she knew she was wrong.

Thinking quick she would try and avoid a speeding ticket and still get to the airport on time, she reached down releasing the tie to her dresses left side. Within seconds the wind blowing through the Jeep whipped the right side away from her naked body underneath the sheer material.

As the blue lights got closer Sile slowed, the wind pulling the left side’s tie sting from the right-side hole slowly exposing even more of her bare left thigh.

Coming up behind her and not passing she pulled to the right stirring up the dry dust on the shoulder of the highway. Stopped, she pulled the right side of her dress back over her bare right breast, bare thigh and smooth pussy. Leaving her left small boob, left thigh and hip exposed.

Sile prepared her excuse, as the Texas Trooper stopped behind her Jeep.

She watched as his door opened, making moves like she was adjusting her dress, but making sure not to cover up too much. “I am so sorry; I know I was going a wee bit faster than I should have been. But I am late for a flight out of Bush Airport. I didn’t even get dressed properly I was in such a hurry.”

He steps up to the side of the open Jeep, trying to look Sile in the eyes, but his stare travels to her exposed left nipple and most of her tiny boob, down to her bare hip and thigh, quite obvious there is nothing under the lite sundress.

“Can I see your Driver’s License and Registration please, ma’am.” His sunglasses concealing his gaze.

“Sure thing,” she leans over to get her clutch from the floorboard of the passenger seat. In doing so the right side falls away dropping down her arm pulling away from between her thighs.

“Ah miss, you’re a bit exposed there, ya might want to…”

She sits up opening her little purse, “here you go,” handing him her documents ignoring his suggestion to cover up. He reaches for her license and registration, his eyes looking between her closed thighs, when to her licenses.

“You’re married to Mr. Brierley, you have the ranch outside..”

“Why yes that’s me, or we, you know my husband I take it?”

He chuckled, “yes, I thought you looked familiar and that accent, I have been to your ranch before. I was actually there for a hunt and cook out with my wife a year or so back. You made quite an impression on her I have to tell you,” handing Sile back her documents.

“How’s that?” Sile asked inquisitively.

He laughed, “ever had a fantasy come true? When we all got back from the hunt with your husband and my wife and a few other ladies were half naked in and around your pool, seeing my wife laying there nude, let’s just say it changed our marriage.”

Sile laughed, “glad I could be of service!”

He removes his sunglasses to get an even better look at Sile, “I think you better get going before you miss your flight and slow down a bit.” Not to mention her lack of clothing again.

“Well thank you and if you need me to give your wife some driving lessons, have her call me,” giving him a wink, then she drives off not having pulled her dress back into place.

Happy she had not gotten a ticket and the excitement of having revealed herself to the cop only made it better. It always excited her knowing she made someone day, she enjoyed the wind blowing across her almost nude body in the evening’s hot air. Truckers passing her open Jeep blowing their horns in approval.

Finally hitting the interstate and more traffic she pulled the panels of her dress across her body tucking the tie under her thigh to somewhat conceal her nakedness, not wanting to get stopped again.

Checking the time, she was actually doing good, and with no luggage to check she might have time to grab a quick bite to eat before her flight to Los Angeles where she had a short layover then on to Tokyo.

Pulling into the valet lane stopping just past the attendant, she held the right side of her dress away to retread the string tie for her dress, “here is your, holy shit you’re not dressed,” the guy says.

“Just give me just a sec dear,” Sile smiled at him watching her.

“Oh yes ma’am, take your time, please! It’s not every day a beautiful naked red head drives up!”

She smiled at him, “half naked honey, but maybe next time!”

After pulling the tie through, she stepped out of the Jeep to finish pulling her dress closed, tiring it a bit loose this time in anticipation of the long flight.

The guy still smiling, looking at her small right nipple still peeking out just a bit. The overlap at the bottom hangs short and loose as well.

Sile reached back in to get her heels and clutch from the passenger side. The guy admiring her ass barely covered by the thin stretched material concealing her butt and lack of panty lines.

He handed her the claim ticket and asked if he could help her with her luggage. She just smiled at him, “no I think I got it covered, for now.” His eyes still looking at her body barely out of his view.

He watched her disappear into the terminal admiring her swishing ass as long as he could.

In the somewhat crowded airport, she exchanged smiles with the mostly men, and some adoring women, staring at her revealing dress as they passed each other.

Sile went straight to the Spirit Airline kiosk, having opened the email from her husband and scanned her QR code.

Looking over her ticket, first class window, she headed for the concourse to get through TSA and grab a bite and a drink or two in anticipation of the long flight over to California and then the Pacific Ocean.

At the TSA check point she pulled her phone from her little bag and placed it in the dog dish with her purse, pushing it into the X-ray machine. Then walked through the metal detector, green lights, waiting for her items she shifted her weight to her left, bending her knee, she catches the TSA agent peeking at her open top, making her smile to herself. Then grabs her stuff and heads for her concourse.

She enjoyed the fact she was still turning heads and causing double takes, her heels clicking on the mirror like stone floor. She thinks about the Garth Brooks ditty about the cowboy with the mirror like finish shoeshine and the ladies not wearing panties, it made her giggle.

With an hour to kill she stopped at the Mexican restaurant for nachos and margaritas.

Taking a seat at a table along the edge of the open concourse so she could people watch and be watched she ordered her first drink, realizing the dress had opened up over her thighs a bit much, and she liked it that way.

When the young waitress brought her margarita, she ordered the nachos with extra jalapeños and sour cream, just to get something on her stomach.

Standing on Sile’s left side after finishing writing down her request she says to her, “Miss, I don’t know if you are aware but,” she looks around, “from this side you are showing off your top to anyone coming from this direction.”

Sile grins cutting her eyes up at her, “does it offend ye?”

She smiled hearing her accent, “Oh no ma’am, I think it’s quite sexy, I mean you are so beautiful and that look is just so exotic!”

“Well thank you darling, my husband loves when I dress this way and I’m on the way to meet him in Japan, and it’s quite comfy to wear dresses like this on long flights.”

“Oh, I get it, I hate wearing bras myself, but working here it is considered improper not to.”

Sile giggled looking at her white blouse, her lace bra visible thru the material, “yeah some people are just so uptight.”

“Oh let me go get your order in, do you want another drink, that one’s half gone already.”

“Why yes please if ye don’t mind,” giving her a wink.

The girl’s flirty comment only embolden Sile as she recrossed her legs to expose more of her tanned thighs, her own hand sliding the bottom flap to the side a bit helped with her desire for exposure.

She giggled to herself watching people, men and women alike doing double takes and stares at her legs and open top, while sipping the rest of her margarita.

Her nachos and second drink arrived in short order, only this time it was one of the male bartenders who again came to her left side even though the right side was closer for him.

He almost missed the counter with her order, looking into her top, down to her bare thighs and back to her open top. “Here you go Miss, chips and a drink,” finally looking up to her face, and into her bright green eyes.

His face red after seeing her bare breast inside the opening. Sile just giggled, “well thank ye young man.” She pulled her debit card from her small purse, “if you would bring me another margarita in a few minutes and close out my bill if ye don’t mind, I’d be most grateful.”

She snacked on her chips and did a bit more people watching, smiling at those who noticed her exposure, giving them a nod of appreciation when they smiled back.

“Here you go miss Sile,” the waitress handing her one more margarita, along with her card and the receipt.” The girl making no effort to disguise her ogling, Sile having swapped her crossed legs enough to show she was lacking panties as well.

“Thank you my dear.”

She just giggled, “I bet you would be a blast to party with downtown, my names Bree, you know where I work when you get back!”

Sile laughter, “be careful what you ask for,” finishing off the second drink handing her the empty glass, “I like showing off my friends!”

As she turned to walk away, she turned back to Sile, I look forward to it!”

Sile was about halfway through her drink when they announced her boarding, she doubles the balance, leaving the girl a nice tip, grabbed her drink and headed towards her gate.

The girls comments and the almost three margaritas sent her desires into overload, adding extra swish to her ass, which also made her long curly red hair bounce. Knowing it wouldn’t take much for the right side of her dress top to show a bit too much. She was feeling no pain at this point as she neared her gate.

The middle-aged man greeted Sile with a smile trying not to give her a good up and down look, but his eyes were drawn to the center of her light cotton tan dress the was open to below her small boobs, lacking cleavage to show off.

He did some tapping on his pad and handed her back her boarding pass, “enjoy your flight ma’am!”

It wasn’t long and she was shown her seat for the flight to Los Angles for a brief layover. She didn’t mind, dreading the long flight from there to Tokyo.

She always enjoys the window seats, this time on the right side of the aircraft, which put her in a single row seat next to a near the front facing the rest of the other passengers who would be boarding soon.

She dropped her clutch purse on the counter next to her seat, pulling her phone out to text her husband to let him know she would be in the air shortly to Los Angeles. Then dug out her phone cord and plugged it into the USB to keep her phone charged for the flight.

Steven shot her back a smiley face telling her he missed her, asking her if she is dressed sexy for her flight. He loved knowing she was teasing other men even when he wasn’t around.

She returned with an “LOL” and “always for you baby.”

Of course, he told her, “show me!”

It made her laugh, she adjusted her dress a bit and took a selfie, and sent it to him.

In seconds he asked, “are they still loading passengers?”

She replied with just a “yes.”

Anticipating his reply that he sent, “show me more of You!”

She looked up giggling as other first class and economy plus passengers were loading. The tequila from her drinks, souring what little modesty remained, reached over pulling the bow free on the side of the dress. She stretched out her arm with her phone and waited for the desired audience, not wanting to offend anyone.

As a line of three middle aged men were almost too her, she lifted the side of the dress away exposing half of her naked body, including her bare pussy and right boob, to her cell phone and the men. Then took several photos before covering herself back up, smiling at the men who had stopped in the isle to admire her exposure. “It’s for my husband, he misses me!”

The second guy telling her, “I can see why!”

She left her dress loose as she sent her husband a few of the pictures telling him about the men who also enjoyed the real thing. Looking down after sending the shots, to see her very lite colored areola, they pretty much match her tanned skin, still showing, so light in fact it was hard to tell she was almost flashing a nipple.

The third guy in the line dropped into the seat across the walkway into the center isle from her, smiling at her, “well you made this flight a bit more enjoyable, thank you!”

She just laughed, “well thank you too for the compliment!”

Her phone dinged, “damn baby, that’s a bit more than I expected, I love it!”

Sile replied, “so did they!” And went ahead and secured her dress to keep her hard nipple from peeking out at the flight attendant.

The next three and a half hours along with two more drinks went by uneventful with the exception of the guy to her left looking her way occasionally to admire her beauty and bare smooth tanned legs.

She must have nodded off as the ding of the seat belt notification and announcement of the approach to LAX startled her.

After landing and the skyway in place, she gathered her purse, cord and stood up, the guy across the aisle behind her as the crew were opening the door. He sees she is a several inches taller than he is, looking up at her pretty face.

“Layover or are you staying here in LA?” The guy behind her asked.

She turned a bit, never having met a stranger, “little over an hour, then off to Japan.”

“Tokyo?” He asked her.

“Yes, meeting my husband there for some dinner party, I have no idea for what, he just asked me to fly in for it.” The way she turned showed the low opening, her dress not tied as tight as it should be, but was snug against her chest, a bit disappointing to the guy behind her.

“Well can I buy you a drink while we wait, I mean it’s the least I could do as a thank you!” He offered, admiring her perfect ass knowing there were no panties under the dress.

“I would enjoy that, It will keep me safe from the ‘mactires’ in the lounge.”

Walking off the plane he asked, “the what?”

She giggled, “sorry sometimes when I have a buzz of sorts me words come out a bit Gaelic, wolves is what I meant.”

“Well, I will be happy to keep the Mac tires away, I’m Stan by the way.”

“Shelby, but spelled SILE, was me Mamo’s name on me mums’ side.”

It is about a twenty-minute walk to the international concourse, Stan keeps looking over at Sile’s top catching several more peeks inside her top as she walks, smiling at her beauty and openness.

Once on the concourse, heading toward the restaurants and lounges he mentions to Sile, “you know you might want to retie your dress.”

She looks at him looking down a bit, “why am I not showing enough for your liking? Ye should have said something earlier!” Her right nipple in and out her loose top.

“Oh no ma’am, I mean yes, well you are actually showing a plenty!”

She just giggled, “I don’t mind if ye don’t! Actually, snap a picture for me if ye would,” handing him her phone.

He stretches his arm out getting a few of her, then both of them to make sure he gets a good open top shot. Handing her phone back, “do you mind if I get one of us as well, the guys will never believe this!”

“Not at all,” she laughs.

He pulls his phone out snapping off a few just like he did with her phone.

“Any good ones?” She asks.

“Oh yeah, you’re quite adorable I must say!”

Sile just giggles, “I don’t mind being more adorable if ye need me too,” at his response as they walk into one of the lounges going to the bar.

Stan pulls out one of the stools at the bar for Sile to sit down. Once seated facing the bar, he notices her dress has opened up revealing her flat tummy and side, her little boob almost completely showing from her top, the only thing holding it closed it the tie at her waist.

Before the bartender comes over, he snaps another picture of her. “I am guessing your husband encourages your choice in wardrobe, if so, he is one lucky man!”

She laughs as the bartender walks up, “margarita please, and whatever he wants.”

He smiles at the bartender who is also seeing her open dress top, “yeah don’t think that’s on the menu, a Captain and Pepsi please.”

“And you have no idea, the less I wear the happier he is, whether he is around or not, he loves to hear the stories and see the pictures I get sometimes.”

He just shakes his head. “I don’t mean to be bold, but you definitely have the looks and body for it. You are a trophy for sure!”

She laughs at him, “I don’t know about all that, but thank ye.”

They are on their second drink then they call for first class boarding for the flight, they both realize they will be on the same flight again.

Sile sends her husband a text letting him know she is about to board the plane for the flight across the Pacific, and attaches a picture that Stan took of them.

The one she picks makes it appear her boob is totally out and exposed as she is walking. Then they head to the out to check-in.

It is only minutes before she is seated in forward first class, he is behind her a bit on the opposite side in business first class, much to his disappointment.

Sile gets settled into her big cushy seat and orders another drink. Making adjustments to her dress to conceal herself a bit better, but still showing off her long-tanned legs and hint of her minimal cleavage.

They were in the air for about two hours, the lights were turned down as the sun had set, the darkness chasing them from behind the plane.

Sile was feeling a lot tipsy and a bit horny. Giggling a bit to herself she wrote a note on the edge of her slightly wet napkin that was under her plastic drink cup.

“I’ll be in the forward restroom if you want to join me once the crew is busy!” Then folded it in half and waited for the attendants to thin out.

She got up and walked to the rear behind first class, through the galley and back up toward the front. Most of the passengers dozing or reading paid her little attention.

Sile stopped at Stan’s seat seeing him watching what looked like the movie “Red October” on his phone. She placed her hand on his tray with the note under her hand and leaned over, knowing her dress would fall away, giving him a view of her bare breasts.

“Enjoying your flight?” His eyes went to her face then her open dress to her waist. “I’m bored,” she whispered. Sliding her hand to the center of the tray, lifting her hand and walking slowly toward the restrooms swishing her ass.

He watched her ass swaying away, then opened the folded napkin. He leaned out to see where she was going. She stopped and looked back at him, with no one in the forward galley she gave him a nod and went inside the men’s room.

He got up trying to walk slowly but was still a bit in shock.

Sile cracked the door to let him know which one to go through. Stan looked around quickly and opened the door going inside with the horny redhead.

Before he had the door open, she was pulling the tie loose on her dress. By the time the door was locked she had pulled the other side loose letting it drop from her shoulders.

“Holy Fuck woman!” Looking her up and down as she reached for his slacks undoing his belt, the little metal slide latch and zipper pushing them down his legs followed by his boxers.

He was in awe as she dropped down taking his half-ridged cock in her mouth being him to full erection in no time. Her other hand working between her spread thighs to get her own juices flowing.

Fucking herself with two of her own fingers, she had to have more immediately, she stood up turning around quietly telling him, “Fuck me now!”

She bend forward over the sink in the small restroom, spreading her cheeks as he took hold of himself guiding his cock to her wet opening.

She pushed back as soon as she felt him entering her wet love box. He took hold of her left boob and right hip. He pushed into her a few times to make sure they had good lubrication and started pounding into her trying not to make slapping noises against her nice round ass.

They heard the ladies room open and close next to them. Sile placing her own hand over her mouth to quiet her morning, she couldn’t help it, he felt so good deep inside her, not to mention the excitement of a stranger in the planes restroom with her dress hanging on the coat hook.

She watched them both in the mirror as he groped her small breast rolling her sensitive nipples between his fingers.

It looked so incredible she lifted her phone pointing it at the mirror and hit video.

It was by no means a quickie, bring Sile to a leg shaking orgasm as she videoed herself gasping as Stan pounded her from behind.

Trying to hold him still briefly to recover, he didn’t let up. She could feel his cock swelling inside her as she felt a second wave approached her now sopping pussy.

They almost came together as he unloaded multiple streams deep inside her which released the second orgasm.

She had to grab the counter to keep her knees from buckling. “I need to sit down,” she quietly said to him giggling. “Pull your pants up and slip out, I got to clean up, you made a mess of me!”

He laughed having to squat to retrieve his slacks and boxers, his face almost in her ass. Stan quickly dressed and slipped out.

As he closed the door the male steward smiled at him, “enjoy yourself?” And went back to making coffee. Stan was a bit embarrassed he had been caught.

Sile had opened the top lid and sat down letting herself drain before trying to wipe herself dry, hoping her legs would quit shaking soon.

There was a knock at the door, “give me a minute.” She spoke.

Sile stood up, knees still quivering, and pulled her dress back on. Her hands shaking as she threaded the string around and tied the dress closed.

Her legs were still wobbly as she opened the door and stepped out. The same steward smiled at her, “I was just checking on you ma’am,” his voice sounding a bit feminine. He looked her up and down, “nice, very nice, can I get you another drink?”

Sile just nodded her head “yes” and went to her seat holding on to what she could on the way.

The steward was close behind her, “here you go, a nice margarita and,” hands her a small dish towel, whispers, “don’t mess up your dress or my seat please.”

“Oh thank you,” lifting her dress open and spreading her thighs a bit she places the towel between her and the back of the dress. The guy just looking down at her swollen pussy lips. Then she takes the drink from him, not bothering to cover herself. He reaches up turning off her overhead reading light.

She finishes half her drink and setting it down in the cup holder to catch her breath.

Sile wakes up later to find herself covered with a blanket and her cup gone.

Remembering thru the fuzziness she feels the towel between her legs and an urge to use the lady’s room. She pulled the towel from under her and removed the blanket. Everyone around her seemed to be sleeping.

Her dress falls closed when she gets up, taking the towel with her to the restroom. Sile drops the towel in the trash can, and relieves herself, not realizing she had to go that bad.

She makes her way back to her seat to find a cup of coffee with cream and sugars on the side, no one in site. She smiles to herself knowing she has an angel taking care of her.

While drinking her coffee she checks the time. Only an hour and a half left. She tries to relax for the rest of the flight.

She is awakened from another short nap by the pilot, telling them they will be landing in about twenty minutes with the time being 2:20 PM in Tokyo. Along with the usual thanks for flying and prepare for landing.

As they taxi to the terminal Sile pulls a $100 bill from the inside pocket of her purse.

Debarking military first, she waits as several young men and women to head for the door. Then they announce first class and Sile gets up seeing her friend on the other side.

As she gets to the galley she stops and gives the steward a hug, slipping the money in his pocket, thanking him for his excellent care.

“My pleasure Miss.”

Walking down the air bridge Stan catches up with her, “Ms. Sile, I just want to thank you for the best flight I have ever had. Here is my card, I’d love to have a copy of that video, or maybe a return flight.” Then takes her hand kissing it as they separate on the concourse. She just shoves his card in her clutch.

Sile’s phone dings with a text message, “there is a limo waiting for you, they will find you and will take you to the hotel. I am in meetings for the next several hours.”

Sile sees her holding a sign with her name on it, actually spelled correctly. But she saw Sile first, her red hair and a bit taller than most in the airport.

Getting closer she realizes that’s not the typical limo driver uniform.

She’s only five foot tall if that, a bit petite and quite cute, a tight black skirt a bit too short for the professional here in Japan, showing off her lace top thigh-highs, the skirt also low on her hips. She has a really nice three button jacket that stops about halfway between her boobs and exposed belly button. The revealing jacket also pushed her boobs up and out the top, she’s a bit more blessed than the average Japanese woman. Of course, she is wearing a chauffeur’s hat to make the uniform look professional.

“You are Miss Silow,” she asks her.

Sile repeated my name correctly for her, giggling so as not to offend her.

“Yes ma’am, Ms. Sile, my name is Nakita, I will be your chauffeur and personal assistant while you are here visiting. Whatever you are in need of you just call or text me, here is my card with my cell phone. Let’s get your luggage.”

“That will be great Nakita, but I don’t have any luggage on this trip. I think straight to the hotel will be in order so I can freshen up if that’s possible.”

“Oh yes ma’am, right this way,” pointing towards a wide hallway leading towards the front of the complex.

Following close behind Sile, she motions her to walk next to her, asking her about the area near the hotel and how long it will take to get there.

Then mentions her outfit isn’t the average chauffeur uniform, telling her it looks more like something her husband would dress her in.

She giggled, “yes ma’am it is, he took me shopping the first day I was assigned to him. At first, I was a bit embarrassed, but now I really enjoy the look.” Giggling, “so does my boyfriend!”

“Well, I would imagine so, it is a bit sexy on you.”

“Thank you so much, you are more beautiful than I imagined, even after Mr. Brierley described you too me only a bit taller and your dress is also most elegant, forgive me but you do know you are almost out the top, right?”

Sile laughed, “yeah it’s no big thing, neither of them are,” they both giggled at her comment.

Through the doors and across the tramway tracks Nakita leads her to a stretched limo. As she went to open the back door, Sile told her, “I’m riding up front with you so we can chat if you don’t mind.”

“You’re the boss Ms. Sile!”

“When we get to the hotel, I need you to come to my suite and take my dress and get it dry cleaned for me, pay extra if you have to get it back immediately and I may need you to grad me a few other items while you are taking care of the dress.”

“Yes ma’am Ms. Sile that will be easy, should only take me about thirty minutes to an hour depending on traffic to get to the dry cleaner, it’s not far from the hotel and I know the owner.”

It’s a short drive to the Hilton where Sile will be staying, Nakita parks in the underground garage. They get to the elevator and go to the thirteenth floor with Nakita leading the way.

She leads her to room 1303 and pulls a key card from her pocket to open the door. Then tells Sile, following behind her, “I will leave the key card on the table while you change.”

When she turns around Sile has already stripped off her dress, handing it to Nakita. Giggling and covering her eyes with one of her hands, “oh Ms. Sile I did not expect that. Let me get you a robe.”

“No, it’s ok, if you would grab me some lunch, something the locals eat, none of that American food. And please, move you hand, I am not shy about what the lord gave me, unlike you, you are quite blessed in that department!”

“Yes ma’am, I will be back shortly with your dress and lunch.” Giggling, Nakita did a little bow as she headed out the door.

Sile headed to the bathroom to shower. Laying on the bed were a few bags and a box from a clothing store, she passed them wanting to clean her soiled body from the flight with a long hot shower.

Heading straight to the big walk-in shower, not even close to the size of the one in her party barn, turning on the hot water slowly cooling it with the cold until it was a little cooler than scalding to warm her stiff muscles.

Sile is relaxing in a cushy chair when there is a knock on the door. Opening the door still naked, there stands Nakita with a plastic to go food bag and her dress on a hanger.

“Oh Ms. Sile you are definitely not shy, what if it hadn’t been me?” she giggles. “Here are the items you requested, I must go pick up Mr. Steven, we will be back shortly.”

Sile laughed, “they would have gotten a surprise like you did!”

Off Nakita went to pick up Steven.

Sile’s husband finally made it back to the hotel, “hay baby, we have dinner in about thirty minutes, did you find the dress I bought you to wear?”

“The black one or the pale blue one? I had Nakita clean the one I wore on the flight if you want me to wear that instead?”

He thinks back to pictures she sent and the last time she wore it out dancing in Spain and he untied it. Smiling with an evil grin, “can I tie it closed for you?”

“You know I don’t care!”

“Oh and the black one is for tomorrow night, we are going to dinner and a club with my local managers.”

Sile took the dress Nakita had dropped off earlier and slipped her arms through the holes, pushed the string through the hole on the side and walked to Steven, “tie me up baby!”

He pulled the string around her waist and grabbed the right flap string, tying a bow letting it hang down loose in the front. The center open even farther that she wore it on the flight, her tits cover only because of their small size and the dress’s weight just draping over them. The bottom opening was just as loose.

“We need to be going, Ms. Nakita is waiting for us out front if you’re ready?”

“You tell me, do I look presentable?” Sile giggled.

“A bit over dressed for my taste, but the night is young!” Opening the door for her, he watched her dress move freely on her tall sexy frame, the bottom opening and closing was she walked towards the suite door. If it had opened anymore, he would have been treated to a flash of his wife’s bare pussy.

“Where are we going tonight?” Sile hanging on to Steven’s arm, asked, not really caring, just happy to be with her husband for a change.

“All I know is dinner and dancing from what LiPan told me, Nakita knows better than I do.”

“Speaking of her, I love the uniform you have her in, she is just adorable!”

“I like that one as well, she has a few other new ones,” he tells her.

“How many did you buy her?” She laughed.

“Just a few, maybe four I think.”

Sile just smiled at him as they exited the hotel, Nakita was standing there with the limo door open for them.

Nakita smiled at Sile giving her a nod, “you look so beautiful Ms. Sile, Mr. Brierley you are such a blessed Dansei.”

Sile giggled ducking into the back seat this time, Steven smiles seeing her ass pressed against the tight thin material.

Nakita closed the door and hurried around to head out for the evening events, holding her hand over her boobs to keep them from bouncing loose.

Approaching several colorful lit store fronts, after a bit of a drive through Tokyo’s brightly lit downtown, Nakita tells Steven, “you will be having dinner and then drinks and dancing in the rear of this club, it is called Womb. I will only be a few blocks away so when you are ready, just call me!”

“Thank you, Nakita, I will let you know when we are ready, and I’ll try and give you a heads up as well!”

She hurried around to open the door for them, watching as Sile swings a leg out, very un-lady like, flashing everyone who happened to be looking to see who was in the limo. After she steps onto the sidewalk Nakita touches Sile’s arm, “Ms. Sile, the dance crowd is much younger here and they love pretty American women,” bowing her head while warning her.

Steven laughs, “I am looking forward to that!”

As soon as they enter there is a man waiting for them, “Mr. Brierley, please follow me.”

Down a hall and into a room, the noise level of conversation is loud as they enter, the center table already has eight or nine men in suits drinking sake and talking, one looks up and calls out, “Mr. Steven!!!!” Pointing to the right side near the middle of the table where there are two empty seats. The men’s eyes follow the tall, beautiful redhead walking in front of Steven.

As soon as they were seated the sake started flowing, toasting to things Sile had no idea what they were saying. One of the men introduced the others to Sile, but she quickly forgot all their names as little cups of sake kept being handed to her.

The food followed shortly after; she dared not to ask what anything was but it was all good. Along with the gradual increase in the music coming from the dance club attached to the restaurant.

It didn’t take long for the men to notice each time Sile leaned over to take a bit for something, they could see down the top of her dress, and her lack of a bra for her small breasts. Steven picked up on them talking about his wife in Japanese, but he of course could care less.

After a lot of sake and half a plate of food, she excused herself to go to the lady’s room.

Upon standing it hit her and she had to grab the back of the chair. Realizing the sake was kicking her ass, she steadied herself hanging onto the other chairs as she made her way to the restrooms.

The men were also paying attention to more of her tanned right thigh sliding in and out the opening at the bottom of her dress, a bit higher that maybe it should have been. Which was what Steven had intended when he tied it for her earlier.

Again, they laughed and talked about her, Steven having picked up on a bit of the language on earlier trips, but he never let them know, even he was enjoying her swishing of her firm round Irish ass as she walked away.

Finding the rest room on her own, sitting there she realized she was a bit shit faced and the night was still young.

When she finished she stood leaning against the counter in front of the mirror washing her hands, looking at herself. The sake had her feeling a bit euphoric and sexy. She pulled the right side of the dress over a bit, in an attempt to show off a bit more down the center, knowing Steven would approve, but it went right back to the way it was before.

Giggling to herself, she untied the bow on her side and pulled the two sides a bit more apart then re-tied it. The center now opens well below her boobs almost to her belly button.

She liked the look, leaning forward just a bit as the top of her dress easily dropped away revealing both her little boobs and rock-hard nipples. She giggled again knowing her husband would be proudly pleased.

She slid her hand down the wall to steady herself and was out the door headed back. Entering the large room, Steven’s smile turned into a big grin. Sile had not realized opening the top also opened the bottom, the dress over lapping just above her smooth bare pussy, the dress was shorter on her than it was meant to be because of her height.

Bouncing between walls and chair backs, Steven stood up to help her back to her seat. She giggled as she sat, announcing to most of them listening, the sake had her head spinning. Of course, she was handed another shot. The men smiling seeing her cute boobs about to slip completely from under her open dress top each time she moved.

They laughed and talked a bit longer, Sile only having one additional shot, before the men suggested they move to the adjoining dance club. The restaurant is almost empty now as the restaurant transitioned to the late night dance club.

Steven made no attempt to conceal his half-exposed wife from the business men they had been dining with, nor the crowd as they entered the dance club, via an adjoining hallway.

Spotlights swinging and swirling around, the tint of the room changing colors like you would see at a concert.

The small group made their way inside to a reserved table. Like Nakita had said it was packed with a much younger crowd already drinking and moving to the high tech American disco type music blasting through the sound system.

Much to Steven’s delight it was a tall table with several bar stools around it, instead of a booth like those lining the walls.

Steven helped Sile up on one of the stools, she very un-lady like slid up on the tall seat and flashed the men watching her, spreading her knees to get up on the seat. The sides of the dress falling away to the sides of her firm tanned thighs and most of her bare right hip. Again, there was laughter and chatter, looks of disappointment from those that missed it.

A waitress arrived with several carafes of hot sake and numerous little white shot cups. Shots were again passed out, while everyone watched Sile’s dress top, getting brief peeks of her nipples as she leaned and turned.

With the music thumping and lights flashing one of the short businessmen finally ask Sile if she wished to dance. Steven smiled, “I believe she would love too!”

He tried to help her off the stool, but she giggled trying to wiggle to the edge, “I got this!” Her dress sliding higher up her thighs as she slid off. Steven shook his head, her dress almost to her hips. Leaning over as she hopped off, giving the rest of the group an unobstructed view down her top.

The guy had the biggest grin leading her into the overcrowded dance area. Steven was a bit disappointed not being able to see Sile on the crowded dance floor among the almost completely all Asian partiers.

He continued to chat with his business partners and look back in search of Sile, knowing she is a bit drunk and barely dressed in her loose dress.

After two long songs, maybe four the beat just seemed to be non-stop, Sile and the guy returned to their table. Both smiling, Sile wobbling.

“Did you have fun baby?”

Sile just giggled, “what Nakita told me is true, that younger crowd out there was very touchy! There was more just jumping up and down than dancing, but I enjoyed it!”

Steven grinned at her, “how touchy?”

“Well several people out there know I am not wearing panties or a bra!” she grinned at Steven.

He just laughed, imagining what would have happened if her dress had been tied even looser, he is such a pervert when it comes to her.

After a few more shots, Steven reached for her hand, “my turn!” He guided her back out; he also felt a good buzz spinning in his head as he watched her firm apple bottom ass wiggling and jiggling in front of him.

Just on the dance floor he reached out for Sile bringing her body against his, the crowd doing as she described to him, hands in the air and jumping to the beat of the bass penetrating their bodies.

He reached up moving her thick red hair aside and kissed the back of her sweaty heck. “You are one sexy little baby doll and I miss playing with you!”

He then ran his hands off her shoulders, down her arms and to her ass, she brought her arms to his shoulders kissing him on his lips. Steven then brought his right hand around to the opening of her dress. “Is this how they know you not wearing panties?” Running his finger through her moist slit.

She just moaned and shook her head yes, “some of them,” she smiled covering his hand with hers holding it in place. “Some of them lifted the back of this dress!” Then she felt his other hand slip inside the top of her dress, his fingers going to her already hard nipples, rolling and gently pinching them.

Steven pulled his right hand from her dress, dropping it down her left side, finding the bow that was holding her dress somewhat closed. He smiled at the people staring, watching him grope his wife, they grinned back seeing her right tit outside the top of her dress, his other hand playing in between her pussy lips.

Sile had her eyes closed enjoying the touch of her husband as she danced with the crowd. She felt the pull of the knot and the right-side slide away, she knew Steven was having fun exposing her once again, she too was feeding off her own dress being open in front of everyone. Moving her own hand to her now bare breast, groping herself as the young men and a few women looked on.

Out of curiosity, he moved her a bit in the crowd then let go of her stepping back behind a few people to watch. She was still dancing, oblivious as to what Steven had just done. Her dress draped open completely down the right side dropping back exposing her ass cheek, her left breast quickly coming into view as the dress kept opening wider.

Almost immediately three guys surrounded her. The right side of the dress was still hanging open showing off her naked body, the more she danced the more the left side string pulled open, making the center opening wider, as the right side hung to her side.

Steven could tell the guy behind her was slowly pulling the back of her dress over to see her ass.

His cock was growing harder as he watched the guy to her right start to pull the dress down her right arm, she looked so sexy half naked now. Another just reached down forcing his fingers between her legs, Steven watched as he was finger fucking his wife in the crowd, her head tilted back, and eyes closed enjoying it. A guy behind her reaching around openly groping her small tits and playing with her nipples.

When he saw the guy trying to pull her arm free of the dress, as much as he was enjoying the action unfolding, he knew this was not the time, or place for his wife to be stripped by strangers.

He started to step in as her arm was freed and another guy was starting the dress down her other arm, it was only her bent elbow that kept her from losing it completely. He watched her dancing a bit more holding her dress on her arm as he stepped back to snap a few pictures of his naked wife.

Steven then stepped between her and the younger men putting a stop her being groped and stripped. He re-dressed her and pulled the string back around her waist, putting a quick over hand knot in the two ends to somewhat hold her dress closed.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and held on to him, kissing his neck and biting his ear, “why did you stop, I was loving it, I want to be naked!”

He so wanted to step away again but knew she was too drunk.

He guided her toward the table to say their good nights and sent Nakita a text that they were ready.

She replied back immediately that she will be waiting out front.

Steven apologized for leaving so early, telling them they had gotten his wife a bit inebriated with the sake, apologizing for her exposure, making feeble attempts to cover her right boob.

Steven guided Sile towards the door, each step her dress loosened exposing a little barer skin down the center, the closer they got to the door the more he was enjoying her body being uncovered.

Just as Nakita told him, she was parked at the entrance to the club, she already had the door open waiting for them, the right side of Sile’s dress loose again exposing her down the center of the dress.

While trying to pour her into the back of the limo the dress came completely untied, the right side dropping down her arm before Steven and Nakita could get her inside the back door.

“Ms. Sile, you must cover up, people can see you!” Nakita tried to tell her.

She giggled, “let dem fucken look if da want, I don’t give a flyin fuck!” The alcohol brings out her Irish accent.

She dropped her arms and shoulders letting the dress drop from her arms to the sidewalk.

Nakita wasn’t sure how to respond, people were taking pictures of her as Steven was grabbing her dress and trying to get her in the vehicle as people cheered and laughed.

Steven laughing, finally got her in the car and Nakita closed the door. Before Nakita could get the limo going, Sile had opened the sunroof and was hanging out the opening to her waist, “anyone wanna fuck, I’m wanting some cock!”

Her ass in Steven’s face, he knew how to get her back inside. Sliding his hand up the inside of her thigh, he found her pussy to be hot and wet, sliding his thumb into her juicy opening giving her a few hard squishy pumps.

She dropped down and went for Steven’s pants quickly opening them, “oh you horny man yo,” pulling out his hardening cock, Sile dropping her mouth down around it taking him down her throat to the hilt on her first bob down.

Nakita tried to look away but was mesmerized by her boldness as she sucked Steven in front of her, she just smiled, giggling softly. Sile then turned around in the roomie back, straddled Steven legs and sat down on his cock, dropping down impaling herself and then riding him looking at Nakita trying to Navigate the traffic and watch.

Sile smiled at her, “I love to fuck, I bet you do too you hot little vixen with those big tits, I know the guys love them, you need to let them loose and show them off!”

Nakita didn’t know what to say, Steven laughing at Sile as she bounced up and down on his lap.

Nakita arrived at the hotel before they could finish and waited outside the limo. The door finally opened and Sile stepped out still naked. A few other limo drivers looking on, laughing, and pointing at Nakita’s nude client trying to walk toward the elevators.

Nakita left Steven in the car ushering Sile to the elevator. On the ride up Nakita held Sile up, leaning her against the wall, she slurred out, “Nakita, have you ever been with another woman, you’re just so fucking cute I could eat you up right here!”

“Ms. Sile, you’re very drunk, let’s just get you to bed!”

“Oh, you’re taking me to bed,” giggling, “I will still do you here and now, I bet you have some yummy titties too,” Nakita doing her best to keep her standing, her hands touching her warm bare skin.

Nakita got her to the suite and helped her to the bed where Sile just flopped face down. Steven came in a few minutes behind them. He repeatedly thanked Nakita for her assistance, he too was quite drunk, telling Nakita, “Now I’m just going to fuck that ass and make her scream, we love to be watched, your welcome to stay if you wish!” And started to undress.

“Oh no sir, I must go now.” And she hurried out the door to the elevator, then thinking how erotic they were in the limo and maybe watching him fuck her ass would be even more erotic. She had yet to allow her boyfriend to have her ass, but now giggled at the thought, feeling a bit horny now.

She laughed and said to herself, “no they are your boss, but she does have a nice ass.” The elevator dinged and she stepped on to head home.

The next morning Nakita was startled by a text message from Sile apologizing for her behavior, telling her she has a huge handover and wouldn’t need her that morning. Apologizing even more.

Nakita just giggled unbeknownst to Sile, Nakita was actually on her bed masturbating with her big blue dildo thinking about Sile riding her husband last night and how it would have been watching him fucking her ass. What it would be like to let Kevin fuck her ass and imagining Sile going down on her in the elevator.

Realizing Sile is acting just like her own boyfriend had begged her to do while they had sex or when she was sucking his cock, hidden in the backseat of a limo a few times. Now she knew what he had desired of her, to be like Sile, exposed and uninhibited.

Nakita received a text late that afternoon to arrive around 7:30 at the hotel.

When she arrived, she found Steven had changed plans from what was on their agenda, they were going out with a number of his American associates and a few on the Japanese crew who couldn’t make it the night before, instead of just dinner with his wife. They were going to celebrate the accomplishment of their employees for their hard work.

Steven texted Nakita, he told her the new plans and for her to park in the garage and come up to the suite, something she hadn’t expected in her daring little chauffeur outfit. She showered, running her shaver over her smooth pussy to remove the faint stubble and went to get dressed.

At Stevens direction earlier, Nakita was wearing a very short shiny black pleated micro-mini skirt with the tailored business jacket Steven had purchased for her. The jacket was almost as long as her short skirt. The jacket open at the center to below her breast to show off her black lace bra and ample pushed up cleavage.

Steven had made sure to purchase her bra one cup size too small for her chest. Nakita contemplated going without panties, so she could tell Kevin about it, But knew the skirt was probably too short for that, so instead she took the liberty of slipping on one of her own tiny black lace G-string panties that matched her bra. Steven neglected to buy her any panties on purpose she suspected. Hints of her low half cup lacy bra were visible when she turned just right.

Nakita hurried to the hotel, not wanting to be late. Parking in the hotel’s garage. Then taking the elevator to the thirteenth floor.

When Sile came out the bathroom just minutes after Nakita’s arrival, she was a bit surprised to see Sile in a sleeveless under her arms, mid-thigh length, black dress, with net stocking covering her legs. It was a bit conservative considering what she had been wearing the day before and Nakita was wearing so little at the boss’s request.

Sile apologized once more for her behavior last night. Then walks to Nakita telling her, “I told you have changed plans and would like for you to accompany us out tonight as our interpreter.””

She followed them out the suite and to the subway where they went to one of Stevens favorites, it was only about fifteen minutes away on the underground rail.

When they arrived Stevens associates were already there and seated. Sile a bit surprised, smiling when she saw Stan sitting at the table, his face white with shock seeing his boss’s wife, that he had fucked on the plane, standing beside him as he introduced everyone.

Sile gave him a wink and took her seat at the other end of the table.

The dinner was uneventful to Nakita’s relief, and they didn’t go dancing at a club. She helped the men order their meals, they were more than happy to accept her assistance as she leaned against them their shoulders and pointed out dishes explaining what they were if asked, further exposing her cleavage and pretty bra. Bent over a waitress spilled leftover soup down the back of her jacket and skirt, the girl apologized profusely, Nakita tells her it was ok, it will wash out.

Dinner ended with a few more drinks and praise for everyone and the achievements of months of hard work.

Stan was relieved when Steven and the two women excused themselves, the three of them having had a long night the evening before.

Nakita dropped off her outfit later that evening having made it back to her apartment earlier than she had expected.

The next morning Sile wanted to go shopping, so she texted Nakita telling her what she was planning to do and would call her later so she can help with her packages and get her back to the hotel.

Nakita knew that today was going to be busy, so she was a bit relieved, first thing that morning she had planned to pick up her uniform but it wasn’t ready, and she needed to pick up several of the men who worked for Steven for a before noon meeting.

She decided to wear one of her regular pairs of black pants, for her first assignment today as she was running late. Along with the pants she wore a white shirt and jacket, her other outfit she was asked to wear, that Steven had purchased for her were, that were at the dry cleaners, she would swing by later to pick up.

She picked up the men and dropped them off at the office building where Steven was working around 10:00 AM, from for their noon meetings. Then headed to pick up her uniform.

Nakita knew she had to pick up Sile and possibly Steven later so she wanted to change before meeting up with either of them.

Once she had grabbed her skirt and halter top, the jacket from the night before still wasn’t ready, the stains were deep, she dropped the clothes she picked up in the trunk.

She then headed toward the area Sile was and parked where she was going to make a quick change in the parking garage restroom, then wait for instructions.

Going to the trunk she grabbed her skirt and the pretty halter-looking vest Steven had picked out. She hadn’t worn this top other than a quick try on in the store. She looked around for a restroom to go change uniforms, but there was none she could see, and didn’t want to go up inside the office building.

So, leaving the trunk open to drop her slacks, shirt and jacket inside she decided she was going to risk changing in the limo.

Thinking to herself more of how exciting it would be to do something Sile would do, and another adventure she could tell her boyfriend about later, she laid the skirt and top in the driver’s seat.

Looking around she slipped off her heels standing at the open car door, removed the jacket, draping it over the door to keep it from getting dirty, then pushed the pants down her legs and stepped out of them. She felt quite sexy in just the white long sleeve shirt that than covered her bare ass and tiny panties.

Making sure no one was around she took them to the trunk and laid them out inside. Then walked back to the open door. Instead of pulling the skirt on like she planned to do, she started at the top of the shirt and unbuttoned it and pulled it off. Then started to reach for the top to cover up her big boobs overflowing the bra she was wearing.

Then giggled, looking down at her exposed nipples over the top of the half bra, smiled to herself then she walked to the trunk again, a bit more cautious, looking around not wanting to get caught in her tiny panties and exposed nipples. But really deep down wishing someone would see her, her excitement building as she hurried back to the open door to pull her skirt and halter on. Looking in the back window, using it as a mirror, she realized that between and bra and low first button, she was showing a lot of her cleavage and it looked a bit daring but sexy.

Dressed, she jumped in and closed the door laughing at herself, shaking surprised she had actually done something so way outside of character for her, trying her best to slow her rapid breathing.

She still had a bit of time; she was thinking and the dry cleaner was three blocks away. She hopped out, grabbed her frumpy uniform from the trunk and headed to drop it off while she waited for a text, and hoping the other jacket was ready.

She enjoyed the looks she was getting in the revealing halter, short miniskirt with thigh-high tops exposed, feeling the skirt bouncing off her upper thighs. She loved the feeling knowing she had so many people’s attention in public where everyone was too engrossed in their personal matters.

She was back at the garage about twenty minutes later, quite proud of herself.

It was about 2:00 when Sile finally sent Nakita a text to meet her on Kaogua Street near the Hyatt Hotel.

Nakita found her standing on the sidewalk with only a few parcels. Sile having chosen to wear the black conservative dress, it was something that would draw less attention to herself. Parking the limo in a loading zone, Nakita stepped out to open the door for her.

Sile was happy to see Nakita in another of her sexy chauffeur outfits that her husband had bought for her. She hated the stuffy looking cookie cutter suits they wore; she thought Nakita looked so cute in her non-traditional uniforms.

Looking at Nakita over again wearing her short pleated micro-mini skirt, the one she had on last night, it now showed it rode very low on her hips, a bit below her belly button, which wasn’t visible last night. Along with lace top thigh-highs that left about three inches of bare smooth brown thigh visible above the hose, and a vest type button up halter top as her uniform today. The bra she wore under the halter pushed her big boobs up and out the center, making her already big chest look even more impressive.

“Let’s put these in the trunk Nakita,” Sile told her, watching the cute pleated micro-skirt bouncing off her ass with each step.

They dropped the bags in the trunk, Nakita opened the door telling her she needed to pick up the gentlemen she had dropped off earlier in the day. Sile told her it was fine she would just ride along.

Arriving at Steven’s office after the men’s meeting, he was happy to see Nakita now wearing her short plated micro-mini skirt and halter, it looked just as provocative as he thought it would. She stood there holding the door open for them as the slight breeze made her skirt wave, falling just under her ass cheeks.

Her outfit made the men, including Steven and others walking by do double takes at her sexy uniform.

Sile was enjoying the looks from the men, Stan kept looking away from Sile, knowing she was just along for the ride. She was going to return to her hotel after Nakita had delivered all of Steven’s America staff at the temporary office facility the company had rented.

The facility catered to American and European businessmen working in Tokyo. They provided the office space, computers, communications, furniture, and a few secretaries to handle basic office duties like taking messages and accepting mail and packages.

Stan was still a bit uneasy being in such close proximity knowing he had unknowingly fucked his boss’s beautiful wife on the flight over.

The tight conservative dress and turns out thigh-highs she was wearing, yes Steven had a thing for thigh-highs and hated pantyhose. The dress she was wearing helped easy Stans fears and desires, still thinking back to her magnificent nude body in the mirror in the planes restroom as he pounded her from behind.

They all sat quietly for the fifteen-minute ride to drop the businessman off first.

Nakita pulled up in front of the building, Sile smiling at the men as they exited onto the busy sidewalk, several of them telling Sile to have a good day. Even in her conservative dress she was still stunning.

After pulling away Sile asked Nakita if there was a place close by where she could park for a few minutes.

“Oh yes ma’am, it’s a few blocks from here under the Neshoto Building in their parking garage, will that do?”

She smirked, “oh yes that will be perfect!”

Within minutes Nakita was pulling into one of drive through parking spot reserved for the longer vehicles under the tall office building. Sile stepped out before Nakita could open her door, going to the driver’s window, “I need to borrow your skirt and top please.”

“Um Ms. Sile, I have no other clothes and the bra Mr. Steven bought for me for this outfit is only a half cup and well, I am too big for it.”

Giggling, “Ms. Nakita, I am aware Steven likes skimpy lingerie, except on me he likes nothing under my clothes, but hurry please we don’t have much time.”

She was a bit concerned, “yes ma’am, as you wish, but please know I will have to sit here and wait almost naked!”

Sile smiled at her, “your windows are quite tinted, no one could possibly see you.”

Nakita opened her door and stepped out knowing she is about to be left in her revealing undies, wearing heels and thigh-high hose. Looking around she wiggled out of her skirt then handed it to Sile.

“My God young lady you are striking, no wonder Steven picked you!” Taking in her bare flawless legs and ass.

Then Nakita looked around the below ground parking lot full of cars, standing there in her tiny black string thong panties.

“Ms. Sile this is a bit embarrassing, I do have to tell you, please hurry back!” Her fingers were shaking a bit as she unbuttoned the front of the halter then pulled it off her shoulders in front of Sile. She quickly pulled her arm across her dark nipples that were spilling over her bra, her petite arm doing little to hide her big, impressive boobs, she jumped back behind the wheel and closed the door before someone saw her.

“I will be back shortly!” Sile said as she closed the door. Off Sile went across the parking garage and up the stairs to the ground level.

She had planned on changing once inside the office building where her husband’s staff were working. But the thought of walking the streets of Tokyo in such a tiny skirt caused her to decide to change there and she ducked into the lady’s room just inside the underground garage at ground level.

She quickly unbuttoned the conservative dress laying it on the counter. Pulling the tiny skirt up her legs and over her ass, she marveled at herself in the mirror, smiling at the micro-short skirt looking even smaller on her than Nakita, her thigh-high tops similar to Nakita’s, exposed even more bare thighs between the top of the hose and the bottom of the skirt. She tried tugging it down to cover her bum, which brought it much lower on her hips and several inches below her belly button, almost to her clean-shaven public area, making it feel even more revealing, it was really too small for her, and she loved it.

She pulled the halter on and buttoned it from the bottom up, stopped before she got to the fourth one. Being a size smaller it forced her small boobs out the sides. So, she unbuttoned all but the bottom two. Having small tits allowed the vest halter to relax enough to conceal her most of her tiny boobs.

Knowing she was a bit tight on time she was off to walk to the office building and show off her long legs, the fast pace making it bounce even more, and whatever else came into view of people on the busy sidewalks.

Once near the outside of the building she could feel the pleats of the little skirt bouncing off her ass, it had already ridden up a little on her hips. The local men smiling and staring at the brazen tall white lady in such a revealing outfit. This only emboldened Sile to swish her hips thinking maybe the skirt was riding farther up her hips, she didn’t care, she desired it.

She was already a bit excited thinking about what she was about to do, it only made her more emboldened to let her ass cheeks show, it felt like the skirt was halfway up her ass cheeks by the time she got into the office building, and she didn’t care, she loved to tease.

Inside she consulted the young girl at the front desk who blushed at the sight of Sile with her top open down the center and her firm thighs, tanned and her exposed lace top hose, much more than what was proper in even modern-day Japan.

Telling Sile, “Stanley is on floor four, office 437, take a right off the elevator and follow it around to the right.” All the while trying not to look inside her open top and her hard lite pink nipples.

“Thank you dear!” And off she went toward the lifts. The girl still starring as Sile walked away, the bottoms of her cheeks peeking out with each of her swishing steps turning heads of others as she passes them.

Sile was able to follow the directs going straight to Stan’s office.

Walking in, there were two other men in his office, they stared at her barely dressed body, they knew who she was from the night out with Steven at the dance club. They just stared at Sile in the tiny skirt high on her hips, any shorter and her slit would have been showing and open top exposing the curves of her small boobs.

“Excuse me gentlemen, but I need to have a private discussion with Stan if you don’t mind!”

Sile looking over Stans shoulder at the other office building across the narrow street she smiled to herself as the men left closing the door behind them, wondering if anyone could see inside this building.

Stan, a bit concerned he was in trouble started to stand up. “Sit back down Stan!” Sile demanded.

She walked in front of him leaning against his desk, her ass feeling the cool desktop against her cheeks, she had already released the last two buttons on the top.

Sile pushed back a bit, lifted the tiny skirt a bit higher and brought her legs up on his desk, sliding her ass up onto his desk. “Start eating mister!” Her bare pink pussy already wet from anticipation coming into his view.

“Sile, I don’t think,”

She cut him off, “you better start pleasing me or I’ll strip here and go find one or maybe both of those guys that just left and tell them you aren’t man enough for me!”

She reached for his hair pulling him between her thighs. Stan understood he was her toy and did as she told him.

Her skirt kept dropping down and getting in the way, Stan finally reached up and pulled the skirt down her thighs tossing it aside on the floor. Then going back to work licking and sucking her clit and engorged lips, pushing his tongue into her wet opening making her moan and squirm.

Her hips bucking, legs wrapped around Stan’s head pulling his face tighter into her, “ok, ok! It’s tickling now, trade places!” Pushing him away and then pushing him against the desk. Making quick work of his belt, zipper and latch his slacks, they drop to his ankles. Followed by his boxers. Sile takes his already ridged cock in her mouth.

Stan standing over her relieves her of the halter, tossing it away, leaving her in just her heels and thigh-highs watching her bob back and forth on his stiff cock.

He finally takes control lifting her to her feet, moving the chair and pushes her against the floor to ceiling glass window, “push that ass out so I can fuck you again!” His hands pulling her ass back and pushing her forward bending her at her hips.

Feeling his cock against her ass looking for her wet opening she reaches between her legs sliding the head of his dick into her waiting wet hole.

Sile is leaning over with her hands against the glass hoping to see someone in the other building watching, while enjoying the feeling of Stan’s average length, but thick cock sliding in and out of her dripping pussy.

The door swings open, “hay Stan, I need you to look at these numbers and oh shit, sorry I thought you were, isn’t she the bosses wife?”

“Shush and close the door!” Sile giggles at him.

He takes a step forward and closes the door.

“She meant for you to close it from the outside Frank!”

Sile laughs, “I don’t care if he watches, I actually like it, just keep fucking me, but harder!”

Frank steps closer to get a better look at Sile’s naked body wanting to see her cute little tits, as Stan slams into her ass making it jiggle with each stroke.

Sile’s phone starts to ring, laying on Stan desk. “Hum can you see who that is please Frank?”

“Says Nakita,” he tells her.

“Ohhhh, shit, you better answer it!”

Nakita recognized it wasn’t Sile’s voice and asks for her, telling him it is important.

He repeats what Nakita said to her.

“Put her on, oh fuccccck Stan that’s the spot, on speaker!” She gasps rocking back into his trusts.

“Yes Nakita, what is it dear?”

Nakita listens and tries to figure out what’s going on, she has an idea but keeps it to herself having her own problem. “Mr. Steven needs me to come pick him and several other men up from the office, the men need to be at the airport soon, he called fifteen minutes ago and now wants to know how long before I can get there. I don’t know what to do?”

Sile giggles, “go get them Nakita, I will be a while longer in my meeting!” She bites her lip trying not to moan out loud, Stan’s thighs slapping against her ass cheeks.

Frank watches as Sile’s small tits actually bounce a little bit with her bending forward, along with her full round ass, as Stan gets into trying to make her make sounds.

“Ms. Sile, you have my uniform, and my bra!” She says in a panicked voice.

She laughs, “Steven won’t mind what your wearing, he will love it, I will make sure you don’t get it any trouble, I promise it will be ok!”

“But Ms. Sile I am practically naa,” but Sile cuts her off.

“Just go and hurry back,” then motions to Frank to hang up.

“Damn Stan, you have got some stamina, but I might not need Frank to come over here and help!” She gives him and evil grin, bending farther to get more of Stan’s cock inside her.

Stan tells Frank, “video this shit with her phone!”

He looks at Sile for direction, she smiles and nods her head yes. Frank hits a few buttons and points her phone toward them, paying a lot of attention to Sile’s naked body and Stan’s cock sliding in and out her stretched pussy from behind.

While holding the phone Frank asks, “what did you send her to pick up your husband wearing if you have her clothes?” His other hand rubbing his own cock through his slacks.

Sile’s laughs, “cute heels, thigh highs, a tiny black G-string and a very low matching half braaaaaa! Oh, shit Stan push harder, I’m ohhh fuck!” Her body quivers and her knees get wobbly. Stan’s pumping causes Sile’s juices to run down the inside of her thighs.

She waves Frank over, trying to speak, “cock, give me your cock!”

He wastes no time, trying to hold the phone to video her and unzip his slacks. She leans over more taking his cock in her mouth like a starving dog. Moaning as she takes him down her throat, trying to make him cum, she wants to feel him splatter the back of her throat while Stan is still fucking her.

Meanwhile Nakita has arrived at the Monato Building towering over the street below, she sees the men standing there, trying to figure out what to do. She knows she is about to get fired or if she is lucky, maybe praise for her daring outfit from Steven.

She eases up next to the men standing on the busy sidewalk, takes a deep breath gripping the steering wheel with both hands, then opens her door to step out, forgetting to give her bra a tug up to try and hide her hard dark nipples.

“Damn Nakita, now that’s a damn chauffeur’s uniform! I love it, did Sile put you up to this?”

Not thinking she smiles telling Steven, “Yes she did, said you would love it!” Not wanting to rat her out as to why Sile had her clothes, and she had no uniform to wear.

The men stare at her gorgeous petite body, dark skin from the top of her thigh-highs to the tiny patch covering her slit, up to her big boobs and hard dark nipples spilling over the top of her low cupped bra. Her boobs jiggling with each step, pushed up and out on display.

As she turns to open the door, they all see her full firm ass with only a small flat lace string coming up from between her butt cheeks and around her waist.

Several others have stopped to watch her now, several men and women quick to whip out their phones. Even the men with Steven snap a few of her as she stands there, embarrassed in all her glory, practically naked.

Steven seeing her shame and embarrassment, ushers the men into the limo, they notice the privacy screen already up, as Nakita hurry’s back around to get behind the wheel, again her tits bouncing with her trying to hurry to get out of public view.

Unbeknownst to them, she had turned on the intercom on her end, heard them talking about her, “Oh my God her nipples looked so hard and yummy, all dark like chocolate drops!” One of the men says.

“And that ass I could just eat that thing up! Steven, does she work for us or just a contractor?”

“Steven please make her our permanent driver and make sure that’s her only uniform, she has to be the hottest babe in Tokyo!”

“She works for LiPan so yeah she works for us; she seems quite loyal to pull off the stunt Sile just had her do,” Steven tells them.

Nakita could feel herself blushing, but it also excited her hearing them speak of her like that. It was almost like listening to her boyfriend when he was trying to get her to dress a lot less conservatively. He too had a fetish of wanting to show her off in public.

Arriving at the airport, parking in the packed drop off zone and having to double park, she takes another deep breath, then steps out without hesitation. She hears her phone “ding” with a text message as she stepped out.

Thinking to herself how excited her boyfriend would be if he saw her like this in public, giving herself a bit of a distraction from her nakedness, imagining him watching her, trying to tune out everyone else around her.

Hurrying around, she could feel her boobs bouncing like they were about to come completely out of the low cut bra.

She opens the door again drawing another group of gawkers as she stands in between the lanes as cars behind her back up.

Her perfect body on display. The men all ogling her as they step out, Steven also gets out telling the men they will have a meeting in Houston next week to discuss final details and to have their reports ready to present to him.

Steven pauses to look at Nakita one more time as people around her stare and snap pictures. “Thank you for being such a team player Nakita! I will make it up to you, I promise!” Then he ducks back into the vehicle.

She thanks him and walks back around this time not in such a hurry, feeling like a sex goddess.

She pulls off as she checks the text message. It is from Sile telling her she is shopping a few blocks from where she had been dropped off and to text her when she is back in the area.

She is smiling to herself now, realizing how excited her exposure had made her, and thinking about Sile in her too small outfit walking about in Tokyo, knowing how aggressive men can be in Japan with scantily dressed women, especially white American looking women.

Nakita rolls down the privacy screen telling Steven they needed to head downtown to pick up Sile, and that she has been shopping. He tells her that’s fine.

Twenty minutes later Nakita finds Sile, she was standing outside a clothing store waiting for her ride. “There she is Mr. Steven; you do have a most beautiful wife sir!” He sits up to see Sile standing on the sidewalk, the little skirt at an angle from the side, half her ass cheeks showing, local men snapping pictures of her, she strikes a few poses for them eating up the attention. She turns to wave at Nakita, Steven sees the halter is held closed by what looks like one button, open down the center.

Nakita pulls over into a loading lane, not even thinking about it, she hops out and hurries around once more. Sile smiles at her standing by the door blocking Nakita from opening it, “Nakita, you are absolutely the sexiest woman in in this city! Was Steven upset?”

“Thank Ms. Sile, Mr. Steven was very pleased, I told him it was your idea. I am just thankful you didn’t ask for my bra and panties, I would have been completely mortified!”

Sile laughs, “judging by those nipples I think you would have liked it; besides they wouldn’t have fit me. But if you would like, I could ask for them now!”

“Please Ms. Sile, let me open your door, please, people are taking pictures of us.”

“Yes, they are, I find it quite exciting, don’t you?”

“Well yes, I mean no, please I’m naked!” She pleaded.

Sile enjoying seeing Nakita squirming, “you can be naked if you wish, maybe we both can! Would you like that?” She giggled, then stepped aside to let her open the door.

Sile stepped into the limo, flashing her ass and puffy lips, as she bent over, to the people watching the two of them.

Steven smiling seeing the skirt well up on her thighs and her top fallen away, he too had snapped a few pictures of her and Nakita.

The limo pulled out into traffic, heading towards the Hilton in bumper to bumper late afternoon traffic.

“You know I would have loved to see you out there naked on the sidewalk like Nakita!” Nakita cut her eyes to the rear-view mirror, listening to his comment.

“I bet you would have, I am not sure Nakita would, I mean her boobs are already out, but yeah both of us completely naked would have been exciting! What do you think Nakita, you game for a few pictures?” Sile laughed.

Looking back thru the mirror, hoping she wasn’t serious, “I would be very embarrassed Ms. Sile, but you’re the boss today!”

Steven, his mind wondering, “Nakita, you are so loyal to my Sile, you would do that for her to make her happy?”

“Of course, sir, it would be most embarrassing but maybe exciting too? I have never imagined doing such a thing. Although my crazy boyfriend has asked me too, but not with people around, you would like him!”

“You want to park this limo on the busy street up ahead and step out in less than you are wearing now?”

The limo slowly moving through traffic.

Her eyes darting back and forth between them and the road, she lightly bit her lip hoping he wasn’t serious. “Well sir, no matter how embarrassing it is, she has my total loyalty, obedience, and respect. I have never done such a thing in my life, not even what I am wearing now, until today!” Then she giggled, “but like you, my boyfriend would also love to see me do it and I have tried to have the courage but never have.”

Sile turns around leaning through the privacy screen, her ass and still juicy pussy toward Steven, “give me your panties!”

She looks back through the mirror, a bit horrified, Steven sees around Sile as Nakita wiggles them down her legs, then hands them to Sile.

Sile tosses them to Steven, “I want to take her home with me!”

Steven tells her, pull off at the next loading zone. Her eyes darts to the mirror again, thinking, “he is serious, I am going to be nude on the busy Tokyo sidewalk among all these people!” She looks up and Sile has pulled the halter top off. Her hard pink nipples were being pinched by Steven.

“Here we are Sir!” Her heart pounding, looking at the afternoon crowd headed home and to the subways.

Sile leans forward again, “you ok doing this with me? I can do it alone if it’s too much?”

“Ms. Sile, yes, I feel embarrassed, but also excited, I am ready when you tell me to open your door! Should I take off my bra too?”

“No, it looks sexy on you with the hose, leave it just as it is, let’s do it!”

One more look around and Nakita opened her door and stepped out, her body shaking and heart pounded out her chest, she walked around and opened the door. Steven stepped out first, walking to the right of the car to get good pictures. Sile stepped out right behind him wearing just her hose and heels.

People immediately stopped around them. Sile takes Nakita’s hand, and they head away from the limo down the sidewalk as Steven tries to get pictures through everyone else doing the same and gawking.

They actually go a block and a half before turning around at the corner, Steven now getting video of the two nude women, Nakita’s tits jiggling with each step. Sile’s almost bare orange public hair shining, proof of her natural hair color. They casually return to the limo, Nakita still doing her job as people video and snap pictures.

Nakita hurries around a bit faster and hops in cranking the limo and driving off. The two of them laughing hysterically, “oh my goodness, we actually did it Ms. Sile! Mr. Steven, please send me the pictures you took of me today, my boyfriend is going to have a seizure when he sees them. I just hope I am brave enough to do it for him when her asks!”

Steven is all smiles looking quickly through the pictures, “oh yeah I’ll be happy too!”

Then pulls Sile to him, kissing her deeply, groping her small tits and round ass. Nakita again watching, as the two of them making out. Sile releasing Steven’s cock and then dropping her mouth down to his lap.

Nakita starts to raise the screen, but Sile motions to Nakita to leave it down.

Sile must finish Steven off while parked in the hotel garage. Nakita waiting to get out this time to open their door. Her own fingers teasing her clit as she watches.

Steven tells Sile and Nakita, “we need to head to the room to get ready for dinner. Could you come around and… damn Sile you sure do suck a cock good!”

Nakita gets out walking around in her bra, thigh-highs, and heels. Opening the door, Sile hands her the halter and skirt, “put these on, and follow us, I have a dress for you to wear to dinner tonight, you and your boyfriend are joining us for dinner.”

Steven and Sile exit the limo, “Ms. Sile what about you, you have nothing to put on!”

Steven takes Sile’s hand ignoring Nakita’s comment and they head toward the elevator in the sub-garage. Nakita watching Sile’s bare ass swishing as she hurries to step into the skirt, then pulls the halter on while catching up with them.

As the doors open to the elevator they step in, Steven happy to see only the two bottom buttons done on the vest, her bra and cleavage still visible and jiggling.

The elevator car went straight to their floor, Nakita worried they would have to share the ride with Sile being naked. On their floor they went to the room, Sile and Nakita were still giggling about their little photo stunt.

Sile went to the closet and removed the blue dress Steven had bought for her. “Here put this on!” Reaching for her vest to help her take it off, then reaching behind her, Sile released the clasp on her bra, leaving her topless in front of Steven. “Skirt too,” Sile tells her.

She wiggled out of it, not worried as Steven had already seen her naked body. Sile held the dress open for her to step into.

It had a small bib like square at the front with tiny elastic shoulder straps that looped back around the side of the bid, leaving the back open to her lower back. Steven grinned seeing half her firm boobs showing from the sides, the bottom of the dress hitting a bit higher than mid-thigh. A slit ran up her left thigh, a bit high, had Sile wore it, the slit would be about even with her pussy, so it was a bit lower on Nakita.

Steven pulled a company card from his pocket, “if your boyfriend needs a suit for tonight, get him one. Meet us here at 6:30, we are taking the subway to dinner. Now get going!”

Nakita was speechless, not sure what to say, feeling her boobs bouncing and about to fall out the sides of the dress, only the thin side strap pulling the bib tight keeping her nipples covered. She hurried to call her boyfriend as she waited for the elevator.

When the door opened and there were two couples inside, the men were smiling seeing her exposed side boobs, and the bare skin below them, her breasts keeping the top pulled away. She could feel the tingling form being ogled by the old men. They got off at the ground floor leaving her to continue to the garage.

While talking to her boyfriend on the drive to their apartment, telling him what had happened. She was adding to her excitement and decided to pull the little straps down her arms and over her hands. Having driven the Brierley’s around earlier naked, she wanted to fell that excitement. Not that anyone could see her through the tinted windows. But she knew and it was exciting.

She and her boyfriend arrived at about 6:15, Sile opened the suite door wearing the short little skirt and halter vest over a net under the arms body stocking. “You took my dress,” Sile laughed.

Her boyfriend staring at Sile, in the tiny skirt and open front halter to keep from pulling it too tight, as before it was keeping her from exposing her little boobs from the sides. Then she walks away, he sees her cheeks peeking with each step, “close your mouth,” Nakita tells him.

“Babe, you ready they are here?”

“I sure am, hello I am Steven, extending his hand to shake Kevin’s, and you already know who Sile is, glad you could join us tonight!” Steven introduces himself.

“Nice to meet you sir, I am Kevin, and thank you for the invitation tonight.”

“Let’s get going, I am hungry.”

The men follow the two women out the door, Steven watching Nakita jiggling side boobs and Sile’s peeking ass cheeks.

They ride down a bit silently and head to the front door and turn left headed to the subway.

It is about a twenty-minute ride to the restaurant Steven had picked out, it was a bit of a local dive, but one of Stevens’ favorites. The women were turning heads the whole time,

Steven and Kevin both picking up on each other enjoying the looks their ladies were getting. Steven stepped back a bit giving the women space on the subway ride, Kevin also stepping back admiring the two sexy women, proud of his girlfriend’s daring exposure. Unlike tonight, she always wore bras, Kevin hoping Nakita’s boobs would actually slip free.

It didn’t take long for a few commuters recently boarder, to move closer to them. Looking them over, Nakita’s big side boobs demanding attention, her back bare of any string or straps to her lower back.

Smiling at Sile, Steven tugged at the waist band of his pants and nodded to her. She knew exactly what he wanted, running her finger around the top of her skirt brought it a bit higher on her hips. Steven winked at her seeing even more of her ass cheek looking at her profile, the front appeared to be dangerously high from his vantage point. He snapped off a few pictures pretending to be check emails.

He watched as a few men crowded around her, almost obstructing his view of her. A dark-haired Caucasian man moved closer standing in front of her leaned over asking her something.

Sile shook her head no. He leaned in asking her something again, she laughed shaking her head no again, placing her hand on the opening of her top.

Once again he asked of her, she laughed and looked at Steven, giving him a wick.

This time she leaned to him and told him something. Looking toward Steven again, he watched as the man reach up to her halter releasing the two bottom buttons. Steven could feel his cock stirring watching the guy unbuttoning his wife’s clothes on the subway. Kevin looked at Nakita with her big side boobs and smooth back completely exposed and then back to Sile watching what was happening, wishing for her exposure as well.

Releasing the buttons allowed the front to separate even more revealing the small swells of her chest and lower abdomen now only covered by the two inch square net material, which concealed nothing.

She smiled at the man then looked at Steven giving him another wink. Steven responded with a nod and a big grin.

The man asked Sile, “may I?” Steven read his lips, then adjusted his thickening cock. The man reached up moving the two sides of the halter away. Her small breasts now framed by the net material, her hard pink nipples exposed. Kevin a bit shocked looked at Steven and back at Sile’s exposed tits.

The train slowly came to a halt and Steven motioned toward the opening doors, Sile leaned over and told him something and pushed her way through the crowded car joining the other three on the platform.

Sile’s nipples were covered, barely, with her buttons not fastened. Steven taking her hand leading her towards the stairs to the street above. Kevin and Nakita following, more of Sile’s ass cheeks showing as they approached the steps and headed up.

Kevin smiled then looked at Nakita then back to Sile a few steps ahead of them, the net body suit covering her legs and ass, with her lack of panties, her thick puffy lips exposed to them and the people behind them.

Kevin leaned to Nakita, “you should stop wearing panties too and get shorter skirts,” as she squeezed his hand in response.

She giggled, “that is my skirt, I left it with her when she gave me this dress. You would want me to dress like her, really?”

“You know I like when you dress sexy when we go out together.”

It was another block to the restaurant; Kevin couldn’t get the mental image of Sile’s bare ass and pussy lips out of his head as the pleated mini skirt bounced off her ass. Thinking back to Nakita telling him Sile was wearing her skirt.

Before entering Sile buttoned the bottom button to keep her top from flashing g open.

The staff at the restaurant knew Steven when they entered, taking them to a table in the middle of the restaurant. Everyone watching the two scantly dresses women. The staff immediately started bringing sake, along with bowls and plates of food.

They ate and drank, each time Sile leaned forward the top fell away flashing her small boobs anyway.

When they were all stuffed, Steven finally started the conversation. “Kevin, what do you do for an occupation?”

Nakita spoke up, “he works for you Mr. Steven, he is one of the senior IT techs.”

“Oh, even better!”

“Have either of you even been to the states.”

Kevin tells him, “I graduated from MIT, and did another two years at Texas A&M to get a second degree in electronics engineering and minor in IT security. That’s where I met Nakita.”

“Wow, impressive, and you Nakita, what else have you done beside driving old farts around Tokyo?”

“Well, I am more than a pretty face,”

“And sexy body!” Sile adds.

“I drove limos in Texas for good money while at Texas A&M also, that’s where we met like Kevin said. But here in Japan it is hard to get into a well-paying job with my education being a female, they are such chauvinist here. But I have a hydro engineering degree and a master’s in business sciences.”

Steven grinned at them, “we have both fell in love with you Nakita and want to keep you around, so I must ask to keep Sile happy, would you both be interested in moving back to Texas as a transfer working for me there, keeping all your benefits and a significant increase for both of you? Nakita, your loyalty is astounding, and I want to keep you close, as does Sile possibly in your current role as her assistant and doing remote work on special project.”

They just looked at each other totally shocked at his offer. They had talked several times about getting out the crowded Tokyo where everyone was on top of each other.

“You two think about it, let’s get out of here and take Sile dancing.”

They just smiled at each other, a bit giddy as they got up to leave, both still a bit in shock. They walked a few more blocks to a club named IXBE, known for its music, outgoing crowd, and sexy people. Steven was able to get them straight in with assistance from American green, the doorman eyeing the two women helped, knowing the crowds loved pretty western women.

Inside the music it loud, the club crowded, hundreds of lights flashing and spinning. Sile tells Nakita, “We are going to dance, I ate too much, they will get us drinks.” The dance floor made up most of the club, packed with mostly younger people moving to the beat thumping from the loudspeakers.

The young single guy’s eyeing Sile’s open top and very short skirt along with Nakita’s boobs exposed from the side of the dress and her bare back. Some dancing a bit close, hands brushing their bodies.

A while later, not sure how many songs, they just blended, and the girls kept dancing. The men getting bolder, both getting occasional bumps and squeezes of their asses. Sile sees Steven and Kevin with drinks waiting for them.

Sile downs the double shot of whatever Steven gave her, still buzzing from all the sake from dinner. Nakita sips the drink Kevin got for her; he already knew she had exceeded her limit an hour ago.

Sile wraps her arms around Steven’s neck, “take this halter off me, I’m burning up!” Was her excuse.

Steven sees her top completely open again. Steven kisses her then reaches behind her neck, ripping the collar away letting the destroyed garment fall away.

Kevin again looks at her in shock, the net body suit doing nothing to hide her small breasts. Others now take notice and point her out to friends.

“Come on Nakita, finish the drink so we can dance some more!”

She turns it up and out they go into the throng of young partiers. Now drawing more attention, a tall topless red head in a crowd of short people. The two of them stay close together.

Into the second or third song in the mix, Sile leans to Nakita, “push the skirt off my hips!”

“Ms. Sile, there is nothing under it, we will have to get you back to the hotel on the subway, and”

“Do as I asked, I’m still the boss!”

Knowing she shouldn’t she reaches to Sile waist and pushes the skirt off her hips to her thighs and let’s go. Leaving her in the net body suit and heels. People around them noticing Sile’s even more sexy and daring outfit. They keep dancing a while longer, at least three more blended disco songs. Some of the guys around her doing quick gropes of her ass from behind her. She also felt pulls on her body stocking. Nakita felt brushes of fingers against her exposed side boobs and her ass as well.

Nakita finally told her, “Let’s go find the guys, I need another drink. These guys are trying to feel me everywhere!”

Sile, giggling, leads the way, Nakita watching Sile’s bare ass covered in the tight net. As they clear the dance floor there is a bit of calls and cheers when the mostly young guys see Sile’s exposed body.

Making their way through the crowd looking for the guys, Sile starts to experience more grabs of her ass and tugs on her net suit. Nakita following sees the guys grabbing at her.

When guy’s realize they are together, Nakita too starts to feel the gropes and tugs at her dress now. Nakita finally sees their guys and points them out to Sile.

When she did a hand went inside the top of her dress grabbing her boob. She spun and pushed the hand away so fast it popped her left shoulder strap. She felt something but didn’t know what had happened, the club only lite up by the flashing lights, she held on to Sile’s hand heading towards the guys.

Steven and Kevin stared seeing Sile in just the body suit and Nakita left boob exposed from the bib front hanging at an angle across her chest. “What happened to your clothes?” Kevin quickly inquired of both of them.

Nakita finally realized her exposure, the alcohol keeping it from her temporarily. Her hand quickly reaches up holding the flap over her now.

“Sile told me to push the skirt off her, and some guy put his hand in the top of my dress and when I pushed his hand away, it ripped my strap.” Her other hand covers part of her face, she is shaken by her exposure in front of Keven, “should we leave, there is no way to keep my top up ripped like this. This is a bit embarrassing.”

Kevin smiled at her, “baby, you are beautiful, and you have great tits,” he reached up and took her hand holding her top up, “let’s go dance!” Her top folded over again.

Steven pulled Sile to him, kissing her and grabbing her ass cheeks, “you are one sexy chickee, I actually thought maybe you ripped her strap!”

He handed her his drink. People around them staring and making cat calls to Sile.

A few songs later Kevin and Nakita returned, she was no longer covering herself, actually smiling and enjoying her exposure.

Steven goes to the bar for another round of drinks leaving Kevin with the girls. Sile jumps, giving a little squeal as someone grabs her ass slipping a finger between her legs. She reaches back to swat the hand, but it is already gone, then giggles.

Steven eventually returns with the drinks, and they nurse them for a while, Kevin concerned about letting the girls return to dancing alone, but Sile insists enjoying the anonymous groping, and Steven approves wanting to see what additional trouble his wife can get into.

Most of the guys aware of the pretty white woman wearing the net body suit and the local with her dress ripped exposing her large breast, several having seen them or groped them already.

Like in many foreign conservative countries, women who present themselves in such a manner are considered fair game for lewd acts, Kevin was well aware of this fact which contributed to his concerns.

Several of the young men had been watching the dance floor for the return of the ladies exposing themselves. Finally, there they were, Sile returning with Nakita in tow.

The girls had consumed enough alcohol for them to lose what was left of their inhibitions and let their guard down as they once again moved to the beat of the music blasting from above.

It wasn’t but a minute and the younger men who had detected the two of them moved closer for a better look and maybe a quick grope of the tall white lady, or maybe the jiggling exposed breast of the local girl.

Sile wasn’t surprised as several, much shorter than her, young men surrounded them, hands began to briefly brush their asses, arms, and backs. Aware of their presence, Sile lifted her hands to her thick red hair that fell around her shoulders and back.

Several of the men took this as a signal of submission, one of them finally brave enough to reach out to grope her breast just briefly. Sile made no attempt to stop or discourage him, continuing to dance.

Another seeing this reached out taking a hand full of her other small exposed tit and pulled on her already hard nipple as his hand was withdrawn. At the same time someone grabbed a handful of her ass, planting their fingers into her ass crack then pulling on her net bodysuit covering her ass.

Nakita was trying to defend herself as other men competed to grope her exposed boob, others grabbing at the one still covered, then hands went inside the top of her dress. Her other strap having fallen or been pulled off her shoulder, she struggled to replace it back to where it belonged.

For some odd reason, Nakita was excited by the thought of them causing further damage to her dress as she watched Sile let the men grope her. Was it her exhibition earlier that day, the drinking they had been doing, feeding off Sile’s actions.

She wasn’t sure, she knew it wasn’t right, but she also knew the desire building between her legs was interfering with her rational decision making and building wrong desires.

Each time the strap was being moved from her shoulder the loose dress would drop down, she also realized if she lost that strap, she could also lose her dress. That’s when she felt a hand slide down the low back locating the string around her waist belonging to her thin G-string panties.

She tried to reach back but when she did, hands went for both breasts. She wasn’t as concerned with the groping as she was with the dress falling to the floor. Other hands going for the slit up her thigh, touching her through her tiny panties as the number of men increased see her as a willing victim.

The squeezing of her breasts and rolling of her hard nipples was sending feelings of euphoria through her body from the men she knew were craving her body and wanting to strip her.

She watched Sile letting the men enjoy her body, her body suit rolled down to her waist now, hands competing for her small breasts, the ass of the net body suit had been ripped across her left cheek and down her thigh. Fingers pulling at the front, even though there was no need too, they seemed to want to leave both women stripped naked, others sliding fingers through her wet slit, as she tried to dance.

Nakita couldn’t move from the men around her, some trying to lift her dress in the front, those behind her trying to pull it down.

She felt an opening up her left side and reached down to find the slit and extended up to almost where the bid flap was attached to her dress well above her waist. It was only seconds later she felt her panties pulled away from her body. Hands started to get ruff between her legs, and she knew she had to end it before she was stripped or worse.

She covered herself with her arms trying to hold the dress in place and pushed out of the crowd, looking for Kevin and Steven, they both saw her and met her just off the dance floor.

Kevin was concerned, but she was not hurt or upset, she assured him she was fine, that she just didn’t want to lose her dress.

The two men looking at her seeing the dress ripped, her brown skin exposed from her thigh up to below her big boob. Kevin, knowing she was wearing panties earlier were now gone.

The strap was not broken but stretched out allowing a good bit of her other breast to be exposed.

Kevin was still concerned, but also aroused seeing her girlfriend so exposed in public, almost wishing she had lost her dress. A fantasy they, him more than her, had shared many times while having sex.

When the guys started trying to get Sile to bend forward, after having ripped her body suit again between her legs, she too decided to end the party. She found Steven easily, he is tall like her, and made her way to where they were standing.

He smiled seeing her body suit bunched up around her waist, he pulled his phone out snapping a few pictures of her, knowing she hadn’t done it. “You are still wearing it?” Steven asked her, laughing at her destroyed body stocking. She turned and showed him the ripped back.

“Damn that’s a pretty ass woman!” Steven ran his hand over her firm bare cheeks, snapping another picture of her.

Kevin asked how they were going to get Nakita and Sile back to the hotel. Stating the obvious, “Ms. Sile is almost naked Mr. Steven? And Nakita’s dress is ruined.”

“Same way we got here is fine with me,” Steven laughed, “you seemed to enjoy showing off this beautiful girlfriend of yours earlier, let’s have some more fun and show these two lovelies’ off on the subway.” He reached over pulling Sile’s body suit back up under her arms.

Steven snapping another picture of Nakita and Sile with their damaged outfits, Nakita no longer seeming to care showing off her boob and entire left leg and partially exposed abdomen, her pussy flashing when she walked.

Steven still snapping pictures suggested they send them both back to dance, “I’d love to see Nakita’s dress destroyed a bit more, or worse!” He laughed, “I bet you would too!”

Kevin smiled back, “losing her dress doesn’t worry me, it’s what would happen afterwards.”

Steven agreed and pointed towards the exit.

With Kevin leading the way holding Nakita hand, she instinctively used her other hand to push the top of her dress back up over her boob as they started to make their way toward the exit. Steven, who was enjoying her exposure, pulled her arm back to hold her other hand, which allowed the dress to fall away again. He could see most of her left boob following from her side.

They were making their way, not quite a third of the way through the packed club toward the exit, the stretched strap started falling off her shoulder. She could feel it but had no desire to push it back up. Holding Kevin and Steven’s hand made her feel safe, and excited at the same time knowing they both desired her exposure.

Kevin looked back to make sure she was ok, her strap was to her elbow, the dress to her knees. Both her big perfect brown tits and dark nipples swayed with each step, and she was smiling, Kevin grinned back.

When Kevin looked forward again Nakita looked back at Steven, smiling, and mouthed to him, “let go of my hand.”

As soon as Steven let go she dropped her arm, freeing her hand from the dress strap. Within seconds the dress dropped to her feet, and she stepped out of it without missing a step, then reached back for Steven’s hand again.

He had just watched the dress fall and her step out of it leaving it on the floor, once again revealing her exposed round ass and smooth bare back, wearing only her thigh-highs and heels.

Not even halfway to the door, Kevin looked back again at his beautiful girlfriend in tow, but did a double take this time. She had a huge smile on her face, her perfect petite body, big tits, smooth bare pussy and bubbly ass now exposed to the world, his fantasy had come true, and she was smiling.

The rest of the trek to the door was met with quick gropes and camera flashes aimed at both women.

The doorman just stared as the two women exited the club onto the busy sidewalk pack with partiers. Both Kevin and Steven pulled out phones for quick pictures of the two of them, many others doing the same.

Before heading to the subway, which was several blocks away, Kevin offered Nakita his jacket, starting to pull it off.

“No, this is your fantasy, I want to stay like this at least to the subway platform.”

He felt so proud of her holding her hand as she walked next to him in just her black hose and heels, looking over at her big jiggling breasts. Steven and Sile watching her wiggling young ass.

Nearing the stairs to go down to the station Nakita quietly tells Kevin, “You won’t believe how wet I am, it is running down my thighs, from the two orgasms I have had. I want to do this more, I want to experience this craziness some more, I want you to help me, to show me!”

He just smiles at her reaching back and squeezes her bare ass, “we will, in Texas!”

She smiles back at him, “yes in Texas,” they head down the stairs neither of them thinking about Kevin’s jacket offer, enjoying her newfound freedom.


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