Snatching My 19 Year Old Virginity

An adult stories – Snatching My 19 Year Old Virginity by Marathoner4u,Marathoner4u **************



This is a variation of a true story about romance and the losing of my virginity. All characters are over the age of 19.

**All Copyrights are Reserved**

************ TO MY BEAUTIFUL LINDA, MY ETERNAL THANKS **************

Saturday night at the drive-in theatre – coming up for air, naked, sweaty, heart racing, smiling, shocked, mind-blown, covered in my cum and her orgasmic juices, it just happened — I, Gary, was…


and Linda, my older sister’s best friend lovingly took my virginity, taught me how to make love, and how to please HER.

Sunday morning – I was in my bed, wearing a big “ear to ear” grin, feeling so proud, rubbing my hard cock, playing with my cum-matted pubic hairs, and I realized, it was not a dream — I was now a man! I had fucked an older girl, not once, not twice, but three times, and it was Linda, the girl of my dreams, lusts, cravings, needs, desires and fantasies.

At the age of 19, and after missing one year of elementary school, due to a year-long, life-threatening illness, I was in my senior year of high school. Last fall, when I turned 18, Linda and her family moved into our subdivision. I, along with all my buddies, were immediately captured by her beauty, amazing smile, perfect teeth, dark auburn and long hair, her freckled body, the tiny jean shorts she wore, and her bright yellow tube top that barely covered her developing breasts. Living next door to me and my family, Linda and my sister, Jean, quickly became best friends. Both were two years older than me, and they routinely took pleasure in letting me know the age difference and tormenting me with their sexual teases and taunts.

On most occasions, when the weekend arrived, the girls were never separated. Most Saturday nights, Linda spent the night at our house. While I was busy and preoccupied with all my sports; baseball, basketball, football and track, I usually found a way to be home when Linda was around. With our wide-screen TV sitting in the downstairs den, it was normal for me to be laid out on the large couch, while Linda and Jean were happy to stretch out across the carpeted floor. The three of us normally shared a massive bowl of popcorn or some form of candy as we spent the night watching movies. Linda, aged 20, and my sister, aged almost 21, would wear either tiny boy short underwear and a cut off top or a long tee shirt, always without a bra. I spent each moment focused on Linda’s legs and ass, just begging for an opportunity to see her pussy.

Often when no one was looking, Linda, with those bright green eyes, would give me a smile and a wink. She knew she had complete control of my lust and want for her. From all my sports and conditioning, my body really developed, and I no longer looked like some horny teenager. I possessed the body of a grown man, and Linda certainly enjoyed admiring me. Likewise, I always found myself working to get a better view of Linda and her body. And, what a perfect growing body she had. One night when my sister was upstairs, Linda rose up on her knees and stretched for a book lying in front of her. That small movement opened my world to admiring the perfect female body. The tee shirt she was wearing opened on the bottom side, and for a moment her freckled breasts and hard nipples were on full display for my enjoyment and discovery. I gasped, but she kept kneeling and fumbling for the book. Besides her tits, I almost cummed in my shorts when I saw my first thong pressed against her tight rosebud, while seated between her ass cheeks.

When she picked up the book, she shook her tiny ass a few times, turned and faced me, and looked at my hard cock pressed against my gym shorts. After offering me a wicked smile and wink, she leaned over and kissed my cheek, and said, “I am glad you enjoyed my body and my tease.” I sat there speechless, and my face was beet red. As my sister made her way back downstairs, we both scrambled to conceal our sexual excitement, and act like nothing happened. From that point on, Linda and I played our secret game of tease and seduction.

During my last football and basketball seasons, Linda, along with my sister and their other friends, attended almost every game. Somehow, Linda and I always made visual contact, and she offered me her lustful smile. It was during the last basketball game of the post season tournament, when, as I jumped to secure a rebound, an opponent accidentally undercut my legs. My 6’5″ body crashed to the court, as my left arm bore the weight of my fall, and the radius bone snapped in two places. I withered in pain as the medical staff worked to safely immobilize my arm, and both Linda and my sister rushed to me to check on my medical condition. Once I arrived at the Emergency Room, things became very blurred as I was given morphine to numb the pain and was taken into surgery to repair the two breaks.

Hours later, and as I was slowly waking up from the surgery, my hospital room was crowded with my overly concerned parents, my basketball coach, a few teammates, my sister and of course, my Linda. With visitor hours being long past closed, the orthopedic surgeon and nurses reassured all, my arm was successfully repaired and safe. Then, they began to politely ask everyone but the family to leave — I groggily insisted Linda stay, as she is family to me. Around midnight, my family was asked to leave, except for one member. Both my parents had serious work requirements, so they could not stay. My sister had a major college exam in the morning, so that ruled her out. So, Linda, without hesitation, stated she was able to keep watch over me throughout the night. After they expressed their thanks to Linda, my parents and sister left for the night.

I drifted off to sleep and dreamt of Linda and her beauty, kindness, sexiness and love. Somewhere in the night, the nurse awakened me to complete my vitals check. Looking around the room, I found Linda asleep in a chair right next to my bed. As the nurse was departing, she stated how lucky I was to have such a beautiful girlfriend caring for me. I shook my head and thought girlfriend — Linda? Would this ever be possible?

Restricted by the arm harness, I stretched my right arm and gently rubbed Linda’s shoulder and played with her hair. Awakened by my touch, and after rubbing her eyes, she asked how I was feeling. Smiling, she softly said, “So, Gary, you think I am sexy, pretty and kind?” Embarrassed, all I could do was nod my head up and down. With that, she stood up and gently slid onto my bed and laid her head against mine. I wrapped my good arm around her, pulled her close, and gently kissed the top of her head. She noticed my sadness, and asked what was wrong. I told her my high school sports activities was now over. She hugged me tighter, and then we both drifted back to sleep — or did we?

All of a sudden it hit me — I really needed to pee! Tapping Linda’s shoulder to awaken her, I let her know of my predicament — my urgent problem. We both looked scared and petrified, as neither of us knew what to do. As I reached for the nurse call button, she took my hand and said, “No! I am here to care for you.” She spotted the urine catch pan laying beneath the bed. After she smiled, and while holding the pan in place, she removed the blanket, pulled my pajama pants down, and gently grasped my now hard and aching 7″ cock. After she demanded I “do not pee on her,” she instructed me to close my eyes, and to relax. The thought of her holding and looking at my cock, and the gentle first touch of hand proved to be too much.

With a loud growl, I told her I was too turned on and too stressed to pee. We both laughed at my embarrassing situation, and agreed we needed to start the process over again. Once again, she gently held my cock and aimed it towards the urine pan. This time, she leaned over my face and softly kissed me on my lips. It was such a relaxing and purely intimate kiss. While our kisses continued, I felt my pee begin to flow into the catch pan, as her hand steadily held my cock. When I finished, she shook my cock, emptied the container’s content into the toilet, secured a wet washcloth, and returned to my bed.

With a devilish grin, Linda again lifted my cock and casually cleaned every part of my, now hard penis, and gently washed my heavy balls. She amazed me with her care and kindness. Once completed, we both agreed to keep that experience a secret. After she went to the restroom and washed her hands, she again crawled back onto my bed, and we allowed sleep to win.

It was early morning, when my mom entered the room, only to be surprised by seeing both of us snuggled together. Shaking her head in disbelief, she said, “Well, Gary, I am so glad you were being taken care of so very well.” Surprised, Linda jumped up and said she would leave to let us talk, and that she would return later to check on me. I thanked her for babysitting me, and after giving me a long hug, she departed.

Mom’s first words were, “What was that all about? She was in your hospital bed, all wrapped up in your arm and her body was over your body.” I told her, I am 19 years old, and Linda was the one who stayed with me and cared for me. Likewise, there was nothing going on between us. She was like a second sister to me, and if you had a problem with that, that was your concern, not mine. Taken back by my forceful response, Mom asked how my arm felt and if I needed anything? I let her know my arm hurt like hell, I felt all dirty from my basketball game sweat, and I was hungry.

Mom looked at her watch and said she needed to leave for work, but she would ask the nurse to address all my concerns. With a pat on my head and a squeeze of my toes, she indicated her and dad would visit me tonight. With a fake smile, I nodded my approval, and then I rolled to my side and drifted off to sleep. What sleep? No more than ten minutes later, the nurse brought my breakfast, followed by some form of pain pill. After checking my vitals, she turned off the light and closed my door. Sleep, it felt so good.

When I finally woke up, sitting in my room was Jean, my sister, and sweet Linda, and they were both chatting away. Somewhere in the conversation, Jean asked Linda why she so quickly volunteered to stay with me? Does she have personal feelings for me? Had she stolen my male virginity? And, does she like or love me? Linda looked at me, and I pretended to still be asleep. She said, “I wanted to make certain Gary was ok. NO! I haven’t stolen his virginity. “Geeze Jean!” I do like him a lot. First it was as being a good friend. But now, it is so different. I can’t say love, but I do have strong feelings. I just hope he feels the same.

I rolled over and pretended to be waking up. With both girls sitting close to my bed, I asked them how long they had been in my room? They brought me up to date on all the happenings, and said my surgeon stopped by, and checked on my arm. He seemed to be satisfied. Damn, I mumbled. I need to take a piss. Jean immediately protested and stood up to leave my room. After she left, Linda grabbed the urine catch pan, pulled the sheet and cover back, and without a single balk, she softly held my semi-hard cock, aimed it at the pan, and looked away, as my pee forcefully flowed into the catch pan.

She laughed as she took her time shaking my now hard cock. After dumping my urine, she washed her hands and then warmed up a washcloth to clean my cock and balls. This time however, she allowed her fore finger to softly roll over and around the head of my cock. As I moaned, and without stopping her teasing, she leaned into me and gave me her sweet morning kiss.

Hearing the nurse’s cart rolling towards my door, we quickly separated, and acted like nothing happened. Jean and the nurse walked in, and we both wore shit-eating grins on our faces. Jean whispered to Linda, and asked if she helped me pee. Without any hint of embarrassment, Linda shook her head yes, and said, “I said I was going to care for Gary, and that means I’ll do whatever is necessary.” The nurse asked whether I peed and/or pooped. Before I could answer, Linda responded saying, “two massive pees and no pooping, so far.” Before leaving the room, the nurse indicated it was important to maintain a healthy bowel movement, before I could be discharged from the hospital.

Both girls softly teased me, saying “You got to “poo-poo” before you can go home.” I was so damn humiliated and embarrassed. Sensing my discomfort, Linda slid onto my bed, rubbed my neck, and played with my hair. Jean for her part, simply groaned and looked out of my hospital room. After a few minutes, Jean indicated she was headed home to study, and Linda was headed home to freshen up and change into clean clothes. Before I could ask, she said, “Be sure to tell your parents I’ll be back to care for you again tonight.” We both smiled at each other.

Later, in a real touch of true sportsmanship, the player who undercut me, and two of his fellow teammates, showed up to check on my health status, and wished me a speedy recovery. They also brought me two sports magazines, frozen yogurt and some delicious candy. Rick, the guy involved in my fall, sincerely apologized, and indicated he struggled with sleep, as he felt guilty. I assured him, I knew it was an accident, and I harbored no ill feelings toward him. All three wanted to autograph my cast, which was a first, but a cool gesture. As they departed, we all agreed we would miss playing against each other next year on the basketball court.

The remainder of the day and night flew by, with numerous visitors, coaches, cheerleaders, aunts and uncles, cousins, etc. The only important person I waited for and wanted to see was Linda. Right at nine in the evening, Linda appeared carrying some homemade food she and her mom had prepared. Her smile immediately made me smile and feel so much better. My mom’s pleasing interactions and communications were a complete turnaround from earlier this morning.

Just before my parents departed, the nurse came in to let us know x-rays were going to be taken soon, so I needed to pee if possible. Nervously looking around the room, my parents questioned how we had previously handled this issue. Once again, Linda quickly and quietly indicated, together, we had it under control. Without asking a single question, my parents wished us a good night and left.

We both broke out laughing, and Linda quickly jumped onto my bed and wrapped her arms around my waist and gave me a big hug. I rubbed her back and kissed the top of her head. Looking at each other, we both knew, we cared for each other, and we knew our feelings were real, and serious. I whispered to her, “I heard you like me and want to be my girl.” Pinching my good arm, she replied, “Say it is true, do you have the same feelings for me?” Holding her closer, gave her the positive answer she wanted to know.

After some quite time, I knew I had better try to take a piss before my x-ray visit. Linda smiled and completed my peeing into the pan routine, followed by her close cleansing of my throbbing cock. This time, she removed the washcloth, and slowly wrapped her hand around my thickness. Looking deep into my eyes, she slowly began to masturbate my hardness, sliding her hand up and down, round and round. I moaned and let her know her hands felt amazing. Some of my precum oozed out on top of my cock head, and she seemed pleased to feel the sticky fluid. When she brought her wet fingers to mouth, and sucked my juices clean, I thought I was going to either cum hard or die with excitement. “Your first sexual experience with a girl?” she softly and quietly asked. With my head nodding yes, Linda knew, she had her a virgin guy.

She licked her lips and smiled.

After my x-ray trip, we chatted, laughed, kissed and hugged late into the night, and the new realization of our closeness felt absolutely amazing. Twice, Linda pulled up her shirt and allowed me to see, feel and touch her perfect breasts. Our dream night was quickly shattered, when, it was around two in the morning and I needed to poop. Feeling my stomach cramp and roll, we both looked at each other and shouted, “Oh Shit!” Not knowing what to do, Linda grabbed the urine catch pan, pulled all my stuff away, and worked my body so she could slide the pan under me. She stepped outside my door and allowed me to do my natural thing. A few minutes later, after knocking on my door, she returned, grabbed lots of toilet paper, and began the process of cleaning my anus and butt region.

I was overwhelmed with her care, maturity and love she expressed to me. After cleaning the pan, she double washed her hands, and then she walked to my bed carrying clean wash clothes, hospital hair and body cleaner, clean towels, and finally clean hospital ware. She jokingly, yet honestly stated, “Gary, You Stink!” I totally agreed! It was a series of comical acts, moves, grunts and yuck, but, in the end she had me cleaned head to toe and front and back.

Laying next to each other and holding each other close, we finally fell asleep. Once again, early in the morning we were awakened by the nurse, and then my mother. This time, my mom presented herself in a respectful and appreciative manner towards Linda. She said she had spoken to the doctor, and he said, I might be released sometime today. YESSSSSS….. I’m going home!


Eight weeks later, I was a high school graduate, and my cast was off, my arm was declared healed, and I was cleared to resume all physical and athletic activities. It felt amazing to be able to run, jump, do moderate weightlifting, swim and not fear my arm would be reinjured. Linda remained close to my side, and both our families knew we were now a young couple in love.

Finally, summer arrived, and once we opened our pool, my normal daily routine consisted of running and/or weightlifting, completing my home lawncare and pool cleaning work, showering, eating lunch, and enjoying the pool. Both my parents worked, and so did my sister, that left me home alone until after 5:30 PM on most weekdays. If the sun was shining, the one thing I knew was Linda would stop by to swim, tan, tease, and torment me. Her perfect, 20 year old, 5’9″ tall and 36-26-36 measured body, along with her hair always being tied up and stuffed under one of my baseball caps, and her awesome freckled skin drove me crazy.

After her swim, she would normally straddle my body, letting the waters drip over my skin, laughing, as I laid face-up on one of the long pool chairs. She waited until she knew I was looking up and admiring her perfect view, when on too many occasions, the bottom of her bikini would slide just the right way and I would see her puffy and full pussy lips. My groans always alerted her that something private was on display. She would wait just a few seconds and slowly reach down and adjust her bikini. Drawing her legs back, she would smile and pull her chair up close to mine.

One super-hot afternoon, Linda asked me to rub tanning oil all over her back and legs. I fumbled to open the slippery bottle of oil, and it fell to the ground, spilling oil over part of the concrete. Coaxing me to relax, she laid down, with her tiny bikini top untied, and her amazing breasts were pressed outward onto the chair. I gasped with excitement, and hopeful anticipation as to what this time might bring. My shaking hands trembled as I touched her neck and shoulders, rubbing the warm oil deep into her perfect skin. Between the oil and her sweat, the mixture felt amazing, and admiring my unobstructed view made me as hard as I had ever been.

My fingers traced up and down her spin, up and down, over and over, with wider strokes as I started using my entire hands to massage her deeply tanned skin. As she let out a soft sigh, she spread her legs wider, and she began to grind her hips on top of the chair. I poured more oil onto her back and decided to straddle her legs to make it much easier to reach her entire back, and she then wiggled her ass up against my hard cock. I touched her shoulders and gently massaged her neck, and while doing this, I leaned onto her back and nibbled on her exposed ear. This sent shivers across both of our bodies. The intimacy and sexual heat became a boiling point.

Linda cleared her throat and stated she needed more of my massage treatment, so I started massaging the sides of her back. With each stroke my big hands slowly moved across her perfect body, and with each passing my fingers, for the first time in a long time, touched her breasts, areolas, and thick nipples. She gasped, and whispered, “Gary, please touch me. Touch my body as I know you have wanted. It is yours.”

I was entering the promise land of sex and serious romance.

I slid both hands over her tight ass and began to knead and massage her perfection, and as I spread her butt cheeks, her tiny anal hole opened and closed. Not really knowing what to do, with one hand I started moving my finger in a circle over her ass hole, and with her louder gasps, I knew I was doing something right. With my other hand, I began to touch, rub and gently squeeze her puffy pussy lips. My oily fingers, meshed with her flowing pussy juice totally lubricated her lips and tiny hole.

Linda gently pushed me off, turned over and told me to switch places with her. For the very first time, I saw her majestic body — her face, those spectacular natural breasts, her tight tummy, and her totally bald pussy. I was shocked, in such a great way, to finally realize what all the sex talk was about — SHE WAS AN ANGEL — and I knew she was all mine. Smiling and rolling her eyes, she told me to lay down on the pool chair.

What she did next would always remain burnt in my memory. Slowly she straddled me, placing her hands on my shoulders, and allowing both of her breasts to dance over my face and mouth. I was like a baby desperate to suck upon its pacifier. Teasing me — tormenting me, Linda not only was teasing my mouth, but she was also slowly sliding and grinding her body on top of my cock. I was in the deepest state of pleasure and the most agonizing sexual state of need. And she knew it!

Finally, she lowered her breasts so that I might kiss, rub and suck on those wonderful presents. As I feasted on them, she slowly whispered, “Gary, enjoy, please enjoy, but know, this is all you get today. We are not going to fuck or do anything else.” My mind and body went limp, literally limp. I had to know why, why not more, why not go all the way? When I asked, after she kissed me, she said, “My body and my heart are not given out freely. I need to be in REAL love with a man who REALLY loves me.” For some reason, I got it! I understood what she meant.

Holding her close, I kissed her and knew we were designed for each other. Then I picked her body up and carried her into the shallow part of the pool. Our naked and oiled bodies rubbed against each other, as I leaned back, her body began to slide away into the water. With my two hands, I reached around her and grabbed her flexed ass and drew her up onto my legs. As we kissed, my cock rubbed over her tight pussy, and we both trembled with want and excitement. The feel of her breasts pressed against my chest felt amazing, and she took pleasure in rubbing them back and forth, and up and down.

At one point, we stopped moving and looked deeply into each other’s eyes, and we knew, we both knew, we were in love. Our smiles, the way we held each other’s hands, the feel of our bodies pressed closely together, how we mutually sighed and moaned, and the way our thoughts meshed, said it all — We Were in Love.

That damn sound of the garage door opening quickly stopped our romantic moment dead in its tracks. We both ran to the chair, grabbed our swimsuits, and we both ran and jumped into the deep end of the pool. Fortunately, I quickly slid my swim trunks on and was then able to tie Linda’s top. The door opened and out came my sister, shaking her head and asking what we were getting into. Confessing our innocence, she laughed, and went back inside to put on her bikini.

While we had a few minutes alone, I drew up the courage and asked Linda if she would like to go out with me on a real date. I mean a real date. Smiling and shaking her head, she said, “Finally, and yes, I would love to go out with you on a real date. We’ve done just about everything else together.” We both hugged and kissed each other. Then she reached below and stroked my hard cock and cupped my balls. “One time, one time in the future, I hope to have these as mine.” she said seductively.

Jean, wore a too tight sexy one-piece swimsuit, and walked out to the pool carrying three cold bottles of water. The three of us wrapped our bodies around this large pool floaty and naturally are lower bodies rubbed against each other. Linda and I were on opposite side of each other, and we enjoyed the turn-on and pleasure of feeling our legs to connected together.

I had to give my older sister compliments on her beauty and sexiness. She was 100% hot in every manner. The crazy thing, regardless of what Linda and I said, she felt she was ugly and had a so-so figure. Damn – she was so incorrect! Her breasts were massive, and they did not sag one bit. She still had a tiny bit of baby fat, but her thick and sexy ass easily negated that issue. With long blond and natural curly hair, and her spectacular blue eyes, she had to drive guys in her class wild. I knew she was not a virgin. One night a few months ago, I walked out into the pool house and caught her naked, wildly fucking Tommy, a guy she dated a while ago.

After we all finished our waters, the girls said they had to pee, and I certainly enjoyed watching their thong split ass as they teasingly walked to the pool house. I used the time to go inside the house, to also pee, plus I grabbed three new bottles of water. When we all returned and were sitting near the pool, Jean said congratulations on finally asking Linda out on a real date. She cautioned me to be a gentleman and not hurt, nor disrespect her best friend. As Linda leaned back against me, it was clear, there was no need to worry about any of those concerns.

Jean, now 21, and always being the bold one of us three, told Linda to join her in removing the top of her bikini, while she lowered her one piece to tan. When both looked at me, I smiled, and stated it sounded great to me. However, Jean demanded fair play! I had to take off my swimsuit and sit there naked, and Linda quickly joined in with her agreement. So, without much consideration, I stood up, and after adjusting my hard cock, I quickly allowed the suit to fall to the ground. They moaned in the pleasure of seeing my cock, and I saw Linda lick her lips.

Looking at both of them, I impatiently waited for them to show me their tits. After whispering to each other, Jean stood-up, and lowered her top part, as Linda quickly untied her bikini top, and I sat there with my mouth wide opened. As they smiled, Jean stated it was unfair for me to be totally naked, so in an instant, she pulled her one-piece all the way off, and Linda, while looking into my eyes, slowly pulled off her bikini bottom. My cock literally jerked up and down, and precum seeped out from my piss hole. I was in a sexual state of mind, as both cleared their throats and asked if I was going to be alright.

They both stood over me and my eyes and mind were filled with an unbelievable view and experience. I had never – ever – thought I would see these two beauties proudly displaying their sexy naked body to me – NEVER! As I slowly visualized and inspected each inch of their treasurers, I felt their eyes doing the same to me. Jean’s blonde pussy bush was tightly trimmed, leaving only a small landing strip, and her big clit rose over her long and thick labia. Linda’s athletic body KILLED ME in such an amazing way. As I moved my eyes up toward her bald pussy, she attempted to cover it with her hand. I had already seen the white string hanging from her closed pussy lips, and being aware of a female’s reproductive cycle, I knew what was going on with her body. I looked into her eyes, smiled and nodded, which told her I understood, and it was ok. With that silent communication, she smiled and lowered her hand.

Jean commented on how close the two of us were already, and asked, “Have you two had sex before?” We both laughed and stated the answer is no. For the next few sun filled hours, we took turns rubbing each other in tanning oils – all over each other’s body. Around six we heard the garage door open and we knew it was either our mom or dad. Again, we hustled to get our swim ware back on, and we casually jumped in the pool.

Saturday came, and oh what a Saturday I hoped and prayed it would be. For tonight, Linda and I were going out on our first date. We both enjoyed going to drive-in movies, and we especially enjoyed the tasty junk foods and drinks served at the concession stand. After spending the day cleaning my Ford pick-up truck inside and out, including the back of the truck, I was busy in my bathroom showering and shaving, and dressing in a new pair of shorts and tee-shirt. Jean called my name and entered my room. She hugged me, and slid three foil packed condoms into my hand. Then she kissed my lips, and said, “Just in case…”

I confidently walked next door to meet Linda, and was greeted by both her parents. After her mom gave me a hug and a kiss on my cheek, she walked away, and then her dad bear-hugged me and said, “She was my only daughter, my only child. I trust you with her safety, respect and care. Don’t ever let me down.” Then he stepped back, looked me in the eyes, and offered me his handshake. At that moment, it hit me – I must never hurt nor mistreat my sweet Linda.

I heard Linda’s bedroom door close, and then as if she was like an angel descending down the stairs, she wore this beautiful yellow colored sundress that highlighted her awesome tanned body. Looking into each other’s eyes, we were immediately lost in wanton love. Standing next to each other, we immediately gave each other a hug and small kiss. We laughed loudly at the needless awkwardness of the moment. After saying goodbye to her parents, we walked hand in hand to my truck, where I opened the door for her, and helped her slide inside. Smiling and walking around the front of my truck, I thought, starting to tonight my life may never be the same.

As we drove away and turned the corner, Linda immediately slid over as close as possible to me, secured my hand and began to tease and suck on my fingers. She laughed and said, “Gary, I feel like we’ve known each other forever. You make me feel like there are no other girls. I know you love me, and I know I love you.” I smiled and let her know she was 100% accurate – I loved Linda.

Tonight was the night for young lovers, as the car line to enter the drive-in was extremely long, even with two entrance lines. As we waited, I slowly massaged and teased Linda’s tanned legs and feet. With each of her giggles or sighs, I knew my touches were affecting her body and mind. She leaned over and kissed and nibbled on my neck and earlobe, whispering, “Let’s enjoy this evening without any restraints nor reservations. I’m all yours.”

In my mind, we could not get parked fast enough. Luckily, I was able to reverse park my truck in the end of one of the last lines of cars. We spread out onto the back of the truck my two sleeping beds, three pillows, a large blanket, and a large and dark mesh screen. The screen kept the bugs away and allowed us to watch the movie, with no one watching us.

After we both visited the restroom, we battled the crowd inside the concession stand and secured our food and drinks. Then we made our way back to my truck. I lifted Linda up onto the back of my truck, and after I pulled myself up, we settled in to eat and watch the upcoming previews of the upcoming movies. Nightfall surrounded all in darkness, and after finishing our food, Linda snuggled up next to me and I covered us with a blanket. Just as the main feature started, I was rubbing her breasts, and she was busy rubbing my cock.

As we kissed, our hands explored each other, and for the first time in my life, I was slowly fingering a girl. Linda moaned as I massaged her long and full pussy lips, and her sighs and gasps told me she was enjoying every moment. She gently pushed me away and lifted her sundress over her body, and then she slid her thong panties off. Kissing me, she lifted her wet panties to my face, and allowed me to smell and taste her sweet pussy juices. I was so close to cumming – so damn close! We passionately kissed, sucked on her panties, licked her juices off my fingers, and groaned and moaned together.

With a fast pull, I slid both my shorts and underwear off, along with my shirt. We were both naked, and while we had seen each other naked before, this was different – we were now naked as lovers. All past teases and seduction were long gone, this was as real as it gets. Linda, knowing I was a virgin, took the lead in our sexual journey, and pushed me flat onto the truck bed. With hundreds of kisses, bites, licks and sucks, she claimed every inch of my body as her own. Her mouth and lips felt heavenly, and it was easy for me to appreciate, she was an experienced lover.

She stroked my hard and pulsating cock and lapped up all of my precum, and only stopped long enough to crawl up my body and give me long kisses, as we both tasted my juice. Once back down, she began her onslaught on my cock, and I trembled with this new earth shattering pleasure. I leaned back against my truck, closed my eyes, gasped with each suck, and knew I would not last much longer.

My cock was so thick, she struggled to suck me all the way, but, I did not care, she drove me crazy. Linda, I said out loud, “Baby I am going to cum!” She whispered it was ok, and for me to enjoy and let my cum fly into her mouth. And, oh shit, that I did. My first burst blasted deep inside her throat, and I felt her quickly swallow, just as my second and third rope completely filled her mouth. I now knew first handed what all the blowjob hype was all about, it was absolutely beyond on words. Cum continued to burst from my nuts and down her throat. With one or two small bursts, I almost whimpered in pure ecstasy of this life changing moment.

I quickly pulled Linda up next to me, and after ensuring she was ok, I could not stop thanking her, and explaining how wonderful the whole ride felt. Following a big swig from her drink, she rested her head on my chest. Smiling, all I could say was, “Oh, My! Oh My Fucking Self! That was so way past my pleasure imagination.” Content with my positive feedback, Linda straddled me and began to slowly rock her body against mine. Amazingly, my cock was again rock hard, and I knew where it was destined to go. But, first I knew I owed my lover her own oral pleasurer time.

From watching all types of porn, I knew what guys did to please their lover with oral, I had just never done it. I asked Linda to lay flat on the sleeping beds, and then I straddled her, and began to kiss her, to nibble on her face, shoulders and neck. My large hands cupped, massaged, and tweaked her perfectly natural breasts. With each kiss, bite or suck, she rolled and twisted in outbursts of raw passion and pleasure. I spread her butt cheeks wide, and my mouth gently bit on each side, over and over, my tongue swirled, teased and licked her puckered hole.

Raising her body up, she moaned, “Baby, that’s all new to me. My ass is virgin territory.”

I smiled, and thought… Fresh Virgin Territory

Linda locked her legs tightly under my arms, and that rose her sweet pussy up near to my face, and instantly, my mouth and tongue slowly explored and consumed her hard sex petal, and all of her sweet and juicy cunt juices. As I gently nibbled and chewed on her full pussy lips, my long fingers softly massaged her g-spot, and within seconds, I was rewarded with her massive orgasm, and sweet pussy juice flow. Her taste was both sweet and a bit salty, yet I could not get enough. For my first time, my lover’s cum juices covered my face. I was ecstatic for being able to please her.

We both were covered in sweat, and took a few moments to cool off. Slumped together, our arms held each other closer, and I was kissed her neck and back, which she said felt amazing. She pulled me flat onto the truck bed, rolled over me, and lined her pussy up against my rigidly hard cock. We both knew what this moment represented for both of us, and with our mutual smiles, my virginity was about to cease. Linda kissed me gently, and her hands stroked my cock, and covered it with her juices.

And with a mutual nod, my hard cock divided her soft labia folds, and I slowly slid into my first “Heaven on Earth” vagina. I was amazed at how wonderful and erotic it felt as her tiny pussy muscles massaged my cock. I retreated, and then my cock head plowed deeper into her hot furnace of love and passion. Our moans, sighs and gasps became louder, louder to the point where she bit my upper arm to keep from screaming out loud. Deeper my hard cock helmet pushed inside my lady. Faster our rhythm of fucking increased, and harder I wanted to drive into this new and exciting womanly sex furnace.

Linda trembled, growled and softly roared, “Gary, Oh Fuck, Gary, I am going to cum – cum now!!!! Fuck me!” I slammed into her, our juices flooded down our legs, I kissed and sucked on her breasts, and I felt her orgasm rush over her body.

Harder…I slammed my cock into her.

Faster…My cock rocketed in and out – in and out

Deeper…My cock hit her treasured cervix

And it was my turn to cry out in sexual pleasures….

I cummed….flooded…..conquered

My lover’s pussy with ropes of hot cum – so much cum

We kissed, we smiled, we laughed, we cried, WE MADE LOVE!

It was spectacular, way beyond words – like nothing I experienced before.

In an instant, we both knew….Our worlds would never separate – never!

We fell down together, spent, used, pleased, fulfilled, serviced….. words that went out into the unknown…. We were overwhelming satisfied.

Linda’s body trembled, as I brushed the sweat out of her hair and off her face. Our continued soft kisses and touches, gently kept the embers of lust and need glowing. My baby looked at me and smiled, saying, “Gary, you made me feel so much like a true lover.” I nodded to let her know I am her true lover.

We drifted off to let our memory banks recall just what happened, and to relive the tender and intense moments of passion and lust we shared. Looking at the movie being shown meant absolutely nothing to us, as we wrapped our bodies together. Our wrinkled clothes made us laugh as we discussed our lame excuses.

There came a moment when Linda snuggled tightly against my body, and she sheepishly asked, “Gary, I do have one virgin hole left. I was saving it for my real love. Will you gently fuck my ass?” I was totally caught off guard, and I spit out the drink of soda I had just swallowed. Of course, I said yes, in the most sincere manner. Not only did I lose my virginity tonight, I was going to do anal, and take Linda’s last virgin hole.

We rolled side by side, with her perfect body pressed against mine, and I softly began to massage her shoulders, as my, now hard, cock pressed against her butt cheeks. She slid her hand into her wet pussy, and started to rub and wet my cock. Back and forth the head of my precum covered cock moved over her super tight sphincter muscle. I slowly began to press my cock into her tiny opening, while I fought off the resistance of her tight ass muscle.

Her body involuntarily attempted to retreat from my invading cock, but Linda grasped my hip and aided me in driving deeper inside her forbidden passage way. The gasps and whimpers became more audible with each of my short pushes and retreats. I stopped to allow her to catch her breath, but, it was only for a moment as she willed me on in my quest to capture her ass. She continued to rub her pussy juices all over my cock to provide any measure of lubrication. Eventually, her tight muscle gave way, and my cock slipped deeper and deeper down into her bowels.

Linda’s body shivered, and she began to grasp and rub her pussy and clit. As she reached her zenith of sexual rapture, she screamed and her pussy exploded with a massive squirt of her cum juices. She begged me to hurry and cum in her ass, as she indicated she could not take much more of my ass fucking. Not wanting to hurt her, I let my desires run wild and soon my cum was flooding her stretched hole and rectum. As I pulled out, she grasped me and said, “No one has ever been there! I saved this for you for the past two years. I love you so much!” I kissed her, wiped the tears from her eyes, and said, “Linda, I love you with everything I know. I’ve loved you for years as well.”

As the drive-inn lights came on and cars started to leave, we hurried to dress, and sweet Linda begged me to drive close to the restroom. She said, “My pussy and ass are filled with your cum. I cannot make it home or much less go inside without peeing and pooping your cum away.” We laughed as she jumped out of my truck and hurried inside. Fortunately, by the look of too many other girls, she was not alone in that situation.

I took this time to roll-up the blanket, my cum and pussy juice covered sleeping bags and pillows, and stored them behind the seat. Inside my pants pocket, I felt something strange. Upon removing the object, I discovered the three condom packages, and I thought, did I screw up by not using them? Just then, I saw Linda walking out of the restroom, so I jumped out and opened the door for her. She looked as perfect as she did when I first saw her earlier tonight.

She leaned over and gave me the sweetest soft kiss, and said, “Gary, thank you for making our first date so incredibly special. I will always remember this night.” Holding her hand, I showed her the three condom packs… She smiled and said, “Baby, no worries. Remember? My period ended two days ago. We were safe! Save those for use in a few weeks.” We headed out toward our subdivision.

A block before we reached our homes, she asked me to stop. Jumping over the consul, she straddle and kissed me like it was her last kiss ever. I rubbed my face into her hair and it smelt like musky sex. There was no way I would share that with her. After minutes of kissing and hugging, we both knew our night together was about to end. After parking my truck, we walked hand in hand together to her house. As our final kiss and hug ended, we said our thanks and goodnight.

With one last look at my beautiful Linda, I said, “The weatherman said it would be sunny and hot tomorrow. I’ll see you in the pool sometime after noon.” She blew me a kiss, and I walked happily home to my house. Yes, it was an amazing first date with Linda.

Fun Fact…..



Virginity Snatching Can and Does Go Both Ways. 🙂


The End






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