Taking Carrie’s Soul Ch. 07

An adult stories – Taking Carrie’s Soul Ch. 07 by wallywood,wallywood Bryan couldn’t imagine ever leaving Renea and she was still deeply in love with him. His faith wouldn’t allow divorce and he knew it wasn’t her fault. He wasn’t about to give in and volunteer to have sex with men. He wondered around the village not knowing what to do.

He begged me every day to release Renea and allow them to go home. Offered to pay me, find me someone other than his little sister to replace her. However, I had too much invested in Renea, as far as I was concerned, she was mine and would remain mine for the rest of my life.

I would overhear them plotting on ways to escape late in the night when they thought I was asleep. Bryan even went to the tribal elders to try and buy or bargain their way out. I was becoming worried he might try to slip out and find their way at night.

If the tribesmen caught them they would be beaten or even killed. If another tribe found them, they would be sold into slavery or used in ways white people can’t understand, the jungle is no place for those that don’t know their way.

I confronted them and tried to explain what would happen should they try to leave and what the elders would do should something happen to me.

I felt like the best option for Bryan was to involve him with my sexual use of his wife until he finally became so turned off by her he would turn her away and seek a way to leave without her.

I began by making him watch every time I made love to her. He would just close his eyes and try to block out the moans and groans from her orgasms. I made him stroke my cock in front of her until I was hard, then make him guide it in and out of her mouth, jerking my cock until he could feel the cum rushing thru my pulsating penis dumping down her throat.

His love for her was just too strong. I would force him to rub oil on her belly as it swelled more and more daily. Force him to watch as the other young girls from the village would come into my cabin and have lesbian sex with Renea. As the girls sucked her enlarged breast and played with his little white cock. He would grit his teeth and try not to get an erection.

I would allow one of the young girls to suck and jerk his little cock almost to the point of ejaculation then abruptly stop, while Renea watched and cried for him knowing how much pain he was in. I would do this over and over until his cock would turn blue and I could tell he was at the point of jerking himself off when I would order Renea to take his cock into her mouth and just slowly suck him off then kiss him, forcing his cum to leave her mouth, into his.

He would choke and gag as his huge load filled his mouth and he was forced to swallow his own sperm. I thought that would eventually force him to decide Renea just wasn’t worth it and beg to go home without her.

Nothing was working; I humiliated him every way possible. I even had some of the young men come in and use him for their pleasure. They would force him to suck their long black cocks, abused his anus for hours but he refused to ask them to, deigning them the ability to own his soul.

When the day came for Renea to give birth to my child, I thought having him watch her dilating cervix and once petite vagina gaped open with that black baby protruding from her; that would do it. I thought that would convince him once and for all Renea was mine, all mine.

He just rolled up in a ball and cried more than the new born child, while still professing his love for her. I knew he would never leave her and that I had to do something to make sure he would no longer be a threat.

Renea looked so amazing with that baby on her breast. After the baby, I could fit my entire cock into her vagina without her wincing in pain. She began begging me not to cum in her, afraid she might get pregnant again. She would offer her ass to me; even beg to suck my cock whenever I was in need.

One night I overheard her telling Bryan to please make love to her every time I was away. She wanted to have his child thinking that would entice me to let them go, knowing I didn’t want a white child in the village.

I was beginning to get tired of the whole situation. Renea’s body was no longer the thing of beauty I had fallen in love with. Breast sagging from all the milk, nipples large and thick, and belly covered with stretch marks; vagina no longer tight and her anus no longer a challenge.

I had decided their love just may have withstood the test of time. I had one more night in mind for them and once I was finished, I would send them home to face the ultimate test of love. I was done, bored with them both.

The next night after dinner, I made them both undress. I tied Bryan to a chair beside the table and made him watch as I forced my cock as deep into Renea’s mouth and throat. I would hold it deep down her esophagus until she began to turn blue, struggling for air. Bryan would yell out, “You’re killing her, please stop!” I would pull out just long enough for her to gasp and fill her lungs with air then, shove it back again. I did this several times before I just throat fucked her causing her to almost pass out.

I lifted Renea up and placed her on the table with her legs lying off the edge; her anus and vagina wide open and exposed. I told Bryan, “according to my records, she’s ovulating and ready for another child to be placed in her womb.”

He looked at me in shock, “No, please, don’t impregnate her again!” I assured him I wasn’t going to. I told him I intended for her to have his child and to make sure, I was going to force his little cock to empty all his sperm into her.

I was going to make him build up everything he had, make sure he pumped so much cum into her uterus and fallopian tubes, her ovaries would be saturated with his sperm. I wanted him to have a night with Renea he would never forget.

I untied him, grabbed his hard little cock and hand forced it into Renea’s ass. Told him to relax, I wasn’t going to allow him to cum in her, just wanted him to know what it felt like. I would feel the little veins on his cock begin to enlarge, his breath getting harder and shorter and just as he would reach the verge of ejaculation, I pulled him out and wrapped a cold rag around his throbbing cock.

I sat Renea down in the chair and repeated the process of forcing his cock in and out of her mouth. I could put his whole cock in without her even gagging or trying to refuse it. She just worked back and forth on his little cock in anticipation of having his cum shoot down her throat. Again, just when he was about to cum, I pulled him out and wrapped his cock with a cold cloth.

I told them both I had one last surprise for them. I laid Renea on her back with her vagina on the edge of the table. I put her feet in the chairs on both sides, placing a pillow under her ass. I told them this would be the night, the last night, last time and they would be free.

I made Bryan stroke my cock until it was fully erect and guide it into Renea’s wet vagina until he had to remove his hand. I pumped my cock into her for a little while until Bryan’s cock was rock hard. He began begging again, “Please don’t cum in her and don’t impregnate her, please!” I yelled, “relax” then pulled out, grabbed his little cock and forced it into Renea’s now waiting and wet vagina.

Bryan became so overwhelmed with the thought of finally being allowed to plant his seed deep into his wife he turned into a wild man. He began shoving his cock into Renea as deep as he could. He was beginning to moan and groan; Renea was just about to have a huge orgasm and was begging him to hurry.

His back began to arch and his head lay back as he shouted like a wild animal and began pumping Renea full of his semen. I grabbed his scrotum and milked his testicle feeling him emptying all he had into her. I held his throbbing cock firmly in her long after he had finished, making sure not a single drop of his semen would escape.

I allowed them to sleep together the rest of the night, what a sight. Renea asleep on her back with Bryan cuddled up to her, one of her nipples seeping milk onto his lips from his obvious sucking while in a deep sleep. The other nipple with the subtle sucking sounds of my black baby feeding.

The way Renea looked when I first picked her out of the church choir, so perfect, so amazing. I’ll never forget the way see looked then and to see her now, black baby on her enlarged breast, uppity husband lying there totally defeated with his lips on the other breast. Trying to imagine the life they would return to, how the congregation would react when her womb began to swell once again, them all wondering if it too would be black.

The next morning, I explained to them both how I expected them to raise my child with theirs; that I would be going with them to make sure they hooked up with Alfred to assure Renea joined the other ladies from the church. I planned to give Brenda the one last video I had, she had more than upheld her part of the deal.

I was looking forward to seeing all those uppity white bitches and their little prick husbands setting in the church pews caressing all those black children. Visiting them while Alfred milked their breast and abused them like the cows they had been turned into.

I guess retirement just isn’t in the cards for me at this time, on to hunting down more souls to posses and seeing where this journey leads me.


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