I smile and say, “maybe you’ll be the lucky one and learn my name” and I walk away before he can respond.
This time I walked over to the guy with the tattooed arm, I noticed I cut another woman off but at that moment I didn’t fully care as I didn’t push her out of the way or anything, just walked a little faster that is all.
I get a whiff of cologne, not in the overpowering- lay of the sprayer next time kind of way but more of – what is that as it smells incredible and I must know more, so I say, “damn it smells good over here mind if I stay awhile?”
“If you feel that is what you must do then yes, please join me”. He says with a sexy accent that I replay in my head once more.
I slide in the booth across from him, and as I do I say my name and wait for him as this time I want to attempt to know someone by name. As I almost feel rude not knowing a single name besides the staff. Nick, his name is Nick okay I like that name I repeat to myself so as to not forget.
“Fries!” He says with amusement.
What? Did he say fries? I am beyond confused for another fleeting second when I smell the aroma I know well.
French Fries are placed in front of us, and he slightly moves the basket towards me and says “Please, I can’t finish them all, it would be too much.”
“Is this your way of buttering me up, because it’s working in your favor?” I say as I take a few to eat. I feel the familiar comfort only a nearly too hot to eat fry can bring, and we sit there a moment longer just eating away the stress.
“Thank you, genuinely thank you. I can’t recall the last thing I ate and that’s not a good thing, maybe I’ll repay you sometime”. I say as I take another one.
He quickly states, “Ooh if you think this is good just wait till you get a fully home cooked meal.”
“Well shoot, let’s go right now why are we still sitting here” I joke back.
“If you told me you were going to be here, I would have started my slow cooker” Nick says with a playful smile.
“Well, there’s always next time, as I learn quickly” I say back.
The song ends but I feel an urge to not move, however, I know the blonde I out raced might have something smart to say about that. So, I slowly get up, and he slides me a napkin, and I can only hope there’s numbers on it. I take the napkin and I take a quick peek and I see I am correct. I fold it and gently put it in my purse hoping it doesn’t look like I am uninterested. I look at his eyes for the last time, and I turn away.
I notice the million-dollar smile is already spoken for and I start to make my way towards the man sitting at the table that has his back to me, when I hear a familiar voice asking me to stop. Confused and assuming they are not speaking to me I keep walking, that’s when I feel a tap on my back and I turn around and It’s you, the man from the bar. I am at a loss of words as the 5 rounds are not over yet.
“Take a chance and leave.” I hear him say.
“What?” I reply back as I must have heard wrong.
He nods towards the front of the bar and slowly starts walking then stops and looks back and I know he is asking me to follow.
I find myself walking behind him before I even put thought to why I am following him.
He stops and turns around and says, “sorry it was loud, and I couldn’t think, but I was wondering if you would like to leave and go somewhere with me, I am over unfinished conversations, and I’d really like to finish ours.”
The look on my face had to be priceless as he dropped his gaze, and I noticed the confident exterior he tries so hard to show falters. I find this endearing, and almost reassuring that he’s not assuming I’ll leave with him just because he asked. I look around the room and I see a spot I can sit down at, but I don’t find myself walking towards it, instead I say “Brittany, my name is Brittany” Fuck way to be smooth, now he will change his mind and find someone with confidence.
“Cute name for even cuter women.” He says with a grin.
Ah shit why did he say that now I know I am blushing. “Haha it’s the curled hair and makeup don’t be fooled” I say back.
He quickly replies, “nah I know beauty when I see it!”
And in that moment, I knew where this was heading at least for the night.
“So where are we going or is that a mystery like your name seems to be?” I ask.
“You didn’t ask for my name,” he says as a reply.
“Fair enough, I apologize, where are my manners, may you please tell me your name” I say almost sheepishly as I realize he is right, I never asked. I start to look away feeling guilty as I never wanted to come off as rude or uninterested, just small talk doesn’t come easy to me at times, and I can skip necessary steps.
“Thank you, that was kind of you to finally ask, you can call me Trevor” he says with a slight laugh as I can tell he means no harm with his words, just playful sass, as he smiles with his eyes.
“Well Trevor, why don’t we as you said it ‘take a chance and leave'”. I say with as much confidence I can muster, and I look at his eyes, waiting to see if he shies away, he does not. Instead, he links his arm with mine and starts to walk towards the exit.
The air outside feels nice as I take a deep breath, one to calm my shaking hands and two because the cool breeze feels good on my face, as the wind gently swirls around me.
I see a white Sedan pull up and Trevor checking his phone before saying “I know a place that’s open, a few minutes away, if you still wish to come, I know I would enjoy your company.”
I truly think this over and send a quick text to my friends as just in case I go missing this was where and who I was last seen with. I walk towards the vehicle and open the door before turning and gesturing for him to get in first, giving me a few more seconds to fully decide if I want to get in the car or go back and find date number 4.
The female driver in that moment looks at me and asks what music I preferer for the drive, and I find myself replying and closing the door and hearing the click of my seat belt. At this point my heart rate is maxed out but I am so curious to how this night will end and where he wants to take me.
A catchy song I do not know comes on and I almost hear what sounds like singing coming from Trevor. I smile to myself and take the time to center myself, refined my confidence, the reason for the black dress in the first place.
We pull up to the side of the road and we say our thanks for the ride, and as I get out, I notice not many places to eat, but more of units and store fronts below.
“I hope you don’t mind. I love the family that owns this shop and when I want a Reuben this is where I go, I should have asked if you like Panini’s.” He says almost as a question.
I tilt my head and gently laugh, as I can see the vulnerability in taking me here. I open the door and walk in, and as I hold it open for him the smell hits me and I hear my stomach, the fries are starting to wear off and food sounds like heaven right about now. The next hour flies by and I don’t want the conversation to end but I can tell as much as the owners love Trevor they need to clean up and get ready to close up for the night.