Soccer Moms Ch. 13 by Heybuddy65,Heybuddy65

Paul had always told Carol that she was pretty, but that was Paul. They were soulmates. Of course he said it. But now other people were saying it. And she was starting to believe it and it felt good. And Mandy was pretty too, even if she wasn’t a cheerleader type.

Carol and Mandy agreed that they would share their respective profiles with their husbands and see what they thought about getting together at some point. They agreed to get back in touch with each other in a few days and see where things stood.

When Carol showed the profile picture to Paul, he seemed a little less enthused about the whole idea. He was not overly impressed with Mandy and while he never said it, Carol thought he was a bit intimidated by Bill or more precisely Bill’s penis. Carol countered with a proposal, “Let’s set something up like we had with Jessica. We’ll agree to just meet and have lunch and get to know each other. No commitment to anything and see how it goes after meeting them in person and talking to them.

Paul had been eager to take this next step and swap with another couple. He had been pushing this idea more so than Carol. And while she was a willing partner, it would seem somehow unfair for him to put the kibosh on this couple without at least speaking with them. So he would go and keep an open mind, but he was not optimistic about the prospects of Carol and he having their first swing.

As the date got closer it was actually Carol who was starting to have second thoughts. This would be the first time a man other than Paul had been inside her. And Bill’s penis was bigger even than Megan’s strap-on. Still, the couple of conversations she had with Mandy had gone so well and she was sure Mandy would think she was the reason if the get together was called off. Carol did not want to do that to her either. So she proceeded with the planning and eventually the two couples had found a date and a place where they could meet and see what, if anything happened. They would stay at the same hotel but not with adjoining rooms. If things did not go past lunch, Carol and Mandy thought adjoining rooms could be awkward.

As they got to the restaurant, Paul reminded Carol that nothing was promised beyond lunch and that if either of them were not sure about this, they could just go home and forget the hotel. Carol reminded him that Mandy and Bill could think the same thing and even if Paul wanted to take this further maybe they wouldn’t. He hadn’t really thought of that, and it humbled him a bit.

Carol saw Mandy and went over to her. They gave each other a big hug, Carol a head taller. Mandy had obviously been continuing to work on her exercise regimine and she looked much slimmer than in her profile picture. Paul realized he had been too quick to judge Mandy based on that picture. It was not as if he was Robert Redford. And Mandy in person was pretty in her own way. Not as pretty as Carol, but in his mind it was pretty tough for anyone to equal Carol.

Carol also noticed how Mandy looked compared to her profile picture. She wanted to say something nice without making too much about weight in general. “Mandy, you look even prettier in person.”

“Thank you, Carol. You both look as good as your pictures.”

Bill stepped over and shook Paul’s hand and gave Carol a hug as well. He said “Don’t worry though, I’m still as big as I was in the picture.” Carol and Paul gave nervous little laughs hoping that Bill had been trying to be funny.

Since the women had already spent some time getting to know each other, they spent much of the meal asking each of the respective spouses about themselves. Mandy was quick-witted and engaging and Paul quickly forgot about any reservations he had had from Mandy’s picture.

In contrast Bill seemed a bit cocky to Carol. She realized that she had not meant to think of it as a pun, but maybe it had come closer to the mark than she had intended. The line between confident and arrogant can get blurred if you’re not careful. However, Mandy was handling most of the conversation for the Hendersons and she was beguiling. She really made the afternoon a wonderful time. Carol and Mandy excused themselves to go to the ladies’ room and left the guys to finish off their drinks as it was now decision time.

When they got into the ladies’ room Mandy quickly turned to Carol and said “So?”

“Mandy I’ve had a wonderful time this afternoon…” Carol was surprised that as she was talking Mandy’s eyes suddenly looked horrified. At first Carol was unsure why but she continued “…and I have to check with Paul but I would say the only question is are you guys coming to our room or are we coming to yours.”

Mandy’s eyes quickly turned to joy and Carol realized that Mandy was thinking Carol was about to give her the brush off when it was just the opposite. “Oh Carol, that sounds wonderful. I thought we were all hitting it off. But not everyone gets Bill. I’ve known him for so long and he is a wonderful man and has always been so good to me, but he doesn’t always make the best first impression. I thought for a minute you were having second thoughts”

Mandy stepped closer to Carol and took Carol’s hands in hers. Carol looked down and smiled at Mandy. “I certainly am ready to go back and spend more time with the two of you. And how could Paul not be enthralled with you?” Mandy smiled back up at Carol who leaned her head to give Mandy a kiss. Mandy returned it with vigor and they made out briefly but intensely right there in the bathroom.

Carol broke the kiss and said “Okay, let’s get out there before the boys screw this up.” They both laughed all the way back to the table.

Paul said “You two seem to be very happy. What’s up?”

Carol said “Well, if it’s okay with you, I’ve invited Mandy and Bill to come back to our room when we get back to the hotel. Mandy said ‘Yes’ if Bill is also in agreement.” Carol now turned her eyes to Bill and looked at him for an answer.

Bill said “Hell yeah.” and they left the restaurant and went back to the hotel.

Each couple drove back and parked by their own rooms. The Hendersons went and dropped of some things at their room and then came down to the Rogers’ room. Paul had put a bottle of champagne on ice just in case before they had left for the restaurant, so it was ready when Mandy and Bill arrived. He poured out four glasses and they toasted to new friends and fun times.

Mandy broke the ice by saying “I have a little confession to make. While we were in the ladies’ room, Carol and I spent a little time making out. We had to cut it short to come and get you guys, but I would like to get back to that a little before we do anything else.” Carol looked over at Paul to gauge his reaction to this. He simply nodded his head. When Carol went to turn back, Mandy was already there.

Mandy put her hands on either side of Carol’s face and pulled her down for a kiss. While the kiss in the bathroom had been quick, this was not. When Carol felt Mandy’s tongue brush against her lips, she immediately opened her mouth to let it come in and join with her own tongue. Their tongues touched and felt and explored each other.


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