“Nick!” my sister yelled, from the next room. “I need a hand.” Ugh.
My twin sister, Mia. Despite being my twin, she didn’t look anything like me. Her blonde hair usually pulled in a ponytail, apart from the usual pair of tendrils that hung down in front of her face. I had dark brown hair, cut short. I was just over six foot, she was barely five foot five.
She was funny, kind, and just a little bit stupid. Don’t get me wrong — I love her — but sometimes, she just seems to lack common sense. Just last week, she needed help working the toaster — we don’t even have a toaster.
Even with her ditziness, she was still fun to be around, and I was lucky enough to have a pretty good relationship with her. Mom died giving birth to us (a fact that always gets a ‘so sorry’, but I never knew her, so I don’t really miss her), and Dad had to work long hours to manage both of us on his own. This meant that many nights, we were left to our own devices. This wasn’t a big deal, we were both eighteen, in the last year of school — and like I said, we got along pretty well.
“What is it now?” I asked, stepping into her room.
“How do–” she paused for a second, as her bright blue eyes rose from her laptop. “Why aren’t you wearing anything?”
“Shut up, I’m wearing a towel. You can’t be surprised; you just heard me get out of the shower.” I didn’t know it at the time, but she had done more than hear me.
“Whatever. Why isn’t my laptop working?” She turned the screen to face me.
“You’re gonna need to be more specific than that.”
“Okay. I want to get all my school files onto this USB,” she said, as I sat down next to her on the double bed.
“Okay. Well, it helps if you plug it in,” I mocked, snatching it from her and slotting it into the computer. “Can you do me a favour? I’ve not had my morning coffee yet; can you go make me one, while I sort this out?”
She hesitated, a look of — hmm, somewhere between shame and fear — flashed across her face, before she finally rose from the bed and left.
“Just everything in the file ‘SCHOOL?'” I shouted through to the kitchen.
“Yep! Just that one. No other ones!”
Knowing how to work a USB stick, it took little over thirty seconds to set it up. “It’s gonna take an hour,” I announced, slightly surprised at how slow it was going.
“Fuck. I’ve gotta leave for school in twenty minutes. Can you make it go any faster?” came the reply.
“I’m not a miracle wor–” I was cut off by the sound of the kettle boiling. “Okay, let’s see what I can do,” I said under my breath. “Maybe if you close some of these tabs, shit how many do you need at any one time?” I asked, to no one in particular. I decided to see if I could get rid of any, to help it speed up. Xbox app: closed. History homework: ctrl+s, closed. Steam: closed. Video of Nick jerking off: clo– wait! …what the fuck?
Holy fucking shit. Why the fuck did my sister have a video of me beating my meat in the shower? And, perhaps more pressingly, how? I had to confront her about this, I couldn’t just ignore it.
“Have you got it yet?” my sister asked, coming back into her room.
“Wh– Err… Yeah. No. Sorry, I can’t speed it up that much,” I spluttered, changing the screen back, so it showed the slow moving bar of file transfers.
“Ugh. You’re useless, you are,” she insulted. “Now get out of my room, it’s fifteen minutes until I have to go, and I’m still in my pyjamas.”
For the whole of that school day, I couldn’t stop thinking about what I had seen. Had she planted a camera in our bathroom? Why would she do that? When did she do that? Jesus Christ. I needed more answers. Fortunately, she had tennis after school, which gave me an hour alone in the house.
First thing’s first, finding the camera. I could work out roughly where it was, but I needed to check. After a bit of investigation, I finally found it. She had taken apart the toilet roll holder, slotted the camera into the horizontal bar, and put everything back together in such a way that it had a clear view of the shower. Disgusting? maybe. Illegal? definitely. Smart? surprisingly so.
I quickly worked out that she couldn’t see me at the sink, but if I stood up to pee, or if I was in the shower, she would be able to watch. The camera itself was small, looked quite expensive, but didn’t seem to have a microphone. How much money had she invested into being a perv? No. Maybe there was some other explanation. There had to be, she was my sister.
Her laptop was locked, but ‘Password1’ wasn’t all that hard to guess, especially when it was on a Post-it on her mirror. I really needed to give this girl a lesson on internet safety, right after the lesson on why spying on your brother is fucked up.
Okay. So. The camera was Bluetooth, connected to some app I’d never heard of. Opening it quickly, showed me that the footage was live, and it only recorded if you told it to. I opened up her files, trying to find how much she had. GAMES, HOLIDAY PHOTOS, New folder, New folder, PHOTOS, SCHOOL, SECRET (DO NOT OPEN). Gotcha.
I opened up the folder to see a frankly disturbing number of video files. Thirty seven, to be exact. The furthest one back was about two months ago — hey, at least I was eighteen by that point. Sure she was an incestuous perv, but at least she didn’t have child porn.
I opened one at random: a video of me showering, at one point my dick started to grow, and I began to wank. Shock and horror coursed through me, as I watched my own privacy be violated. To my further surprise, however, these emotions were quickly joined by something else: arousal. Not at the video itself — I’m not that narcissistic — but at the thought of what Mia had done, while watching it. Had she been watching me, touching herself at the sight of my cock? Had she ever came thinking about my body? Had she ever fantasised that she could join me, or that I could join her? Her fantasies were now mine, as I let my mind wander and my cock grow.
No. Stop. This was wrong, I couldn’t think about my sister that way, it’s wrong. Just because she’s a perv doesn’t make it okay for me to be one, too. I had to confront her about it. This had to stop.
However, every time I went to talk to her about it, I stopped myself. I mean how the hell do I tell my own sister I know about her pervy habits? Eventually, Dad came home and my chance to bring it up with her that day was gone; he didn’t need to find out about it. Mia had her shower (she showered at night for some reason, while I went in the mornings), and we all fucked off to bed. Only, I couldn’t sleep. Thoughts of my sister swarmed my brain, as I pondered what to do. No matter how long I considered it, I couldn’t work out a way to bring it up with her, without ruining my relationship with her. But then again, I couldn’t just let it keep happening, could I?
Morning came at last, and I rose from bed, sluggishly shuffling towards the bathroom. I took a shit, brushed my teeth and shaved on autopilot, as I slowly woke up. It was only when I stripped naked, about to step under the shower, that I remembered I might be being watched. I stood there for a few seconds before realising that I had no choice: if I didn’t take a shower she’d figure out I was onto her. I stepped into the shower and turned it on, allowing the warm water to cascade down onto my exposed body.