Synchronicity for Six Pt. 02 by Storyteller0112,Storyteller0112

David laughed at his cleverness, then informed her that on the list there was only one song per artist. “There can be only one,” he intoned. “There are a number of one-hit wonders on it, plus some others where I had to make the hard decision of which song to include. Like the first one, ‘Dance With Me’ by Orleans. That was just to get you into the swing of things, not that you needed much convincing.”

“How long did you work on building that playlist?”

“Off and on for the past week. Maybe five or six hours in total. I wrapped things up after you had bolted upstairs with the calendar.” He was quiet for a minute as Maggie reflected on the previous day’s happenings. “You seemed in a much better place this morning,” he commented. “Is there anything you wish to share?”

“Mom and I spoke after my little meltdown and I admit I’d been acting stupidly. You’re coming back to me in a few weeks, right?” After getting his affirmation, she continued. “I love you, David Michael Harrison. I’m going to try really hard to be worthy of your love for me. I need to grow up a bit more, especially with you not being around every day. I’m also truly sorry for hitting you.”

David smiled and nodded his head in acceptance of her apology. “And you complete me, Margaret Kathleen Lawson. You make me want to be a much better person than I have been. Robert commented on it before we parted in December. Since accepting you into my life, I’m a much easier person to get along with. I had not realized that I’d become somewhat difficult with others. Nobody had called me out on it because very few had any experience with me before I went to school last August. I guess it had something to do with my mom’s passing. By the way, I’m going to change one of my classes to Psych 100. I need to do some serious self-analysis.” They drove on, enjoying the music and each other’s company.

The conversation in the trailing car was a little different between the parents.

“Alan, now that I have your attention, I would like to discuss some things I’ve noticed recently. I’m not saying, ‘We need to talk’, but I have some concerns,” Rose launched her opening salvo across his bow.

“Okaay,” Alan drew out the words. “What’s on your mind, Rosalie?”

“First off, I’ve noticed some times in the last two weeks where you shut yourself away from everybody. You may not have noticed it, but Maggie and I have been giving you a wide berth whenever you disappear into your ‘Man Cave’. I’ve noticed that even David has left you alone at those times. What’s that all about? It wouldn’t have anything to do with an overdue discussion with my father, would it?”

Alan chucked, mirthlessly, and replied, “No, it has nothing to do with your folks, love. I’ve resisted being promoted to managing project managers, preferring to remain in the trenches with the ones actually doing the work. But this new position Gil has me in, the project director, seems to be a stretch for me some days. He understated many of the challenges I would be facing with a couple of the less-experienced PMs. I suspect they were placed in those roles because there was nobody else to do it, and now they don’t know how to ask to be relieved of the burden. Either that, or they prove that the Peter Principle is alive and well.”

Rose furrowed her brows while keeping her focus on the road. “The Peter Principle? What’s that?”


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