Summer of an Older Woman Pt. 07 by Rabbitman55,Rabbitman55

When we got home, the first thing we did after getting the children situated, was call Linda’s dad. As I said before, Robert already knew I was asking her since I had called him first to ask his permission, old fashioned style. I didn’t need to have done that; he believed Linda was more than capable of making her own decisions regarding her life. But considering our age difference, I felt it was a sign of not just respect, but also, hopefully, a sign of maturity beyond my age. Linda was so excited when she called him, he knew it was the right thing for us, and that our love for each other was immense, and he also could tell how much I had come to adore his grandchildren. I had more than his approval; I had his respect. He was coming up at the end of the summer to take us all to Lake George for a family vacation, along with his new girlfriend, Sherry, something we were all looking forward to,

When we returned to work on Monday, Linda made a big deal about showing off her ring to the friends we had on the staff at camp. Some of them would be on the potential guest list when we settled on a date and a list size. Sue, the camp director, had been married back in April, and Linda and I were invited, so Sue and her husband, Jake, would be at the top of the list of camp friends. After that, well, a lot would depend on what size wedding we settled on.

During the next couple of days, even the youngest of the staff congratulated us, even some of the older campers, who were mostly from my groups, so I knew them all by name. Linda and I were a pretty popular couple and besides, that job was as casual an atmosphere as you can imagine. Everyone was on a first name basis, unlike working in a school, where most of the supervisors worked full time as teachers. Being responsible for children, for their safety as well as their fun during the summer was hard work, but it was also meant to be fun for the staff at all levels. It wasn’t exactly a high-paying job, so it needed to have other positives to keep experienced staff coming back year after year.

During that week, we also called our various friends and gave them the good news. Most took it well and were very happy for us. But a couple were less than thrilled, thinking we were off our rockers to be planning a marriage to someone so much younger/older. My friend Chris was very happy; he and his girlfriend Marie had met Linda a few times when they were home from college, and we all got along very well. Linda’s friends Rona and Gina were also pleased; Gina had hosted that New Year’s Eve party that was a lot of fun, and Rona…well, I think I knew why Rona was so happy. I think she still wanted to have that threesome, though no mention of it had been made in over 6 months. But predictably, her friend Laura gave Linda a hard time. He’s too young, he’s immature, he’ll eventually go out screwing around, he really wants your money, etc. There was a way to deal with her. Linda just cut her out of her life. “I don’t need anyone who’s just going to shit all over our relationship in my life. I don’t want the stress or the grief. I love her, I have for almost fifteen years, but she’s going to think the worst of you, Baby, and I think the world of you. She thinks I should try to make things work with Dave again! Fuck that” she said with a frown.

“Umm you’re not supposed to ‘Fuck that. You’re supposed to ‘fuck this!” I said as I grabbed her arm and placed her hand over my cock and balls, and Linda laughed heartily.

“I’m pretty sure I remember what to fuck, Baby. Only this. I think right after we put the kids to bed tonight.” We chuckled as we shared short kisses.

“Just three hours to go!” I said with glee, like a child eagerly awaiting his birthday present. “I’m going to give you a great ride tonight!”

“Down, boy. The little ones are in the next room. Patience for now. We’ll have our fun later.” She offered her warm lips as a temporary ‘fix’, I accepted it but by the time we got to bed that night, we were both all fired up.

The situation with Dave came to a head in early August. It was an unsatisfactory situation for all involved; the kids weren’t getting enough time with their father, Linda and I had almost no time to ourselves because we couldn’t leave Sandy and Michael with their father unsupervised, and Dave was simmering, bordering on furious, each time he came to see them but couldn’t leave with them. At least he was sober when he came over every other weekend. We had no idea what he was doing the rest of the time, with his various Girlfriends of the Month.

Then August 6th, we got a call from the police (for some reason, Linda was still his emergency contact), letting us know Dave was in the hospital and was under arrest for suspicion of driving under the influence of alcohol and cocaine. He’d been driving from a bar when he hit a couple of parked cars. He was the only one hurt and even that was not serious, thankfully. But while he was being evaluated at the hospital, he was cuffed to the gurney and a police officer was there, ready to bring him in when the doctor released him.

Linda was appropriately concerned (he was the father of her children, after all), but then she was as angry as I had ever seen her. Even with her children nearby, she was cursing furiously, barely out of their earshot. I took her into the bedroom and she told me what happened. I was shocked, though maybe I shouldn’t have been. We knew he had a serious problem since that day I refused to let him take the kids with him. But this was another level of bad. It vindicated Linda’s decision to take him to court about the custody situation, but it sure as hell didn’t make her feel better.

I held her a minute before I asked “Honey, why did the hospital call you? You haven’t been married for over three years.”

“Because he has no one else, so he never changed his contact information! I don’t know if he forgot to change it to his brother Eddie, or if they are on the ‘outs’ for a change. They’re not exactly close, and sometimes it’s better than others. But I’m going to call him. This is NOT my problem anymore.”

“Honey, unfortunately, it kind of IS your problem. Sandy and Michael heard you on the phone. They know something is going on with their father. We have to talk to them. Well, you do, but I’ll sit with you and help. They need to know there’s a problem, a serious one. Go call Eddie, and I’ll take care of feeding the kids. Then we’ll sit down with them.”

Linda was still angry, but it was fading off into a kind of sad frustration. I’d talk to her after she talked to the children. The first one was a very tough conversation. She had to explain that their father was in a car accident, he was ok, but he wouldn’t be able to come over for a while. She told them we’d bring them to see him at least once a week. But truthfully, we didn’t know what the long-term situation with Dave would be. What kind of legal problems he’d have, and also, what kind of problems he might have with his license to practice surgery, even just to prescribe drugs. He was facing some very expensive legal issues.

The kids were very upset, of course. Both of them were crying, Linda held them and kissed them, then Sandy, who had really taken to me, came to me for comfort and I gave her all I could. I had come to love both children, loved them like I imagined I would if they were my own, but Sandy and I had a special connection, and I hugged her and kissed her forehead. My heart ached for them, and Linda could see how close I was attached to them. After a while, they settled down and we watched a family-oriented sitcom together on tape. By 9:30 they both were fading, and we put them to bed, leaving their doors open a little in case they needed Linda during the night. Then, instead of watching something ourselves, we got ready for bed. The evening had been emotionally draining.

We got into bed in the least sexy attire imaginable. I just had on a pair of briefs and Linda wore an old, stretched out t-shirt and some plain panties. We both had our robes nearby in case we had to go to the kids in a hurry.

Linda cozied up to me, and then she finally was able to let her own frustrations and sorrows out. She wasn’t married to Dave, hadn’t even loved him for a few years by then, but whatever happened to him affected their children. “Damn it, Dennis. I thought when I was divorced from him, I was free from his bullshit. But I feel like I’m never going to be rid of him. I can’t even remember what I loved about him. Now I have to worry if he’ll be able to pay alimony and child support. I could live without the alimony; I’m going to have to when we get married anyways. But the children need their financial support. I don’t want to have to ask my father for help. Not that he wouldn’t do it. But it shouldn’t be necessary. And before you even suggest it, you’re not leaving school to get a full-time job. You graduate next year, then you’re doing your grad work. You won’t quit school, no matter what.”

“Actually, I wasn’t going to suggest that, unless it becomes necessary. But thank you for looking out for me. You have enough to worry about right now. And I’m here to help in any way I can. You know I have some money. I’m not rich, but I inherited money from my mom’s parents. Whatever we need, I’ll gladly help with.”

“Oh, no you won’t! That’s YOUR money, it will be yours even after we’re married. You don’t need to support my children, Baby.”

I kissed her head, then her nose and her lips. “Honey, when we’re married, what’s mine is yours as well. And I love your children, as if they’re mine. I’d do and give anything to help them. You’re all my family now, Linda. All of you.”

Linda’s leg went across my legs so her body was as close to mine as we could be.

I could feel her warmth, from her heart, her body and from her pelvis. Despite the exhaustion and the seriousness of the evening, I found myself getting hard. I got hard for her very easily. I craved Linda almost all the time.

She could feel me growing hard under her thigh. Her lips found my cheek and my ear, then she poked the tip of her tongue in my ear and teased me in a way that drove me a little crazy. “You like this, Baby?” Linda asked as her hand teased my chest hair, then her fingernails flicked my nipples.

“You know I do. I love everything you do to me.” Her leg moved, making way for her hand, and her fingers lightly wrapped around my swelling dick. “I REALLY love that” I moaned as my hand tickled her ass under her panties.

“You can just lay back and let me please you tonight. You’ve been absolutely wonderful, Baby. You always are, but tonight you were extra special wonderful.”

“‘Extra special wonderful?’ That reminds me of ‘Double Secret Probation’ in Animal House.” We chuckled together, something we needed after the stress of the evening. Her fingers were trailing up and down the shaft of my cock, slow, unhurried. “I think we both need this, Honey. Not just me. You could use some stress relief as well.”

“I can’t argue with that, Baby. I won’t argue if you want to help me relax.” I turned to my side, facing her and as we kept kissing my hand found its way into her panties, this time from the front, and my fingers were getting nice and wet from the flluid coating her lips. We were moaning into each other’s mouths, getting more and more aroused until we were boiling for each other. I put Linda on her back and grabbed her legs, pushing them back to her chest. I got her shirt up around her shoulders and I ostentatiously licked my lips, eliciting a nervous giggle from my love. “You look hungry, Baby.”

“A mix of hunger and thirst, actually. Only you’ve got what will satisfy me.” I kissed her tummy, which was very sensitive by then and it quivered as I kissed lower and lower. I even bit softly at that little bit of flesh, just above her pubic hair, and Linda twisted her head from side to side as she grabbed the headboard above her with a firm grip. Her scent was filling my nose and making me a little dizzy as my tongue went all around her outer lips. Linda shook under me, she planted her feet flat on the bed and pushed up, thrusting her pussy to my face. I held her ass with one hand as the other kneaded her breasts, tweaking her nipples while I snacked on her dripping pussy.

“Dammit, Dennis, you do that better than anyone has ever before” she groaned as her hips moved wildly. Her legs were wide and her gash was sticky and sweet as I lapped away. Then I pulled my hand back from her tits so I could ease two fingers inside her pussy, deep, to my knuckles. Linda’s moans got much louder as I twisted my fingers around and used my tongue to flick her clit back and forth, then make tongue circles all around it. She covered her mouth with a pillow to stifle the worst of her noises, but I could hear them nice and clear. Her legs then closed around my head and she squeezed me and her body shook all over with a wild climax that had her shaking for minutes without stop. I finally had to push away to keep from smothering.

I kissed the inside of her thighs as Linda mellowed. She was crying a little, teats of pure pleasure, as she reached down to touch my head, encouraging me to come back up to her. She just held me, held me close, as her body kept shivering as she came down. We didn’t say anything right then, just made little sexual, comforting sounds, as Linda felt my thick cock on her tummy, oozing a little precum onto her flesh. Then more kisses were shared, lots of them.

Linda caressed my chest and my tummy while other places on our bodies touched. “I don’t know if I have it in me to have sex, Baby, but you know I’d never leave you unsatisfied. I’d love to give you a good, hot blowjob, if you don’t mind settling.”

I squeezed her tighter to me. “I would never say that a blowjob from you is ‘settling’. But if you’re really wiped out, we can wait until tomorrow night. I can just take care of my own problem.”

“Baby, no fucking way. The only way you’re ever going to jerk off in my presence is if we’re doing that together. I’m your fiance, and most of your orgasms are my responsibility from now on.” We smiled, laughed a little, and again I felt her hand wrapped around my now almost bursting cock. “I can just use my hand if you want. I can make you beg for release. I love hearing you beg.” She had a very wicked smile on her lips as she shifted lower down my body. “Or I could lick you like an ice cream cone.” Her tongue slipped out and slathered all over the head of my cock and I shook like a leaf. “Or I can suck you until you melt like chocolate in a hot car.” She then took my entire length into her mouth, or at least as much as she could manage to fit. I also felt her fingers jiggling my balls. She removed her mouth and a couple of long strands of saliva still connected us from at least six inches away.

“How about a mix of all three?” I croaked. “You can mix it up any way you like.”

Linda positioned herself comfortably between my legs and kissed my thighs. “You’re not going to last long, Baby. But you’re going to love this.” She gave me a seductive wink before she used my dick like her favorite dessert. She kissed my balls, then sucked each one in turn while her hand glided up and down along my shaft and then over my head. It was now my turn to grab the slats in the headboard with strong fists and tensed muscles. The chords were sticking out on my neck as I trembled from her assault. She was going at me hard, and she was right, I wasn’t going to last very long. After mixing things up for about five minutes, she concentrated her attention with her lips and tongue on my glans while one hand held the shaft and I felt the other teasing around my anus.

I was moaning and whimpering, and then it was MY body shaking all over. My right leg especially shook hard and fast, a real giveaway that I was close to cumming. I humped my hips up and down, creating more friction on my most sensitive area, and with a stifled cry I shot strands of my cum into the air before it landed both on my belly and Linda’s lovely face. My body twitched as my ass clenched over and over, and my balls emptied themselves until just a few dribbles oozed out.

Now I was the one who was drained and speechless. My body glowed with the warmth of Linda’s embrace as she came to me and cradled my head in her arms. The side of my head was nestled against the crease of Linda’s cleavage, soft and warm, and so safe. I was in the safest place I ever knew, and my father was a police detective (now Deputy Inspector). Linda had an abundance of love to give, and I enjoyed my share and I returned it in kind.

I just snuggled up to her, her soft curves in all the right places, and I heard her sob as quietly as she could. I knew what she was sad about. We had a lot to figure out to make sure Michael and Sandy were protected from potentially some of the worst things children could have to deal with. I slid up in the bed, so we were face to face again. I kissed her waiting lips and I said “Honey, everything will work out. Maybe it will be hard to do, but we’ll make it all work. I’m going to spend my life caring for you and caring for your children too. The way I love you…I can’t describe it except to say there is no better feeling in the world, my love. And I’ll take care of the children. They’ll want for nothing. Because we’re a family, Honey.”

“I know I can count on you, Baby. And you’d better know you can count on me as well. We are a team, and I’m looking forward to building a life together. And I wouldn’t mind having a few kinky experiences along the way.” We smiled, kind of tiredly, but also with more than a little bit of fun. She stroked my cheek in the most loving way. “Thank you for everything, Baby. I don’t know how I’d be getting through all this shit with Dave without you here.”

“You’d get through it without me because you’re a lot stronger than you give yourself credit for. But I’m glad to be here to share the burden with you, because I love sharing the good times. You have to take both to make it work,” We talked a while more, all the time sharing the most intimate touches. Not sexual, but communicative. We were finding that last, most important method of sharing our thoughts and feelings with each other. I almost wanted to thank Dave for being the impetus for us to get to that place. Almost. But from that night on, Linda and I discovered our time in bed, alone together, was the best time and place for us to share everything. Our love for each other was fully sealed from then on.


During the next few weeks, we figured out the basics for our wedding. Camp ended on Thursday, August 21st, Robert flew up to New York with his girlfriend Sherry on the 22nd, and my parents threw a big getting-to-know-you barbeque for both our extended families to meet the next day, Saturday, the 23rd. Aunts, uncles and cousins from both our families finally met, about 30 of us altogether, over chicken, burgers, dogs and lots of beer, wine and soft drinks. It was a lot of fun, if a bit overwhelming. Linda and Sherry got to know each other, and Linda was satisfied, if not thrilled with the 54-year-old attractive redhead. I think she would have had reservations about any woman who might take a permanent place in her fathers’ heart.

Then two days later, our immediate families drove up to Lake George, NY, for a group vacation and an opportunity for our parents to bond. Over the following week, me, my brother, my dad and Robert and Michael went fishing in the lake in a boat we rented for the week. Fishing on the lake was not at all like fishing out on the ocean. It’s much calmer on the lake, and the fish are smaller, but they were plentiful, and we had fish fry’s a couple of nights. The women went for hikes, and one day they took one of the cars and went shopping for some crafts in the towns around the area. A few times all of us went out and swam in the pristine waters, and we brought sandwiches and such for lunch. It was a very peaceful week, and really to no surprise, our parents (and Sherry) got along very well. It also was a nice trip for Michael and Sandy, who’d had a bit of a rough summer. They only saw their father twice, when Linda and I brought them to his house. Seeing their grandfather as well as my parents and brother helped them a lot.

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