
An adult stories – Sisters by m_storyman_x,m_storyman_x Some families take that old saying about marrying into a family more seriously than others. For me, it meant that when I married my wife, her two sisters got all the same benefits my new wife did. Well, most of them anyway, like emergency road service, general handyman duties, “special” favors that they’d only ask a brother to handle. About the only thing they didn’t get was sex, though over the thirty years that I’d been married to Marie I wondered if her two sisters, Jeanie and Samantha didn’t take a perverse pleasure in teasing me sexually, knowing that it was the one thing that was out of bounds.

At first it made some sense, neither of them being married. But once they were both married, I figured that the visual teasing would go away. Alas, it didn’t. More than once, we, as couples, would go camping together or on various trips, and I was subjected to discrete and sometimes less than discrete flashes. In one case, a cruise that I was planning for my wife and I, ended up being a couples vacation, much to my displeasure. Yeah, it seemed that no matter how hard I tried to have a sexy, fun getaway with just my wife, it t urned into a multi-couple trip that included her sisters and their propensity to flash, touch, and grope, or just whisper sexy little things, all seemingly designed to give me a hard-on.

The three sisters were all similar in build and stature, all have the same blond hair and green eyes. In baby pictures you couldn’t tell them apart, but as they grew older some minor differences did appear. Of course there was the age difference. Jeanie was the baby, two years younger than my wife, Samantha three years older. Marie, now fifty, was the middle of the three. She still has a damn good body, topped with a fantastic pair of thirty eight D tits with large areola that seem to puff up when she gets excited. God I love playing with her tits. She isn’t as thin as when we were first married, with three kids to her credit, she now wears a size twelve, but her frequent workouts allow her to still look pretty damn sexy. Her stomach is firm and toned, her body well sculpted and proportioned, and of course toned, firm legs that I love to have wrapped around me.

Now, I said that her sisters tease me. I guess teasing isn’t quite the right term, but I’m not quite sure what else to call it. Even when we were still dating, when I came to pick Marie up, one of her sisters would find some reason to parade through the room wearing as little as possible, sometimes as little as a pair of panties and a bra, and on a few occasions less than that. After we were married, I would have expected that kind of teasing to stop. It didn’t. If anything, it got worse. It seemed like at every opportunity they could think of, they were doing something sexy to make me hard. Eventually Jeanie and Sam married, which at least tamed Sam’s teasing down to rare and much less obvious instances. Jeanie, however, continued to get perverse pleasure from giving me a hard-on at any opportunity. I often wondered how many guys she teased that way, or if I was special because I was married to her sister. Any time we were together, she’d wear as revealing and sexy an outfit as she could, and heaven forbid we cross paths alone. To my surprise, my wife shrugged it off as her sister just being cute. Stripping in front of me was a lot more than just being cute!

I remember one time we went camping: Marie, myself, Jeanie and her husband of five years. The three of them were down at the lake swimming while I was out fishing. When I came in, I headed up to the tent to change into my swim suit and join them. I had no idea what excuse Jeanie used when she left them down at the water, but I was completely naked in the tent, getting ready to step into my swim suit, when she unzipped my tent door and stepped in. She said simply that she needed to fix her suit and proceeded to take her top off, messing with the strings for several seconds while I stared at her tits, my cock quickly growing rock hard behind my hands as I only partially managed to hide it. She put her top back on, grinned at me and then pushed her bottoms down to her thighs.

I stood there, frozen in shock, but unable to rip my eyes from her smooth, fully shaved, mound as she stepped closer to me. She reached down to my hands with hers and gently pulled mine away from my now raging hardon, completely exposing me to her view. She grinned as she let go of my hands and turned herself around. I moved to step back, my foot hitting the air mattress, warning me I was back as far as I could go without falling down. With no escape, I stared at her lightly tanned ass, not a single hint of a tan line showing, as she stepped back toward me again, pushing her bare ass out at me as she reached back for my hands again. She used my hands to pull the bikini panty down her leg as far as she could, bending over more and more as she slowly pushed the panty down with my hands. Her completely shaved pussy lips pushed out between her legs toward me, and toward my engorged head only a few fractions of an inch from her lips. She let go of my hands when I didn’t stoop or bend to go lower, and used her own hands to take the panty the rest of the way to her ankles. She stepped out of the small panty, and still bent over, messed with her suit bottom for several seconds, intentionally pushing her bare ass back at me until my fat mushroom head was rubbing against her soft lips.

She held herself there, untangling the suit bottom for long seconds, her butt moving side to side slightly, grinding her wet lips against my fat mushroom, before stepping back into the tiny slip of material. She ‘accidently’ pushed herself back harder, trying to force my dick to spread her lips as she began stepping into the tiny suit bottom, pushing even a little harder as she slid the panty up her legs, finally pulling her pussy away from my dick as she covered her pussy again.

Her only comment was just before she stepped out of the tent, looking at me over her shoulder and saying, “You don’t get much more of an invitation than that!” It was the closest I’d ever been to stepping across the line, but in no way was I ever going to cheat on Marie, especially with one of her sisters! I mean, come on! My wife would either shoot it off or cut it off over something like that!

Having the biggest house also meant that we most frequently held the family gatherings at holidays. The sisters and their families filled our house at almost every holiday, and most especially at Christmas. I suppose that’s because we lived in the country in a quaint, four-thousand square foot house on a small man-made lake. Perfect for summer holidays, but with enough room to manage in the winter. Since all the kids were grown and out of our houses, the group was even larger with the kids and their kids. This last Christmas, Jeanie, forty-eight and still with the body of a thirty year old, continued her teasing, walking in on me while I was in the shower to “use the bathroom”, pulling her panties down and peeing, and then standing up and playing with her pussy while she watched me in the shower. I worried the whole time about what my wife would have done if she’d walked in while her sister was climaxing in front of me.

Yeah, having Jeanie around the house was always somewhat uncomfortable. I loved my wife and wanted to stay true, and I most definitely didn’t want to even have to deal with the implication that I was messing around with one of her sisters. Of course, getting older had its drawbacks as well. My level of desire hadn’t really changed much over the years, though I couldn’t go as many times in a row as I used to, I still preferred to have sex frequently. My wife, on the other hand. Well, her level of desire has faded to once every few weeks, making things somewhat difficult for me, but I manage.

A month ago life was predictable, with the exception of Jeanie of course. I got up in the morning, helped my wife get off to work, headed to the shower and then to my home office from which I ran my consulting business. Weekend mornings were generally more laid back with the later parts of the days filled with chores and tasks around the house or outside. Yep, damn predictable and comfortable. That was before my wife got a phone call from her older sister.

Sam had been married twice, her current husband only a couple years younger than she was. After ten years with him, he’d decided that someone much ‘younger, prettier and sexier’ was what he wanted, according to her words. He’d flaunted his new fuck bunny by being in the middle of fucking her on the kitchen table when Sam came home from work. She quite obviously left, and just as obviously my wife offered to have her stay at our house. With that one phone call my predictable little life veered into uncharted chaos.

Her first night at our house seemed like a cry fest. Tears flowed for hours as my wife did her best to console her sobbing sister, and convince her that it was her jerk husband, and not her, that was the problem. No matter how much my wife tried, all Sam could do was to come back to how she wasn’t sexy anymore and wasn’t good looking, etc, etc… My wife struggled to find a way to convince her that she was still good looking and sexy and desirable and, much to my horror, drew me into the conversation to “help convince her”. As uncomfortable as I was telling her in front of my wife that she was good looking and sexy and that any guy would love to be with her that way, I was equally encouraged to lay it on thick by my wife’s pleading looks.

I’m sure by now you’ve figured out what was about to happen. You’ve probably concluded that my convincing encouraged Sam to slip into my shower, or some other equally naked venue and have sex with me behind my wife’s’ back to prove to herself that she was still desirable and sexy. Well, I was well prepared to repel boarders the next day while I was alone in the house with the still tearful Samantha. As it turned out, it was an unwarranted concern. Sam was a perfect lady, leaving me to my work and doing her best to be unobtrusive around the house. I overheard her make a call to take a leave of absence from her work to deal with her situation, but otherwise she spent hours sitting in the living room overlooking the lake, watching the cold, wind-blown waves wash up on the shoreline. The evening was spent in long conversations with my wife while I did my best to hide.

The second day and third day were much the same as the first, thankfully. Though she came out of her shell a bit more the third day and make the two of us lunch and brought it to my office. We ate, not saying much, but then she seemed to just want to not be alone. She spent the afternoon lounging on the sofa in a pair of slacks and a t-shirt, reading a book while I worked on my computer. Her evening was again spent with my wife, off sitting in the family room talking about lord knew what, while I sat in the den and watched some TV, doing my best to stay out of a conversation that I knew would be uncomfortable for me.

The fourth day, she started to almost seem normal. It was the first day since she’d arrived that I’d seen her smile while talking to my wife in the morning. Marie gave me a soft kiss, told me to take care of Sam and then headed off to work, leaving me standing in my pajama pants in the same room with Sam, wearing just an overly long T-shirt for nightwear, giving me long assessing kinds of looks. I didn’t know what else she had on under it, but I could easily tell by the two distinct bumps, that seemed to be getting more pronounced by the moment, that it didn’t include a bra. It was almost as if she were trying to decide if the wall needed to be repainted, or the lamp would look better in the living room. I wasn’t used to those kind of looks coming my way.

I apprehensively excused myself and headed to the master suite to shower and shave. I’d already dealt with Jeanie coming into the bathroom on me recently, and after the looks she gave me in the kitchen, part of me expected Sam to do something similar. I was relieved to not have a surprise visitor in my shower and by the time I got to my office, ready to work, Sam was ensconced on the little sofa, reading her book, still wearing her long t-shirt.

I liked my office. It was the place in my house that I’d designed specifically for concentrating on my work. Concentrating was hard enough for an adult with ADD, so I took the best of the techniques I’d learned over the years and built them into the room. My desk sat about six feet from the wall in front of me, three large computer monitors arrayed across it. Directly beyond them was a forty- seven inch plasma display hung on the wall that I generally kept old movies playing on for background noise. Sometimes I’d turn the movies off and just play music on the surround sound system. The background noise and motion were key to allowing part of my mind to be occupied while the other part focused on the work at hand.

To my right was a huge bay window that overlooked the lake. A warm wind was blowing across the lake from the southwest, pushing the waves toward the far shore, the leaves on the trees, just starting to come out, fluttering in the warm spring breeze. Between the lake and the bay window was a portion of the two-story back deck of the house, which I would sometimes move to with my laptop if I needed a change of scenery. From there I could overlook the yard and lake from my second story perch and get a change in perspective.

The sofa, which Sam was lounging on, was to my left, set so that it could easily look past my desk and out over the lake and the hills beyond, nearly three miles before the tops of the trees in the state forest ended the view. The sofa was there specifically for cold days when I just couldn’t concentrate at my desk.

I went to work as usual, deep into the design details of my current project by eight. As I worked my mind jumped between the TV, playing an old black and white western, and the schematics of the control system I was designing. The depth of my concentration was controlled not by the distraction, but by how long I could focus before my mind jumped me out again. I’d learned over the years that those jumps were necessary to keep the distracting little voice calling me to go out and play, go out and fish, etc, at bay. Though I seemed to be distracted in other ways that day. I found myself looking at Sam frequently, her long, bare legs crossed as she lay on the sofa, a book propped up on her chest as she read.

It was at least half an hour before I realized what was drawing my attention to her. Well, two things actually. The first was that her nipples were evident through the thin shirt, and both of them were rock-hard and protruding enough to make little mountain peaks on each of her full, round tits. The second was that the hem of her shirt had ridden up her legs from her periodic movements, the hem now clearly high enough to allow me to see the juncture of her legs, and, if I stood up, probably her pussy. Now this was a serious distraction! No matter how hard I tried, my overactive brain couldn’t help but imagine that shirt pulling up farther and exposing more of her body. Finally it got too much for me to deal with.

“Hey Sam!”

“Yeah?” she asked, looking up from her book, toward me.

“It’s pretty nice out. Just thought you might enjoy sitting in the sun and reading your book. There’s a couple lounge chairs on the upper deck.”

“Oh. That’s not a bad idea. I think I will!” she said, flashing me a smile as she twisted to get up, her shirt riding up even farther and giving me a brief glimpse of the blond curls on her mound before the shirt fell down over them again as she stood up.

I sighed and shook my head to get the image pushed out of my mind before going back to work. Well, that was the plan. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw movement on the deck. Not a huge surprise, since I had suggested she go outside. What was a surprise was that she had pulled one of the reclining lounge chairs out into the sun, setting it near the back of the house where I suspected she thought she was out of my sight. As I watched, she stripped off her t-shirt, leaving her completely nude as she stood in front of the railing. She leaned on it a few moments, her bare ass pushing back at the house, and me, her big soft tits hanging down below her chest. She straightened up, lifted her hands high over her head and then lowered them to her bare tits. While her back was partly to me, I couldn’t help but see her cupping and lifting each huge mound, her thumbs rubbing gently across her rock-hard nipples. She shook her long blonde hair, allowing me to see her eyes were closed and her lips parted slightly in pleasure. I was surprised at how little her tits sagged down compared to Marie’s. Sam’s breasts were large and round, and clearly heavy in her own hands. In the sunlight it was just as obvious to me that her left areola plumped and filled almost half the height of her erect nipple as she teased herself with her thumbs.

I wondered if she realized that I could not only see, but was indeed watching her as she stood there, allowing the breeze to blow across her nude body, both that and her fingers clearly having a distinct impact on her? My heart was pounding in my chest and I found myself unable to rip my eyes from her as she moved to the chair, sitting down with her legs pointed across the deck. From where I was, I couldn’t see her pussy, being blocked by her legs, but I could most certainly see the curls on her mound as she lay back and reached one hand down between her legs.

“Oh shit,” I groaned as my cock tried to break through my pants at the sight of her lying in the sun, her fingers obviously teasing her pussy while her other hand moved from breast to breast, teasing, pinching and pulling her nipples. I couldn’t hear her, but her mouth clearly was making noises as she rocked her hips and arched her back at the pleasure she was causing in her body.

I didn’t remember doing it, but I clearly must have. I looked down and realized that I had my cock out of my pants and was slowly stroking it in time with her rocking hips, my own level of pleasure growing more intense by the moment. I felt my hand sliding along my under-used cock, much as it did when I relieved myself to some internet porn, only this time I was imagining my cock sliding in and out of her pussy instead of some random porn star showing off for me. I saw her hand moving and knew she was pushing her fingers in and out of her pussy, teasing herself closer to climax and, inadvertently, me along with her.

I saw her lips mouth ‘oh god’ as she arched her back, her legs suddenly trembling and shaking in orgasm, my own climax suddenly springing upon me at the thought of her climaxing around my fat cock. My body jerked uncontrollably half a dozen times, spewing my cum on the wall and the carpet as I came along with her. I sat there panting, wondering if she knew what I had just done, if she knew that I had watched, or even if she knew I could see her naked at all.

I saw her relax, a smile creep to her lips, her eyes still closed, and her fingers teasing across her thighs and tits.

I got a towel and cleaned up my mess, wiping down the wall and the wet spot on the carpet before tossing the cum-covered hand towel into the hamper. By the time I’d cleaned up and was back, ready to work, she was reading again, still naked in the sun.

I was doing my best to concentrate when she got up again and walked from my view.

“Mark, do you have any sunscreen?” I heard her ask from the doorway to my office, drawing my attention to her. She was standing there, completely naked with her hands behind her back, allowing me to see her whole naked body, including, for the first time, her pussy. Her full, round lips were puffed up and glistening with her own moisture, a significant amount of sexy, soft inner lip protruding and sticking down between the gap in her legs. I opened and closed my mouth several times, trying to make my words come out.

“Um. Uh. Yeah. Um. In the hall closet,” I finally got out.

“Okay. Thank you!” she said cheerfully, turning and walking from my office, leaving me with a short look at her completely bare, firm, round ass.

“Oh lord.” I groaned to myself as I sat there, listening to her rummage in the hall linen closet.

“Oh, here it is!” She called down the hall. I heard the closet door close and a few moments later the door to the deck open and close.

“Wow,” I said to myself, shaking my head at what I had just seen. I didn’t have long to consider what she’d shown me when a whole new view presented itself or, should I say, herself. Sam walked out to the chair and, facing away from me, bent over to spread the white cream on her legs, starting with her right ankle. I sat and stared at her, her legs about a foot apart, her pussy pushing out toward me as she wrapped both hands around her ankle. Her incredible looking pussy pushed out at me from between her thighs, as she began massaging the lotion into her skin, her hands slowly stroking their way up from her ankle, stroking and twisting, almost like she were stroking a fat cock. She continued working around her calf and then paused to get more lotion before starting again with her right thigh just above her knee. She swirled her hands around her soft, creamy thigh, still bent over with her tits hanging down and swaying as she moved, her hands stroking around her thigh and finally high enough to swipe briefly across her pussy.

She remained bent at the waist, getting more lotion and turning slightly, letting me see more of her breasts as she worked the lotion into her left calf, her hand again stroking up and down and twisting around as she worked the lotion into her creamy skin. Upward, her hand traveled, slowly stroking and working more of the lotion into her leg, my cock screaming to escape my pants and reach for the pussy that was all too visible and close. I’d never been to a strip club, but the show she was giving me was certainly hot enough for the fanciest stage.

“Oh shit.” I groaned as she finished her left thigh and stroked her hand between her legs, her finger splitting her wet pussy lips briefly before she stood upright again. She settled on the chair again and then began massaging the lotion into her chest, her hands circling around and around her breasts, lifting each large, soft orb, teasing and massaging it before moving to the other. She covered her chest and neck with the cream and then went back to her tits again, working more unneeded lotion into the creamy, white skin, her whole body responding to her own touch.

I couldn’t hear through the triple pane window, but it was more than evident without the sound: the moan that she let escape as her hands massaged and teased her tits and nipples. I watched, no, stared at her as she rolled herself onto her side, her back facing me as she lifted one leg, bending her knee and setting her foot on the padding of the chair, leaving her legs spread and her pussy completely visible.

I could imagine my cock sliding into her wetness as she pressed her fingers between her lips and deep into her pussy. She slid them slowly in and out of herself, her juices glistening on her two fingers as she pushed them slowly in and out, her hips rocking in time with her strokes. My cock strained at my pants as I imagined my cock in place of her fingers, stroking deep into her with each move of her hips, her other hand probably teasing her nipples, unseen from that angle.

Her stroking fingers moved more quickly, her hips rocking more and more as she plunged her two digits faster between her wet lips, her cries of pleasure loud enough now to faintly be heard through the window pane. I didn’t even realize that my own hips were moving on my chair in time with hers until her body jerked and shuddered, climaxing in front of me. Her pussy gushed juices out in a heavy stream, leaving a puddle on the chair pad as my own cock spewed cum down my leg, soaking into the leg of my pants and boxers.

“Oh shit.” I grunted, getting up from my chair and walking unsteadily toward the bedroom, cum leaking from my still-twitching cock down my leg. I stripped my pants off, tossed them into the hamper and then dug out fresh underwear and shorts. I was still breathing heavily as I walked back to my office and sat down, her bare body still on its side, her fingers slowly teasing her wet lips as her juices leaked from her sopping pussy and ran down her ass to the chair, and eventually onto the wooden deck.

I tried to rip my eyes from the view in front of me and finally succeeded only when she climbed from the chair and walked into the house.

“Would you like some lunch?” I heard her call from the stairs as she walked down toward the first floor.

“Sure!” I called back, not sure how she would take the idea of me jacking off to what she was doing, most likely thinking her actions were in private.

Sam came back up the stairs a short time later, dressed in one of my wife’s lightweight satin robes, thankfully covering her breasts and pussy. Not that I didn’t enjoy the view, but I had to admit, I felt a bit guilty for what I had seen and done. She had two plates, one for her and one she handed to me.

“Thank you! I need something to drink. Want something?” I asked, getting up from my chair to walk the few feet to the small refrigerator I kept in the office. I pulled out a Pepsi and, at her request, a bottle of water. I handed her the water and then sat back down, swiveling my chair to face her while I ate the sandwich she had made.

“You changed,” she said almost off hand, as we sat across from each other.

“Yeah. Got hot sitting here,” I answered evasively.

“Oh. I wanted to apologize. I didn’t mean to startle you when I came in earlier,” she said with a serious look on her face.

“Oh, it was okay,” I answered.

“No, really. You looked so stunned that I wanted to apologize. Marie said to just make myself at home and that you’d be fine with whatever. But if it makes you uncomfortable, me being naked, I won’t.”

“Oh. No, it’s fine. Not a problem,” I said, little beads of sweat suddenly popping out on my brow. I wondered if she could see the reaction my body was suddenly having at the thought of her walking around naked again.

“Yeah. I know my little sis used to tease the shit out of you. She liked trying to give you a hard-on because Marie used to say how good you were. I guess I just assumed that she’d flashed enough by now that you’d be used to it.”

“You know she still tries to flash me?” I asked in surprise.

“Oh yeah. To her, it’s a game. She doesn’t mean anything by it. Marie always gives her a hard time about it, but knows damn well that she’s going to still try.”

“Yeah, she does every now and then,” I agreed.

“She can be a bit of a slut sometimes. I guess she never grew up. She was always trying to get into my boyfriends pants too. I guess I should have let her. I might not be going through this now if I had. Marie is lucky. She got a winner.”

“I don’t think I’m that much of a winner.”

“Oh, trust me. Compared to my two exes, you’re a dream. Hell, when was the last time you didn’t come help me when I needed something? Or when was the last time any of us were in a tight spot and you weren’t there for us? On top of that, Marie says you have a fantastic cock and you’re a freaking genius at making her come.”

“Oh. God. I didn’t know my sexual prowess was up for general conversation,” I said, feeling myself blush a bit.

“Oh, just between sisters. We’ve always compared notes on our boyfriends and husbands, and you always seemed to be on top of the stack. Kind of a shame that Marie doesn’t get turned on much any more. I know she feels bad about it, but I guess it’s physical or something. Not a lack of desire, just a lack of arousal, you know what I mean?”

“Uh, yeah, I guess I can understand.”

“Well, if you don’t mind, I’ll read in here a while. Looks like the sun is going to hit the whole deck and it’s a bit hot sitting in it.”

“Um. Sure. Whatever you want. I’m just going to sit and work.”

She got up and walked over, set her dish on the edge of my computer table, then turned and sat in my lap. I could feel her ass pressing my hard-on against my leg as she wrapped her arms around my neck and gave me a sideways hug, pressing one of her big tits into my chest. She held the hug and I moved my arms tentatively around her and hugged her back, which is what she seemed to want. “Thank you,” she whispered softly as she pressed her cheek to mine. “I know having me around is a bit difficult, but thank you for letting me hang out with you. I just really don’t want to be alone, you know?”

“You’re welcome,” I said.

“And I’m sorry that I get you all turned on too. I’m sure that doesn’t make things easier.”

“Uh. I don’t…I mean you don’t…”



“I can feel your hard-on. It’s okay. In a way it’s a compliment,” she said as she released my neck and slowly pushed herself up off of me. “Marie would be beside herself for this, but….” she said as she reached down to my leg and slid her hand up the baggy leg hole, finding the engorged head of my rigid cock sticking down along my leg. She gently stroked what she could of my shaft and then looked up and smiled at me. “You know, it’d be okay if you wanted to do something to relieve that.”

“Huh?” I asked, startled, trying to drag my mind back from the feeling of her fingers on my head.

“Oh, I don’t mean have sex with me or anything, but I don’t suppose that Marie would mind if you came just looking at me. I know you’re turned on because I was naked,” she said, reaching for the waist tie of her thin robe and pulling it apart. She let the robe slide down off her shoulders and then pulled her hand from my shorts, letting the robe fall to the floor around her. With a smile, she reached down and undid the snap on my shorts and pulled the zipper down. “You’re so big, you might have to help me with this,” she said, trying to stick her hand into my shorts and boxers and pull my cock up and out. “Lift,” she coaxed.


“Lift your butt silly,” she said with a little giggle.

I moved my hands to the arms of the chair, still staring at her big tits as they hung down below her and in front of me as she bent at the waist to reach for my shorts. I lifted and she quickly pulled my shorts and boxers down, working them all the way down my legs and then pulling them off.

“Wow. Now I know why she thinks it’s a great cock!” she said, wrapping both hands around it and squatting down in front of me, her legs splayed wide allowing me to see her spread pussy and her fantastic tits while she slowly stroked both hands up and down my shaft. “So, this is from looking at me?”

“Uh. Yeah.”

“Wow. Just looking at my naked body? I’m surprised. Or did you have a little more stimulation? You weren’t watching me on the deck were you?”

“Well… Actually,”

“I know. I didn’t until the second time. When I turned around putting the sun block on you, I saw you through the window. Did you like what you saw?”

“It was one hell of a view.” I grunted.

“I bet. If you could, would you fuck me?”

“I wouldn’t cheat on Marie,” I answered quickly.

“That wasn’t my question. If you could, would you fuck me? Do I look sexy and fuckable?”

“Shit yes you do!” I said, no longer really thinking clearly as her hands stroked slowly up and down my shaft. “I’d fuck you in a hot second.”

“You sure? I mean I’m not as young as I used to be,” she said as she grinned up at me and leaned her face toward my cock, blowing hot breath across my engorged head, making it twitch.

“I’m quite sure.” I groaned as she gently stroked her hands up and down my shaft, twisting them each in opposite directions as she worked them slowly.

“Mmmmmm Look at all this pre cum!” she cooed as she let one hand stroke over my head, dragging the leaking lubricant down my shaft. She lowered her head and closed her lips around my head, swirling her tongue around it before pulling her mouth off my cock. “Tastes like cum. Did you come watching me outside? Did I turn you on so much that you squirted all over your pants? Mmmmmm what a naughty boy,” she said in a deep, seductive voice before closing her lips around my head again.

“Ohhhh shit.” I groaned as she pushed her face down my cock after her hands, her saliva lubricating me as she pulled back up, her hand sliding more wetly down my shaft. Up and down, she bobbed her head, slowly, almost painfully slowly, her twisting hands dragging her saliva down my shaft until she had my whole eight and a half inches lubricated and sliding as wetly as if I were buried in her pussy. Up and down, she went, her tongue teasing under my head before she pushed down my shaft, moving one hand to allow her mouth to take more of me into her, my head pressing lightly into her throat before she pulled back up again.

“God, you’re so big and hard. I wish this was in my pussy.” She moaned, pulled her mouth off my cock to catch her breath. “You want to come in my mouth? Let me suck your cum right out of your hot, fat cock? I bet you do. I bet you want your sister-in-law to suck you off and swallow your load. You are such a bad, bad boy!” she said with a crooked grin before closing her lips around me again. I felt her move one hand to my balls, gently teasing them as she went back to her slow gentle pushes down my shaft.

I closed my eyes and groaned, knowing that I was soooo damn close but being very expertly denied. Her words and the sensations of her mouth and hands were inching me ever closer to a massive climax, but each time I thought I was going to tip over the top, she’d slow down more, letting my body pull back slightly from the impending climax. Half a dozen times she did this, my cock feeling like it was growing massively fatter in her hand and mouth as she inched me closer again. I tried to sit still, but my hips wanted to lift off the chair and push toward her, trying to push more of me into her mouth faster. I felt her hand kneading my balls and then felt her finger tease along lower, the tip of her finger, wet with her saliva leaking down my balls, stroke further, down across my perineum.

I felt her pull her head back, holding just my head in her mouth as her fingertip found the rosebud of my anus and gently teased across it, pressing against it and stroking it. The sensation was like a jolt of electricity racing through my body. The climax she had held me back from over and over suddenly flashed into being like super-heated water into steam. Sparkles appeared in my vision as my body bucked hard, trying to jam my cock into her mouth as I exploded.

I felt her suck my cum as it surged from me, her moans of pleasure sounding in my ears as she licked and sucked my spurting cock, my body barely able to sit still as it convulsed and tried to force itself deep into her throat. Time and again, my body jerked, adding more to the load I had emptied into her waiting mouth, finally leaving me momentarily exhausted and panting as she stayed squatted between my legs, gently sucking and licking my cock clean of any cum.

“Mmmmmm, now that was a serious climax,” she cooed softly, gently teasing my softening cock with her fingers as she looked up past it at me. “I wouldn’t mind feeling one of those inside me.”

“Not a good idea,” I grunted breathlessly.

“I know. But this… this was pleasant just the same. Consider it a thank you for all the years of helping me with all those little problems.”

“You’re welcome,” I panted as she let go of my cock and moved back to the sofa, sitting down with her legs spread, her pussy glistening.

“Now, just watch,” she said, the smile never leaving her lips as she leaned back and spread her legs wide. “I bet Jeanie never gave you a view like this!” she said as she reached for one of her breasts with one hand and slid her other between her legs. I sat and stared as she dipped two fingers into her pussy, sliding them wetly into her pussy with an audible squish. “God, am I wet. Just thinking about you pushing that fat cock in me has me so turned on again. Do you want to watch me come? See how sucking your cock has my pussy begging for you to push into me? God, I want you to just step over here and feed that big, fat cock into me, push into me until I can’t take any more of your fat length,” she said, moaning as she plunged her fingers in and out of her pussy. Her other hand pulled and pinched one nipple and then the other as she worked her pussy and tits together.

“I bet you’d like to suck on my nipples, wouldn’t you? Marie tells me about how you spend so long loving and teasing her breasts and nipples, sucking and nibbling them until she’s begging you to feed your cock into her. She tells me how you tease your tongue around and around her nipple while you reach down and gently stroke your finger up her wet pussy, dragging your finger tip slowly across her clit until she feels like her pussy is connected to her nipples, both of them on fire with want and desire. Only then do you push your cock into her and make her come around your cock as you stroke powerfully into her. OHHHH FUCK FUCK FUCK!” she screamed as her pussy gushed her juices out at me, spraying a stream half way to me from where she reclined on the sofa. “OHHHH GOD YES!” she cried again as her body was wracked with another spasm, shooting more of her cum out at me.

She pulled her fingers from her pussy, panting and shaking as she lay there, her chest heaving as she fought for air. “Ohhhhh fuck,” she groaned softly. “Damn, that was huge. Did you like watching me fuck myself? Did you like how I looked when I came? Was I sexy?”

“Yeah, it was very sexy,” I agreed, noting the change in her voice with the last question, clearly wanting an answer where the other questions were obviously not meant to be answered. “No doubt you are still an incredibly sexy woman. If I wasn’t married I’d most definitely be trying to get between your legs.”

“Mmmmmmm. Good. You knew exactly what I wanted to hear. Thank you, even if it isn’t true.”

I opened my mouth to protest, and then closed it again, deciding that it wasn’t an argument to be had at the moment. After almost five minutes of silence, I swiveled back to my computer, still sitting half naked in my chair, and went back to work, figuring that she might enjoy seeing as much as she was showing.

I had to admit that I felt guilty for what we had done, and when bed time came and I was snuggled to my wife, I admitted that Sam had come into my office naked and that she sucked me off. I expected an angry response, but instead got a soft, gentle, “I know.”

“You do?”

“Uh huh. She told me. It’s okay. I know she’s feeling a little inferior right now, about her looks and all. If giving you a blow job helps her realize that it’s about him, not her, then I guess I don’t mind that much. Besides, you know I don’t much care to give those to you. Was she good at it?”

“Quite good,” I answered.

“Made you cum hard?” she asked curiously.

“Surprisingly hard,” I whispered. “But not as hard as I come when I’m filling you!”

“Liar,” she whispered. “But thank you just the same.”


We’d usually sleep in on Saturday morning, at least past our usual six am wake-up time, and spend a little while snuggling, for me at least in the hopes of some sex. While I had no real expectation of sex, since I only got it about once out of every six Saturday mornings, I still enjoyed the quiet snuggle time. That morning though, my wife surprised me by pulling off her nightshirt on the way back from the bathroom and climbing into bed on top of me, both blatant indicators of her desire for sex. She slid her body up mine without a word and gently drew her breasts within easy sucking range.

Let’s face it: I’m a HUGE tit man. I love looking at tits, I love playing with tits and I LOVE sucking my wife’s nipples. NOTHING turned me on faster than a mouthful of soft sweet breast and rock-hard nipple. I eagerly sucked the front of her breast into my mouth, letting my tongue swirl and tease around her hard nipple, my attentions arousing her and puffing her puckered areola up in my mouth. I switched from side to side, leaving neither nipple alone for too long. As her level of arousal increased, I could feel her hips rocking gently on me, my engorged head pressed to her lips and spreading them, but not pushing into her. I waited, knowing that when she was ready, she would push back, slowly sinking me into her hot wet pussy.

That most wonderful moment came in only a few more minutes, her wet lips spreading around my head as she gently pushed her body back down mine. I let my hands squeeze and knead her creamy ass as she worked me deeper into her pussy, little moans and gasps slipping from her lips as I expanded her soft tunnel walls around my fat cock. “Sooooo fucking big this morning,” she moaned softly as she rocked her hips a little harder, working my cock an inch or so in and out of her to spread more of her juices on me. “God, I love having you inside me.”

“I love being there!” I said as I moved from one tit to the other.

I felt her work her knees up beside my hips, allowing her to lift her hips off mine and pull herself up my shaft a few inches. She closed her eyes and sighed as she lowered herself back down, my cock sliding all the way into her until I felt the end of her tunnel pressing against me. Up and down, she began to ride, slowly at first, stroking her soft wetness the full length of my shaft. I nibbled her nipples, getting pleasant gasps from her as her strokes increased in tempo. Up and down, her hips moved, rocking with each stroke, her back arching slightly in and out so that my cock seemed to stroke into her at a different angle each time.

“Ohhhh god. I’m going to come,” she whispered softly, continuing her motions, little tremors starting in her legs moments later. “Ohhhhh! Sweetie! God damn I’m coooooommmmmiiiiinnnngggg!” she cried softly as the shudders in her legs spread through her whole body, her pussy clenching and spasming around my fat cock. “Ohhhhhhhhhh god yessssss!” she hissed softly as her body jerked a few times on me in response to more nibbles of each hard nub in front of me.

“Take me from behind!” she whispered, opening her eyes and smiling down at me. “You can watch my tits in the mirror. I know how you love to see ’em swinging.”

“Got that right!” I agreed, rolling over as she climbed off of me. It took a few moments for us to reposition, getting her facing the headboard and the mirror that was set into its surface with me behind her. I reached for my hard cock and rubbed it up and down her wet lips, teasing her clit and drawing a little moan of pleasure before letting my fat shaft slide back into her. I held her hips and watched her face and tits in the mirror as I started stroking, driving my cock into her and slapping my thighs against her bare ass with each stroke.

“That’s it, baby. Pound that into me. Does it feel good? Do you like fucking me like this?”

“God, honey, you know I do,” I grunted as I worked my shaft in and out of her, my body hitting her ass and making her tits swing wildly as I pounded into her over and over again. “Shit. Almost there,” I groaned as I pumped faster into her, my strokes pushing her toward another small climax, her pussy clenching and spasming around me again as she gasped out little moans of pleasure. “OH FUCK!” I grunted loudly as my body spasmed, jamming my cock deep into her as I gushed a surge of hot cum into her, filling the slight space between our tightly-coupled skin. Over and over I jerked, adding more cum to her pussy with each shot, finally, after well over two minutes, stilled to an occasional random jerk or tremor.

“That felt nice.” She sighed, leaning herself forward, and made sure she moved slowly enough for me to follow her down until I was lying on top of her on the bed, my cock still buried inside her sopping-wet pussy. She pulled a pillow down under her chest to support her slightly and then lay there as I gently kissed her neck and shoulders and the side of her face.

“Mark?” she asked in a whisper.

“Yeah lover?” I asked, still a little breathless.

“Did you want to have sex with my sister?”

“Huh?” I asked, startled.

“Did you want to have sex with my sister, while she was flashing you on the deck and sucking your cock?”

“Geez!” I responded, not sure what to answer.

“That wasn’t an answer.”

“You really want me to answer this why?”

“I have my reasons. I want to know if you find her attractive enough to have sex with.”

“Lover, she has a body almost as sexy as yours. I’m sure if you thought about it, you’d figure out that any guy with blood flowing through his veins would think about the possibility of fucking a sexy body like yours in a hot second.”

“Uh huh. When did you take up politics? Will you give me a straight answer?”

“Okay. Yeah. I thought about what it might be like to have sex with her while she was flashing me on the deck.”

“Now, that wasn’t so hard, was it?”

“If it’s just between you and me, I don’t want to start anything remotely like an argument. I’d wouldn’t be surprised if me thinking about having sex with your sister would cause plenty of strife in the bedroom for us, so I just as soon not think about it and not repeat it.”

“What if it didn’t?”

“Didn’t what?”

“Didn’t cause a problem? Would you fuck her if she came on to you?”

“We’re married. I’m not going off and fucking other people.”

“I know Jeanie has tried.”


“Oh come on lover. Don’t tell me you didn’t see her finger fucking herself in the bathroom, hoping that you’d just climb out of the shower and take her. I know she’s tried to rub herself on you before, trying to get you to stick it in her.”

“Yeah, I saw her, but I wasn’t going to do anything,” I admitted.

“So spoiled her day. She’s been trying to get you to do something for years, but you haven’t.”

“Nope. I’m supposed to be yours, remember?”

“Uh huh. But it’s tempting, isn’t it?”

“Sorta, I guess.”

“I wish I was horny for you more than I am. I know the last couple years it’s been kinda hard on you: you still wanting it but me not so much.”

“You wanted it this morning.”

“Yeah. I did. I guess I was thinking about what Sam did yesterday. Flashing you and sucking you off. Kinda made me horny.”

“Yeah, well, I’m glad it did,” I said as my softening cock slipped out of her.

“Awwww,” she said with a fake pout.

“I agree,” I said, sliding myself off of her and then lying on my back again and pulling her partly onto me so her soft tits were mashed against my chest and her face was near mine. She leaned down and softly kissed me, letting our lips press against each other for long seconds before she pulled back.

“I love you,” she whispered.

“I love you too,” I answered with a smile.

“If I asked you to do something really wild, would you do it?”

“If you’re going to ask me to screw your sister to make her feel better, the answer is no,” I answered her as quietly as she had asked.

“So, you won’t?”

“Uh uh. I’m supposed to be yours, remember?”

“What if I told you I wanted you to?”

“I’d have to ask why? And it better be a whole lot better reason that to make her feel better.”

“When was the last time we had sex this good?”

“I don’t know. Been a while, why?”

“Because I want it again,” she whispered.


“Uh huh,” she said with a grin.

“Okay. I’m game, you know that.”

“Good, because I want you to wait.”

“Okay, now you have me confused. You want to do it again, but you don’t?”

“What’s the most important question to ask right now?”

“Uhhhh why not?”

“Uh uh. Try again.”

“Okay, if it’s not why not, then why?”

“Bingo,” she answered with a mischievous smile.

“Okay. So why?” I asked after she didn’t say anything for several long seconds.

“Why what?”

“Oh lord. Seriously? Twenty questions?”

“Uh huh.”

“Okay. Why do you want it, again?”

“Can’t I?”

“Um, sure you can. I thought you wanted me to ask why though?”

“I did. But I bet if you think about it, you don’t need an answer. I’ll be in the shower when you work it out,” she said, pushing up off of me. She started toward the bathroom and turned to look back at me. “Don’t take too long.”

I knew my wife. She was dead set on something, but I wasn’t sure my conclusion was right. It wasn’t in character to say the least. I’d known her to go out of character before for various reasons, but this had me shocked. I was pretty sure I knew what she was hinting at, but it didn’t make sense to me. Just because it didn’t make sense was no reason for me to pass up another shot with my wife, in the shower no less, someplace we hadn’t done it in years! I climbed from the bed and padded naked into the bathroom where she already had the shower running and was standing under the hot spray.

“So, you figured it out?”

“I won’t say I understand, or that it makes sense, but yeah, I think I did,” I answered her as I stepped into the shower with her.

“Okay. ‘Splain it to me!” she said with a giggle.

“You got all turned on thinking about your sister sucking my cock.”

“Close, but not close enough,” she said putting her hand on my chest and pushing me back out of the water. “Try again.”

“You got horny thinking about me watching your sister?” I asked, not at all getting it yet.

“No, silly,” she said as she stepped closer to me, wrapping her arms around my neck and pulling herself closer to me until her soft tits pressed against my chest and her soft lips were brushing mine as she whispered to me. “I got turned on thinking about you sitting there stroking your cock while you watched my sister getting off. It made me think about how you’d be if I was out there naked, playing with myself.”

“If you were out there naked playing with yourself, I wouldn’t have stayed in my office. I’d have been out there sliding into you as soon as I could get there.”

She giggled. “You are so funny and sooo damn predictable. Wouldn’t you like to watch me play with myself out on the deck? Would that turn you on?”

“Hell yeah it would,” I said as I pulled her tighter to me, my again hardening cock pressing between her legs as our hips came together.

“Me, just lying there, completely naked, playing with my nipples. You, not able to come out and just having to stand there and watch me. I’m getting wet just thinking about how you’d look, standing there with your shorts down, and your hand stroking your cock. Oh yeah. My pussy is practically screaming to be touched.”

“Oh? You want to be touched?”

“Uh huh. I want to be touched by you. I want to feel your fingers teasing my clit until I can’t stand it any longer,” she whispered, barely loud enough to hear. “Then I want you to put your cock in me and fuck me until you come.

It was a request I was more than willing to comply with. I grinned down at her and slipped one hand between us, letting one of my fingers slip between her wet lips, finding her clit and ever so slowly teasing it with my finger.

“Ohhhhh yeah. That’s what I need. Make my body want you again.” She moaned softly as I pushed her back gently under the warm water. I stroked her lips softly, letting the tip of my finger slide along her pussy, spreading her lips as I did so until my finger found her clit. I paused with each stroke and ran my finger in circles on the hard nub, timed with the fingers of my other hand circling her nipple. She kept her legs spread slightly apart to give me access as she lifted herself on her toes and brought her lips to mine in a hot, wet, erotic kiss.

She reached down between us and grasped my cock, pushing it down between her legs and then holding it tightly to her pussy as she began to slowly rock her wet lips against my head and the top of my shaft. She closed her eyes and sighed softly as I squeezed her ass, my hand no longer needed between her legs. We stood like that, her pussy gently caressing my head as she teased her own clit on it. She pushed me down slightly farther and pulled her body against mine, lifting herself for another kiss while she rocked her hips gently on the top of my shaft.

“Fuck me,” she whispered as we broke the kiss. “Put your big cock in me and fuck me until we both come!” With a grin, she pulled away and turned around, bending over to push her waiting pussy out at me, the water cascading off her back as she used the wall for support. I didn’t even have to move. All I did was push my cock down and rock my hips back a little and I had my head between her fat, wet lips.

“Oh damn,” I groaned as I pushed into her sopping wet tunnel, the tightness of her confines caressing me as I pushed into her. “So good!”

“Oh god, yes,” my wife moaned softly as I started stroking in and out of her. “Soooo fucking good. Fuck my hot pussy. Make me come! I’m already so damn close. So damn turned on. Make me come lover. Make me come all over you!”

My wife wasn’t usually this verbal and her comments quickly coaxed me to drive into her harder, my hips slapping her ass wetly in the cascading water as my cock drove into her over and over again. I let my hands slide up her sides, my fingers feeling her tits swinging, my mind picturing her huge tits swinging to and fro under her chest as she came closer to climax. “UH FUCK!” I grunted as the climax that had been building suddenly washed over me. I briefly wondered if I had let myself come too soon, but the sounds of my wife climaxing with me told me I had timed it perfectly.

We stood there for long minutes, my body bucking and twitching, my cock pumping cum into her as her pussy spasmed around me. We slowly receded from that mutual pinnacle, Marie pushed herself upright, her arms reaching behind both of us to clasp my neck and pull my head down toward hers. “Mmmmmmmm that felt nice,” she cooed softly. She let go of my neck and reached for the faucet, turning the now cool water off. “I think we used up all the hot water.” She giggled.

“Yeah, but it was worth it,” I replied with a smile.

“I’m glad,” she whispered before turning us and stepping out of the shower. We dried off and dressed, each of us pausing to occasionally kiss whatever bare skin was reachable, my wife surprisingly pulled on a t-shirt without first putting on a bra. “Just to keep your motor running,” she said with a giggle before leaving the bedroom.

I headed down to the kitchen for breakfast, sitting at the kitchen table, watching my wife, her tits bouncing around in her t-shirt, and her sister helping, wearing what I suspected was ONLY a long t-shirt based on what I saw when she bent over to get a pan out of a low cabinet. I did my best at containing my hard-on, and failed, both of them suppressing grins as I got up after breakfast to head out to do some chores around the yard. It was mowing day and that little task took several hours, finishing just before lunch. I parked the tractor and headed in to cool off from the unseasonably warm eighty degree heat.

“Oh. Hi Jeanie!” I said as I walked in and was surprised to see my youngest sister-in-law standing in the kitchen in a tiny mini-skirt and midriff-showing tube top that wasn’t quite up to containing her big tits. “I didn’t know you were coming out.”

“Yep. You know us. All for one and all that,” she said with a grin, turning to face me and leaning her ass against the counter as she drank some of the water she had just put in her glass from the refrigerator door.

“Yeah. I guess I shouldn’t have been surprised you showed up,” I agreed with her, stepping toward the refrigerator and her at the same time, since she was leaning against the counter right next to it. “Just came in for some lunch.”

“Oh. Well, in that case, why don’t you let me make you something. Go sit,” she said quietly, placing one hand on my chest and pushing me back from the refrigerator. She stepped between me and the fridge and gently pushed me back farther, letting her arm bend with each step I took back so she grew closer. I felt my butt bump against the table, stopping my retreat. “You know, I hear that you let Sam suck your cock,” she whispered as she lifted her hands to the tube top and pulled the bottom up over her tits, leaving them hanging out, each large creamy mound shaped like a giant teardrop with a two-plus inch areola and rock-hard nipples.

“You heard that?”

“Oh yeah. I also heard that you watched her finger herself to climax and squirt her cum toward you. Now, why won’t you do that for me? I’d love to suck your cock.”

“That wasn’t exactly planned,” I said defensively as she reached down and stroked her palm across my growing bulge.

“Which part? Sucking your cock or watching her finger fuck herself in front of you?”

“Either,” I answered, reaching for her wrist and pulling her hand from me. “You wanna play with this, you gotta get permission from Marie.”

“Maybe I will!” she said with a grin, stepping back from me and swapping her hand around so that she held my wrist instead of me holding hers. She pulled my hand up and pressed it against one of her big, soft tits. “For now, why don’t you play with this?”

“Same reason,” I answered, unable to resist giving her sexy tit a squeeze before pulling my hand away.

“Okay, Mark. I hear you. Now, lunch?”

“Please,” I answered as she backed up a little more.

“Alright,” she said with a grin, turning and walking to the fridge. “What would you like to eat?” she asked as she opened the door. “Hmmmm Let me see. Tell me if you see something you like!” she said as she bent over to look into the fridge, keeping her legs straight so that her skirt slid up her creamy white ass cheeks as she bent. She pushed her ass out at me as she looked in the fridge, her bare pussy pushing between her legs toward me. “Anything at all?”

“If you were my wife and you did that,you know damn well that I’d already be standing behind you with my cock out.”

“Don’t let a Little thing like being married stop you. I wouldn’t at all mind feeling that big log of yours sticking into me.”

“Well, if you don’t mind, I’ll just keep it zipped up for now.”

“Your loss. I’ve been wet since I left my house to drive down here. Just think about how good I’d feel wrapped around that fat cock of yours.”

“Oh, I can imagine just fine.”

“Jeanie!?” I heard my wife call from behind me as she stepped into the kitchen. “Seriously?”

“Hey sis. How could I not tease him?” she said with a giggle. “We both know he won’t do anything more than look, no matter how much I tease him. Not unless you say to, and I don’t see that happening any time soon.”

“Not likely,” my wife agreed. “Now, why don’t you go sit with Sam and I’ll make my husband lunch.”

“She never quits, does she?” I asked after Jeanie had left the kitchen and my wife was busy making me a sandwich, which I could have easily done myself.

“She doesn’t,” my wife agreed.

“Doesn’t it bother you? Her trying to get into my pants all the time?”

“Not really,” my wife answered with a grin. “I KNOW you enjoy the hell out of it and you’re not going to give in no matter how much she tries. What can it hurt? Her flashing her body at you anyway? I mean, all you do is get more horny. Now that I think about it, it makes me a bit horny thinking about how big and hard it makes you.”

“You’re not worried that she’ll find a way to get what she wants?” I asked as she stepped over and set the plate down on the table next to where I was still standing. She grinned at me and reached out to the bulge in my pants. She unzipped my shorts and wormed her hand into the opened gap, working the front of my boxers down below my balls and pulled my mostly hard cock out the hole. She moved in front of me and stroked my cock slowly, coaxing it harder as she leaned toward me, pressing her tits against my chest through the thin shirt she had on.

“I think you wanna fuck her,” she whispered.

“I think she wants to fuck me even more,” I answered, sliding a hand up under her t-shirt to her bare breast.

“Mmmmmmm, you are so naughty,” she cooed as she enjoyed my fingers stroking her soft tit.

“And you’re not?” I asked with a chuckle as my hips wanted to move toward her stroking hand.

“I wouldn’t worry too much about Jeanie. Let’s focus on Sam. She thinks she isn’t good looking anymore. So what can we do to convince her that she is?”

“Well, I’m not going to fuck her, if that’s what you’re suggesting.”

“Oh, I’m not. I think if you did that’d just be reinforcing that men are cheaters. No, I want you to just tease her a bit, make her feel sexy and desirable.”

“If that’s what you really want. What do I get out of it?”

“You want a reward?” she asked with a grin?

“Well, let’s face it. I’m going to be horny as hell if I’m seeing her body again.”

“Tell you what: if you get so horny you can’t stand it, well, I’ll try to leave my pussy open and ready for you.”

“So you’re suggesting that I just take you, wherever?”

“That is what you want, isn’t it? I mean, I know I haven’t always been receptive, but for reasons I don’t quite understand, knowing that my sister was sucking you and fingering herself for you, well it’s got me really turned on. I can only imagine what it would be like if I actually saw it happen.”

“I don’t understand you,” I said, shaking my head.

“You don’t have to. You just have to do what you’ve always done. Love me and treat me like you always have, like a queen. I know how hard you work at pleasing me. All the ladies at work are jealous of me because they know that all I have to do is ask and you’ll do it. So how about it? Going to try to please me today?”

“Sure. What do you have in mind?”

“I’m not sure yet, but I’ll let you know. I’m sure Jeanie will have some deviously sexy idea as to how to get you to fawn over Sam’s sexy body.”

“Is that what you want me to do? Fawn over her body?” I asked as her hand slowly stroked my cock.

“I want you to make her feel the same way you make me feel when you look at my naked body, like there isn’t a sexier woman in the whole world. Oh, I know it’s not true, but when you look at me that way I know damn well that YOU think I am. I want her to feel those little butterflies in her stomach and that warm ache in her pussy and that tingle all the way from her pussy to her nipples.”

“Is that what you feel?”

“Every time I’m feeling horny and you’re looking at me, yeah,” she said with a grin. “Oh, I know full well it isn’t true. I’m not that sexy. I’m old and overweight, but in your eyes, I know that I’m it,” she whispered, leaning toward me and pressing her lips to mine. “God, I’m so fucking horny now,” she whispered after breaking a nearly minute long embrace.

“So why don’t you let me lay you on this table and fuck your brains out right now?” I coaxed, wrapping my arm around her waist and turning her so her ass was against the table.

“Maybe later, lover. I don’t want to wear out your cock, because there isn’t a better compliment to a woman’s looks than a man with a hard-on.”

“So I’m just supposed to run around with a hard-on all day?” I asked with a crooked grin.

“You know, I can’t think of a better idea. Why don’t we just leave this out on display?” My wife giggled, stroking my shaft.

“Uh huh. And leave it as open season for Jeanie?”

“Oh, I don’t think she’ll do anything. Not without asking at least,” my wife said as she lifted herself up to kiss me again. We stood and embraced, her hand stroking my cock and my hand under her shirt, teasing her left nipple. She sucked my lower lip and then teased my lips open with her tongue, encouraging me to follow her tongue into her own mouth and have a little teasing duel there. She pulled her mouth from mine breathlessly. “So? Did you like having Sam suck your cock?”

“She was pretty damn good at it,” I answered her.

“Well, if she wants to do it again, you have my permission. In fact, you can do anything you want with her except fuck her. Save that for me.”

“Are you serious?”

“If you think that it’ll make her feel more desirable and sexy, yeah, I am.”

“I’ll never understand you three.”

“What’s to understand? We’re close.”

“But sex close?”

“Oh yeah. It’s always been the rule that we can look, we can flash, we can tease, but we can never touch. This is the first time anyone has crossed that line, but given what she’s going through, I’ll forgive her. Now I’m giving permission. I love you, but I also love my sisters and, to me, I think this will help her feel as sexy as you make me feel. That’s what I want her to feel again.”

“You seriously want me to play with her?”

“Lover, I want you to make her feel like I do right now. I want you to bend me over the table and fuck me with this cock. I want you to drive it into me until I come in a huge screaming orgasm. When you’re having sex with me I feel like the luckiest woman in the world. I just wish my body wanted it as much as you did because I love how it feels.”

“I wish you did too,” I whispered. “I love making love to you. I love looking at your naked body and feeling it against mine.”

“I know. So, today, save this for me, but see if you can make Sam feel the rest, okay?”

“If that’s what you want,” I answered, leaning down and kissed her softly again.

“Oh, what the hell. I don’t want to wait. Fuck me,” she said as she let go of my cock. I felt her hands moving between us and then she turned around, pushing her shorts down her legs to her thighs, leaving her ass and pussy bare as she bent herself over the kitchen table. “Fuck me, lover. I don’t think I can wait until later.”

I grinned and took the half step toward her, my cock already rock hard and poking out of my pants. I undid the snap on my shorts and pushed them down to my thighs along with my boxers. I grabbed my cock and rubbed my head up and down her sopping wet lips, her inner lips pushing out of her fat outer lips, her blonde curls framing her sexy pussy. I rubbed my head up and down, wetting my head and feeling for the entrance to her tunnel.

“Ohhh god,” she moaned as I pressed into her, my head stretching her tunnel to accept my fat shaft. I pressed into her several inches and then pulled back, letting her juices lubricate my shaft. I pushed in and out in short little strokes, getting moans of pleasure with each inch more that I worked into her. After several stokes I was pushing fully into her, my hips slapping rhythmically against her bare ass as I pistoned my cock in and out of her hot, sexy tunnel.

“Damn, you feel good.” I groaned as I pumped in and out of her.

“Uh huh.” She grunted as my strokes banged her thighs against the table, shaking it with each stroke. I pushed her shirt up and let the material work its way between her breasts and the table surface. With her nipples rubbing directly on the table surface, she shuddered and trembled with the added stimulation. “Oh fuck, I’m going to come.” She moaned loudly as I plunged into her over and over, my fat head caressing her soft tunnel walls.

I could feel the tingle start low in my cock and spread, the urgency of my impending climax building by the second. That special warmth spread by the moment. My hips pushed faster into her, almost on their own as my actions swung closer to involuntary. I could feel her pussy contract around me as her gasps grew louder.

I heard another gasp, this one at the kitchen doorway. I looked over and saw Jeanie standing there, her tube top down around her waist and her miniskirt pulled up just as far. She stared at me, one hand massaging one of her big tits and the other down between her legs, stroking her completely shaved pussy. “Oh damn,” I groaned as my cock swelled the last little bit before unloading in my wife’s already quivering pussy. I closed my eyes as my body bucked hard, jamming my cock deep into my wife as a surprisingly huge gush of cum lanced out into her.

“FUCK!” my wife cried suddenly. I wasn’t sure if it was because how hard my hips hit her ass, pushing the whole table several inches, or feeling the power of my climax unloading inside her.

My body bucked at least half a dozen times, pumping gush after gush into her, leaving me standing behind her with my twitching cock still leaking more into her as I gasped for air. I opened my eyes to see that Jeanie had vacated the kitchen and looked down at my wife, whose body was still occasionally shaking for a few seconds.

“Holy shit,” my wife finally said quietly. “Where did that come from? After twice this morning already? Jesus, I can’t remember the last time you fucked me that hard.”

“I can’t remember the last time you let me fuck you on the kitchen table. The two might be related.”

“Yeah, I guess,” she said, pushing herself up to her elbows so she could look back at me. “Why did we stop doing this again?”

“I think it had to do with you not wanting a little audience,” I answered.

“Oh yeah. I guess we stopped a lot of things because of that.”

“Uh huh,” I answered, pulling my shrinking cock from her pussy. “So, now what?”

“What do you mean?”

“So what do you have in mind that I’m supposed to do to make Sam feel sexy?”

“I’m not sure. Jeanie’ll have some ideas I’m sure.”

“Oh without a doubt,” I answered. “I think I’ll eat that sandwich you made me and then go down and work on that dresser.”

“Good idea,” she answered as she stood up and turned to face me, “that way I know where to find you.”

“And I can hide from Jeanie.”

“Why hide from her?”

“Because I think fingering herself watching us fuck isn’t going to be enough for her,” I answered as my wife wrapped her arms around my neck.

“All right. I’ll talk to her and ask her to back off. You have your hands full with Sam and me anyway.”

“I have my hands full of you. Sam is just a distraction,” I whispered as she lifted herself to kiss me. We stood and embraced for long seconds before she let go and walked out of the kitchen without another word, her shorts and underwear lying on the kitchen floor, her naked ass swinging sexily as she disappeared. I shook my head and pulled up my pants. I pulled a soda out of the fridge, picked up the sandwich my wife made for me and headed down to the basement and my woodshop area.


I’d been at it well over an hour when my phone chimed. I finished running the board I was working on through the plainer and then pulled it out to see what it was. My wife had requested my presence upstairs, not an unusual thing to have happen on a weekend. While I had my projects, my wife had hers and occasionally needed help reaching or lifting something. I set aside the board on the stack of those already done and headed upstairs.

I called from the top of the stairs to see where she was and she returned my shout that she was in the living room. I headed that way and stopped as soon as I stepped into the room.

“Hey lover. Would you take us down to the swimming hole? We’re going to catch some sun and thought that lying on the sand would be more fun than the deck,” my wife said with a smile.

I’d seen my wife and sisters in all assortments of bathing suits and bikinis. I’d even seen them all naked now. What I’d never seen, nor expected to see, was all three of them standing in the same room with nothing on but VERY, VERY tiny bikini bottoms, including my wife. I stared at the three sets of nearly identical tits, Sam’s and my wife’s a bit larger than Jeanie’s, but each with practically identically sized two-plus-inch across areola and protruding nipples as large across as my little finger.

“So, you gonna stare all day or you gonna drive us down to the swimming hole?” my wife prompted after several long seconds staring at the three.

“Uh. Yeah sure. Let me go get the UTV,” I said, still not making any move to go anywhere. I could feel my cock hardening in my pants as I started at the three, finally shaking myself out of my stupor and turning for the kitchen. I headed out the door and stopped, reached into my shorts to straighten my mostly hard cock and settle it into a better position before heading to the garage for the side-by-side UTV I used for working around the place.

Years ago, when we’d built the dam to make the lake, I’d had several large truckloads of sand brought in to make a nice swimming beach for the kids. It quickly became the favored hangout for most of my kids’ friends. Over the years I’d seen a lot of bikinis on sexy little bodies, but the bikini bottoms the girls were wearing today were so damn tiny that they were practically nude. The one my wife had on was by far the biggest, covering her whole mound and pussy, but the ones Jeanie and Sam had on covered less than half their mound and I could swear that Sam’s pussy lips showed through the thin material of her white bottom.

I drove the UTV up to the house and went in to get them. “You wanna drive it down?” I asked my wife, knowing that it really only sat three, not four.

“No. I think you can take us down. Jeanie’ll sit in the back, won’t you sweetie?” my wife said, turning to Jeanie.

“Well, I can, or I can sit on Mark’s lap. I’m sure he won’t mind.”

“I don’t think that’s particularly safe,” I answered with a frown. Not only unsafe from a driving standpoint, but having her sitting with her almost-naked ass on my hard-on was definitely NOT a safe thing for me to be doing. And almost naked was an understatement. When she turned around, I got to see that the suit bottom was little more than a thong, a single string dipping down between her cheeks. She bent over to pick up her bag and I could see that the tiny triangle of cloth didn’t quite extend far enough to cover her entire pussy, the rosebud of her anus and the very bottom of her pussy lips showed to me, making my cock even harder.

“Oh poo. You’re not going to make me ride in the back with this on, are you?” she asked as she stood back up and turned to face me again.

“Oh, it’s not all that far. I’m sure you won’t mind her sitting on your lap,” my wife said with a wink.

“Yeah, sure. Why not?” I answered, rolling my eyes to let her know that I got the message but wasn’t happy about it. We walked out to the UTV and they piled their little bags and towels into the back compartment, then climbed in, Jeanie sitting astraddle my lap, my hardon pressed up between the crack of her ass, Sam next to me and my wife in the far seat. I carefully started out down the bouncy dirt road that wound around the lake to where we had made the swimming hole. Every bump felt like it was trying to drive my cock up in between Jeanie’s cheeks, and she seemed to be loving every moment of it.

I finally pulled to a stop by the sandy beach and let them unload, Jeanie taking her time to slide off of me, leaving a wet spot on the front of my shorts.

“So, you going to stay and hang out with us?” Sam asked sounding almost hopeful.

“Well, I really have a bunch to do,” I answered, hoping that would get me out of what looked to me like trouble. If my wife was wearing that bikini bottom and we were alone, there was no doubt that I’d be staying in an attempt to get her OUT of that bikini bottom for some sex in the sand. But with the three of them dressed like this, I had serious concerns about what could happen. Not that I’d particularly object to having sex with either Sam or Jeanie, but I was trying to stay true to my wife, and while her current behavior was… intriguing, I was concerned that down the road she would have an awakening and, sisters or not, I’d be in a shit load of trouble.

“Oh you can stay, honey. I’m sure one more day isn’t going to be a problem for your project, now is it?” my wife asked me.

“Probably not,” I answered with a frown, “but I don’t have any swim trunks with me or anything.”

“Oh sweetie. I’m sure we won’t mind if you’re in your underwear.”

“Better yet, why don’t we just make this au natural? We can all go bare and then it won’t matter at all. I mean, it’s not like we haven’t all seen his nice, big, fat, hard cock before, right?” Jeanie chipped in.

“Um, I don’t know that it’s a good idea. I mean, us going topless is one thing, but completely naked?” my wife asked, hesitantly.

“Sure, sis. Come on. How often will the three of us have a chance to hang out like this? You’re not trying to tell us your husband is bashful, now are you?”

“No. He’s not overly bashful. But I’ll be honest, Jeanie. If you get half a chance you know damn well you’ll be trying to fuck him. I’m not sure I’m exactly good with that.”

“Tell you what, sis: I promise, cross my heart, to NOT fuck your husband today. Doesn’t mean I wont touch, but I promise not to plant my hot, wet cunt on his hard, fat cock!” My wife looked at Jeanie and then over to me, almost pleadingly, but I wasn’t sure if it was TO do it or NOT to do it. “Oh come on, sis. You really don’t trust me that much?”

“You mean like the time you fucked my boyfriend after our first date? Or the time you went naked into my bathroom and fingered yourself in front of my husband? Or the time you tried to tempt him on the canoe trip? Or the time you got naked in the tent in front of him when we went camping, hoping he’d fuck you? Awwww, Sis, how can I not trust you?”

“Okay okay. I get it. But I do promise,” Jeanie said, a bit sheepishly.

“Alright. Just this one time,” my wife said as Jeanie smiled broadly. It only took a few seconds and Jeanie was stripping off her tiny bikini bottom, leaving her completely naked. She stepped over to me and reached for my shorts.

“You want some help there, sexy?” Jeanie asked as she unbuttoned the front of my shorts and started pulling the zipper down.

“Jeanie!” my wife said with a scowl.

“Oh all right,” Jeanie answered, letting go of my shorts and letting them slide down my legs as she backed up. “You’re right. Sam should be doing this.”

“Me?” Sam asked in surprise. “Why me?”

“Why not? You’re not afraid of seeing his hard dick are you? I mean you’re the one that got to suck him off, right?” Jeanie chided her sister.

“Yeah, but,” she protested.

“How about I do it?” my wife said, stepping over to me. “You might as well do me, too, since it looks like we’re both going naked.”

“I don’t mind making you naked,” I said with a soft chuckle as she pushed my boxers down and freed my rock-hard cock.

“You seem a bit hard.”

“Yeah, having a bare naked woman bouncing on your cock will do that to a guy.” I laughed as I squatted down and pulled the bikini bottom down her legs, letting her hold my shoulders for balance. She stepped out of the tiny slip of a swim bottom and stood in front of me naked, her curly, blond bush in front of my face. I leaned toward her and gently kissed what I could reach of her pussy lips, making her squirm and giggle girlishly before she stepped back out of my reach.

I stood back and watched as they laid out large beach blankets in the sun and lay down on them. “Mark, would you be a sweetie and put some sunblock on my back?” Jeanie asked sweetly.

I looked at my wife who looked back at me and shrugged. “When you get done with her you can do me too,” she finally said, laying her head back down on the towel. “She’s been trying to get your hands on her body, might as well be with me lying here instead of someplace else.”

“So you’re giving him permission to touch? In that case, he can do my front too.” Jeanie giggled.

I looked at my wife as she turned her head to look at me. She gave me a wink and then said quietly, “If she wants you to do her front. Do her front. Just make sure you get it allllll really good!”

I stared at my wife for about two seconds. Had she just given me permission to finger-fuck her sister? Do something that Jeanie had been wishing for? “You sure?”

“Oh yeah,” she answered me.

“Sure about what?” Jeanie asked as she held out the bottle of tanning oil.

“Your sister just gave me permission to touch your tits,” I said evasively.

“Ohhhhh goodie. I thought I was going to have to fight for that!” she said as I drizzled oil across her back and over the curves of her ass. I started rubbing her back near her neck, working the oil into a thin, slick layer across her body, her skin slowly absorbing it as I worked lower, my hands finally down to her ass. She moaned softly as I rubbed my hands around her firm, smooth ass, dipping my fingers down into the crack of her ass. I heard her sigh, almost an audible pout, as I pulled my hands free, to get the bottle of oil again. I drizzled a trail up each leg before setting the bottle aside. I looked over at my wife, lying on her back, watching me as I stroked my fingers along and around her calves, working my hands higher up one leg and then the other. I let my fingers dip down deep between her thighs, her legs moving apart in hopes that I would let my fingers actually tease her pussy.

I grinned at my wife as she watched, hoping that it was what she wanted. “Oh fuck,” Jeanie gasped as I let my slick fingers draw up between her lips, diving deep into her slit and wiggling slightly.

“What’s that, Jeanie?” my wife asked innocently.

“Huh? Oh nothing. Just enjoying your husbands spreading the oil around on my back,” Jeanie lied.

“Time to turn over,” I said to her, my wife closing her eyes and pretending that they had been closed the whole time.

Jeanie rolled over onto her back on the towel, her big, soft tits lying on her chest as she spread her legs slightly, her completely shaved pussy open to my view.

I looked over and my wife had her eyes open again, knowing that Jeanie couldn’t see her watching. I drizzled oil all over Jeanie and then reached down to her legs, starting down there and working my hands up one leg and then the other. I let my fingers make little dimples in her thighs as I worked both hands up her thighs, my thumbs inching closer to her pussy. I swung my leg over hers, straddling her and sitting on her legs, my balls rubbing her just above her knees as I pushed my hands farther up, both thumbs stroking up around the outsides of her fat pussy lips.

I teased her for several strokes this way, running my thumbs up and around her pussy, drawing soft moans from her as she tried to wiggle her legs under me to get me to touch her. I pushed my hands up her body, my palms running up the two lines of tanning oil that I had drizzled down her front, sliding up slowly as she groaned in disappointment. I slid my hands all the way up over her breasts and kept going until my hands were at her shoulders. I took a breath and then pulled my hands back down to her breasts, cupping each fat, round mound of softness, massaging them and letting my fingers stroke back and forth across her rigid nipples.

The moans of pleasure returned as I worked her tits, her hands reaching for my thighs, her fingers trying to stretch to my ass to pull me up her body farther. I scooted closer, knowing what she wanted, but intending to tease her rather than giving in. “Closer,” she whispered as her fingers found purchase on my ass and tried to pull me even farther. My engorged head was almost touching her mound now and I knew that if I moved much more that she’d be able to get my cock into her wet pussy. Instead, I left one hand on her right breast and moved my other to my cock, pressing it down and rubbing the tip of my head across the juncture of her lips. I moved enough to allowher to spread her legs, leaving me kneeling between her now spread legs, my cock just out of reach of her pussy.

I had no doubt that she wanted me to slide forward, her heels digging into my ass and her ass lifting off the towel in an attempt to draw me closer to her or, more correctly, my cock to her pussy. Instead, I pressed two fingers slowly into her pussy, her hot, wet tunnel gobbling the offering up with all the gusto that it would have accepted my cock. I could feel her soft walls twitching occasionally as she moaned and started rocking her hips. I let my thumb press against her clit, rubbing it in small circles as I moved my fingers slowly in and out an inch or so. “Ohhhh fuck,” she moaned loudly, my wife watching everything that I was doing to her sister.

I continued to gently stroke my fingers in and out of her and used my other hand to move from breast to breast, pinching and twisting her nipples as her hips worked more urgently up and down, still trying to pull her body closer to me. Her hands moved from my thighs to my cock, stroking and pulling it, aiming it toward her pussy trying to coax me to replace my fingers with it.

I kept my fingers inside her as she wiggled herself closer to me, my cock now rubbing her lips on either side of my hand. I could see her frustration at being so close and being denied, and increased my attentions to her tunnel, curving my fingers up and teasing them along the top of her tunnel. “OH SHIT SHIT SHIT!” she squealed suddenly, her whole body going rigid for several seconds before the shudders started running up and down her body. I felt her pussy contract and grip my fingers as she shook and shuddered in front of me. Her body jerked several times and her juices squirting from her toward me, spraying over my stomach and crotch. Three times she gasped and flowed more on me before she finally let her butt rest on the towel again. “Oh my god,” she moaned after her body started to relax from being consumed by her climax.

I pulled my fingers from her pussy and unhooked her legs from me before climbing from between her legs.

“You ready to get done?” I asked my wife as I crawled over to her and straddled her legs, her bare ass sticking up at me. I used the tanning oil to drizzle from her neck, down her back and both legs to where I was kneeling across her calves. I started rubbing the oil into her legs, working slowly up both legs at the same time, letting my thumbs rub deep between them as I worked up past her knees to her thighs. She lifted her ass toward me slightly as I teased my thumbs deep between her thighs, held from spreading too far apart by my own legs. I looked over at Sam, lying on her back, watching my every move, her tongue pushing out to lick her lips as she stared at my engorged cock.

“Fuck her,” Sam mouthed silently, her own hand between her spread legs, her fingers teasing around the outside of her pussy.

I grinned and wiped my hand up and down my cock a moment, greasing it up with more oil before scooting up my wife’s legs farther. I pressed my cock down between her legs, my engorged head sinking between her soft thighs as I worked a little farther up her body. I felt the heat of her pussy as my head pressed between her delicate inner lips, the rounded tip of my cock finding the entrance to her pussy.

“Oh fuck,” she whispered quietly as she tried to lift her ass toward me, my cock slipping into her an inch or so. I wiggled myself closer, sliding my hands up her creamy round ass as my cock slipped a tad deeper into her. I held it there, my hands rubbing up and down her back and ass, spreading the oil while she gently rocked her hips, working my cock in and out of her only an inch or so, but making it grow even harder.

Reluctantly I pulled out of her pussy and allowed her to roll over, kneeling between her spread legs like I had done with Jeanie, only I let my wife wiggle herself closer to me, her hands aiming my cock for her pussy. My position wasn’t working very well and I straightened my legs out so they stuck up each side of her body, her legs over mine and wrapping around my waist. She pulled herself down the towel toward me, her hands finding my cock and aiming it for her pussy. She pulled herself onto my cock as I drizzled oil down her front and around her big, soft tits. She smiled at me and began to gently rock her hips as I used my hands to knead and massage her big tits, my hands sliding over most of her body. I let my right hand work down to her pussy, gently stroking my fingers around her pussy and my cock that was penetrating her. My other hand moved from breast to breast, teasing her nipples and stroking her puckered, excited areola. She rocked her hips as my thumb found her clit, gently rubbing it in circles and making her rocking hips pump even harder.

The position we were in allowed her to stroke her pussy only an inch or two on and off of me, but it was clearly enough to excite her. Up and down her hips went, little grunts coming from her as she worked herself on and off my engorged prick. I continued to stroke with my thumb, working her hard nub in little circles while teasing her nipples with my fingers, her rocking motion growing faster by the moment.

“Oh god. I’m gonna come,” she moaned loudly, her hips lifting and falling to drive me in and out of her slightly, my thumb rubbing across her clit faster as her orgasm grew closer. “Oh shit shit shit shit shit!” she gasped as she squeezed my legs with her hands, trying to pull herself farther onto me. “UH FUCK!” she cried suddenly, her ass slapping against my legs as she shuddered and trembled in front of me. “Ohhhh my god.” She panted as she lay there, her body jerking and twitching occasionally. I stopped stroking her clit and ran both hands up and down her body, teasing her soft skin with my fingers while my cock remained rock-hard inside her.

I wanted to just roll her over and fuck her from behind. My body was primed and ready to explode, but her climax had cut short the motions she was making that were pushing me toward that.

“I think you need to do Sam now,” she panted, lying limply on the towel in front of me.

“I’d rather do you some more, if you know what I mean,” I prompted.

“I know. But I’m not there just now,” she panted.

“Yeah. Okay,” I said a bit grumily, more than a little frustrated at that moment.

“Just go oil up Sam. I’m sure we can find a way to take care of this when you’re done there.”

“Yeah, okay,” I said with a frown. Sam was lying on her stomach, looking at me as I untangled from my wife’s legs and moved over to straddle her on my knees. As with My wife and Jeanie, I drizzled oil down her back and legs and then began working the oil in, my hand sliding along her skin, working from her feet up her legs toward her ass. I massaged her big, round ass and ran my hands down between her thighs, teasing oil onto her exposed pussy lips. She spread her legs as far as she could beneath me, which wasn’t all that far, but it was far enough to allow me to tease my fingers up and down her wet slit, lubricating her round outer and protruding inner lips.

Not wanting to get too involved with her, especially how I was feeling at that moment, I abandoned stroking her pussy and moved farther up, my cockhead almost touching the crack of her ass as I started to slowly rub the oil into her back. I leaned toward her as I pushed my hands up her back to her neck and then rocked myself back to stroke all the way down to her ass. I felt her reach around with her right hand, the one farthest from my wife, and push my cock down between her cheeks as I rocked back farther to rub my hands down her lower back and ass.

As I rocked forward, she pushed me lower, my head dipping between her thighs, pressing against her bare pussy lips and then spreading her lips and teasing into her tunnel entrance. I almost couldn’t help myself as I pushed my hands up her back, reaching for her neck, my cock pressing into her hot, wet confines only an inch or two.

“Oh fuck,” Sam moaned softly as I leaned a little more over her back and sunk several more inches of my fat cock into her.

“He is good, isn’t he?” my wife asked without looking over at us, her eyes closed against the sun.

“Oh yeah,” Sam moaned. “So good.”

“You are behaving aren’t you Mark?”

“Oh yeah. I’m just rubbing her back,” I answered, knowing it was a fine line between what I was doing and what Sam had aligned my body to do without my permission. I stroked Sam’s back, letting my cock slide in and out of her hot, wet pussy, pushing my hips farther toward her with each stroke until I had worked as much of me into her as I could without laying on her.

I felt more than a little guilty fucking my wife’s sister with her lying right there. I guess it was just my body taking over for my brain for a few moments. I pulled my cock from her pussy and moved back. “Better roll over so I can do the other side,” I said to Sam, a look of disappointment on her face.

“If you insist. I was having fun having you rub my back like that,” she said softly.

“He is good at back rubs. Just be careful, he has a terrible tendency to let things wander a bit when he rubs my back that way.”

“Oh he wasn’t doing anything I was going to complain about,” Sam answered my wife.

My wife shielded her eyes from the sun and looked at me with a frown while I drizzled more oil on Sam’s naked body. I set the bottle aside and gave her a sheepish shrug, wondering if she knew what i had done or if she was just guessing. Either way I felt bad about having done it at all. All these years I’d managed to avoid cheating on her, and when it finally did happen, it happened with her own sister, even if it was only for a few short moments.

I rubbed the oil into her chest and breasts, sitting on her legs with her hands grasping and stroking my rock-hard cock.

“I think it’s only fair that we return the favor now,” my wife said, sitting up after I’d played with Sam’s tits for several minutes.

“You’re definitely right,” Sam agreed with a huge grin. “I think we should oil him up just like he so thoroughly did to us!”

“Come on, lover. Lie down here,” my wife said, patting the large beach towel she was lying on. I shrugged and moved off of Sam’s legs, not really sure I wanted to be covered in oil, but at the same time so damn turned on that I wasn’t going to complain one bit about having their hands all over me. If I was lucky, one of them would stroke me off and relieve the massive pressure building up.

My wife moved from her towel, leaving me a place to lie down, which I did, face down. I felt the cool oil drizzle down my spine and legs and then two sets of hands start to massage and rub the oil around. I was pretty sure it was Sam’s hands that were dipping down between my thighs and teasing the base of my balls and stroking across my anus, making my already massive hard-on feel like it was going to explode. When they told me to roll over I couldn’t help but see Sam’s eyes as she stared at my engorged, purplish head.

My wife drizzled more oil on me, trickling it up and down my chest and over my rock-hard cock. She grinned at me, moved her hands to my chest and began rubbing the oil into me, teasing my nipples like I had done hers so many times over the years. Sam wrapped one hand around my dick and started stroking it while her other hand massaged the oil into my thighs, dipping her hand down between my legs and teasing my balls with each stroke.

I felt like I was going to come any second when my wife moved, swinging her leg over my body and straddling my face with her hot pussy. She looked down at me and grinned as she lowered her pussy to my face. Now, I loved licking my wife’s pussy. I mean I’d gladly do it any time she wanted, but right at that second I really wanted her straddling a bit lower. But I’d learned long ago that it was not a good idea to complain when a woman wanted you to lick her pussy, so I just wrapped my arms around her thighs, pulled her down lower, slowly licked up her wet pussy, and searched out her clit with the tip of my tongue.

I had just started my second lick up her wet pussy when I felt something much different than a hand on my cock. With my head between my wife’s legs, I knew that it wasn’t her, but otherwise I wasn’t sure who had just settled their hot pussy down my oiled shaft. Up and down, my unseen benefactor slid, working her pussy on and off my oil slickened shaft.

I wondered briefly if my wife knew that one of her sisters was riding my cock, but the thought lasted only fractions of a second and was lost to the sensations on my cock. My wife sat on my face, her eyes closed, moaning softly as I stroked her pussy with my tongue, teasing between her wet lips and flicking across her exposed, engorged clit. I moaned softly into her pussy, making her gasp slightly at the vibrations it sent through her pussy, her hips almost immediately starting to rock as her excitement grew.

Up and down, the pussy on my cock slid in long, slow strokes. The heat of her pussy flowed into me as the tingle spread through my body. My overstimulated cock was quickly moving toward a climax that I couldn’t and didn’t want to stop. I concentrated on the pussy over my face, accepting the gift on my cock without further question as my brain was flooded with hormones. My wife drew my attention back to her pussy, moaning loudly as she rocked, my tongue concentrating on her clit while the pussy sliding up and down my cock stroked faster as well.

“OH FUCK!” I grunted into my wife’s pussy as my cock surged and exploded into the pussy wrapped around it. My body bucked hard, driving up into the pussy on my hips, squirting a surprisingly massive gush of cum into her. Over and over my cock squirted or at least tried to, emptying little load there had to be left, into the pussy that was now also clenching around me in a quiet climax. As my brain began to function again, I went back to licking my wife’s pussy, suddenly worried about her looking back and seeing one of her sisters on me. I worked her clit to drag her climax closer, her hips rocking and grinding against my face as I licked and sucked her clit. I reached up to her big tits and squeezed her nipples as the pussy on my cock disappeared, replaced moments later with a hot mouth sucking and licking my shrinking cock.

“FUCK YES!” my wife suddenly cried as her climax washed over her. She stared down at me as her body jerked and twitched over me, her pussy leaking copious amounts of her juices over my chin and neck. I held her tits and looked up at her contented smile as she sat astride my face, panting to catch her breath. She finally rolled off of me and lay down next to me on the towel, snuggling against me with her oily body. Her leg shifted to rest across both of mine, her thigh nuzzling my now flagging dick. She had to know that I came, my not flaccid dick making it more than clear. I hadn’t meant to cheat on her, and I knew we were going to have to talk about what just happened, but I really didn’t want to start that here or now.

It wasn’t half an hour and I’d been toasted more than I wanted to be. Even a quick dip in the still chilly lake water didn’t kill that toasted feeling. I quite honestly didn’t know how they did it, the girls, soaking up all that sun.

I announced that I was headed back to the house, a good half mile walk if I left them the UTV. My wife called me a spoil sport and said if I was going to leave that I’d have to go naked. Not that I was particularly worried about doing that. I mean, it was private property and I didn’t have to bust brush, just hike up the road. Twenty minutes later I was standing in the shower, washing off the oil and cooling off. I pulled a towel around my waist, flopped on the sofa and opened the suspense novel I had been reading and tried not to think about the discussion we’d be having later that evening.

Two chapters later the girls all came in, still naked and oily. My wife gave me a kiss and headed off to the bedroom for a shower and change of clothing. Her sisters had to take turns in the guest bath, so Jeanie knelt on the floor to keep me company while Sam showered, her hands of course under my towel teasing my cock and rubbing her still-oiled tits on my arm.

“You know I’m not doing this,” I said quietly as she stroked my cock with one hand while she reached for and spread the blue material as far apart as she could without taking it completely off of me and snuggled closer.

“Who says you didn’t already?”

“Pretty sure we haven’t.”

“Oh? You really sure about that? You positive it wasn’t my pussy rubbing up and down your hot, fat cock while you licked Marie to that crazy orgasm.”

“Pretty sure it wasn’t your pussy on my cock,” I whispered.

“Might have been,” she said with a grin. “Could be again.”

“Could be what again?” my wife asked as she came into the family room with a big pink towel wrapped around her body.

“Oh nothing,” Jeanie answered with a shrug.

“I doubt that,” my wife said. “My bathroom’s open if you want to clean up.”

“Yeah. Good idea I think,” Jeanie answered quickly, untangling herself from me and getting up from next to the sofa. She padded off naked to our bedroom, my wife sitting on the sofa near my feet. It only took her a few moments before she was working her way to lay down next to me, squeezing between the sofa back and my body. I scooted over as far as I could to make room for her, without falling off the sofa myself. My wife snuggled against me, opening her towel and rubbing her now bare tits against my arm and chest.

“So, did you have fun out there?” she whispered, leaning her head on my shoulder and tilting her head enough to kiss me gently on my cheek.

“Oh I had a great time,” I answered. “But we gotta talk.”

“Oh? About what?” she cooed softly, turning my face toward hers so she could kiss my lips. I felt her lips press to mine in a soft, loving kiss, which I returned, enjoying the taste of her lips against mine.

“About Sam,” I whispered as she broke the kiss.

“What about her?” she whispered as she brushed her lips against mine again.

“You’re not going to like this,” I whispered. “She climbed on me while you were on my face.”

“Oh?” she asked, pulling her face back a little. “I didn’t hear you complaining, or stopping her.”

“I was kinda busy,” I answered lamely. “Not much of an excuse though. I should have stopped her. I’m sorry hon. I didn’t mean to end up cheating on you.”

“You sure it was Sam? Might have been Jeanie. You couldn’t exactly see, now could you?”

“No. I couldn’t.”

“Well. I already knew, but thank you for being honest with me.” she whispered as she moved her face to mine again and kissed me. “I don’t think one time will hurt anything. But just the same, I’ll take care of it.”

“Okay. I’ll leave it in your hands,” I answered feeling her hand grasp my cock, feeling thankful that she was taking it as well as she was.

Jeanie came out of the bathroom, naked of course. It seemed that there wasn’t much point in even pretending that we should be covered. If I had any doubts, Sam’s appearance, equally nude, clinched it. The three of them headed to the kitchen, leaving me alone. I was mildly concerned about just exactly what they were talking about, but since I’d already fessed up about Sam on my cock, I didn’t think there was too much to worry about.

It was almost an hour and a half later that I was called for dinner. I put down my book and headed to the kitchen. As soon as I stepped into the room I knew that this was not going to be an ordinary dinner. The kitchen table was set with four salads, four plates of what looked like a pasta dish and four bowls of some kind of cake. That in itself wasn’t astounding or special. What was unusual was that all three of them were standing completely naked next to the table and there were only three chairs around the table.

“So? Looks good,” I said as I looked at the table and then at them.

“Glad you think so,” my wife answered, making no attempt to move.

“So. Looks like we’re missing a chair.”

“Depends,” my wife answered with a crooked grin. She walked over to me after a pause and put her arms around my neck, holding herself so her nipples just brushed against my chest in a way that she had learned years ago was an undeniable tease to me. “The girls wanna play a little game. I said yes. They’ve been dancing around trying to get you to come out and fuck, well, especially Jeanie. Sam managed to sneak one in today, but we’ll let that slide for now. So here’s the game: Sam gets the salad. Jeanie gets the main course. And me, I get the desert.”

“Um. Okay. I still don’t get it.”

“Well, that’s the reason for only three chairs. While you’re eating, they get to use you for their chair. The idea is to let them get as much as they can while you eat. When you’re done, so are they. The only thing you have to do is enjoy it and save the end for me,” my wife said quietly. “And of course, your permission. They already have mine.”

“You’re really going to let them fuck me right in front of you?”

“Uh huh. And your wording is just exactly perfect. THEY are fucking YOU, not the other way around. And once this is done, it’s done. One time offer. You say no, then it’s all off.”

“Do you want me to say no?” I whispered.

“I want you to do what you want. Do you want to fuck my sisters?”

“What I don’t want is to do anything that would affect our relationship,” I whispered back.

“Hell, lover. I’ve spent the last thirty years trying to guess if they’ve snuck one in and not told me. I guess it’s not any worse than wondering.”

“You didn’t trust me?”

“Oh hell, lover. I trusted you just fine. It’s Jeanie I didn’t trust. She wanted in your pants so bad!” she answered with a grin.

“So now you’re going to let her?”

“This one time,” my wife answered. “And she better damn well remember that.”

“Good luck with that,” I answered. “But tell me: how does this help Sam?”

“Just to make her feel good about herself, feel the things that a woman should feel. Her husband hasn’t done anything with her for almost two years, so yeah, I think this will help.”

“Well, don’t let it be said that I wouldn’t go to the limit for your sisters!” I chuckled.

“Well, good. Sam gets to get you hard, and when you’re ready, you can start with your salad,” she said, reaching down to the towel around my waist, pulling it off and turning to walk away with it.

Sam smiled and stepped up to me, squatting down in front of me and grasping my half-hard cock. She leaned toward me and enveloped my cock with her mouth, swirling her tongue around my head. Her hand and mouth had me quickly hard as a rock. She stood up, moved over my lap, facing away from me, and then reached between her legs for my hard-on. She aimed me toward her pussy and then slowly settled back, guiding me into her. “Ohhhhh fuck,” she moaned softly as her hot wetness sank down on me. She lifted and lowered herself half a dozen times before she settled fully on my lap with my dick embedded all the way into her. “I’ve never had sex and eaten at the same time,” Sam said quietly.

“Me either,” I answered as she took a bite of salad and then started to lift and lower herself on my lap.

“Oh my. I don’t know if I can do this.” She moaned as she pushed me in and out of her. I closed my eyes and let her bounce slowly up and down my shaft until my wife reminded me that I had to keep eating as part of the game.

It took at least ten minutes for me to get my salad eaten, after which Sam reluctantly pulled off my dick, having climaxed hard only a couple minutes before. Jeanie was there ready to take over almost as soon as Sam had vacated. I still had no idea what this had to do with making Sam feel better. Hell, as far as I could tell, this was nothing but Jeanie’s idea to manage to have sex with me right in front of her sisters. She settled eagerly on my dick and started to slide up and down my shaft almost immediately. I could tell from her motions that she was going to do everything in her power to make me come inside her.

I started eating from the plate of pasta as she bounced up and down, trying hard to ignore the incredible sensations she was imparting with her tight, sexy little pussy. It was amazing how not having children managed to keep her pussy teenager tight. Or maybe it was the size of her husband’s tool. Either way, her body’s response to my fat cock inside her screamed to me that she wasn’t going to last very long.

“Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck,” she moaned over and over as she drove herself up and down on my shaft. I reached up with one hand and found a nipple, squeezing it and pulling it as I continued to eat with my other hand. “Oh FUCK!” she cried suddenly, slamming herself down on me. I could feel her pussy grip me as she sat shuddering and trembling in climax. I was actually glad she wasn’t moving on me. I needed the break if I was going to save the end for my wife. I held her on my lap as she recovered from her climax and continued to eat, hoping to finish before she decided she was ready for round two.

“Okay, I’m ready for desert,” I said, pushing my plate away. “You ready for it?” I asked my wife as she sat in her chair, eating the main course and trying not to look at her sister still sitting on me.

“Actually, I’m not,” she said with a shrug. “I’ve had more sex today than we’ve had in, well, years. To be honest, I don’t think I could take you in me again. I kinda feel like a rug burn down there.”

“Oh. Okay,” I answered her, trying hard to keep the disappointment out of my voice and off my face.

She looked at me and smiled. “I can see that you think I just left you hanging. I wouldn’t do that to you, at least not on purpose. No, you still get to have desert. But before you get it, you get to choose who you wanna finish in. Sam or Jeanie. You can take them right over there and pump into them until you’re done. Then you can come back and I’ll sit on your lap and feed you desert.”

“You sure about this?” I asked in surprise.

“Uh huh. Pick the sexiest pussy and have at it,” she said.

Ahhhhh. Now I got it. Now I understood her game. It might have been Jeanie’s way of getting to fuck me, but my cunning wife figured out a way to both help Sam and to put Jeanie in her place at the same time. This way she could see what was happening, and at the same time, not have to have me put my already used dick in her own pussy. Smart, as long as it worked the way she wanted. I was supposed to pick Sam over Jeanie. Hell, that wasn’t even a hard decision. “Okay. Jeanie, up.”

Jeanie climbed from my lap and turned around to face me. “I’m so going to enjoy this!” she said, pressing her body against mine.

“I doubt it. I’m picking Sam,” I answered.

“ME!?” Sam asked in surprise.

“Uh huh. Why? You don’t want to?”

She looked from my wife to me and back again. “I want to. I just don’t know if I should.”

“Why not?” my wife asked. “He’s not cheating on me. He’s clearly not going to run off with you and divorce me. I gave him permission. You didn’t have a problem sitting on his lap to fuck him a few minutes ago, or to sit on his dick down at the lake. Why stop now? He thinks you’re the sexier of the two of you, so enjoy it.”

I stepped over to her and held a hand out. She stood up from the table and I walked her over to the marble top island. I helped lift her onto the counter, her bare ass sitting on the marble with her legs sticking out on either side of me. The height was just about right as I rubbed my engorged mushroom head between her lips.

“Ohhhhh fuck,” she moaned softly as I pushed a couple inches into her. She lifted her legs a little higher and spread them more, choosing not to lean back so she could arch her back and push her tits into my face. I bent myself slightly to lower my face to her right breast and used one hand to lift it slightly. “Oh god,” she moaned as I sucked her nipple into my mouth. I started to stroke into her, my already lubricated shaft sliding easily into her hot, wet vaginal depths. Her insides were slick and hot, accepting my fat member easily, but with enough tightness to easily coax my orgasm to start racing toward completion again. In and out I stroked, nibbling and sucking her nipple as she moaned and panted in pleasure. She wrapped her legs around me and began to dig her heels into my butt, helping to drive me hard into her with each push of my hips. In and out I moved, my mushroom head caressing her tender insides and her sexy pussy caressing me in all the right places.

I felt her pussy clench around me slightly as the first shivers of her legs started, letting me know that I didn’t need to hold back any longer. She was starting to climax and the sudden change in her spasming pussy and the difference caused by her now rocking pelvis were all it took to push mine up that final little hill. I let go of her nipple and straightened as my body spasmed and jammed my cock deep into her. I felt the surge of cum lance out into her, followed by a second, much weaker squirt, my body simply failing to have recovered enough volume yet. She leaned to me and wrapped her arms around me, squeezing us together with her arms and legs, molding our bodies against each other as we both panted for breath.

“Holy shit,” she whispered softly. “I don’t believe I just did that with you.”

“What? You already had me down at the lake, right?” I answered in an equally quiet whisper.

“Actually, no. Jeanie did.” She panted, drawing a look of surprise from me. “I wanted to, but I couldn’t bring myself to do it behind Marie’s back.”

“Well, um. I hope it felt good,” I said lamely, not sure what to say after that admission.

“Oh, it did. It was even better than I imagined it would be after feeling you slip into me just that little bit.”

“Well, it was nice for me too.”

“Did you do it just to make me feel better? Or did you really want to do it with me over Jeanie?”

“It was a no-brainer. Hell, if I could have done it with you in the office the other day, I would have. You looked so damn sexy.”

“You really mean that, don’t you?”

“Of course I do.”

She slowly released me and then coaxed me back from her. She slipped off the counter and then walked quickly down the hall toward the guest room, closing the door behind her. My wife looked at me and then down the hall. “What did you say to her?”

“Just that I though she looked really sexy and that I wanted her more than Jeanie.”

“And she ran off?”

“Yeah,” I answered, not sure what to say or do. Marie turned and walked down the hall, opening the guest room door and then closing it behind her. Jeanie stepped over to me and wrapped her arms around me, pulling us together.

“Well, looks like I get to give you desert,” she said with a grin. “If I get it up, can I have it again?”

“I know it was you, down at the lake.”

“Me?” she asked innocently. “Would I sneak a fuck with you behind her back?”

“And claim it was Sam? Yeah, I think you would.”

“It was Sam’s idea. She didn’t want Marie to know she couldn’t do it.”

“Couldn’t or wouldn’t?”

“Couldn’t bring herself to. She felt like, well, she didn’t think you’d really want her riding you. That she wasn’t sexy enough or something.”

“So you just took it on yourself to do the honors?”

“How could I not? I mean, there it was, all hard and waiting. I was ready, you were ready, why not?”

“What part of this was all to help Sam did you not get?”

“I didn’t think she should have been required to do what she didn’t want to. Even if your wife did set it up for her to do it.”

“And Marie knew?”

“Of course. She told me to coax her to do it when she sat on your face. She had it all planned out. Sam told her what you two did in the office and figured a little quality cock would help. But she didn’t think she could. You weren’t that hard up or something to that effect.”

“And you just let Marie assume that Sam had, even though it was you? That’s just great.”

“What’s the problem? We’re all sisters, share and share alike? Right?” I looked at her, stunned. It took about six one-thousandths of a second for my brain to decide what to do. I grabbed Jeanie by the arm, dragged her to the chair I’d sat in and pulled her toward me. She flopped over my legs, half falling over me, catching herself with her hands, but not until she was lying over my legs. I didn’t give her a chance to recover, even for a moment, before I brought my hand down on her bare ass with a loud smack. “OWWWW!” she cried as I raised my hand again. I swatted her bare ass, leaving red handprints on her bare cheeks with each of the eight strokes I gave her. True, my hand hurt, but it felt good inside to give her what she deserved for all the years of teasing me.

“What are you doing!?” my wife cried as she practically ran out into the kitchen, Sam following close behind.

“GOD DAMN IT! STOP!” Jeanie cried, kicking her feet in the air and trying to roll off my lap as I brough my hand down on her ass again with another loud smack. “OWWWWWW! STOP IT YOU FUCKING BASTARD!”

“Not until I get an apology!” I snapped at her before landing another loud smack on her bare bottom.


“For what?” I asked as I began to rub my hand on her red behind, my wife standing across the room staring at me, a crooked smile on her lips.

“I don’t know, for fucking you instead of letting Sam do it I guess!”

I lifted my hand and laid another on her ass, making her jump and cry out again.

“Really? You guess?”

“Alright! I know, I know! I shouldn’t have done that!”

“What else are you sorry for?”

“I don’t know, teasing you?” she cried out as I lifted my hand again. “NO! NO! I’M SORRY! REALLY!”

I lowered my hand and began to rub her butt again. “Are you? Sorry? Really?”

“I am,” she whispered this time as I stroked her butt gently. “I shouldn’t have teased you so much.”

“So why did you?”

“Because I wanted to fuck you,” she whispered.

I sat, rubbing her butt, Marie and Sam watching with grins on their faces that Jeanie couldn’t see from where she was. I let my fingers rub her butt and then stroke down between her legs, stroking my fingers over her bare pussy. She let out a soft moan as my fingers bounced, one after the other, across her hard clit. “Why?”

“Because I wanted it. I wanted to fuck you ever since Marie started dating you. I wanted to fuck you at the wedding, and almost every time I’ve seen you. I wanted you to fuck me that day in the tent. I was giving you the perfect opportunity, I did everything but push my pussy on your dick, and you didn’t, and it made me so damn frustrated.”

I looked at Marie who was walking toward us again. She stood behind me and leaned down to whisper in my ear.

“Give her one more good one for me, and then bend her over the table and give her what she thought she was swiping earlier.” I looked at my wife and the grin she had on her face. “On second thought, you probably better take her outside. I don’t want to clean up the mess.”

“You really want me to…?”

“Just like you used to make me come.”

“You really want me to do that?”

“I think it’s fitting for all the teasing she’s given you. Sam told me that she did you at the beach, so it’s only fair, right?”

“Alright.” I lifted my hand and brought it down again with a loud smack, and then helped her get up off my lap. I pulled her toward the back door and out onto the patio. I continued to pull her until I reached the picnic table in the grass. I turned her around and pushed her back, her butt hitting the edge of the table, making her tip back. I reached down and lifted her legs, tipping her all the way back to lie on the table as I lifted and spread her legs.

My cock was already rock-hard for some reason and it took no effort at all to press my engorged head against her pussy lips. “That last swat was for Marie. This is for all the teasing you’ve done over the years,” I said as I plunged my dick roughly into her.

“OH FUCK!” she cried into the evening as my shaft drove hard and fast fully into her hot, wet depths.

“I’m going to enjoy the hell out of this,” I grunted as I started to plunge myself into her, working my hips hard. I shifted her legs to let them lie over my shoulders as I pounded my thighs against her recently spanked ass. I wrapped my right arm around her thigh and reached between her legs to get my fingertips between her lips to find her clit. My left hand moved up her body to find a nipple, capturing and grasping it. In and out, I thrust my cock, driving hard into her as my finger stroked circles around her hard clit, and my other hand twisted and pulled her rigid nipple.

“OH FUCK! OH GOD YES! FUCK ME! FUCK MY HOT CUNT! YES YES YES!” she screamed as her body shuddered and trembled under my attentions. I could feel her spasming inside, squeezing my thrusting shaft, making her already teenager tight pussy even tighter around my fast moving appendage. In and out I drove, interested in making her climax even harder, wanting to give her the same kind of orgasm I’d given my wife the first night we were married, and periodically ever since.

My finger worked between her lips, rubbing around and across her clit furiously while I drove hard and deep into her, bending my legs with each stroke so that my engorged cock head would press against the top of her vagina, searching for and finding that sexy little bundle of nerves. Normally I could tell when I found the perfect angle with Maria, but her sister was already climaxing, making it hard for me to tell if I was hitting it. “OHHHHHHHH FUCK YES!” she screamed as her body stiffened and began to spray a gush of her juices out at me. Her discharge splattered on my chest and groin as she lay stiff and trembling for almost three seconds before it ceased. I wasn’t done yet, though; I continued to assault her nipple and clit as I drove myself deep into her over and over, pushing her to another huge, squirting spasm.


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