Starting Gate Ep. 03: DoORMan by SZENSEI

An adult sex story: Starting Gate Ep. 03: DoORMan by SZENSEI

Weeks ago… flashing back! Monet Belmont loved flashing.

“There’s Hill House.”

“Hell House, if you ask me.” Mona Belmont kept her thoughts to herself. While expecting the dorms for the students of Golgotha to be luxurious she found herself dead wrong. Sad to call it Hell House when it was part of a seminary school but in reality, it looked as if it were let gone to hell. It was obvious the Church did not sink any money into the housing portion, even the landscaping was shabby. Sighing at the rundown Victorian manors which were all four dorms. At the center of the corners was the main building, a much nicer, newer complex that consisted of a dining hall and library.

“Not what I expected either.” Monet cocked a brow, “I sure hope the interior looks better.”

“Are you sure about this honey? It’s not too late to call and cancel my check.”

“No! I’m here so let’s at least go inside and check it out. Maybe this is the Christian man’s version of Animal House. PARTAY!” She giggled knowing her mother was frowning at her without even looking. “Park and let’s go see my room. We can leave my bags in the trunk until we see how bad it is. Man… I can’t believe it’s so rundown. Is this like some lesson Pastor Round is teaching us? Not to value any sort of riches that he deems material?”

“That is a possibility. Yet, I can only imagine what kind of home the Round family most likely lives’ in. You can bet it’s nicer than these haunted houses.”

“I know right!” Monet was almost leery herself seeing shutters that were dilapidated and dangling on one hinge at certain windows. What kind of place was this? As Mona parked next to another family, parents standing with their daughter were staring in disbelief themselves. Mona curious what others thought unhooked her seatbelt and stepped out to greet her neighbors by speaking over the roof of her much more expensive automobile.

“Hello there. Anyone here thinking what I’m thinking?”

“Afternoon!” The Father, a portly balding man with thick glasses waved with a smile. “We were just commenting on the décor. I don’t recall these photos in the brochures.”

“My point exactly. For the money this school is charging us I’d think the dorms would look brand new.” Monet joining her mother, on her side of the car waved at the couple’s daughter. An instant frown between them Monet moved right up to the pudgy brunette of 5’4.

“Hold my hand while we dare the unknown? I’m Monet.”

“Hi! I’m skeered!” She grit her teeth. “My name is Kari.”

“Sooo, SKari?”

“Haha! I’ll walk in with you but if I hear a single boo I’m leaving you behind. You might be able to follow me by my trail of pee.”

“Right behind ya, babe. Two different trails.” Hands claimed the girls marched off leaving their parents to chuckle.

“At least your daughter is sweet, and not shy like ours. Kari normally gets quiet around new people. Can’t imagine why she wants to be a preacher when she barely talks to us.”

“Awww! I’m sure Kari will step out of her shadow and be a very good pupil. Mona Cherry-Belmont.” Mona offered a hand of friendship.

“Joe and Donna Cartwheel. Yes…Cartwheel. I think there’s only ten families in the entire country with our last name.” Joe chuckled.

“If only we were athletic enough to match our name.” Donna herself was a large woman. Joe medium build. “Kari’s full name is Karin but she dropped the N.”

“I see. Shall we join our girls?” Mona was honestly afraid to leave Monet alone under such shabby conditions. “Lord, I hope there’s no nails sticking out of the walls. This place has Tetanus written all over it.” Joining Mona the trio walked toward the house. Tetanus did sound like a Roman soldier.

At the door they were greeted by a Den Mother, one that was certainly… uninspiring, more intimidating. Monet and Kari quickly evaded and bypassed the large framed, very masculine… woman? Linebacker shoulders, something was up. She was certainly not assisting in the school’s image.

“Welcome to Hill House. I’m the Den Mother, Terri Studweiller.” Mona and the Cartwheel’s swallowed at her gruff voice. “I know what you’re thinking but please know your children are safe here with me. The church has faith in me therefore I pray you might as well. Yes, as you may suspect, I am transgender. I have no reason to lie about myself for God has changed my life for the better.”

“It’s… a pleasure Ms. Stud…weiller.” Mona tried her best. “Most church affiliates are opposed to the gay community, anything that they might find going against the natural order of God.”

“Yes, most!” Terri sighed, “Please do not judge a book by it’s cover.”

“Like… the bible?” Joe hissed and turned away.

“Don’t mind my husband.” Donna defended Terri, who stood with a saddened expression, “He’s one of those who just can’t cope with reality. I’m certain you have a lovely soul.”

“Thank you, Ma’am.” Terri palmed his/ her heart. There was no question she was still packing even though she/ he did have tits. Mona added her own insight by patting Terri on the bicep noting pretty large muscles. With a sigh she stepped away with Donna to seek out their girls. A number of other families present overlooked the towering Terri who was 6’4, had short wavy brown curly hair. At least he/ she was cleanshaven, even his legs while wearing sky blue Capris. A darker blue Golgotha t-shirt on, it was hard to know if she had a hairy chest or if that too was shaved.

“Why are we just now learning all of these…?” Joe didn’t even finish his sentence because Dona zipped his lip with a glare.

“This is a test.” Donna concluded on their journey to the second floor. “At least the interior of the dorm is lovely.”

At the top of the stairs stood a mixed girl who looked possibly 25 holding a clipboard. Smiling brightly, she introduced herself to the parents. “Welcome! I’m Eliza Round but you can call me Liza.”

“Related to Pastor Round?” Mona smiled for once.

“I am!” She grew bubbly, “I help settle new students in and see to any questions you may have. I detect doubt in your faces so please allow me to enlighten you.”

“Why weren’t we informed of this junkyard of a house?” Joe grumbled, no lip zip this time.

“These particular dorms are part of a Historical Preservation Project. With the city always evolving many old homes built at the turn of the century were in jeopardy of being lost. Daddy… Pastor Round…” She held her breath for dramatic pause, “… graciously accepted them on to the Church grounds as additional dorms. There are newer dorms but those are reserved for the older students. We chose these as a reminder that all good things come to those who wait. If you noticed on your way in that the grass is tall, weeds are a sight. Just like living at home with yourselves, I’m quite sure you instilled chores upon your children. We will do much the same.”

“My daughter has never done yardwork in her life.” Mona laughs, “Her Father and I raise championship racehorses and I can tell you not once has Monet even handled a shovel if you get my meaning.” Nor had Mona!


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