Stocks in Midsummer by Summoner1506

Stocks in Midsummer by Summoner1506

Her crimes were falsified, but her punishment is all too real , Author’s note: This story is set in a small late-1700s American town, the name of which has been lost to time. There are a couple minor gay (male on male and female on female) scenes. They’re not too detailed but I thought I’d warn y’all. All similarities to people places et cetera yadda yadda complete coincidence. You all know the shtick, now get to reading!

The charges against her were trumped up. She knew it, the judge and jury knew it, hell the whole town knew it. The trial was a farce from the very beginning, with the prosecutors showing mounds of clearly falsified evidence of her accused crimes. Her lawyer somehow managed to fail to debunk a single one of the charges or even a sole piece of evidence, despite the gaping holes in the prosecution’s case. She thought it was too good to be true that this well-respected attorney would come forward and offer to work her case pro bono. Apparently it was in fact too good to be true.

The gavel came down and her sentence was announced. Three days in the stockade followed by a week of solitary confinement. Technically, the judge had showed leniency given the crimes she was just convicted of, but she was clever enough to realize what the town’s plan for her was. She considered making a scene, but that would just give the judge an excuse to extend her sentence, and three days wouldn’t have… lasting consequences.

In this small town punishments were handed out swiftly. Moments after the judge had announced her sentence, a bailiff had her hands cuffed behind her back and was walking her out the door towards the town square. Strictly speaking, the bailiff didn’t need to walk so close behind her that their crotches ground together, but she knew the next few days would be far worse and resigned herself to the humiliation.

In the square, the bailiff began to lock her into the full stocks – ankles, knees, waist, hands, and neck – while the judge read the detailed rules of the stocks to the gathered crowd, which appeared to consist of every male townsperson not engaged in vital activities, and most of the more lascivious female townspeople as well. Nearly everyone already knew the rules, but the judge continued in the reading to maintain an appearance of fairness.

“The rules of the stocks are thus: The punished is to be held in the stocks at all times, except twice daily when they are removed for personal relief to be fed and by a court-appointed bailiff. With the exception of those times, the punished is never to be removed from the stocks. The punished is not to be maimed or killed. Unless it interferes with those rules, her true punishment is left to the men of this town. No person may speak out against a man’s choice of punishment, and each man is to be allowed to fully punish her as he pleases. The hours of her relief will be set at sunrise and sunset. Gentlemen, you may proceed.”

The judge walked away and her bailiff took a seat on a bench in the noontime sun, waiting to watch the spectacle to come (and to enforce the rules if he felt like it). Three men, brothers, stepped onto the stocks’ plinth and walked around her, regarding her like a piece of meat. All three brothers were influential and powerful in the town and probably were the main conspirators behind her predicament. She was thankful for the small blessing that the stocks held her knees in place and prevented them from shaking in shameful fear. One grabbed the back of her rough woolen prison shirt and yanked hard on it, ripping it apart at the frayed seams. She hadn’t been issued underclothes and thus her breasts bounced freely in the summer air. Fingers started to grasp at her breasts and she bit her lip, hiding any reaction as her large tits were grabbed, twisted, and teased all at once. Another hand grabbed roughly at the waistband of the prison pants and those were ripped off as well, fully exposing her lithe form to the crowd. Bent over as she was, she knew that her nether regions were on full display to all inquiring eyes, and a little cheer went up from the gathered men waiting their turn.

A finger slid down the crack of her ass, pressing on her rosebud before sliding over her slick pussy. The man sucked the taste of her off his fingers and taunted her about how wet she already was. In truth she’d been psychologically trying to get herself wet in an attempt to make the inevitable intrusions less painful. Almost in unison, the men reached into their trousers and pulled out their hard or hardening shafts, and she resignedly opened her mouth to entice one to take her there. Her silent invitation was accepted, and the day’s first cock pushed into her mouth while a second got into position behind her. It earned her more taunts, but she performed fellatio as best she could on the cock that was shoved into her mouth. Struggling wouldn’t help – and she didn’t want to know what horrible punishment would lie in wait if she bit – so she sucked and licked at the shaft, trying to bring him to orgasm and get him to leave as fast as possible. She couldn’t help but moan slightly as the second cock entered her pussy and started fucking. Hands on her head and hands on her hips pulled the two men closer together and cockheads pushed deep into her, one pushing into her throat and one rubbing into her cervix at the same time. They started thrusting in time – one pushed in as the other pulled out and they laughed above her.

Her body was tight and their detailed plans for her had caused quite a pressure to build up, and the men didn’t take long to push in hard and shoot their loads of cum inside her. They stepped away – no doubt to return later in the day for another round. The third brother, waiting so patiently, took his turn and shoved into her pussy. His cock was curved differently, and in so doing happened to push against her g-spot. As much as she hated it, her body reacted to that spot’s stimulation and she came around the invading member, involuntarily groaning loudly. When she’d finished there was a moment of silence in the crowd, followed by a roar of laughter and renewed taunts, accusing things like “the slut likes it!” and “she’d fucking cum around any man’s dick, wouldn’t she?” Her third assailant pulled out of her pussy before he came, and jerked a load of cum onto her asscheeks, giving her a slap on the cheek as he merrily hopped off the plinth.

There was a bit of a surge to get at her next, but two men who approached caused a bit of a gasp in the crowd which allowed them space. Two tall blonde men with somewhat effeminate features and their hands around each others’ waists. The town’s one openly gay couple was here to fuck her. They were only tolerated in this town because one was the town’s only doctor, and the other a vital accountant. They’d never been cruel to her like many men were, so she worked up the courage to ask simply “why?” To their credit, one knelt before her while the other wiped semen off her ass, gently explaining that just because they loved each other very much, they also did find her very, very beautiful. And who could miss a chance like this?


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