Tempting Trevor Pt. 03 by Hamlin,Hamlin

Mary laughed, making Stacy smile.

“Being sexy comes with some confidence in yourself.” She said with certainty.

“I’m not very confident,” Mary admitted.

“I’m going to make you confident,” Stacy stated, “and that’s a two-part project. Out here,” she said, waving her hand over her body, “and in here,” she added, tapping the side of Mary’s head, “Now, I can do a lot for the outside, but what’s in your head is years of garbage that’s been drilled into you by TV, magazines, commercials, and your mom.”

She felt Mary bristle a bit at the mention of her mom. For all the Jesus and the restrictions she’d put on the girl, she did still love her mom.

“Just remember, your life isn’t your mom’s. It doesn’t mean that you discard what she’s taught you about being a good person. All that Jesus isn’t a bad thing. Treat people well. Be kind. Love people. Give to people. Those are excellent lessons, but the only person who has to actually live your life is you, baby.”

Stacy stood and opened a little mini-fridge next to the TV stand, took out two wine coolers, and handed one to Mary. Of course, Mary had never had alcohol before.

“I’m not old enough.” She said and blushed. That probably sounded stupid to a college girl who got invited to cool parties all the time, she thought.

“Today you are,” Stacy said, and winked, twisting off the cap of her bottle.

Mary did the same, took a tentative sip, and then another. The fruity drink tasted great. Stacy sat next to her again, draping her arm over the couch, and idly playing with Mary’s hair.

“The second thing,” she continued, “is this stupid expectation that you’re only sexy if you have big boobs and look like a model. That isn’t sexy to everyone. Men.” she said with a shrug, “Men like that. Men like big tits and round booties, but men are animals that want to grope and rut like pigs while they pound their fat sausages into you. Men just want to beat that tight little pussy between your legs until they fill you up with cum. It’s not their fault. It’s just biology. They’re made that way.”

Mary giggled at the dirty picture Stacy painted, but she also felt a flutter of fear at the idea. She was tiny. She had little boobies and a tiny bottom. Her cunny was small, too. It was probably going to hurt a lot when she finally let Trevor put his cock in her, and that was scary. Stacy knew the image would be frightening, of course.

She stroked Mary’s cheek with the back of her hand, and caressed her neck just behind the ear, doing it so casually that Mary didn’t even notice the seduction. She nuzzled her cheek against that warm hand and felt loved.

“Girls aren’t like that,” Stacy continued. “We don’t care about big boobs and phat booties. Those aren’t pleasure. Those aren’t sexy. Part three is experience. We’ll get to that later. Right now, let’s just stick to part one. The outside.”

Stacy stood and began removing all the clothes from the bags, laying them out on the couch. She held her hand out to Mary, who took it, and stood next to her. Stacy ran her arms down Mary’s sides until she found the hem of her blouse and peeled it up. Mary’s heart beat faster. Stacy tossed the old blouse aside without a glance and then knelt on the floor in front of Mary. She kissed her smooth belly, and ran her hands up her bare sides, sliding them underneath the other girl’s little excuse for a bra. The strip of cloth covering her tiny tits slid up, and her naked nipples popped out, hard and excited.

Stacy touched them gently with her thumbs, and slid her hands back down to the button on Mary’s jeans, popped it, unzipped, and hooked her fingers into the waistband. She slid them down, letting them pool on the floor about her feet. She heard Mary’s soft inhalation as she stroked her hands up the back of her legs until they cupped her bottom and squeezed. Her underwear came down next, and Stacy could smell the sweet scent of the girl’s arousal.

Stacy stood back up, and Mary stepped out of her clothes, like shedding an old skin. Stacy kicked them to the side like so much garbage.

Stacy leaned down and whispered, “You’re beautiful,” then pressed her lips against Mary’s lightly, flicking her tongue across them. Mary moaned deliciously, her body tense. Stacy took the first outfit from the couch and handed it to Mary. Ultimately, she’d have the girl dressing up like a little lesbian fuckdoll, but it was best to ease her into it. She didn’t want her to feel like a slut. Not yet.

The first outfit consisted of a very sexy, but casual cold-shoulder top in white, with short sleeves that covered all but a couple of inches of her tummy. She paired it with a denim skirt, which ended a few inches above her knees, under which lay a white thong. The outfit was perfectly acceptable. She gently prodded Mary to a nearby full-length mirror and stood behind her. Mary admired the look while Stacy’s hands grazed her shoulders.

“Who the hell is that?” Stacy said with glee. “Where did that cute little redhead go?”

Mary laughed and felt a thrill run through her. She didn’t look like a child. She looked like a woman.

“I love it!” She cried.

Stacy ran her hands down Mary’s sides and peeled the top over her head, making sure that Mary could clearly watch herself being stripped in the mirror. She embraced Mary from behind, stretching her arm across the girl’s chest until she was cupping one of her tiny breasts possessively, then slipped her other hand down to the skirt and deftly undid the catch. She kissed softly on Mary’s neck as she let gravity pull the skirt down. Mary shook in her arms as she watched her body, naked but for the thong panties, in the mirror, watched what Stacy was doing to it. It could have been an image for Tara’s wall, she thought, and moaned out loud.

“Now, that was sexy,” Stacy whispered.

She released Mary and retrieved the next outfit. This one was a black cropped top, sleeveless, with little frills around the hem. She slipped on a pair of tight, colombian jeans, which lifted her tiny bottom and lent it a look of fullness that it didn’t naturally possess. Stacy turned her around in the mirror so that she could see the shapely swell of her little ass, and gave it a playful smack, making Mary jump.

“Look at that tight little rump,” Stacy growled, and squeezed one cheek. “God, you’re gonna have all the girls’ mouths watering over this thing.”

Mary giggled. The fact that Stacy specifically only mentioned girls was completely lost on her in her excited state. She finished draining her wine cooler and accepted another one from Stacy. She was stripped again, Stacy’s hands wandering over her body, touching, caressing, her lips kissing lightly, like butterflies dancing across her most sensitive areas.

Next, she pulled on a tight bodycon dress in a dark maroon color that was a near-match for her new hair. The clinging dress showed the excited state of her nipples, and hugged her tiny curves, ending several inches above her knees. It was, perhaps, the most scandalous of the choices, but still perfectly acceptable for going out in public.

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